Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, September 10, 1810, Image 3

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Mr Forf/th the right hand of f e ||o*ihip ? I think r a'bcr rejoice in theacCt fu >n, { o yhc trve belie/, of a man his trai.fcendcnt worth, .and. or the promotion of the inietell of ourcaufc...for the advancement of the welfare of out country, | e * us heartily unite in his ele vation to that Ration to which 1 he is so jtrHly cnthled...and by giving him oar fuffrages for a K<at in the National Council, evince to our count* y, that we kjow how to appreciate merit, SIDNEY. For the Mirror . To the People of Georgia. MUCH ha* bp»n said concern, ing the approaching Fbciion for Members of Congress, and even humble and obscure as the writer of this address is, he could not re main silent on a subject of such moment and interest to the State. Is there no other duty requisite on the part of the citizen, but to attend the poll* on the day of election, and bestow his vote on his favorite, “ because be is his iarorite”—Yes, fellow citizens, J conceive there are other and ini • portaut duiies to be pe: formed— We should m-ke strict tuquiry I intotbtt abilities and pretentious of those who solit it our sutfiages —it is our duty to enquire the niOst rigid exactness ; and it i» their duty to answer us in the language of plain unsophisticated tiutli. *• no ambiguity, no shuf fling,” Is lie or has he ever been a federalist, should be the enquiry —St if he has undergone a change, what has produced it ? lias it betn from a sincere conviction of for • liter errors, or is it because he finds it impossible fur the federal jjartj everagair to come into pow er by fair and honorable nit nos ? 'lhecs things fellow citizens should b- well understood, lor i f bysu. fineness ard ind'fieri nee, you lulfer an improper character to be elected, vou and your children are accountable for the consequences. Hie Suie of Georgia hs* here. bl° r * had the honor of giving an undivided ticket upon all leading [rum's oi National policy, and are wt beginning at tins early day to degenerate? What are the poli tics of the rear mass of the pco l>lf of Georgia ? truth, and the political rai k our members have heretofore maintained m the coun tihof the Union answer, Rcpub liciii— Then why should a federal Candida;e apply for our suffrages? if he is so h;»u!y ititu do so, iball we gratify bin. at ?he risk of rum to the republic ? and then J Ctk our safety behind its fallen f ago, tint—No fellow citiz ns, 1,6 a,e ye* 'O lost to Ibe honor •ini iniertht of th e State. We wili Retail Federal and Yazoo cha. ’ SCI 7 S ; ar,, l 11 we can separate he latter hom th« former, w-e •V ev |” doubly guard again*’ fivm— it was that party that hro’t E'ace, am] almost ruin, upon ) . t tA ' v And upon that subject ltrc is at 'iaie a secret spirit Wling throughout the union, converts and disciples. he decision of Chief Justice • 4r Siiall, | ast M-inrer i n ilie Su. J 1 Hie Coori, should put us mi r guard—claunenis ara { ermined (ire long) il possible Ket li,c Object fully before Con j". !< "d it is «!l important for t,r pvrpose to h a ie ill? matter ’ fined bv Federal and Yazoo » I hen how important j thel/ h thou»C’it zens is it, that* it l' lcsc,i,at ion trotn this State aj Wu _( 0c compost dos sueh men ill’ll *'' sU; u-Hl-otpott■■ than both and noli:' j.J.V'j r, P rr i‘vntairo n should he ij.-" f 111 that subject, mm from | »mn '"J UHt 01 l " L ‘ v,le imnsac 4ts ** ‘ ° ,nd ' he -opposed to jio»- » ,h *iinvr CM 41,0,1 ’caching j f r ,, r c»i— may not member* | hdu ° ‘ r * l;sles justly hisi ate ti 'lli- v ' rr i"g* nnd fi* iWmrntH a pro. which was ob. t, r * *”**’* fraud nod cor. ii, t If lionk- I now behold l,; c j jV‘ ,r ' 1 ul the venera. isu-.ur, bskiwm fruwmug f a ‘-y> *nd exdaitnin.r n< > Jt U a f> Watti, Wf inozo ;he people of Georgia and when cxva kern d ,, th-o wih noi herniate to de cide between duly and pi ivate feel ing A SUBSGRir.FR. AUGUb lA, Sejit * i 0. Erratum.—ln the acfver tifement of the Clerk of the Superior Court, published in our last paper, read the return day for the next Su- • perior court of Richmond | county will be out on Mon- | day intfead of Wednesday the iothinst. ’ dispatches from our minister at the court of St. James, for the secretaiy of state.— Tiie Venus carries 44 guns, and will remain here to take out Mr. Jackson. Tiie EaA India fleet of 19 ihips, laA from St Hele na, had arrived fafe in En gland. 4000 troops had arrived at Cadiz from Carthagena to a ill (I in the defence of that city. Lord Wellington’s army in Portugal is Aated to a mount to only 25,000 men while that of Massena ex ceeds 80,000. The London Courier of the 7th July, contains the followingcuriousarticie : “The late A: letters from A merica Aate, that a differ ence which arole between Mr. Smith and Mr. Galla tin, in the council chamber and in the presence of the president, led to a display of mini Aerial pugilistic skill, which was, however, soon interrupted by Mr* Madi fon 4 s interference. Appre hensions were entertained that the affair would termi nate in a duel.” Capt. Forbes, from Cot -1 tenburgh, informs that all j the ports of Denmark were Amt against American vef fcls ; and that the Danffh privateers capture every A -1 merican they come acrol's, I and that most of them w ere condemned under fotne pre text or other. It was cur rently reported at Gctten burgh that the emperor of 1 Ruflia had made propositi ons to the Engl iff) to join j him in a war against France. | A French conl'ul was hourly expected at Gottenburgh, when it was supposed all American property would be sequestered. In conle quence of this information, the American veflels had hauled out of the reach of \ the castle, 'The high mar ' foal at Gottcnburgh was ta ken from his carriage by the ' people and torn to pieces, on account of a sulpicion that he had been acccii'urv to the death of the crown prince. Theßririfoconiul’s «functions ceased on the 20th June, at Gottcnburgh, by order or the Swedifo go vernment. I i Salem August 21. INVASION OF SICILY. By the passengers in the Francis from Naples, we are informed, that great prepar ations were making by King Murat for an attack (as reported) on Sicily, and that continual imprcifmcnts were making at Naples of | recruits to till up the ranks [of the army intended for f that i'ervice. | A gentleman who came passenger in the Monk, and who left Medina in the Englifo packet Express a -1 bout ten da vs alter the Mon k, mention that infor mations had been received there, that King Murat, was at Schylla in Calibria, with an army of 60,000 men, and had idfued a pro clamation announcing his determination to beat Paler mo witli his army by the 23 Jof June. He also in forms, that about 80 of his boats with Hores and field pieces,.being on their pas sage from Naples towards Schylla, were attacked by the Britifo gun-boats which captured and deflroyed a - twenty of them. Captain Felt informs us, ! that the Biitifo have about 12,000 troops in Sicily, with the expectation of a speedy reinforcement, and j that the naval force on that llation will be Tufficient to I prevent any hostile land ing. New Yo k August 25. Mr. Morier, the newly appointed British charge dcs affaires, left the frigate Ve nus yesterday afternoon, & landed in New York about 3. PM. from the pilot boat Thorne. A three-masted French privateer schooner anchored yesterday off Tibce. Her boat came up to town about 12 o’clock, and reported her to be in distress. The Collector immediately dis. patched the Cutter to afccr tain her situation, but lhe * has not yet returned. Savannah Rep. A full-blooded Merino Ram-Lamb, & 2 half blood ed Merinos were imported from New York, in the j Mechanic, arrived yester dav. We could not learn j 1 so; whom they are intended. * The full blooded lamb, it | is laid cold 1000 dob. in j New' York. //W. Married, on Thursday Evening laid, by the Rcv’d J, Mr. Marsh, Mr. Harman W. Bozeman, to M'fs Nancy Burnett, both of Edgefield District South Carolina. , PRICFS CURRENT Coucn, iu\«» 12 cents Sa!i, 87 cts Corn Meal, 75 ci> Flour * . 6 uoita.y Hacop, io cents • . FOR SALE, An Elegant Coaelicc, I Os? rther with a Pair of GOOD HORSES, FROM PHILADELPHIA l They will be fold either together or l'eparate. For further particulars enquire at the City-Hotel, before Tuefday morning, as they will tl ten leave the place if not previously fold. Sept. 10 * Hill Sc Ponce, Have Just Received tie FOLLOWING ARTICLES, II hie i they xvil! sell on accomno dating terms for cash, or approved town paper, —viz.— SUFTRFIMI li i‘ck, Blue and mixed G'otlu, Second quality, ditto Blarlf, Hh,e h Drub’ Casainteres, Bcrmr** Cord, Panc\ Vesting*, Red, White, and Yelto«v Flannels, 2 Bales London Duffil Blanket*, Black ai d F-'ncv Velvets, Black, and Fancy Coloured Bom- I hazeirs. Bridles and Saddles, Nupertine 4-4 Calicoes, ditto 7 s ditto Cambric, Y Jubilee, I Needed and j \jtislins rancy J Hnmhiitns and Linens, Hosiery aborted, lib»ck Smclie w and Lustrings, —ON HAND— Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Iron, Rum and belt Cogniac Brandy, Bell Gunpowder and Hyson Teas, Fresh. September 10. 31 NOTICE TO Bricklayers & Blacksmiths. A Vault for the Augusta Bank , r »q itring 25 or .'IO,OOO Brick & a | quantity of Icon work, is to be built. Those who arc inclined to undertake- will be furnished with copies of th» Rian, on application io thu Subscriber, who will after wards receive sealed proposal* h»r the materials and work toge * her, or separately, until Saturday the 15th irist. inclusive. HUGH NBSRITT. September 10. * Administrator s Sale . Will he Sold On Tuesday the 20ih Get. next , At the residence of Shearod Whittington, in Columbia county, ad the personal estate of Win, Whittington late of laid county dec Condsting of horses, hogs. Cattle Sheep, Ho life ho>d and kitchen fur niture wi th many oihcr articles too tedious to mention. Also, to be rented & hired at * the lame time die place, for one year, the Plantation wheieon the Subscriber now lives, and h Negro Woman hired, con ditions will be made known on j the day of Sale. S. Whittington Admr. j i Se,4cmbtr io. Administrators Sale . I WILL BE SOLD, o,i ihe twenty fifth day of Oclo -1 her next, At the Honm* of Mr*. Jane Flint, in Columbia County to the high r«t bidder, one Negro giil the |»cr son a! projwrr'y of William Fltnt i deceased, tosati-fy the hfcire and J creditor* of said dec. I crui* made known on the of Sale, p. umJOIIfcItTY adui’r. September vj. A L ist of Defju’tcrs^ In Line sin County , FOR THE If EAR 1810. Capt Lever it's District, So 1. Thomas W'all.ice. Cupt. /union's Disttict, So. 2. Avrnt Dtvvsiojj. tept. irartrcll i District. So. 8 Win Mrtitiews, John C. Young, s m.ict Gray, Htcli'd J< iio’lidjV Lam: Spiliks, Borman* District, So 4>. U mi. 'Moke* fu n Capt John H iseman*.4 Dist. So s, i'.C' ey Rucker, William Bedcy, And ew Fosi er> Nath. HolUclaw, V ,ar c * a ’ a " ks » ileddich E as l eyi Joliu Halley. (.•apt M'Dctvcirs District, No C: John Gibb*, Hencrj Kerbcy, Oiinfv o.ivij, John Owens, IV . vd Ja». M‘Caaun«tj hubus Cooper, fames Lesure, I y:o Smith, Jchn Witi. Currin, Copt. Mazes District , No. 7. David Hopkins, Thou 1). Mitihtl Mi- heck f inner, liv’d Murray jr._ Alex Hmderion, James Golden# ( all b Goldt n, Tin odnek Scruggs KmiZ't. Capt Jeter's District, So 8 John Coieston, Joseph Lanleru, Ch.fivs Jrnoings. John Fleming, r. t. r* Scp.emb-r ia. * Noticdi WILL be Sod at Colombia* court house, on the fir*e Tnesa day in November next, (wiihua the ustial hours of Salt*) pursue to ah Order ol die Hot)# Inferior Court of sa d county. One hundred acres ol land morn or less, having about six'y acre! cleared, and under Fence, with tulernblc improvements, adjoin ing lands of Boswell Cliot# and Ci«wford. It being the real es tate ol 1 homns Chumbless and sold lor the benefit of the heirs ol said dec. T> Ims of Sale madtf known on that day. Sarah Chumbless. Auguit, 27. < 1 The Subscribers Are Now Opening a rirau slim r or FANCr GOODS, Suited 10 the Season —and in a few days will have a complete assortment of , FALL Alii) S*?ri ng Gocds. I hey likewise intend to keep continually supphed with SsiLT, Iron, & GROCERIES, in general. Ld Roche & Vansindereit* August 27. jUNLRICEIVLD aT lilt ; MIRROR OFFICE, A few copies of GASS’ JOURNAL, Os Cupts . Lewis & Clarke'i Travels up the Missouri. Elegant Engravings, Os the Annunciation, of Jefas and the Children of Zebedee, in gilt, frames for sale at this Office. August 13. NOTICE NINE month* from the date hereof application will be made to the Honorable the Interior Cuort lor the county of Col umbia for leave to fell four trafct* ol land, whitk ate in laid county, the lame being pa/c of the real Ellate oflfjac Wiling, ham decealed, Co ic (old fo* the benefit of ihe heirs 6c creditors. Manhew Willingham, adm'x. May 2:. SPELLING ROOKS, For sale at this office. flieshTnk power l or Sale at this Office.