Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, December 04, 1813, Image 1

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VOL. VI. AUGUSTA-,,,,™,, by DANIEL STARVES Ci Co. w«t .... op bbo.d-.tbkb r. SATURDAY N.oht. D.cem., , T-«" ;• RANAWAY t""** I*’" 1 *’" f forn Sub I J fcfibe», on iht I | of the 18 b ’ n h- a le|. low named Sam; '<imh itffhtwi n Virginia bom, ot yellow complexion »r*d a down ; <•«# look, an arch fenfinie fcl.civr of a middle lite, lowe of hu ♦ore ree'h out, ft bad on a good wool kat s and had w» h him a 1 quaniiiy of clothing, cfe < fly j homelpnn, which is a ; ■ round coat, and a fine blue broad cloih coat wi b yellow button.*. — A generous reward, will be given to any per lon who will ladge him in **y jail in .his j State, *i.*d give me notice lo ihat i fhail get him, or b* -g him ro me in jcffcifon county, near Ltusifviile. STEPHEN MORGAN. Nov. 87, N O TTcI •n the ixch d«7 of January next, Will Ht 1 told to the Highest Bidder on tea mci ths ) •redit, the purchaser giving note *n, Ic carity (approved) at ibe plaatation of the late Charlee Crawrurd, deccaled, iu Co larabia Musty. Houses, cattle, Oxen, j Hogs, Btc. the aaiu <© co„- tmu« frern day to day until cam pitted. Purchaser* tailing to com' ply frith the terms of the «al«, an the 6«me day the property will be resold (he second day at the ritrtu* »f .he firft purchaser. Jane Crawford 26. St Notice** Hereby Given. . 'I”*HAT the Copartnership of 1 itN A PEN •pd JIU BB As: \\ wa* rii»*civ«d on the 2nd fastant, by th« deVh of the former, the *etdement of liiatcot cero devolve* t'pon the subscriber, to whom all persona having demands, tyiil pre- ■ sent them for payment, and th(.<e indebted etc requested to call & d j liquidate or pay their respective j dues without delay. KT Mr. S. BOGAN, U duly' authorised to settle for said C;rr ««io. Daniel hubsard. Survivor. Georgia—Columbia county In ibe Superior Cou;t, hep. j teoaber Term, 1813. ON the petition «f Catherine firifeoe, Ha ting, that being pofleffed of a bond or ob<i gaiisn signed by Jamet Ray, a copy whereof *» aw i, the petitioner tan reeoilrrt i* an nexed to the (aid petition, it now lodg d in the Clerk’* Office of the Bup*rior Cmut, to gether with an affidavit, ptirfuant to an ail «f the 2ad February, 1755, that (ho laid bond or obligation wax loft,and praying the benefit intended by laid *<%, and the rule* •f Coart and other circumftanee*, proot oe tVg bet*re the Court— It i* ordered, That the said bond r,r c> li gation be established a* aireoie l by laid ad, and the r*!e« of court, on the said Catherine Br.fcc* cftablifhing a notice a* th.i ein di rtied for the ipace of fix mooth* in out «f the public Usictte* of tbi* state, unief* catife be taewn to the contrary within too Lid fix month*, or other matter appear to .he |. eourt again ft the fame. Taken frsrm the Minute*, L Peter Crawford, Clk. ! Clftks’ Office, 25 k tfet. 1813. *4lteuton the Whole t IDO declare niy r df a Candidate for TAX RECEIVER in the ceunty of Richmond, **•*. ping that my friends will favor tue, knowing that I am capable of 61. l |n g il a, office, and determ n<l to do so if elected ; and lor <he I'icod ship that existed betwten my fit. ther and the eitiitns of AoguxU Smcrally, I hope they will not rake • n active part against ns*-. i( oo> JESSE M‘lYrtE MIRROR OF THE TIMk Atrocious and Unpar.lltled robber y. On Amelia Island, East flat mb 0 N Sunday night the 19th ult. « p , r , y 0 V * rmed *en. thirty.fix m number, rail ; tug thrmfirlve* Patriots, cauic to the sub- ! K I'er » pl.ot.tion, ma Ue him a prisoner. j and detained him until the 23d mft. when he fortunatciy m»ue i.i* escape. They pij. j laged his house ana carried oft' ! Valuable Negroes. 1 —VIZ:— j DICK, a very sensible country horn Ne gro. about j fc.tfix or ftven incite* higti, ■ handlome countenance—if questioned, will give a true account of all the circumltance*, the name, ot the Piundurer*. Stc. PHHBC, bit wife,couotrv-burn—tall and I wci made, sensible, er fix children, % ’z j MEI.INDA, a stout lik ly wrench, about ■ t .veuty-year* of age, ydlowith cunipicxion, thick lip*, a large mark ciufed by a uuru, on her neck. JENNEY, a mulatro, fourteen year* old, I walki remarkably lame, canted by a dislo cation of her hip. I*iM, about ten year* of age, long vi*. ; •gc, a mark of a buto under one of hit j»w* ' U.OLLA, called by hi* mother, ttcorge’, I a haiid.o ue boy, about seven year* of ag*. \ FALoFfoX, called Dicky, about 4 y*ar* ' Old, reftmo ing Rolla. j SILVI A, about 2 year* old. JFS.RY, a country-born large lip*, much knock kuted. CifLOE, his wife, a strong, likaly wench, » eaoccr m*rk on one check, it far advao | ccd in pregaancr—her two children, Cora about 5 yri,rx c.d, a very handloiae child Phedora, about two year* old. Jack, an African, fiignt made, want* feme fore teeth, fpeak* good Bnglifli. S AMB \, hi* wife, an African, fliort and ti.ick made, ha*a number of country mark* on b«r bread and back, fp-ak* good F.ug iifli; her two children, Saluma, a girl about •even, and Pirarro, about a year old. ADAM, au african, ihort and very ftont made, po k marked, a country aiarkonouc of t»is arm*, fpeaki good Knglith. LAITiVIA, hi» witc, equally stout and ft roup made, fpeak* Kugiiffi. PEKNANDO, ao,»ut a year oni—-a stri king rrfcabUtice of Adam. ROMhO, an african, nght tnade, hand some countenance, want* foine front teeth, fpeak* very quick. ELVIRA, hi* wife, a young wench, coun try mark* on her face, advanced iu prrg- . nancy. DUBLIN, a remarkably bendfome african ; waiks veiy erect, well foitutd, (peak* mild- ! I ly, i* lenubia want*, one or two fore teeth. ROSE, in* wile, a tall likely young wench, parrot toed, pocked marked, fpc*k» tolrra . ble Engliih; j JUNO, a small african weuch, hand.nm; plcafaat couufenxncc, fpeak* good Eng'ifh adva.icrd iu pregnancy. O ITEMaR, au african, about thirteen year* old, ftroug made, pock marked, lp ; ak* tolerablt good Enghfli. JACOB, a mulatto, fronj built, about 28 year* of age, ha* a car ou ,11s under bp was taken in the wood* by *aid\>arty. j DhNtVlj, country born, about fix feat j i h‘gh, welt mule, very thick l'p», long vif i fig-, v a 1J( » 4 little toe. I PL A I'O, au atricau, strong made, fpeak* Luglith iucdLtcudy,hii eye* appear* blood fbot, a fiowui .g ERIN, a young African fellow, iug teeth, fpeak* (dick and but iudiftereut Eugblh. NEPIUNE, a strong well mide african 1 feufit) e and fpeak* good Euglifh. H/uMUi f, a y->uug african, I'ght made, ftrious countenance, lp< ak» toiciable Eng- Itth. j SCIPIO, a tall african, well made, fpczk* ! tolerable good Eogtifti, a maik the *ize of a j quarter dollar, or larger, *n one of hit '■ temple*. PADDY, a (lender made african, abr ut twenty year* of age, fpeak* EugUfli indif f ereutly, I have afeertaired that the following Ne groes were carried ofi by the under dtlcribtd perfou*, via. Dick, Phebe, Jim, Rolia, Pa- Dtox and Sylvia, by one JOHN SMITH, of Abbeville district, Sou h L’aro'ina, hat resi ded on the Oconee or Ocmuigee river, about j j reel 7or i niche* high, iandy hair, f.,ir CvmpifXi</a, blue eye*, wa« one of the plun drrer*, will probably make for TenueflVe, h.d oeen aevuifomed to wraggontug ou the lea h* ard. 1 Jenny, a mulatto, carried off by JOHN HARRIS, one of the roboer*, a native ts North C arohoa, about yvfeet ten inches high, ruddy con p'cxiou, ttuop* a little. Jetry, Chioe *nd two children—Cnra and Phedora, carried off by one DIAMOND, 1 (aUo ore of the robber*) of Ncuic river N, t aroliua, has ’>«eu Iceu travelling toward* the back country, together with bta wife and children. Iwo men naait-d PIERCE and BAR l LETT, of Tcuof ffce, carried eff f - vc al tugroe*, usrne* notkuowu —tuppoted will make lor that state JAMES Kt.NDrrtlCK, lately employed in 'ht Coßtraiftor’* (erv c« for ibe militaty putt* ou St. M*r\’i 1 tv.r, ha* been ft u with tight negr.. tn«n, a w.uth jud «niid— " HOLD THS mirror wp TO U\TV**—sbaktspeart. fupooted will m»V. for Trnn ffV*. A r*. ward of TWENTY Dul.l. '>.-i F.ACH, will be paid for fccuiin;* fnid N'groe*, u« ry p.it i*l the United stites io t tt |*>e f«Mcrtbcr can pet ihrm amt *ll reToiiaMc tspeufe* paid ficlttfivc e, if d ’irrrrd at St Mar?'*, Georgia, *r at Ftrnaudnu, Amt lia Island. James Cashrn. November l|. Am 1 Sheriff's Safe. * On the fi'ft Tuefday in Jaanrry neat, at the C urt Hove in Columbia eoaaiy, be . tweeu the u*u*l heart, WILL BK FOLD, | 2JO ACfoa ui i«nd i-n me ty*frr* of Liu!* riv« r , j«iu’, nf? Ri) U 9nl Fir■»n g, and !•*> acre, of | aß ,. or ♦he w*t«r» of a » (e , W* er aity panted to Mr !>,*«*»*<, mm. mg land* of McDufi,, M ,r fm)r nrnrart, Uctiy her lbrpp dri-n Dam.l, S. m , J 0 and Li.ti m i*%, ; a ‘ l lovJed y .r, executor* of Igvub*, dw( . t* satisfy »q t attcuiion i D O or J ; William H. B too and Hnfe. », the extent** cf Igimdou* ¥.*. j Al-o !0y acres i>f laud a(,jt».n --| ,B « ,u,d% ur J’ ho Fcrkiua, Wiliiaii* Can..»ar and other., .ovied on tha property „f iho mat Few to tw o execution* i Q t4vor c f Andrew W. Thompson vs, aaid Ft*w. aad refuroad to me by K«b art Knar, constable and poiated •Ut by Few. Wm. P. Beale, shfF. Noveuis«:» 56. Executors Sale. Will be fold at Columbia Court Hoof# on tkt Sri Monday iu January neat, Pour Negroes—viz. Two Men and two Wooten, beloi ginj; to the estate of Walter Drane, dereafed—Sold for the hentfit of M:e heir* end creditor*— Term* made known on the day oi fair. William Lrane, ex'or. __ November 6. tda THE FAIRFIELD JOC^ , key races Will commence on Wcdnef j c *y ‘be December next, free for any nag taiftd io the o®te of Georgia only. Weight* and alliances as fol low* : Aged horses, uclb*. Six years eld, no P ive do. do. io« Four do. do. go } Three do. do, go Two do. do. t feather. Ihe fi.H day** mooing bree wi>e beats, fora purse of too f dollars; the lecond day’s run j nir<g two mde beats, foi a purse jof I*B dollars. The third day** running will be one mile heam, for a purse of 64 do!j«'9, toge tber with ihe e.u(«iic3 money, : See . supposed will be worth 150 doilars IV. L. Kennon , Sec'ry. Colombia county, October tt. FOUND,' A VALUABLE Watch ?eal, For lutth-r p.«rrtculiu et tpire ;of THE PRLNTEK. October 23. Monstrous Barbarity. By correct information we had occation to relate in oar *■ paper of the 21st ult. the fufterings of the unfortunate Americans, prisoners at Hal ifax, and the ruffian feverify of the enemy towards them —it is now in our power to fav, that the nuirative then 4 9 given is declare J by «n offi , er, vk h > has witiufi-d ;h? lame tondiuT, to be Tub llantirtlly corredl —and we are favored by ibis gentle man with some painful ad ditions horrid in the ex treme and which call load ly upon our government for j retributivejutlice. Though ; retaliatiou may in the gene ral acceptation of the term be cunittiered as deviating trom the principles of hu manity—yet a resort of this kind in retail to the situa tion of our friends in the j hands of the enemy, could •be in no wife detrimental, bur, on the contrary, would teach in inhuman toe, that as the war was waged for the proteition and freedom of our citizens, we have a spirit and fuficient firmnels to resent thofc abufei.— : Where one of our brethren it thus a vi&im, let tws of the enemy fuffer for the of fence—Let our government adopt acourfc ot this nature and we Ihouli fcon find the principle of fiarv&tion cease — < blackholeimpri^o^^^)elU , no more heard of—oppref fion and the thucklcs of ty- | ranny never more adtninif tered to the degradation of the Tons of independence— let them know th.it wc are jealous ot our rights and are determined to iupport them. In relating the disgusting particulars it is well that the public should have an ! idea of the place where our| Americans are confined. To, give a full defeription is not I in our power* but agreeably , to information received, Ms faille Ijlandy where twelve i Hundred Americans are con fined, is but little above the fuiface ot the water and; from its low situation is • generally very unhealthy— j its circumference, about 1600 feet—on this naufeous 1 spot is situated a building of two stories— 130 feet in length and 40 feet broad— and of the upper room 30 feet if set apart for the sick the remainder of this a partment now contains 180 American prisoners. In th* • lower room are 770 mere cooped op to bteathe the fame breath and generate disease by this larrow con- 1 finement—3s©m#reare near 1 this ill: nd on board a pri- < son ship. In this situation 1 •n the molt rigorous treat- 1 ment our brethren remain— : the brave tars of our navy and many of the soldiers of 1 our country art here doom- 1 j ed to breathe their iaft from i No. J» pcff ilence which c-rrei off three or four of a d,y ~ *md to heighten the poig nancy of their reflexion', they are roll hf the Britifli Agent Miller, "to H.e and be damned - 7be Kin% bat i 50 acres of land to bury them on." Among the numerous in stances of their futiering*, tliis in particular is worthy ot record—A boy, an ap prentice to an American * merchant, being among the number of priloners, the Brill ill officers endeavored to inveigle him away, and, by protnifes, to induce him to enter the navy—during the procedure, Lt* Black, 3d of the YorUtowu priva teer, a friend to the boy, ! oblorved “ Joe don't go , ’ , for which he was immedi jately seized, and forced in to the Black hole or Dungeon \ where he remained ten days ion three quart e* allowance ! [ liajter n Argus . Outrageous. In their principles of man stealing' the Bririlh have j lately adopted a new meth od which beggars all former precedent—We are told by the gentleman who furniffi, es ua with the above, that : 15 Americans were impref -1 led from the prison ship at | Quebec and forced on board the naval vessels in the har bor—eight of whom wetc lin the Julia and Growler, of Chauncey’B squadron cap tured by the enemy on Lake j Ontario ! The names of tbefe unfortunate Ameri cans, are not recollc&cd, except the two following— viz. William Kelly (Ihoe maker) of the 14th U. S. Infantry—Relidence in Ce cil county, Maryland—He emigrated to the Colonies before the Revolution and served as a soldier in the Pennsylvania lire during that war. This man is aged 52 years and was prefled on board the Melpomene. Abase occurieuce took place in the ccuife of this management which defences particular notice, vz. that when this man was a iked his place ot reticence, (whole answer was Mary . land) the lcoundrel who was appointed to this deceptive dutv put down Ireland— and the poor fellow was imme diately forced away. Also, John T< dd, a native of Prince Gecrgc County, Ma ryland, ot lb* 14th was prctfc.i on boa d t».e Regu- I us. [tliJ.