Newspaper Page Text
“ Ir mufi: he fatisfaftovy to the f may divert the courfe of the de
II ,uf to kn ,w, '.hat the tempo- j bate from that which is of the
riv v interruption of amity with A-
rnorica was n,t likely to embroil
the two countries ; ihe dil'agree-
nient h is been that of individu
als ; the nations had not been com
mitted and his maj-fty was dill
willing to take all fair and hon
orable means of upholding the
fpirit of friendfh p which ought
to prevail between this great
country and her allies.”
Thefecond by Mr. Peele,who
feconded the motion, in the fol
lowing terms
“ In our negotiation with A-
merica, an unhappy difference
had occurred : he felt it indeco,
rofjs to allude more diftinftiy to
the circumftances of that trans
action—how far the ordinary
rules of diplomacy were infrin
ged, and how far an unneceffa-
ry fpirit of offence might have
retarded the natural approach
to amity of two friendly nations.
But while Britain deprecated,
{he could not fear war. The
p'ower of America had been be
fore exerted, and its injury was
found feeble. The non inter-
courfe aft had thrown a tempo
rary weight upon our trade : but
the radical vigor of that fpirit
which made England the firft
a nong commercial powers, had
rifen again!! the preffure, had
thrown it off. and had acquired
fr.dh vigor t,y the effort. The
traffic with the Spaniffi colonies
was the immediate refult of this
sft of American holfility. The
imports of America, and with it
firft confideration, and the on
ly feature to which it is poffible
for me to give my attention on
the prePent occafion. For others,
I cannot prefume to judge ; but
for mvfelf, my heart is full, and
I muff give vent to tliofe feel
ings by which my mind is im-
preffed. There are in the King’s
fpeech many topics that ought
to engage, and muff, on future
days engage the attention of this
Houle. On future days you
muff examine, not only th * ef-
feft, but the foundation of thofe
calamities which are adverted to
in the fpeech. You mult con-
fider not only the efU-ft and
foundation of thefe calamities,
but the confequi nces they are
god the TToufe of Mr "DaffikofF
has been difmiffed the fervice in
confluence of that aft.
A Negro Boy,
Eighteen years old, who Ins ferv
ed five years to the Tayloring bufi
nefs, a part in Charlefton and a part
with myfelf; he is pretty expert in
WILL BE SOLD, on thefirf the bufiuefs and can do hi- day
Sheriff’s Sale.
Tuesday in yune next, at the work with eafe : I wll take a plough
Market Houfe in the Town of boy or a good houfe wench in oar
Milledgeville, between the U- pay—For furtlier particulars apply
to the lublcriber living m Greenef
E C. Wittich.
April 24s 1810. 4—3w
fual hours,
Two Negro Men,
Sam and Nathan; levied oil as
the property of Edmund and Sarah
Lloyd, to fatisfy an execution in fa
vor of Henry Pearfon, jun. & Co.
vs. fair! Edmund and Sarffi, on the
foreclofure of a mortgage on faid
-A L S 0—
202 1-2 Acres in the fifth dis
trict of Wilkinfon, nbw Baldwin
A LL perfons who have pur
chafed Lots in ihe town of
Sec. 1.
•t .
county, lot N° 200 ; levied on as
likely to produce on the fitate & • i,ie property of Benjamin Howard
condition of the country and the
fpirit of the people. You cannot
fhut your eyes to thofe quefti
Eatouron, are hereby notified to
j come forward and fettle their ref
peftive debts by the fiift day of
May next, to Simon Holt, Elq who
is authorifed to colleft the fame.—
- - . - , . , ! On failing to comply with this no-
to fatisfy feveral executions .n favor I fic fu i tg wll , be ind Hcrimuiately
of A. M. Devercux, Elq. ° '
ons. It is in vain you attempt
to (hut them; they will force
to me by a conftable.
•••ALSO ••
202 1-2 Acres of Land, in the
firft: diftrift of Baldwin, on Toblers
thernfelves upou your attention. 1 creek, adjoining A. Harris, with
In the fame manner that fubjed great improvements thereon levied
which is treated of in bis Ma I on as the property of John Dtwfon,
jejh’s fpeech, I mean the topic of dcc *? ™ execution in fa-
our differences with America"there vor of A ' Pemberton a,,d Mam
will come a day when you mujl ex
amine what is and has been the
condud of the government of this
country towards America. There
' will come a day wh n it will be
impoffible to be borne in a country,
which calls itfelf free, that there
jhould be laid before fuck an af
fcmbly as this, “ garbled, mutila
ted, and misreprefeniated dot i
ments; not to keep back information,
her revenue, were at the mercy but to give information diredly con-
of Britain ” ira ry to the fad ■ That is a qu:f-
When it is confidered that
thefe Ipeeches were, in all prob
ability, elaborately prepared by
individuals felefted, according
toufage, by the miniltry, they
may be viewed as indicative of
th£ir fentiments, & as propitious
■io an amicable adjuftment of dif
ferences with this country. Be
this, however, as it may, the de
claration that the interruption of
amity is but temporary, that it
was not likely to embroil the
two countries, and that the two
nations had not been committed
by it, deprives difafieftion in this
country of its la t hope, and
proves the abfurdity, to ule a
mild language, of the lofty tone
in which the courfe purfued by
our government has been an
nounced by its adverfaries.
April 11.
The Norfolk Herald contains
the fpeech cf Lord Greenville
in more detail than is given in
our laft. We extract the com
mencement and clofe of it, the
fuff, from its direft relation to
the affairs of this country, and
the lalt, from the energetic terms
in which the fpeaker expreffes
liis opinion of the late ol the
prefent miniftcr.
« My Lords—It is with very
great gratification to myfelf, 1
gave way to the noble carl, be
oufe’the (hare the noble earl
has had in the glorious triumph
of his country, entitled him to
be heard withVtvc.vence and ref-
j>eft, when fpeaking of the ca
[amities which have befallen it.
Not only d’ul l give way mod
willingly to him, but it would
hire been infinitely more grati
lying to me, to have left to men
cf younger and more adlive
minds, the tafk of offering an
amendment to the addrefs which juft been propofed to your
lordthips. But that anxiety is
not be refitted, which induces
me to offer myfi lf at this early
p r iiod of the difeuffion. I am
Mtxious to anticipate the proba-
W'ility of any which
lion you will come one day to exa
ms e."
“ My Lords—The fituation
of the country being what I have
ftated, it has no quarter by which
to direft its thoughts, and en
courage its expectations, but
the energies, the power, and
virtue of Parliament.—This is
not a time to reft contented by
covering with blind votes of
| confidence thofe errors of mini-
l tiers which are fo notorious, &
produftive of fuch irreparable
evils. You cannot be blind to
the events which are pafling in
i Europe—every man is {truck
with horror at the recital of them
—they cannot be aggrivated by
defeription, or enhanced by e-
loquence. In this dreadful hour,
if not by Parliament, how can
the country be faved ? llow can
it hope for deliverente ? Can
it look to the government ?—
The government is broken, dif
trafted, incompetent, without
energy, and incapable of main
taining its authority The falva-
tion of the country is only to
be hoped for from your energy
and patriotifm. It is you who
mult {tep between your country
and deftruclion.’’
In the report of the debate
given in the lame paper, we no
tice the following reply of Mr.
Percival to the charge ol Mr.
“ One word with refpeft to
America. The honorable gen
tleman has charged his right ho
norable friend with having with
held documents juftificatory of
the late minifter to America. If
fuch a document exifted, it had
efcaped his memory, and he was
furt, had efcaped the memory
of his right hon. friend, who
laft feffion produced the only
inflruftion which Mr. Erfkine
received, and by comparing it
with the inftrument which Mr.
Etfkine had figned, had juftified
his majefty’s difavowal of that
inftrument ”
April 13.
The officer who lately outra-
Smith, adminiftrator and
ftratrix of Thomas and
Smith, vs. faid Dawlon.
ons caffi
C Murphy, T). S.
April 24, 1810. 4-tds.
Sheriff’s Sale.
On the firfl Turf day in June next, at
Twiggs Court houfe, between the
ufual hours.
One Lot of Land ;
N° 24, in the 25thdiftrift, taken as
the property of Hugh Lee to fatis-
fy an execution in favor of William
and Felix Gilbert.
•••A L S 6-*•
Lot N® 223, in the 25th diftrift
of faid county, taken as the proper
ty of Henry Mathews, to fatisfy the
date’s and other executions againd
faid Mathews. Conditions Cadi.
E. Nunn, Sh’ff.
April 24. 1810. 4-tds
Adminiltrator’s Sale.
On Monday the 4th day of June next,
at the houfe of Ijham Calhoun, dec.
All the Pcrfonal Pro
perty of faid deceafed ; confiding
of one Horfe, the dock of Cattle and
Hogs, Houfliold and Kitchen Fur
niture, &c. Terms of fale made
known on the day.
Martha Calboon, Adm’trix.
James Calhoon, Adm’r.
April 24, l810. 4-tds
Union Academy.
T HE public are hereby informed
that on the lfith ind UNION
ACADEMY will open at this place,
under the direftion of Mr. Francis
D. Cummins
From the healthinefs of the fitua-
tion, and the ability of the Rcftor
employed, we flatter ourielves that
this inditution will meet with a pa
tronage liberal and extenfive.
The Languages, Mathematics, Ge
ography, Englifh Grammer, Belles
Letters, Reading, Writing arid A-
rithmetic will be taught. An op
portunity is here offered to qualify
the Student for the Univerfity ; fuch
an inditution has been wanted, and
we feel a pleafure in anticipating its
Boarding can be had as cheap as
in any part of the date.
By order of the Prefident,
S. IV. Harris, Sec’ry.
! Eatonton, April 24. 1810. 4-Sm
commenced againd them,
By order of the Board,
S IV. Harris, Sec’ry.
Ap-il 24, 1S10.- 4-2w
GEORGIA, Hancock tounly.
W HEREAS Philip L. Simms
has applied to me for letters
of adminidration on the ellate of
Jofeph liiggam, late of this county,
Thefe are therefore to cite and
admonilh all and Angular the kin
dred and creditors of faid dec to be
and appear at our next court of or
dinary to be held in and for faid
county to fliew caufe if any they
can why faid letters Ihouid not be
Given under my hand this 16th
day cf April, 1810.
John Chambers, for
Myles Greene, c c o.
GEORGIA, Putnam county
lERSONALLV came be
fore me Benjamin Hill, a
inagiltrace tor this county, Ro
bert Bowers, and afcei betilg
Ut.ny (worn, ilepofeth and (ay-
eth, that a certain Note of Hand
given to this deponent by John
llobfon lor Sixty Lollars, given
in the year 1 SOS, and became
due on the 25th day of Dec
1809, attelted by Cyrus White
and Moles 13. White, and that
the laid note is loft or miflaid.
Robert Power.
Sworn to before me this 9th
day of April, 1S10.
B. Hill, y p.
ORQIA, IVilkinfon county.
HE REAS John A Wil
liams hath filed infor-
mauuii in my office that Wil
liam Cope of Jackfou county,
die fraudulently and contrary to
law have his name entereu m
laid county for draw or draws
in the laft land lottery, wnereby
the laid William Cope drew loi
N°146in ihe 25th diltnct of
Wilkmloncounty: And where
as n appears from the Ihenff’s
return on a writ ol icire lacus
obtained by laid William Cope,
ANO^TfN \N°t?
Top vnt Swine from trr ing
at '/i’gr in the t own of Mit-
T it r l* d lire • '. he
Com n.jJij .
an of Miludgtnjiut 1 at
I'd ri'il be law u! ioi )■ y .
■ Hog to run a' large alt. i ,
ifuv ' h uay .ft 'vl y n x
iu* town of Mnl revn
the com 'ion th. reol within
1 'llowi.ig limits:— B ginni!
the foudi weft corner of
j tow i,on F lliin ; creek at fquaro
.,82; thence on the outer fide of
tne town lots, to tile-north w if
corner of the town at fquare 92 ;
thence north call on the outer
line of the town, to the n >rlh
ealt corner of the town, a fquare
1 ; thence on the fame direftion
to Reeky creek ; thence do wn
faid creek, to its mouth at the
Oconee river $ thence down laid
river to the mouth of F Ih.njv
creek ; thence up faid creek 'o
the beginning corner ; includ
ing all the territory within tliofe
Sec. ‘2 And be it fnrtbcr Of.
(Lined, I’hat if airy hog or Inirgj
ftnil be found at large, or bn k-
ing into the enclolurek of any
citizen, aft r tne above period,
in the town of Milledgevile, it
fhall be lawful for any citizen,
to drive fuch hog or h igs to the
public pound, and inform the
Murfhal tree of; wn.lbdu'.it
fin’l be to retain the fame, until
difpofed ot ug- eab y to thi: Or
dinance :—file Ih ul alf ), ns foon
as the faid hog >r hogs are im
pounded, advertife tht m at he
Maiket-H ufe, to b. fold at 'he
pound on the third day after
tir y re taken up (Sundays ex
cepted) beiween f he hour- of
eleven and twelve ; but fli u!d
the owner or owners of lu< !l
hogs, apply for them within that
perio !, then it fhall be the du
ty of faid Marfhal to turn then?,
our, on receiving thirty-one and
a quarter cents for taking up
and impounding, fix and onu
| quarter cents each, per day. for
I keeping them ; and fix and one
quarter cents per head for ad»
I vertifing.
And be it further Ordained\
That for the purpofes aforelaid,
a public pound or enclofure,
twenty feet fquare and eight ft et
high, fhall be built of logs, to
be notched, and well pinned at
the top with an inch and half
auger j and a fubftantial door,
with a double bolt padlock to
the fame. And the Marfhal {hall
advertife the letting the build
ing of faid p >und, to the lowed
bidder, on or before the 10th
day of May next, the undertaker
to give bond and fecurity in
double the amount which he
is to receive for building for the
maue returnable to Wi.kiulon j uc pp r f 0 rnunce of the work.
Superior court, April term 1810.
agamlt laid William Cope tor
Lands for bale,
LOT N® 202, 15th diftrift of
Baldwin county, and lot N° 98, 8th
diftrift, of faid county.—The calh
prices are Eight Hundred Dollars
for N® 202, and Five Hundred Dol
lars for N° 9.3.—Something more if
any indulgence is given. Applica
tion to be made to me, near Savan
nah, by mail (poll paid.)
Benjamin Rayncs.
April 10, ISrlO, i-eowlf
the land, as afurdaid drawn by
hun, the laid William, that the
laid William is not to be found
m the county ol JaclUon.
Ail p<.rions tneietore having
interelt in the lanu m queltioii,
are hereby required to Oe and
appear at a fupertoi court to be
hclu in &t lor the county of Wil-
kinloii, on the 1 ft Monday in
October next, and make them-
lclves parties to the laid feire la-
cias, to aniwer the allegations
therein and fhew caule, if any
Paffed April 13th, 1810.
Jett Thomas, Prefideat. jb. c.
A. McMillan, Sec’ry.
INE months after date,
application will be made
to the honorable the Inferior
Court of Randolph county, for
leave to fell one Traft of Land,
lying in the county of Gtceue,
joining Pinkard, Ligon and Dii-
lard on the waters of Jievcr-
dam Creek, containing Ninety.
Seven Acres, the fame
they have, why the proceedings the real ellate of John Cecil*
had under luch fraudulent re*
turn or returns, or the grant it-
felf, if iffued, fhould not be fet
alide ano made void.
Given under my hand this
5 th day of Match is 10.
At M‘Jnfyrc t Cl k.
ran, dec.
Sufannah Cochran, Adm’trix.
Du ley Cochran, AdnTr.
Apiil 17, 1810.
For Sale at tins Office,