Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, February 19, 1814, Image 1

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VOL. VI. AUGUSTA. ?5 1 r »v DANIEL STARNES 4? Co. wist end of broad-treet. SATURDAY Night, February , 9 , ,f, 4 . land near Augusta, FOR SALE. The subscriber for sale, & valuable tract of PJNE LAND, to Bouth-Carolma, part of which lies within one mile of Augusta—The Timber is particularly tine. The roads from Angara » tr*m Camp bt-Hfon, pusses through it, stvl at their pDciton would he a fine place ) for a 'Tavern cr Grocery. The 1 irfct contains about 100 acre*, a j large portion ol which would do well for cultivation. There are i several handsome scites lor build' 1 ing, and otic or more excellent j Springs on the trace. If not sold I entiic, it <nigl»' bi divided. Ap- 1 ply for lo da) h hence at Campbell*- j ton, to Lewis L. Hammond. Ftbnxiy 12. 2* Will be Sold, On tie firat Thursday in April next, it kVarrea county, at the late residence of Joseph Maiks, dec’d. all the Personal Prtpertv belong iog to said dci>as9<l. 'Terms of sale wr.ll bts made known on the day of ’sale. Mary Marks, adm’rx. February 12. N O T I C E. ALL persons indeb ed to the Subscriber either by note or ; •pen account, »re neti bed that h« has appoint* d Mr. Jared Morris his l<jwiui agent to settle the snn.e. Thomas Jones. Columbia county, Jacuarv 22. 4t NOTICE, A I L persons having any maud* against the esiato of Kob:rl iiov d aece«sed, are r ta les ted to lender io their accounts prepeir attested within the time prescrilled by law ; and those in lo eaui s-stata are r< qti*ed to m<’k* immediate par Mien, to WILLIAM B'JiTD, adm’r January 22, 6t Proclamation* "VSTHERE AS info; raarion has v f b en given to the City Coun cil of Augusta, that s»u attempt was made l»v seine, person unknown, ; last rijht, br ween the hours of | teu sndelcven •’clock, to Murder ! M>. Gilbert Tongscrecf, by die- \ chaiging «t him, through wne of ; the wmiowr., a loaded gun or pis. io(, n-i he tva* aiitiog at in* table in h*s house iu the city of Au ntJ thereby g'ving to the «i2id G* bm Lougstrcet a dauge te pood, ].»/ -e rnd »hut v*ch evil dis 'ptn-.ed } eraoci or per**«tis way be hr-j.igb; to condigo punishment, r d>u uu ref ore wide the advice ot the City Cvtincii aferetard, offer a re p ard of ONE 1 . WND HL U DO L bii US lo be pa v* to »oy pen>wu prjcr ini who vs |il g.ve such in *o;pi>w*»n agaj.-b'.; the ulf. uder cr ofctptb.is, us will lead to the con. Yiciiotiof the perpetrator *i the crime aforesaid. Given under uty hand and the seal of the C its Council of Au gutfa, this 18’h da/ of No vember, in the yar of our Leru o.ic tiwusjnd eight hua. ditd atul tmrlvst!,* Seaborn Jones, Intendant. Au**.:—N. W. Hlkblrt, Cl’k. MIRROR OF THE TIMES. Outrages at St. Sebastians ! ! From intimations contained in extracts from British newspapers, an impression has peivaded the public mind, that the capture of the Spanish tow* of Ssiot Sebastian* from the French, wa* followed by occurrences highly disgraceful to Great Britain. Os the nature anil extent of these circumstances we have uu!, until now, been afforded the tuc&ns of junging—the detail*, ii anv were contained in the Brit, iblt gazettes, having been suppress ed by the Bosion merchants and editors, into whose hand* they cam<-. To the’atianticn of a gentleman in this city, we are indtb cd tor a Spanish ncisspaper primed at Cadiz, dated Monday, September 27 n, 181 S, and entt'led I>uen»e lo* Caffees. The letter, ol which the lodowing is a translation, i. published in its columns ; and if any reader can per»*e it without sympathy for the ayfftrings it de scribes, and without an abhorrence of th« barbarous authors of them, he eiust be possessed of qualities of hear* which we coufss* wc do not envy. The narrative in ibis letter, pre sents a correspondent »cene to ihat exhibited by ihe British at the vd lage of Hamftsk; aggravated, if aught could aggravate tile horror acted there, by the consideration, that in the present insiNttce the cruelties which fill the picture wt re perpetrated on a people, to whom they came in the gaib of friends &t deliverers ; who Jook.d to them for succour, ior production, and friend ship, hui who, instead of receiviDg these office* at their hands, were made the victims of the iVackeit enormities that darken the page of human crime and picß gauy Merciful God l if such are the Isuits ot British protection and friendship, hay/ favorable are thy dispensations, which have snatched uj from their desolating ii fl 4cnct ! Over the transacuons uetai.lcci in the letttr published bslow, lat the clerical poJitictAQs ol *Vlasaa ebusetts, «vh,) weekly prostitute re. ligion by holding up Great Britain as its bulwark "md piltar, gather, and jfluiiiy ihe idol of their affec tions. 'To the setnei ihete ueva- let Pickering b.ing his oblation cf ar'anratie.i a id p-ai.-ie, aud record ou the monument thty erect of British periidv and baioa-- lism, the inscription he covc-s ior hi* own remains. It must be remembered that the statement in tht* lerter, is not the ilreunion ot an embittered and t x. a?pcr w ud cDtis/, That it is not ot the «atne siauip with the tales, which load the British press, ot French inhummity'and guilt. No ! it is ihe piuuuction of u Spanish sußj ect—*he publication ot u Span lih Gazette—ihe representation, in a worn, ot bo ally ol G/cat Bri tttiit, winch ha* just been delivered from the load ot oppression and tyranny by the very auxilary whose baseness that representation denounces; —an aux.uaiy whose services was anxious to cbe ii.h with the ronucst rctiiduibrance, but vvuo.e unnatural crimes iuve oblitctaud ah traces ol gratitude, and substituted ter ihem the keen t.si indigoa’iwu and th« deepest horror. —National Advsvutc. Trsndated for the National Advocate frc» - Caaia paper of tiio 57th otpt. I*l3. St. Sebsttiuns Destroyed. my dear uncle, la my Ult letters 1 inform ed you of the cruel conduft of our dear aides in this ever “ HOLD THE MIRROR up To N A T v r E— Shakespeare. unfortunate city. I had ho ped that I lliould not again have occahon to bear telli monjr of such condmff, for thehonorof the nation which has vomited forth thole fe rocious deftroyeri of a city which has merited a better fate, and whole country was the birth place of the illus trious and rcfpetflable Lord Wellington, Duke of Ciu dad Rodrigo. Thefc, my dear uncle, are my reflec tions ; but the innumerable cruelties committed by tiiwfe men, which 1 have dailv wnnefied, with the continu ed fpedlacic of atifery which those unfortunate inhabitants have fuffered, have induced me to relieve myfelf, by im parting to one so worthy of rny confidence, a ihort ac count of what has taken place. You mud not expect to receive a full repre fen ra tion of ail the sanguinary act 9 committed during thole days of wnifery & afflidion. My pen wants force to deferibe them—l shall therelorc con fine myfelf in giving a sim ple but faithful narration of luch circumltances as by their notoriety, deserve ts be recorded in brat’s, to the per petual ignominy of the exe crable perpetrstors of such enormities. The Engi lh 5c Partuguefe armies took pol- Icflion of this place on the 31st ull. at 4 o’clock, PM. —They might immediately have made thcmfdves mat ters ot the citadel by purlu ing the enemy, who fled thither for fifcty in the greatest difortler ; but the conquerors contented them l’eives with wdiat thev had J acquired —dazzled with the idea which preTented to them the profpccl of a loeedy plunder. The inhabitants, who, from the commence » meat of their entry into the city, thronged the balconies and windows of the houfei to hail and applaud those whom they thought their deliverers, were soon taught to regret their ill placed con. fidence, which was of Iliort duration, they being com pelled to shut them Lives up in their houles, the victors haring commenced firing on them, in return for their po litcneft: they ruflicd into the dwelling houles of the inhabitants, and plundered them of every valuable arti cle they contained. On the tft of the present month they leemed infuriat ed with the spirit of demons, committing every fpetiti of outrage, aflaflinaiion, tc vi j- lation of women, through out every part ot the city. The houles were filled with dead bodies, and the woman who made resistance superior to her lex, paid the forfeit of her life—neither tht infant of ten years of age, or the matron of fixfy were exempt from their brutal violenct. I am not ablt to give you a lilt of all who were the vie fims of this (l'econd) day, being too numerous; but I will mention the names of some of your acquaintances. The priett (j!oicoechioy Ega n i, of 70 years old ; Xraicra, the servant of the curate, F.riz ; the mother-in-law de Echaniz; the iilver-fmith’s wife, lire vi lly ; the keeper of the Jail ; the chocolate maker, who kept hi* (hop in the houle of Izarramindi; the other chocolate maker, who was married to the ler vant known by the name of the good girl, and many o ther 6 With refpeft to the viola tions of women, you will excufc me for not mention ing any names; but in order to give you an idea of their enormities; I will relate to you an ad which happened to an intimate friend of ours, who was the father of an in nocent daughter of twelve years of age. In order not to be an eye-vvitnefs of the horror about t® be perpetra ted on her, he fuccccdcd in ransoming her for the firm of twelve dollars, being all the money he then poflefled. It is impossible to afeertain the number oimartyrs towr tue on that terrible day, for numbers of them were burn ed to death, and buried in tire ruins of their houses. Oh ! my friend ! what a fpedacle was at that moment present ed to the fatherof a family on beholding such scenes! Mul titudes of centinels prevent ed all communication with the houses, when cruelties of every kind were committing therein—whilst the French prisoners, their real enemy, iemained unmolcfted ana proteded. Neither was our holy religion rcfptded—the \ churches were broken open j and pillaged ; ana not find- : ing in one gl’them the sacred chalice, which had been care fully secured by the curate, 1 they proceeded to his houle, and compelled him to give it up, and the liofVs, which they dathed to tlie ground and destroyed. The curate, actuated with religious zed, attempted to gather them u;>--but, in entit.iv j! n* to 4 1 # execute his pious intenions, they seized him, tore oft his clothe?, and, after beating him unmercifully, kicked him naked into the Ifrect. A shirt, given to him by a woman, was, by thole mon flers, tom off his back : Suf fice it to fay, that the human imagination cannot conceive any species of atrocity that was not committed on that day, which xCil] be ever me motable to every good Span iard, The next morning they set fire to the city at the corner of one of the prin cipal ft reels. In the evening it had extended as far as th * Efcotilla Orcef ; and the fol lowing morning »t had reach ed Puyueto, and in the even ing as far as Juan de Biboa, and the Plaza Ncuva : in a ward, the city was systemat ically burned and pillaged. During all this period, the fire of the enemy was dis - continued ; that is to lay, from the time they took ro fugt in the citadel, until the whole city was deltroyed. A few houles, however, in Calle dt la Trinidad were saved from the flames for barracks for the foldicry When I refledt ©n thefetranf arflions, my imagination is 101 l in an abyss of horror. We have not forgotten, that St, Seballians, during peace, puffeflfed a considerable trade with France, which wai in jurious to the commerce of Great Britain ; we also re member, that it was a place of maritime importance and with imall cxpenle, un der a wile admiaiflration cf government, might become a port of rtil! greater impor tance. Gen Graham hav ing retired to Oyarzun dur ing the conflagration, and not calling on the inhabi tants of the vicinity to affiffc in extinguifliing the flames until the filth Hay, when the city was nearly reduced to allies, ftrengtnens the infer ence to be drawn from these observations. Such is the lamentable fate of this patriotic city, which has adhered torhejufk caule of liberty, wiih unde viating perfeverancc, amidst French bayonets, for the (pace of fix ycari, during which they have been iepa rateri from ,the government to which they have been ever attached. We would cornmilcrate the (ate of Pam pelunj, Toitolfi, Barcelona, tcc. if we had not before us the catastrophe of be. Sebal- > • tians •, and u . »o he feared f, jP that the ••tilt ff t thol 'ft 1 1 (1 No. 279.