Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, May 22, 1813, Image 1

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MIRROR OF THE TIMES. VOL. V. UGUSTA— printed BT DANIEL STARNES cf - -.-.r,— . ~, , —— ■ ' Cu - WB ' T * ND 0F broad-street. SATURDAY Niour, May 22. »Bi 3. ALOA MILLS, COLUMBIA COUNTr. rHE Subscriber respectfully in forms the public, that his SKIST MILL, on the Eastern ranch of the Ucbee, is now in cp iraiion, and for dispatch of bufi* cess and quality cf work is ampas kcl by none in Georgia. He has topatjrd from the manufactory at acts to Hava in readiness by the irit day of June, a pair of Georgia iurrs. of the first quality fer grimi ng of wheat. With these stones, he character of which in the Nor h*rti Btatas may be seen in th certificate from (he Bran lywine Mills— wi-h ail th* naoderr nnrovecnentß in the manufacture ((flour, such as Elevators, Con overs, Hooperbov, ike. 3tc. with JOLTING CLO THS cf the best laaiity, and constructed on the la lut and most approved plans, and [nth an experienced Miller, be runs he wiii be enabled to turn tut the article equal in quality and b:antiw to any establishment in pe South- rn country. I These Mills situate between the on and Wrighuboiough lads and near to the Columbia iourt House toad, Lorn each of Irrich good ways are opened, Iretve miles from Augusta, offer I those residing in the upper part ( lth» county tile advantage of ha- 1 PS their grain manufactured into ■uron the wav, and near to mar* lit without the loss of time or dis, pee. Among the other machine ■is a plan to go by water tor the ■e of such customers as choose ■ have th' ir g ain run thro’ previ- P s 10 grinding. The higneat PH prices paid tor good tncrchan- Bhie wheat dehved at the mills I JOHN B. BAkNEb. ; lAloa Wigwam Columbia county l a > H lExtract from the slrckieveiT of P Us,Jut Knowledge a periodical Bi’fnil published oy Dr. Mtase of pladelphia. i | American Burr Stones." 1 I (< We have four pair of Mill/ ■ones, made from the Georgia Birr**, in the Mills we work, and ■ e * n pp i .-d four other pairs to ■erctu mi|le rg , at this and other y Ce *» ar) d have no doubt, tha f ■Ptopet care is taken in selecting ■ ni at l be quarries, and in making ■ ® U P» ‘hey will be found ade ■dlß t 0 a H the warns of the coun ■ One objection only can be •de io them—-that they a.e too ■7* " >ut d taken out of the ear*h ■“ tspostd to the c»ir a« the Trench B* r,i are, we believe ihey wuf be respeci inferior to them, ■ »cn,c circumstanc.es they are »ch superior to the French. I, » W M- POOLEj St Co. ■ Mdls. ■ ij* We aic auihoiiled io ■T* ‘hat Mr, Gekard Mor. Kf l[ [ be a candidate for ■urn Cr *^* c^lCc * !l Columbia ■ y» at the approaching elec. ■ )n » •- ■ 8 ■* H *'**' ■_ - -"i . . H e are authonied to an- L!q. j^ atc <or die office o! She- But bia c * ur,{ >» I \ ■ \ MRS. NEWTON, RMPKTFULLY mform, her fruuds.id the gablic in general that .she has ju.t received from ’ Charleston an ] Elegant ajfortment of MIIIENA r y, Consisting of the newefl and , mofl fajh'ionable ‘Straw Bonnets & Hats. '! OF THE Flll'T QUALITY ’j K igti.u taver llats, * Plush of various Colors, leathers, of all colours and Aitificial Straw Flowers, ALSO. An elegant a fart merit of the 1 mojl fajhionable R l & B O N S, And other vticles in her Line. March 22. Look at I his ! | Runaway from the lub/cribtr ,on the 2y k h cf March las 1 , a ne ,gro man named TOM, five feet ten or eleven inches high, i yellow colour, was formerly the property of Capt. Mitchel of Burke county. It is supposed he will endeavor to get back to his former place of abode, or to the neighborhood of Augusta, as his wife is the property of Col. M‘Kinne.-—I will give Fifteen Dollars reward for ap prehending said negro and deli vering him to rtic in Hancock county, or Ten Dollars for fe,. curing the Laid Tom in any j ail in this State, and giving me im mediate information by mail di rect to Pojvelton. ) GEO: COOK. , ■ May 15. 2t I# +.*< !■— ■ —■■■ II ■ mmtm — mmmrnu — NOTICE. j ON the eighth of thii month, at For; Wayne, City of Srivnn j nan, wat» stolen from the subacri j her, hit POCKET BOOK, con* tattling th? following noics, viz . one on Heuly Mally, datec 1 the 110 December, 181 1, for 871, one on Charles Uukea for g7£, dated 2 ZA February, ifin. a>l persons art particularly cautioned from Hading ler the above notes. JOHN WOODS. Maylj. 3t no TTc E. ALL p. rsons hiving claims »* gainst the tstateol John Pat rick, late of Colombia co mtv dec. : are requested ;o present their ac counts attested according to law : for settlement, and all those itulebi* ed to make immediate p*vinent to HUGH FATBJCK, Adia’r. M*v rS 4. - - —1 > Eittecu Lfuliutb Kcvvuiu. . some time since [ from the Subscribers an apprew jtice by tiie name of Robert Cur ry about nineteen years ol age;— " All persons are lor bid Harboring or employing him as they w:ll bt prosecuted 10 ttic utmost rigor o !ihe lab'. '1 Knapen & Hubbard; • Mvch 29.' .blank executions, For auic at this OiEce. i “ hold the Mirror up to nature —Shakespeare. Division of the Union. Notwithdanding we have , as httie faith as any, in the again ft the whole b®- jdy of Fcderalifts of attempt ing to fever the Union, and f efthblilli a northern confed eration, under the protection of the wooden walls of Old England ; yet it is not to be denied that steps towards so treasonable and dreadful an event are frequently propo-! fed by federal writers. It ,is needlels to mention the character and influence of the New- England Palladium (Though not dilguifed as the envenomed organ of the Es sex junto, no paper is bet ter known or more general ly approved by the great bo dy of the federalifts in New. : England. Tliii paper ot iTuefdav last contains a long : efliy, from which the fol lowing paragraph is extrac ted. L«t it be read and at- I • * tentively conflJered. What is its object ? What is its tendency? Can the difci pies of Washington hold this language ? In an ad joining column of the fame paper, is a pompous account of the feftival of the “ Wash ington Benevolent Society,” —so called in memory of the man whose dying injunc tion was, to “ frown indig nantly upon the hrft dawn ings of any attempts” to di vide the Union, or weaken it by exciting geographical prejudices and arraying lo 'cdl intcrefts in hoftdity. Would any legillature of this state appoint delegates to this infurre&ional congrcrfs ? Washington declared againlt ** felf-created focietics.” What is this, this Walking ton Society ? And what would be this commercial league or new confederation if appointed or created as proposed by the Boston writer? What conflftency, what patriotilm, what fede ralism l Columbian. “ As all the states East of the Delaware, h<*vechofien a majority of the “ Friends of .Peace and Commerce” into their legislatures, ex cept Vermont, (and the fame may be expedted of her the next election,) it fee ms a moll favorable time for For ming a COMMERCIAL LEAGUE, among thelt states. Ler conLrees be ap pointed by the respective le gislatures, and they would ■ • .1 form a confederation, o : compadt, in support of ou, •commercial rights, which ■ would defy the enmity ami 'machinations of the Ihvc holdcrs & backwoods men.'* PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT (J Lower Canada. iEpISLATIVS CCffNCrL, Q'lebac, Moudajr, 15th Feb. 18 f 3. 11 his day at three o’clock,* his Excellency the Govern jor in Chief came down, in ; the usual state, to the Lc igiilative Council Chamber, and being seated on the, throne the gentleman ulher ; :of the black rod was sent .to command the prefcncc of .the aihembly, which being .come, his excellency was .placed t) give the royal fandtion to a number of [ bills. ;| His excellency then ad . drefled both Houles in the .'following speech. - Gentlemen of the t Legislative Council , »Gentlemen of toe House oj AJJembly , f i His majesty’s iervice re quiring my immediate preU f fcencc near the frontier, ii tarn under the necefllcv of •clDflng the present faflicn. 1 ’I avail myfelf with g;cat’ fatiifadtion ot the opportu ■ nit-", to thank you for the ■zeal and promptitude with which you have dirpatebed’ the public business, and f or 1 the laws you have pafled fo 1 ncecflary for the fafety a.id, welfare of the province,', in this important crisis of: our affairs, when evety • nerve is strained by the government of the United ; Mates, far the subjugation ot this portion of his majes ty’s empire. I have again tocongratu i late you upon the signal fuc tceis which has attended his imajefty’s arms* in Upper 1 Canada ; where under the .Divine favor, anvd/kill and ■ valor of his majesty’s diegu lar and Militia forces, ano ther attempt of the enemy 1 to invade that province, has > terminated in her complete ’ defeat. The firm and noble /land : which Ruflia made in de ' fence of her independence, i md the brillant advantages which her korces have late ly gained over the inva ding foe, afford the weh grounded hope, that he« ■'ultimate fuccels in the grea fconteft in winch (hi is en l ;aged, will prove the down ;J of her enemy, and at length restore tranquility to he world. Gentlemen of the Legislative Council and Gentlemen of the tiouj'e of AJfembly , The preleu ends will, in all probility, call for the jfacrifico which your loyal ty and patriotilm will, I trull, lead you without hc litation to make. An 1 I look forward from your good example, to a chcerlul acquieiccncc on the part of ail his majelly’s fubjeils in the province, in whatever may be required of them for the defence of the country, and for the preservation of the bleiiings they enjoy un der his tnajefty'* mild and paternal government. Philadelphia, April 30. Extr act— dated Wilmington, Delaware, April 28, tgis* Commodore Beresrord has , caused it to be spread aboard, that he will re ctive any 'private flags or viflts, from jthe inhabitants, and some Tcoundrcls' avail themfelvej of the opportunity of tra- ' ( ding with him. Among others Mr. Jacob Stout , of ,Dover, (of an old l ory fami ly) a member of the Deia jWarc Legislature, went on board the Poi&ieri Jalt i lhurfday t and remained on ; boaid tiil Saturday morning, when he returned, having effected the redoration of one of his sloops (Black Duck) which had been de tained by their tenders He landed near Lewistown * an l wanted provisions and water lor his sloop, wheic ne arrefleJand detained until they should recive the opinion of the governor on im case, who should order mm hemp, if in his po<,ver —for in the time he was on board, to wit, on Friday Morning lad, the enemy lent a detaenment of their men, between 70 and 80) who landed at the mouth of Mef pilon creek, about 25 miles above Lewiftown, and 12 miles from Milford, where they coile&cd and carried off thirteen head of caftl* from the Medows, the militia could afKrnble in fu die lent numbers to an noy them ; they carried off sloven cattle alive, the o thcr two they had to thoot ’efore they could be got on uoard their boa:s. Aurora* . I Ko. 240.