Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, October 23, 1813, Image 2

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ir.irfhtl Sc tin before ri: < v dls of p2nr»p';»tirii we*-- cotTi r>!c• fly < rfp^Ufi—be loft iiotOCO n>"o and wounded The wounded etre arriving in B ir.i dcaux. in luch numbers tbet each clbren is obliged co lodge feed ar.d nmirifh from 5 to 6. Thf Engliffr have deft toyed St. d he inhabitants 0! Bayonne ?rc much alarmed arid fading to Botdeaux all their valuables." r.cm the Lodilod I o!>ripr of Au. . gust 27. Austria decL/es against France Rupture of the AruiiUice Renewal of floftiiitici At length the great question i< decided. r j he amnltjce b*s been broken and hoftjlities have been renewed ; renewed too with the acc<(lion cf Austria to the great caufj. Tbit most im portant intelligence was brought late Lft night ty two Gotten burgh mails and a mail from Heligoland. On the 1 otb, the fix days' notice of the renewal of bofititties was given, and the determination of Aufhia was made known. On the 13th the who c Aufirhn armv in Bohe - m 4 n;ta was put in motion, and the , Auflti«*n head quarters were re- 1 moved to Piague. Os ihe firfi j operations in Siiefia, or on die I Bohemian frontiers, we have ! not yet received any detail* ; I but wc have >hc French cfßcia account »f die fi ft anions nea- Hamburgh. Davouft who, as we (aid yesterday, hid quitted' Hamburgh and taken a pofi.ion 1 at Bergs dor ft, broke up Bom his cantonments on the 13th and proceeded to attack the Psullians and Ruffians at Lau enberg. They were not in firong force, about 1400 men ; but they had thrown up en trer chtr.ents and had feme ar. lilleiy. The enemy ft or tried ii on the night of the a 8 h, and the a 'lit s tetir-d acrols the Steckni z. Such is the French account- -their luccels ispioha bly exaggerated—but even if it be not, ii is not of much im portance. We shall loon fee in this-quatlcr movements and opeiations of more conse quence, if Davouft remain on jne north of the Eibe. Mean- J while the Crown Prince is drawing wear the Elbe. We have hi* fi *ft hu Icon, dated fiotr. O.tnienberg on thv. 13th, giving an account of the dtlpo. lition of the a*rrv under ht> command. (Heat judgment f ems to have been evinced in the choice of me pofii'ions—-in less than two days men can be biought in line. An attempt has been m.;dc during the armistice to take away the Crown Piince’s life. On the nth, whilfl be was reviewing ioroe troops near Cuftrin, a shot was stied at him from one of the ba terics—it fell within thirty ya'ids of him without tir ing him any injury. His loyal brghncfs called the French com mandant before him, and con fented to receive sn apology for this violation of thcnuce, w hich no man will believe to be accidental, A Harwich letter from an intelligent conedpondent, men. tions a report of a severe battle having been fought on the 17th the rduir of which was favora ble to the allies—but the places where it was fought are not fta. ted. the amount of the force 0 ' which the a'lies can Ivir* in*o /the field, ue have no ptrecife I account, One let'er from Go - * tenbu • 1 (fates Austria to have \ I5n;0oo, RuiTra 2GC.00o i ar.d 1 Sweden and Prufiia 127.000 — in til 477,000 men. 'I he Ruf- , I £an force is — the ! i Andrian, and Swedish & Pruf- I ft an force, is probably underra ted. Os the numbers Bona • pane can bring into the field we have no accurate information. H we could credit the French papers** th-y wouid he at leait hall a mtilior. '] hat thev arc large we have no doubt, arid 1 l* r 8 e ‘hey ought to be to op pose the mighty hoft* cgiinft him. Niue thou r and Bri-iflt troops I reached Scrallund on the 6 h, j and 12,000 more remained in ) Wingoc foutid. T wo Damfh flags of truce reached Heligoland before the packet f-riled. One of them is reported to have brought (he account of the rupture of the * armistice, and the second to have brought feme overtures to our government. We doubt this second rumor. Ro tock, August 17. ■ Bonaparte wtf'hed to renew | the armistice, hut Aufliia would I only content to it upon the eva . cuation by the F ench of al! the I Pruflian forrreftes. The allies arc 70,000 (Long in cavalry me Growth Prince has an aimy of 130,000 men. ' August 18. Austria declared 1 on the lith, in favor of the aL iies, ana it is laid that I 11 beck is aga.n f.cc Bern the French yoke. P r eparat ion Naas ary . From the Richmond Enquirer, OAober 5. Bell’s Weekly Mefienger. md the London Courier, both of lhem miniflerial pa pers, have lately thrown cold water upon the expec tations of peace. The Mes- j fenger fays that “ nothing can be expected from a Congress ’ —and the Courier asks, “ Who is there that • thinks lecure peace (with I France) practicable at this moment ?’* The fame rea- j son is atTigned by both,viz— that England ought to yield nothing as to the great ma ritime points. The Mef lenger declares that she ■ ntuft exercise all her ‘rights of search, colonial blockade, and overhauling crews and { goods.* 1 he Courier equal- i ly protefis again fl the fur icnder of one atom of their ‘ vi art time rights, the main mail of her conflitution and her newer.* *4V* • |'Vfl V. & • The Messenger fays no thing diredly as to Ameri can affairs—yet the right it puts in of overhauling crews is enough to show us what are its expectations. The Courier is icis reserved *As little likelihood (it adds) is there of any speedy adjustment of the differen ces with America.’ and e choes the expression of the : Pr ince Regent, that *he i will not content to purchafc the refforation of peace by any facritice of the mari- ! _ m „ t* tiir.e rights of the British empire.' It is fufiicient for us so fay, that we do not ask the facrifice of any right— but merely the abandonment of ja wrong, which has been pra<stifed upon u*; for such we contend, according *o the law of nations, is the | a slump? ion of overhauling our crews . We cite theie Journals to fnew the flight expedition which is enter tained in England of peace wit!) America, and the ne celhty which it imposes of calling out all our resources I to meet the brunt of war. * Bo. TON, October 2. By a gentleman f om Poniard arid Portsmouth, I am ii.form d' that the brig Etnulomj, cipu j i Fr «\V, has scot io a challenge to ?h# U S. b »g Knfefprzf? ? and Hattie* 1 j n*ke, luurenaot Creighton, for j ; e> sh^r of ih.m to come out and give bail--. He also.informs, that tho convmnd r of the Emulous » a T ed hi. force »o he 16 gun* and I *3 tnt n, anti the vvas yesterday prtpmng at Puristnou h to go out 1,9 soon as the wind will permit, and meet the Emulous i ne Hactlesoiike inoonta 14 gun i ’ only, and has on boa cl (as I , n formed) from ICS to idO m o. Should they meet ilia col fi ct ;nu,t be dtt.piifttt and terrific. rHILICOTHE, Sept. 30. We undi ruan 1 that «bout 70 ; officer), adors and soldiers acting as luartut-s, were killed on boara ! the British ve a- is on Lake Eli, and about tile s a nir number woun ded—-as )u cviT) previous engaga mint, the 4ist reg m nt has sub. f. r*d Jcveimy. It vve in.ty in. i elude commodore Barclay, woo is I since dead, 4 officers Were kuied ami 8 wounded. C. p mo) Elliott, whom wc H>ai. ed in our last to be am ,ng the Bii* ! U h prisoners, was not on b.-ratd . consequently he was not taken ; Ail me priaoucrs wul be here to | morrow. It 1* rumored that D.troii has | ueeo baini by the British ; but we I cannot vouch for ine correctness oi the re. ore, »utn an event might naturally be expected. BuRLINGT N. Vr. Oct. 5 , Late account, from the No ;h em Army are to Wednesday | 1 he army was thr-n encamped at | the Four Comers [ 0 cattcCJ Clia 1 ange, 4b mile# west ot lain. j Commodore M'Donnouop ; underhand, has sent a ch*ai|, n * ! b > a fl ‘S u » commodore Stede.iL 1 commands * n L. Clumo I lam, to come out and fight bun lne Hind brigade of Uiu n or h« j ern division of the militia of the st .ie oi Vermont arrived at tb s i>o s t o n Saturday and S mday U,t. I Oa Wednesday the brigc.de wa#* retit wed by hr, excellency the commander in chief. The same dsy the first and second icgimeuts eli town lor Cumberland Htad.— 1 he tivtd tegimeot marched .eiday to join ifie brigade. Ou Sunday Inst 1500 militia of ihe state of New Yo.kleft Cum. her.and 1 lead to join the 1 army. crimson dye. We are authored to state (says the Aurora) ihat Dr. Adam Scy bert, of Pbbudelphid, has succeed* ed, by several processes, to fix the e egant crimson, inherent in the juice of the Poke B r f y (phytolac. ' c.» dmndra.) lie has varied ifi e snades Horn thy o» ig !,t Cit enraton to a fire red, wh.co m „ ldiiy caSci j mey be aubstitutcd lor inferior ! jsc«i!t*t, firom tb.s e discoveries, ! ! «®chiiieal may in w;n> instaaccs i be dupeujed *i.h. , I M jf i > ; > t V. . V —A UG US l' A— j s S S S r _*■ _ ‘ Saturday Night, Oct. 23. Copy of a letter from M a j lir General Harri funtothe War Department. Head Quarter*, AuilierOhnre, SIR September »3d, 1813. 1 hare the honor to inform you that f I T? y U ’; , . !pr command about j I, .ev •* * ° W I ‘ h,S P’ ate at o'clock | nn(T i '» , 7\ W,,h, ' U, .°PP° fi tio n. took Prod> *i ot ' hc town ,n ao ho,ir af,er G#r ; Pro<a,rha S retreated to Sand with with sci, f * uUr and Indian., having nreviouf- l y AZ aC n d th \ f A na *y yard, b. B rJLck.»d public fiore house. —the two latter were very etienfive, covering several acre, cf fltbm.vV 1 r nUe tHe enPmr ,0 morro "• although there u no probability ofr, T?rt , k . | mg i..m, a. he ha. upward, of one thovfar.d ■ ).„*! i* nd we h one in the army I ! fiia’l think myfclf fortunate to he able‘to ; 1°"'? a , f r DC V;r UOt * he ß er, rra! of- 1 a 15 * ,, PP«fed here that gen. P.-oeßor intend, to eftabhfl, himle'f upon the rirel Jrcnrh, forty from M3 | Ge „ Ter * 1 1 l ,ave the honor to he &e, j WM H, HARfiISOW J Exf 7* ° f * ?e?ter Froro C( ’ ,onel Smith of the rifle rer-aent, to colonel A.NicoJl, i B I ipedtor general, dated i «1 k,. L ? Wfl , s,nd,lfl£ y- 9a. 1,1815. I have a,ready colhdlecl jt»o of mv re f,Tu ?' Ia *. 4c """" JUte that hr wa. m P urs u i t ot p rc(£ y wh ha< evacuated Malden a few h >ur. before ’ 1 Ive her 5’ ra ‘ ke kU ' J • , , Zs ,n:mcdMtcl T for Porta.,, and prob.bly Head Quarter., to procure t .nf , pore tor my deiaciiment. - * * 1 j Copy of a letter from commodore Pe-ry to the Secretary o' the Navy. * *:SkT" •'**'*» H»Hwr, SIR 7th i>ei)tccll,cr » 1513—5 P M I have tr.e honor to acquaint you that th* army under major general have tin. moment inarched into Ma!J en , without oppolition. and (he squadron Ire now at I anchor oft the town, 1 l have the heuor to he, fee. O H. PCRRY. [From other fetircei than the above, vre ,aarn tf ’ at Harrison now.ha. a com petent foice to ovei p„ W e.- anv that can he oppoftd to him, and is well (implied. He alone w,|l be in fault if he d b e. not, as we j a, ’ d 3e,,ere he will, carry hi. arm. and ! wnflueft* rapidly through Upper Cana da.—[hiat. Iniclli^eacer. Washington, Oil. 14. SucceJ] on Lake Ontario. Fstrart of a letter from an officer of the army, dated New York, October 11th. i oi3, to general Bloomfield, now in ttu» city. “it is with heartfelt plea sure that j communicate to you an account rs>\ left au- Ipicious to our/nture hopes than honorable to the unre mitting exertions cf a brave I °^ ccr * ] “Commodore Chauneey, iby out-manoeuvring Yeo, ! has captured tour of his j Schooners, and the Lady of | the Lake and the Sylph (the | Jailors on the Lake) ! left in pursuit of ano then of the enemy’s schoon ers, Jwo of the above are j iciiooners tnat had been taken by eo during Jail summer. On the 6th, the commodore with all his fleet arrived at Sackett’s Harbor, with the above prizes. You may place confidence in the above ilatement, for I saw the fleet myielf: 285 pri soners, principally German troops, were taken on board the enemy's* vtflels. You 1 , may expedt news everv day.” J Office .f the Albany Argu*. Friday evening, Oiluber Bth. j By this evening’s mail, the editor of the Argus- has i received the following high ly important intelligence j | from the Postmaster at Uti ! ca, dated * . # i I , IT . fOti«, f oa. 7 ., op>M> ' moment fee, ; -n officer from Sacket’* f i ar |‘'or_he informs me , h ' commodore Chaunccv f J arrived at r h e a „J brought w,th him 4 ich 00n . * rs » which he caot'rrH [the Like- 2 of ,h,I 0,1 i '! ,e ich °cners thar he l O T | ,he f *">' 3or 40,,;:*' ■cn hoard, S or to o(fi cer \ among whom is „, a j. Grant ’ i ours, H - HrTCFJCOCK.'/ . ' eara a : 'othe d ag e, that our troop rcm hort George were off OlVgo ln boats, on Wed. ; P r °bably reach i ' ne Harbor yefterdav. From comparing a |j our iniormatton, we are led to be.teve that Yeo. fi ndio cur troops embarked in boats, and that he could not moled; ,h e , n without ! noting Chauoccy, procee ded to the head of the Lake and embarked the force there,in order to proceed to Ktngfton to repel the medi. tateo attack, ar.d ,h Jt on their way down, the lehrs* were delcned and captiued; r’ Sa J rdj y niorciog-, October 9. ». } IC °^ ,eer who gave the information to Mr. Hitch cock is now in town. He confirms the cap-ure of the Lhooners, and dates that he Lw them and counted the ptifoners, 280 in number, being fcrman troops and among The Aieft ill the Bri tish service; Eitrad of a IcUtr from a gentleman ttwhe oaX°i. A,6 “*- i * ,ed “ Ihe situation M frontier is as follows : there are about 300 militia at this' phicc ; they march dftwn to i'ort Niagara to day and to morrow, probablythere are at Fort George yoo reg ulars and 500 militia ; at Fort" Niagara 100 regiiars and 400 militia, and on the frontier 400 Indiin?, and tno'c following whole under the command of gerl, Ye.ierday the troops failed on an expedi tion, together with the fleet. About 4500 embarked on board the (hips and boat?. “ On Tuefday lad coin. Chaupcey come acr;fs Yec: he had the wind of bin ,but could not bring on a gene ral action. The Pike fu L tained the fire of the whole ! British fleet fur half an hour, j Chauncey chafed the enemy up the Lake to Burlington freights, where the Wolfe grounded under protedhui. of the batteiies. The Pik \ was confidently injured i‘i hull and fails, 28 men kill ed anti wounded,* no officer hurt? were killed by the bursting of a Jofi£ 24. f \vas ijLrmed that ar o#i(Btime was lo much cut aift injured, that Britifh fleet had, | to *uinkund.her to lave her from the Pike. One fear. , pstfed near the Pike and I