Newspaper Page Text
’Tis sweet to trace Giro’ memory’s call
The sunbeam* of the past.
To muse on friends we loved so well,
And joys too bright to Inst.
’Tis sweet, ’tis very sweet to know
When fortune’s ilow'rs decay,
Kind thoughts ofus returning flow
Wherever we may stray.
’Tis sweet to feel that one fond heart
Thrills joyous at our nnm ?,
Kor chill adversity can part
it’s cords or damp the ll.ime.
Th l burns for us as warmly still,
Within its inmost shrine,
Nor hnrhois devious thought, nor ill,
But truthfulness divine.
But oh ! what anguish fills the heart
Where hope’s bright fl, w'rets grew;
To think we arc forgot by those
We deemed so fond and true.
From the South -rn Cultivator.
Editor S<urnii- un G itltivator- 11’ i here
was no other reason way negroes should 1
he lie|H*nt lioire, and under rigid dis
cipline, Ilian to prevent tbem trom asso-!
cutting with white men, who are depos
ed to make them tiu>sniislKcl. and excite
them to insurrection—this ofit-citought
to be sufficient argument to siuisty any
reasonable mind of the impropriety ot
allowing slaves to visit away from’ the
plantation on whieh they belong. There
never uas tin insurrection, i suppo-u,
which wa3 not instigated by white men.
and in a neighborhood where negroes
wore allowed io “run about.”
Servants that are strictly managed,and
closely watched by a go. and overseer, have
no possible opportunity ot communica
tion with aboltioti incendiaries, and they
cannot of themselves organize any ui.t
bolical arrangement, father than that a
few may sometimes “get tip” some petty
iasca ity. Jn fact, they do not know
what is going on beyond the limits of
the plate at ion, and feel satisfied that
they could not, if they were disposed,
a eomplisb any thing (hat could change
their condition.
in conohoration of those views, I
send you a paragraph from Ine Gulvff
ton A ewts, uhieli you will please publish
an this connection:
It seems to have been customtsrv
with many planters in tlie cmtfirry {>>
give their negroes passes fVoin Safin day
nigh) till Ali nday morning. This prac
tice has undoubtedly alion!, and great f, -
iciity to tiro nboiitioii emis-aries to tam
per with them and carry out their ne
farious plots. We are glad to see that
the people of Bastrop, and also, we be
ri other eouiiii.-s, have ta
a decided stand against this dnnge
wii Yaedce. Indeed, they notv
hc ‘ V* no parses ,;i all shall he given, I
le //’ patrols appointed are (at least
v. , //”- v instances) directed not to re
/any passes at the present time, Ini! •
/ake up ad negroes found awa fioii)
\ /drowners’prem ties. Tin's is the only
\Xfh;e toil Witt to stop the dangerous in
e cntitse that appears to he g,iin,r t>n !
W*ween them and certain suspicion-- .
Vilito persons, in ne o-!v all pari:; ~f the :
til iv, Re-p, (•’ fn|i v,
\ _ A. 1\ Goom.ok.
y •' ,n lldl, Tom., Auij\ 28, 18G(). j
/ ,J 1,1 L‘ ma.ii* liirJit, w1i.,1 k-timo,
nod paia’abfe to the uiij., etfer'e i tasog
tviiiem; rot ling by form- ntaiion, or j..,js
ol|ing \ti It Saferatus, Cream of Tiirtar. i
. ect., in the following maunST ; Take
toi l water, the colder the better—ice
water is the best—stir in nmiftal wheat
mnai, enough to make a baiter i,,,t very
still; stir quickly while adding tint meal,
s > as to in trod tee ail the air possible.—
i at it ii. sm to patty pans (,-ake fin-)
t:,o-a are better than large dishuf ind
b“ke in it lot oven, hotter than for am
other bread. Hake half an hour or
more. A little experaieueo in mak ng
tmd baking will convince unv one that
bread can be made light vea-t
or “lightening'’ of any kind, cxceiit air
stud water ; and those who regard’ g,,.. ( ]
bread as the siatfot life, will a-k no'bel
ter. If any should not succeed the ii'-t 1
time, try again, for it can he done. The
baking is liie most important part of the!
operation ; the oven mnst be hot.
• A. Reader.
Stain and Varnish i-or Vmuxs.—For
a fine crimson stain, take one pound , f
ground Brazil, and boil it in three ipmrts
of water for an hour ; strain it, ami add
half an ounce of cochineal : bod it again
for half an hour, gently, ami it will h •
lit for use. If you would have it more j
of theyearlet tint, boil half an ounce sal
iron, in doe quart of water, and pass 1
over the work previous to the ted stain.
Observe, the Work must he very clean,
ajnl ot air- wood, or good sycamore with-j
out blemish ; when varnished, it will
jook very licit. Varnmi rut Violins. — !
Take had a gallon of rectified spirits of
wine, to waich put six ounces of gain !
nrnstie and halt a pint of turpentine var-j
nisk ; put the above ia a tin ca;e, keep j
it in a very warm place, frequently slat i
king it until it is dissolved ; strain it
and keep it tor use. fehuuld you lind it
harder titan you de-ire, you may add a
ittle more turpentine varnish.
To find (tit the number of children in
a street, commence beating a bass drum.
T find out the number of idle men, start
a cl >g fight.
This amalgamation of Language**.—Thin* i.m
growing tendency in this g to appropriate the
moat xpreevive word* oi pi her languages, and af
ter a wh’le to interpolate them into out* own; thus
the Nfrdrd Cephalic, which is from the Greek, Dig
nifying “for the bend,” is low b< earning popir
Jnnzed ir. connection with Mr. Spalding*# great
Head die ivmefly, but it. will soon be u.-a-d in a
more general way, and the word Cephalic will
become ns common ns Electrotype and many oth
er# wtio#e distinction as foreign words lias been
worn away by common usage until they seem
“native and to the manor born.”
kudly E£citl*cl.
Ili’ud’i* Tmihle Vadadu this haft moon, hand
1 stepr ed into thehapotli<*e?#neß hand #rt)S hi 10
the liifin, “Gan yrtu bouse nie of ’n Vadacln •?’’
“II >es it hadie sa> s ’.e. “Il
says lii, hnti<l that \ gave me a Cephalic
Pill, hau l *|*o*i <• ‘oitor it cured me ?o quick that.
1 ’urdly realm, and 1 ’a i hut an Vftda lie.
’ CIfUKAhAcnF is the fuvoiite sin by which
u.tare makes knowji any deviation whatever
from t-hc natural si itc of tli bruin, and viewed
in this light it may l*e looked on as a safeguard
intended to give nolie •of disease which mi ht
otherwise escape attention, ti!i tort late to be
i eno died; jii.d its indications should my r
neglected. Headaches may be classified under
two names, viz: Symptomatic and Idiopathic.
Symptomatic llcidachc i# exccedly cummon and
is i!;* preeus r of a great variety of diseases,
amttiur a hicli arc appoplexy, Gout, Hhematism
and all f.d'i t diseases. In its nervousform it is
synipatheiic* <>* disease of the stomach coustitut
im: s/cJ: hr r<fuc/ie t of hepatic di#e;ip< constituting
bit Unix headache, of worms, constipation and oth
er disorders ot the bowel#, a# well as renal and
lateiine aif etioin. ])iseas*,s of *he heart are very
fixjuently attended with Antenna
and i>!t*thora are also affections which fi\-n
tpiei.tly occasion headache. Idiopathic IJead
! ache i j also very coinn on, being usually distin
i g'l.-hod by the name of nervous headache , some.
| t ime ; coming on suddenly in a state of apparent*
I y -<>uin! health and prostrating at. once thy men
tal and physical energies, and in other instances
it. com.*9 on slowly, lu*t aided by depression of
spirit# or acerbity ofb mpei, In most instances
the pain is in the front, of the. head, over on* or
bo h even, nnd someliiut # provoking vomiting;
under this olass may uUo be named Neuralyia.
r>r the treats entof either class of Headache
the Cephalic Kills have been found a sure and
safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a
few minutes, and by its subtle power eradicating
tlu* diseases of which Headache is the unerring
Bkimgrt.—Missus wants you to send her a box
of Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle ol Prepared Kills.—
but I’m thin king 1 hat.*# uol just, it nail,her ; but
perhaps ye’ll bj aftlu r knowing what it is. Yc
see she’s nigh duul and gone with the Sick J lead
ache, and wants some more of that same a# re
iaiv.-.l her i>e!>ie.
JiruyjUt. — You must mean Spalding’s Cephalic
JJrhh/et. —Oeu! sure now and you’ve eed it
here*# the quart her and give me the Kills and dont
be uli day about it ait her.
CcitsS;>s* C’oslS
No one of the “many-ills flt-sli is heir to” i# so
prevalent, so little under# ood, and so much ncg.
Irct.’d as( otUtv.’iM #. Oficn originating in care
lessness, or sc.lent i*y habits; it is regarded as a
slLlit disord.-r of 100 litllc consequcue lo excite
anxiety, wbilcin reality it is the pr.-ensu and I
companion of many of the most fatal and dan- i
j gerotis disc isc#, and unless early cradic >tcd ii
, will bring the suferer t> an untimely grave.—
Among the lighter evils of which cosiivein-s is
the Ur uii I attendant are Ucadenchc, C’olic, hlt.n- ‘
matism, I’oul i>i ath, Piles and others of like ,
ii'tuiT, while a long train of frightful tli-t-as-’s ■
mi*!i as Malignant Kcvers, Abcesscss, Dysontary,
Ih.irrluc.i, Dyspepsia, Aj'ioplexy, Kpilejisy, Kami-!
; y.-'s, Hysierin, il\pocijomlriasi.-, Melancholy’ and j
i Insanity, first indicate their presence in the ?ys. j
j t.i-Trt Vy litis N <*t. on fori n—n t— J
ly tli* disease lifuned originate in <’onsfipmion, !
i but tike on mi: iiulcpcndent existence unless the !
’ oau.-e is cintlicalcd in ail early sluac. From all j
j ‘here consideimtions it follows that the disorder !
; should nveive iniiii dial e attention wTicnever n \
| occurs, ami no person .-hould neglect to get a Imx i
ol Kephulic Kilts on lh • first npp* ar.-iiic ■ of the !
nipiaiut. as their tnoely us.- \vl! * >.pel (ho in- j
ridio-1 • apprnaehe# of *lir a- and destroy this |
tlaiigel our toe to lifo
■\ S r sr. r .
/'/• —\\ el I, M iv. .Junes, mr,v i : llmi hoa i
aelie ?
•V/ •-. ./oars’. Gon*’ ’ jioe'nr, all one ! the ; iil
y"U :;.-n t el*r< dme in ju: : v.'■ ni \ miitiUO', nnd I.
i wish yott w oil id sou 1 mo n. uv so t’s it 1 can have
th> to him ’v.
/ ’li r-<ian~\ ii iMti Ih**m at any Dm*: visl. ‘
Pall for Kepha'ic I'i • . I find they n. v< ‘ full, and
1 tve ’.mend ( It'-m :;t all en.-es of l I>-ad.tchc.
,!/<• • fun-*, I 5i,.,11 for !o <, and
‘s’ ;d’ tell my i>IV • i ing i'la-M.ds, for Jh.y r,v a rati
i’’ •<r Vt t -rn Knowing.- Sj aldir :’s Copiah*
Kids at :i:ii ear • f> i[■ •t. ’ tteho, !li li. ms ■
Hea.b.che, N.-rvous 11-oola*-he, (’ostivones# and'j
1 Jen i a De illty.
. ,h
fa,? -s V
v CimE
f i ftpi m gcF H rhp
U 4O iX and ‘'N ’Li Wi i£ “4;‘i ‘LA ‘tJ fi ■
L’ If ~a ■ Ar* G y
Iprxß O) 51* e*~ lh, jo
K>yi h( us.* ot i!ese lh lis iht* periodic attacks
] of \ ‘rrottti or Sh'.k ii"‘ I fit- m iy be prevented ;
.‘sitil it l ak.-n at. the commencement, of an attack
immediate relief lY'*m pain and sickness will be
j obtained.
They seldom friii in rerntrving tlie Xmwca and
j lJandibht to which fomales ai .- so suLj ct
j Tl'.-y act. gently upon the bowels—reoio .ing J
l Coptic* ltd. s-,T.
For Literary men SCu.lvifs, T).!ieatc Females, ;
j and ill! per#* ns of u>daulary hahits, they are \ - ;
| liable as a L txilioc., imp; rvtn rite ay. ; ‘<! ■, g.v-
I ing tone and viaor to the di::> - iive organ#, and \
I restoring the natural elasticity strength of the
ft hole system.
T.** (Mii’i IAId G I’i LL’S are 4 he resell of long
investigation and • • ii. fu;!y eon*!ucied experi
j incut#, having he ri in ii# ■*• uv years, during
j whieh time they h ive p:--.••. mted and r- i.*v.*d a
i \ a t amount oKpuin ui ! suit', ring from Headache !
I whether oiigiuntieg in the m-rvoiu system or
from a deranged slate of the stomach,
They are entirely vegoiahir in their compos! |
lion, and may he taken a ; till li ne# wi h perfect I
a!ety wilhont making atiy,e!nnge of diet, and |
the abs-nce of any disagreeable, taste render# it
easy to administrate:’ lit. into children.
The genuine have live sigaitures of Henry C. j
Spalking on each liox.
•Sold by .Druggia’s anl -i;! Cealersin Me divine. •
A I>ox will be seat by mail prepaid on receipt
of the
Price; 2*3 €<*nts.
Ail orders should bo address- I io
Hin’RV sp \s,s>av.
l i.\ dar street, New-V ork,
Nov. 27 1900. 40—1 . ,
’ pi!Ko! oeriber Imping talvon cluirgc of ttio
1 nlf'.rc hotel, miJ entirely renovnU-U end tittxd
up tliu suiui- for the nc.coinmodnt.iou of the pub
lie, solicits a shm't) of hi-ir pntroiia^e.
Ti- wilt spare no imius to please ; and. having
had considerable < stecirt.- in catering for 4lu*
appetite iud eomfomof lie public, feels couti
dent of giving salisfafiftcn.
Pet IB—tf. 0. C. BOXKAHD.
tbs’ n±2 “W sa%
Solicit# tue patronage of the Traveling Kublb
.1 *.. 1 ‘ 40—ts
Jainos W. Sappington.
ic>2i ii a3 affid ar-ac
Wholesale! cnlcr in < igars.
Ea. 8 3“ -ts , CalHtHl.nti.Ga.
And Country Produce Generally
And Will give prompt attention to all busi
ness cntrustc and to him
Columbus Ga., May 23, 1860. 14-—ly.
Important to Farmers
and Planters.
(; T 1 1 .ME,
Penn City Mami’fi Cos.
I 3 h Had el p h i a,
[ - ofFi-rcil to itiuso in need ot Manure as
F -V rceominunding this superior Fertilizer \o
1 the pi wiling community, it is claimed that it
is perfectly reliable, and that it is an extra iSo. 1
article, one that is richer and will do not only
more good at first than any other Manure, but
will lust longer in the Noih
Kut up in barrels of about 275 lbs Pam
phlets with full directions c in he obtained of the
agents in this citv. who have a supply on hand.
May 9—l l - ts. Columbus, Ga.
J. 1L SIKES’ ’
l dumlius, Georgia.
’ j~!I: # v l- , 4- .i! would keep it before the pub*
£ lie, ....... ne has still on hand, and will sell
at ft reasonable profit, a i ivtly gooti assortment of
.17 Li. J w TGaT r * r ’.lS_' n CX T O CiL >T ±2
, >’<!, I liitgii part, of YYardr-bf s, Buivui;#, Fas s,
: !>ea*lsl •:*! , Ac. Kan<- . i:l ;i:sd t’ottage Chairs, a
t i.irge >!tu’k. #:.d v ry i/.ajd a# oi l sm-nt oi the laU
tea at /I each.
ttresses, Pillows and Bolsters.
whb-h I make of g od u nterial, •nd r- II low
: 111 m F mi a ÜBtB, of all
!,i!t d?, will l-e done p*omptly, as I shall always
liavo com pet* 1 nt. workmen for that branch, a#
well is to make work t o order:
My Ware! .;- .a is Broad Street.
j. ii. SIKES.
April2n; LSno. IO — If.
f, t;• T ‘3 T % r a r T 2>l 71
r IJ RK I I il if St
.. l, .I Vs mil)rA II .iIIII
t:i t;l>y h\n iric-piniiNß co.
{ UINTI -UK TO MANUKA; TI’ li K I. A l!(i J’l. V
ha ‘* now in .-1 ore.l large ‘lock of EFII
5-:55-v :;i: V*':; all of whieh
w ■ warrant. •!nrai>|.- ;n:d of tiyu'lhcrit Mannfac
ta rc We .il o rn mufaeture
: ‘> > i'\ r'r-s) ‘y. \) g ’ft V
•!ii Ril xi a- dl ij JjjU 5)
rlobrb'r.i, l 3 iiSf >ws, &c.,
Os tl !/■•■ :.:t*l ‘ti -t • • 11;(4* I*i 11 :i ■.] tuake
Os \v';ich we hii. a Ia stock r.nd ar<- eon
11 1. uiV.-l ;ii” ug, :i ; ’e tlie h are
mad’ , ‘*. l!i or Soutii. Wc ma!;e a lii eral di#
(•Mil'll l !> deab l s.
./'ib i'EF €a<<Ei—PtlCN Low.
U are No -I'd Hast #ide oi Bread Street
Coiumb* US-, (ilOi',
;t b/i*i:i:sox <?'. HAMILTON.
Co’umhus, April 4,1
7 5.1 j I Tflß?\T 55
i 7 1 i J llJ i % 1
vour Worship ha# but two grimier and a
i; '• ‘, in the upper, neith.r Si ili nor
it. mg ; .ill isasdinooth and even as the palm of
ny I;and.”
“K i.b’ifunati that Tam,” said’Don Quixote,
hearing th<- sad news hi# squire told him, “1 had
; lather llu-y ha i lorn oif an arm, provided il were
jon the h - ord arm. for, Saneho, you upist know a A UOL'l lI WITHOUT Glll Ni>KU# I# LIKE A Ml LI.
SA TOO'Iil.”
■MI i’lFi Cl A;. ” NM'M -upjdie.l in thVbest style
krio.v.i to .i Ilc 1 art —warranted, of aj
j j.carance and the plates of easy tit.—at
R Ufoad Slrccl, (loliiitibus Georgia
Ether - tA.-ly it'linitiistei’e.l, and t ru.poi tu \ s*-t,
i i.mciliately fun i.-!ie>l, wlicn and : liable. Sensi
t Ve mid even -iciiin.j; U-etli rendered useful for
omeyettrs. Superior Tooth IV.v.ier, and Gum
Wash, Lu suit casts, Uioss Silk, Ac.
To Dentists.
First cl a # (Jo 1 and Foil a:ul Crystal Gold, Plate
Teeth Solder fee., for sale.
Winter Building.
('olm .hus, Ga.. Jan. 4, 1800. 40-1 A’/
J T N’DEM nn tiuthority of a > order of the Ordi**
nary of Muscogm* counly. 1 will sell at pub*
lie outcry, at, Uie Mark it House, in the eiiy of
(••*!uinbiis. in ti 1 county, oa the first Tuesday in
DKGKMBEK nox't, part of lot number twenty
swen K-7) in the seventh (7th) distiict of said
eotiuty, containing one hundred and ninet y (190)
aer>-#, more or b :#, with the improvements there.}
on, about • tvenly’ (7'>) acres cl* need.
I will *ll 0:1 the fir#!, Tucs lay in .1 ANGARY';
n-.’.vt, l!ie .following negroes, to wit; Burrell a
man, about twenty nine (20) years of age; Mo*
st* a man, ahmit t.Wvnly-four (24) years of age;
Jane a woman, obaiu. tiiirty-seven (37) yeais ol
nge ; GliarioLt a ff.ttnnn, tliirty'-eiglij (88) years
of age; and her child Fanny', eleven (11)years
oM. All to be sold as the property of ileeey
Gunn, deceased. Terms on the day
Oct. lit, 1 BiR). td JAMES Ji, HUG-fir, Adm’r
73 Aa* 507 KE'SFISS'.'VE,
Barriiiger & Morton
Steam Scuh and Blind Manufactory,
Oglethorpe St., Columbus, Ga.
r |''lHS Manufactory bus boon in sueeebsfulopo
X ration for over t luce years, and ia still con’
tinned. All work will be done-by experienced
workmen, with good quality oflumber and the
atestimproved machinery.
Will be furnished and boxed at the factory
the following prices i
Sasli —8 x to Tots Primed nnd Glazed 12 J e*
10 x 12 9 “ “ 18 “ ‘
12 x 14 10 “ “ 25 “
12 x 16 11 “ “ 21 “
12 x 18 12 “ “ 30 “
12 x 20 14 “ • “ 35 “
12 x 22 16 “ 40 ‘
12 x 21 18 “ 45 “
The above Sash are If inch thick, and Lip
pain. In all eases where they are madegltsh
Slsh.twoeents per light will b.e added. All mad
ijlnzed with i*ood French lass,primed with the
bestuaiutand superior putty.
Kill LINO lll,l.\i)S
for Windows,6o coats pei foot, mensurinp he
Mil'l l). A window five feet vouid cost S3,(HI
wU-hout paruti n!*, catches, or hinges
IMAEL llllllliA
1 inch thick, without moot ing, .$ 2 50—tnubl
in* oiio side, >i U DO—moul img both siu.s m
If inch Miick, without moulding, $2 75 —mo
injjom- side, yd 25 mouldiug-hol h sides $8 75
Ijiuch l.liie-, 4 panels moulding on oire side 4
50—moulding both sides, § 4 (HI.
If inch thick, t panel* uioiildingon one side, §4
—moulding both sides, $4 60.
In addition to the above, Itlinds painted and
furnished with hinges and catches, it desired; al
so, .Sash glazed with German ul- Fr> net) plate,
painted, stained, enaim led, embossed and Uohe
niian Glass, ol all : iiad *.iud colors, lor side and
tLnn-om iiiihls emtoftiee window*.
Finns and : pecilie itions for all descriptions of
buildings furnished to order, with estimates, if
Contracts made for construction and ereetio
of buildings, on reasonable terms.
Ail kinds of lumber planed, and flooring and
ceiling tongaed and grooved.
Scroll ann o ,her descriptions of Brackets, for
arii...neiiting Cottages, Green Uouses, Ac., made
to order.
I’ll. Proprietors being practical mechanics and
builders, tielievethey can give entire satisfaction
to all who may them with orders.
the above work will be furnished at
short notice.
Sash kept constantly on hand. Allorderssen
with the cash, or city acceptance, will meet with
prompt attention. Work to lies'.it, by the River
RaihUoad, or hi Wagons, will be at the risk o
the purchaser, as the work will be considered de
Specialcon tracts can be made for large jobs
Columbus, Georgia April 8.
rojt tiie cu in: te
Hepatitis or Liver Complaint,
Symptoms of a Diseased Liter.
T).UN in the right side, an icr tl ec ’ >f
i. the ribs, incrcise o.i j-.-cssurc; som.e aes
the pain is in the left side; ti;-- patient is
rarely able to ii.; on the left b: 5
the p::in is felt i;:)J ;r tue :-i . r if.;-,
ami it free-, e.f 1 <t( nd . . :1 2 ■ f tilt
shuuldcr, and o a<,£ j-c a
ri-e.ii:.tti:m in the arm. Tiie stom-uh is
affected vnth less of appetite and sici s,
the h .-’. !;t j • iicr.:l at- c-. tivc, s-..u. .as
sltcrii.-.tivc wi'.a the i 1.1 it; Ed
; until pain, c>.vmip..:.'..l with n i:.::i, lu .y
sensation it the bud: part. There is genc
r lly ■ lei ah! 1 of me ■ ory, aco im- j
panic--! itli a pdf.ii ifioti of ria\
left undone so:;-..-rhint* which mv.'.ht to have
been done. A sli-.ji;. -ir,* c : is sc.n --
I times an attendant. The patient coLipl.iins j
of weariness ami del; ii ; he is .-.-! i,
1 his feet arc cold rI- ;r 1.. he
| plains of a prickly v.n ot the
his spirits arc low; an i h-u * he is sad
fie.l tint exercise u !>-. >; ti l;d r..
yet iie puii sc ire 1; m up tomat
entJurji to try it. .1 . . ~ lie distr i , e
remedy. Several of tiie above sympto
attend the disease, but cases liavc occi
where few of them exi ted, yet examinat: n
of the body, after !e.;th, has sh n :...
Livtx to have been exte:: i\ely tier.-: 1.
Da. M’Lake’s Liver Pills, tv c
Aoue and Fever, wh.-n taken with ‘.V •
S arc productive ol the most happy result . - >
better cathartic can be us pre; ar rv t \
or after taking Quinine. V. c u oui i ad\i:e
all who are aiilieted with tiiis disease to gi l -.-:
them a f/#R trial.
Address all orders to
FLEMING BROS., PirrsßOßtm, Pa.
?. R I-i aU-r-’ a--. ! lU- v.-.-i uh nr t -rin- fr mi nllcrs than
F!'(Ui!.n;’; Urea, will !* v.*!l n v/.-ift* tl*iror*l rs FsGm Gy,
Rail tuk -f ti IS, hb
Hr os., rdtshur/jh, P'l To tit* >-’ %vi-!::n c f• ■ .ivo t!t*ta ;i
triiil/wo will f r'.v.w'l T '’r unit, v-f pai.l. • -my pirt ol
tlio'Unitcd lUaltsr.; ol*’- x ■-!’ i’tlls f.r i v..-lv<* tltr coR ;
I poAtaß-’ BtampM. or cn. vi tl >f V.-nnifu-- • for i ‘ irt s*
throV-tvi.t. 3t tinp4. All -••:'•!*•*•■* fom C:uruii must bo go
Oompaniotl hy-tiv<.-Atv chR ! extra.
gold by ftl. respeciablo and Country Stor#
Keeporc genorally.
For aale i Golumbus, by
Jan “5 4U—ly
fi. denceand Land, one mile west of the Fridge
in Hufsell county, Ain., for sale. All the build are :*ood. r KIi**re are on the place
The water is.goofl; and the place is very healthy
There is one hundred and twenty acres of land—
sixty cleaned. On this place there are
Two rhousami Cords oi* Wood.
Also, eighy acres of heavy timbered land halt
mile west, will •) sold with it, if desired. Ti
tle gio 1 and terms easy. Apply to
ASA’BATES, or to
Dec. 7, ISSS. 48-t.f.
Eqnuirerund Ti- <-• copy.
F aIMF-S and Gantlcmen, if you -wish to bavf,
i j v n it Watches Nicely Fixed and put in good
cunning order, you a ust go to the ‘
•81 Broad Street,
WRULIAM S.7HTSI, Practical Watch
N. IJ.—Observe the Long Olotfk, swinging in
the window. May 30, ISOO—I5 —ly
KO 12 & 14 C3?,1.43R IdS.ACE,
fgr Ebrt Boniicr, /yrtnel lj ot Mai m
pviags Go., Traveling and Saleeinon,
wonld respectfully solicit your patronage
* daily 10 47 —tv
NET WORK slop”
nA VE opened nshoj in DeGRAKI'EN lIIKD’-
buildings, on street, where the,
manulaeture *
Buggies, Wagons,
and every tiling in that line. They put nothing I
but the I *#t materi I into any oi thoir work; and 1
it i,# all warrant <-d banSTr. workma ii#hlp and ma
teriftl. %% nod wPeytbing
in buiit to Brd r poll the shortest no
No need toseud to th.‘ North for anything in ]
their line, as they will supply them in e-Vv-ry lea
ped equal lo and upon as good term#as they can
be hadiuty \vh°re else.
We invite every nody tocnL and examine our
work and prices. We flat ter ourselves that v/o
cun give satisfaction *to t oth.
RADU Li FFE & BULLOCH. Ga., April 4. IDUO. 7 —ts,
&'clicdam Sch nappsyf
Famous for its Medicinal Properties.
|T is purely imported article, nnd is wnrren
-11 ted to be without deleterious particles of any
kind. Being a great p rifier of the blood and
cleanser of tin- system, it givesjm in petus to the
digestive process, ami as a Tonic and Invigoru
sor, is a marvel of the age.
Its counteracting infin. ice in all diseases an
ting Tom malaria, is a h*.m#.*lio =1 v. ord in tl)-e
; Sauth. JOHN MILLS& CO.,
S*l * Impwfers,
TfTTLL, DUCK cfe CO., Agi'tn*.
May !), l fc 2—tf (Vdumbiis. Oa
CT- rr:3 r~ ■" r £?, r\ r 7 f'~- rt gs ep? ifV
Ly & LL&
The proprietors and manufacturers of IIOS
TilKB can nj*pc:i! with perfect confidence to
physi •’ ai . •ns generally of tlio United
Giles, became (he article has attained a repu
tation herein!are unknown. A few facts upon
thi.; point will speak more powerfully than
volumes of h re a.-.-* rtion or hi tzoningfftifery.
The co sum] ;lon of JlostcUers Stomach Bit
ters for the hist year amounted to over a half
million bottles, and from its manifest steady
increase in times past, it is evident that during
the coming year the consumption will reach
near one million bottles. This immense amount
could never have been sold but for the rare
medicinal pr pertie - contained in the prepara
tion, an 1 the-sanction of the most prominent
physicians in those sections of tlie country
where the article is best known, who not only
rccßuir.end B e Filters to their patients, blit
arc ready ni all time# togive testimonials to its
efficacy in all c ‘.sis of stomachic derangement3
and the di uses resulting therefrom.
Till# is riot it temporary popularity, obtained
by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum
peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid
estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is
de#incd to boas enduring as time itself.
Host otter’s .Stomach Bitters have proved
a Godsend to regions where fever and ague
end various other bilious coni] laints have
counted dicir victims by hundreds. To be
able to state confi Irmly that the “Filters”
are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like
diseases, is to the ] roj riel or# a source of un- j
alloyed pleasure! It ronu ves all morbid n.att-r
from the s:<>ni’ch, pmifies the blood, and
lnipar:# renewed vitality to theliervoaS system,
giving it that tone ami energy: iridispen.-nble
for the restoration of health- It operaies upon
the stomach, liver, •and Ufc'er digestive organs,
mil l y hut poAverfuU.V, and soon i cstores them
to iieomlitlon o -^on:: .1 to the healthy discharge
of the fa-*<*th ns of nature.
Elderly persons may use the Fitters daily as
per directions on the b-tlle, and they will find
i;i it a stimulant peculiarly whs] led to comfort
declining years, as ii is j-ioasant to the palate,
invig rating to the bowels, excclh nt as a tonic,
and lviuvenating gen* lally. Vie have the evi
dence of thousands of aged men and women
who have esj eric need the beut fit of Us ing till >
prepiir.ition while stiff ring from stomach tle
rungeim nts and general debility; acting under
the advice of p y:U-ians, they have abandoned
all deleterious drugs and fairly tested* tho
merits of this article. A few words to the
gentler sex. There are certain periods when
their cares arc so harassing that many ol them
sink under the trial. The relation ot’ mother
and child is so absorhier. ly tender, that the
mother, especially if she be young, is apt to
forget her own health in her extreme anxiety
for her infant. Should the period of maternity
arrive during the summer season, the wear of
body and mind is generally aggravated. Here,
then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe
rate the energies of the system, and enable the
mother to bear up under her exhausting trials
and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene
rally prefer the BiUcrs to all other invigora
tors that receive the endorsement of physi
cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as
well as certain to give-a permanent increase
of bodily strength.
All those persons, to whom we have particu
larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from
fevflr and aguf, caused by malaria, diarrhoea,
dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and
all diseases or derangements of the stomach,
superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary
occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult
their own physical vGfnre ly giving to Hos
tetler's ('clehrated .St inach Bitters a trial.
CAUTION. —We caution the public against ,
using any of the many imitations or counter- /
feits, but ask for llostettler’s Cuta: nr. a ted /
Stomach Bitters, and see that each bottle lia/
the words “Dr. J. If os tetter’s Stomach Bitters/
blown on the side of the bottle, and stamj/d
on tho metallic cop covering the coik,/nd
observe that our autograph signature isj/ the
label. /„
irs m Prepared and sold by HOSTFA/bEIt &
SMITH,! Pittsburgh, Pa., and so/ by all
druggists* grocers, and declers/f enerally
throughout the United States, South Ame
rica, and Germany. /
Salein Grtlitmhup,hv ♦
And by & CA aT.KSI.
.lan. 25. /• tll-ly.
dVfOTICE is hei-.-by yivnn io nil |o')'?()iip bolfl-
J N inir claltr.t or <lAn:'n-1i ntj-iins* tlm e?t.:ite of
Thomas D. A.'aror, late of Burke comity, locoes
efl, to-i-rasent tlier.i legally n-ithcntien cd within
Ihe lime prcrci-iliMi l.v ortliia not'eo will lie
pleaded in bar. nnd nil persons indebted to mid are required to make payment forthwith
tto the mulcrsijjnqd of sai estate.
Fxß, ADAMS, Adm’r.
Dec. 4, 18G0. wtf.
CO LU M B U 8 , G H O ll G I A .
T\7dULl)iespeetfully inform the public tbnt
,7 he is prepared to Supply tliem with almost
every article pertaining to the I)I!UG TIiAIIE,
nnd the lowest prices for CT 7 -TA. E*'uH2"Ba
Cdndncting my business on the cash system, I
am enabled (.o offer articles at 75 lo 85 cents,
which Usually sell for one dollar.
Xn libers of persons who used to buy on cred
it, ate now buying fl-om me for ent-l). having
found it to llieir interest to pnichnje at push pri
ce- from me, instead of buying on credit as hcro
♦V.Vi-e The trade of cash hitv<rs*i reared fully
solicited. .1. A. W£HTESJ!)E, ‘
may 3, 11- ts Cnsli l-ruggist, Oidimo ns, Ga
mleluT& ‘GBAMTIi
SSvossot st.. ..- 55<ms‘.-
& remove’ their
e.spectiuliy tln-ir ftiends and pa
rols they
T \ BLE r•Y C “ ’
of thu fewest /!i •’• Uuy wi ! l soil
at { lice# usiowascan be b\ui North or South.
lifffjyj ryuhjvo
Ve * 77^*Alt short notice. Alsn, Grmile Work,
Lime, I’liisl.e.'-, A” , ■ rtlrdeis from thecohntry
attended to. Addvt.-vAbncey fc Adams.
-,4 e\ t): Ki.NNY.
X.Y/ >1!N ADAMS.
Columbus 1880. 3-ty.
... Wt , ■ ? di
i * **
pi ’ Wt-eanOw V w’ (J
iy:: cuke of
mittor, - ; Fever cr Fever aad Ague, Re
: ‘ * ,'c revet.’, CEJ 1 Fever, Dr nib Ague,
i o ‘.odlcal Ile-Tiche, orßKioas Headache,
fl-d ZY.O"i Foyers; indoset for the whole
Ch:o of FLoaoet c. r :;;:aati;:g in biliary
‘.j the Kalaria of
miasmatic counties.
No ouc rcmcily i.s Ruder called for by the neces-•
of t’:e Auiericsui ])eo]>le than a sure and
: for Fever n:ul Sucli a reinedv wc mo’
iuVv c’u.’ Ird to offer, v/ith a perfect ejrtainty that it
v. ;!l eradicate the disease, and with as urancc, found
ed on proof, that no liana can arise from its use in
any quantity.
il..' * which protects from or prevents this disor
der must be of immense service in the communities
where it prevails. Prvnntion is be tier than cure,
for i!m* pati ait c capes the risk which he must run
ki violent ait-ek- of ibis baleful* distemper. This
•*’ Cure ” expels the mi ismuiic poison of Kever :
and Age:; from the sysfeih, and prevents the do-’
v.donm; it of t!ic d/scn.'C, if taken on the •first ap
• • > :*h of ii; ] -enarnrory symptoms. It i * not only
b- ‘t remedy cvfr yet discovered for this class of
Imt also l! a cheapest. r i he large quan
:! yv. - ya'.y !'<>” dollar brings it within the reach
vt . •. ffy ; and in bilious districts, where Pevkk
and Ac i p:vviifiS, every body should have it, and
•ir f ‘ b( fi tor cure and protection. It is
! It ... pr’lee will place’ it within the reach of nil
- ora# well as the rich. A great superiority
•>f iiff >■: : and v over*any other ever discovered for
•:.e ; •iyan I certain cure of Intcrmitter.ts is, that
ir •■*■.i: iin- no (.luininc cr mineral, consccjucntly it
:.••• .*ti•* -no ydnism or other injurious efii ts wiiat
ii; o.i jlsc cons:imtion. Those cured by it arc
u .i; li* ’i!:!iy as if liiey had never had the disease,
.rover and ffvfuo is not alnr.e tlic cons.t'qiu
:o niis'in.ide ])oison. A great variety of dffo. iers
•; * i :a irrir.ition, among tfhich are Ncu -n’gui,
ff h*.-uma * I -.?i, ('out, Headache, Blindness, TANARUS tosh.schc,
t V • : ‘ ill Af
: ■ vl, lly . I the i< “ els/
;,.,]* nnd i ) St*macJV,
cf i’-’ni'-'q w!u :i originating in Kds ( ins*-, put on
. f/uVmi.reut type, or l-e-omo pork.’Fa!. TkH’
•*. . e:.; els the poi-on from the b’-o V* ; R.d e*^*
mt’.y < .:• * s th-ni all alike, it * iuvßhtablo
• •;!:•) to i rvb; :ants, and pe-*' ; ous travr’.dng OT
a,. y • im tkc ma’ rious districts. H
” i ( . . ion d-V or and kiv while exposed to ‘"**%
’lioij. * : ii v.’ii be ex* x tVd from the sy .*"’*• ; niu
iff quant ■"/ i ,cn 1
1! •eitis cv 1 more \.**'’ “•'•’ P”• : '~
•i than i".i •*. ml! fi wwili r iV'*m BiUr
.. . jf y - v if. :,i.-v‘lv; s oi the plot :ctlou
, : >rem,ffy a.,*.;.f.
A ‘ Qy’ .\QTvkIC PiilS,
; ’ iAHV: ;• f j'.'o;-E3 CF A FAMILY FSIYSfO.
:i p ( > j that Uif use within the* of
5,.-i- aciiuii caarmcly vvitbstand or evade tbcjii.
i ::■]>. ii. icnti.f p‘."})( rtb - scan ’), and ci'-.-.)i fi,and
j M-vei-tliortion ofthe httuiau ovganifin, eor
;di .'4 j action, and it to)ing its healthy
,*’..'. As Ironseqiicncß of lliese properties, tlio
1 v ijiowd il.-wn w'7i pda or physical
• v is a l(wished to fh)(l or < nerj v re
11,y a reiiedy at once so/imple and iiivitiny.
~',] - ,!(Jil'.(-y care the es/vy-day coniphiintsof
’.. 1.,,:,-,- hit also many formidable and dangeious
’ i U agent h lo/i ; pleased to, (ontainlug
l direations for then- n ; o “ : ff ’• /
,4*‘-*C?Tv jKff era-rail isfthmrch, A u n t
j ‘ - ’ < r the
. Ufa .!<!■■ , nnd o In r
: I , fipiuintLfrom a low state of tlio
, ;i ‘. *;•(, Vs its functiosis.
. . nt alterative for tiie renova-
j*■ blf>i>i7^d : the restoration of tone and
> cm and Ui iff* disease. •
ilj’ Oi S yP-.iV-rj.JuJ Ju
ro/Tiir iiAfii) ciritK of
X; c / iaft’foiiza, Hoarseness, Croup,
r ■ §, Luc. d-? -.. Coasnmption,
tiO reijA of CoAsumptlvoTaticats in ad-
V4AC /-bge3 of tlio'Ditease.
v J is the fluid of it# usefulness, and so numor
;i; ‘ ca VS of its cures, that almost every
; • ti of coiintry abound# in persons publicly
: f\, wiio have been restored from alarming and
/:• -•. rale <ll - •:... : of the lungs by ir use. \\ hen
Jen ii ji- *, j;< -upor.oriv.v over every oilier liiedicino
/ its kind i ; is>o an-urvii: to cs:*aj>e observation, ami
/•. lu’-re ifs virtues ar-* known, tin* putilie no longer
r •:;!?'* w’liti it'll ** *: o) employ lor the distressing
I (liijig’ j.‘>us affect 0.4 of the puimonary organs
it are i:i< ai’- ju to our climate. \> bile many in
or remeJk's tin si j upon Hie coinmunity have
!aa !!* i (b-cardt.l, tb.i# has gaim-d .fricmU
i- I oaf *t lifiiclits on ill * alliicted
end p;\*lured cure.; too nuineiouc#
; j :.... ~ i.) be lorgotteu*
I’Mlii’A 1 I.D liY
. J. C. A7IS & CO.
•• IIP, • vss.
For Sale in Columbus bv
j. \. vv:n i eV Cos.
And by Druggists generally,
Jan* 25, 1880. ‘ 10—lv.
V sale att.h“oAMl I>RUG STOI!F. by
.1 A \A HI ! I.BIDF CO.
JS. . & J. N. BETHUSE,
tFillatter.d the Courts of the Oliatahoocher
circuit and the Supreme Court at Macon,
i (Ifiieo in the second story of the Masonic
Hall,first, door on the 1< ft hand-side.
) Columbus Gn. Nov. 0 1500, 37.
* *