Newspaper Page Text
Publi-hed Daily <' -und tys -ex'-tqitod)at the rate of
SS.SO p«r mouth, <»; :1 i In three months.
No sups( riplion received tor .:i longer term than
hrt* tuoitlh*,
4ilVi:iMiSi\o KATES :
Advert Dements insert l i t<>r 72 00 per .lOiiare for
the lil t i in ertion and ' I -V) tdr eaeli additional.
Where advcrti-emeut* are inserted a month, the
charge will be .>2O pe: ■ iu;trc*.
Anuiniueiiig candidate'sl9. which mu-1 invariably ,
be paid in advance.
A deduction of 20 per rent, will he made on all
ailvert King account. s over •?on, when prompt pay- .
meat is made.
(;EOR(xI.4-‘i>larion C ounty i
*; ULK NLA. Whereas, Amanda. L Cattle. Ad-
II minun atrix upon the estate of DaVid L, Murry,
deceased, having applied for letters of dismtni sion
trotn said Administration.
These are therefore to cite and admonish alt and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deema-ed,
t.i siiow cause, if any they have, why said Adminis
tratrix should not ho dismissed from said ml nil ni
Given under my hand and onieiul signature, Oe
toheroth, 166.1. MALCOAI lIAIK,
dec 12 motu Ordinary.
(UEOH(<il 4«Hlariou l ouitL t
\k IIEURAS, B. A. St ary, Adioini tratorupon the
Vv estate of .Joseph N., late of aid county,
deceased, having applied for letters ot drnnssimi
from said administration.
Those are therefore to cite and admonish all »n*l
singular the kindred and ereditoi 01.-mid deceased,
to be uud appeal at my office within ine time l'iß**
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they ha re, why
said letters of dismi -ion should not bo granted to
said applicant on the tnvt Alonda;, nr October newt.
tiiven under iuy hand and oiio ml signature. Jan.
22d, 1664. “M A LOOM liAIK,
jiiu£smbni Ordinary.
iiEOR4;i4-ftlut'ioii County :
RULE NTI. Whereas Cm ire .lanre?. Adm’x on
the estate of Harriet Jarm-'\fr., having peti
tioned this Court tor toiler: <>t dr mission trom said
Adinini: trillion. . ,
Theseure therefore to cite Mini, adinoui n till amt
singular tire kindred aiK-l cieiiitoi ul ard deceased
in be and appear at uiy oih -e wiM.iu itu* tune pre
sort Led by law, and . iron cause it any they have,
wnj -aid Adtniniidiatria would not be di rm.-.'cd
trom said Adnrinistraiion on the lira Monday rn
July, IHO4. , , . . ._
tiiven under my hand and .»ih ... 1 Agtiatuve, uii3
December the itii, 1..i1.V1.C0.i! ii A i. ‘t,
dee H ruoru Otdinaty.
Jbri"£>OU.o£a.i O£4.1?«!•
ilSi, ID A , "di.iifHSW
UUIiMERLY Surgeon to the New Orlesnq “Fe
r mate Infirmary, tender.’ hi- „er vices to the Oil
ixoni of Cos I urn bur in nil the branches of his proitez-
Cl Special Attention will be, the treatment
of the diseases of womeni. „ .
•frar* Surgical operation. performed for Stone in
the Bladder,Fistula in Ano, Vteico-Vaginaifistula,
hydrocele, Congenital and Accidental Phymosw,
Varicocele, Hceuiorrhoids or Piles, Callous impas
sable stricture:’., False Passages, Taliapesor Club
foot, and contraction ot the linger;', ctaabismud or
Ruuinting, Aneurism, Varix or dilated \ eii,:;, Ftei y
glum, Cataract and II air Lip: also for the remos
ai of all tumors abnormal growth troui any puit
of the body. .. . * , ,
Diseases ofthsGemto- Urinary system, compiling
tho different stu;;t:: "1 Clrnimn hvea, >tjicturcs,
Gravel, Spermatorrhea, . yplnli.-, in n ’ primary
secondary,tertiary and heiiditary tonus,\» hi leceiv a
particular attention. . . ,
Kefereueea given whenever desired a? wett as Tne
recommendation ot mans ye m pr .ettee in fSewOr
leans; Oourult.atioii h>»»n mo day at his Oitiee
in the Masonic Hall Building, uom 1" to 12 o’clock
a, xn„ and trwin 2 m4o' p, nr. Patient:! Mil Ido
well to call precisely at those hoa. , n beiore and
utter that lioie will be devoted to \ i.itvug person: in
"aAV, all R ’ y .
Columbus. Ga,
yj. B.—Patrons from a distance will be visited
amt treated at home it desired. 1 sli dl be ihanktui
t<. uiy protfe. sionul brethren tor an.> tax*' l Umj miry
bv reading me ptraon-' reuuins Surgical
■l will a,.2
'r attention to
mSJutmont Os the di tie relit J-.iiStiVSJS?-
uiatism, Gout
tiuilS, Ulld all orher chronic di-vase.- nl > *- ‘
Medicated !',.niia:un,na and bteaiu emlphiu.M.-*
£j wtL , w t . 4IJ ; ni ( Ijl* L»» ‘pit Ass In Tcuropcj aini
Aim..', a. ii ill f*,iiii a pari of uiy treatment.
<|Br g«3 Ili’OK 1 4 , l iS 4‘ii-
WE wish to purchase n large ciuantitv <d lIHAP ;
1 RON. 'hitlr cast, and wrou ns to* winch cosn (
will lie paid. IIA I!il 1 .dG-V, l.i.ltl.LL A f!•
jail 271 f _ !
Li lit- Siuokiiig and i’ht‘wiug rutaaoi j
IT Wllt'l.l' SM.F A\M> RETAIL. -
A for Calc i..1 J . i vi riJN.
tcbTitf Ururgi't under Cook ti,,tcl.
CfOOBRIQfB & (30.,
(iofiiifrlv nl Uw Drifuabi).
Staple l ;, aney
ARP constantly receiving frc.di importations, di
rect tram Europe, ol tapic and fancr j
GfHIDS, which they niter , h«.i|< lor c.i.d.
feh :'i .'an
14u:t % t-r & 2iisis 4% :< sa4 r ij,
THE highest price will he paid or Plow Steel given ,
I in exchange for Beaver Bkins, A large number
W Ub V . : l'iw ■ U “ UUV a ‘ L. 11A iMAN A BRO
Albany, Enfanla, t.'nthbcrt, B.nubvidge and
R 1 lively i iper copi tw amt send 101 l
\\ iirt-SiSi4«* ’ \ s v 4s«’ r ,
0” N and utter the fust day *4 y! o. ... the
-chartre for storage on. C-d En. in <.uv ",ao
bou e will t>c ONE DOLLAR p 1 l *a'o per mouth
KING &• \ I > 5 0 .
,t U. IA EV A UO ,
GREENY o• >I• a ,uR A\ ,
B< .ffl’L 1., fF A At'U i 00.
Columhuc. Ha., Mi.ivh hi. i di. - 1m
\\i ILL bv mid on the first T;u- .•?•«:• *•*
W b tween me uau.n hon M a .‘:Y..y“i|
Q.’art House in Muscogee conn l f £“ e v J
' C Beall "and one ti I
Beau * Murphy, one ti ta . i the Con
fa vs K. A. Murphy,garnn-hec-rat*'S, lit .
federate State? of America lor -
to allien eneime: to V \ CLaY IG D
C. S. Mar dial.
«'..lnnihu'. March Ist td
On the first of ei - ru.-.nth M,yv s _*'•;/■ 5: ; ”^
i‘o-l V|tt:»<tCVlUttoter. will onll. ' ‘
lAovve? <*r this department, ».
« lave , idled, awl for property rented, la* tie m
;iSY,i «i« .»*« wi - M
"S?«un..T«c"ofbaTr.ns ! .oH,ti,nl),P« 1 m„„
.„»* , .vCwi-t. II TnOotlirar,. Alip...a*h;c.
W 1 w r l ' ; rherefor win be made by
of supplier rod! F w . Pti.LARI).
m> ' sSlf ‘ M ,jor ,;”d Qr. ■ • torinnster.
jar. 20 till apl 1 . _
Ornei jjintai'tjcxa. De? 'Htrk\t, _ >.
Ccuuuibu-:. G, March J • r> *.4
All parties holding elaiun ay tin xm. i- «‘-*.ncr.t
due. are hereby notified m t-r. o, ; m ror l*a>"
merit at this office on <*t '•> tore me ’thin t.
Amount? notv due will he paid only in 'the ptvrer.ti
currency. 1 ALLI..*.
bftr loti 1 ■ '
QIT4UII 1 VIA' ILK'S ft 1- lit 1' WENT, f
ViLAUiw.x. rvdufiahn u,.0 h 11, l:vt..
All creditors oft hi* Pep. r t mem are in.fined that
their account' and “ 11 . •*■■' \*} u \ u *‘EE,
March, will DC i>anl in t*u h l *- -*'
encrency. p v rijhi.AKD.
mar lo till 31st inst Qbancnnaster.
oiiL'i0 ii L'iS t r. W « " X, .fui.“ J UKFICE.
feb 2G ts
Plantation ami Shovel Iron.
I HAVE on consignment 20,000 lbs. of Plantation
Iron, and will receive neit week some Shovel
Iron, which I will exchange feu Bacon or sell for
Confederate money. W. P. TURNER.
mar 21m
J. tv. WARREN * €®. Proprietors J. W. WARREN, Editor.
(Imnge ol’ St Ijtiiiile.
| IN ami after Euml.iy, March 20th, the Train 1 )on
* *he ■'•uiciVM Railroad will tun as tbiiowa:
Leave C'olumbu? 0 15 P. M.
Arrive at Macon 2 52 A. M.
Leave Macon y 36 P. M.
Arrive at Columbus 6 00 A. M.
Leave Ccdumhtf? 5 SO A. M.
Arrive at Columbui 4 a> P. Ai.
mar 10-ts Supt. Muscogee R, R.
Change of.Schedule,
Oi-Ktrr Fn' and Bupeeintendent, |
Cuaulkston ami Savannah Rah.road, >
Charleston, Feb. is,
ON and after SUNDAY, Feb. 21st, Passenger
Trains will
Leave Charleston. 7 15 A. M.
Arri\ e at Savannah 4 25 I’. M.
Leave Savannah 7 00 A. M.
0 Arrive at Charleston 4 30 I*. M.
Pa:-engers by this route from Columbus, Mont
gomery, Albany, Fufaula, Ac., pass through Sav
annah without detention.
feb 2ilw eoa '.vv Eng’r and Supt.
Change of Schedule.
ON and after March 13th, the Passenger Train
on the Montgomery X West Point Rail Road
Leave Montgomery ii 00 -A. M.
Leave li cet Point 7 10 A. M.
Arrive at Columbus 5 32 P. M.
Leave Columbus 5 50 A. M.
Arrive at Montgomery 3 00 P. M.
Arrive at West Point 4 30 P. M.
Freight leaves Columbus b 40 A. M,
Freight arrives at Columbus 3 m P. M.
mar 11 til Apl 5 Supt. & Eug’r.
Police to Travellers uu«l Shippers!
Office Muscogee Raii.hoaii Company, I.
Columbus, Ga., Feb. 22,1804. )
On and after this date persons purchasing tickets
and receiving and dapping freights over this rogd,
will be required to tarnish the exact change.
feb 24 lm Superintendent.
Girard. February2o.l3o4. j
On and after this da to all parties receiving or ship
piu;>: freights over this. Road, will be i'enuired£tofur
nish the exact change for freight.
feb 20 ts Agent
Notire to Siockltoitiers m Ike Bank
oi' Columbus*
Columeijs, Gr., Feb.4th. 1364.
_on the first MONDAY in April next, an election
will Kc held £ 't !he Blinking House for nine Direc
tors of raid Rink, fort be «<>»«. h.g> .yv ,r.
feb tde • ' 'President.
Columbus, Ga,, Fub. 25, lsii*.j
Notice is hereby given that all depositm - in this
Bank are required te withdraw their depu. it.-, by the
tueiitj tilth day of March next, iu order that they
may for themselves between funding and
luxation under the new currency act, before the
iir:t day ui April following.
And that all persons having claims upon this
Bank for Deposits, Bank Balances, Collections,
Uci, it,cate-' of Deposit, Checks, Dividends or cther
due a. count are required to settle them by the 25th
March next, othwiae the amount- due them re
spectively, will beTunded in four per cent. Bonds,
according to the act ol Congress of 17th inst., lor
their account.', mile-- especially directed to the con
trury. D. AD A Mb,
leb2 • iiil Id April. Cashier.
Suit and Knijulrei' copy.
V LL hinds of DYEING done at my residence,
71 ~ppi:-ite Hainian’s Pistol Ai unutactory. Pro
vi one ~i iuy kind taken in payment.
mat 6 lm Dyer.
Hi ai,<A uii' u■ '.dill Military District, |
Columbus, Georgia, *
Match 3a, 18«»a. I
Special. Obbcb, No. 3.
Tiimc- will be elections held on the 12th of Apjil
ne ct, tor oath ot tho ~i <.t*t Militia District-- fora
Captain and tour Lieutenants, at the places as ties
iviiuted. i
for av-;rno.KK copxtt:
At Plat Rock School House, for theiM and 774! h
consolidated iai-tru t ■.
At Edward’s Precinct, for the udlst, moth and
ilastli conaoUdated District'.
At the Eagle Factory Parade Ground, for the
Eagle Tactory District, cmnpri.nng the manager.-,
employees and operatives in said Tactory end its
immediate vicinity.
At Office of the Howard factory, for the Howard
| Factory District, eouipririn,- the Superintendent?,
I employee' ami operatives oi the Howard 1-actorj
I iid iiviuicdiate vicinity,
At the Office ,-f tl.e Mui:ogee Railroad Depot, for
the Railroad District, compri-inp the Snperinten
i der.t :, acer.i - employees and band-.' >u the Muscogee
j and Opelika Depots and -Machine ohope.
At the Office of Harri-oii, Bedell a* Cos., on \\ ur
; run street, for the West i ,':'d present Militia D. :a.«t
’ i .-wit. ail west of duel: son tree! save the two Fa. -
Pay District?.
At the Work Shop of Mr. John S. Alien, for the
Last 773d present Militia DLuTet, viz • all east'of
Jackson street, in said original District, save ihose
belonging to the Railroad Depot District.
At the Own House, for the Most Ooetii pig-sent
Militia District, vi/ : all that portion of said uiid Di'trict which He? we-'t of Jackson street.
.ft in ini Durkin’s Corner, for the East Obtith pre
out District, or all of said" origiral Di'trict ea-t
Ja« kson 'tract.
At i'u'scia. for tlie 1104th, llihltii ami 110'th
i u-i.iidatcdTtP tl let?.
At liatloe.i Court Ground, for CTSth. 727cb,
ilo7tii and lIaJJ, consolidated Districts.
, There will also bs elections held on the
April yt the Parade Ground of the Eagle Factory
Di ,i .vt, for a Male rto couimand a2d ela* l - Battal- be formed cdt#c two Factory and Railroad
l>epot District?, and on the same daj at the two
C«.untv tour! Houses each oi the carious pro
, met .n Muscogee and Chattahoochee Counties, for
a LieutenantGoiojmAand,Major to o..mmand a 1-t
j via; Battalion, formed of all the men liable in --aid
rwo •'«.unties, save the iM i i.r— Battalion before
menuoued. , ,
lhe elections w.U be managed hy a Justice ot the
Peace and a Fieebolder ot two L r-01.-dder , a*i tAy.*
inilitai.-. officers, the* r>JL and tallj abed-., piope.iv
made v.ut and ceititieU t—, and forviiirdc.l to me at
bi-- place. ... , . ... r
Pv vt-der oi it*-,uder~ii. i bicf..
mar 24 lw C‘‘l. uml A. D. C.
r%0T14 E.
Columbus, Ua., Morch 10, 13»U.'
Scrap Copper,
delivered to any Quarterinrster in this State, for
shipment tome.
Post Quartermasters are requested to buy all that
is offered, as I want it for Shoe Rivets.
i mar lit apl I -Major *Q. M.
Columbus, Qa., Frida; Moruing, April 1,1864.
€itii illUitavD CUmtan)
HEADQUARTERS POST —110 Broad Street,
Up Sians.
Col. J. W. Rokertson, Com’g,
Gapt. Chas, M'.op, A. A. G.
Capt. J. P u;H, AA4 IG
V\ I. M L i MiPEE, Chief Clerk.
Capt. W. S, \i allace—rear of Jones’ Building.
Cor. ulgetborpe and St Clair Sis.
Maj. F. C. Humphrey::, C. u.' ; -.
Capt W. Latham, Ex. Gill-, er.'
Lieut. J»M. Mulpf.n ( Military Store Keeper
At No. 15 Broad Broad St.
Maj F W. Dillard, Coin’g.
Maj. John E. Davis, Post Q. M.
Capt. H. D. Cothran, A. Q. M.
At King, Allen A Camak’s Warehouse.
Maj. A. M. Allen, Coin’g.
Capt. J. H. Graybill, A. C. S.
Capt. Theodore Moreno.
Lieut. W. A. Han hell .
G. B. Douglass, Post Surgeon.
fOffice at Wayside Home.)
J C> White, General Hospital Snrg. in Charge.
J P M(Tore, ‘‘ *• Surgeon,
L D Carson, “ *• Ass’tSurgeon.
R Fovvler, “ “ “
'\V W Dickie, “ "
Ohit e near the Old Bridge.
J. H. Warner, Chf. Engineer.
Capt. Geo. N l . Knight, (East of the Bank of
E\auiiuiitg iloaiiL
J S White. Senior Surgeon.
I’li ■ Board meets at the General Hospital on
Tuesdays and Fridays,,
to KuStersT
l ant prepared to'famish a superior
article of
made of the BEST COMPOSITION, ii'
$ 0111 j IIS and STO€ ’lt>»
are sent me, and ship them neatly and
safely packed. Or I can fimiish
in quantities which only requires to be
to insure p;ood BOBLKHS,
All bills are-cash on delivery here, uu
less shipped by Express, thc-ii C. O I>.
mar 15 lm
(Dim- ITlaa&iilkcl wry.
r PHE UNDERSIGNED i y.repared to nilaliorders
I for
of a superior ijuality. All order : must addressed
to the undei'igne.l wifhrt'ne money erndosed, unless
ordered by Express, when orders will be tilled and
"hipped with C. O. D.
mar 15 lm *
Confederate states Depository.
ConuMßtra, March Ist, IftoJ.
Holder? of Treasury Noid (except those bearing,
interest) can now obtain C, rtiticatc? which will t?n
title tbi iii to tom i'ter cent. Bonds,, which privilege
will t <niiliiue mil ii lii i day of notes of ail
deni.minatioi,-. aiU-r that date, all notes above the
denomination of ! n'e ilollars can only be funded a
sixtA -six' and two*third cents to the dollar, except
One ti-undred Dollar Aote? which are no longer re
ceived alter that date for public dues and can only
e funded at a further reduction 0f.,0n percent pci :
month. The Certificates issued, a well J? the Bond
or which they will be exchanged, „re iv.-eL able n» ,
payment «f taxer? for the year 1804, amt are not ; ub :
jeet to the tax imposed -as on ..thei Bond?.
Come forwuid proinptly and obtain your Certui
eatee and not i on the ri k of being excluded by the
nresure that w ill take place towards the end of the
month. G’* U. YO-UNG,
mar • till 1 l A prd . Depositary.
Ln 4 uiior .indLii.-i* opy till I t -4piil and send bill
to me.
Assist:.xt’s Office. |
Columbus, Georgia, >
March 10, Idol.) .
Parties holding Certificates of Purchase or Im
pressment, made by Maj J. F. Waddell, will pre
sent their claims far payment by the 2f,th inst.
mar 10 2w Capt, & A. Q. M.
Sun copy
i TFiACT of EIGHT HUNDRED acres land, ]y
A ing near Sp'i iuc ifiil, in Barbour county. Ala
bama. Between :R» and 3;MI aertw cleared,all fresh,
i having been in cultivation only two or three years.
| This section of country’ is among tb« best cotton pro-
I during lands in Alabama or Georgia. I’m u,-.< wi-h
--| ing to invest in such proßeri may call on mo be
: tween this and the 20th inst., offer that it will be
withdrawn from market. Apply to
km. C. Git.lL «
at Greenwood .x Gray's Office,
mar 10 til 20th mar
Bouse Wanted,
Immediately) Any pf-i-’on having one to let, will
pleo- c apply at T. 8, Spear’s Jewelry Store,
march 21-tt
Mu.ioOoee Rih h*u£> Cii.yic.ivv. I
f olutnbc. , March Path, 1804.4
All cl r ims of whatever kind against this compa
ny must be pr. seated by the T-’th inst. If not pre
sented by that tune they will be paid only in con
federate Treasury note oi the prescrit ;"ae,at their
; face or m Confederate four per cent 1- ud-. at the
i option of the company.
i J. M. BR INS,
j mar 19til 25th Treasurer.
TO EOi i.siA.UA.VS!"”’
• 1> Y order of the War Department. I leave to-day
I> for Ea t-in Louisiana, to opcratein that ifi-triet.
j My regiment > l-r Louisian . ea*airy, will ren<L.. win
at .Selma, Alabama. luaddit*on, a splendid battery
of Sawver gun.-, i.rcsented by .■ a, comniander, Lieut
Gen. Polk, will accompany the expedition, under
the command of Cantu.u 77 I.N. Rofcio=on, ot Neu
! Orleans, an experienced and skilful officer who
j formerly had charge u my old battery ot Horae Ar
tillery. „ , ‘
A greater inducement caiurd be ■uterea the^ ex
iled sons >’>t to rail: arouiid ur < ouuii > s
colors and avenge their mailin'dd wrongs and oppres
sions upon the ? of their own .--rate, lioisea and
I ociuipment? will be furnished ail recruits who re-
I port to me at Selma.
j Let there be m. delay. Tiipl«--arn»eil wifhjastiec,
reveug- aiid courage, let u - trike tili iy-t -a b*e '
; left in Louisiana to let! the store if their ignominy.
JoHN S. StriTT,
Colonel Ist iieg't La., Cavalry.
Dalton, Ga.. March 17 3t
I am instructed to receive the preset Currency in
I payment of Taxes until April Ist.
* J. A. L. LEE,
I mar2stUapUst Collector.
TSiitruFty Evtiiiiii^.
On the 24th the snow averaged ten inches
on the level in Tennessee. The men of Long
street ? army are reported to have suffered
Daring tire recent storm, snow fell in the
vicinity of Staunton, Va.. from twelve to fif
teen inches deep. In the cuts the railroads
were completely blocked.
The bill to give adjutants of regiments the
rank and pay of captains did nut. become a
law. It passed the House of Representati)es,
but was ln-:t in the Senate.
Thf .Richmond Whig says Gen. BreckiumW |
seems to be winntnjg golden opinions in his |
new held. He i3 said to exhibit wondertul
iUtiiity, being inoslart the time "in the sad
dle, and familiarizing himself with the to
pography of his extensive and important com
... * «•**
Important From 1 Mo.too. -The New Or
leans Fra 1 of the ITih in?! u• it has private
advices from Mexico to tiie efleet-that fuareE.
driven out from \!ontere\ by \ idauniv and
forsaken by Dehfftdo with nearly his entire
military force, has been cotnpelhal to re-ign,
and is succeeded by Ortega, who, being the
president of the supreme court as well as n
general in tlie army, becomes president ad in
iirifii ex officio'
Richmond Market—On the 24th brown
sugar brought tiom- F».G2£@58.87.1, accord
ing to quality : crushed ,M 0 25, nmpk-
coffee Sll.SOfo 1 ] L. 70 salt :5 cents p, i* pound
pepper $8.2-5 : soap S4 ; soda $3.25; candles
(tallow ) $5.25, wax $5.25@55.50 ; dried ap
ples 52.25@52.37 per pound: peaches $2.50.
Liquors—French brandy S9B per gallon; ruin
s6l: apple brandy s6l: whiskey $55: gin $44
Colonel Dahlgren, on whose person was
found written evidence of rim diabolical plot
to sack Richmond and kill the President and
Cabinet, and who was a ring-leader, is said to
have been a young man of gentle, winning
deportment. No doubt, says the Richmond
Presbyterian, lie was “as mild a mannered
man as ever scuttled a ship or cut a throat.’’
The evidence is beyond question that he wn3
a villain. A just God did not allow this chief
of the assassins to escape death. His degra
ded body meets a proper tate. \v'e know of
nothing which so completely tits the case as
th «* prediction of Jeremiah concerning one. of
the royal house : "They shall not lament for
j him saying, Ah, his glory ! He shall he buried
: with the burial of an ass, drawn and m t
forth beyond the gates oi Jefusalear
The Mobile Tribune reports the proceedings
of two mettiiiga—jtiie one of the civilians of
Louisiana, and tho other of the Louisiana
soldiers, in respect to the death of Mrs. Beau
regard. At the tirst of these meetings the
Hon. O. J. Villerv j delivered a most eloquent
speech. The re.ndiitions of both are brief—
and, in the case of Hu* meeting- of the soldiers,
are lull of a hardly concealed fire, says the
Tribune, which, one of these days, nia\ burn
out the catitf'3 that have dared to in tilt the
remains of tin lady who bore the honored
name ot one of our most distinguished i
Tfiie AlabiUoit at Singapore.
The follow ing extract front a letter dated
.Singapore, December 2bth, add n-iej ring to
the recent visit of: tin* Alabama to that port,,
w ill l>e read With ijntei-pst:
The Alabama is jnot large, barely. 1 000 tons,
but -he has the aif of a dare-devil craft that
would hesitate but little to te-t Iter trength
against a mucll sirpnget enemy. Sin* is very
low in the Witter, a,nd extremely long, but Un
most remarkable feature of her build i? h; r
extreme narrow neks''f her burn amid hips yye
should set down at a very little; if an \ thing,
ovei :7 feet. Site has Iremendons spars, and
her greatest spiead of canvas is in her fon*
and tilt sails, wlueit areof tsiganttc proportion
i a tie ii an v ass alone she lots gone as much
LA knots. Her arniaiue-nt con i .is ot -;i>:
pounders, smooth ptore broailstde gun--, atol
two large pivot guns, one fore ami An
other aft, tlw former ht-in- titled bo' lin)
pound shot, and the ialtvi a*■-■mootft bore for
6S pound shot
Everything on deck h in splendid order,
antl ot the very material, the engine
room is a picture of neatne ;?, and the engines
arc double cylinders, ot 300 horse power
j {nominal \ though capable Os being worked to
| considerably over that power. Under team
: alone she h.i3 gone fourteen to fifteen knot?.
The impression which a thorough inspection
of the vessel left On otlt minds was that lit
is essentially a haudj raft, capable of the
most rapid anil effective to the
extent of her strength. We bad hpeu aeon -
tomed to think that she was slightly built, hni
this is a mistake, tor, though wooden
built, . he presents a side equal in strength to
*that of any modern! vessel of war of her
j When talked to berg aloof tin hard push the
Souti uers were having Bn it. * ’apt. Hemmes
i pointing to tlie Confederate ring over his he-a-l
‘•lt ;?» no matter, that flag never .me?
down —a bold r.n i confident l*-iu-t. whLi;
only time can test the truth of.
Gln Hood ix xiif. Saddle.—We liave seen
says the Appeal, a private letter from General
Hood to a friend iu this ity, from which we
i are permitted to make the following extra i •
••1 am told -on,, of the old women tn tn-w
---ei - in utir iouatrjy tear 1 am not iu good
; health, and Hint i ha ve to be tied .* i islencd
| .»n ray horse, etc. Since I came uca- I have
been riding ali over this country with General
John ton, and have been in the saddie 'every
J day effough to have fought two or three b. i
| ties, without lecliii.y any inconvenience from
'it whatever. 1 ride] with perfect -vmnoit to j
ray self, a till expect tj» wab. v\ ith a •••am- bv-iore
I long - 1 t< ll you I Htii m i health and us
your*.' a? over, umli am -.ntv .r*-1 <n a
go *>l i ouditioii to uytit a butih- ■ l « -c-i was. •
so do noi trouble yourselves- about me
The Richmond Klandiitr has an item otr
the‘ power of specie' in that city worthy ot
note. A few days since"a. lot of very large,
fine-looking shad were exposed for sale in the
Firet Market, and held at seventeen dollars a >
$3.50 Per Month.
piece. A man came along jingling seventeen
cents—a dime, a lialt-dime. and two cents—
and took one.
The Mobile Register exposes one of the
disastrous results of military interference i
with the regular course of trade. It says; 1
“The ‘beauties’ of the order prohibiting
shipment of meat aud breadstuff's to Mo
bile by the Mobile road, have resulted j
shamefully and disgracefully. The amount 1
of prov ision awaiting shipment, but which
wtue withheld by an infamous order, that |
were destroyed or consumed by the Fed- 1
erals, would have lasted Mobile a twelve
month, yet these supplies were invitingly
placed at the disposal of the Yankees.'’—
Sherman destroyed them, and the people
suffer. \V ho is to blame most- -the au
tli. jii\ l>\ which the order was issued, or
th. ini' who destroyed the supplies?
| From the London Standard.]
The American War.
Territorially, the South lias no doubt
lost something; hut site has lost, infinitely
less (ban she was generally expected-, and
not a foul th of what some peculiarly auda
cious partisans of the Federal cause have
lately set down to its credit. They say
that the Confederacy now holds one half
of the territory it claims. The answer is ,
simply that tlu is utterly untrue, in the
“claim,” of course, are included Missouri
and Kentucky, of which the Ooniedr rate
Government never held possession, aud of
which the North will not keep possession
when once it is defeated in its main ob~
ject. Os the eleven States represented
at Richmond, in July, 1862, only one has
been temporarily reduced under Federal
rule, or rather occupied by Federal armies, j
Since the out break of the war the South |
has lost Tennessee and a fragment of Ar- '
kanaas, a little portion of the riverside!
territory in Louisiana, and insulated posi
tions iu Florida and the Carolina®.
The Federate occupy post in Mississip
pi, but that is all Northern Virginia is |
simply a devastated battle field, of which
the North cannot be said to have posses
sion For all practical purposes ten of
the eleven States ate still held by theOon
federate excepting such portions of them
as have been actually occupied by Federal
tr op i under the protection of their guns
boats. A territory mpre than three times
as large as France remains entirely unsuh>
dued, and, at their present rate of pro
gress, which is not likely to bo maintained
ir would take the North ten years to over
run 4. Even when overrun, it would
i he conquered; but we ueed not enter into
| any discussion of what may Lappcu in a
| case so far removed from practical proba
j bility.
IF at any moment that should occur
which has more than once seemed on the
point of coming to pass, if the Confeder
ates should gain a decided victory in the
| West, while driving the army ui The Po
: tomao out of Virginia, the North would
! have lost at a blow everythin^--except
! New Orleans—that it has gained hi three
years of warfare; while, ns we have seen,
the .South may sustain a 'defeat without
losing anything of her essential strength
and powci of seif defense. It. is quite
clear tliat she will maintain it until her
independence is recognised; and it is for
Europe to consider whether the termina
tion of a war which is a disgrace and an
affliction to mankind shall be allowed to
await the slow recovery of the North from j
the fever dream of conquer,, «l>outs and
T<» \NOKT!SONWg> i.»■'. <’apt. .laeksnti
; Warner, late ennituissary lor it.e Libby, has,
wc lemi, been assigned to duly m the .same
j capacity at A miersonville, Georgia, the local
ity of the ovv prison to wbi; It the principal
J part of the Vankee population of t:elle Isle
j have recently been transferred.
r * *" *
I Majutt G i • khaj. M’Laws, —We learn from
| the' Uu huaond W hig thud the trial of this
di iingiiislied officer, is still progressing at
Mot, i town Ttnn, It 'will be remembered
tit 1 1 iiiiti an* , die attack ott the tort at Kuox
vilic. he >y i > rein red of Itis coinUiund by Gen.
I Long-t reel, and ordered to Augusta, (la., to
report by letter to the Aar Depurlatent. The
renfun assigned was the toinilr-uion of a want
of . in the Lomiinindiug General,
I which, it was feared, would eilect tic* morale
oflheswni', fiubseqnetilly, specific charges
i wore preferred iigiinst General Me Law** by
direction or ti.. War Department, that the
matter might he brought to i.» <:e and tormal
ly investigated. Tti:*r ivm complied
with, and ft court martial convened at Morris.- 1
town. We are pleased to lea in that the e' i*
. dence elicite.l t!ius far. does uot sustain the ;
charge against Gen. McLaws, and that he. will I
j doubtless be acquitted without the neve Giy
of introducing a witness in his behalf. The
charges preferred. »elate to the manageno nt
oJ the t-sai.!t on the fort at Knoxville, ot
which, it is understood. General McLaws Lad
t!te immediate direction.
General McLaws entered the service at the
beginning of the present war as a Coloner,
and : sc rapidly through the successive grades
of j r .motion to his present rank, lie has
participated in all the principal battles with
army of Northern Virginia, and justiy won the
reputation ot a brave, judicious and efficient
| officer. We do not err in saying that to a rn>tn
he posses- - the unbounded confidence of his
: Division which composed of the beat
j in tire sei. ice.
It is proper to disclaim in whnt we have
said, any de?igu to reflect on Gen. Longutreet,
wiiopc nbilitv and eminently set vires
are unive. -eh "onceded.
iiti.-.n. W \-.i> Beecher on the Cgnped —ItvT. Henry Ward Beecher, a few
in\ -in:*, is ncr startled his hearers at the
Wym.-.-ib L'burcb; in Brooklyn, in a eulogy
on our troop , in the course of a sermon de
signed to shrw that the price of liberty was
dot oni. eternal vigilan e. but eternal self
shci .tic According a -Nc-» i.ut. p. .per he
rein vrked :
•Where shall we find such heroic telf-de
uiaV such upbearing under physical discom
fort, such patience in poverty, it. .ii-dtess, in
absolute want, as we find iu the Southern ar
uv ? They fight better in a Lad cause than
you do in a good one; they fight better for a
passion than you do for a sentiment. We be-
lieve them misguided, but wo must do them
the credit of saying they fight well, and bear
up under trouble nobly; they suffer and do
not complain ; they go in rags, but do not
rebel. they are iu earnest for their personal
liberty ; they believe in it, and, if they can,
they mean to get it.
.Mr. Beecher also denied that slavery was
dead. . ‘ D©ad ! he exclaimed, “we know
that within the lines of the frontier army there
are yet thr£e millions of slaves. As yVt, we
learn they are docile, amenable to the will of
their masters, patient subservient. Don't be
The following parody of the beautiful lines of
Goldsmith were taken from the sign of a silk dyer.
It undoubtedly obtained for him many a fair cus
tomer :
When lovely woman tilts her saucer,
And finds too late that tea will stain, ,
What ever made a lady oroaser ?
Wha* art can wash all white again ?
The only art the stain to cover,
To hide the spot from every eye.
And wear an unsoiled dress above her
Os proper color, is—to dye.
What's the Matter ?—ln the new book called
•‘Miseegeuation,” written by a young mulatto
woman, there is the following oompliuiontary pas
sage explaining “what’s de matter' with Xew Png
The white race which settled in New England
will be unable to maintain ita vitality as a blonde
people. They need the intermingling of the rich
tropic temperament of the negro to give warmth
and fullness to their natures. They feel the yearn
ing and do not know how to interpret it.
Thu Exchange D^pge.—The Richmond cor
respondent of the Charleston Courier has some
speculations concerning tho intention of the Van
keos regarding the exchange of prisoners, lie
What do the Yankees mean* by keeping our
prisoners all the winter long, and sending them
hack.just ms the lighting season is at baud ' We
feel .-me there is some iriek, and think it i.; this
Butler's recognition as Agent of fix. flange will be
made theconditiion of the'deliver\ of the next
boat load which arrives at City Point. That re
cognition will be refused, and the prisoners will be
Carried back to Point Lookout/ Despair, it i
thought, will seize those who remain inpri«on, and
defections will bo iiiimerou.-. Lt a devil trick,
and ought somehow to be foiled.
The Georgia Platform.— Wo notice from j.•nm
ol mir exchanges that we have been arinitrui t to,
gi\iyg our support to what tsi\ designate the
“Georgia Platform.’ We disclaim any such inten
It is true that we opposed the u pen-ion of the*
writ of habeas eorpu*, and regarded it as stukrUfe,
: at the Constitutional liberties of the people, an t
i utterly inconsistent with free Government , n r do
we think the necessity has ever existed in,\ the
I formation of this Government to .ntl. it. We
have also been consistently opp... ml to usurpation
and centralization, and shall always condemn,
with all our power, auy step t wards the accom
plishment ot that end. We dd not approve o ihc
secret session of Congress, for it renders u : i mem
bers entirely irresponsible to an intelligent con
rUituency, by whose voices they hold their out.
nor does it in any manner a? Tat them in carrying
on this war. We believe ii the right of every vo
ter to know what course his representative portae
tuat it may enable him either to approvo.or repre
hend. But with the present vml of secresy thrown
over their proceedings, ini-, privilege is not accor
ded them.
However, at this particular lime, when the hated
invader i-i threatening the overthrow ot .'tale oi
gauization as'well a.-: our Go, ernrueut, aud our
people with ignominious v;i adage, we can but
deem tho course of Gov. Brown anti Mr. Stephens,
, at this particular time, as both unwise and uupru-
I dent for no possible good can grow out ot suclr a
; contest, but perhaps uinch evil.
it is our wish to studiously avoid any collision,
i at least until we are free from tne vandal hurtles
who now pollute our soil. Let us ben a unit,
until this object is accomplished, holding at the
same time as sue red as tho Romans did their Ru
bicon, the limitation* of tbo Con,-ttuition —J/. >.r.
Gen. Billow. —This officer tun been placed in
command of the cavalry of the nor thern ui- trici of
Alabama, and is now engaged in ru, -mg si largo fort .
To aid him in this. Gov. W'atubas tAood ..■> order
uirecuu* that owckeomnapies «*f the :’*htc militia
as choose to join ru such service, either oi those
i arsed under the recent proclamation of the Govern
or, or such a? have heretofore, or may hereafter or
ganize, or persons belonging to the unlitia, can join
the command of Gen. ir'iilow, on the condition that
they mount and equip thcmsAve .
In making impressments of food uppLec iu La t
Tennessee, Gen -Longstreet reqni; ~. in .cm mi .
fiesta nil cases to leave fifty pound bacon and m
bushels wheat to every adult member of a family,
blank aud white, and half the quantity to children
between the ages.ofcvro and fourteen years.
! IV ©2l €i <e Ho
Macon;, Ga., flarcli j. 6, iML)
The following section of an Act of L'ongrwap
prox ed, i eb. It, IS6J, relative t«> iho Exemption of
Railroad. Employee-, and insiruction-governingt he
saute published in Aj t ieh-”d, Section VUl.t'n, 11L1
No. H, current .-.erics from the Burc.ut of ; rip
tion/nrepublished for tln information and .md u,, e
of ull concerned :
Bee. Id. "That all luxvs granting »• . . mption from
Military service be aud theFaineiuvL. reby repealed
and hereafter none shall be exempted ex>-.;pt the
i V. “The President, Treasurer, Auditor an.l :ht
perintendent of any If ai I mod Company engaged in
j tranp..ltalian for the Government, and such oil/
j cersund employees thereof us the President or Su-
I perintendent >hull certify, on oath, to be indijpen
| to tlic efficient i.peratiou of such llailn.;. »,
| provided, that the number of pet oic exempted by
j t hi-'Act on any Railroad shall not exceed
f each mile . 1 Much Road in actual tie li.r Alibi .:>
! t rare pol lution, nti.i -aid ex*-ui;i|!- bait he ie|.oiled
by name and description, with the namesot an> who
I uiav have left the employment of aid Company, or
! win. may cea-e to be indispen-able i > the efficient
i operation? of ii l’nnd at le.vd a month, to
| the Secretarytd W ar, or u.-h officer u. he mit> de
ignaie for the j.ui po-.e; and provided further, that
j such President <u Superintendent shall, in each
| monthly report certify on oath, that r.o person lia
| ble to Afilitary service ha- i.«en employed by his.
: Company -inr-e the passage ot this Act, in any nosi
rir.n in which it wa- practicable to employ one not
liable to militat e ervice, and capable of perform
j ing efficieutly tin .L.ittci of *-ueh position. Apd in
eases where Railroads have fallen into the hands
i ol the enemy, and a portion of the rolling stock of
-it.-h roads i- being used on other roads not in the
enemy’s hand.-:, the President and Superintendent
■ of -aid lira named roads shall be exempt.”
i VIII. Fxeinpiion of specified da-ses and indi
i viduals.
2. “The apple at ion for exemptions under the
fitih article of the Huh (< tion ol the- Act aforesaid,
shall be made r..fhe L’oin&iemlant or L'onscripts for
the State, who will giant ihe certificate of exemp
tion authorised by law, to continue unring . ompli
ance with the condition prescribe . b> said Act.
tixemption, except for the President, irea-rarer,
Auditor, and Superintend ent, -hall not i;e allowed to.
any officers and employees qf a BaUroad Company,
unless the Prcai t lit or Superintendent Is >ll certi
fy, on cath, that the parties applied for are indis
pensable to the efficient operation of such Ii
that the number of persons exempted or. ..a iiaii
Koad shall not exceed one f.,i each n.iL then fiu
actual use tor uaiitary trans{ rtatian., U..: the
exempts for such r..a.i shall b.: r- j >t 1 bv
and description, ..nee a month ' . !
hum of Conscripts !•i the : rate M:- > yich
ro. h road passes (or to the Bureau t • up ons
i together with the name* ar ’ dfcrnptiVc I
any .*Q6 who m&> leave If. ciuv.lovment : The
ft ail r.d mi* ' T ‘ : • >*ay f ‘ ea “>° s ■' ‘Cdi
pen=iibla t..'ti,. etti. lent of-eratinu . t the sr.i l
In conformity to the a>. .\e, i. t
Superintendents of Railroads, win., h ; . h
this State, are requested to forward i , !h -e
Headquarter?, as early as practicable, aj pi.. ,ii..n
for tha exemption of their employee: .
By order of
Com’dt of Conscripts for Ga.
P. Lco:»et, Ist Lieut. A Act’g Adj't,
March 3i>—6t