The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1860-1861, February 06, 1861, Image 3

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'flic State Convention adjourned on Tuesday the *9th ultimo, to meet again in Savannah, when convened by the President ■of their body The Convention, or Congress, which assertWea m Montgomery on Monday last, cnib’riiCes as much talent as any body ever convened on the American Continent. Georgia is ably represent ed in that body, as the following dis tinguished names will amply testify: Ton the State at Large, Hon. KOP.KRT TOOMBS, of Wilkes, Hen. HOWEIX COBB, oUlark. CONGRKSSIONAT. DISTRICTS. 1 FRANCIS S. BARTOW, of Chatham. '2 M. J. CRAWFORD, of Muscogee. , S E. A. NIS BET, of Bihb. 4 BENJAMIN H. HILL, of Troup. f> A. It. WIIIGHT. of Floyd. 6 T. It. R. COBB, of Clark. 7 A. 11. KENAN, of Baldwin. 8 A. H. STEPHENS, of Taliaferro. Sorg’t Delaney, of the U. S. Army, was found 'dead near the Hospital Springs, West Florida on the 19th inst. He had refused to fight against the South, avow ing himself as a seces sionist to Iris* commanding officer. His remains were buried with military honors hy the me tropolitan Guards of Montgomery, which com pany lie had joined. Pretty Good. —The Hon. James McQuade, oUTfiea, gaysiof Lincoln's Cabinet : “One tiling is settled —Greeley is to go into the Cab net. He is to be'Secretary of the Exterior— liis principal duties, to watch the thennome ter and tell how cold it is out there.” On account of the political troubles of the times, the value of real Estate in the city of Washington, I). C. has very greatly deprecia ted. A large real Estate owner in that city *hAg become insane, and fias bicfi cdhVcYed to the Lunatic Asylum. SPECIAL NOTICE'S. Thomas N. Polhill will be supported for Major of this Battalion at the ensuing elec-! tion which is to be held by order of the Brigadier 1 on Thursday Feby. 14th 1861. by. Many Votkrs. Win. H. BatteV will be supported for 'Colonel of this Regiment at the ensuing election Which is to be held by order of the Brigadier ‘(.leueral on Thursday Feby. 14th, Many Voters. - The £resa on Mr. SeWards Speech'. The New York “ TribiCfie ” thinks it Tather disappoints thoSe who looked to Mr. Seward for a remedy for the 'troubles which afflict the nation, Rhe torically, it pronounces it unsurpassed by any of his earlier efforts. The New York “ Times" says that : as an indication of the spirit of Mr Lincoln's administration, it leaves no thing to he dcsiri and, and ought to ex- X:rt a salutary rnlluence. The New York “.Herald" regards it in some sort as “ a. declaration of war 'upon the ultra po'rtiiVn of the party." St, praises the sjieeclr. The New York " I'<M" fcf.ys it pro 'ducul a general disappointment, not Tor any laclf of ability, but because peculiar expectations had been, raised in regard to it. If says that the Word •of might which was tuOl'cii ipr to lay rebellion, is 11'pt to he found in it. The New York '“'A'eun' iAAvS \he Upecch is 11 a cold scholarly cSsay on 3110 advantages of the Union.” The New 1 ork “ Courier <(' Enqui rer" considers it the most statesman like and sublime plea fur the Union ‘ever uttered in the Senate'. The New York “ Sun” thinks if the 'administration of Mr. Lincoln fails anywhere, it Will l/e in, the selection of n man of too wild and theoretical a him for premier. Many of the leading journals of the North, oppdsed to the Republican par ly, speak ill terms of unqualified praise of Mr. Seward’s speech The Boston “Post" says, ‘‘.its delineation of the glories df the Uniotl, and the cplise tjuenceS of disunion, arb grand,” and that it is the best. Speech yet made in the Senate, and will calise the Whole fcountry to breathe easier, The Boston “ Uouriei'” says its! ob jections to the speebli ale not that it does not “ profess ih general terms a Willingness to concede wljat the Crisis may reqiiire,” but that it is not at first Sight “ specific and manly’' in meeting essential points. It thinks tlib liiain body of the speech “ Seiitimerital;” a rather nicely wrought essay ripon tbe blessings of Union and the evils of disunion. After all this, and much more; it feels bound to admit that it is itti abandonment of the doctriites iipon which the Republicans gained the victory; arid the principles ad vanced not much dilfbroht from those Os the good old Whig party.—Nation al American Fugitive Slaves. Tlib 'sciislis returns for 1860 show that the Cotton States suffer almost as much as otheis, by tlie operations of the Personal Liberty’ bills of the North. Ifi that, ybaf; according to an ex change, thfi ntiriibef of fugitives that escaped Was one thmisaria and eleven, and were divided afilong tilts StdteS as follows : South Carolina.4l Mississippi, 64 North Caroliria.l6 Tennessee, 70 Texas, 29 Virginia, 83 'L0t'11,..!.. 1,011 A1abama,.......29 Missouri, . . 60 Arkansas .21 Delaware,...... 26 Florida, 18 Georgia, 89 Kentucky, 96 Louisiana, 90 Maryland, 279 It is thought that the number lias Since increased fully fifty per Cent, ■which Would give fifteen hundred a jear, at the aggregate valite of one million fH-e htindred thousand dollars. It will thtls be seen that, while the lofis of the border St ates is, of course, much the greatest, Georgia, in ISSO, lost withiti seven as many as Kentucky, and Louisiana within six as many”; so that the popular idea that the ex treme Southern States do not suffer in this way is erroneous.— National Amer ican. Sudden Death.— We learn that 011 Wednesday, Mr. Griffin Smith of Lee county, While sitting in his chair at McComb’ft Hotel in this city, died sud denly, without any known cause. He was about sixty years of age, and was the father-in-law of the Hon. Willis Hawkins of Americas, a delegate in the Convention. The remain 3 of Mr Smith have been conveyed home for interment. The Arsenal on t'-c Sand Hills, near Augusta, was surrendered to the State of Georgia, on de mand of Gov. Brown on Thursday the 24 th inst .1 slight difficulty, was at one time apprehended, but the Captain, concluded “ that prudence was the better part of valor.” BeloW is the corres pondence. AUGUSTA,-GA, Jan. 23, 1561. Capt. Arnold Elzf.v, U. S. A. : Commanding Augusta Arsenal : Sir : I am instructed by His Excellency, Gov. Brown, to say to you that Georgia having sece ded from the United States of America, and re sumed exclusive sovereignty over her soil, it lias 1 become my duty to require you to withdraw the troops under your command, at the earliest practicable moment, from tile limits of the State- He proposes to take possession! of the Arsen al, and to receipt for all public property under your charge, Which will hereafter be accounted for, on adjustment between the State of Georgia and the United States of America. Ifc begs to refer yon to the fact that^the re tention of foreign troops upon the soil bf Geor gia, afti r remonstrance, is, under the laws of na tions, an act of hostility ; and lie claims that the State is not only at peace, lint anxious to culti vate the most Amicable relations', with the Uni ted States Gov riiinent. lam further instructed to shy that an answer will be expected by to-morrow morning at Mhe o'clock. 1 am, sir, very respectfully. Your obedient servant, Henry R. Jackson, Aid-de-Camp, etc. Head-Quartebs, Augusta Arsenal,! Georgia, Jan. 21, 1861. f Sir: I have the honor to inform yon that lam directed by Captain Elzey, commanding this post, to say, in reply to the demand of the Gov ernor of the State of Georgia, made .through you yesterday, requiring him to withdraw ni.uni beyond the limits nf the State request an interview with hie vernor, for the purpose of negotiating honorable term’s of Surrender at as early an hour this morn ing as practicable. a I have the honor to be, very respectfully. Your obedient servant. J. C, Jones, Lieut. 2d Artillery, Adjutant. To Col. H. R. Jackson. Aiil-de Cauip. The N. Y. Tribune, learns that tlio non. lidfvcll Cobb, fats defeated on the 2nd inst. for the State Convention. Wise, ain't He ? He also learns of the desperate fears from insurrection, pervading tlie entire Southern mind at this time. That s right Mr. rribunc, keep your readers posted with such bogus stuff. The South never was safer, or feit more security froth these things than at the present moment. Site confides in the loValty, and at tachment of her slaves, and has less to fear internally than the North. No bread riots here. No shivering women and children, without a place to shelter them from the bleak, cold winds. All these, and more, the North has to bear. Wonder what. Mnj. General Santoro thinks of the following, communication This Is the light sort of talk. In the hour of trial, should it ever come, v.v believe many true men. at the North, will hr found, responding to the sentiments contain and ill the letter be low. Such constitut • noble no I true men. who will not battle to uphold injustice and Wrong . New York, Jan. 17th, 1801. : Major General Sanford —Sir :—Observing in this ntnrilirtjf’S papers, yo ir ten ler of the services of the First Division, to aid in sup : porting and maintaining a set of political prin | ciplcs which are not the j'rii'.eiples ot a inajor ; itv of tire men under vdur comm in 1, and be j lieving that neither justice itor policy war ! rants such a tender on your part, I beg leave j to protest as a member of the 7th lVegimeilt -5 and in behalf of others associated with trie as officers and in the ranks, against being pre sented to the country as ready arid willing lo take up arms against any portion of dur coun trymen. You will not, lie sustained, Sir, should you be called upon to act, arid you would rather receive and merit the thanks of your command, were you as indefatigable id restoring the peace which you have assisted in destroying, of our distracted country, as you are in promoting discord, and heralding your name to tile world. I do not advocate, sir, disobedience of orders, but resignation will decimate the ranks, and you will be powerless to accomplish your purpose ; the 'military of New York city will never advocate your cause, though Geiierdl Sattford Should cdnlmatid. A Member of the 7th Regiment: JLLJbLRbuIP COUNTY OFFICERS! Justices of the Inferior Oeurt. Sherrod Arrington. Andrew E. Tarver: Nonii Smith, James J. Brown, John W. Brinson, ORDINARY. < Nicholas Diehl.’ CIK. Supr. & Inferior Courts. Henry J. Farmer. SHERIFF, Jesse T. Mulling. CORONER. W. B. G. Thomas. TAX COLLECTOR. James W, Clarke. TAX RECEIVER. John Wren. AiOTM'E. ALL Persbns Indebted to tho Undersigned, either b’y Note or open Account, ate re spectfully requested to cofnfc forward and settle imiiibdiately, as he has a considerable airio'unt to raise ih a few days. DANIEL R. IRBY. Feb. 6th, 1861. 3t "fob saiS A FIRST Bate WAGON MULE, very large and strong. For terms, &c., apply to It. C. ROBBINS, Feb Oth, 1861. if Louisville, Ga. FOIJ ’SAIaK.’ “ 4 GOOD Second-hand CARRIAGE. It has 1 V been repaired, and is in first rate condi tion. For terms, No., apply to It. 0. BOBBINS, or DANIEL R IRBY, Feb Gib. 1801. ts Loui-re ill-e Go. IIEPIIZIBAIt HIGH SCHOOL, AT BROTHERSVTLL.E GEORGIA,” oxn V. TANARUS, SANFORD. A. 11. Principal, L. L. YEAZEY, A. M. Assistant. MUSIC Teacher employed so soon as other buildings completed. . , Exercises begin 3rd Monday in February. Tuition, $6 $S & $lO. per quarter aceorrilng to advance ment of pupils. BOARD, Washing, Lights Ac. included, ilO to sl2 per nimilh. The marked rarress of Mr. Sanford as an In structor of Youth at the Brownwood Institute. White Plains Academy: and the well earned rep utation of Mr. Yeazey (late Literary Editor of the Crusader.) as a chaste and accomplished wri ter wiil recommend these gentlemen to the con fidence of the public. In addition, these arc both native Georgians, and graduates of a Southern Institution, For further particulars address J. F. CARS WELL, or the Principal of the School, at Rich mond Factory. By order of the Board of Trustees. W. L. KILPATRICK. Secretary. 4 t FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. PALMER & PHILLIPS, Have just received frofn FAIR HAVEN a large Stock of all varieties of GARDEN SEEDS, Fresh and Genuine, grown in 1860. AUSO, from PHILADELPHIA, a large and choice Stock of PAINTS, OILS, DRUGS, MEDI. ONES, DYESTUFFS, SOAPS, PERFU MERY, BURNING FLUID, VINE GAR, PAINT BRUSHES. SURGI CAL INSTRUMENTS, PAT ENT MEDICINES, TO BACCO, SEG-ARS, GUNPOWDER, BOOKS, STATIONARY, PENS, PENCILS & a great variety of NOTIONS, all of which are offered at the low est prices. Call and examine our STOCK, and compare (Air PRICES, with the SAVANNAH and AUGUSTA Markets. All PRESCRIPTIONS carefully filled by a Practising Physician. Louisville, Ga. Jan’v 9th 1801. BETHANY until IlTillTl. Flniii* second Session of this School was ooened JL on the 2nd Monday ih January 1861, under the supervision of Moses P. Cain, a graduate of Mercer University, assvtod by Miss fc&llie E. Smrjh, cf Monroe FemaVc University. The Musical Department will remain uiidcr the management of Mrs. Mary E. Daniel. The Scholastic year will be divided Lit'o t\Vu Terms of five months oath. TjGR YS» Ist grade, clO per term off» months. 2nd “ sl*2 “ “ h “ MU3IO,' On the Piano, S2O per term, and $2 for use of the Instrument, payable half j early in advance. Xo deduction made from fees, save i.:\ account of protracted sickness. BOARD, CJn he laid in the neighborhood, .at 810 to sls per month, washing, lights and fuel included. For further particulars, address, Capt. E. M’c CROAN, BRYANT BEESLKY, or Dr. Wm. HAUSER. Speir’s Turn Out Jefferson Cos. Ga. 3 t BAR _MI BIUJAKD SALOON. r PHE UNDERSIGNED, thankful for X the liberal Patronage heretofore bestowed upon him, would most respectfully in. form bis Friends anti tbe Public generally, that lie still continues tlie same Business, as hereto, fore, conducted upoii the same principles of fair aud honorable dealing to all. lie has removed his BAR ROOM up stairs in the front part o, his Bujlding, where lie wiyl bo happy to see and wait upon all who may favor liim witli their Pat ronage. He Has, aud will keep constantly on hand, the finest kinds of LIQUORS, as well as tho medium and lower grades, such as BR.INDY, WHISKEY; GIN, RUM, Ac., and WINES of every variety, to suit all tastes. lie wiil also keep constantly on hand a good Assortment of (jONFECfIbNARIES; &c. BiT GIVE HIM A CALL! JOHN R. WELLS. Louisville, Jan 2 c1., 1861. Georgia, \ JEFFERSON COUNTY, f To the Honorable tho Court of Ordinary of Jefferson County, Whereas, Thomas J. Harvey applies lo nre for Letters of Administration de boms non, upon the Estate of Sarah J. Williams, Ritfe of Jefferson County deceased. , These ire therefore io cite tfnd ailmonish all and singular the kindr cl and creditor of said de ceased; to he and appear at my office, on the first Monday iu March next, to show cause, (if any they have,) why said Letters should not he granted. Given tinder my hand and offiicial Signature, this 30th day of January, 1861. NICHOLAS DIEIIL, Ofd'y. Jan’y 3l)th 1861. f.OOK TIE HR j C 4 entlemen, accounts are due, and we I"hope without any further notice, that you will make immediate payment, and save us she necessity of dunning you, and ourselves the mortification of being dunned ; we must have the money. F. A. ARRINGTON. .tun'y 301 !>. mol 182 M, Is thankful to tile citizens of Louisville, and vicinity For their § At? Wb A .nern Caw a /pnwa for the last 1U rears, and desires a continuance of TH E! R CUSTOM. I will always be found at tlio OLD* SVA nD J occupied by me so long, Xo. but corner of iVashingto and sixth street, and will be glad to till orders for Retiring will be clone in the ■jtoTEST style. I haVr on hand supply of Carriage Goods, fcli'ch as Steel Springs and Axles, Arm Bailings, braeft and silvered ; brass and silvered Bandjt; Dash Frames ; brass and Silvered Pash Rods ; Carriage Holts • Clips, Shaekels ; Cut Tacks ; Apron Hndk) ; brass, silvered and japan-plated Ornaments ; Mounted American Whip Sockets, Japanned Curtain Frames • Silver and Ivory Headed Tufting Nails ami Buttons Cas tings of all kinds; Pole Yoke? and Craiis ; Fellers, Hubs, Spbke.s and Shafts ; Turned Whiffle Trees, yVheels, Bodies and* Beats; Enameled Cloths, Duek Drill and Muslin Oil Carpet Mats, Buggy Harness, Whips, Ae., Varnish, Paints. All Coilors ground in oil and dried. Teims lil oral to prompt customers. February 2nd, IStiO. AND FALL TRADE, liffl TRUNKS, imm Bass lejiihee, usts. TANNEKS TOOLS. ; j,hOo Cases JLiigJTS m,.l SHOES. •f),000 lbs. Ilemloi k SOl/E LKATHKR, 2,000 lbs. t)ak, SOI.K I.FATHER, 160 dox En .a h and American CA 1.1 SKIN , 500 do/.. Bl.vk and Russ.: UPPER LEATfIERi .30 do/.. K 11' SK IX , .100 doz. Lining. Binding - end Top KINS; 6,000 800 and Shoe LASTS. ’2O Barrels SHOE PECS 1 .’ ALSO; Picker ritid T,ar;: DcatHei-, Harness and Bridle I.eaher, Roller Leather Patent Kid, Coat aud, Morocco Skills'. Buck and Chamois Skins, Boot Tree Clamps, Crimps. Peg Jacks,’Peg Breaks, Peg Cutters, Heel Cutters, Splitilig Machines, Pincers, Nippers, Lasting Tacks, Shoe Knives, Eyelet Punches Eyelets, Awls, Shoe Hammers, French Kit, Kit Files', Atvl Haft's, Beam Fticeii, Currying Knives, Finger Seels, Graining KuivcP,; l.iekc'rs; Fleslicrs; R'ib- Stories, and Stones, Clearing Stones, Indiana Stones; Boot Web, Boot' Cor'd, Size Sticks, Rivets and Fitting Thread, Twist, Wax, Silk, Gallouii, E.lgo Blackin'” 1 , Head Blocks, Patent Shank, Lasters, Boot Hooks, LAs lluoks, French ijliafk, Co!k Soles, Shoe Horns, Lorig Sticks, Pttinp Sticks, Colts, Sand Paper; Slide'Lasts -.CONLEY, FORCE & CO AVGUSTS, GA. _ _ _ _ M ’ GOWAn"&~STiIaT FORD; MOST respectfully call the attention of the public to their large arid well-selected Stock of FALL. AND WINTER STM»m Mm FM f€t - ETE Y GO 0 D S’; Sl#a wls si si and 31 at it tilisi s» 5 OSMBM&S &m STBIPHS HATS A Iff 3D CAPS, iAaier Ai© feiisssr sweets mn riAts , t IJarduafT, Xsails, Cullcrj, CariHiiifers’ ‘GLOVES, FANCY GOODS, TERFVMERY, i tc., AND SHOES OF EVERY VARIETY, Men’s and Boys’ Ready-made Clothing, of the latest Style, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, SEGARS ANI) TOBACCO. A.ll of which will be sold on as reasonable terms as any House iii the trddc' atgrCull, and examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. "‘©Sj G. W. &B. F, ROBERSON, *» LOUISVILLE, GEO., * H-'iVF. i'l-l ri'crivcl an Exlnnuivc .m l .nm, E Studs < f DRE~B UOOl).=. SHAWLS. CLOAKB LOOP SKIRTS :111c! all tbe a retvru* ufa laJy's outfit • ALSO. A large assortment of CASSIMF.RK?, SATINET? TWEEDS FI VXXKLS Ungeys, bed blankets ami domestics. i til sn ffi but nn trail SHIRTS,CL - Pft -ARS, CR WATS, MERINO ;IIiK l , ru.- : . DRAWERS, HATS AND CAPS. and a large stock .if BOOTS AMD SHOES* at low prici . jfaniwiiiv. t’ilijiciilur's Tools. ('YitWy, (itiibs t\ntl SlVooting tai'klo. Sdiuol Books, ami Fancv Articks-. Our motto is polite attention, c.-pecui.i.v iothk L.inrf,-, Small profits q'Yi'ck k:s and quick retuni.-S OWL RCJBrdSOMi) oct.», iB6O. B- F, RUBERSOM. I i I-'€P ES S- .S-L One of tlie most def iralde Lots in the Town of Louisville, compri sing some three acres, opposite the j Corirt House square, aud at the head ! of Broad Street. | For terms apply to R. L. GAMBLE, t f Louisville, Ga pjLANTATIOS FOK SA 1.1 SA T offer tor Jale my lilare wliirh lain nmv living f on. iviii" in Jcflcrson (’minty, iminoliatnly [ imi ILuuiiihs 1 rncch and adjoining tin* pla fit a l i->;i --;of E. IL C.'usWi* t. W. W Uiiodt-s ami others. It I containiithree ami . ninety t;vo imrcs more or loss of nii.ictj lami, about half of wnich is undr « t.!: i‘ -1 »; • i m«-1I lVnoml. It has upon it .1 2«m«l I'WLLIU'T. and Out build ings well of fine Water rinJ i- convonit nt to a school ami to churcVt a cf di.ib rent dcimm nations. I would invite the atten tion of those wlshiiig to P ;; ‘ 1L * W ni\ pic e as I have determiuul to sell, ha .ilig bovi’lit else where.— Terms may br- made easy. F. BLOWN. 11th lt-60. tt MPS. j. B. FOLEY. j BULL STREET, SAVANNAH, GA GLOBE HOTEL. Augusta, GW. AUSTIN mULLARKY, I'EUPRIF.TOi: •SVi’ 12tli. IB6o'. TkQTTr'5, Persons indebted to the late firm of Jordan A Wells, cither by .Vote of Account, are here j by notitii-d mid re'i'i■-.-it-d •-..i1l at the office of i i'ar.mvu i. 'Si 1 1. for settlement, ns 1 have ; placet! said claim.*, in their hand* fur collection. . "olIN' R. WE1.1.8 I Surviving partner. Dcc+ 19, IB6o'. t’v. KOTlcfe. A IJ, pfi«ons..are hereby civuti.,i’iii'r| npiinst J. V trading witli my lirotlir-r, Si-th lilrrganier, an Idiot, or with any person for him, except myself, al> I will not he Eesponsible for any debt contracted by niin or thiin, from and af ter ibis date. JOHN BARGANIER, Ifc’e'r obt 1860 Puariiian. 1 mo NOTICE. \ 11 persons are hereby caufit.ijed tj;a- Y JL ding!: in; v*ife. K! 1 .-.Hct:i Freeman, aa 1 will not be responsible for any debt contracted by her, from, and aftcb this dHte. f»eorge A', kreeman. December 12th, 1860. A HAPPY Yew year; TO ALL ml HiiLnlio AND PATRONS! r IMIE UNDERSIGNED, (lianktVl for the lib _A_oral Patronage bestowed uprn him during the past year, would respectf-.ily call the at teritlon of all wlio arc INDEBTED to him to please come forward, as your Accounts are all ready, and you greatly favor me by cal ! linjg at m\ btovc and closing them. The re*! port that I had SOU) OUT is unfounded' I shall continue at my present place L: busi ness, am selling great bargains iii GK'.X'Kli- 1 lES for CASH or good PAPER, Jauv 2nd 1800. JOHN It WELLS. JiTtXECUTOItS’ S r Vl.M.—.Agreeably to an order ! a of .the Court of .Orilinarv,* of Jt HV-rson county, will be sold, on the ' lirst Tuesiiiiv | i.i February next, at the market house in. the town ot Louisville, witiiin the usual hours (if sale, a tract of good Ditto hum], eon- | taining two hundred amb fourteen acres more ! or less, adjoining lauds of James C. Hudson. Hen- | ry J. Fa rider, Cliarl; s Matthews ami Alexander • Berryhill, said land.having thereon a good duel- ‘ ling, out-houres and Bilildines henry .t. Parmer, j .. ISAAC FREEMAN, j Executors. , Dee. 12th, lkt)0. L(»ST. 4 Note bearing date November Bth 1800, for I lx. Eight hundred and fifty dollars, for value j received, and due the Ist of January Isf.t, and ' made payable to Isaac Freeman, and signed by John N. T. ’Jones. Also, another one bearing date, November Nth i.SGO, ,j‘ ue ,i 1( ! 25th day of December tsiit, for j.;i s bt hundred and fifty dollars; for value rceqivcd, matte j»ava ble to Isaac Freeman, or b.arer, an ! signed by John N. TANARUS: Junes. The public, are hereby cau tioned against trading for cither of said notes and tbe maker from pitying them to anuy one b, myself. * . . iS.UC FREKM VN. Jan'y Idfli I^l, MYW NTOHL GROCERIES! GROCERIES! En °’ VX ' I'ENN" Y A CO., have Just ' v '* Si orb an.Uonq.lelesi'oekdT ,h *'- V Lah '' H «'“*• b in os, TJfjnoppJ f obtH.vo umi SotritiV Al*d. |.]on,M assortment of r 1-I//7. U GROCERIES, • 'insisting id the best qualities of SUGAR, t'OFFKK BBT-;, <iii;f;sk M M'KLRKL, IRISH POTATOES', article;, g ni rally kepi in a U v STOKE. Al.-o a full ass.'rtment of FRUITS & CANDIES. All "I Which will be sold to our patrons in th'a -V 0S T .S' ATI ST AcTO It Y TT It 1 Stock before pttrehasinji j \ l u P r r T :H in 'i ,,bt S'Ltd the Estate 'if Ler t. I *» 11 liigimm, lie,eased, ol Jefferaon C,muty. j are hereby requested to make immediate pay. j meat arid those having demands against said Ks | tatc, will render them in tlie lime pfesenbeil ilv ] law. F. WIIIi;i!AM, Kxr. Janv Oth 1 sill. i GUANO w A A D MtTOH SEED, | The subscribers are the onlv Agents b-tweea nnnu i in for the sale of phqMix guano, AND DICK'3GN J S SELECT PDTTOI SEED, and w ill deliver the same at any Station on the C. If >l. at Savannah prices,freight and dray, age being added. I pun application, we will furnish certificates approving and recommending the use of the I tb’tauo and Cottiin Seed, by the best Far | mers in the South. I All the. ■■ who may favor us with their patrur • age, can address Johnson K Evans, ! xo. it <•; it: ni: Dcc’r 19th ls6o. | . NOTICE. I 4 11 persons imk-bted to .the Kskitc of. Ari ; V. lligu McDermott tleeeised. by .uv lic.vhy rctjucstcil to call on Owen M’cDcr i!i"U, an«l make imnicdi.ite payment,, or N’t»ics with M-mrity, ami all persons irLl'qbtej to said It state by Note, are hereby requested i<? ‘•.|'t. on Carswell X <'arswoli. and mgJcc 'lia'e puvm.iiit, ami all persons having.clairritf against said list ate, are reques.tejl present them for payment, duly authenticated iri the time required hy law. * . . , . James r ciODbttr; k*’f: Jan’y 2dd J -SO L. t f HOME BETHANY, Jefferson Cos.; Ga. It ould np'-t, respectfully announce to the citi zens ni Jellersim and adjoining eqiqities. that the)’ have established at tlie above named place % CAB IMA m SHOP, for the purpose of A/.I.V VTA HI'IIUSC AXD ItEPAIT.IXG GA RIAG ES , C'OL i (TIES, AND BUGGIES, ?re'-lds«ylK io! ks!!‘ ” catc " ll, “ ii »»*»■ “b liARNES.S,MADE A Nf) REI* VIRED’ U.ViHU.VGR Goods, a complete ~'u^V ALL WORU WARRANT D Come one. come u|| al V ( i Hltniua " ’ aud jmljr»» 4 or yeurselv? our w ork, Vta, 1860. ty.uuti’s after L . njadc to the Or»** n i, r b« for b ave to sell a fA “r'l '’ f Lfiwrsv# county, hundred acres nr --r. ~,.N,' ,'R one ' :UC W l» ,, ' USinWn^^'^,, * S * MIiC IV. t’R AIVFURD, I " B.I.TAM .1. KYF ( , , , ELEC'f'IOS TICKETS iH bo printc-el at tins office* at* fho ate ot fojOU j>, j- thousand