Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, February 15, 1813, Image 2

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&i> a letter f» im Joh* IVStchell, esq. agen fjr American' prilancr of war at Halifax, to the Src.-vtary of the (later dated Cth Dec, iH I 2 “ 1 cover von a copy or* a ccrrefpondencc which) took place irt consequence! of different applications, I received either by letter or periorally, </pom perfpm d Stained on board im Bri tannic majeUy’s /hips of war 1 in this place. ! ** I formerly menti oned to you that the ad- j miral had allured me, thv . he would difeharge alii the citizens of the United States who were in the fleet, and a&ua’.iy did dis charge (everyl. This indu ced me to think I should he correct, and in the pet feel line of my duty., in tending him a 11ft of the applicants to me, and requeuing an. cnquiiy to be made, and difeharges granted to all who were citizens of the United States ; I therefore covered hnn a lid of the name* now enclosed to you, which produced Iris letter to me of the same date, (id December 1812.) ** I read it with surprise beraufe some of the men had informed me theirl captains had refuted to report them to the admiral. Now, if no one here was or is allowed, to do it, their lltuatian is hopelcfs; “ It is not my place, sir, to reason with you on this business. Pr»of ®f nativity, in his fird letter, is a drong expression j, and how few who a; c in pofiefllon of it, and how many who cannot obtain it ! The f.cond paragraph, 2d letter, prevents ring and ! h-ive ignt to o V 1 ■ : **!. HL -SlLr ' , m were pi case A j several Americans who had I been in his Britannic M > fervicc, others who afe now on board tlia Centurion and St.nifa have requefttd of nre to procure their dis charge, and to be lent home. Will you Hr htve tht good net's to direct an in quiry, and order the relcafe 61 Inch as are citizens ot the United .Vr.ites ? Besides the enclosed iiil /am told there are other whole names / 1 not. I hive the honor tc b*. Ur.' John Mifcbc/l, Agentocc, gCopycfa let-rr from a d. < m : ial *r, J. B. Wartrr . to Job 1 Mitchell, p ; .q. for* American pri loners of war at Halifax dated. / Dec. 1. 18 1 2. Sir, I have tVe horror to ac knowledge the receipt of | yous letter of this date, rc ! tpedrnglome men therein mentioned, on buard his M. (hips under my command, (aid to he citizens.of the U. States, and in reply, begg 1 to acquaint you that when ! ever I have received repre- I lenrntions from the captains ! of his majesty’s (hips of any part of their erewfc being citixcos of America, with lufncient proof of their na tivity, I have directed their discharge from the fer vicc. „ I m«ft observe to yon, that I cannot permit the, interference of any applica tions from men belonging -to, his majesty’s fliips, hut through tiieir commanding chi, -crs ; t and in your de partment, of prisoners of war only, I (hall at all times be moll happy -*to receive your communications'.—l have the honor to be &c. J‘ B, Warren. , 1 ■ i Copy of a latter from John Mitchell esq. agent for j American prisoners of * war at Halifax, to ad tiiiral sir John J 3. War- ' ren dated' > 'li ft • Dec. <>»• 4. .. Sir, I had yefleritay the‘hfHW-. or to receive jfouc letter, dated the 1(t inftf and ob serve that you cannot permit the interference of any ap plication from men on board of his Br’tanntc majeAyY fliips of war* but through their commanding Offi cer*. Desirous of conforming, as far as poflible, to esta blished regulations, permit me the honor to enquire of your excellency, if by your letter I am to underhand, that I am to receive the applications of feameh de claring them ft Ives" citizens ®f the United Stales who are on board of hUrmajeAy’s fliips of vrir , and coirmui hicalf the fame to yon ? /t this is the meaning, I (hall ijjbfl certainly conform though / mall liment the regulation. 1 have the ho nor to be fee ' ' - -. 1 John Mitchell.jigent See t 4 » Copy of a letter from the admiral sir-J. B. Warren to John Mitchell efq. agent ter the American of war at Hali fax, dated • :/ December 4; Sir^ In reply to your letter, dated yeflerdav, / have to icquaiot you, that whenever m addvels i*> made relative 11 men onboard his irtajes v’fc (hips it mull be bv rhe :.«<mmartdcr& oJ luch vcJfels lirect. I cannot permit any ap dicstion b ' other persons n time of v .ir, bur in the ■bove mode. It will alway 3 afford me j plcafurc to attend to your ; withes in any refpeit rela tive to thn lituation or ex change of prifoncrs, or to alford any ' aid, or relief in my. power* • I have the hon or to be Sex: r * - J. B. Warren . From Commodore Rogers to the secretary of the N*vy,.‘" : . United States' Frigate Pre sident, *• Ballon, Jan. 14, 1813. • Sir, Herewith you will re ceive two nusder books of ; his 'B* itunnic majefly’s vef fe'ls Molclle and Sappho, | found on Board the Britilh packet Swallow. As the Briti'V'have al .?vays> denied that they de. * .tamed on board their Ihips of'war American citizens, knowing them to be Inch, I lend yon the enclolcd as a public document of their 1 own, to prove how illy h*„h an alfcrlion, accords with ( ■ . •- ■ .. . ' their practice: It will appear by these * two rnufter books, that (o late as August lad, about j an eighth part of the Mosel lc.and Sappho’s crews were j Americans ; consequently, j if there is only a quarter j part of that proportion on : board their other veffcls ; ■ „that they have an infinitely greater number of Amcri cafos in their service than • 1 toy „ A men can has yet had •j anyjdia of: ; % Any further comment of j qnine on this fubjedt, I con | sider . unnecessary j as the enclosed document (peak but too plainly for them ielycs. 1 have the honor to t be, &C, Rodgers. ! The hon. Paul Hamilton, Secretary of the Navy, The meffige and Ducu | ments were read and refer- 4 j Tea do the committee of Fo reign Relations ; and the Houle adjourned; CONGRESS, IN SANATE, Jan. i 3. 2~azsi Claims. The benate relumed the confide! at ion of the bill I to carry into effctt t the re port made to congrcfs in Feb. 1803* by the lecretary of ltate; secretary of the treasury, and attorney gen- | leral otthe U. S., commis | fioners, £ec. (recommend ing a com prom ile of the ■ ; Yazoo claims ;) and the 1 bill wax • further amend. 1 eijr. —; . *4 ' _ v ► , On the quf dion to en gcols the bill for a third reading there were ’ | For. the bill Me firs. I : | Bayrd, Bibb, Bradley, Brent ■ ; Cults, Goodrich, Horley, • Howell, Hunter, Lambert, • • Pope, Pofey, Rohinfan, '.Smith of N. Y. Taylor, ■ Varnum 16. ; . » ' the bill Messrs. : Andefjn, Campbell of Oiiio Craw fold, Franklin, Gail lard,'Le«b, M'gri. , r'cvj, l tit, .Turner, V*oiihi. g ton-*4i.. . Jan. 19. The bill to carry into effedt the report of the commilTioners appointed un der a former adt in relation to the Y r azoo claims, was ■ read a third time and palled as follows. Yeas—Me firs. Bayard,' Bradley, Dana, German, Goodrich, Horsey, Howdl, Hunter, Lambert, Pope, Pofey, Robertlbn, Smith of Md. Smith of N. Y. Taylor, Varnum — l6. Nays—MelTrs. Campbell of Ten. Crawfard, Franklin, Leib, Magrudcr, Reed, Tait, Turner, Worthing ton — 9. Jan. 26. Mr. Tait prelcnted a bill to revive and continue in force “ An a£t declaring the consent of Congrcfs to an adt of the ttate of Geor gia, pa fled the lath of Dec. 1 ? >4, eilabiilhing the fees: of the harbor and heath ; officers of the ports of Sa vannah, St. Mary's in Geor gia : which'was read and passed to a second reading. House of Representatives. Jan. 20. Taxoo Claims . The bill from the senate to carry into effect the rt- ( port of James Madison,! then secretary of state, Al. i bert Gallatin secretary of the treasury, and Levi Lin- I chon. ; attorney General of the United States, commis- | sioners* 6cc. in the year! 1803, (recommending at equitable compromise with the Yazoo claimants) was 1 read a first time. Mr Poindexter moved a second reading and commit ment of the'bill—the usual course given to bills. Mr Troup moved to re ject the bill—-a motion j ,which in this stage of the business t?kcs precedence, of any other motion. Mr Troup grounded his motion on the original fraud of the Yazoo speculation as; of a nature foi bidding that the house should consider any proposition arising from • 1 Mr Wright spoke againt the rejection and in favour of a settlement ol these claims and explained the * reason why he who had before op*posed a comprom ise, was now opposed to a ] rejection of the bill. Mr Seybert opposed the ; rejeotion in order to give a fair opportunity to examine the mr its of the bill. Mr. King Hated the dif ficult nature of this qoellion and his wilh to obtain time I to investigate it. He there ' fore moved to pollporte • the further consideration of the lub'edl to Monday. Mr. Archer, Mr. Wid gery, Mr. Goldlb trough, and Mr. Mitchill supported ) the pollyoncmcnt on the ; fame grounds as thole on 1 which it was eropofed by Mr. King. I % ’ : Neifvd pppolei ~u . - bee*uf r he ,v 4e a ixioui without hesitation to rejett the Dill. ! , *' ir: a ° v(l “nvi Mr. pci n . i.iOextcr oppoled the tejee ‘‘"l* 0,1 th * “>««* t>f ,h e bill: i r * Troop r ai \i ft few ; w<)rds in re piy to Mr. Poia , dexter ; and the question on the rejettinn of the wa» then taken and decided as follows. . For rejettion rr Against it So the bill was not re jetted: ? | Mr. Poindexter then ‘ moved a reference of the b. 11 to a lelett cownriittee j view to th*examina tion of its details, and to propolc amendments, which it appeared to him the bill required. . 1 A motion was made to refer the bill to the coin, mittee on public lands. - Mr. Tallrnadge moved • *o refer the hiiF. tV the com- v , mittee of the whole. * > - Alter f>uie d/scfuflion oa thele motions* it was deci ded to refer the bill to the committee on public landsV New York, Jan. 23. Blockade of New Torn re sumed. Last evening the pilot boat Uly(Tes cafne up from i .Sandy Hook,*and the pilots •' informed us, that all yefter. day, three fhipi of war and a Ichoonct wort within 16 ; miles of bandy Hook, which they supposed to be thcfqua dron under the cotntpand of Sir John B, Warren.. ' The lhip Protettioa bound to Norfolk, to load for For* tugal return-cd last evening in copfcquence of the block ade at Sandy Hook, and an- ' •bored at Staten Island. \ * 1 • A Lisbon Gazatteo of November the 18th states, that accounts had been re- 1 ccived in that city from Pi. j ! vas and Badajoz that the *S'p J nifh Generals,El 0 and I Virtias entered Madrid on. the Bth with 16,000 men. The fame papers ftatei that popular tumults had ta- | ken place in Tulon, and 6. I ther cities in France, con- J netted with the general which bad been* fpm.cd at j Paris. ' ] , Two thousand Snglifo I troops had just disembarked I at Lisbon. 1 > ' f « By the la'e accotfnti Iroff 1 I J Lagaira, it appear that on ibe j ’ 9th of December lall, A!e^* n - | der Scon J£!q. who piefcntru * ■ donation of piovificm 10 inc I diftrelied inhabitant* ol rac *' cat, from out morerntnen •'j I june 181 a, ha. o,c - I away from thence by lC polic fpandh wonaiehlfls, * f 9 I have recently conquered 1 c I Patriots of thfat Province, | I t’rtr wrh ail U Out of li%e vtfi-l* that C cd our donation, four vert - I uint-d lor near Ux *'*'”*'J I she Ufetper., during vhtek t they have been neatly d«lt' . V jby int wortr? of thole [«"» , I 1 viere obliged to be iaC " ' Cc f „ * II a | ur-der their batrrte- ‘ \ / *