Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, December 04, 1813, Image 2

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■■ in mi mi nr »n ■* w —— i ■ • hinOTon, Nov. If Cop? it a later prom Lieut ('ezeial Ckot ge Prevoji , Lieut, General a'td com t- ctaler ct the Bnt'Jh forces 1.1 i.7 iaidu* to Maj. Gen - i ail d- i, kin son , commander cf the lories oj the United States on tie Sort hern j f> out a\ J Jead-Q nrters, Montreal, 17 tfi Od. 1813. S IR—I laving transmitted to his m•'•jelly’s government * a ropy ol a letter addrefied I to me on the 31st of May Ir's, by Majoi Gen. Dear born, in which it is stated f that “ the American Com ' nrflary of priToners in Lon* j doll, l ad made it known to • hfi government that twenty three lohiiers ot the lft, 6th l and 13th regiments ot Uni_ t‘•d States infantry made pri ioners, bad been lent to England and held in dole confinement as Brilifti lull jetfs arid that Major Gen eral Dearborn had received inltrutf ions from bis gov ernmer.t to put into dole corfirvement twenty-three Britilh loldiers to be kept a3 hostages for the (ale keeping and reft»ration in exchange of loldiers of the United States, who had been Tent as above dated to Eng- Lnd, and that in obedience to thole inllrutf iens General Dearborn had put twenty three Hi itith loldiers in tlofe confinement t* Le kept as hostages j” l have now the honor of acquainting you, hat 1 hive received the in- j lirutf ions' ot his imrefiy’s government, ditlindtly to j 'h'e toyou, for the inform- I at ion ol the government of | the United suus, that I I have ft crived the commands j of his lUval Hk’hinL the , Pune R' gt nt, forthwith to j put in dole confine ment forty-fix American officers and non-coitjmifii r nrd officer*, to be held as 1 oihges for tlie fife keeping ot twenty-three Britith sol diers fitted to hive hern put in tide confinement by I order «if tii« American g«v- ] ernment. 1 Inve been duelled at 1 « • the Line tune to apprize i y©u that if any of the laid Britith fnldieri lhall fa tier a«ath by ttulou that any of - «* the Lid loldiers ot the Uni ted St.res no n under con- | fi.iemcnt in England Inve' been found guilty, and that 1 the known liw not only of Great Ij Km.i, but ol every independent Uureundei lim iUr circumfia ice*, lus been in c©»ftcqoence executed, tna? i h-vc oeen further in- Urutf e*i to klc >1 out of t ie 1 Amenc nuttite.s and non* < UIUI iu.u *. fn,ct> whom lsh.il 1 .• vr put iko c ,n --fi .eui'.’ii , 4* in coy as may 1 Ouoic* lii' i omher ol t,,c i I*. u» h h>;di r: wuo ft, p I * s '* ' c *‘- 1 » 'V.ai«,ntaLjy | aiift c V *.'r■ ■ i 11 J put to < eatb, and to catife inch officers and non-com* miflioned cfficcis to luster death hnmetfiatly, I Lav<r been further inllrutf erd by his mojeltyh government to notify to you, lor 'he infor mation of the government of the United States, that the commanders of his ina jefiles armies and fleets on the coafis of America have received iuft.udtions to pro secute the wai with unmit igated le verity, against all cities, towns and vdlages, | belonging to the United Stater, and agair.fi ihc in- j habitat ts thereof, if, after ; this communication shall j have been marie to you, and ' a realonable time given lor ! its being transmitted to the American that government (hall unhappily net be deterred from put ting to death any of the Lddiars who now art j or who may here- | after be kept as hostages tor j the purposes stated in the j letter from Major General Deai born. I have the honor to be, with great conlidcration and relpetf, your Excellency’s ©bedient humble servant. (Signed) GEORGE PREVOST. Id. General and ComtnauJer as the force* liu kxtelicr/cy M ajoi Ge nera l Wil k in Ton. We are not a little pleas. | ed t* learn, from an official fourcc, that, as Toon as these meaiures of the enemy were made known to our government, the Pefi. dent gave orders to have forty-fix of the principal offi~ cers ©f the enemy in our po fitfiicn put in close con fi cment. \Ve prefunsc thele • fticos will be fcletfed from those who were taken by Commodore Perry a«d Gen. Harrilon, and are now in Ohio and Kentucky. This just measure of retaliation is not Ij severe as it might be, but it w ill (each the Britdh ! gove nment that Republics pe ffefs energy when the tunes require it.—AW. Int • imm mm * "" [fr*m THE BUfrALO gazette.] The following mterefting of a letter 1 was wii.tca hy a Captain in the Briuii U-af**n»,(atldrefl'.d to ln» parent*-n sing. | la»4) inti found among General Proctor • p«per»—and *r arc aflur»4 t»y an officer I in the a nty, that it was found with a hr*lt‘.n »eal, probably haviag hee* entraff- ' td to a *;i!lia K u died aficer mt the Bit ids army, who Haring it ni,ght cantaia fomc concerning l.i* ow* CbuduA, l>i» cuuosny ltd hira taexamine in conteuts ! hx>t{ul oj a letter written at l)e t< oft Sept. 26 18- 3 Our licet uptn the I,See lailrrt about twenty days a • go from cur port into tha the Americans after a l aT on of three hours dm! a lnif, without one ma king their ck**pe ; the con - Uquc.cc cf winch i*, we I ka.c loft ail hopes cf ever j rt> gn11< g the omnunJ of' luv 1...kt j and our army , confiftmg of about 550 re- ‘ j gul.i,j at*.; 25-jo v. ila L)di* ! I an -% are now upon the re ! treat to i hanies fiver, al the ugh coniraiy to The wifh cs of the Indians who have j declared they will not budge ‘one inch lurcher, and ie tv-ind us of our general ha j v *ng promised to conquer or leave their bones with] j them ; as v\e are now com- j j pletely in rhe lavages’pow- I cr, we are obliged, in a great j measure, to ati as they ! think p«oper. The cele i brated Chief Tecumleh di ; ned with me last Friday, 6c airured me his indians were jdetermrtjed to give battle j s he moment the Americans ; j approach. Our general , J fhculd lie a6l contrary to i their wi flies, may repent his rash opposition } how ever prudent he uuy con- j ce*ve a retreat at such an ! awful trills. The lavages have no mercy. The tom- j I a hawk and fealping knife I I decide immediately the j wretch who falls in their j ! hands* and many dread the war wlt sop may found in our years, if vve a£t contra ry to their ideas, which are ! as wild as themselves. We have spread a net which may catch us. I hate tbefe savage barbarians. You can not place confidence in them &, without a force fufficient I to peep them in check, they | are more plague than profit. [From the Boston ITankee.] I Mr. Quincy, in debate in CongrcF, Nov. 1812, on the bill t j increase the pay of non -cfcmmifiioned offi cers, musicians, 'privates & j others of the armv es the United States, prophccied as follows * ts There mu ft be fome th.ng more to excite the | Youth and Yeomanry of our j country than Vain glory, j Throw your mantle of pro j teeftion over the Weftern Frontier, and lubdue the : hostile Indians vi thin your j boundaries, build up forts, L increase your navy, and then the people will go with you. 1 1 We with to inform Mr. j Quincy, that what he re quired in 1812, is now done —i here has been thrown a very broad mantle over the weftern frontier, the hostile 'j Indians have keen subdued forts have been built, and courageoufiy defended Ships have been built, and building more—and as Mr. Q prophecied, the people go heartily with the gov ernment, except those of j the Boston stamp . dkT* VVE are authorized to announce Gkor« e D tNT} 0 f Colombia coun-y, a candidate 10 fi 1 the vacancy in ihe Houle ol rieorcf.n'Ainraof ihe United S ates, »c: *-lin ied by the rim«- va» o< 1) ,rt. iiiaa to ihe Seiia.e. Nov. 20 \ " * MAPS OF SANA Da, for sale at this Otfice. 4 1 I I I I ; Mirror. ! —AUGUSTA— ) Saturday Night, Dec. 4. j Glorious News ! 1 n ■ Nashville, Nov. 17. j Mr. T. homes H. Fletcher of this town, has just arri ved from General Jackson’s armv—and states, That on the evening of the 7th inst. General Jack ion received intelligence that j a l ar ge body of Indians were 1 besieging a Fori of Friendly Indians, lituated about 33 miles below the Ten 111- ands of the Coofee river. ; At 12 oYlock that night, a ; detachment of the army, (2000 strong) took up the i h ne march, and arrived at the Fort about 7 o’clock on the 9th, The action was brought on by Captains Deaderick's Caperton’s and Bledfoe’s companies.—The advance was led on by Col. Carroll in handfotne style. The Indians were totally routed in hall an hour. The pur luit commenced, which con tinued an hour an a half longer. Os the enemy, 27S were found dead on the ground though many more were certainly killed—The battle field was large, and entirely covered with grafis —of courfc many were kil led, who could net be found. We had 15 killed and 84 wounded—generally fiight ly. The indian force was iiooatleaft. Gen. Jack son commanded in person. Pruvilions arc scarce in camp. It is thought that if the army had ten days provisions on hand after the battle of Talledeg?, the Creek war would have ter minated in that time. The battle was fought only 30 miles from the Hickory ground. Mr. Fletcher was the bear er of a stand of colors taken from the enemy, bearing the Spaninfti cross. Col. Lauuerdale of the cavalry is wounded in the 1 leg; Col. M‘Crory’s left arm is broke ; Col. Pillow shot through the body 5 Major Richard Boyd’s right arm broke NtW-VoKK., NoV. g|. The Steam boat from Alba ny arrived this morning at hall pad 11 o’clock, and brought ns a hand bill, ((lord horn the priiso! tie Albany A1 us, con. tfin og Ine following account of * battle between ibe rear of Wilkinson’s at my and the Bi it, lih, Albany Argus Extra. Atba iy, Friday Evening, November 19 Co!. K og cf the army a ri„ veU in 'own tins motnmg, wit! - dispatchit lor ihe Sccmuiy oi a:. We have not seen the Co o ie', but we n.jdeiffand oioft m. te j ; j f » J|fM| . t} y him ate a,> to !r.w,. "** Th». (he s „,. lfori . , ;f K-nglton ...d IV, a*, (dW ' - a * *,«« ko(M»„ . o, j £ ! t,i t*?^dni 0h ) • llembied and pu lue i n o r . { ‘ »ny —flic force ai>out 2m ‘ tl 1 , • iCO * n«e i Ik-v found means . ihe ’car of n (about .6ao) „„ . '. he ‘ uh ,*•«- «» pl.ee oppo e 10 the village of °"i “ bou -' 1 nines below Pi dew. An d \ , non cnfued, in wb ch «h e mv was driven bark *bo ut • mile. Here they rallied, and took a portion, their right up. on ihe liver ana their lelt COv . eted by (even pieces of ariii; e , y ’ i nree cha ges of ihe bayonet was made upon them, W r«e of wh,ch i Point to poim, la bed ten minutes. The enemy * a , • gam broken, and our i C(ir guard unruoleitcd to US ptecd in the line. Our | o | c w computed at 153 to 2 jo _ tnai or the enemy at double u u » number. Ttve.veof the cremv were t.ken who Hate that , Ko (j 0 p the,, field .ndluff we|(J k.lied and wounded. Os our u: in } Covingiof* n (aidro be mot tally wounded—fevetal and platoon olheers (ligh « ‘V <O. Gencai lioydcoimu.o. ded in this midair. ■ ■—i December 1. r '^ a jor Cjet.eral Pinck • ney and iuite arrived here on Saturday lad. It is laid he will make this place his head quarters f«r 'awhile, and ihouid a jundtian be formed between the armies from Tenneflee and this I date, now acting againll I the Indians, that he will 1 then take the command. J General Floyd has I arrived at Cowetau on the I Chatahouchee. A detach- I ment headed by the Gene- I ral, was expended to march I immediately againff a body * of hoflile Indians, about 60 I miles aidant. Georgia Journal* I Georgia Lsgijlature. m The session of the Legifli- M ture it is believed will ter- I; minate the la fl of this week. K The acts as yet pa/Ted are ft generally of a private or lo- In cal nature Further time l r< till the loth of November ft , next, is allowed to fortunate l a! drawers in the land lotteries ft; to take out their grants, ■], with a provision that any Iw citizen of the rtate after that ft, period may take them out. lb, The biil to eflablifla a State Kank or Loan office passed the Senate but was rejected ft c in the Iloufe of KeprclentJ-j I y ttves—A bill for advancing I w to the General Government I v this (fare's quota of the Di" I k redt Tax has pa fled the It; Iloufe of Reprefcntatives b/ I u a large maj >rity, and will I tti probably pass the Senate 11 r day. ■ ,J t ■ v c AN \C r ■ L To autliori«e Coullabif* toopfi>* 1,1(41 j^. ( clrkt'uns ir ce.ruio c«*** ■ Pafidzjtb Aw. »B'3* 1|“ Be it eir.tJed by ti c Sen' 1 ' Rl j ' a?/d Houl*- 1 ■