Newspaper Page Text
Imperial Parliament.
'luefday, Jan. 23.
This day at three o’clock, the
JftmL commillioncrs for delivering
his majelty’s fpeech took their feats
in the lloufeof Lords,anti the Com
mons being fummoned, and appear
ing at the bar, the king’s molt gra
cious fpeech was re td to the Lords
and Commons. The comm iff oners
were, the nrchbifoop of Canttbury,
the Lord Chancellor, lam! Camden.
Lord Alesford, & Lord Dartmouth.
The Marquis of 1 anfdowne anti
Lord Doun took their oaths & feats.
The following was the fpeech as
delivered by 'Me Lord Chancellor :—
My Lords and Gentlemen,
“ His m jelly commands ut. to ex-
prefs to you his deep regTct that the
cveitions of the Emperor of Auftria
ag.iinft the ambition and violence of
■France have proved unavailing, and
tiiat his imperial majefty ha- been
compelled to abandon the ccntell, &
to conclude a difadvantageous peace.
Although the war was undertaken by
lh;n monArchwithouicncoutagemenr
<;n rhe part of his majefty, every ef
fort was made for the afliftntice of
Auilria wiiich his majefty deemed
confiltent with the due fupport of his
allies and with the welfare and inte
reft of hir. own dominions.
“ An attack upon the naval arma
ments and cftalslifhments in the
Si heldt afforded at once the profpeft
of deftroying a growing force, which
nvas daily becoming more fotmidable
to rhe fecurtty of this country, and
of diverting the exertions of France
from the important objefts ol rein,
forcing her armies on the Danube,
mid ol controlling tire fpirit of refift-
mtee in the North of Germany :—
Thefe confideraticns determined his
majefty to employ his forces in an ex
pedition to tile Scheldt.
“■Although the principal ends of
this expedition have not been attain
ed. his majefty confidently hopes
that advantages, materially afFefting
-the fecurity of his m. jelly’s domin-
i mu in the further profecution of the
war will be found to refult frovn the
nolition cf the docks and arfenals
at Flufhing. This important objefl
his majefty was enabled to accom-
j blh, in confequence of the reduc
tion of the iflatid of -Walcheien by
the valor of his fleets and armies.
“ His majefty lias given direfti-
tm.3 that fuch documents and papers
{It uld be laid before you as he
"Irufts will afford fatisfaftory infor
mal ion upon the fubjedt of this ex-
“ We have it in command to ftate
to you, that his majefty had uniform
ly notified to Sweden his majelty’s
decided wifn, that in determining
'To ’Joints Test,
to the councils and the arms of Spain
and fttcctifsfully direft die energies
and fpirit of'the Spanifh people to "trrou will take notice, that
the maintainanCe of the legitimate § , ... _ ,, . ■ . „
monarchy, and, to the ultimate deli- 1 did °" lhe 24 ^ V I Silling Hall
verenceof their country. January, m the year 1809, in
«* Lhe molt important confidera- t<?nns oL an atl oL the General
lions of policy and of good faith; Atfeinbly of the Bate of Georgia,
require, that as long as this great pointing out tile mode of render- ( ., # D
caufecan be maintained with pro- ing void ail grunts, or other pto- : fure of the equity of redemption in proceedings founded upon f,Jf c
per fuccefs, it fhould be -fupported feedings founded upon faife or a certain traftof Land, lying in the or fraudulent returns, made by
In Baldwin Superior Court,
May Term, 1 809.
| Petition for
l Fore clefure.
Liberty Holmes
To 7. a chart ah Tastes.
Off will take notice tint
did on the 24ilulay ol J.- r .
uary, in the year 1 809, in terms
of an aft of the general afiVm-
bly of the (late of Gcortria
pointing out the mode of ten-
ria, T" TPON the petition of Bolling ( . t _
ler- , Hall, praying for the foreclo-j dering void all grants and ether
according to the nature and circunn
fiances of lire Cornell, by the ftre-
nunus and continued aifi (lance of
the power and refources of his ma-
jefty’c dominions -, and his majefty
relies on the aid of his parliament
in his anxious endeavors to fruftrate
ttie attempts of France againft the
independence of Spain and Portugal,
and againft the happinefs and Iree-
dom againft thote loyal and refolute
fraudulent returns made by per
rons not entitled to draws in the
late Land lotteries of the laid
(late, obtain a feire facias from
the clerk of the Superior Court
of Randolph county, which was
made returnable to the faid court
at March term, in the year atore-
fai', which was direfted to the
j Sheriff of Baldwin county, in
“ His majefty commands us to j which you are charged of hating
acquaint you, that the intercoturfe | cauied your name to be entered
be’ween his majpfty’s minifler in fraudulently and contrary to law,
Upon the queftion cf peace or war ly failed of producing any
v ith France and other continental j nent or general effect:
p-i vers, fhe fhould be guided by
conliderations refulting from Iter
Hi fituationand inlercfts. Wh
America and the government of the ; tor two draws in the fecond land
Umteo States, has been fuduenly i . .. 4
, n j, ■ . , , lottery in laid ((ate, and to have
and unexpectedly interrupted Tits i 1
majefty fincerely regrets th : s event,
he has however, receivedchefirong-
eft; affujumccs from the American
minifler refident at this court, that
the United States defiious of
maintaining friendly relations be
tween the two countries. This de
fire "will he nric-t by a correfponding
difpofition on the part of his majefty.
“ Gentlemen of the Hcufe cf commons,
“ His majefty has directed us to
inform you that he has ordered the
eflimates Cor the current year to he
laid before you , his majefty has di
refted them to be formed with all
the attention to economy which the
fupport of his allies and the fecurity
of his dominions will permit And
his majefty relies upon your zeal and
loyalty to afford him fuch fupplies as
may fce neceflary for thofe eflential
He commands us to exprefs how
deeply he regrets the prelfure upon
his fubj ets, which the protraftod
continuance of the war renders -in-
“ My Lords and Gentlemen,
“We are commanded by his ma
jefty to exprefs his hope that you
will relume the confidetation of the
Itaie of the inferior Clergy, and a-
dopt fuch further ineafuves upon
this interefting lubj-dt as may ap
pear to you to b ■ ptoper.
j “ We have it further in com-
I mand to ftate to you that the ac
counts which will be laid before you,
of the trade and revenue of the
country, will be found highly fatis-
“ Whatever temporary and par-
i tial inconvenience may have refulted
I from the meafures which w.ere di-
tefted by Fiance againft thofe great
refources of the profperily and
ftrength. thofe meafures have whol-
county of Baldwin, containing two
hundred two and a half acres, more
or lefs, known in the plan of faid
county by Lot N° Three Hundred
and t wenty One, in the full dif-
trift, drawn by Benjamin Currie, in
one of the late Land Lotteries, and
by him conveyed to the faid Hall,
and by him to the faid Liberty
Holmes ; which traft cf Land, on
the Eighth day of Auguft, in the
year One Thoufand Eight Hundred
and Seven, was mortgaged by the
faid Liberty Holmes to the faid Hall
the more elleftually to fecure the
perfons not entitled to draws! in
he late land lotteries of die faid
date, obtain a feieri facias front
the clerk ol the Superior Court
of Randolph county, which was
made returnable to the faid
court, at March Term, in the
year alorelaid and that the fame,
was direfted to the fhcriff of
Oglethorpe conr.ty, in which
you are charged of having er.frr.
ed your name fradulently, and
contrary to law, in the faid coun
drawn let N° 63, in the 12th
diltrift cf faui county of Bald
win, which lot now lies in the
faid county of Randolph, and
that the laid Sheriff hath returned
thereupon, that vou are not to
be found.—You are therefore,
is well as al! other perfons who
may hate interelf in the faid lot
of land requiied to come forwaid
and make yourfeJves parties to
the faid caiife, and tuanfwer the
allegations exhibited by lhe laid
f ire facies againft you, and to
ffcew caiife if any you have, why
the proceedings which may have
oeen had under the faid falle or
fraudulent returns, and grant it-
IVIf, fliould not be fet afide and
made void.
May 16, 1809. 33-
payment of .Sixteen Hundred and ty of Oglethorpe for two dr?.
Three Dollars, acknowledged be '
faid mortgage to be due and owiny
from rhe faid Liberty Holmes to thg
in the fecond land lottery cf the
laid llate, and to have drawn lot
N° ten in the l?rh diftiift Bald,
faid Hall, on four feveral Notes oe j win county which lot now lies
hand bearurg equal date j in the faid county of Raandolph
fud Mortgage, amounting exclufive i J P'b
I'iie inveterate hoftility of our
enemy continues to be direfted a-
gainlt this country with unabated
To Patsey IV. Button. j
T AKE, notice, that 1 did on
the 15th day of November
in the year J8()S, in terms of an
aft of the general affcinbly of
the ftate of Georgia, pointing
out the mode of rendering void
all grants and other proceedings
founded upon faife or fraudulent
returns, nude by perfons not en
titled to draws in the late land
lotteries of laid ftate, obtain a
feieri facias, from the cli* k of
the fuperior court of Randolph
county which was made return
able to the faid court at March
term, in the year IS 10, and di
refted to the Or riff of Franklin
county, in which, you are charg
ed of having entered your name
fraudulently and contrary to law,
of intereft to the abovementioned
fum :
On motion of Thomas Fitch, at
torney for petitioner—It is ordered,
by the court, That the principal, in
tereft; and coft due oft the faid mort
gage, be paid into court within
twelve months from this date, or
the equity of redemption be thence
forth and forever foreclofed ac
cording to the prayer of the petiti
oner; this rule being publlilied in
one of the Gazettes of this ftate, at
leait once in every month, till the
time appointed for the payment, or
Li ved on the "mortgager, or his
Ipecial attorney,-at lead fix months
previous to the time the money is
direfted to be paid into court.
Extract from the minutes,
John Mathews, Clk.
May 8. 6—tam 12m
Hancock Superior Court,
Aitgnjl term, U’09.
Present the Hon. Charles Tait,. Judge.
Franc s Biggam,
aud that the laid fhe riff hath re
turned thereupon, that you
not io be found in the faid coun
ty ol Oglethorpe'—youare there
fore, as well as all other perfons
who have an intereft in the I id
lot of land, required to come
forward and make ycurfelves
parties in the faid cauie, and to
anfwer the allegations exhibited
by the faid fci. fa. and to Ihew
cauie, if any you have, why the
procedings which may have been
had under faife or 'fraudulent
return, and grant itfell fliould
not be fet aftde and made void
Inf. men
Remaining in the Pofl- r ]fe. Mil"
• ledgeville, April \Jl, IS 10.
Rule for fore-
Anfeim Anthon;
James Aid,
John Brown,
Leban Beckam, 2
Solomon Beckon
Wm. E B.irne 1
Samuel Beall, 2
Mofes Boynton,
William Brafle 1
Rich’d. T Beviii
}.is majefty therefore laments that j violence. To guard the fecurity of *he laid county of Franklin,
Sweden fhould have found ft ne*
Ciliary to puichafe peace by court
'd vable facrifices, bis majefty cannot
■complain that foe has concluded it
without his maj,city’s participation,
it hit majefty’s earned wifh that no
event may occur to occafion rhe bi
te reption of thofe relations of amity
-W ich it is the dofire of his majefty
aud the intereft of both countries to
“ We have further in command,
to communicate to y ,u, that the ef-
fo is of his majefty for the protecti
on of Portugal have been powerful
ly aided by the confidence which
the Prince Regent has repofed in
Ms majefty. and h* the co-opetation
of local government, and of lhe
people of that country The ex-
pulfion of the French from Tomr
gal, by his majeftv’s forces under
lieutenant general Vifcount Wei
lingten, and the glorious viftory
obtained by him at Tul rvere, con-
trihuted to chad: the progrefs of the
French armies in the Peuinfula dur
ing the late Campaign.
•J His majefty directs us to ftate
that the Spar.ifti government, in the
Dame, and by tlie autliority of king
Ferdinand the .Seventh, has deter
mined to affemble the general and
ox'raordinary Cortes of the nation,
llbmaj ftv tri.fta that this mrafurc
give frefti annnauuu and vigor
his majeftv’s dominions, and to de
feat the defigns which arc- meditated
againft us and our allies, will re
quire the utnioft efforts of vigilance,
fortitude, and perfeverance.
“ In rvety difficulty and danger
his majefty confidently trutts that
he lball derive the rnoft efteftual
fuppoit, under the continued bief-
for one draw in the fecond land
lottery for laid ftate, and to have
drawn lot number fourteen, in
the fourteenth dillricl of Bald- '
win county, and that the laid
flienff hath returned thereupon
that you were not to be found.
You arc therefore as well as all
jofeph Blggam,
PON the petition of Fran
cis Blggam, praying the
foreclolure ol the equity of re.
demption in and to a trad of,
La id, in the county of Han- j Adam clrion
cock adjoining the townot Spar.' Malcolm Clark,
ta ami Maj Charles Abercroin-
bi*-, containing eight and a quar
ter acres.-— Two lots in the town
of Sparta, containing one half
acre each, known & diftinguilh
ed in plan of faid town by lots
No 33 and 4.5 mortgaged by
Jofeph Biggam for the payment
of Fifteen Hundred Dollars and
And on motion of .Skinner
and Fitch, attornies for Francis
Biggam; It is order'd, That the
principle, intereft and coft, be
paid into court, within twelve
months, or the equity of re
ftngs of Divine Providence, from other perlous, who have any in- , . . . . -
rite wifilom of his Parliament; the ten ft in the laid lot of land, re- . .‘ T1 P , j* on / . lt “ aid J T10rt ff a g5 £ * P re -
valor of his forces, and rhe fpirit q U i, v d t o come forward and *" lles be f °i'<?ver barred
and determination of his people.” muke yourfelvcs parties in the 1 ., an , d . that other
if! 11 . 1111 L 1 f„iti cauie, and to anfwer the
N U F 1 C E. allegations exhibited by the faid
fci. fa. and to flii-w cauie, if any
INE months from the date
heicof application will be Y 0 }] , have '' /h y the proceedings
made to the honorable Inferior
Court of Laurens county, for
leave to fell a Traci of Land,
containing Two Hundred Acres
more or lefs, on the waters of
Bever Dam Creek, in Burke
county, afj dning lands ol Phil
lip Sap, Labon Tompfon and
William Tinney ; being part of
the real ellate of William An
drews, dec. Sold for the be
nefit of the heir6 and creditors
of faid dec.
Ann Andrews, Adm’trix.
John Tor hcrlin, Adm’r,
April 17, 1810.
which may have been had under
the faife or fraudulent return,
and grant itfelf fliould not be fet
afide and make void.
March 27. .52.
NINE months from the date
hereof, application will be made to
the Hon. Inferior Court, of Han
cock county, for leave to fell 202 t-2
acres of land, known by N° 56,6th
of Baldwin—being part of the ellate
of jofeph Chappell dec.
Henry Harris, Guardian,
29,1805, tam-Sm.
miles be forever barred & fore-
ings be had in terms of the aft
in fuch cafes made and pro
A true exiraHfrom the minutes.
Aug. 16, 1809. 1 ml 2am.
INE months after date,
application will be made
to the Honorable the Inferior
Court of Baldwin county, for
eave to fell two hundred acres
ot Land in Hancock county on
the twelve miles Beaver Dam,
cijoining Lewis Tyus and others,
—for the bent fit of the Ileir&
Creditors of William Turnera
non-compus mentus
John Matthews,"} _
Joshua Turner, *j Gfrt»a.a/J.
9th Jaa. 1810,
John Cally,
Phillip Cook,
Elijah Clark.
Samuel Dick, 2
Thomas Dent,
Edmund Duke,
Jacob Davis.
James Epfey,
llodctic LalLy,
Richard Fox,
lames Fox,
j-ieut. A. Forfter,
Mofes Fort,
Hard) Fulghant;
jnmes Ford,
Jofiah Flournoy.
David Grifttam,
Days Gill,
Mathew Gage,
Mr. Garrets,
Laton Golding.
Mary Hartfield,
David Hendricks,
Dr. W.A Harper
Lydia Howard,
Benj. Howard,
James Hampton,
Stephen Horton,
J W- Hendrick.
Jacob Iffue,
Jofeph Jamefon,
John Jones,
Robert Johnfton,
John Jones, fen.
John Kelley,
Jemima lCimbro’ I
J. I V. Dcvereux
Apiii ii, 1810,
filliam Leroy,
‘harles Lenos,
m-emiah Lofton,
' Itos. Lamberfon,
I. ones Moffos,
,.'vi Mathews,
Hex. Martin,
lonald Morrifon,
tichd. M Dowell
T. J. Mordecai,
tennis M'Swane.
' hos Napier, 7 j
(dntund Nunn,
■ hontas Neifon.
iohr. Oliver,
Solomon Ogden,
’atty Ptigeon,
Neliomiah Pofey,
Robert Itoby, 2 ;
.ohn Ragan,
George Rievcs,
vVilliam Rofu.
Rt. Sbcrard, 3 ;
William Sims,
Wm, Shepherd,
Wiliam Sharp,
William Smith,
Wm Stewart,i 2?
Ed. R. Sealv,
John Spatks,
John Sparks,
Elijah Sinead,
John Shaw.
John Todd,
E C. Thonipfort,
Peter Thomas}
Wiley Tipper.
Jas. Woodruff,
Jofeph Waller,
Tiros Whitaker,
Rev. D L.White,
Hen. Walker, elq.
D. Woods, 2;
Mailers Titos, or
J. Webb,
; ohn Weft.
Jofeph Williams,
L. Whitthurft.