Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, September 25, 1813, Image 1

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VOL. V. AUGUSrA-»»T, P BV DANIEL STARNES « Co. wbst bnd or broad-street. SATURDAY N,. it. September ,5. |S , 3 . 120 Dollars Keward RAN AWAY from the subscri ber 'ivingtin Duck river, sis. teen mile- fit;m tht mouth, Hum phreys roußiv, Tennessee state, a atgra man nartted EPHKAIM, a. bout $6 or 27 years old. dark coin plexion, heavy made, 5 feet 5 or 4 inches high, his upper fore teeth cut, the wulule finder ou the ripht hand crooked at the fust Joint, flat nose, his wool tomes down square across his forehead, bold spoken and a good nlacksmith ] will give Twenty Dohars for apptehendtug and cop fining said mg?o in any jail se I get him again, or if brat* '.a me, I will pay ati reasonable •barges. 1 am apprehensive said negr# was persuaded away by s«mc white person t« sell in the state ot Geor gia or Bighee country ; I wtl' give it)® dollar* for apprehending and convicting any person wli» has said BPgro, ifhe cUirra hitn or offer* hi,n lor talc; so the person can be c&uvicted for the thett. ROBERT JAR MON. N. B. If said negu should be ap ; prehended he mav deny his mas* let’s name and his own, but th« above description will tell who In » belongs to. It apprehended I wisi him to be tecari ly ironed, for ht will get awaj ii possible. Anj com mnnicatiun can be made to mo by mail, directed to Heyno<d*bo rotigb, Humprcys county, state ts Teoßes»ee« Jiii'e ‘26. flm Tax Collector’s WILL. BK SOLD, On Satin day the 2!ith of September next, at the Alaiket home in tht town of Leu svil’e, in Jefferson county, between the usual hours, the Jif awing poverty, or as much 'her es as void satisfy tht tax due, With costs, for the year id 12. —TO WIT:— FOftl Y seres ftf land Sd quali tv. aod unt hundred and ten acres of pme laud in Jefferson county, granted to Beribiii, ad». joinir.gr Foisyth, lying on Willitm son’s swamp, tirLn to satisfy Wit* liaan DanniU’* ux. Tax due g> 3 and 12 cents. Also—2l2 1 2 acres pine land, ty ng :n the firat district Wilkinson ccu.ity, new Lanrtuce, cumber 2T6, taken to satisfy Jehn Ford’s tax, Tax due 81 25 cents. Also —400 acres ot piae land in Scriv«n county, granted to Willi *m Godfrey, en Littia Ogechee, taken to satisfy William Godfrey's tax. Tax due, 7 ( J deuia. Als* —4 V 2 ai,r*s 2*d quality laad, in Jefferson county, adjoin it'g Haddin and others, on tteedv Branch, taken tn satisfy Benjamia Jordui.% ta\. Tax due, 9 dollars 43 cents* Also—2so acres 2nd quality bnd, in J'ifcrson county, granted to Beaty, adjoiniog joruan on Reedy Branch, taken to earisfy Henry Jordan’* tax. Tax due i dollars 47 ceat* Ai,>o—2oo acres 3rd quality had in Jefferson county, granted to Foil, adjoining Uarpei. ea Big crf vk, taken io satufy Abner Pope’s tax Tax due, 1 dollar 18 cents GARLAND HARDWICH, Tax Collector Jefferson tounty/ July 24. STOLEN the nigJii of the 6xu«uth iaflant, of the Suhfcnher, living fouiteeu nulei a- Petersburg, on the Pufl-Ri.ad, a SOR- L fIORGL, five fe*t one inch and a half ,8”’ hfosc face and a knot in hi* face bel»*v ■>« eye,, - M hard ai a bone, oue hiud leg * »nd the other to tlie foot leek, ni:ie • r ‘to year, oid- -EIGHT DOLLRAS re ard for t|, e horse and anv other <x pence* Wut ma y *«rue. PORI Y' DOLLARS for of the Thiel will be given by _ *• laiuel M‘Gefiee. hLANK CHECHS~ B° r Jal# at this Office, MIRROR OF THE TIMES. HEALTH! Retreat from Sirk'y and dargerou* placet, Recover Health and ,»ve Lipeuce*. THE subscriber having settled himstll at Catalbert Grove rn the Lower Cheu.kce Rond, and , a quarter mile* trem August* »n ■ l '. ,c S'age road leading to Colum j ! bia, South Carolina. He wdl let 1 J rooms, and furnish a table for 15 ! or 20 persons, unul the fi.st of : January or a less time—and will also furnish Stables, Corn. Fodder and Oats for Horses. CATALBER V GROVE being though: as he ally a spot as any within 50 Buies of Augusta, the J subtle* iber is desirous oi establish ing there, a Hospital or luterme-y, lor tkc reception and cure of those , labouring under inviteia’e Chron ic Deseasei generally. He hope* that his former unparalleled suc cess in treating and curing thron ic diseases, will eutitl* him to the confidence of .he impartial public so fir as to put in hit power to give new and repeated proof* of his su perior method oi treating like dis eases. Out houses can be furnish. «d lor 15 or 20 black persons, JelTc Howard. August 21. Fromthe boston batriot I THE MORALITY OF BOSTON. The correct principles of ! Boston in morality, religion and politics, have been the 1 i theme of enlogy from the ; j time of Alexander Ham- j ilton to tlie prelent day. Every town that gives a large majority of federal votes, mutt be a town of correct j principles 5 but whit lay fads! The federal papers arc now tilled with avowals of “ the ino/l abominable ob feenity and debauchery prac ticed by almoli all aj;es and colors.” The Daily Ad. j vertifer speaks of “ vice that would disgrace any place in Chriltcndom ; even a Venice during the Carnival.*’ A writer in that paper declares it &s his opinion, ** that there is no place in America, to the north of the Millifiiip pi, where the low*lt liiilipa liun and debauchery is fj excelfive as on Weft Bojlon Hilir The account tticrc ; hinted at of reduction and debauchery pradtifed in Bos ton, is a disgrace to any j people, tnucli more, (to ule the words of Mr. Qnn ! cey’s resolve) of “ a moral | and religious people.” Wc I are that there is »o where to be found fuen fla grant conduct as isdelcribed in this town, vauntingly called ** the head quarters of good principles.” Had we puolilhed in our paper, that Boftc«n was j j famous for “ male bawds, panders of the mod filthy lulls, of every color,” we fhotild hardly have escaped abuse. Wc acknowledge with them the truth of these 'accuiations; and wc btlieve ** HOL ® THB mirror up to nature— Shakespeare. there is no negro village in Africa, or Indian town in the wilderness, to be com pared for vice, debauchery and loathsome dilcafe, with some parts of Boston. If to this debauchery | which difgrace* our town, according to federal prints, with Sodom and Gimarrah, we add the vice es gluttony and intemperate drinking, | treasonable practices, open GJ>P O fitions to the laws, cor. ftantly reviling the officers of government, pleaching |up of (edition, and a dijjolu ! tion of the Union ; and lmug gling, and comforting and feeoing the enemy, for the fake of gain, we lhall ceale to wonder at the numbers that are daily—yes daily quitting Boston and its neigh borhood for the western states ; and we lhall ceaie to wonder at the contempt wc are held in by Admiral Warren and Sir Ttiomaj Har dy, and by the writers in the Montreal papers. Factious Writers and Faftious Printers . Certain persons, we learn fed hurt, and are very an -1 gry ot the words •« fatftioui writers ar.d factious printers” , Impartial reader, take the following as an example, & fay what term is molt ap propriate to such language and such sentiments. It is an extradt from a late Con necticut paper. Speaking of the attrccitics of the Bri. tifh troops, which the wri ter ailedges *•' have been too much magnified,” ho pro ceeds to fay : J “ Without enquiring in to the truth or faifthood of the various /lories told, wc will take the liberty to en quire who is answerable for a: 1 the outrages that have happened or that may here- ! after happen, during the exiilence of this unprincipled war ? It the British burn houses and raviih women j if the Indians buuher their | priloneri—wi*o is to blame ! Excciate the Britilh and In dians as much as we please, | the evil is nearer home—it i* chargeable to those who wantonly & wickedly plun ged us into the war. The war was undertaken for base purpbfes; and its conlequen ces, however deplorable, are chargeable to its authors. Mr. Madifoi., Mr- Monroe, Mr. Gallatin, Mr. Clay, Mr i Gmndy, &c. &c. are an. fwerabie for all the cruelties committed, all the blood fpilr, all the lives loft either by disease or in battle.” Come —thvre is a barefa ced buldnets and impudence is this language ihatdefcrvc a degree of credit, in its uay work—this Hero of Faction fcoi ns all fubterfuge, and o pens his battery at once a gainst the government of hi) country ! If such language as this had appeared in Lord Caitle reagh’s magazine of lies and j lcurrility, the London Cou- j rier, it is no more than ! what might be expec ted from such a quarter — but it comes from the pen of an American writer in an American paper; we fay it is a lamentable instance of national depravity no where else to be found. When in this paper, we speak of the Knglifh nation, we deft re once for all, that it may be known, wc make a clear and wide deftinftion | between the virtuous part of ; that nation, and those men, who, unfortunately for the repose of the world have, in thier hands the government of that county —So also, \ when we Speak of the great body of the Federalists in thisi country, we desire to be understood as withing to feparjte the honorable, the American portion of them, from those venal, factious men, who, with Wafiington in their mouths, but with George the 'lhird in their hearts, arc evidently endea voring to fubjcift the Union, and again fubjeft us to the corrupt dominion of Eng land—jßalt. American . New Orleans Batture. We arc informed that this celebrated caule has at lift been determined in favor of Mr. Livingston. After ft> veral iruitlehapplications to the national legislature and an abortive attempt to reco ver damages from Mr. Jef fciton, in the state ts Vir ginia. Mr. Livingston took the course which we think I that he fliould have pursued fsQin the beginning,* and brought a suit 111 the Fede ral Court at Now Orleans a gaimt Mr. Dorgenoy, the Marlhal, who had dilpofief feu him in the year 1808, by virtue of an illegal war rant. That gentleman ap peared to the iuit, and for his defence dated the au thority under which he had acted. So that there was nothing to be decided but the point of law whether that authority was legal or not. But while matters were in that situation, and the case ready for a hearing, the Diftridt Attorney lor the United States, adtingasj is prelumed f rom the nn- j pulie of zeal, and without; an express or diiedt autho- ! rity from the government,; filing a fuggeition dating) thjt the suit haU bec/i infti- I toted and managed by col luiion berween the plaintiff and defendant, in order to affect in an indireil and im proper manner the claims of the United States to the property in controverfey, j and moved the Court to dif f tnifs the (ait on that ground, i After hearing affidavits on both sides the court decreed j the dilmiflion of Mr. Li** j vingtlon’s petition, which I in its elfe&s was tantamount to a final decision again It him. He however appeal ed to the Snpieme Court of thi United State*, who af ter a full hearing, by abjc counsel on both sides, re vers'd that decree, and re j mended the cause back to be heard and determined on itj I reai merits. Accordingly the cause was heard, and wc undsrfland, fully argu ed, on all the important points which it involves, 6c \ upon the whole, on the 3d ;of left mouth the court de cked and ordered that Mr, Living lion fhouid be relfo red to the poireflion of the Batture. Ihe proceedings in this cause, are, as wc arc informed, conformable to the rules and forms »f the , civil law, and are analogous to our inquifiiion of forcible entry and detainer. Thus Mr. Living (ton is restored to the poffcifion of his long disputed property. D muratic Frefs. From the Bujfaloe Gazette of Auguji 3 1. On Tuelday morning foft, the britith made another at tack upon our pickets near the light houfc, at Fo»t, George; we unuerdand that two of the pickets tudained th« enemy's fire and i epu!fed him, and that one was dri — ven in with lots, but to I what extent wc arc not abl? te lay. On Friday morning hft, the britilli fleet of eig! laif, again appeared t. Fort Niagara, and one c their lchooncrs came lo nea .Fort Niagara, that fevera (hot was exchanged Major-General SirGeorgr Picvoit is (aid io hive air. ved at the B itfh head-quar tars, near the 4 mile cieck Majar Chapin and his corps are now at Lewidou, Raleigh, N. C. Sept. 3. The gold and silver bulli on and the diamond', part of the Anaconda’s prize, was a few days ago fold at j the Bank in Raleigh, to tin j amount of sixty thoulanc j dollars. The State Bank of North Carolina have refolred t* loan ihe United States fift th ufoud dolhus. t No. 258*