Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, March 12, 1814, Image 4

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^ pp —— 1 Will be Sold, ON the first Tuesday in April nusit to the highest bidder, in pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordinary, 202 f-2 Acres of Land in Morgan county, number 28, Sib district, belonging to the estate of William Dunn, late of said county deceased, and aold ter the bene fit of the heirs and creui or* of said deceased. Mary B. Dunn, adta’x. John Dunn, adia’or. January 15. eew3i— Will be Sold, On tile first Thursday in April next, in Warren county, at the late residence of Joseph Marks, dec’d. ah the Parsonal Prrpmv bclocg iag tu said deteas* cl. Terms of s.-de will bo nuda known on the day of tale. Mary Mark?, adm’rx. February 12. Ceuicu—Liucoln County; VV HER HAS Leonard Sim« has applied for iet-.er* of administration on the estate aad ert'tcts of Richard C iffin, ‘he’d. Th«se are there, foie to ci * and admonish all and singular, thy kindred and creditors of sa;d deceased, to be and appear at iny elfice, within the time ahovr. eu by law, to shew cause, (if any th.y have) why letter* »f admmis traiion shoidd not be granted. Given under n»y hand, atolfic**, this 7th February, 1814. WM. C. C O. Blank Bank Checks, I For J'alt at this ojfice. | ■ Straw Ilats & Eonnets. JUST RECEIVED, i On consignment, and n%w offered for I sale, at the most tedmedprices, I A large & extensive assortment of | STRAW HATS AND [ BONNETS, I Qf Me Latest Patterns, ■ bonnet wire 1 Black and white Crapes I B ack, Whit* sad Colore 1 Silks ■ Black and White Bh&neal Cords ■ Stwing Silk ■Pari*, oh ■ 1 ortoise Shell and Pocket Combe ■Cambrics, Northern Homespun ■Ribbons, Pins, Needles ■Cotton Balls, sre. & c . 1 ALSO, mA luge and extensive assortment es I SHOES, I °F THE BEST QUALITY. A Tha whole of wl ich will he eo'd, ■wholaiale or retail, to suit purcha vsers, by I L. U. LAURENCE, ■ At the Sign »f the Gold Watch. I March 5 at T - L •■' ■ " ' I Ilale & Shearer, K Hiving purchased the ■ 'To rs ©f Merchandize of ■jvlelfr.s. M’Kinzie and Bennoch Rnd of Mr. A. Caropfield, have ■opened flare at the ftard lately ■occupied by M‘Kinzie and ■bennoch, and at that formerly Hccupied by Mr. Benjamin ■ laii, next door to Mr. David Hvl*Kinney s, and have at each ■ lace ■ AN EXTENSIVE ■ AndVtry Oescrat Afforimcnt at I DRY GOODS AND PROCERIES, ■Which will be difpolcd of on ■ he molt refclonable terms. ■ December 4. ts I PATRICK PRESCOT, RSEPECTFULLY inform lil friends and the public in general, that he carries on (he Blacksmith’s Business At ihe fliop formerly occupied by j. J. Pcrin, in all its v a » nous branches, and truAs, that his attention to the business together with a faithful peifor mance of ail orders in hi* line will entitle him to a fture of public paronage. N. B. Horles Ihod with nsat nefs and dispatch. January 11, .. . ■ i. ■ ■ - - - -1, , NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to George Matthews, late of this place de ceased, are desired to m«ke pay ment to either of the Subscriber. —ARd those having claims against bim, are requested to exh bit thtai duly attested withiu the time pre «cJibed by lav. . P, Campbell. \ A. Slaughier, ) Executors. Asgasta, Nov. 17. tt NOTICE. Nine months after date, applies. * tto”. wmi he made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Colombia I County, for the sale of 180 acres of Land in said county, on tha Haw Branch.—Also, 375 acres of Land on Up ton’s Creek Also, IJS 1 acres of Land, adjoining J. A) res, being the real c»uue of Samuel Migruder, deceased, cf said coun- 1 t v — ~sold for the benefit ol the heirs aad creditors. ' | Manha Magruder, adm’x. ! IHfzckiah Magi uder, ado Lr. ' February 26, 18i4. mSm EMPEROR H ILL Aland the ensuing sea. son at my stable, near Rayfville, and at William Upton’s, four miles from Columbia Court- House, three days at each place, and let to Mares at Six Dollars the season; three the (ingle leap, and twelve to insure—Payable on or before the firft day of OGtober next. Emperor is a beautiful bav, fully five f et two inches and a lull high—For strength & fym. metry of parts. Sc elegant move ments, is inferior to none. He was got by the celebrated run ning horse Democrat, out of one of the best Flimnap arid Eclip* mares on the continent, and is now eight yeais old. He has proved hirufclf a iuie foal getter; and thofc of his colts that have been dropped, are confideied among the bell in the country. ANDREW BEALE, N. B. ihe season will con tinue from this date to the firft of July. Columbia County, Feb. 26. 1 " Now in Richmond 'Jail . A NEGRO Man named BEN, who says tie belong, to John Riciieroon, drear Biack ftwamp, S Carolina- The owner is rtq,jest ed to comply with the law, and taks him a vray. P. Donaldson, d. s. No*/. 13. ts • rn^mmmmm Itanazvy FROM the subscriber living ii Columbia county, five miles below the Court Hoti*e, about the eighth day of June last, a Nrgrt lad by the name of WINDSOR, about five feet five or six inches high, bhek complexion, stout made, had no marks when he went away. Any person apprehending ] said negro and delivering him to the subscriber, or confining him in jail, and giving information no | that I get him, shall receive a re. 1 ward of Ten Dollars with all real sonable expences. Peter H. Collins. N. n. I am apprehensive that j the above negro was taken off by | some white person into 8, Caroli- j na er the lower parts of this state, I November ijf. 3m notice. ALL persons who are indebted to the estate of James Three wins, U»e of Jefferson county dee. are requested to mak.6 immediate payment, and those who have any demands on said estate are also de sired to exhibit their account* in du« time, ►roperly attested in or der to have them settled. Turner Coley, adm’r. January 15. j { p notice. ALL persons indebted to the Subscriber eitner by note or open account, are notified that ho j has appointed Mr. Jared Morris . | his lawful agent to settle the same. I Thomas Jones. J Columbia county, January 22, 4t NOTICE. j _ Nine months alter date, applies. I tion will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jefferson county, for leave to sell a tract of seventy-five acres of Pine Land, ! 1 the property of the estate of Jamrs 1 \ Threewitts, late us said county, de* ceased, lying in said county of Jef * ferson, on the waters of Rocky Comlort Creek, adjoining. Garland j Hardw'ch’s land aod others; sold . for tLe benefit of the creditors. Turney Coley, adm’r: | February 1, lbU. mvra BOOK STORE. the book stokk r Ed.(or» of the Mutton if J r tS * moved to its I,.voter stand f'? 1 * of the Printing Office, .here ' hare on hand an assonm-,,, ts BOOKS Consisting ®f Law, Voyage,, Physic, i ravel,, Deviuitu , Kovels, History, Plays, fc?<\ fef c W>th a C Election •fSCHOm 1 BOOKS, all of which w,il W-,L' at the regular Phii*M p h ia Prire? »————»—_ Georgia— Columbia count. In the Superior Court, Sep tember Term, 18« 3 . V " ON the petition Os Catharine Brifco. ft, tmg, that be.ug poffcffcd,. , bond gatioa signed by James Ray,. Cop7 a. »ear a* the petit,oner can recoiled * a f nexed to the said petition » i 7 gether with an affidavit, putfuanr to JiA , 7 g it that th, fcj bond or oh!,gat,on wa, loft, and praying th, be..fit intruded by laid a«, at) s ,£ J*' of Court and other e.rcumfUu.c, proof u«. mg beforo the Court- v u * it i* ordered, That the said bond or cMi gat,on be eftabliflicd as diredled by said adi and the r » «. of court, .n the said Catherine’ reded for he I pace of fix month, in one at the pubhc Gar.'ties of this fate, unlef. «uk be fliewn to the contrary within th* fix months, or other nutter appear« ke court agamft the fame. Taken from the Minutes, Peter Crawford, Cik Clerk’s Office, n Wot. 1813. — £ / 9 the Honor ib le the Super? Court for the county of Warren. The petitionxof John Me Cay, faewetb— i TH A T be was in pmsessien »f a note of hxnd, executed tn him bjr J#sge Jordan, for the sum ol eighty dollars, a copy of which j said note is hereby annex d with i the afildavit of tha said John Me* | Ooy to the same ; tod year pe:i. j tioner states, that he bus lost or mislaid the s.sme, and prays that a j copy thereof may be aataWliihed, in terms of the law, and th u rules of court, in such cases mads a;ii provided On motion of Asaph Wright, attorney for petitioner, it in order* I cd, That the said Jesse Jouhu I shew cause (if any he ha») at tfc>« 1 next term of the Superior Court to be held nt and for this county, why said copy of said no e aforesaid should not b* es-abhahed agrees* ble to law and the rules of court, and that this rule be publued - ( > one of the public Gaieties of the city of Augusta once a month f»f six months prsviuus to the eiub* ii»hment of said note. 9n6ji NOTICE. months from the dsfe, application will he made to s he honorable the Infcrioi cotir'of Columbia county, for 1-ave to **il the real estate of Bttij.mia Ke»*. late of said county dec. Seventeen lot* on the Oconee Kiver, oh in* long biuft, Waahingon countv— AUo one bounty at land, 217 1-* acres in said county, on the mid' die prong of Williamson’s swt»WH* **-i\l*« one tract in said county, containing one hundred and forty* three and oue fourth rcres o’'» Boffaloe creek,—Also one tract ic Warren coumy, containing lofty acres more or less, «n the warf* of Town creek—Also ooe tract containing three hundred and fifty acres pan in Columbia and part i* Warren county, on the waters ft l own creek, bounded by M® 4 * 4 ltees, Gaoad, Ivey’a, Flournoy * Mrs M‘Crcary and James Kees for the benefit of tne heirs ac t creditors. ROBERT WAfLTON.) j? In right o! his wife. ) * JESSE BULL, ) J ADAM JONhiS, f 2 Janumy 15. ir ' < ' n