Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, March 19, 1814, Image 3

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MIRSOS. — AVGUSTA — Saturday Night, March 19 Froai the National Intelligencer, March io. YAZOO CLAIMS. The ptopofition ag cod to by the Senate of t!je United Stares, (or a rompronife of the claim; generally known by the name of the Y 4200 Claiiiw, lias to tar received atten tion tn the Houf. of Reprefeotativrs as to be refened to a leiciSt committee. We in- i cine to the opinion, frooi the fentimeut* ' t Towed on the floor of the Houfe.that the bill will cot pass t: at Lody, a d ot course will not become a law, unless there fliall be an entire and unequivocal r«Tnquilhment of title on the part ot these who cow hold a claim to the ljnd. nor p rliapt übiefs, the a.iicu.it of the compofitinn proposed to be n' owtd them be reduc-d. Without the fii fl of these conditions, no nun in his senses tvouid vote for the bill; and we do not uii c’crtalce to fay that it ought to pass in any ihape. Every principle of juflice and equity \>ouid certainly be fatofird, by refunding to me third purctiafer; the monier they :&jal lv paid for claims of so fdfpicinu. a charac ter, together with kg.l intcrrrt fr.ee the date of their pure'.ale. five million* of acre* of land would probably more than treble in v.lue the aggregate amount which under lucn a rule would heve to be paid. On Wttlcefday evening lad, a vio'ent tV' a ole on Lake Erie, accompanied with ram, Ihe pale continued unfit i kurltitv nigiu ; the rain Las completely deflroved the fieigh i: g m all the great rends in this part oi the country. The ice on Lake Eric has been in a manner broken up. A gsai.cman trom Clcavelaud informs u*, that the ice in ti e upper part ot the l ake is quite gone. The fleet at Erie, may now be pronounced coni pittely fate from any enterp. it,c» of the ene my.-—Buffalo* Oazettee. INDI AN COUNCIL Dayton (Ohio) February 8. Lad Friday 50 or bo Indians (of which number ave about 20 Chiefs) arrived at this place to join in cautnil with Gen. Harrison lotlifpofition hr* prevented the general from attending as was expc&ol. Mr. Johnttou, Indian yent, proceeded with the Chief* to t ie ultimate oiijebt of the couucil on Sun day. I tie following tribes were reprtfrtued in the council at Daytor. : Shaw anode, Wyandot*, Semea*, Miataii.*, PoUavvatiiuie*, Ottawa* and Kickapoo*. From the Boston Chror.icle of Monday. LATEST FROM BURLING f ON. _We underfland by a gentleman who ar rived in this town iafl evening from Burling ton, that a party of Eritifh troops, conlilliug of about 2000, u .d;r the command of CoL i-’cott, lately trifled over to French Milk, and from tueuce proceeded to Maione, and Cnareaugay Four Comers; hilt app-ehend iug ati attack from the American army at Pittsburgh, they prtcipitatciy retreated in the Tniclii of a violent fierm of snow and hail, on Sunday evening, aotli instant, towards Cottar; de Lac. I h.y inquired with much earacftuels about F-rfytb * r“giment, and fatmed to owe thena a particular enmity. n bout 60 regu <>r* had drferted from them, and were with the An erica., army at Piau*burgh They were principally itifli, and flared that one half the regimsne to which they btlcugcd would dtfert, iliould an oppor.uniiy off.r. The g-otleman frum whom we procured the above intelligence, was made prisoner by this partiztn c. rp*, but having a previous paro ; e in hi* pocket, wag rekafed He had feut an exprtf* to j Gen. Wilkiufon, appriftng him of the move ments ot the enemy. The Britlfh Officers, prisoners of war, or- deied from Burlington to Chefliire, Malt, have all, except two, violated their parole i of honor, and deserted to Canada They weie, however, arrrfled & confined iu Mon treal prilon by the enemy. FROM SOCKETS HARBOR. The following is an extract cf a letter fr’im a gentleman there, to hi* triend in Bal timore, dated the 2iit of Feoruarv. “ I hi* place is very flrcr;®, and defies at tack. We have »ix block-houses calculated to rake every point of approach, and the I fquadrou it advantageously arranged for ile fenfive and deflrndlivc puipofes. Captain Chauncey is buiiuiag three vtfTels of war, aud converting the bylph [fchooriei] into a trig. _ “ Some arc of opinion, that Gen. Wiikin fon will undertake an expedition from Plain burgh this winter. The ttoeps are healthy. Accommodations are better here tlun for merly, as the town is much improved.” ENTER PRIZE AND RATTLE SNAKE. A r r.v*d,on the 6th ino. the Bri ilk priva toer fchb> urr mounting 12 guns and having t** j n the hold She lailtout of Naf fau, New p-„ i.jence, and had n.ade f. veral c.p'ures, niofVy , fc tuey Spanilh Air.eri o n«. Ihe priae w*. brought in bv Mr. J It- Au ick of thcyiiited Etaiet" brigEctrr pize, lieutenant PeuQn,. Wl by wlnrh the prize was taken, the Unii-d Stales’ brig Rattle .make, capt. Creighton being in company cn the Mar* was br-»rd*d ft.e was off Cape Florid* and had abeut 45 black* on board, the white ciew cx-eptii.e captain & U fl. C | 0i - f 4fJ l *kcn to ttie bo?t ar.d rowed off, 'uirg appreheufive 01 impairment from the two brigs, Which tiiey fuppobrd lo be 4 a Fn * !ia * r„ she crutfe of the Rsttlc Snake ana Enterpjis , t our Vl ffcU hat) be*.; cap turn',two o! which they lunk,the other two, t. e IlabelU and the Mars, have arrived in tin* port.—Wiiumigtoii C>Az^tie. On Wcdnefday, Mr. Wright, of Md. laid the fol owing Rdolulion before the Kouie of Reprelentatives. Reso ved, I hat a committee be appointed to enquire into the expediency of fufpendiug the Embargo Law, during the iinpcndiug negotiation* for Peace. He did this upon the ground, that he thought he was juftified fr»m the conduA of both government* in the belief than an Armistice will be agreed to on the com mencement of the ucgeciationt at Gotteu t>urg, Ac. 4cc. On the qu<ftion of confidc ratinn of this refulution the Aye* and N"e» w, re called for, and were Aye* 65, Noe* 68 ; ; Houle relufed to counter it. Milledgeville , March 16. Col. Rullell, we under diand, at the head of ISOO men, will lhortly take up a politico, at the junction of Coofa&l’alapoolajStt which place he will be joined, by a body ol “ choice lpirits,” under the command of Gov. Claiborne. From this point they wiii be enabled io ad with much fucccfs 3gaind the enemy 3 and if nect il iry co opera.e with Jack-Con; who ftili retains his pofl at icn-luards, about So miles above the cpufluence ot ii:e two rivers. Such is the deplorable si tuation of the hotiiic party, it is the opinion of a dhlin. guifhed and intelligent ot ticer, with whom we have conversed, that the prelent campaign will bring the pediiiori to a fuccefsiul ilfue, even should there not be a blow ilruck on either fide. [Argus.) MARRIED, on Thurfdtr eveniucr. the 10th instant, in lll.nd, Mr. JOHN NEAL, to Miss SARAH GLOVER. COMMUNICATED. Departed this life, on tin- morning of the infl. near the Cl'crokce Ponds, S.-.u-h Carolina, Mrs SUSANNAH HAMMOND, wife of Mr. Le Roy Hummond, |u ;. in ihc 89. h year of lirr agr - leavi ga terder lv»s baad imd a Urge family of children, with numerous relative* and acquaintance* to la meet her irreparable loss. DiHD, in Frankford, SufiVx P-Hin'T. Jsrfev, on the 14th ult. Ma IT HFW W|',. IJAMS, at tiie advanced agr of 124 xe.'s. He wa. born iu Walt*, (Europe) b, J., naiv 1690-s-was a I'oldier during the reign of Queen Ann, and wa» at the 1 king of Minor ca from the SpaniaiH*, a id iu ain oft all (be mod memorable hats !e* in the Izft c-ntury, to t e taking of Quebec un* er Wolfe; after l which he fettled in this country ; bu: I Uug bis wife, by whom he h d two k*ns, he at I the late revolution in Ameriia jdineu tiie fctvice, in which he conli ;U‘d mail the cl fc of the war, fi ce which he ha i.ved iu tli* country, until l.is death. He uasup j ward* of twenty yn .rs in the ea L rvice, and mere than that time in different L vices a* a fofdier, on land. Hi* 1 colieClioi, wa* xd n.irable until a fftort tare hcfoie las de.uh; he would repeat the different tranfadlious of hi* life fr< m his larly day., and give a mod tiifrii cl account of the ctigagea.tnls lie Ltd been in. PRICE current. TOITON, 13 0 13 1-2 FLOUR, 510J12 WHIsKF.Y, 62 12 BA ON, 8 1 2 CORN MEAL, 62 t-3 SALT, 2 so ATTENTION ! 120fA District Company, (Georgia Militia. An election will be held at the Globe i tvern, na 1 Uh>l) \Y :he 29 h iuvtant, tor u Lth L IT.N •.N T (in sh s-*id cooijjitnv) tu fiil the va cancy occasioned by the resignation oj Lio.u, Bzcc. '(’ins election for ENSIGN wil! be on t .c san.e day, a- d not on tl<c 2E h, as |»r viouslv ordered, A.I p roona tnticied to vote, are re q icited to a tend between the houis of 10 *nd ‘J o’ciutk, on iliac uay. By order cj Ca|j‘. Grex."* . li aJar wall 3 March 19 The Celebrated Fannin * Horse QUAKER, Wiii Hand dierniuing frafon one half of his lime at the Pian- I t«'ion of the fubferiber, in Co. | iumbia county, t 8 miles ahovt ■ Aoguffa, near tie Peteubuig and the other half of his nme at Columbia Couit-houfe. i he lealon will commence on j the xo.h day ot March, at the ! bouic of the fuhtettue , where jhe will rema n four days,; and .hen be removed to Coltim- j bu Court.bbulet where he will remain the lame length of time, ) and then again return, and (o ' alternate through the lealon, wuich will end on the joih July. He will Rand at the low pjjrc of fifteen Dollars the lealon, payable by note the firfl day of December next, which note mull be lent with the Mate; Eight DolUis the fing’e vilit, and fifty cm:* to the groom in everv in iianv.e, to be pail at the time of ieivtee. Any Mare that Joes not purve in foal, (hall have the benefit of the la! Ha lon, provi ded lie is not in keeping for a race. Every a temion wil» be to Mates, but no refpoufi Lil ly for a cidents. Q ker is an elegant fi;ure, t lit hit. Cii hands tic a had high, mx years r id, a ted lo rd, of fupeiio; f un ai d conltitulion. PEDIGREE. QUAKER was got by the celc orated liorfc Gailaim, who w»* got by the impoited horse L diord, and he by Dlmgan ri.in. whole fire was EElipfe, His dam by limported mare M. uUnno ; his grand dasi Mils ' > *cgg», by Matchcm ; hi| great | g an dam by Regulus, jut of King Herod’s d*m, and 10, by 'hr Grdjlphin Arabian. Quaker’s dam was got by the Ci.teb a-.ed horse Shat k, his grand Lam by Brimmer, and he was g n by,the need tunning horse tJ i.T.mei in Vi his kreat g nrd d tn y the nosed imbort. j |tu boric .vied ey. As foi Qua. I ke. s pe, fo-suffices as a runner, they Cinnot aumit of a doupt— ne has aon nine pu.fes ot4 of; (hi.teen, beating iotne o| as good horfe# as ever was knewn io run in any part of the war id, 1 1 and winning one match tact. b. Martin. March lg 3t Georgia—Columbia County. Whereas Elizabeth Dvggett*ud Richaid E..b*r.k, hath applied hr letter* oi administration on thees. tate a':c cffscU of Ata Doggtu, dec a»ed. ’1 h 9t* are therefore to cite and ali and singular, the kin dred and creditor* of said dec’d. to be and appear a* tn; tfiice, with j . the r.mr presciibtd by l«w, to siuw cause, (d any they have) tit.y letters of aduniutsiraiiun shoild } not b- granted. I G;vea under my hand, the 12th ■ Marti), 1814, A. CR iWFORD, C.C. 0. fecorgu—-Columbia Couniy. Wliere-as Joseph Van.h)l| has \ applied f- • letters of admmis’ra v.n on the e*»a;e and elf. eta of Dan cl I W. Marahaii, deceased. These a’-e therefore to cite admonish all and sing djr, the trio* dr-d and cr-ditor* of s.ij dec’d. •u be and appear at mv efftst, w.tii i in :hr time preacribrd b, law, to j i she v can*?, (it a ly tb y have) wt.y ! letter* of administration .hou.d not bs grauie i. G'-ven under my hand, the l£ h | Mar h, 181 A CRAWFORD, C. C. 0, ' Administrator’s sialc. will iik sold. * ( - mdi a Co'-r -’»i*sj ?. »-i ' ,c f j>inclivinla 'c «s , surtMiit to an order o' in* h , ms . >b e the Court ut O-dinary . f\* d ° ,,n ;T.all the Hra! K*tr« ol tho •ne John Patrick, decea ed, co - utit t of the following I rucu tl l*»n<lj v z ; Oac ti act containing J4oace t $ >n Colombia ani Ktchtnoud com.- ~rn > H»ow.» by the nanu w * ( h B JU »k.r Spring tract, b unded by * GGruon and other*. | One tiact Cv»i tuning 202 t-2 ; * cre ' , > in *he i*.h di -trict ol i;.,!d, wm ciontv, No. 2oS. j 2#2 i 2 acres oi Land in the 9 h rfiaTitt oi \'» l.kiiuoa touu’y, No. 156' 1 3 acre * in the e h district of Ufit .win county, No. 143. 100 icres of laud m Columbia county,i*< joiutng tl'okc a *il others, i-n 'he vat. i* ot HeniU crack. Pj aciks of !:uuj jn liuul cotinty, adjoiui»g the abnta tract, Hciulcr scu and Coke. 12 1 10 h re*of tand n *ai(| coua tv, k(ij > t»ing Vfitiicbuib , Coke ik VV'att rn*n. 50 ar ca m said county, adj .in i.'g i.ok ■, Beil and Stalling*. leiro-ol ire, Cash—the pro-* perty nou to alte.ed uutil the teims a'r,coaipiied with, ami ih« Durchatrilto p*y foi the 'Villus.— S'dd tor djie of the iteirs | and crc tl iorr. I ifcgh Patiick, adm'r. March |g. Georgiy—Columbia County, 1 \V!i«r*4a John Mairme fiat },p. plied for letters of admi nit ration on the e»'ite and *fTecta of Henry Malone, okc«»*«d % These ar« therafore to cite ami admonish til *od singular, rhe klu j died and creditors r fs i d di c’d, ! to be and at my wito. j in the tinie prcacribtd b|i Uw, to j skew cau*e, ( I any they have) why i lcitera of a4nimistrauoa should no* be granted. 9 G ven ti<lder my hand, the 12th March, 1114. A. CRAW FORD, C. C. O. - "** *” - •*“ - Georgia—Columbia County. V\ h.-rea* Airy and Nathan Urn ton hath applied for !ette»s of ad* ministration ©u the estate & eflLcta of William Benton, deceased. I he-e are therefore to cue and adnrioni.h ailrtod singular, the kinw rired and cr dito,s of *n.M dec’d, ;ro b:: and app i a , a; my fcfiice, wnh ->n the time prescribed by law, to • hew cause, ( t any th: y have) why letter* ol adiu tiijtradon snoulu not be granu-d. Gu " under my hand, the 12th March, ui4. A. CRAWFORD, C. C O. Georgia—Columbia County. Whereas Ar4l)ib*ld Hagur" has r*polircl for lettutiof admiuintiar on on thueststeandiffeci* of Thomas G. Davie, deceased. I lic*e are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular, the k u- % dred and credituts of raid tiec’d,- to b* and appear j my office, wi.h* in the time d by law, to shew (if aty, they have) why letters of admiuiauatiou should not be geamrd. Given u der mv hand, the 12. h Match, 1814. A, CRAWFORD, C. C.O. ■ 11 1 ■ ■ •“•* «—* .. -*■ ■* Georgia—Columbia County. Whereaa W'llli.in an I Saontrl j Germany hath applied for lcr< r» > of administiarioa jwidt the Will i aanexed) on the estate and eflec.s j of John Germany, (Wealed. ! There a-e thrrcJr.ro to cite and admonish ail and singular, th t k"n drtd and cradiiori of dec’d. to be and appeal at my office, with, j in the time prescribed by law, ko 1 eii-w cau e ( f any they have) why hue' • oi adumiUuatioi) shou.d not » be gran ed. G ven under my hand, the 12 h Marsh, 18,4. A u UaU FORD, C. C. O,