Newspaper Page Text
Pubfoshed &».iv ~un<iav"» excepted> »t the rate rs
f3. : 4 per mouth. or sbl foe three t»> «fas.
No jubwcriptioa received for a loaser fi», than i
h<' ftfi t**o*t£ A.jf.
AdTwrtwemenra inserted for S’- ?0 cer j«4U*re for *
the first tanertioi* and 41 *4l for «***h additional.
Where advertisements are in'ertrM. a ueew-th- the
charge w.ll he ‘Ji p*»r L t uare.
A ammo ia# candidate*#!'*. wb.«-& must m variantjr
he paiu ha advance.
A dadm-Uon f2O pereen*. will be tUAifr fin *ll
adveru-ia* act’.'iiau ov« : when peusupt pay
ment n made.
4— Mai »«a ioitai j :
* , TL£ XLil. Wheraae, Amanda L Cattle, Ai
Ik auniatraorix upon the estate f David L Merry,
icceaeed. haring ap pus t *» • leccet- miara.;—m
train saul Adn; 1 .
Thdffe are th.ereh.reta cite and ddamjfcisii %u an i
■iu tae imnir :d and creditor- 01 u.n here*-*!
tw smew taw. ts any they harve, why i a tmiiu*-
nam tenaM mete tr-nmtmed from 12 id adnuuos
luma under my hand and w
cober :th r , !MAB*-03* tt AdR»
he Li mom 1,4 rin.u".
4» t0 44 C» 14 —Marioa County ;
WHERE -B A Sr,ary. Adainiatratar o.4oll tea
estat.i of Joseph N Story, late of mi. county,
deceasea. Luang Applied for letters A dismssi-.n
from said a*flaaAni3tra.tioß. , n .
i'hese are therefore to cite tad trim matt an oau
singular the kindred an-I creditcrs of .'aid iKeasetl,
so be ami appear at my .iftce within the tune pra-
Mznhtiii by [aw, to show cans*, if wbkx {®®3T QAVt, Wa>
•am! hitters of dusmuseu-m should noc be grantcii z&
said -Applicant on th‘? TirTt M )ti<i*iy ui t wo<r noil
viiven latter my njuid and a2Jka*ii iLStLiLujre- <mml
M 4, Lhj4. ALCOA! HAIR,
jjfrfl j'« mr,*Q Ik oiinary
CEOiUlit-Hai ioa County :
i>rL£ iiLrl. OVaeieA at.s J tmes, Aim x oa
Ik the esEAte of lj>w..oi J tines, J, . ismi r-eri;
Cioaed thi4 tjooxt i .i - ictturs troot iAid
Ehose are tnerefore r ‘ite .*nil utiuviuja uJ
iimsuLu the iiia*lred oreaut/i'•; ui vmdt .deauitaiid
to (se *nd kpt.eiur .it at* -ilhee anxhta cue -ua.- if
sen bed hy Ea -■ and 3h,/W ■ tiise ix ab> they tta., r
why said .Ua .aistrorfl» .hauiJ. nut be _di3ii»*a=ed
tViim -,mt Ad eAtiiiM. >Q I da hi* t M iliddi U 2
jadi', ISfiA .
irtveit under tny hand And aieial >*iixuttre, tux.
Heeeinaer she . th, L3«<-'. jiALtuli tiAdxl,
4sfi l i uifini dt iui:.u: . :
UH. E. A. icO^sV.
F«>EM EitL Y Sorgeitn to rae-'iew Orleans re-'
male tiihraiary,’’ teu»ien* hi. l Arviees to the Ci- |
Aeon of Culanibaa ui all the oiaiieiieH ot hidprotes- .
iuin. , , , ,
Speitial attention wii! ;e i»v the treatment
of the diseiLses of woinem. i
*o* sargieai opemtoad performed tor stone in
the Bladder.r istuia n Ano, V mua listuio* ,
Hydrocele, and Aei idental Miymosts,
Varicocele, H<cmorrhoi«is r Piles, Callous Loipad- 1
sable strictures, Raise Pa.- ages, L’ailapesor Club ,
Root, and contractl a of the fotgers. Strabismus or
Sottiutia*. ;Vh«*ritMH, V arix r i..ated veins. l*tery
glum. Cataract And tiau- Lip; also t*>c the reniwv
al of all tumors or abnormal ivowths from any part r
of the body. ..
Luseases of ths (aenito- "noary y-*twas, ■oiapr' j iftg
the •iiiferent stages ot u.ii>uorrli*i;ik, rcrudius--,
Uravel, Spermatorrhea, ryphdn*. in its pruaary
secondary,tertiary and henditary forms,will recei. e
particular attention. , . ~ ,
References given whenever desired as weU as the
recommendation of many years poutthte m s«wOi
leuns; Cousuftatioti i >u.' en \ Lt.
tn the Masonic Hall Budduui. .<> t>< -- elw.ri
a, m„ and from -to l < !<•• :•■ ul - 1 atieo ruido
well to call precisely ,i h«».-« hours. as oet and
after that time wrtl oa dc itedr.o vuii as pta :«;usin
the city.
Address ail couunaL .-aaoas to Dl . . a „
LK. E. A. RMSsY .
Columous. »id.
N. B.—Patrons from a distance will oe visited
and treated at uouie ii desired. 1 ahall be taaaktu.
ttt my procfessional brechren tor any tavor the” n»;i'
dome ay sending me sier-ms reuuui* orgi. x.
also bestow particular attend a t >
the treatment of the dulirenc forms of l hers, hueu
matism. ilout. Scrofutnos aAevtiotas, syphilitic wup- ,
ttons, and all other a hronic iiseases ot the dm.
Medicated famiirai.;' , and dream sulphurous
Baths, as em toyed m toe u ouais Ln.Jiurope »nd
!■-- -■ >V.» - Y •, k . Ir" <>t tuy treatment,
teo a m h - A - K
014 ii o*4 U aated,
txtE wish to pwrokase a large .<aancity >f -< R3 P >
vv 11.0N. n ‘>th and wroasaL t- t■ yu a tin.
mil Oe paid HAiIKBoS, BEritLiil. X
jaa 37 U
Fill* Miakiiiif iitii ifetwiig Tobaffd.
A For s>.ifo ny J i ‘ r L 2 .^dLAi
fob 11 ts under Cook • Hocei.
3- *3 **
-qjf 4S? m*9 3 A. *«,' ' r Yf- V *
<¥»?merly or >Tw drletis,)
*74b BROAD STt,
Staple d? Fancy
*XE cwoitandr - in« sresii init-.u- vv-ib* di
ll reet finuß Etta-ape, of staple and tte. f
GCCD o, .vhiiiii they . for cheap if j •’>
foo 3 ;ai
TBE hustle.-*!' , ei.*e wft be paid or Plow 'Stud siwen
ta exrttit'k. ■- r Bearer -kins. A 'arje number
T St^“‘ lU " C Ar ‘ L- HAIM AN & EBO.
Albany Eaiauti, Cuthbert, Batsbndge and
pa, *-r: aad
ON and .liter tb first <iay of Apm *»-.-
' ehsrrf:- *>r st.'-age oa Cotton in ,ur -or -
houses vvili ce >N tD* 'LLAK per oai= .■••*
t-.iA'r x ALLEN.
WaRS»K V. £ <7O .
j EL. eve. a -:o.
«ihEENff>”-D ± GRAY.
Columbus, G*.. March --i ■ oi
c. Jl I
YTILLbe- !.l r. - ■ ' 'V. V
•- . u j“i i ... ; ..1
r'Hf’irVbv' Undated ia£*x >r L.cUi
to allien enemies . - • T* CLAY'7*' V.
0. ' -Vi i.iiiaL
Cuhtmbos March tet td
\©TH £*
OF \STEBMA-TSR $ Ofc t_l>. ;
OtLi-TiH' i January ... . --•• *
0® the first.of ««h o- L " ‘
p.« t Qu>it i-I'iiuwttfr.
iJ. V fcjf thlS *■'-• .
jut.yec . . Fame* ,a
*hiveu turea. *n« 1 ' M M-•• "s
wr*»ttHl w?l :>»t- -*>*. ••.
monthly. ~.. . r , Ui ,. (! fe; irzm**t
The etui ea- - 1 •
. . t- * J
will a* i*u<d •♦-' :1 _ , , A . , ,
at" *u.i>('di*' ! * a ‘* P*-' ; “ 1 ' ' 'p i" , r . t
■mK. , , ...
Mr io.t cgoartet i*j feiv
ja» 2* tiTl »pl 1
OfsyH'K ’*'■ 1 ‘ ’■ *:„*•* h *“! *\
i -iau»-.i*. UJ . Varch i•. *
All >—«**•» hoULua ••iaiait 1 3 * *“
1m m« hereby Outiliea c i--
autut ia ths- icifoe a or 1; -
Ami unn* uow t’* 1 ■- - i ‘ a ••• u "“ l
cumwey- -* ALL til .
in ax T*s ts *-•
__ tJTAKFtr. U\ < , * I p-* K C v r
‘ t_ .mi «-. jiarcli .4. I’*-* >
* Ail . red ' r •;'■• - *i !i ' ! - »- lT '' '• a * r
tketr uciMni • -«- >. ••■ *' * 1
Mils'-n. *'iii h* ?*’* , J,i K ‘
f. wTmllake*.
■or la ti>i '.l • in.-” v tiu-t.'T
{kN H that Wdi -»i*y hand- •
y Timlin i m
fob 2B a'
PUnutm ; and >hdttl !r«a.
on _• 4.»> ,b«. of PLaa/Tation
iron, jii.i _* ar« • - u.- :.r 's-m- -i
i**®* wtom I will excj.inj-* if Bacon »• cii i r
caaMtiffirue money. W. P. TUB^ES
sari Is
CoUvntlms limes.
Vol. XI.
J. tt . VV.iRBE.I A CO. Proprietors J. \V. U iRRE.V Editor.
Change or Schedule.
. j>' and «fter hen day March Sth, the Tnlns an
‘ ‘ "ds k«eeoiftj Haikroud wdi rm aaSoiiows:
Leave Columbus e 15 P. M.
Arrive at Macon ±sd A M
Leave Macon S it P. M.
Arrive at Coiomhoa „.A «J 0 A. M.
Leave Cofehbas 5 10 A M
Arrive at Coiambus * 25 P. M.
tn-ar -o rs Supt. Museogee R, R.
(hanse of^chedale.
Gvficb FyQvsxs.iL atb fomonsmrr. i
LKaRI.b.3TOS i. VD SaVx5SaK tLilLa.,-±i>,
Charleston, Feb. IS, lab 4.)
ON and after rUNBAI, Feb. -Lit, Passeyer
l rami will
L«r-av* Charleston 7 15 A. M.
Arrive at sav tnnah ... ... t ‘2£ P M.
Leave Savannah 7 wO A. M.
Arrive al Chariest.m a JO r. M.
Paisenders by this route from Cx lamb as, Muns
romery, Albany, hmania. Jtc.. pass thruu*n Sav
innah. without iatsntion.
tab 241 w eooCw Elag'r and 3apt.
C oi
, ,2s and alter March I.lth, the Raisenger Irain
'• a the Montg ,mery ji vv e?t P«mt rtau
Leave Montgomery . 5 Ot) A. M.
Leave West PmoS L- 7 10 A. M.
Arrive at t ■,rumba* > 32 P. M.
Leave C-.iumbus 5 50 A. M.
Arrive-at Montgomery 300 P. 31.
Arrive at West Point.. 4 30 P M.
Freight leaves Caiambus 4 40 A. M,
Freight arrives at Commons s 27 P. M
tnar 11 til Apl } Supt. k Engr'r.
\ r «iic# io Fra*tilers 2R*i
ftpyTCK Mcacoußß Raft so ad Omepatt, >
Cuimab*fc*. Oa, Fee, Ai, IbbA. >
»m and after this date pers. ns purchasing tickets
Hid receiving and shipping freights over this rood,
v,, be retvi.. eti to furnish taa enact change.
feb 24 !m Superintendent.
GiHattn. b ebruary Af. id>4. j
On and after this date aH'parties receiving or tbip
: ping freights over this Road, will be rediiimiCto fur
nigh the exact change for freight.
fob 20 t£ Agent
SiFtiee io siin khoWfrs iu ihe iidiik
of loilril!ui>.
CoLcnßAg, ‘da., Feb. 4th. SBH4.
n the nrst MONDAY m April next, an election
will .■<- held at the Baanaag Ho one for nine Lixe»s
turs of laid B.iaLtir the ensuiag year.
fob tde President.
Cotcicres, Ga„ Feb. 25, IhtsLj
5 .ties is hereby 4. van taat ail depositors in this
Rank are required withdraw tneir deposits by the
twenty -fifth lav ot 3£areh next, in order that they
. may ,:a.,.ce for themselves between funding and
- >y..r .■■ under tae now currency aor. before the
' arit day of April foiiowiaf.
Ana that ill persons having claims upon this
Bank for Deposits* Bank Balances, Collections,
Cat and ate'* ■>£ Deposit, Checks, Dividends or other
iue accounts arc required to settle them by the 25 th
March next, ath-vise the amounts due them ?e
--♦peetiveiy, will oe funaed in four per cent. Bonds,
according,to the act of Congress of 17th inst., for
moir i.icot.ii , iiio, .j n.iected .*) me ..on—
trary. h, AD A Mrs,
icb A> till Ist April. • Coaluer.
Sun au«i En«iuir«r copy.
ilolice. ,
* LL kinds of LY DING done at my residence,
A ppj -foo llama;; i fetStol JstumaW't.uL' fevo
viLii,u.; I aj, kima anen. in payment.
uuir i I» Gyer.
tii iD*, a2te -.5 _tra Ai.ii.iT.iST Loatsect. f i
C dumbos, Georgia,,
At arc n -l, iabL> ’
SPECIAL 02&E3, NO. 1 j
Thera wui be ele. Las held .a the Lit a of April
ae2u.f r such of the Districts f x 1 ;
€a*dain and four Lieutenants, at the places as he-*- j
icnated. 1
foe jcrseoosE eoerrr*
At Flat cti ok wfimol Souse. t, r theVud %nd “4th
us, liiiateii Districts.
At Edwari'a Pre met, tor he -xlst. o. :tn and .
Oilll’ tpiiiL~*i -• -tri- :
At the Ennis Factory P..xide ur-.u; i, Mr the
’ Eagle Taetory District, eompriaias mumum. *
employees and operatives .n aid i misty tnd
.ann.eui.ite wussiity.
At Gt&oe of the do ward Factory, tit- the tlv-w-urd
Fa it ry District, ■ .■...•..niiu.c tae ju, crinten ten;-
em. ee a I.l.aoram " sx at the a .m-.i Fact./,>
Hid ..u.meti ate vaotnity,
Atiii*,:*:s and the Musoorue.Kailroad Dev-.-r for j
the Kaiiroaii District, o-.uiprisiß* the -ap, : j nten
i-mts. uyentfu emi-ivoee:-. and ouiuis ■£ ta- .Via a ogee
and -.‘pelika Depots and aEierune ska :.
At tae otfi-e of Ha m.:. Bedell A on *V ar
ras street.:. • the W- r i ureueatMilitia Rumor, .
• -.-. - , t Jack oQ -treet. Are the two Fae-
A: ,„i >. xA 6ho<> es Mr. J,*iia S. Alien, tir the
East TT'tia pres.-at Militia Disrrict. Tit • east »f
Ji»:k-, a street, ai aui c -rru't, save those
tougiag the Ratixosui Lti-yut A.atrict.
A: ti: tart Ha use, for 'he West Fdtii present
M 7-a! L-, v*.c ail that a,,rti.m of a.d rtg.-
,1, :'.-v,-i r which lies west if Jarksua srreet. L’.i'a s tlurher, for the Ex*- * brn -c* ; -
cat Do;.. :, j: l. -iamk nrigirai Distn«*t «msr ■
Jacks,.,a iirtec.
at rsj.r r ~-{(.< • !rst£ ri-cWTY;
At •-'~l*o*ts. ttir the ’I a*h, lluUh ana UtHth
.-•< ns*.»«daie«i El'.-utu-ts.
. a 0.-ar- ' and. for %sh, “STth.
... aii»l .. '0,4. ■, 11 • adatetl hi-EOrt*.
There will us»-oe elcvn.-o' held u ur A.i
: • dl a; a. r* i-v.-- ■rr ua,s tae E.igie Fa> t- ry
p - .a rto at>iiaad ahi class Batoai
ion t. ■ ,-aed of the tw.» l-'a**tory and Radroad
Dep,.: -■ • and ,a the saaic ia- it . *
• -,iai art ti a ci <ica >itag 1. .' . ,•.e
--.ii,‘ts ia Mas." ■ :nd Char-ah •• ohoe C.,uaLc . t,,r
j. Lieutenant > u- ■ and Mj a* to uamaad 1 .-t
da. * Bntrii, -a : -rm,. iid the men daEle ia -a-u
,v .* - 1: ■ -he xd ‘l.ais B.ttra:i"U .ct.-re
eoerui aetE
The eiecti n- ••»• .: « uxauageu oy a w«-e : the
R.-a,-- lad arr -- : .it ' w Freed lc. A,
..■,.itary •dk.-era therattsaadtaitv *hvefs, pr.pcrty
made and cemne.i,od turwaxded. to meat
bv* place. . .
h - ter . a . -a t_. -ha.ii tii-ici— m-L aui£.-
p r. Philip--.
li ixbtlw I. and A. E>. tb
\©TH E.
ut A RTF.EJf X> f e.R uFFKE. f
..uli-bU' 1 , <»•!-, M i SI ’<l 1-04.
Scrap Copper,
d«ll«eye0 t.* sa. wii-i-ftet-mr-tcf m tm* t;r
■iiiimynt to me.
post Quart erauAer if* to :ns
u ,:dtere<i. a I warn it J -r 2tt>>e Htvet;.
F •' DILL-tr.-
amir U; apt i Major *Q. M-
Columbus, Oa., Thursday Morning, March 31,1864.
Citp UlUitaiß D urrrtcrn
He al- . AklhßS POST—lit Sr a t itxset
Cj Stairs.
CoLJ. •* Ru»aai4oy, Cem'g.
Gape Clai. W oQp. A A. •V.
Cap- J. S. Smith. « A i1 @
W T M ■ hfo: C! :k
C tjt. W. S Wall - s—rear i r nea BaLda^.
C -s. Ofoethoryu an-i 3u Cdr -Sts.
Maj. F. C. Hc3c?hb£TA. Comg.
Cap- W. LaTiAUf. Ex. -er
Uswt. J M. Mrxusy. JOlitary Store Keener
quartermaster left
At No. Id Broad Broad St.
Maj F W,Cum' g.
Maj Jo ay E Dim Post Q. >f
Cape. H L i-. fhea:;. A M.
At King. Allen A Ounikd Warehouae.
M.i,,. A. 3£ All as Com g
Cape. J. H. GaaEELL. A. C 3-
Cape. Theodore 31;hex
Liaut. W. A. Haxsell.
G. Ti, D'jCPdL.iss, Post Surgeon.
' rfi e at W ivaide Home.'
J 7 w aiTE. iGeneral Hospital Snrg. in Charge.
J P Moose, *• ‘* Surgeon.
L D Cahsox, u " Ass'’* Surgeon.
R Fowleh, “ u “ •■
W W Dickie, u 4 * “ •*
Office near the Old Bridge.
J H W iHxe a. Chf. Engineer.
Capt. Geo. N. Extuht. East of ctm diaaJt of
Eiaminiag Board.
j S W HOTE. S.* . r Surgeon.
The Board meets it General Hoepital * u
Tuesday - in i Frhlav ?
I am prepared to furnish, a superior
article of
made of the BEST COMPOSITION, if
are sent me, and ship diem neatly and
saieiy packed. Or I can famish
in <|iiantities tyhieh oalj requires to be
to insure <jood EOLL EES.
All bills are cash on delivery here, un
less shipped by Express, then 0. O. D.
mar 15 Ixn
Wue lannfactori.
THE UN DEBZIGNED i tprepared to, ill til -rdars
of a superior qua lire-. AH order* must be addressed
to tae undersigned wu’h.cha money enclosed, unless
orierou Exp,ress, when orders will be filled and
snipped > .til c. L».
ai.U’ 1. Lai
iaaifUtTdii* D«pfHitor>.
Cist-CTratrs. March lid a.
Holds;-* of C.r ; , b" o - -‘z.', r. those bearing
. . 1 ertihesttes which w® en
title them to ut . •:! Eou.i.-. . uich privileg;;
wiH first >iaj- «>t .LpriiAor notes or all
lei: tiiuia.t 1 us, after j: i ' date, j.i notes above the
den.,a. _j.iti.oa 'fr -e 1 ihw"- *:*u mly bo umdeii a
sixty-=oi tan tv -tlu 1 l .> a- t.:> tae :j, except
One Hnaitea u - . r :• •. - «Umh uia aa tauer rs
ceired after that Lite foe puUlo .*ues and tan only
a funded it 1 farther reduction oti-en pereeut per
mourn. The Certificates issued, ja weu as the Hoods
or whEL they will be exnLanged, are rcceiraolft in.
payment »: taxes : >r the year Ihou, and are not sub
ject to the tax : mp« -sed as a other Bonds.
Come ;orwir<l .'r '.mpuy and ;brain your '.ertih
(.*ates and not run the risi : cetng excluded by. the
oresure that will rake place ' wui-ils tie er.d_or' the
m'>nth. :i >'. t-■ ot,
mar .5 till Ist Apr a >’• tMSit a* 7 _
Enquirer xiiii u i ‘.‘i'.prtui n i» iviaui oiil
■ t;> me.
A JsslaTaST Viiria-TSJtila3TSm *S OfFl.'g. )
C.dambas, tieuraia.
March id l*b4. i
f j;:.c _t ..i .artim u«j_ ox ifurehasu or £na
! pr„ ; iuenr. maa. . ;j. E . T -L ie.-. tu. pre
'eur taeu- litats :. r avm..-nt ay .ue a'til inst.
mar TO Iw Capr. X A. v M.
Sun copy •
Land lor
» Tb A .‘T ■ f Elu-HT KT Ni'hED land, iy
.a ..., ueu- ..1. 1. ;uui.y. Anar
oaix.a. Between tioaiM a • a res ciearea. ail ire-a,
harm* teen •.- ai -. *w r'or - - year**
Husf nary : •.a .rip-J - ,est.-act..a pr -
■ lacing lunus .a ,an.. 1 r aeorgt,. .' wrsu
ing t-a invest In -:uja ptnyperty mar ■-* on me te
' tw’sen tills ind tae d>th .m»t.. lfrer taa r tc wt;T oe
* withdrawn frtim atiirket. Appi^to
ax Green w .1 x < u-, . ifftr-e.
mar TO til 2f-th mar
Hon®e Wan ted.
* ■■;•-- a aaviii't aefi -c. will
oieose apply or I. S. '-ear - J-r-mry Mure,
unwell 3-ts
La*.l \uiite.
il s< io.r.v v.i> * i ir xr
iambus, Mar h i ? •,
.11'' >f w oreeer kind oumjKi
ay must .-e re.-vr-.c*- i---- _* a ui.-t. li n..t pre
3ente.i oy tiiar inti * ra* t o t#e 1.1 • »ii~ iq
fetierate Irea-'Ui'T :ae prerren-; -.-sa*. i: to--..'
tds?e r .n 1 . .ax*ite.-"*ce :. o.' p-rr eu. £i*-u»ls, at *
ar-tMo ■'"'l-; 'apuiT.
J. *. ET\ ;N
sar rti 'ostix i'r- 1 - am - .
TO LOrhlAHiV*: ““
T>T ..-if -1 *a* TT*r &*{wranß&t, I .eue- r - lay
D i>t Eastern L> o . taa.i. ta peratein Mat Rerru -
My regimenr 1.-r s Louisiana cavalry anil ren.ietT a.;
a: Setoia. Alabama. Is atbiki>>a. t Ha/'-f
•Y i*w~cr ran.-, prsscawa by >ar aa-ua*. L*- at
»j«a. P Ak. Till aweompaay ta* an*ier
Orleans, in experieß- v ed md -s.. . i-its *ti
formo fly a*-i .-turz* «f mv Ld battery t H ir*« Ar
nil«rr •
A r: e iierai ae ei
iledsuce f LottL'uina *o ra -a;; and or a
0 . ~ r> -vn .i iFnnyi rheir m.if 1 r t.l IST a.j.' i.Od .yj. ---
ap. a tiie *oii of their -tb state. &■<**** %a>l
eti-upaien:' will be fart: ail *n-. re
port r. me at .Seim, i
Lei rbere en- • . Tripie-Jarnwa *lta ttiai****
reveu- - wid nri.-r r 2 -rr - -■■' a : e «
rest m Leairiaaa t- ret* -ae -tor- t ns"n>*«imy.
:id; ' - ivrr.
r .. ■- . . u
OuiTufl. -t.i... A» 1. >1 n
31 OTIC E.
I am iciiract*! to *«srtthe preaet C arrency in
oaytneiit 1 Taxes mxii Aprm oat.
mar £ ttl ipi In Collector-.
Wednesday Emiins.
-From the R-iund T ode March 12 '
The CotuiDf Campaign rose*
At the risk of f-ein?
but with the hope of presen tine a more
distmet imr ressiion upon the minds of oar
readers, we will enumerate the most
portent fmetion? into whi<?h our forced
east of the Mis&feaippl are divided. Com—
meneinsr with Florida, they appear to be
about as follows:
1 The fbrtifieath rts at Key West and
the T irtuxas are ii-.l 1 O; suilicl :nt garrL
2 The remains of General Seymour’s
comuiaad at Jsefcsonvdie.
?. the immediate (Nommund of Gen
Gilmore at Port Roval Pulaski. Folly _s-
And. etc
4 The troops under General i A at
Beaufort, Newbern. and other piaeies ;q
North Carolina
5 The c> mmaxid under Gen Butler at
Norfolk and on the lower peninsula.
t> The irtay of the 1 -t mae on tht
7 The <i-ani.3oas of Washingtou and
8. Ine troops in the lower Shenandoah
valley.and thenoe to Cumberlan.], Grafton.
Be veriey. ete
D. The troops m the Kanawha valley.
10. The army of the Ohio in East Ten
II The army under the immediate
command of Geo. Grant at Phattanoeya
Huntsville, etc.
12. The troops at Memphis, and ii
Id The command of Gen Sherman,
between Vicksburg and Selma
14. The garrison of Vicksburg and its
15. The gaiirisocs of New Orleans,
Baton R. i .e T etc.
16. The troops sent by Gen. Banks to
co-ijperate with Admiral Farrug;;t agaiu>r.
To complete inc picture ve may add u
these :
17 The troops on the Rk* Grande.
1". Those at ladiaaola, ete.
19. General Frankiink command in the
Teche region.
20 General Steele at Little Rook
21. The command m vicinity of Fort
22. The troops in Missouri.
22. The command in New Mexico.
It thus appears that to the east of the
M issiabipift. -da well aa to the west of it,
we occupy the circumference or a >asc w i
de, la this case more than three la lusanu
miles in extent, the enem i- oerore, hold
ing the center, and posses;-mg aiao mili
tary communieafcioQS between his different
armies. What A it proposed to effect with
the numerous fractions we have mentioned.
We will endeavor to answer this question
as we best can with the aid oi in** -.canty
information we bosses-s m eouiaon with
the rest t the piinlic. The arst suo-He*
vxsi in i‘tq lires no com meat; its purpose
is simply m hold the very important points
named either lore _u or uomestic
It fa impossible fbr the unidated to account
tor the secoti'i tViibttoa. or tor the mo" i.l . .
winch brought a Gout the 4; esc rr- us
UlasJee. As we are now 3imar.-i tii ■ po-ise?-
3. ,a of'Nortneru FlariOiL.. . . ,o of 51 military
advantage to am cause, .immeasarak.- vita
the ''os - if gaiaiog and a... .ing .• Ii u.A
aassee were the ’oiechve pour ir. ma :
of folly to move nipea it fr -rn the -an. over a
land route q, about one hundred and eighty
m instead of starting foai T -i. :
Ap.u.’. .'Uieola, or be. Joseph, a; t fas.: Lo'
retain the c .ca.c J of 3 v mo .r at J ; is. u-
or elsewhere in Northern. Fronds .. oolu
oe mereiv t > weafeen ruxr tori -•,r ee - *L_:
numoer of troops they areasei ■•;••• o ere tn-i
can be wed empLijoi . ..nnot
lock In that iirectioa the aa en : uuj a;:
likely to -ry -lite the . lose ot 'he recedi.JL
The rhinl rraetion. tka- 0:' or.-n GUmmre i;
eaaer '■■■ yt i:, y tom su.-ti! t:o "v 3 ak
to . .. .-a.,Tr.L-e t • • r.o< md
Ltr. .. . . : r.i-: to hoi i r.-o-.>n
the y..-.- : 0.-y; the nary - . k 1 •....,- -
une.tpecreo ire ait., yt .1.1 ~....• 1 -u:,
' TOO - 101 -'' .
shelling or the dttr wi... h , t - *
the onlv 00'.’ loaiion or the at>-si;~ n- t
at aid ebeiir the • 4tr r 'eu<:es. and . a produce
no r-ett ;r cesiilt tiliua the ex: ••n .:t .• - oi •-
- is* atU' .ar of .opstijr ammuulr; ;., and an
.a■■: -ease 1 bittci'u-.-■•!= reeling on Owth sides
Gen G :ta>-re'o
r'-«f Settei enapiovesl m the capture of Wi,-
miriitoti than ia ae-rieie a.iranee; :n Flor: i.i
or u ■ n Joan’s island. If he ha i not men
-nona'a 'o ia .re •: i-‘ ess ii 'A '• .. n.
connet?tion ; u-’h trooy ■- .14 »*
st>ftr**i froan North fc’arodna. m- iTiiitr iar
plos canid oe well -iseri with some fThe
large armi-s 'Derations arat 1 the
end, deeuip t .e coe
What may h* the strength f the ‘ m-;,
Srfletioo t-‘ h rre no tu.--»R : : ki. ,w.a - ot .
-artu u ' ‘-rr; •’•-■ui ■i:or ■ ■ - --y a
- uir >.-.i - 'u.Utt'-t- ia North foilaa viz •
either : up** - .4. satn-- -nt " gain an«r
a.ud Gohisboi and Greens . r -
else to retain .ix tr o. * e rough to* hold oor
own with the .ui the gmaor • and =f’on.
- -r-a and- cori As it . . tr that we 1? -
a,.; * ri m > >rta ' :•• • a;* t. a •
• a Koieigh. we cannot ex ip--." * tint .-«
way of decided advantage- 2 - »tae
jartit - trooo* - rte wvn on -
a lore .nth- rscnctuon »f ncwnyton so < t
this not he done, my shmioatroops .here aav
“e there, after ijroy nny i« -r 1 etr ct dei*- or
•cola: t.i je :cq- iu ■ o* or v.te u>‘* ■ •-
■ii'-s » the deid j
ties Boner's iwjmediate >:««aid i sl
weak - uc-* - 4 ti: ami nd witn any tivp.** -
sti -- -- in.i it l.irger that A necessoryta A. a
hfs seat ae Fn’e=i ».fen Batler be
largely re ; arc reed, we ar mt to expect any
rood : ..1* there.
ISer* -.mes the army ,1 :it I i-a-ir. wLiea
G n<- :■ i t j-t tei taG awn?.-* --r?'-'. to *
--, rn . :•■ '* ■■riTiee i n-’ ea-rr - in ■>, ,-t
dec is.-.- • v.. ti.ey j*fao«l4 rnr. r r Pec. sen th*t
Its. of operations :? not well .and
For the iirect iefesce y. T ta. 1- a .aa
the acre.- Potomac Us ■ <0 neyr
Culpeper Court House, is ey e.ha', fcu ev**v
mile advances will .id-i terv maca to ,-j
iJEcalties, and io«g before reaching Rich
mead a will ha.-« :r.«t whatever of
acuabers it may now p«g?ess, anl ,-ss x abac- i
$3.50 Per Month.
j c- aifegetb-j ;■? eoaunoaicatio* with W»ah
..- on. i-. 4 iie, .tseif on the James nv-r
b.c tills ij £ * ui accaedooce with the theories
of the Wash nrua and we a»ve
only to anticipate inutixer fraitleass otreapi
to rear a E . amend overiaai ** on w <oden
eg- 3
The -aa experience of ‘he past, is fre-h
enough .a • ;e minds g and. to enable ear ree
ier« zo Inw :h-»:r own con ’.uriun xsto thepr.-b
--*b ' resai: of renewed srffnrls ,u me direction.
laiixmuc.cs have «eea neiu out thxt it was
designedt.; move oa R..amendintwaeeuaaas.
the army of the Fotomi , overland and a see
ond eolumn a!:og th« -James river C F*eis
ea< i of th see eirinmas is cape.m* of coatend
irg s-access:.illy with Lee by used. :he prob
a '.ir>s are ogaiast tae success of such a
envement for Lee being between them may
attack and o each separileiy betor*
the -her eaa aid it..
Diipatfbet to Vaukee Prest.
..' uar . n 17.—Gens. Burnside
and Hancock were aaodsomely received m ■ H»u?es ot the Lejrisiatur* to-day. Gen.
Hafloock. ex ocessed freely that hie corps would
re-enter th.. army of the Potomac .ga l a.
Sz w i oax. March 13.—There are rumors
't a coaspiracy emomcing several counties
an-i At is in Kent ussy, ua r inc for its object
th- umex.. t .v of Aeaaicxv so the Confedera
cy. The lenders h.ii their Headquarters at
Jlonticello, and were csrrespoading with
Longstreet in Teonet'ce and that Kentackv
metnhers in Ri. ntaoud had heid correspon
dence w;i:. parties in London. Manchester
Mount Vera- a. Dan vide, -so., it is feared to
esfoi-b : : i central committee m every county,
and compel the Lanacit&rrta to jo a the re
beiiioa as 3- on as Lohgstreet or br -ckmri’lcre
enters the d^ate
The ini’amons conspiracy 'bus di -ci ••.•re-’, by
the seizure at the post office ot foiter .ui
iressed g Kentucky members of the rebel
Congress to the leaders of tae plot.
Gen. Gilmore’s finer - o. -tah states that the
lower part of fTarfo.uon -s neitrly destroysd
that only the upper part ir occupied by treat:
The rebels .ire -a.*! re. have larate for* e- ...
North Carolina,uted along me railromi
from Petersburg to
Longsrreet, it is said, will be appointed ,>.ep i houtn Virgiura, and Kirby
S«ul.ii tak'-s his place in East Tennessee.
a -s: Mar .. 7.—The new tax bill
aearl v .. .. .-h I’ny '.he W ijs and Means Com
.i " " Ms •'> ' ir-d Articles only w'll be
taxed. Or.-. . ... or gailon will be placed
on. i . .•. j after the Ist of July.—
Ne tiier -rude patriotism aor tobacco will be
ta x-G.
The rax a refined patriotism will He twenty
ceuts, and on raatr >ot > -ss than thirty cents.
I’ue Times dispatch zoaiiruu the report of
3tu;irt crossing toe* Rappahannock, and says
Kilpatrick ami Marriil are on his track.
Li. ... ia —Gen. > hernia a is
sued Genera •• .• >. ; .j—. .v assuiauig
eomcM&d of the Militar Diviaion r,f Missis
sippi. Kis Headquarters for rh- will
oem Nashville .> :e sam o»>-upied
bv licti Gn use Grant takes wub t.m
ui- He leaves for Woohiagt-oa
ifot r .rain.
* - : J T . rjyruq Z j Qld 1
■ a uero, urn >:d last night, reported at
once io in > ind was ordered to report
under urn'- ... Gen. Schofield. He asserts
that n no.ii of his commission the army
Tali receive kis services as a private He
. Hois that he has violated five of ••&.•
R uai ~'ion?. and if ac-prived of his ranx ke
will viudi'-ste his ioyoii ~ in the ranks
u .rch l: —Several men were ar
rested a few i’. vs -nice kelcw Hickman. > .
for i ng ill ug I.l h^rs.organixed them>elv »
•u: aipauie- fur ire avowed purpose »
tering the rebel service. A number ot
sympathiser? have recently been ictlvei y . ie
cruicißg is. :ue r e _-i ;i r»y
Guei,-i-i ii : ; >-.ts formed ¥y bfizeos
m '. i ' >u! L-i of Ken tacky for rt»e
purpo.-e .[ ..iterrupung aaviguiica on ike ,
■ ilia and iLsrcsip! river*
New Vo as: .March I* —The Tinea Paris
corresponded aan aceea rn - important fart
that M.CiXtr -ux n ias not.lica - >n bv the
French Emperor., chat u ;ue rebel steamer j
ii icpahann :h now at Clio, is Glowed to
pr<.- sed to «. a, the French G -vernaient will
i'.-- 2 -id r j - r ’ns l 7 ;; for ihe : truage s. e mi.
•io AnnAihu.. c.mmiTce.
it is iso tun "jfo : that the French Gov
ernment. has issued 'iu gent regrui Aliens con •. .„ser3 of 1 he. rere . Aaion ,;
lings *pccifie>i in these rr- -.- on*, are
.-v • ti,e eifect that the vessel of euker at
the .igerents can remain in port :_,or- town
two tours iniess by stress of w-h. >er a for
necessary repu.r ».m no j ss- iin return,
so i freaci . : a. -i .oaviug ;a ess t : m->
.iu Free u. •> . i
t iuiie from ILe Army,
.: - .
v.i, i.,La 1 -M * -r;ee-,u-v ;q. tn * 2ora . .ya:,; to
ixxr ; • ttir . -pinion, in. sefereaee to Got.
Brown *ms ■ ;: : the recent . non of tfc :
Lea ilaT ! ? ii , w *t -able aa l -;-*-
Wh ”■ si? to '} -and !>_- *i . -o;
Gv .ra.a is* imsd ~e rsexoasi' -izi
17 --.ate i-: !a - r hoy:,. :v ta ■<■ tr, .
mest ir- ?. . -,--i Conrresi* for too ic.tiuse
.f i. -,-Ltiv an. en*le*y«r«d to i»-
jtr.o ■ nit at —u.:. f purpose and. setioa 00
:l-* : art of car people aad Govern.raeatae<’es
3arr ’ th® *r*7?v tor :aa.?e; and inaa
mu - - sre aawd’inw ;r th * fair fknse of
<— 1 ->e a: ;. ••_ .red without .1 pro
te-r a poll Ci-T part, tairreldre
L -soLve; Tnat we r- odiate tiiesentim^ats s, (iorertiivr in his lar y
an*i -ir .rr me a .*.■ >n gi tne [.ey *-■ 1 :■ e. -
an *- ,1 x *:■*,: ,n= ; :«ni n/ ttMn w,
forty. ,ur a id. ot the men «rhos>-
* . . • to lean 3s an th? eon re it and
ta? Laid
Rt • That ia r>-.r .yin' n. ta® Georx a
Legi-.i: r - •. . ■. r rer
tion ? - - - : i jupport'f
• .. nprw c. mpuraee
tuirv - .- h., "'no ioo** all Is rheirpoww
ta ~ -an nsScaci **f his most ria--.r-s•, *
-'f-o- da*s.W forrii a.- IWSOC* »-f she
- 1 - *r .. en<-rny.
r '. .. . .rren-'er-.'.
i.r in the arm and
iav . lactieal kaowiedfW
-' - t.e : a- -W IN -pas Act
<-T .t - - - •<- ■.*• us *re-i * * we can
3; e i'i;_ or.r te. w-cluzens
or ... : te-t same, if
net- ary. . -cLiiT . a they are suspected
■ • aiding the -u‘*-;ip
Resolved, Til. > Co- <-»; Stat.e- »*«>.-
ernei* at h ? •,! ? •»•• «i to - »tr.«
vr*H n-.c vv Ith ‘- 4 ?**•*»«-ip i ■ stvui-' -»':f
•. -rasw’t ianoE eon.-:st--nu> »•' •< -*-f
--fesoeef -'cc f- " ce at the pr- ; e:-- f i- ; ,
tas istfl '"-
not bc-ight—.v e 0-3 :er - r.:. .*0:.- oa.
Boaur-cari . and L-:ngstrevt is car most efi
cient peace m .kers ‘dr '-he present: bat as
GoT-rnor ? ova proposes to -poor oil apon
the rron: '- t witer*. v ; suggest that ne ap
ply to ?r*s.i*ai £ttk*is for the proper ;re*i«a
as to A -hiafton vnd
*k!»s Re ?N>M hiatseff fib Wftfifhe- w, Itart
as ioai - rhe id
I the 4naouacerji<*sfct of (Ae Afcl* rite
victory *nd we suggest that he stay
there until pence is declared.
The Excbaasc
ar« *t present aiv-.sta >f mom foers nr4
pa.ats which we« cat bcoairat i,» or wrter.ti.u a:
**me the ixticic on the subject >t ioa 4i-hmr<
,l prisoners, psbjLteed in this column A vaste--
Jayfr paper, was petm-'A The Bib;net rvforrsii m
AAi oeec *o mystified and ofcsecreu fey strions
tax: we doubt not wa seal, wave rhe
riaaiu ot the paniie, if we -an aov sacceei iu i:*
Et appear* '-ken that the tnscneri cow return
ing to is are ewactiy tn :ae same itu.w >ua. pri
mers that have arrived w . thin or lines
the war, vie: a a*L ml jmroiij. Ihe wrais n thfo
pariie are itwarir set forte in oracle : ..r es the
mill, as fallow* -
“All prisoners of war tc be >I ; on parole
in tea oar* after tneir cap 'are. and tae ©cuwineri
now heid, ana muse hereafter taxen, to be tnus
p*irtedt<> tee p*>ia« matnaky ag-jed upon, u the
expense af the laptarir,g partv The surplus pr:
loners, ootexehniiged. shah not be permitted to
:oae np arms nov so **rv* as wuLEary po, ir <-e<LHac.amry force m any fort, ganisoo. or
held-w ,rk. held by either of rhs respectivepartwo.
aor as guard- of pr.a aa. >lep«ts. or itrr*-* ttrr tc
disc merge any date nsoairv performed by soWiers,
(BLtu ex-icon je«i aouer toe pr-v-jiuiis A th-J car
tel. the eTchaugs is dt to he cctuideced :om
pleee until vfee officer «r soldier «xchanged for has
oeea actually restored to the liner tc whiah ha be-
Bp- - the arrival A each boa', the agents .: sx
change are re«pectiv«ly furnished with a List .f the
nun and £:er? ielivared—a regular mbit ita
cre-tit inset being thus kept. ir. i a receipt e ver
i— ■ each lot,
i>. tar all is plain. Now. xs to the ippreuenz'-m
that the prisoners re>:ets* : v returne*! at City Point
may be «ept on taea parole by tae pan.aSH*:* m
the enemy for tee conuiiuioa or" a for mas exrnaug ■
we may say that saca fears ire removed by * -r
tain provision -if the cartel t .•' reiteraUv s~ tu
It appears that alter in equiv iiont ,a ons- rar* uua
been, deliwwwd in owta ii.tes *a »a «>iai pa-.. tai
the right, by the terms of the artel, *.; it- G-v wn
eiKhmntfo. Ihe terms ct this •."■wiaec: are too
plain for Arm. te four at tae car
tel read * -
’Each party, upon the and seharge fr.- zero a;
the other partv. u aathomexi t iisrbarge an s..aa.
number A tneir own offi<rera ana u -a tr m oar.. :
famishing at the same lime > . - '.her cirty •
u*t of thaar prisoners ii*rh u*/-: at i rueit w-;.
officers and. men relieve-* rr u-. it .e ‘u ; eaa
biing pa-*-t t<- ••■cil*. * • ,e
»«c» ijficer* <rnd we# ,xa : -n r -i mail z,i -»e The
.nst.s thus mutaa.iv farvu. nod w~i iter ,rh par
ties adt ewd f "he true . a . .a i. liianrc
>)f prisoner •” ,
Ig id entirely apparent i.■, thefonsuaff-*
move. ch»iC it ■ .jniper>. n or . ino!,.n«r
&} dee'are, at any >lay, tho prianaers to* whom
e>piivale'ct* have been, re it’u --!. L'tiy *t mge*s.
and tha- •| > aadli€<. .iga;a 'arid Thu *oar«
woe taken in the ease . ;he '» ..tkjburg
The only condition to sn -h a JecGrir. gi Ls that
the enemy *hoai<i have an e>>ni -vlen f m prisoneri
list?harjpsxi from ptu»ie and this i.:n«, to Lcc
tedernfe authorities may fo>'.aiv the prisoners
turned tar,, choir Elnea' exchanged, with rt jfaer
formaiity. >»r the aoesibility of restrain* v any
new c'luu .a md of the enemy, or any lapyuHßiint
ary n**yr-• nariationsfir wb-.r the carte! ureaiy ie
&ermi««a. Aich -rmmd E /- •.
A New Po: vt or FsoaA.fovs—T >e F. eh
moud Exaiuiner iaioims a,* that 3a.vnc.aau. qy
some point nigh unto it, n&2 een weWLed xi
the neufrnl ground for 'he ie.iv-ry m i :i
--ctiange ct the pnsoaers of war sen’ from R oa
moad to Americas, and such, others al may
be gathecod .tt the Major E. Gr.iwoid.
late Provost Marshal of R. mumd, aas oeen
detached from service .isro. and ordered to
the ab ove poat.
A Richmond states lart" it is
ram trod in taat city that General J«nn H
3forg.*a Las r.- gnod .>n aoc oat ot a
deratanding witn (he ni-Linue: I’ae Gea
er»l and his fatmij ii new ,n r ha; ;ity
<>nh Day Moan Fcnding —We
copy tfoe tii‘Rowing from the SavannaL
A e«r.i of the 27^h:
fvadvjD «>6 ht. -he>in> -—HGder? of
Treasury uotes wiL have the pri ege of
landing them on, as well as vp to, the drat
ot April This notiffcation, *ays the A;eh
mond -SV Ls in accordance with the
jpmioa o2‘ the Attorney General.
Police to Railroad C »uipaales.
HEAD gl'a EX ERF OF « jITFv. tvl. IIOX,
. 3TATL :-r j£ EG IA
aLlcoa. Hi.. March 2S 1361 >
The toil -.wing section of ia Arc -i congiuss ao
prered, i efc I.‘, IFL4, reiatira- tae Exemption tti
Ratir.ud Employee*, and ia-jr.. ns g. railing me
•Aiue u lousixed in Am-ie .j .-ectioa Clrmlsr
id. 5, current series from the Bureau of Coaserip
tion. arc pubuslied ,r tae ta£, umi gniuaae*
of ail cor.i*eriie,i :
sec. "Thar all .aw* gran".ng exempt; a
Miittarv iad thesume 1: -*-a~, :•> repsiued
arid, hereafter rwae ua . e ttempteii except -he
Ad “The President. Trea*u-:r. .audit,- ami Su
perintendent of any Tom; v .7 *r .iged in
rran.-y rr 1 • a tir *n< 0 '--emmen- ,-d such jC •
*»r* sad -.*«;• ... ..-e- 1* tae President or 3a
peri* . i-or-miif -er*,: n .acn, t ,e ma.jpen
:i *a** * *h eifi. bent .per* on fiu a Rtb.-pad
pc . ~U.I. t ,t the number *Ger, .ns -temptid
ihi a*; r a any Bailrsad shall not exceed a? f,r
e< aij.c t,am B ad>u actual use Car Ail ary
tran i-o, and *aid exempts *tia;i oe rep . cte J
by a i;n- aa-i i«*:eripti<m, with rue namesotany
may aav“ lef: the employment .f raid C-,m;
who may -.-ease r ; he an.ii-pen a-: * *, -he t: ...
at. -us .. .:a r..,aa at least -ju-r- a a.- .
rau .--.creta, y a >Var .r mcr. ,i,.er aaa* taa - .v
-- mat a ~r ..." «. . , dsc _ ;r*ta : - .
such Pres lent r 3uy lit: shall, mea cm
monthly report certify ,-a . »t; -hi - pen-, n. i
b,-.- t.j dlaiiary -:ervi..-e aa oin e ,p.,yei -x -.
C.aipaa,y . . tae pa* age coas Act, ia any per.-
r i ,n .a rt •; A -0...1et »ir,,.y men,',
iiufcio to m:'uary *ervi.. : and *apaoie of ; -r. :n
--,u* ,fi< .sufiw-ae tuties :u. .
Tfic, r A-itirclda nave .i, •. - r . " li'
of theeuemy, and a portion of the r- x of
su.-h r;.ui-* '** velug used r. ue . . - .
exeinyk i.i', it. *he Pr- !»-.r ml .: *>- y-v ;ri
*>f said hr*;, named r - ■ ~a 1 sx-rr •
\TLL Fxemscma ,a ecax *d * asx :
L- XU*. * ■ , ... .
fiftnartieie f* .
ihaii ,e mj-F .* . : ...
the : a . . . i
tiaaauthorized 0 ;■•.. v, . . -e . at?* .
jmee with naiti x - ;-* .
1 xcL-pfi-.Q, *s**<rpt for -r.e Prr i-rv irei,_ ; : ?r
Aud.r *r, and r-apenntenu-:.* : xi. - -s',
an./ £ ari ax*i cmpioyex ,fiEi. • 1 ;
auk - -he President or L. *r.raea.daB r ?ht.i ur* -
tV fc -* r ; '•■-ITT’' 'h.-H 1116 par..-* ~ei f r are isuH
jH:.:-,'de r rheeflMent terat . f T u. - Eadr.i:
th 1 ..< .ii es ye-.'i-.XS :X :U-.. r a-• X Slid r.a
ft ,u ... .'■• c -*x.*:tea ,v; -eiux*
set ait u-t tir m...rary iratsipor'.it ..." . -«
exttiua: f,r su-'-h road had ,e ret- - ' "-3
m*l desi.-ripth-G. once 1 e n’t cnc -ui
mb t C-n * "pc* fox ae r a ; x. agx • - :
sueh road passes or to-he Bur «u ---
together with 'he names and •-*
lay one wu., aav teav.. -be em —~~ oe
Eailroad >aimo»E". -r w -a**; ' ■* m a*ibie to -P* ' 3 r ' he i;l - i
la- *n. -ui. .. w rL • above, the P. - .
~ up**i . ■.. .** . - : haiirosu .wi .c u
this -cate, arc rennetuec. «>-■ t.rvu; t
a,? curly as ; r wtie-uhis. ab. ; . _ u
for the exemnti'.a .. ta- - -...r1, ,-*-.
By order »f
Com’dt of Come . rGi
P. L XCT In. Lien' i Ar.g Aift
Marcs :i*>—dt