The corner stone. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-186?, January 01, 1861, Image 3

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K®©s\[k o • : ~I ufes&ay, January Lj 18GI. nut Vii ol l b oth Mr, n. 11. Waters has with his usual promptitude published the Laws of a Public iiature, passed at the last session of the Legis lature of Georgia. They can ha had by ad dressing him at Milledgeville, and enclosing on& dollar. Mr. jJiHiirj's Concert. We call the intention of our readers to Mr, B.dlii|i’s Advertisement. The. late hour at which it conies in leaves us without time or space to say more than that the Concert will afford the luve:s of music n rich treat. S’ctist. By the kindness of some of our lady fiends ol the Episcopal Church of this eilv.-wo were allowed Ilia pleasure of witnessing on Frida)’ last, the Curisitnas l'-ast given-by them tn the children of their pnrrfttUf|fe><;|. Our eves have seldom , 1 j^^BJ^iilerosliog a scene. We hm 1 litilo boys, and or five o’ Pi or Id year.;,; I’i' 1 dress ed iu their ChristiJniny [mivided for them by the Ladies of the Clinch. It was a cheer ing thing to look upon all those happy faces. I'lfere were a d'.zm or more hnnds there busi ly enact'd in arranging the FrjfistNnttTS , j . ‘ / v , ‘ tilings being cliFY-gli were ranged nrouncl the table HnTyiyii*’ singing the beautiful Hymn foViyje\Fi*j>innounc e j fnent to the Shephifstfof the Saviour, after wldchhi]/’ .y^Fhciag - invoked, they partook of- J;o bountifully ‘i'he Ladies were Around the table, serving them, and seiflj^that ( tio one was neglected. No wonder; that Uieir faces beamed with pleasure, when tji’ey saw the happiness they were di'pSr.siiigj.aro-.iud them, when they looked uji'oh th'irl/group, whose minds and hearts they liad-hojfn for the year cultivating, and to whose personal comforts they were now cdntiihuiinj. They were literally obeying the injunction of’our Sa viour—“ When thou tnakest adinner.-or a sup per. call not thy fi lends, nor thy#.brethren, neither thy kinsmim nof’ thy rich neighbors; lest they, also bid tfice. and a recom pense! he ru,.d<? tiieof Butavlielp thou makesl a sea.-t, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind; amf"ttu>u shall be hlesied ; for they cannot recompense thee; for'tthou shall he reenmpenst'd at the resurrection of the just.” (TOrffiraar.-TTr.-r:- -m-Ti-rxszrzz 3s=2 rssaxa* *” AR 5J N CKI?2 * •;;.v JOHN G hum:. iVa Lnvlidale for of the 773 I)ist. (r. il. tin? regular f lection to be held on the fust &lUI it*;!)* in jnnu :ny. * Pec. 18* t;l. BTW m e r.uf lioriz’ tl to announce tin* name of ,ISAAC i. BROOKS as a caricJiilnie for Tax lie 'Xjeivor, at tHe eusuiu” election ia January next. CMtunbua Tec. IS. tl. £3§T jo.’iN H. SAtSDICRS, is a cntuiiiiale for Jh.C Qi)l<:£*oeXa\ tloti iu January next. Colunbus, l)ec. 12, lftffO. . * Id • f'jjv” Mr. C. B. MIMS is •suggested by many friends as :i suitable candidate lor the office of Tax ColKclortit the ensuing election ia January. I)cc. IS te Its ‘ We at\fi l. hovir. 1 to announce lOIIUAK B'’W IlUfi a candidate for re-elect ion to otlico ot Tax of Muscogee county, at (h • ensuing-•le-liorKhi January next. _ i)ec. 11, lsoa \ * n, ’ e announce WM. M. A.. Ait !* • ill • • fc . . j .or. a m candidat e 01 lax U.ieelo* > o f Mu.jco o counA', at the en— -1” it ‘/ elec I ion m CW ‘Vo are authorized to nuiouuee the? mimo of F. 8..A8 \MS, ils ;i cAidichito for I r.x Collector ot Mnscogeo couity, at the election in January next. Do:. 4. 5 • m mam —a— TEMPER 8 OE MLL. GRAND I vWmiim h a GIVEN Pupils o l Sig.^ipkjinj. TBirjRSD.IY EJVSJSSXCIttAar. 3, ’6l. Fans.. 1. Grand Chorus from lirnani, \ Verdi. 2. ‘From the Alps’—S .ng with^Q'Sr teet iic:onip>*tii4eti'i Proch. 3. ‘Chi mi frena*—Sexlett troth'f.\ia cin, I^nizelli 4. ‘While tlius around'—Duo, D.W.tti 5. ‘Hear me, Norma—Duett, Bikini. (1 ‘Flute—Solo . . . . \ 7. ‘Come where my love lies dreaming’FostV 8. ‘Angel of peace’ —Trio with Qoar tett accomp, Bellini.l 0. Grand Prison scene from Trova tore— by request, Verdi. Fai l Bf. 1. ‘Oh, gaily through life’—fromTia viata, Verdi. 2. Violin—Solo 3. ‘Qui la voce’ . . . Purilani. 4. Grand Dao Irorn ‘Trovatore’— So prano et Bariton, Verdi. 5. ‘Home to our Mountains’—with Quarlett aecomp. Verdi. G. Master and Scholar, . Fio. avante. 7. ‘The Sounds of Harps angelical*— * (Juartelt accotnp. Paiinto. 8. Piccolomini —Waltz with Chorus, Muzio. DOORS open at 7 o’clock. Commence at 8. GO”Tickets for sale at Mr. B tilini’s resi dence, and at the Ilall on the evening of -the Concert. B3F If the weather should he unfavorable, the Concert will be postponed. 05” Mr. Rooney has lor this occasion kind ly furnLlied one of Stein way’s superior Pianos, dan. 1. 1831. UMIAIKUCIAL. A LOVtiT.i, T)t'C. 29. COTTON — <? alos to-dr.y up to 1 o’elock are ns follows: (i at W 2 nt 8. 13 n, 89, S nt 0, *2 lau 9], ’ -1 t nl, :.J, 8 lit li), 24 nt 10}, 60 at It.}. a.' a. lu.t, V ill luj. 83 nt it Cents. —Reeipt&S(l bn'c's. Mot] Dae. 29. Snlcs of cotton to-dny 4,000 halts. Middlings 30} a lie.” The market ti ui. New On r hiss. Doc. 29. Sales of cotton to-day 10,000 bales. Middlings nt 11} to Jl}c. Nr.w Yore, Dee. 29. Snlcs of cotton lid-day 5,000 bales. Middling Uplands 11} a IP.<*. Flour firm \ sales of 9,(t00 barrels. Wheat dull; sites of 6,600 biiiliel'. Coin film; sales o.’ 63,0i:0 busiiels; in'::ed at 09 a 70 cents. Nay: I# i’ in. “coTminuiTmciis cm\\\ nt.’ OOKUr.CTKD WIXKtV nv DURItUS & KPRIMGFR. Grocers iv ,l C'ommissmkil<rclm*tt <, 1 (!■> .'.raid if. . _3E IJacuixo— : tluony, pryd. 15 u 10 Dam: Jtun:—Machine pr lb. .8} n 91 Dacox—Hams , . pr ii>. 15 lO Shoulders, pr ll>, 11 a 121 ‘ Sides, pr !!>. 111 < *0 [log round, pr lb. 0” a 00 CAjrm.ES—Sperm pr IbA” 40 a 45 I Adamantine, pr lb. .20 <i 21 Star, pr lb. 19 a 24 Coffee— Java, pr lb. IS 2O Rio, pr lb. Ft ii 18 Cuekse—Nortnern, - pr Hi, 13 a 1.5 English Dairy, pr lb. 10 n 18 Cr.u'Kcr.s— pr ll> 8 a 9 Fuob'ft—•Snjiti fine per bid S 60 a 900 Extra pr bbl BSO a 9 25 Family pr bbl 900 a 9 50 G IU, American pr box 2 5 a 2 it) Foreign pr hex 2 50 a 2 76, skd pr Im-'i It l a 120 -b thlks 1 00, a 115 IT id I^B-Green pr lb 2* a 3 Cured pr lb 7 a 9 Iron—SWcde pr lb il, a 0 Etowah pr lb 4 a 1.1 Hand pr lb 6 a 4 English pr lb v 4 a 4J Hollow Ware pr lb 6 a 6j Axles pr lb 6 a 7 r.AKD—In barrels pr lb 15 a 16} Iu kegs and cans pr lb 1 .'p a 16 Lime—Stone pr bbl 350 a 400 Mackekfl —No. 1, pr bbl 19 00 a 22 00 No. 2, pr bbl- 16 00 a 17 00 No, 3, pr bid 900 a 12 60 Molasses —-Cuba pr gall 80 a 35 New Orleans pr gall 40 a 50 Nails—Assorted pr keg 4 25 a 4 50 On.—Linseed pr gal 90 g. 1 00 ’ ICerosine pr g 1 1 (>0;~a 1 25 / Sperm pr gal 1 60 <•’ 175 Train pr gal 50 a 75 Lard oil, j r gal 100 a 1 25 Onions — pr bl ; l 350 a 450 Fork— pr lb 9} a * 101 Powder—Keg rifle, pr keg 7 00 a 7 50 Blasting [O’ keg 5 00 a 5 5u .Potatoes —Sweet pr bush 60 a 75 Putty — pr lb 6 a 7 Irish, Northern pr bbl 3 50* a 4 00 Rice— pr lb 6 a 7 Sugar—New. > Did cans pr lb 9 a 111 C!aTWff% pr lb 1! a 121 “ B pr lb 10 ti 11} “ O pr lb 10 a 11 pr lb 12.} a 13} Soar—Turpeiuine, com. pr lb 5 a 7 . Family, pule pr lb 6 a 7 Starch—No 1, pearl pr lb 8 a 10 Salt—Liverpool pr lb 140 a 1 50’ Shot—Drop pr bag 2 15 a 2 96 Buck pr lb 9 a 9} Spick,—Popper pr lb 11 a 12 Ginger, pr lb o (l 10 Wheat—Red pr lb 160 a 1 7.5 White pr lb 165 n 170 White Lead— pr lb 8 a 9 WuiskkY—Connnoii pr gal 28 a 33 Rye pr gal 45 a 15 Country corn pr gal 75 a 85 Domestic Oiii pr gal 45 a 60 - do. Brandv ug gill 45 a 75 V. ‘ I.• i■ ‘ia:Ti pr ;:l 2 25 “ 7 !:■ N. Lb Rum pi’ gal 45 a 50 Not*—These are the wholesale rates, and those buying at. retail have to pay a small advance ori above prices. NEW CLOTHNG (C ft ■ r) rr J ■& j lyjTixo r I''IIE Siibsenht'v haa now in Storo, and is con -l. Bluntly receiving from New ?ork, a large and well selected stock us ©sisnr© Asfe®®w CIiOTIMO, ESBEAriSG ALL THE LATEST STALES OP BUSINESS, PLAIN & FANCY „ DRESS SLITS! ‘ Moliair, Sealskin, Cloth and Beaver ALSO, A FELL AND COMPLETE ASSORTS XT OF BURNISHING GOODS, Comprising Linen Bosom Shirts of the best ma terial and make, and warranted to give satisfac tion. Mermo, Oashm.'re, and Silk Undershirt:} Silk Ties and Scarfs, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, ike. <te. ALSO, A SUPPLY <Ui’ JflltiS, Malices, Carpet-Bags, las, Walking Canes, &c. jTY 1231-4 G-si ‘3US 9 A full and complete assortment of BOOTS AND SILL S, FOB GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, And v large assortment of Ladies Shoes, Bools (nd Gaiters, of the very best material and worrmanshfp, and eveiy variety of Chil dren’s Shies and Boots. —ALSO— u rui.t Atvn well Assorted stock of p\ MEX-S ASI) BOYS’ OF THE VkKY^LV'IRST^m.^S. The citizens of Columbus and sun’Giindlr. ,T country are respectfully solicited to give men call before purchasing elsewhere, ns I am deter mined to sell my goods lower than anv oilier es tablishment in liie city, r have Goods,’ and good Goods, and _nm determined to se. 1 them ~j tlv store is immediately under Cook’s Hotel, Broad Street, where 1 will take great pleasure iu waiting upon all who may favor me with.a cal! „ , , F. M. 12KOOKS. , Columbu--, Oct 2, 1569, am.- TWO PAPERS FOR THE MILLION! The Cheapest and Beat Payers in the llTsr/rf/ si Ytmr for Is!ts Combined. NOW IS Tllfe lIMK TO SUBSCRIBE ■ FOR TRIt NJSI’.V YORK WJESiItSB.Y A itiSk S-’HC TOSESAC sCiUfliriY tKBKILLOW ! A SPLENDID PIIOIEN TO EVERY SIBSDIRB: R. A splendid Wheeler it Wilson Sewing Mm-liine given to any one sending U3 100 subselibors du r.iig llie winter. NOW 18 TUF, TIME TO FORM CLUBS. v TO TUB NEW FORK WEEKLY} A Handsome tjuartn Publiu.dimi, BPA UfIFULLY ILLUSTRATED, Wliicli, if? now ncknowlfd-ful t o lie The lcst Story a \l Sb.tch Papir V.i tic Vt'orhi! HEGULAS^V;fMIB-UTOKB M id be fmind ;he 11 ■ aics of the best Male and Fe • male \. liters in the United Scute*. Such writers as -51R3. ANN S. BTi:i>llbNß, MARY IIOMIKS MU3. MARY A. DF.NISON, LUCY A. RANDALL, T. S. ARTHUR, VIRGISLi F. TOWNSEND, SVJt. HHNRY PUCK, JUSTIN JUNES, S. tfOJIPTON S-AilTli (tIARUY lIARIiL.) wm. baulk ihnd::r, franc,,j s. sjtrnr, I.’OCrKIC ST A Rill i'K, JAMES REYNOLDS, r„ AUGUSTUS JUNES .MARY 0. VACIIAN, .anna Raymond, Margaret versk, Write for iti egnlavl v, wliil. a reore ol u:i ; well known writers mea-ionally coutiijuto to ils coLunns. The LCcw York IVeekly has non- enygaed a I force of” tn ten! tJwVeanhol h‘ rirttlkH Ij any a ‘ i/:shmri;t, in the World. GKNERAf, fIIARAETUR < F in 13 If. Y. WEEKLY. ThS NEW YORK WKKKI.Y is des’gned move , especially as a Fiifsl'Class Story and Sketch Faiter, in wltiuli we intend to give our readers a succession of TTJsfi Host filsorlcs atid §SiJ<Hs.;s over ’ Publishrd e:i tSae United Sstalcd, The aim and object of these productions will be to inculcate useful knowledge under the pleasing guise of fiction, or to teach great moral lessors t hrough the same means We shall never publish a word or line, the lendeey of which is to injure the morals or tn-te of the reader, Every issue of the NEW YORK WEEKLY will contain short SKETCHES OP LIFE AND MAN NJ<JRS, NOTINGS OF TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE, SHORT S TORIES , G ENERA L S l rAI MAK Y OF EVENTS, Jll\ MORO US OLeaNings POE Til F, EDI TORI ALS, ETC, ETC. ETC. Our “Knowledge Box,” our “Noti ces to ConTcsptHider.ts,” our Pleas ant Paragraph.-?, s’’ 5 ’’ our “Items of Interest,” our “j\lirtliful Mor sels,” and our “German Without a Master,” a. sc ries of lessons design ctl, to rentier the GelVnan lnmnnuro plain to the commonest under staud- ing. o Our ‘‘Knowledge Ijox.fis aloru* Ibcpi ic. of l!io paper. It, conlui.i ? Wfckly aliout. iiily iliflVreufc invaluable rceip eov-.-iinn- ilm v iiolo “round of uselul kiiowb i . ; and it ;, v >’ uune fjuently happen? tint llw r-.til.-r will rome otk- irceip'* v. iii li is woiUi to him lie price of lon year; -üB-’-rijui *:i. Our “Auswcmnlo l it p.i.-,”a]?o, are full of vnlaabb: iufoimakion. And lniiulreds have nlrea-lv nef|tdr and n very I < spool :i bio kIIOWG ■■}. * *;f Ch-.t (b*i u.’ili J;t; •; A< from the ttudy of oar pl.-.iiily.spuL lb.!;. an Icscotw . OPR TEIIIS WITH iERSOXS FOK.NiXfi CUDS To any single subseril'ov who will t-untl us two dollars for one years eubscribliun, we will send Ihe Nkw Yore \V kek and the Pk roui li* I’m: ..low, tlie lnttei a in.! ’ iiilieui: t eoinii* •, i u u,i sb’ -t. of : i\'i ven ] a ■ , j.ub’i hed moitlhiy. tilled Yr-vli s> :■riding witiei m”- ’*.111! < in which are eonuealiy iilastrat-sd all lb. ci foufc events of the day. „ c-di i; 2 sub'i-swili • i.'Uie tliescnler a prcndiMn of a7 cent I’ook.- u j sub'rs wid on? a• book-: or jow< l-y to the v.-.iueoi . .—si2 fur s -ukY will ensure jf’Weliv to t he value* tf IJ*.• lOsub’i'S will ensure jewelry to the vnlueof-jJ- .sl3 for 12 uu!.'i willeusun jewelry U ;he vulu for 24 sub'rs will imhi:;v j -welry to 1 1 1 •’ \ nine of $lO. —572 for 43 sub* will eußurejew< vnine of &10. so an y one sor.f.i.-agus $l5O for 100 sul.ncribevs during the vin> •r, we Avill send Iheai one ol* lieeier tt W ilsiui beautiful Family ehines worth v cash. The followiiiij is a list, of the different r,■ .'ides ot jewelry from which selections for pi on-iuius c. a be made: (iold Pencils Casas,Sleeve Button?, Gold Ben <*. Gold and Silver Thimbles, Gold Locke. 3, Ladies’ and Gents’ Gold Brea-Jt bins, Gold Bar and Fin ger Icings, Brocehes, Bracelets, SfcttJ*, deck Chain?, Vest Chains, Foh Chains, Watches, La cies’and Gents’ Scarf Pins, Gold Grosses; in fact almost any article of jewelry which can be mentioned. Those entitled to premiums slum Id be careful to select some article which will not be likely to cost more than the amount of their premium hyery article will be see ton the day oulered, and it will be just whfil it is represented to be. THE N. ¥. WEEKLY has been long enough before people to satisfy them that these offers are made in good faith, and that our engagements will be faithfully met. Our paper is not one of a mush 100 m growth, but it has proved its claim to vitality and solidity by a long and prosperous career, and it now stands at the very head of the list ofNpaper of -ils class. Our friends must be careful t.o whom they en trust their money for subscript on?, as we, of course, can take ho risk, if the money is mailed to us, our obligation shall be strictly kept, but of course we cannot be responsible if subscribers entrust their money to swindlers. Persons sending ..s letters should be particular to state the Town, County anti Slate; also, name the particular article or articles they may desire. All idlers and Gomuiiiuiealions, in relation to tli e Editorial or Business Be part men ts of the N E W VOKlv \\ I'jI.KIaY. niMst be td-lressed t.> STUZW'B? & S.?IITH, • Kill tors it rut Proprietors, 22 Beefciriau st., N. Y. Specimen cnpi ’s sent free. OTTO post Masters, wtfi not, Po 4 Mn tors nml ot hers ofoiii’ lib nib: thvougliout the coun try, if they cannot use li e above to their own ndVhnt.nge, hand it to I hqir wives, daughters,, sons or some u neinployea friend, who fin ireta ling tip clubs for 1112 NEW YORK WEEKLY, lucrative business? With the great Attractions offered, the fonnatioii ol’ clubs cannot fail to prove an easy thing. Ivov. 27. 1869. 40 —3m. e ■ ■ i y.V'VE JfisrßacMcn>.)4tn;3asc^L,;'.'r- -'2 I. n . . r . .-.Vvi •• ‘ Saflir - r-i k j'j-J • ■ )’ : • ) , - TO THE FiIIENDS AND PATiIONS 0E THE i ': {! ] c\ at rnr p t to aa l )vvi> ota at p $ it-x ) pnw GOLUMdUO bOiiidiil OIUnL uj = : v,b M c 1 ; .j’ ‘ • •• .. i \ 1; ; C i “* -■ * ‘ ’ f 311 , -.1 f V “.-: ;| v- y \ ■ 4"-:'.'’ N ’4 >:£ .* ‘ Now Glory to tlic L ‘id ol’ llostp, front tv limn nli < Dorics arc! i.” \T iT f > ‘f ;j, Ami Honor to our Sovereign Si ate, t! o l.'figUcst Foulhern Star! y,% ;•> K i more to tlioso who nt.’ck her. jn-it.’ol-.'.ts, jewels; thrown, cli;-’’ -’ ‘A v i She takes Iter treasure to her Lirett-.r .ttit! cuds her *on* t her own; \d’ TA j V.'i :L‘ i,-) . c. } If - j.- 7 f’ ■’ y. \ A year-to bo renioniberotl ttltilo t!m Bianot rolls, ~1 w i’ V A fi'4 ;,i Wlien Georgia brohe t!ie iron bom!* ot Union and disgrace, t wktTsll s’ •’ .4 G. j And Won the riyht, hr day and to wonder evermore, ‘ k; Vv-A / VfLn ;• U r f f . Y r F. r i What ailed Iter that she didn’t break those iron bonds before; iv 5< fc. i* ;• i Mvi v’• ! J r / .y. - , # | J r” t S j ‘ 0. A ‘ * \ \ Now Georgia amonix hor liilk, and shouts l-e-ido the sen, (. S 3 A ff : hvJ _ ■ 7 /II ‘ * ‘/V vs Jy.? y’-A “Kiri'? Uouiba-Gongross ran away, and Guorgia is Free!” f. ; !’ j Now Georgia, salt! among her sons, to all the Universe ■/)/.'> U Vi ; A Extends ten billion blessings; did she ctw send a curse ? ‘; ’ a\ ‘c’ T . * V .‘-V f. v „’>k* , . b‘0 4 j xk . Now, patience. fellow-Countrymcn ! for FsTiall hero recite u.’bfk.T e L J Some venerable sentiments, respectable tlionsh I rites ,A'i / -k;h r n M la i y : “.pj ‘ j ’Tis not the best of liberty, the living as you please, . <iyj |'.h / Y f Yilx-'J v ; o Nor vet the boast of freedom that she gives von chalk for cliecSS. ( j t ; “ • ami? /) v ( j. j J Bencatli our great Task-Master’s eye, each man, bis task i> set ; i TAS , ’ f A Au And he who bids the Devil drive, obeys a Yankee yet! _ i j il fi'i > Afi.v Bo merrv, but be moderate! 80. genetous, yet just! • . •(’' ; j sb. ‘■ j ~• r’ ‘5 y:9 Beware of <rrct a nd! Beware of pride! of lastuoss and lust ! v ; i J 4, L c-;| V - ’ t. 1 y ‘ ~,-?.[\ Remember, In tlic'Cotntnonwealth, inis ruio is unreversed, | 1; f- A t fk> , That ho who hurts the lowliest, afflicts himself the worst; ‘ \ j u'■ I'O “Political Economy's” a homily at best, &| > T djj •, In several heavy volumes, on, “Blessing, thon art bleet.” # j- t I f ’4 Ky/ jiEj/ \ v jtf TPj, [ fr I i’■ ? ‘] And gather from your Chronicles the end of every wrong, 1. 1 ‘■*’ . ’ ‘jhi That Righteousness upholds the weak, when strength betrays llio strong, kh % hp, , And teach your sons who labor, and your sons who legislate , >"■) ) %:■&'{ || i That Honesty’s the Policy for citizen and State. £ ; J J. kgY f k J fT-j. a i‘ Lr y Ir'D ’i kDA So, shall Ibo Glorious Lord of Hosts, from whom, all glories are, 1 j j K ’-.A. J IVoM Ciiristmas unt.) Christnutf, gu‘ul* v . our mwii dear Georgia, ‘ j j Ayr. H j ’• ) Uphold her, arch and arc!) it rave, nor lot one column warp, ky v. x.djjjU v A,I ! . 1 In all the whose Corner-Stone was laid by Oglethorpe; H“ty (k * fiHUi L’ENVGIE. f * -\s jj , , I wisli 1 were a Carrier-bird, or else elect of Fate; p\ k • 1^ j’ |l \ Say, “Carrier General-itt-Chief,” to this United State! _ w • and A A I’. ) To go around and see it all,-in plenty and content ; (Yj T Tk'sA V'V b‘s f|‘-2 Would warm my back without a shirt, my soul without a cent; 6)l| Jf^’ r ’':;j}d . ‘. . But as my round of luty lies within my General’s call, ‘ \WI ‘ti^e 1 wish these .1. -S the Christmas meant for all, < f. , I [ Aj, That never leave a Carrier lad los„ swarm” than lie desires. (1 vyi,‘Q • ■ JfltgM I'. ‘; ’) a y * * N l| ’ iF-J •- - . ■■ ‘ v ---- - • - ‘y WW £ <4? •*7T'AA':.''j-• ~.-T“, j 7 V • y N ‘-Tly -T'd'TU w ‘ .1 S I' 1 1 c p■ . ‘ ‘ : l l* : 11 1) fl ,‘ . I :. ; I. wiwiii . .... - - J f. Cos ,H* ■ - , I . . RiUV.I WVV* L : ■’ * ~ l, 1 14 ‘■ > i . J ■ ■ v in u:< : ’ - •: • ■ : e s- / v-yD V.:v ■, YW'd ■ ‘ .. ‘ i ! g¥ g ‘■ j , - J, :-r ... - -a.,r W.fV'xi.f now t,;l: xis to uoduvience! }l . iifZ. Vlul/ft FOR THE .’ITT ;■• v ■p t V i'Eu Iv&ti rt'LLkLi, AND COMIC PICTORIAL -2 ‘ J yj, y / ? } D mny Jr hi lion l! A Ci'-.z .ail) PROIta TO E . Ell\ Si BSC It! 0 Ell!I! ’l'll 31 1’ WEI Si S;. H. 5 ■l.’iß Pmcs c a ial ‘ pixel- LOU', ©SB TEAR FOK IT WO B.MT.AKS :! : - OUR TERMS TO CLUBS. 1 cony one year, $2, and Pictorial Pliunny | l’liellow nno year. 1 2 “ 11 ami a premium. 4 < &'(, “ 0 “ “ §>S>, “ 8 “ “ Si 2, “ “ 10 “ “ §>ls, “ “ 12 “ “ SIS, “ “ ( O* Semi for a Specimen Number, which is furnished I’kkh, anti cuirtains full particulars of pre mums. STREET & S3IBTIX* Editors and Proprietors of the New-York T Vceklq. 22 HceuuMii Street, iv r . I 7 ", tiin tiftMRTMBRSIUP. j DR. J A LRq.iynßT ASD POSTER S UMPSiPi; i> espvutfully give notice that they have pi A chased i he i'tablumeit of the late conceit . ot Dan forth. N .'i?e! <t Cos., nut! will continue th DlllfO lUJrsISESS at the old aland under lit ! firm and name cf _ UR Q UIIA RT tfe GTIA PM AN. They solicit the continued patronage of the old friends and distorters, with all others wh uny be pleased to give tlicm a call. DR. UR Q UIIA RT, will continue the.p l aelice of Medicine, andwifi keep hi ■ otilce at the ltrug Store Col unibua. On., -lan. fH.JSStf. ADMIMSTRAIOirS SALK. ATOTJCII is hereby given to all persons hohf- X 1 ing eiaitr.t ..i demands against th ■ estate of Thorn ns It. Adams, late of Uuike connl.y, Icners ed, to present, them legally aulhentiea ed within the time jn a . l ihed by law, or this nol'ce will be. pleaded in bar. and all persons indebted to said estate arc required to make paynieut forthwith to the uudei signed of sai I estate. F. 13. ADAMS, Adin’r. Dec. 1,18!t0. wtf. >42. r y - e'P’ - ■* \ C\! A tl . t) j - WORTH OF TV TANARUS) V f 1 AA nq JJii 1 ~liUUiJo, AT’UOST FOR CASH. WISHING to close :i limited pnHnrrship by v'k the l<t. of .lanwary next, wo offer without, rest*rv and our extensive slock ;it (Dti)®ir ip I ®^ embracing every variety of tbe best of articles usualiv kept by our trade, cud we trust that onr posit ion so long brfoTe the public will justify their heliet that wemeai: AT . PAM 1 El) M il’ll THE CASH. OUR CUrf ULMERS j will find in our stock, from the finest grades of SLLK 9 TO THE LOWEST QUALITY OF lE>ome st i c 4 oo<l s. CARPETS, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, BOOTS, SHOES, A!E© ©!MP&o bQT” Call early and make your selections as well as make money. \ We will say to our regular trade that it shall bo served as heretofore. Goods charged | must bear a little profit , am! yet wishing to i reduce our stock within a given time, we < Her ! inducements to all KS>l9 & .XftHffSOIX & CO. Columl.ns, Oa., XoV. ‘27. ts CljaituijDocljcc Bax. mmm !i% SE:_T EHSI JSk.imraC'm r |'MlE imbibing nnd eating public. nro informed L that this eslifcni'Uhniciil is fully under way, as ever, nnd its ol 1 eotnm.uulcr GEORGE MAGNUS, is at his post, ready at all times to serve his old friends nnd all who may call, with the FINEST t.fGtUORS, and tlje !*► st and freshest OYST&RS , FIS//, GA ME, FOWLS, HAM, FC/GS, nnd COFFEE, as usual in past seasons. Every effort will he m ule to please, and as the proprietor knows how to “lix up” for ihc thirsty and hun gry, every one will he sure of being suite 1. Seek me out on Front Street., near Crawford street. Friers moderate. GEOROE MAGNUS. Columbus, Nov. £0- Sftn * GREAT : EDUCTION IN PRICES! FTTMIm F J. Ij i\. Lt X X Li if Li AND vMmmw w&mm TROY MANUFACTURING CO. IN ORDUIi Of II 1. \!IC1 E STOCK and to get money, we are differing Furniture and Wooden rsf greatly reduced prices for cash; 1 Gntfiige Chairs at $1; Bedsteads at 4.V to §ls'. Pine Till s T to ©YI |>er nest. I’ine Buckets 2 t?> #2 25 per lozen. And other nrlfeles at a proportionate re duction in prices. Went ike a liberal dis* count ro dealers. Oicc lis a call as we are dee termined to sell. JEFFERSON & HAMILTON. Columbus, Oct. 24, 1860, t 2m GRAND RUSH aa. I s HJSSi P NEW .STORE, W. 11. PHELPS I? now opened at his New Store (under Cook’s Hotel,) where will be found a splendid stool/ of Goods, usually kept in. ms line, consisting in part of the following articles : 100,000 Cigars, wholesale and retail; 100 Boxes Fire Crackers, 10 Bbls. Nuts, 25 Boxes Raisins, K Bbls. Fine Apples, 1,000 Fancy lluskets; Fancy and Common MEEUSCIS.itW lES'ES ASD CX- Aa [IOLI>£KS. AM t)rMEMSB_ STOCK OF All for Cash only, at low figures. Don't forqel the place, , UNDER COOK’S HOTEL. WM. U. H. PIIELPS. Doc. 11, 18G0. l‘y