Newspaper Page Text
fences which hftvc been iiiCUfNu by
thefe moans.
Mr. C fill'd that the obfervetiom
he marie as to the e-cpfmcc of
this equipment, refled upon the
fiuppofuion that we are-not to have
war. In tide fuppoucion the gen*
tie man from Virginia acquicfces at
lea ft to a particular extent. If the
nation fhould Unfortunately be in
volved in war—it ought to be pro-
fiecuted with vigor, as well oiFenfive-
ly as defeirfi /cly. Hie energies &
Tefourccs of the nation ought to be
put i:i a hate of requifitioa ; but
until this event fhould happen, lie
was oppofed to meafures wfiicli ex-
li-.vifled the treafurv without adding
to the real and fubftantial defence
•of the nation.
The final rucfllon on the paflage
of t!;e bill was taken on the 23d of
Tliofe who- voted in favor of the
bill are, Me.frs. Bayard, Bradley,
Brent, Champlin, Franklin, Gill.ird,
German, Giles, Gilman, Goodrich,
Gregg, HillhtJufe, Leib, Lloyd,
Meigs, Parker, Pickering, Pope,
Reed, Robinfon, Smith, (Md.)
Smith (N. V.) Sumter, Tail, and
Tliofe who voted ngainft the bill
are, MefTrs. Anderfon, Campbell,
C indit, Crawford, Lambert, and
Tu i'ii ex—G.
February• 2(1.
Mr Bradley, from the committee
app-inted to confideron the propri
ety of employing the torpedo or fub-
m trine explofion for the defence of
tlie port's and harbors of,the United
{rates, made a repruT^riiat the com
mittee were unanimaufly of opinion,
that a fum ought to be appropriated
for the purpofe of making experi
ments in relation thereto •, & in pur-
fuance of this opinion a bill was re
ported by the committee “making
•An appropriation for the purpofe
therein mentioned “ The bill was
read and puffed to a fecoud reading.
Ftbruary 28
The Vice Prefidcnt being ablent,
the Senate proceeded to the elctSIioti
of i prefidcnt pro tern asthccmifli-
fiuii provide;; and Mr. Gaillard was
accordingly appointed.
The ffcnnte refumed’thc con-fidera-
tion of 'the 1 bill 'making an appropri-
snion for die purpofe therein men
tioned (for experiments in relation
to tiie torpedo invention )
On motion of Mr. Bayard to poft-7
y -ie the further confideration of the
bili-to-ihe firft Monday in Decem
ber next, the votes flood as follow :
For the notion, MefTrs. Bayard,
Campbell, Champlin, German, Gil-
man, Goodrich, Hillhoufe, Horfcy,
1.1m d Pickering, Reed, Smith of N.
igrd’ifi the motion, I*Tc firs Ander-
fort, BmcUy, Brent, Condit, Craw-
f l Franklin, Gaillard, Giles,
Gregg, Lambert Leib, Matihcwfon,
Meigs, Robinfon, Smith of Md.
fhuntcr, 'Bait, Turner, W-hitefidc—
Mr. Anderson moved to recom
mit the bill to a felecf committee,
bud that tbc commiitee be inflruEt-
r ! ro afeertsm t.t the navy-depart
ment -whether any and experi
ments iiaVe been made of the torpe-
doe. and whether nfeful
•to make any and what experiments,
T.nd what fnm ol money will be ne
eds try to make the fame.
Mr.,b (Md ) called for a di-
viliov., ami it was taken on the quel-
tien of recommitment as follows:
For the mot. ft, f.Ieffrs. Anderfon,
Bayard, Campbell, Champlin, Ger
man, Gilman, Goodrich,Hillhoufe,
Tim fey, Lloyd, Matthcwfon, Pick-
'efing, Reed, Smith of Md. Smith ox
N. Y —15.
Aieiitid the motion, MefTrs.Bradley,
Brent, Condi', Crawford, Franklin,
G.iillx d, Oiler., Gregg, Lambert,
Lmb. Robinfon, Sumter, Tait, Ter
mer, Whitcfide—15.
The .Senate being equally divided,
the queflion was loll.
Ar.d die Senate adjourned with
out taking any further qucltion on
the bill.
March 1.
The Senate relumed the confider-
-a'ion of the bill making an appropria
tion for the purpofes therein men
C i th.o queflion “ Shall the bill
he ('ngroiTuu and read a third time ?”
r j hr,u were
For tie bill-—Me fils Bradley Con*
dit, Crawford, Franklin Gaillard
Giles, Orejrg, I.rrrubsr t ,L clb ,Meigs,
Pope, Robiion, Sumter, l’ait, Tur
ner, Whitcfide—16.
Aeainjl the hill—MeiTrs. Anderfon,
Bayard, Campbell, Champlin, Gar-
man, Gilman, GtJ&diich, Hillhoufe,
Iloriey, Loyd, Parker, Pickering,
Reed, Smith of N. Y.— I t.
March 5.
A meffige was received from the
Houfe of Reprefentatives informing
the Senate of their difagreement to
the amendments of the Senate to the
bill concerning commercial inter-
courfe with G. Britain- and Prance
and their dependencies, and for
other purpofes.
A motion was made by Mr. Leib
to poflpone the confideration of the
bill, Sic. to this day fortnight and
A motion was then made by Mr.!
Leib to poftpene the confideration of
the fubjeft to this day week.
On this motion there were
For pcjlponenivtit—Me firs. Bayard,
Brent, Campbell, Champlin, Ger
man, Gregg Leib, Robinfon; Smith
of Md. Whitefidc—10.
Again/! pojlponcment—MefTrs. An
derfon, Bradley, Condit, Crawford,
Franklin, Gaillard, Gilman, Good
rich,''Hillhoufe, Horfey, Lambert,
Lloyd, Meigs, Parker. Pick‘ring,
Fope Reed, Smith of N. Y. Sump
ter, Tait, Turner—21.
An adjournment poflponed the
queflion till to-morrow.
March 6.
The Senate refumed the confider
ation of the mefllige from the Houfe
of Reprefentatives, Bating their dif-
agreement to the Senate’s amend
ments to th<-bill concerning com
mercial intcrcourfe, &c.
The queflion pending when the
Houfe adjourned yeflerday was on
adherence to their amendments to the
The queflion was taken to irtjijl,
and carried without a divifion.
Mr. Ar.deefen then moved to ap
point a committee of conference to
confer on the luhjcdl with fuch com
mittee as fhoukl be appointed by the
Houfe of Reprefentatives--—Agreed
MefTrs. Anderfon, Leib and Smith
ef Md. were accordingly appointed
on the pare of the Seriate.
iMarch 8.
Mr. Bradley prefented a 'bill for
the prefervation of peace and main
tenance of the authority of the U.
States, in the ports, harbors and wa
ters under their jurifdidlion, which
was pafled to a fecoud reading.
Mr. Leib fubmitted the following
refolutions for confideration :
Rrfolved, That the Prefident of the
United States be required to inllrudl
our niinifler at the court of Great
Britain, to demand of the Eritilh
government an immediate' compli
ance with tlie arrangement made by
their minifler, Mr. Elkine, with
this government, compiifing atone
ment for the attack upon tile frigate
Chefapcake, aiid a relinquilhment of
the orders in council: and that on
failure to execute that arrangement,
our tniniflev be directed forthwith
to return to the United States.
1 Reftdiied, That the • Prefident of
the United States be required to in-
llrudt our minifler at the court of G.
Britain, to demand of the -Britilh
government an immediate releafe of
j all Americans impreffed into the
! Britifn fervice, and that on failure or
I refufal to make fuch releafe, our
| minifler be directed forthwith to the
United States.
Refclvcd, That on failure or refufal
of the government of Great Britain,
after demand made by oar minifler,
to carry into effect the arrangement
of Mr. Erfkine, the Britilh minifler,
or on the refufal or failure to releafe
all American citizens, impvefled into
tlie Britilh fervice, tlie Prefident of
the United States be authorifed to
iil'ue letters of mnrque and reprifal
againll the fiiips and vefi’els belong
ing to the government and fubjedts
of G. Britain.
principle, but going mere info de
tail, confiding « feven fedions. j
[Thefe fedtions avthorife mer- 1
chant vefTels owned folely by Ame-1
rican citizetisand not carrying con- \
traband produce, hound to any port
or place not aduaily -invefted
with which intercourfe fkall be pro
hibited by the decrees and orders of
tlie belligerent powers, to arm and
eppofe by force every attempt to
reftrain or divert them 'from their
deltvnation^ and provide the details
of the fyftcm.
They alfo provide that the Prefi
dent of the LTnited States fiiall under
certain regulations, be authorifed to
employ thn public armed vefTels of
the United States in proteding from
capture under the decrees and orders
of G. Britain or' Trance the mer
chant-vefTels of the United States]
After debate, part of the motion
relating to convoy being declared out
of order, becaufe already specially
before another committee of the
A motion v/as rnade-by Mr. F.ppcs
to commit the amendments of tlie
Senate & -the Tedious of his amend
ment which were in order, to a fe
ted committee-; and carried by
Yeas and'Nays 77 to'4-0.
A - motion "was then made to dif-
charge the committee of the whole
from the further confideration of the
bill rrfpeding convoy, reported by
Mr. Burwell. This motion was
carried by Yeas and Mays 77 to 42.
And the bill was committed to the
fame committee to whom was juft
now committed the amendments of
the Senate-with'Mr. Eppe’s amend
ment thereto.
March 5.
CONV6Y and arming.
Air. Eppes, from the committee
(compoft-d of MefTrs. Eppes, White-
hill, Montgomery, Mumford, Dana,
Deflia, Cutts, Winn and W. Al<lon)
to whom were referred the amend
ments from - the Senate, to the bill
concerning commercial intercourfe,
Sic. and Mr. *Eppef’s amendments
thereto, together with the bill (re-
Milnarin th3 chair, cn the bill r.u- 1
thorifing a detachment as the militia
of the U. S.
The committee then rofc and re
ported the bill to the Houfe—.And
the houfe adjourned.
March 8.
The Houfe were engaged nearly
the whole of the day in the difeuf-
fion of the bill authorifmg a detach
ment of the militia of the U. S.
A motion to ftrike out fo much
of the bill as authorifes the employ
ment •without the jurifdiFlion ef the U.
States, if neceiTary for tlie public
fervice, of volunteers engaging un
der the provifions of this a£t, nega
tived, 75 to 4-2.
The bill was not gone through
before the Houfe adjourned
half acre Lot, fitu-
ated cn Wayne
Street near the
Market, at prefent occupied by
Dr. Wiifon—Alio a Houfe and
half acre'lot, joining the above
—Tor terms apply to MefTrs.
liill to’Pocce of Augulta, or to
A. M. Devcrcux.
MilledgeviHe, 15th March, IS 10.
One Hundred Dollars
Strayed or flolen from the
plantation of Capt. Samuel Tinf-
ley the latter end of luff month,
11 years old, between 14 and 1.5
hands high, ftrong made, with
thick mane and tail,-trots and
paces but goes roughly, he b
branded but the brands’Hot re-
coilefted—If ftrayed,^ ’liberal
reward will be given on his be
ing delivered to the -fubferiber
living near the mouth of Little
WILL BE SOLD, on r.- *
Tuflay in March next, agree-
able to an order of the Infers >r
Court of Hancock county, in the
Town of Sparta, the following
Trails of Land:
250 acres, Hancock county,
on the waters of Shoulderbone.
287 1-2 acres, Wafliingtoti
county, on the waters of Bufla.
Lot Nf>. 232 in the 25th dif.
tritl of Wi.'kinfon ,
Sold for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of J. D.
Swinney, dec.
Ransom Swinney, Adm’iv
C5* The l'ale of the above pro.
perty is poftponed until the fiift
Tuefday in April next.
March 20, 1810.
GEORGIA, bianco.k county.
Wherea* Robert Rivers,
Guardian, to the orphan* of
Barnes Cdatke, dec. and for
William Ilicks an orphan, has
applied to me for letters of dif.
Thefe are therefore to cite &
admonifla all perfons whom it
may concern to be and appear
next court of ordinary to be.
held in and for faid county to
fhew caufe if any they can why
laid letter fhould not be granted.
Given under my liand this
9th day of March, 1810,
John Chamle s, for
Myles Greene, c. c. o.
For Sale,
JVhrJesale^ and Retail,
At Dr. Wilson’s Shop next door
to the Eagle Tavern,
a general assortment op
River, and ifftolen the above ; : PAll-NT MEDICINES,
February 27.
The houfe rvl'umed the coniidc-
ration of the amendments of the
Senate to the bill concerning-com
merced intercourfe with G. Britain
and France and for other purpofes.
Mr. Eppes withdrew his amend,
men*- propofed on yeflcrday, and
olfored anotl t*r, involving the lame
GEORGIA, Randolph county.
Whereas C- Robufon and
Greenburry Vickers has applied
to me for letters cf adminiffra-
tion on the elfate of John Ro.
binfon late of this county dec.
— I hcfe are therefore to cite &
•admonifh all and lingular the
kindred and creditors of faid
dec. to be and appear at my of
fice within the time preferibed
by law, to fnew caiife if any
they have why faid letters fhould
not be granted.
Given under my hand this
3d day of Feb. 1810.
John Collier, c. c. o.
ported by Mr. Burwell) concerning; rew ard On conviftioa of the
efinvoy, Txc. reported in part the fol- , . liiff
lowing -bill q j
A bill authorlfing the Prefident to „ ,
employ the public armed veflels ot 1 ’
the United States, in protecting by
convoy •merchant vefTels owned
wholly by citizens 6f the U. States',
in voyages to ports or places with
which intercourfe is prohibited by
tlie decrees or orders of the govern
ments or Great Britain and France.
The bill was twice read and re
ferred to a committee of the whole
navigation bill.
Mr. Eppes alfo reported the difa
greement of tlie committee to the
amendments of the Senate to the bill
concerning commercial intercourfe,
The Houfe refufed. by a majority
of 20 to agree to (trike out the 3d,
4 h, 5th, fith, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th,
11th and ISth fetlions.
The queflion was then Rated on
concurring with the committee in
their di('agreement to the remainder
of the Senate’s amendments, vis
linking cut the 12th fediion (limit
ing the bill to the end of the next
The queflion was taken on agree-,
ing to ftrike out this fedlion, and
loll, one hundred and fourteen mem
bers voting to retain the Cettion, and
not one to 11 tike it out.
So the bill is rein need tc the Senate,
prerifely in the fame form in which it
fujl 001,11 from this Houfe.
, March 9.
The houfe fpent fomc time in
committee of the whole on the bill
yefterday reported by Mr. Eppes.
No queflion was taken on it. The
committee rofc and obtained leave to
fit again.
A meflage was received from the
Senate informing the Houfe that
they infilled on their amendments
to the bill concerning commercial
i-nteTcourfe, &c.
Mr. W. Allloh moved that the
Houfe infill on their difagreement
to the amendments of the Senate.
After feme defultory debate,
The Houfe agreed to inf ft, 73 to
42 ; and alfo agreed to appoint a
committee of conference.
March 7.
The Houfe again refolved i'fc’f
into a committee of the whole. Iu..
DYE-STUFFS, and other ar
ticles in the DrugLinf,
They will be fold-on as good terms
as they can be -purchafed in the
State for Cash or the ufual Credit
to punflual cullomers.
To the Phyfician, Merchant and
otiier dealers in the Drug Line near
Milledgeville the -convenience of
having a (hop thus near them,
fhould point out at ieaft the proprie
ty of afeertaining how far they can
be ferved on tlie terms herepropofed.
... Among the assortment are...
GEORGI A, Futnarn county.
Whereas Nancy Germany &
Leonard M. Peek have applied
to me for letters of admindtra-
tion on the efface of Robert
Germany, dec.
Thefe are therefore to cite Sc
admonifh all and finguiar the
kindred and creditors of faid
dec. to be and appear ai our
next Court of Ordinary to be
held in and for faid county, to
fhew caufe if any they have why
faid letters fhould not be grant
Given under my hand, this
5th March, 1 810.
C.'Pendleton, C. C 0.
FOREWARN all perfons
from harboring my wife Lent’
Amos, or trading with her, as I
am determined not to pay any of
her contracts.
James Amos.
Feb. 25, 1810. 5)11
Blue Vitriol,
Drop Lake,
Dutch Pink,
Flake White,
Fig Blue,
Ivory Black,
Patent Y ellow,
Prufiran Blue,
White Lead,
Red Lead,
King’s Yellow,
Nankeen Dye,
Acqua Fords,
Oil of Vitriol,
Quick Silver,
Caflor Oil,
Sweet Oil,
Peruvian Bark,
Arrow Root,
Spanilli Flics,
Britilh Oil,
Lee’s Pills,
Smelling Bottles,
Spirits of 1'uipeu-
E{fence of Pepper
Tooth Bru flies,
Tooth Powder,
Lip Salve,
Sugar Candy,
Sealing Was, ■
Wafers, &c.
3( 7' THE higheft cafli price gi
ven forBees-Wax,Black Snake Root,
and Seneka, or Rattle Snake Root;
Milledgeville, 19th Feb. 4-7-tf
For Stile,
TRaCT of
ccr This Evening at
early candle light, Divine Ser-
vice will be performed in the
Mtthodift Meeting Houfe.
J** On Saturday &
Sunday next, there will be a
two days Meeting in Milledge-
N° 204 in the fork of Little River
and the Oconee, Putnam county;
this land b excellent and in the heft
fetilement in the county, joining
Col. Iverfon, Major Napper and
Mr. Gage, tlie water of the beft
quality and abundant—For terms
apply to Major Elijah Clarke, at
torney at law, Milledgeville.
Aug. P.9, 2 809 , t:,