Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, January 15, 1814, Image 2

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BRITISH ACCOUNTS O'? THE Continental War. Extracts from London taper t to Ncv. 6th, jumifired by IS hr. Rich of Baltimore, who landed at SJnuapoiis loth Dec. from on beard the British flag jhip Bam bra. FIRST BATTLE. After a hard ami fan&iun. , o ary action which continued for tome houss, Key was de f ated with (helots of 12,c00 men. SFCOND BATTLE. This battle was fought on the' fame dav as the firtr, was equally well comedlcd and bloody, but at length Bn* aparte succeeded in break ing the centre of the Prince of Schwartfenburgh’s armv, •* by cringing up Pie whole of his c ? .vairv under Murat j The allies then brought up tlicir refer ye and drove Bon aparte hark upon the point he had occupied before ; e had rierced the Prince of I SchwartfenburgVs centre. 1 1 'he bt'dc terminated at! night and’ both armies re- * ma ned in fight of ejeh 0-1 ther, without either ing gained any material ad- \ vantage. On the 17th Oc tcher they prepared for the/ nu re important barrle which was to take place on the next day. - j THIRD BATTLE. On the 1 Br'h October, the ! allies having collected-and [ concentrated ail 1 iseir fa ces under the Crown Prince, BJucher and Prince of Schwcrt fen burgh, attacked B mpparte, in ail his poii• lion' ; he fought with the determination and d^fpera tion ih t a man nv-y be dif poled to have, who feels that hi< crown depends on the ifiueof the conduit, but ) his obstinacy, his talents,' Ins skill, w as unavailing— lie j was defeated \vi,h the loss 01 40,600 men and nearly* 200 cannon. IEIPHC STORMED. Without giving the ene my a day’s respite, the al Its advanced to Leipfic the d y after their glorious vic t ,j , ..n.i after u molt nloo* dy refill,* nee took it by Rorm vvi.h 3000:) prif. licrs, & great ini: her or cannon, ammunition, fee. Thus in f ur day’s Bona party’s army was ieduced one I)-if, a mere. rapid and. enormous loss than he fofJ ta* ntd in the 'ame fpr.ee o j time even in he calamitous campaygu m Kudip ix is on the i 6ih V>* 12*oo >me h do. I hit) by ‘ ] t „ #do. 19slat «■.r. -‘li'iic 30,000 gL"",T ' ! . o .. ,0 j 0 "i f«>i | . r, I • ■ * 1 1 , -JO • I til* OH? , r .. „ ; !V .“ 11 > r .!frr Wr n \ .to the Rhine. Ha, failed I the,road was already occu- I pied bv his conquerors. 'His retreat, to Erfurth was j cut off; He then with the wreck and remnant of his I army took the road towards \ Brunswick, thus removing I further from his resources and reinforcements. The nldes were in purfuif of him, and Be is destined, we trust to frefh difaltcrs and defeats. Ex trails from London papers of later dates. Bivaria has declared in favor of Rafik. Papers on board the Dra gon to the 14th■ November, mention the tall of Dresden. There wais a grand illu mination throughout Eng land between the 6th and 10th November. Iho l ift difnatch from c ir Charier Stewart is dated at Leipfic, October 19th, i from*-which the following a>e extradt : Mv Lord —Europe at length approaches nor deli verance ; and England may truimphaivly look forward to reap, in conjunction with her allies, that glory her a 4 unexampled and ef forts in the common cause so j idly entitles her to re ceive. I with it had fallen to the lot of tome abler pea to de tail to your lordship the splendid events of the two lad days, but in endeavoring to relate the main fads, to fend them off without a mo ment’s delay, I (hall hi t do my duty, poftponiug more detailed accounts until a frefh opportunity: The victory of General Bl ocher upon the 16th has been followed, on the iSfh, by that of the whole of the combi ied forces over the army oi Bonaparte. in the , neighborhood of Leipfic. 1 The collective loss of | hove one hundred pieces or cannon, tixty thouiand men an irmnenfe number of pri . foners, the detertion of the j whole cf the Saxon army ; also the Bavarian and ■ Wer temberg troops confining artillery, cavalry and in fantry; and many Generals among whom are Regnier, Vallory, Prune, Bertrand »»d Lartiiiton, a.c feme of the firft ftuits of this glo rious day. The captu'e by a (fault of die town of Leipfic this morning, the magazines, i artillery, (tores of the place, j* with the King of Saxony and all his court, ,the gam ion and rear guard of tlie brtnch army, ail the ene- I a.*y’s. wounded (the n imber |of which exceeds. ;0,000 j me><) »hs narrow etc.ape of I>>;.ar»of te; who fie s ir«<n ( -e pfjc .ut aoh lock, the al j lire Cl tering nt 11 oßlock~ j T o'*t Complete (dero-ute) of j t ’ L c nen army who a.re e.n. p’ iC «o elcain: in a-1 • . 1 | furroutrled, are the next ob j of exultation. The further refifft your Lord 111 Ip can hut arrive at irom ai\ account of our mil iiarv portions. [Here follows an account ; of the situation of the allied i armies in aP.S. to the a ffieve dispatch . • On the held of battle this day an officer arrived from Gen. Tottenbord, bringing the information of the bar ren Jer cf Bremen to the town which were presented by the Prince Royal to the Emperor of Raffia. (Signed) C. STEWART. : 1 From the London Globe, cj October 1 3. Letters nave been receiv ed from Halifax ot the i i th • eji 0.. rj enclofmg lome j further accounts of the na vrd operations in the Chefi peake. Ihe British sq jnji ror, under Admiral War ren t had tak?n poffcffion of! S .vsn lilmd, which had j been fortified. From this 4 point and Kent Eland, the! Bncifh had fern the (hips’ I barges up Chester & Chop- j thank rivers, and aided by a - body of troops (Soo), had vifl cd the towns') of Cheßcr, Cambridge and Oxford, and lent parties to Ea:ton and CeutreviJle, At j mod of these places they ■ had burned such (lores as < they could not carry off, took abundance of cattle 6c provisions. Whilfl the par- 1 ties were thus proceeding! j fuecefsfully on the eatlern j | ffio.es of the Chesapeake, ! j some small veffds had been j employed to take soundings ! of the river Chaptaco, on the northern bank of which (lands the City of Biltiint re. j Great alarms had in confe. ! quence b *cn excited amonp p the inhabitants, and under! -an impression that an attack as in contemplation, troops had been fen* to that place from YVafliington.-—The en tiance of Baltimore barber it defended, and indeed com. tnanded, by V/hetflone* Ft. which it would be difficult ! to storm. Perhaps the, ob- J jedtof our fquaciron would.! be anfwcred by a mere de monilratipn : and of inter- | j-r.upting the trade aid navi-i j. gat ion of the fouthem pro vinces -keeping the inbub-j itants m a date of alarm -• and .efFeeling a diveriian in ! b half of toe forces in Can- • ada—-were the leading o b~j jeifls if) the naval operations traderu.ken by Affinirff Vvffr iv n : they Fern to have been completely fuccefsful - f nce wc find by a Lte. number of j tne Fictional lntciujencei , th«t a great part of the re ! gular a run, and not a small j number militia, w hich J had been ordered to the | neighborhood of the Lakes ! <»ave been countermanded, in eider tn.i(i,bey may be in , read ihe Is .a defend ff cirown —S b •'» :> . I- ->'■ „ alarm at one time reached eten Waffiington ; within 70 miles «f which city our parttes had approached, and j occasioned much temporary ;huftle, snd the packing up of the papers at the public | offices, in case removal had been rendered necessary. From the Same. On Tuefday, 52 Dutch* men, volunteers for the yth ! battalion of the 60th regt. ; marched into the caltle of - Edinburg, from the depat at Penneycurk. Ihis bat- 1 talion, which is to serve in i Canada, is to be augmented !to t 500 men, and Govern me it, we underpaid have given orders to eniiff Dutch men, as well as Germans, | for it, at ail the different j depot- in the kingdom. F om the Bjfton the north of Europe . Paffcngers in* the Maria | Helena, arrived here from ; Got ten burgh, inform, that | sh? sassed on th? 22d Octo j ber; that several couriers had ; arrived at the head quarters |of the Crown Pffrice, the I Lil of which left them about the 16th October; that there had been no great battle re cently ; and that Bernadette was on the weil fide of the Elbe They aifo mention, ; that it was reported Lord Walpole had visited the Emperor Alexander, and ; after waids proceeded to St. ; Peterfburgh to confer with j the American Envoys, who had remained in that city ; and that the fliip Neptune, which carried our Commis sioners to Russia, was to de feend the Baltic to Gotten brugh the latter part of Uc. j tober. Capt. Bond, one cf the ■ P-iffengers from Gotten huigh, is the bearer of def ! patches irom Mr. Adams for : Government. ■wmck!» 1• <> - Washington City, Jan, t. From Britain. Various rumors were in cir cuia i .n dining the whole of | yeUnd .y relpeßing propofi* lions which a. e laid 10 have been made or «ur government, by the government of G eat Bii | tain, renting 'o an accommo. • daiion ol differences be ween 'he two countries. We h*ve rrwffejr qiiry into the founda. ’ t:on of these repo ts, in the I hope of he’og able to pre'ent | to the public a correct account l of them. We tegret that it is rot yet fu-ly irj our power. The following facts we believe may ( be Tciied oiv, (hat s flag of sruce i bus arffv cd from Lngiand, at , A . nnapt lis, with a Jelpatch from he iiri'ifh tninifter to 'he Sec retary o! Sta r, bearing date ear. ty in November, which, ibotigh it con’iins no di'dinct propofi ion, may. be confidced as rather of a pacifi : cbaracte-'. It is laid 1 hat (he iiiitidi mir i iicr 'n this defpatch of a coaiitiuniration to the Ruffian goveinmenr, and, through it, with our Envoys at St. Peters burgh, reiariny 'o *. i'-c’auon \* w fcni-HSutej and Great R,i j| am for peace; but mat nodoc- Aimenr, either from the R„(|iar> knvernmentor our E„v„ v , ( | fcOiV II ereto, has been for »ard j| d - Under such circumilances I would feemto be imooflibli fir our government juflly to fP !ec w* the real objed or i O . tjntions of the Bri.ifh govern ment. Envoys might have been vtrstten on the preemption that •Hole dispatches ha* airily reached our government, We tb 'refo e await further ar rita.s before we can fonn an-' j Correa id*a of *h ir ionpa M I has we hive re a (on to believe jtM Neptune, winch took our j mihitaers to S:. Petersburg, wss i lO L Ba,cic iB ,he i c «'\ of with dispatches j forlthe Urmed State-, all doubt ! or t nC u en i In, y import, 1 an. fubjed Wi i soon be remo ved L New-Tork, DjcrmbrrSl. Fi-OM NIAGARA. [DIRECT ANI) IMPORCANT.] M e h * v e an account by a gentleman which we arc bap™ to hid confide? ably alleviates jour Anxiety. The Brhifli and fndii na hr<d been fern in f«erce ; at b < ft George for feveraldays, j, an( l 1 inhabitants on our nde, appnh-nding attack, had genet ally prepared for (l.ght. Ovjr informant was in the Tort in Saturday nigh?, and on Sunday morning a liule be lore day light, it was taken by r u’prifc:, as he was told by per* lons woo est aped from it after it was truered and in full pc fief, lion by .he Briiifh. About j four cannon only were fired ! atid a roair offmall arms for | two or three minutes (ucceed. j after an interval of to j 01 20 minutes a royai faluie of i 22 gun* wa» heard. The Bii -1 r,, h eroded in boats hey bto’t j I °na Bhrli gton bay* ihe inhabitants evaruated the country tor a diHance of 14 n*i es on the rtver, with furh of ! ‘heir effects as they could bring 1 off and tneir houles wete burnt ! hy <he enemy ?o the extent of 7 miles back hom the river, widi out .ha. Igerieial abu'e of the inbabk which was at fi (t re port’d. We are particularly hsppy to e*>n by our info.mant, who is a gen demand intelligence j and had been an officer in the j detached militia, that no rn if crimina e oaaflaerc o: the inbab. iiams took place to his know- f ;l< dge. Mi, Mullencux, one ! 0} .he persons said to be l.ilied, • was in his sleigh : *ndhe s»w \ Mr. Barton and .he son of his ; who was reported <0 be killed: | the other f>n was in the fort. The exp rtfs which fit'll bio’t ! .he news greatly exaggerated the mifehie, and danger. Our iniot- I mam ftaiea, .hat the ton was 1 taken by (urp;ize, and not bv : dorm, ai d hat no idea .hat the garriion wa s put to .he (word. Captain Leortartj /lepi at his j hotj(i,'a mile or two ddia nt from the fort* tha. night. G r eat nuepbets of citizens I were met on Ihe icati to Buffa -1 10, for ihe defence of th*t | place. The Tufcarori IndH 1 ans biaveiy Hpulfeda party of | the enemy. Ihe number of I butidmgs bum’, may poflibly j amount in the knole to an hu? « | dred. "1 he garilon of the fc»rf coiTiffed of abjut 270, nearly one humltedol them fi k, bv Hairtfon tl: e» 4 [ Co r u mbian. *EO BEE FK 0