Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, January 22, 1810, Image 1

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[VOL. IL] jUGUSTA-- PRINTED BY DANIEL STARNES & Co. WEST END OF BROAD-STREET. PROPOSALS ? y OAM KL STARNES & CO. I b Suk/cftiM 4 weekly Ntwifcpet ' iMHfc CITY OF AUGUoTA, TO UL ENTITLED Mirror of the 1 imes. ' *==*= • XHK noiverwl promulgation n! inl th, xnd the general diflribudon of knnw are ohj fl-. ot the firft import Mice in tVtf » toui.try where liberty hat left trace* cfh /r fodftept, under every government w hirh coofulu the happiaett of Man »K: owledge,” said the Great Lord Bacon ii a power, united with virtue” it certainly liberty. Where ignorance reign* there vice triumph* and dcfpotifm governs. As m t> becomes enlightened authority will be hmited & morality restored—Knowledge & virtu;-a-e the hales of freedom—the ODe iaftu&s ut in our righu, the other teaches, uiuur duties; the firll she *s us how tocon llruA the Itcft poflihU form of government, tbe l»lt requires ut to obey i. whencunllruc- Ifd It i» therefore advantageous . very where, ibut in a btfubiic it is al>folu?ely lieceffary t (,coned information fliould be widely difffd and caftiy obtained: For <£«»»'tis , lie p.,fit wlio g. v* t ‘2hey never iuteu «ion,. t choofir liad leader or approve wrong me Jure t, yei .h«y ar t liable to error—j,ive •tmm true det Is and thty will judge tor fC<ft v lO' O' plain gruundt tilt people *1 ».y« {te.mjuf tpmteni i whenever they niifi lik their own interefls ’tis owing entirely la want of inform ttiou in the tv any or warn offionePym lint ni */«k poSti talinftirmation is not t< be acquired wi.hout much Lhour, and few have Icifurc to fhdy iht lvftem., compare the opinions and pe nile the p.iges of Locke, Sydney, Gibbon, Hume amt V ittel. If an acquaintance with the tiue principles of government and duties »l a citizen could be aequ red only from kige foil s&diffufe treatises, it would be feld m 10. ghr rr iff ught. the plough, the iiMdiet, ard rh' saw must (laud fti'l. oemi thtaper a d eaficr ineaus of fati»fying euri dlty and procuring iutorm ti-»n mull there fore be look" d for ; »■ d v. hen is intelligence cheaputfs and convenience united wnl. toon idvjutage, tl an in ike ch icly primed col Mins of the humble Ntv s-p. p< r ? Our tduntrymen appear so well Ci nvinre'i of the uielulnefs cl pci i dical prints and have ftv«y liberally encouraged them, that wr dttm it uimtccfTary to infill on their merit, uul almoli I dilate to requell public pairou aga for another News-paper vflablillimcnt. Vtcan pronufc bttle except what atten tion, bouefty & iiitiuilry can perform. The principles oi our Paper, like our own, will be Republican, “ but the fame freedom of opin ion which we claim fir ourfdves. we wifli il otheisto enjoy.” Civil and Religious li erty i« the bub right of tvry man. and be who v ill not ex'end the fame indulgence ti all parties, and all fe&, which he willies f" r I'isoWu, is already or dclcrves to he a Have. lofrpport Religion and morality will be rur prme—to encourage literature our eirtm.r—no communications calculated to Anther will be refuted; no hint will he died. In a free country it it necelfaty thattf.- law fliould he neither v;>gue nor Wtkntwn. *l> public adl« «>*?he Siate leg •lbiuie, will thetefore te publiihed as thr ftnieto hand. 1U Ml' FOR OF I FF. TIMES will be c P cnt 0 who c.i.v-ifi publicmeafure with M-Miry, a din examining- the coududl ts c " T idui!s, a.« i fltcers of government—it r' ' lr ' w ‘Ao rarty but my Country, Ae Win Irmth" CONDITIONS. tThe MIRROR CF I tit IIMFS will he puh ill.td tvti' Niouday, on a rovai Cent of an ext client quality, and good lype. she price to fubfetbers will be three do ,r. per anutito, paid half yearly iu •dvancc, 1 1■ i h«. price t"r ndvcitifmg will he <i s ty tCßt * per fqu-rc ‘or the firfl infenion . •I'irty leveo and a half for each con tinuation. 1 ’ paper will he delivered to Town Subfcribsrs at t Loir places of abode and % ! ioft * (,r the country will be dine tip kets ii.d o«U\erid at tl.c Pefi tfl.it. Iu me l\?anuiacture. .. ipii.eefuil.y II tin ss | e J (^ cn 1 ‘ii o! and its v l ' ln, - v ’ a; be iiiß.kcs biik But I iqv> iot R«MMicn»€iJ and Ladies c ts vajjou.s ffcfhionablc Lords * f | r fie ' S * Shoes l{ Loop I aj.tiv; (.emitmet s' ( ; ‘-btii.s ot Silk or Hair ; ‘“Ceis Saflufc and Kj;auieU ; ,e r; caieH hair v.«>,k Sot Alma f ' Pins". Waicli Ca'.ts, LM*,fc (il | cl ,. TeffeK t° r OUt >n ior windows, r hc ab «ve will be done ai a notice at \Vm. G. S>m, ge \ i,| Cr » 8 !ew doors below ,|u. •, ( ct hdc Btoad :.ieet, I]AI -L£3 V. ALTERS r -4 ■*. y MIRROR OF THE TIMES Ladies Academy , ON MOUNT S s 1 ÜBRITY, NEAR AUGUoTA, (GEORGIA ) * patient elercife of the labor of love M in educating children, and in improving “ the faculties they are endued with, cx , “ ceeds all other pursuits cf a temporal *• nature, being of infinitely more confe- ! " queucc than any other employment !” • Tins established Seminary : for improvement and lieahh, will o|>*n lor the fifteenth year, on ' the bth of Jutiuary next — loius —thirty dollars ptrquaitet payable in produce. A dose Carriage is kept for the use of the boardttb. T. SANDWICH. January 1. (3;) ____ Cloathing Store. The Subscribers rcfpcctluily inforn their ltiend. aud the publik in general, that they aie now opening, in Lroau (beet at Mcflrs. Johnfnn & Kunze's, the choice!! afibrtmeui of KEaDYMADfi. CLOATHING, Tliat has ever been offered for sale in this city, which for workman fliip and quality is warranted. GENTLEMEN'S Superfine Dress Coats. Do. Diets Frocks of all toiois, buperfiat Blue, Bl.ck, Lrown and Mixed : Cloath C oatees, i Do White and Coh.red Flannel do j F-lcg .nt l)rab, Blue and b ack Bedford Cord Pantaloon , Bitziei Cord and Slicking Wchb do’ Supt fie double anu bugle mi led Cas ' ft mere do. Drab and m x d Be ett’s l atent Cord ditto. ! C-nftnution.Cord and Thickset do. White Cotton Florentine and Jefftrlons I Cord do, Superfine Black and Drab Caffimere Bree chees, Fitft quality Black, Florentine and Fancv Silk Waiflcoats, 1 Fancy Mol-flein .Velvet & Cafliliou Cotd do, .Saragossa Stripe, and Plaids do. Fancy silk l>lufh, Black Caffimere, and Patent Card do. Spaniih loilctirtt and owanfdown do 1 legant VY lute Quilting and Bengal Cord do. Geutlemeus Fine Linen, and Flannel Uu det Clothe-, Childrens DrcflVs, from one year old and upwards, of a Varietyof Colors and Fafliions, Miflcs,Sal,bury and Peleefe Cloth Coats, Youths Cloth and Caflinicre Coatees,Veils and Pantaloos, Do. Surtouts and Wrappers, Gentlemen Superfine Linen arid cam bric Shirts and Cravats, Mullins, Check, Cotton Stripe & Flannel do. Gentlemen's Superfim Drab, Blue and Bot tle Cloth hurt, uts, Superfine Olive Brown ar.d Mixed ditto Gentlemens Wrappcu of bath Coating Cloth aud P. ttine, Do, Spaniflt VV rappets. Blue Cloth Jackets and Trowf.rs very j Cluap, j V hitney Tt ffi 1 and Lion Skin V'ra|«pers, ' The al ovc A ticlei «ith a variety of o- t t her. momently expected, w ill be fold low l y applying l'oi n. »« iSir Fllal lifhtr.cn; will nui be op. ned but lor a few weeks only. •V 1 t» A. VV Li Vi AN. D’c. 18. ts Darning Academy . Mr. GRIFFITHS, HAS the honor tc present lis rrpfl rrf pcdllu! compliments to the inhabitants of this City, and its vicinity—He takes the, hhetty r>' inforni them he purpose. to open ’ a DANCING ACADEMY in this City, for the benefit of youth of both fixes, at the Houle of C'atffrey & Buftin’s. He will com mence the said Dancing afeudemy. on Ttief day and WednelJay the totli inflant. The l.ouisof tuition will be iu the morning, fr< ni ten o clock, until one—and from three in ti t afternoon until fix o'clock in the eve- , ning, in »acb day Ms. GRIFFITHS terms are ten dollars for fix mouths tuition—Le i » will attend the said Danctug Academy I every Form.g it on those days. —1 he entrance niomy wid be four dollars, the entrance ol each Fcholer and fix at ti>c expuation ol iht fix months; he ha* an (xitlltr.i fiddlet will him for the pur* pt'fc.tbat can play on the violin equal to a I y ine that *ier lia* Leeti in this place Mk. GRIFFITHS l as tau. lit the art of dancing upwind- of twen'y year in ame rx, in ,h-ti,tv o: phil-'dt p .ia l!< (bn ar.d N-w York, where he w;r t c foil aflitlaut, of the academy ot polite aiu fir f-ccal yeats. H< pledges its In nor. that he will oo ! is utnu ft end aver to merit the appro bath'n fth parent., or guardia *.t .s- may honor him in pationifi g bis Dancing „;a donn. J tiuarv 1. I*l-0. N b For further particulars enquire of Mefr.Ca.ffre & Bnftir. CO MR. (yRIFFH HS, WILL open an Evening clmol for young Gentlemen, cn the tveoing* of his Lay School. “ HOLD THE MIRROR UP TO NATURE.”— dfiakcsfitarg. DISTRESS i \GC.VJXr. Os the fliip wreck «f the fl >op Tbrth, Capt Tuber, given by hitnfi.lt I failed on ihe 16111 ult. from ' New Bcdfordy in ihe (loop Thetis, of that, place, bound to ; vannah, havi.tg on boatd. ! including both crew and pas sengers 34 fouls. On die 23d we experienced a violent gale of wind from the N. E. which brought us too under a triiail, aftci having feud (ix hours.— Al aboui 7 o’cio-k P. M. we weie Ihuck. as was luppofed, by a while Iquali fiom llie N. N W. which tnftarulyTjpfci us, in lat. 8, long. 7c, go.— The lea rulheii imnD Uiaiely Il T the cabin, whete 2i of slit p«ilcngeis peiilhcd or wi r* waffled from il.e deck as they endeavored to elcape oqi of the companion way. The velfel lay upon her beam ends upwards of 48 hours, during which lime repealed ctloiis weie made 10 ciii awav ihe mart but without effect, she being | almost wholiy under wa. j a ter, and a heavy l til going ; , twelve of us being all who i vived, on ihe fee "Midday lashed ouilnvts 10 the quarter rail, | when Iwo more ( [ofeph Crowd ; a,, d Joleph Ftßucies) per filed with cold and fatigue. On ihe* thud day the gale a batmg, & the weather growing moderate, we cut rhe shrouds, and dcared away ihemafl fiom the wreck, and she nearly right* ed, but was full of water. On the sixth day after being on the wreck, we saw a Ihip, which hoifled American colors Sc hoiedown wefuppofed toour abidance, but at fun (et (he loft light of us, the fliip flood by us ali the night, during which time we could diftin&ly fee her tho’ J belie ve we were not perceived by those on board her—about day light a feme gale sprung up, and the ship 101 l light of us and proceeded on her course. We saw several other vefle's ! pals ns but not near enough jto he hailed. On the (even'h day ail o‘ us except one man was washed from ihe wtrek by lea that unexpectedly bmke upon us, but by much cxer_ lion, four of us icgained ihe velfel, when I, with the (urvi_ verv, M . Ala F. Taber, Amos! Kelly, Breddock Gifford, and ThomoS Snow, wrapped our. selves in a iaii spread across the j quarter rails and their conlin ed expoffed to the inclemency ot the weather, and to the vo racious fiiarks which Iporied around us, leeniing impatient for their prey ; one of our companions, having already fal. len a viciim to their jaws, he fore our fight. In the fixa tion we continued levenieen days, fubfiting wholly or raw potatoes, much damaged by ihe fait water ; when captain ILidfon, of the (flip William I and Henry, by an interpoliion of Heaven, too affecting to lie ever forgotton by us, cohsc to our lelief and Inatchcd us fiom detpair and impending death-' -finding us could, hung- ! ! ry and exhausted, he cloathcu I ai;d fed us, u nd bv the tender ! ell exeicile ol hofpitaliiy and kindness, cheered us back to j life. I -»i —gap——l Not to acknowledge our b>igations to so g eat a bene actor, would be to fupprefsthe ovolutary effufion of grateful leans. * For myfelf, theie lore, as well as in behalf of n»y urviving fellow fufFerers 1 tvke this publick opportunity to ex press our waimett acknow ledgements to captain Hud lon, and also to his males, and crew for the prompnels and pedeverance which they shewed in ielcuing us fiom a watery grave, as well as lheir humanity and attention so uni formly continued to us, (ill our aruval in this port. JOHN TAIL R jr. Charlcfton, 12th Dec. 1809. Nineteen of the present loft had famines and all of them li ved in or near New.Bedfoid. PERSONS SAVED. Captain John Taber, jr. mas. iier of the Hoop. 1 hcnias Snow, Asa French fither, Allies Kelly, Biadioid ~PafLiigeis. CONGE ESS. llruse vj ktp) eseuiativci. Ihe c> miuiuie appointed to 1 enquire into the ciicuinltan. ; cts attending ihe occurrence al. 1 luded to m the letter of Mi, I. A. Coles, to the Speaker of this liouie, - REPORT; 'Thai accoiding to order they have taken into coufidetation the fuhjetl refeirtd lo them ; that in making the ptopofed m. quiiy, lhey have taken diedr?„ politions of the honorable Jas. I urner, a Senator of the U. ; States, Sc of Mr. Sami- Spiigg, | which depolitions they beg J teavc to report to the Iloufe. From their depofilion it was tlliablifhed to the fati.sfactory b( ! ief of your cornu inee, thal Mr. I. A. Coles, without any itrintrtiiale prtvious, Ite: cation j or ptovocaii m, did affiult and 111 ike a mernbei of this Houle, ' wnhin the of the north j wi gos the Capitol; that this, atl was done on Moiiday, the I 27’h ultimo , about one o’clock P. M. and after this Houle I had adjourned over to the fol. lowing day. That from the aflcriion* of Mr. Coles, and from the actUo. al admiftion of ihe member as saulted, your commniee were saiiified, that ihe piovoca- 1 ion, or luppofed provocation, • which occaiioned ihe attack, did not anie from any thing said, or from any a£t done by the member of this House, in (he fulfilment of his duties at a Repreleniative in the Congress of ihe Uniied States. Your committee are of opi nion that this latter circum-1 fiance may be received in ex. ; tenuation, but cannot be ad in it ted in jullification of the ati I done by Mr. Coles ; and from ; ! all the circumflances of the case,! they are of opinion, that the ai fault and violence offered to the membtr, was a breach of the privileges of hu Houfe* Your committee furiher re port, that they have conhdercd the let'er of Mr. Coles, to the Speaker of this Houle, togc. I ther with another letter Lorn Mr. Coles, addrefird to tffe i chairman of your Commuter, 1 ’ ♦ MONDAY, January 22,1310. (which they alio bog leave t» report to the Houle ) 1 lut iheie two Ictteis, in th«' opinion of your com ut it tee, do contain acknowledgments and apologies , on the occafibn which ought to be admitted a a faiisfadnryioihe j Houle. Tliey therefore re. commend the following refoL ution ; kcfolved , That any furthe*' pocetdmg m the above case ia unnecelfary. 7 o tLt Speaker of the Hou/e of Hcprefcniativcs . Si Aj An occurrence having recent tly taken plate between a mem. ber of the House ot Kepielenl | lalives and inylelf, produced by ciicum(fences not at all con. nccted with his official duties* or opinions, which from the , lime and place may be confix dered diitelpectiul to the iioufe of Heprefentatives, I take ihe liberty of tendering thro’ you my molt refpedful declarations, that lam the lalt who would wilfully manifelt a deflictency of that reverence which is due to the Kcprefenurivcu of my country, or ihat faerrd rega,'d winch is alio due to their pri* ■ vileges. r i Toyourfelf, Sir, perfonallv, ; tender the ; ll>jf antes of my veiy great rdj.cti. 1. A. COLES, November 29 1800. Dijhitl of Columbia 1 W touny, j ** 1 Ins U/.y tame before me * juttice ol the peace for said i county, Mr. S«mucl Spngg, made 0-1 h, that on ihe 27th ult. about one o’clock rm. after the House of Keprefciuaiivc, had adjourned, (the Senate did not, on that day form a quo lum) he this deponent and capt. Coles were returning from the unhmfhed Senate chamber, and in the lma!| room or lobby 1 contiguous to (aid chambers they met the honorable J.meg j J timer, a Senator, who after jfu/uc lactations, >ff.d them, when they met geneial Nellon, 1 a repreientative in Congret* from the Hate of Maryland, , who appioached holding out hi! l and to fliake hands wtih capt. Co es, which captain Coies re pulled by Itriking general Nel lo» on or near the face ; he believe* the blow was not a vio le“l Ol, e. A contest imrnrdL a,t ‘iy ensued, by both pa fllC g Icizii.g hold of each othe , but be this deponent did not ice any other blow given. A> soon as this deponnet could get over an inteivcning table, he with ihe assistance of,h« hono.a ble James T urner parted them.— T he deponent heaid no immedi ate previous altercation between ths parties, but believes the meet | ing between them w,» perf CC tl accidental and une»|>ected Aft,/ they Were separated capt. Cole* said that he had taken that meth* od of resenting the injury which Oeu. NeLon at some time previ ous had done to his character. Sworn before mm this 9Qth De cember, 1809. DANL. RAPINE. Columbia dig trie l, 1 llashing ten county ) st. This day came before me, Da niel Rapine a j us: ic« c.f ihe pe*ce for «a«ti county, the honorable J a*. Turner, Senator us the United States, and made oath , That ou Monday the 27th ult. being rfae brat day of thw yr-asot •Mtioo as [No. 67.]