Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, March 08, 1813, Image 1

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MIRROR OF THE TIMES. VOL.V AI’OUSOf—PRiNTKB bt DANIEL STARVES 9C. wSrr »>' or ..oaZ.tm.t.' The, Subtcribers, | HAVING d-’timv.d file KACO sage*,sage*, commission HU #INESB, in Augusta, and hating ~J(j h:s, E«t3»»)ist*ment lo Messrs. 1 A Pc che * Van *i inder en, begs |e»ve tu reckmißne'ifl those gentle, men to customers, and twsoditi («r tU.»> a coiiiinuattc* of th<*t pat- b* has b en accustomed to receive, assuring bis friends that >n y busmtM in that line that may entrust d to their cate, will ha if prompt)v attended to, as will lot fad tr gwr ral sarnfactton Andrew G. Semites. La Racvj Siideren , fctG i av» rt:»y.ecUi»iij to teo-ur tfcur n.i - vices to tb“ir trietida afi i iDe public n»the Stong-- a<*d Coot. 1)1*1011 l>ustiits», wUich tfn y will at ihc. hvli k'.owu stand it Mr; Andrew G, on felt day ol On ober neat, those rhontar favor them with a s.ha< ofthei' bti*iuesa in the above lint, B»y relv upon uqicmmed exet* tientto pto*nor< their interest, & afford Ml s*nafacii>o. fc/“ Fh'-ir Wa-e. Houses are NcW, and in comp Kat older. sepembtr2B if PATRCK PRESCOT K ESP EG i h UI.LV inroitr his friends and the public i |'enrra'f, that he carries on tin* Flacks liith’s Business A he fliop torirerly occupied J. J. H ” :n, tn all vi H * h/eruhfs, and trtiffs, till ® ,s *thn ion to the busintl ***> he' vti h a fr i hiui peifot. of a'l oid.tp in his fits' * hl en-it'e bin *> a fhaie o >“b'ic patron B. Uorlcidijod with neat fl *h *fid iii» patch. Januaiy n.^ notice; Being about to i etnove from I hav>: tupoinced Mr v\ a rSON of Augusta, nv, torney, .o whrmi all person* it n ' rra w " t i J m< ai> requested tt: * early payment' tv • her wise, re?ptci\v«ly,. will be Mu suit. “ 7 - Joseph Hawes. Au ?«»ta f H cpt . r 8l NOVICE • E n;n’hs from the da > 'Ph'• < .ti£i<»n v/ !| b t .nude <.• " l ' ,r,l hie this I'iWior t’om? * ir, u» v otnuy !,r h»»c to sd ** Ct ■>* la ivi, containing frofci tofi, c b u'ired uctvs, btin>j C*? j Cltaa ° f Sarni;el John Lewis, admr, IVor. I” rig** »f *»i» wifs ■V'co rou'j ? v » | t K Notice, N'E moo-hs hotn the date n a [ ) P‘ , tAti(.n siil b» nude tt ; Edtfnor Lour; oi rftncouLry, im lcftve , otH!| k#ov?u by bcir ?» fin ? t5 dzrt "*> », g. anted •Uht v 'Cullers, Or tin b a-.fr. le tt«« crt d<tor a ol said Ratherf> r d > -anut I jacklon, i adtrus. "®'c*nber 30 n j cri liars Reward. , AW t\Y frond th- subs«r*. •«* iht* fi st of October; •|i4st, a negro woman by the intuiJ • of Hannah, ot ordinary atatme *. »-ab>ut 4 t year* of age, and no very She tock with her a •.variety of chvhjng, wrh winch si J wili p ir qi.odv r ner dress ; is «om ;mit low spu kin, and di po ed to be inp?rt. | oent, Shi wis fob loe p o«- p rty of Gjoige W* kins E q’r o. n is well a q Aio.ed abuu .Ait plae'*, ted particularly in ( ‘y.jvikfi'ld. She m*v au- inp. tc> ; r P*» :4 f° r 8 free woman, a dimporf , th» cr I will g v? rbv>ve reward for app;eh-ed • I,Q«l ,Q « * >d confining in «my G >ai in < tills stale, so tha I gs-t her agi n Nicholas Childers: M-Hedge/ulc, F.o. 9, JBii I ; JOHN CARTER'' New Medicine Stcrt 1 NFS r boor T". TUB F(WT OFFICE, Hm Ju ( t received from -Jew York the fol hiw.ng »r. iclejin adiiunu to tin former St ele, cquaofrtia Opodeldoc V '" Owe Oil U rl-y P * r | p ea rl Alh 85.m.l u»e Lan.f <.f a ll e olo r 8o- ftn ig, Pro) 'P .i aiß - a,n l» h “>v Piil Baie» altorOil, Putfy "•* Peppermist &.>w water - !Her y Rofiti. o-o 1 : f-’ triers Bcneoie Senapirill i>«tuiaa g. ug \ t G ue r irpeub riair Powder Tr»in Iroß Mortar* Umber Liquj rice Trdf V»n«ced Oil Wafer* \I -dder Walnut Muflard Eogiilk Ziuc Nipple She# f Nf. U. The fubieriher W!(hcs to * fe nalc fareact about SS year* old uftomod coking an* waiting, credit of »ix month*. J. C- Augusta, January 11. } Wonted I‘nmtdidteh % A lober active negro boy 1 Rbout 16 years did to hire , by the month- Elis wage j will he paid week.) if re ' qui ed. Enquire of tiia printer. NOTICE. 1 RUNAW AY, on ihe nigh, >f the 25 h D-cti*ib r fr>m th Snh,c *bsr liv ug in Fa+tfi tid «hr ,r»Ct a=«r Lyles find, on Br on- Kiver, a country horn man, * tib*td TON! V, about dee feet ft 'iwcheabtgh, thirty five or forj V“«r*. ol «g«,ot a yellowish turn. Ip’rxitm, tolerab ft th;a via »g --free »’» 'p'-ech, re.nrrrk'ibijr activt jin business W.«ea be went away he took wi>h him, one blew broafl ,clotl» coat anti* jnottle surious and ;two homespun on«*»—one light mixed, with pet I burton*, adgeo with gilt ; the oiber a blue ' wirh cm t red bur<cms an J a «■«>.. Wti«eoat fl nvrrcd vrtth tiruey ; lik.wue one pair of homespun pao»aloo »* dyed black & a white homespun hunting shirt. On* pair ot store shoe* and a black r»att* Aov pardon apprehending htnid N-gro and delivering him :to aty or cnolimog him in any tJail, »hr*ll rcteiro a regard of ,!wenij LMlais. John Ly!«s. “ HOLD THE M»F*e*CF t. KATBBg -Sb^fear,. i 555555555!* * 11 -* Mr TROUP’S SPEECH i. tn the Id)use «/" Retrefenta tiwt. On the new Army Sid. Mr. Troup said, fnat oh fervations had Idi-en irom certain gcuJemen which merited reply and carret-! tioi. The rwi gentle-neij wh > had iu t fat . ( vl'drs. Grtudy and At ciic.) had noticed foine of i tiiofe in a : hand loins in;n»eraad hid g ven the a;. > onriate ai iwir. There *it remained lo ne points .vhten it wonid bu« proper t 0 notice ; u was* toe comparative decorun■ with which they were made that e tuied them to re-j (peci. Ihe gentleman! rro.n Con necticut (Vlr. Pukin) had declared flat tnis g >ve‘rntn*iic had insi - ted in pad thue and dd; Rill xo iti me to ios it tluit the A meric ait fl A g thou id! cover ail dtacnpuo.is of perfonß Itrlng; and r it, »nd thu i&f r <rWYuriot * in an cr.oneous primeime jhad been the caul: of thu. war and of all in,* c?la«rntits the nation hvd iuifertd.— Mr. Troup laid, tie wai the more to h ar a round unqualified (Jeeiara tion of t at kind the gentleman, becanle he had given repeated prod's to It he hone of the attenti®n which he beftovved on the • public documents and the assiduity with which he had itnoieo iEm thtre were d:wo of toe n especially ( which the gentlemen mult ;have read, and reading could not tail to have remember -Itu i one, of no very rc (inott date, t;ie other very .recent and very interesting ; it svoiiid ne doi ig injustice ’to me gentleman 10 be \ lie ve they were not tirong 1/ imprinted on his menu >• ry,yet did both thole do cunients moll plainly and directly contradict the aile gion oi the gentleman jLong before the period however to which I refer, Mr. King, our minister at Lonaon bad written to the fcretary oi state •« that on this fnbjeCt (viz* im preisment) we had again and again offered to con- convention, which we thought practicable to be formed and which would tnefe qneftions in * a nnn ner that would be for England and fatisfac ory to i. :•’ (Letter 15th Maich, *99.) The firlt do cument 3 her this is a Ice jter of inftrudtion from the c eury ol Rate to M% u rt ot St. James’s d a«cd I * lay loth, 18 >7 soon afte t - failure oi tile treaty con cluded by himftilf a;id Mr. 51 nd is to the fol ' losing purpor; : ‘ “ » agreed that after the term oi mjius on auted from theexeSm -c ot ratifications and r'M.ing ‘,a "arid which either of i‘h“ part-es may be engaged 'neither of the n trill permit any leant i, not being its ■jo.v/1 citizen or fubj£3 and being a or /fjjject of the other party who < dull not hive been for two I years at lead prior to that i late c »nfrantly and volun tarily in the feitice or with- i jin the jurisdiction of the parties reflectively, enter or be c noloyed on board any ns v:f navigating the hitfh lea- : and properregu* Ibtions enforced by adequate 'penalties Hull be muuudy eltablifhed for distinguish »*>g the fcaincn of toe par ities relpectivcly aid for •giving lull effect to this luipuiatioQ *’ i Here then is documenta ry evidence that tar back l as the year 1807, the Amt :can government had tender ed to the B itiih cabinet a proposition the effect o f wncih was to exempt from the protection of tne Amc- < ric..n dig, or what is the < fame thing, to e <fudc fiom | the American lei vice every defeription ot pet fans, la-i ving American native born | and naturalized!, citizens.— Does the gentleman i .sill; that the naturalifed citizen 1 Ihould nut be protected ?. If he does not, will he\ authorife the Brmfh to im-!( press, though the American j government should prohibit t by ail the penalties of law, , roicigners of any deicrip- ( tion from entering into ler-t vice ot her merchant v«f-| fcls? Does he mean that we ill all be expoted to the ( vexatious pr-itice of search | and impressment notwith-} Handing the governmert j shall do every thing in it* j power to pravect B/itifri! iubjeCls from entering intot its lcrvicc t But Mr. Spea-i A , ™ \ MONDAY, 8, 1 3 fj. ‘ kcr, it the proposition o l Mr. Monroe did not faf enough for the gentictnen, she Proposition of \i*. Russell unqueftionabiy did. • Mere it i*~- “ I finally offered in or* der to answer at once all the ob/enratiom and en- of lord Caftlcreigli the tinder* dadding ihoulj be e x prrf* fed in the mod gc :eral terms. I hit the iawi tc* •take effed on me discon» > limance i f the pnri- eof imprdfnent 111 mid prohi bit the enpl <yiron of tu# native i ibjccii or of one flute, excepting iuc \ only as had aireatv beet naruralixed on bnrj the private fe public flint o'the *.»tier. rhm rem objection that might have b jen railed with rcga l to the further cffed of namr ahzatian or the the formal renunciation of any pr*. tcuded right.” The effect of thi« prop*?, sition (A Mr. R (T:\, s, r is not only the exclusion of B'-itifh fanj cts flora A mcrua \ employ* Hut the excleion of B itifb iub jeCts who may in inr ire he naturalized in th* Un d States* ilcore -ur i.g would Have covered oone but native Art fijawi and such B itifh fuhjccts as i»4 been before n.tin&hz?d «... Having employed me po er of their country hav,p!J reformed u> all the pain .id peuaites w ich the Uw can provide -o p.olubif this discretion of pc tons irc.n serving on Arrtsrcan veilels — will tie gentle man, notwthftaniine, ir lilt that toe Bruiih com manders ffiall enier our veil'd* to make feath ior teamen, if n t *i n a n ii ng the pronibuiori, it permitted t> Bn:itb officers to make search lor learned, the prohibition lv* i better n t be ma le - • j pradice might as well j on in all the latitude *f turanny andoppresion vn ch has dilim nlbe i 4 r. The genticmn from X. C (Mr, Pearf.jn) had been pleased in the course of his obfervationa r n this fuh jed to offer to the house a project fur a pcac: lie would Have the leyitUtme to pals laws prohibiting the employment of litan.** lea* k2y