Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, December 11, 1813, Image 2

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- - * Ills JXCEI, I.ENcV %dt tin C hitiendtPy esq. * * C'a;’t«in-GecO»l, and C- ann.u. ** er in Chief, in and ever the State if W rmont, Proclamation. VH f r e a- ,it appear? that the third brigade of the third diviG.n v s the Militia oi thii State has been ordered Irem the frontiers fertile de fence ot a neighboring state And, whereas it further appears, to the extreme le gret of the Captain-Gt ocral that a part of the militia of the laid brigade have been placed under the command a'nd at the disposal of an of ficer cf the United States, 1 out of tiie jurifdidtion dr con trol cf ;he Executive of the State, and have been a&u aljy marched to tne defence of a filter state, fully com petent to ali the purposes of lelf detence, whereby an extensive feCtionofour own frontier is left, in ameafire, unprotected, and the peace able good citizens theiefore are put is jeopardy, and ex tofed to the incursions and ravages of an exasperated enemy :~A»d whereas, dis turbances of a very ierious nature are believed to exist, in CQult>>uence of a portion ol vhe militia having been thus ordei cd out of the date: Therefore, —To, the end that these gieat c viis may be provided against, and, as far as may be prevented from the future. Be it known—That such portion of fa id th»rd Brigade in fa»d i hird Diviiion, as I may be now doing duty,, in the State of New. York, or elfewbere, beyond the lim its of this State, both officers 1 end men are hereby ordered | and directed, by the Captain i General and Commander in i Chief of the Mihtia of the ! State of Vermont, forthwith I to return to their ftipeCiive I places of theirulual xetidcucc within the territorial limits of laid brigade, and there to hold thenuclvee in constant readiness to act in obedience t i the Orders of Brigadier Genera! Jacob Davis, who is appointed by the legifh- ' tl,!c of this (tare, to the J comm md of Did Brittle And .he said Bnjjldier ' General Davis j 8 hereby or- ' dertd and directed forthwith to fee tnat coc Militia or his fc-id Brigade be completely ' arn.ed and equipped, as th« lav,' di,ects, and holden in con dam teadinels to march on the shortest notice, to the detence of the frontiers; and in case of actual vriihout further orders, to march with his Brigade, to aD cither his corporation with the troops of the U. St?,tcs, or feperatcly as em eu m dances may require, in r epclingthe enemy from our tjtritorv, and in protecting tac good citizensof this date from the it ravages or hullilc me ui lions, * And in c*tc of an evenr, I 'lerict fiy to be deprecated, if is hoped and expected, hat every citizen without diftu 4lion of party, will fiy ;it oi.ci to ihe reaieft pc il of and that the on ly rallying woid will be— -44 OUR COUNTRY.” Feeling, as the Captain- Genual Coe?, the weight cf ' rciponfibility whit h ft its upon him, with regard to the Ccnflitutioml duties of the militia, and the sacred rights of our citizens to pro tection from this great clals of # cmfytunity, 1© eftential | lynecefilry in all free coun tries ; ate moment too, wfc. n they are so imminently ex p#ffd to the dangers of hos- 1 tile incursions and domestic i difficulties, he cannot cori feier cioufly difeharge the tr*ft reposed in him by the voice of his fellow.citizens, and %y the confiilutian of this and the United State?, without an unequivocal de claration, that in his opin. ion, the military flrength •wd refourccs of this date, mu ft be reserved for its own defence exclufive/y —except- ing in cafrs provided for, by the Conftirution of the Uni ted States; and then under orders derived only from the Commander in Chief. Given under mv hand at Montpelier, this mtb day if November, in the year cf our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirteen and of the Independ ence of the U. States, the Thirty^Eighth. MARTIN CHITTENDEN. By hi* Excellency’* command. SAMUEL SWIFT, Secretary. , Can Knmrnt, Plailsburg , Ncvtmbtr C, ISIS 1 TO H 18 EXCELLENCY i Martin Chittenden, esq. | Garcrnor, Captain-Gtnt ral and Command* •r in Chief, in and over the State | of Vermont. I Sit A most novel and extraordinary Proclamation irem your Excellency, 4< or *4 detmg and directing such “ p#ruon if the Militia of 44 Vermont, now doing du -44 tv in the Bate of N. York, 44 both officers and men, i “ forthwith to return to J ; 44 to fheir refpetiive places , •* of their relidence,’’ has ; just been communicated to the undersigned officers of said Brigade. A mealure so ! unexampled, requires we ftiouhi ft ate to your cxcel , lency, the reasons which in duce us ablohitely and pefi tivelv f© refule obedience to the order contained in your Excellency’s pn clamation. YVith due deference to your i Excellency’s opinion,, we l humbly conceive, that when we are ordered into the ler vice cf ti e United States, i' becomes our only when te quiitil t > inarch to the de | fence of ary letftion of the I Union. We are not cf that cbiia who Ulitve that oui i duties as ciiizins cr fcldiers ; are circumfcnbcd wilhin the narrow limits ml the (own j or date in which we re fide; • but that we are under a par amount obligation to on common country* to the great confederacy of (fates. vVe further conceive that] while we are in adhial (er- Vice, and during the peri-] jod for which we were or-j f dered into fervire. vour Ex cellency’s pc wcr over us, as Governor of tie flare 01 Vermont is suspended. If it is ♦rue as } our Excel lency dates, that •« we are “cut of the jurifdidion or “control of the Executive “of Vermem,’* we wculil Atk frotn whence your Ex cellency derives the rlit, or presumes to excrcife the power v i ore’erit g us to re turn from the lervice in wh'ch we are now engaged ? If we were legally oidered into (he lervice of the Uni ted States, your Excellency must be lei filde th.-t you have no authority to oicer us out or that lernce. If we were illegally ordeitd info the lervice, our contin- ! u.‘.rce in it, is either volun tary or con p»)fory_ Jl vo luntary, it give* no one a right to rt mcnffjate or ccm plam; if ccmpclfory, we can appeal to the law’s of cur country for tedrels against tl:ofe who illegally’’ reflrain os ©f our libertyi In either Ci.fe, we cannot perceive the right ) our \Excellency has to interfere in the bulinefs. Viewing the fubjedt in this light, wc conceive it our duty to declare unequivo cally to your Excellency, that v e (hall not obey your excellency’s order for retur ning; but shall continue io the lervice of our country until we are legally and ho norably difeharged. An in vitation or order to desert the handard of our country, will never le obeyed by us, although it proceeds from the Governor and Captain- General t f Vermont. P#!haps it is* proper, that; we fhculd content ouifeives with mejely giving ycur ex ec !ly the icalcns which pre vailed upon us to difrcgard >our pr< duration ; but we j arc impre fltd with the bc ue!, that our duty to our teives, to the foldicrs under our ctmrand, and to the public, re quire that we fi cu Id ex pole to the woild, (lie motives which produced and the objedts which were intended to be sect mpldh-j ed by such an extraordinary ' pKcUmation. We fhail! take the liberty to llatc to liate to your Excellency I plainly, our fentimei.ts on j thi« fubjedb. c confide r your procla n atrnn a giofs infuh to the ‘ fbcen. si cl fddieis in in-i vice, inaltnuch as it implies ! ibat they 3ie so ignore nt of, their lights as lo believe you have authority to ccm. mand ihe wx in their preicnt lunation or lo abandoned ss j I tQ follow your ir,liJu .vo ,ul viic. We cannot regard' your proclamation in any o , ther \ gbt than as ai. unvvar ] r antable ftretoh of Ex-cu -1 uve autbority, ifi'urd from J die word of motives, to ef i fe<ft the hales purpoles. It ! is in our opinion, a renewed j in ft anceof thit fpiritof difor -1 ganization 6c anarchy w hich |is carried on by a fattier, to over w helm our country with ruin and dilgrace. We cannot perceive what other ohjedt your excellency could have [<n view than to eni j barrafs the operations of the j arrm , to excite mutiny and j jledi'ion among the foldicrs, j jand to induce them to de -1 fert, that they might forfeit the wages wh ch they a e entitled for their patriotic | services. We have how ever the fatisfadticn to your excellency, that although i your proclamation* have ! been diflributed among the ■ soldiers by your agent dele ] gated for that pm pole, they have failed to proouce the intended effect— and altho’ it may appear incredible to ycur excellency, even Sol diers have dikernment fuf heient to perceive, that the proclamation of a governor when ifi'ced out of the line of his duty, is a harmlcfr, 'nefftnfive, and nugatory j document. Tk*y regard it with mingled emotions ofi pity and contempt for its autli#r, and *$ a striking monument of his folly. Before w f e conclude, we feci ouifclves In justice to your excellency, bound to i declare, that a knowledge of your excellency’s character, ! induces us to believe, that j the folly and infamy of the proclamatiea to which your excellency has put your sig nature, is not wholly to be J sfenhed ro vour excellency, 1 but chie fly to the civil advi ■ hers, with whem we believe your excellency is unhappi ! ly ercompafled. . We are, with due refpedf your excellency’s obedient j ftivanis. > Luihe* Dixcn, lieu!event col. E »j*h 1)< e, jun. major. Jofwh G out, major, Charles Bennei, cap ain. Jefle Poll, captain. E jah W. \V uod, captain. Eijah Brgp, capain. Marcin b. FoUvi, captain. .Aims (a Ma nr field, captain. T, H. Cempbei l , licuitnant. G. O. Dixcn, lieutenant. Francis Northway, lient. jcfhna Burch, lieutenant. Di-niel Dodge, ensign. Sanford Gadccmb, captain. i Janies builington. qr. majler. Shepaid Beats, lieuttuant. John bafiel, surgeon. fceih Ciai k, j». surgeon's mate 7 Iw.'ntas W auei man, eaptam htiijandii hollet. lieutenant. In*a Dili, surgeon s trait. ) i Brig?ditr General Jaceb Datls, who aria cl arged with Hi* excellency Governor Cfeit tciidtu'l procUnaiicn ioirwtdiaiely repaired lo me array for the purpofc nf eircuurg hit ! order* We learn that alter making hi* er rand knowD, hewa* airtfled and taken a* * j prisoner t» Platuburg [D, m r:tf« I MIRROR' — dUGVSIyi— I Satmoay Night, Dec n.'l MILIKDCtTILLE D'C»»«' e . J I Glorious Victory ') I I’Ke mrtiscre at Tt.d** , I vengrdl—end honored* u I , vages a,one lor tf. c n<u fJfr ' I fiur citizen* m Morgan cou ß i« ] waptiir. liquor arrived hetec*’ I otC’.s ye Her day tve, i, !g ff 1 our Odpatchea "£ I O.ncul Muck, cy ~,4 I . flict.l detau,, otab.iliu,", I !ory over the Indian*. I j [OFMCI A 1.1 if 1 ijHAD QuJBTHI, | I 5 x'h and Al, vcmh DUtrict*. ) I Mifiedgeville, 7 th Dec. ,3,. I SIK —i have ,ke h« nor U I enrkfing to you a copy 0 f , h „ I ( thcial. account which I \~ av , I jult received Com J*,,o fj * 1 .ai Floyd, of an aaatk made I by him on -he host,l,, Indian, 1 and fince-ely congtatulaif VOu J 1 Excellent yon the go < J C or, | due? and oiaveiy displayed C n IS .his occaficn by «he c filters ar,| I troops ol the fta.c in which you I preside. I 1 have ihe hoi or to be very I rtfpcdlully, ycui Excellency’, I most obedient fervem. I IKOMAS PINCKNEY 1 His Kxccdency p £TER £ ARLY< It C>i»p Weft ofCha ahcochfe.Dcc 4 1 ; A#JOr UeneiUL i'iNCKNEY 8 oi R— 1 hate the honor (0 I coni rr. unit ate to yeur Excel- I ler.cy an account ot an ad ion I fought the *9 h ult. on the I | 1 aiapeofie rivu, bun a pari cf I I the loice under my ecu mand, I and a large body cf ihe creek I Indians. Having received iriro’mzticn I that numbers cf he hofli'e In. I aians were affurbed at Auiol- 1 fcfj a >own on the foutrern I bank of the TtdapcoCr, ?b<utft about 18 mites Ik m dt H.tk'l oty Crcurd, n c vc ilcudel junttion of (hat river wi.h the I Coofa, I procercltd 10 h* ai- ft tack, with 950 of the Georgia I militia, a, Lompanied by br- I tween 3 and 400 frier cl y Inch- I ans. Having encamped within I 9o* 10 miles of tfe point of I utfimauon the preceding rven. I mg, we relumed to ma ch a f< w I minutes bcfoie t on the arerr - I ing of ihe 29th, ai d a; half after I 6 were foimed for afclion in I j item of the u « n. ft ■ Booth’s battadon cctnpcffd I the right cc lumn, end n.a.cM I Item us ttihu Watioiu ba- B taiion condoled the left, aril B matched ft cm.is nph ft tm«' 1 fie c( Dtp try nd Mcri* I wethei’s uncei 1 tut. Hirdir, | were cn the flanks—Captain I I homas’s atttlic.y marched in I front of the nght column in the I toad. I It was my intention 10 ha\e I ccmp etely furreundtd the me- I my by appuyir.g the right wing I 01 my foice on Cardeehee cretk I at the mouth ol which I wasin** I formed ibe town fiord tnd ft tcflirg the the livt’r bark ft below the tewn ; but to our 1 furpiile, as (he I perceived a fecord (own abruf j five hundred yards below that » which we bad fhlt viewed I were prepaiing 10 attack. I plan was iromediaiely I —thtee companies cf infant' v I on the left were wheeled tot*- ft left into echellon, and advarc ft ro (he low town, acccropa rl I by Meriwether's tifl? com r J ' r ‘ , < ? at d iwo troops of light 3 §