Newspaper Page Text
MiLL5DGF.rn.LE: published (weekly) by DENNIS L. r ray.
The following are tin: gentlemen
whole names have been mentioned
as candidates for the 12th Cottgrefs,
at the enfuing election in October.
JJr. I Viliam IV. Bibb,
Of Wilkes.
1 Col. Goo. M Troup,
Of Montgomery.
Cup:- Howell Cobb,
Of Baldwin.
Jblaj. Jas.E. Houston,
Ot M Intolh
Bolling Hall, Esq.
, Of Hancock.
Adminiflrator s Sale, i Sparta Book-Store.
■syro, Esq.
Of Richmond
Maj. Elijah Clark,
Ol Baldwin.
yessc Hatton, Esq.
Of Laurens.
pok'd Elliott, I-.sq.
Of Liberty
>Ka.TfziurDrrirmrwri.m a-vr/t?rn
OMF. time in tlie months of May
or June, 180.V Meffrs Alex
anders Roe and Walter Roe, pur-
chafed of col. Thadeus t loir 'hree
or four trails of laud in Baldv in
county, anti for which they paid him
one half of the purchnfe money,
aid for the other half they tequeft-
dme to join them in three fiveral
notes, amounting, altogether, to tv/o
tlioufand dollars, payable, I believe,
in the following manner;—Otic note
for 500 dollars, on the 2 1th June,
1810 one other note for the fame
fum, on the fifth of June, 18 11 >
and one other note for 1000 dollars,
payable on the 24th oi 1 une, 18 2 ;
and for ,my fecurity, they were to
give me a mortgage on the faid land,
which they have never done, a they
have never had titles thcmielves It
is now more than twelve months
fincc I was informed by col. Holt j
and the faid Roes, that the mode of j
feciiriry for the payment of the la It j
half ot the pure hale money was av- j
ranged in another manner; and that |
the notes to which l had put my
name, (hotild ha given to me. I have
alfo (nice been frequently a flu; act by j
the faid Roes, that the faid notes :
fhould be given up to me ; but, as J
yet., they never have, and as I have i
iti no-way, or in any manner what
ever, received any confidetation for
the faid notes, I do now notify ail
W I J. L D E S OLD,j
Agreeable to n'i order of the hon In-
fe: ior court of I.aureus county, on
the jirfl TtieJ/fay in September next,
at the plantation of the late Travis
Telia, dec.
All the Pcrfonal h Hate
Of faid dec confiding of Ilouf-
hold and Kitchen Furniture, Black-,
fmith’s Tools, &c fold for the be
nefit of the heirs and creditors —
Terms made known on the day of
fale. |
Ajiiry Venn, Adm’tvix.
Win Hawthorn, Adrn’r.
July 25. 17-td£ 4 f[’
Ami f:P Sale at the Sure of S. Butte,
B O O K S,
I I’ravki.s,
Novels •,
1 Lfc CSV.
Aclminijlrator s Sale.
With an extctfive Fffortment cf
School Books, Stationary, &e.
All of which will bo fold at th.
Philadelphia prices for Cafn or ap
proved paper payable at an
period of the Fall.
Sparta, 'July 7. 1 a—d
Three able to an older of the hon. | i'he Subfcribei’S,
Inferior court of OAethorpe, on __ „,, rT _, T . . , . .
h lM: lU l lay ° f Scpt ’! t\ friends and cullomers for the
liberal fupport they have had in the
Factorage is’ Cnmmiffion Line,
and would beg leave to recommend
to their friend (hip, Mr. HENRY 11
MOUNGF.R, wlio has lived with
them for fcveral years, and they
take pleafure in announcing to their
friends, that they have the fulled
confidence in him, and doubt not
but he will do judice to ihofe who
esitrud their bufmefs to his
re. '
St urges.. Burroughs is 5 Butler
Savannah, May 21, 10—tf
at Lexington,
An un >'/■ led thir l of
6oo Acres of 1 and ;
Lying on Brufliy creek, in Jack-
fan county ; and one I .ot of t.and,
N L ’ 191, in the 20ih ilillrict of Wil-
kinfon •, being the real eftnte of Ifai-
ah John don, d*.c fold for the bene
fit of the heirs and creditors of faid
dec. Twelve rhontht. credit will be
given, the purchafcr giving approv-1 m,1 f
ed fecuntv
Patton Wife, Adm’r.
July 25. I 7-id:?
A clmin i Orator's Sc: k ■.
On Saturday the fuJJ clay of Scpttmbcr
next, there art'! be fold at the late
du elling houfe of IVm. Hill, dec the
Following Property,
Viz Horfes, Cattle, a Waggon,
Hogs, See Sale to commence at c-
lcvcn o’clock, a m. Conditions of
fale, made known on the day
j, yciin ill, Ad n t ’ ti i x.
Mops Spear, A dm’.
July 11 15-rds
At In lit if i 'a lot's Sale.
sion Business.
rmilE Subfcriber will enter into
Jp the above line of bufmefs, in
the Store at prefent occupied i)y
Meffrs. Sturges, Burroughs and But
ler. on the firftof July next, and u>-
licits a (hare of the bufmefs of his
friends and the public.
Henry II. Moungcr.
Savannah, May 21. 10—tf
Swords Q~f Epaulets.
The fubferibers have for fa'tc, a
Inmdfome aflovtment of Epaulets
and a few Officers Swords,
Dcvereaux Es’ Tkwcatt
May 1C. ISO!) 7—tf
and every perfon, that I
the faid notes, therefore
pevfons not to deal or traus tor laid
Peter H M nil.
Bs.vfeld, Bryan county, )
'April‘A, 18 10.' 5
* P. S. In June lad I was inform
ed by A. S. Roe, that the notes
were fliilin their poiTduon.
N. B. Since the date of the above
notification, I have received an or
der from Meffrs. Roes, to their at
torney, Mr. Fitch, to deliver the a
bove notes to me, and which was
Ko have been done by the firlt of this
month, but not having heard any
tiling more of them, I have thought
proper to give the above notice.
June 19. 17-c
Oil the fir(l Trefday in Odder next,
on th'e public Jq care in the town
of Mud fen.
Lot Number 258,
In tins fourth diUriel of formerly
Baldwin r.ovv Morgan county, it be-j r^iHE fitbferibers will puichafe
ingthe real edate of David Weaks,; J TWO THOUSAND yards
dec Sold for the benefit of the heirs HOMESPUN, Seven-Eighths of a
not pay | and creditors Terms of Sale
ufion ail | be made known on the day by
Sampfon GibJ'on, Adtn’r.
June 29. 12—mtds
will yard wide, and Itripccl in the warp ;
; for which goods at a fair price will
j be given in exchange
Bcvereux Ehwcalt.
! May 15. 7—tf
TN my abfence Mr. Frederick San-
J ford will attend to any bufmefs
ot mine the edate of V rsn-
cis Sayre, dec. and Mr. Samuel S.
Steele will attend to the concern of
Devertux id ThweaV.
A. M. Devcrcux.
Augufl 1. 18—tf.
Per So/e Qt this Office.
Collsctcr’s Sales.
.it the Ccnit Houfe in j ad for. county
Agreeable to an order cf tie hottornlle
the Iufeci’-r court 7 IVarren county,
on thefjl Tuefdav in Oflcbcr next, ■
at the eourt-houfe cf faid county, i
One Tract of Land ; j
Containing 260 acres in faid coun- j
ty, joining John Parham and others,!
it being the real ellate of Robert
Jitikins, dec. Sold for the benefit of 194 ol the 3d quality ot J/ami,
the heirs and creditors of faid dec. granted to C D’Eftang, lying
Terms of fale fifteen months credit i n Jackfoil county on the north
by giving bond and approved fecu- Q C0IU . 0> joining C D’Eflarg.
to thi highfl bidder, on Monday the
13th day of Aug'fl next, for many
enjh, the following drafts of Land,
or fo much thereof as willfatisfy the
Tax due thereon with effs :
193 Acres 2d quality,
Robert yink ms, ? , , ,
* r J t ,, > Ad m i s.
Anjom bad, 3
July IS. 16-tds.
For sale or pint,
The HOUSE ami LOT, in
the lower end of me town of
Milledgtville formerly occupi
ed Lay Alien Greene. Terms
may be known by applying to
Judkins Hurt.
Returned by Charles M Kinney,
fen. for the year 1809.—Tax
3 dels. 49 1 2 ns.
— A L S O-
130 Acres of the 2d quality
granted to S. Nmfon in Jack ion
county, on Gravelly creek, join
ing C. DEflang. Returned
by Robert I). Johnflon for the
year 1609. Tax 70 1—1 cts.
IV. t- c. y. c.
Jung 12. ^ Il-tds
Y.Viiii :»«f»n:r;.-.-: ■-r.7;• vt
[ The f.driving reply was originally in
ter /.- .7 to appear both in the AkGUs’
and JorRNsr. tajl wed ...but dr.
(.Iraniland objtfl.-il to its appearing
in the latter if it appear, .! in the
f.rmer at the Jane time... -n i final
ly the writer wye ing it .to r.'pear I
in the fame paper in which Amphion
wrote, nqutjled Air. Lynn to fuf-
p< ad its appearance in the Argus
trail this w.’ih.J
Most Musical Sir,
I have read the addrefs with which
you honored the friends ol Religion j
and Liberty, as they ornamented the j
columns of the lalt number of the ;
Georgia Journal* I am compelled j
to queltion the finceritv of the mo- :
fives which you are pleated to offer, ;
for the fpivit in which you have re- I
plied to the Editor ot the Argus, ;
Mr Analizer, and to your molt t.bc- j
dient very humble fervant. When ,
you have done away my lkepticifm,
and proved according to the logic of 1
common fenfe, that you arc what
you profefs to be —a friend to a
“ dignified invelligation of the con-
daft, and character of candidates for
office”—that it is not became you
are intcrelted—not becaufe you ate
afluated by any particular fuemifhip .
for Major Clarke ; hut that it is be-
caufe you are willing to devote your
life for the liberty of your country,
and with it the freedom of Elections,
and that which fweetens all their en
joyments...unfu Hied reputation.. I
fay fir, when you have provcdailthefe
tilings 1 Until he touched with your
generous patriotifm, and freely for
give the exc. fles into which it has
led you ; and far from relenting ihofe
,*'*rms of reproach and indignation,
which confidering you are defeended
from the Gods, and ar. advocate for a
“ dignified inveftigation,” you have
heaped rather too liberally upon Mr.
Ryan, and Mr. Analizer, as well as
upon your mod obedient, very hum
ble fervant—I will place them to the
account cf atr honeft unreflecting,
and pa riotie indignation, in which
your cooler jud. meat and godlike
politeneis had no concern—For real
ly Mr. Amphion, “ fiimplcton” as I
1 am, I can tl rough my dull compre-
licnfion, !i:id nothing inyottrlumin- ;
cits Eff.iy which ptt.ves your patriot- ,
ifm, bur your empty afl'ertior.—The
- balance of it is diredtly contradifitory
! to fitch an idea, and is remarkable
only for the frippery of fopltidry fc
j quibble with which it abounds—Like
I yourfeli lir, I want evidence—When
' you ad''it that you are a patriot, hut
write iik<- the tool cf a faction', niy
flccpticifm immediately Heps in, and
(“ impertinently”) challenges your
proofs—and until you biing them
forward, I Hull contend that you are
; not the patriot you pretend to l;e, I
but the tool ot a faction in difguife, ;
attempting (“ in thefe days of igno- j
l ranee and error”) to impofe yourfelf ,
1 cn the public tor a patriot—As you
| have been pleafed to combine Mr
j Ryan, Mr Analizer, and myfelf to-
1 gellier, I fhall reply to your profound
mattcrin that irtcguiarniantier which '
ntay be expcdlcd of a “ fimpleton”
and whenever your luminous mind j
finds this to be the cafe, you cation !
that account cxcule me, or not, as !
you phafe.
it feems then fir, that prefun ing
upon the “ ignorance and ertot” of
thefe clays you have not thought it
ncceffary to refute a fntgle polition
taken by Mr. Ryan againft Major
Clarke—but by bellowing out Viper,
Hypocrite, &c. againft him you ex
pect to draw the attention of y ar
readers from the charges againft the
Major—You have been cautious of
particulars, Sc where you mentioned
one,you remind me of the cunning of
the Scuttle fifh—yon firtl muddied
the water, £; then you run from it.*
* It is faid cf the the Scuttle Fiji),
that whin he fault his enemy likely t
prove too hard for him, he tjiEls hit fe
at, which muddies the water, and thi u
he .Rapes.
If hi Head of thefe unintelligible ;f
”*" againft Mr. Ryan about the
\ iper from Medufa’s head, vou had
called him a liar, a thief or 3 mur
derer, but confefl'ed that you bad not
a (ingle proof againft 1 im, your rea
ders won *1 have been better convin
ced than they now are—they would
have laughed at vour folly, but con-
confefled your candor—at prefen:
they can do nothing more than for ,t
moment admire the unintelligible
eflufions of your great la nice and
then their more deliberate judgment*
will condemn you, as weii for a fool
as for a want of candor. According
to your logic no man can be a Cln ; i-
ti .:t and a pa'r'.oc, if he is oppoleil
to Major Ciarke I'he moment ho
opens his mouth he becomes a Vi
per from Medufas head, and Hypo
crite. I dare fay that Mr. Ryan will
hardly allow you by fuppofed cafes,
and forced analogies to l'uppcfc him.
Jtrto filcucc.
To Mr “ Enquiry,” the epithet#
“fimpleton,” “and impertinent In
quiries” have been applied by you,
with that “dignified invelligation,’'’
which trunks the whole of your ei-
fayfi, or if you pleafe your Ivric po
em, fongor anthem, or any thing eife*
yen pleafe. l'helq arc both admi
rable proofs and arguments indeed
of Major Clark’s republicanifm, aral
are pe«feet!y coufiltcnt with the lo
gic by whiclt you would reafon
people out of their rcafotts, thete-
by veafon Major Clark into a feat iu
CongreCs Relying upon the “ igno
rance ar.d errot” (if thefe davs- and
which you apply fo patriotically to
the citizens of Georgia, your an-
Iwevs to “ Mr Enquiry” donotcon-
fift of reafons a*id arguments, hue
quibbles and hard names-
Perhaps, Mr. Amphion, I am.
much in your dtbt for the legal light
which you have thrown upon th-
cafe of a candidate for public patron
age, for I will candidly confefs, thr;
until your great learning burSl forth
like a volume of wifrlom to enlight
en “ thefe days of ignorance anct
error,” I had to learn that a mart who
become a candidate for public favor
neceffarily become a culprit—to 'bo*
arraingned at tlte bar of judice as one?
fhould be, who had burnt n houieor
ftolcn a horfe. Simpleton like, my
ideas did not elongate themfelves far
ther tlinn to compare the cafe of a
candidate for Cottgrefs, who thereby
fet up his claim to public confidence,
to one who fee up a claim again It a -
nother for debt. I hacl always,
thought that if A fet up a claim a-
gainlt B for debt, -and 1J put in hi#
plea that i: is nut a fa£t, and thereby*
denies the claim, it becomes tlte du
ty of A to prove the claim before a.
jury will order it to be paid. So I
thought of Major Clarke—Ills frit ml
held hint forth for Cottgrefs a - h man.
of m tit, and 1 had the “ Impertin
ence” to queltion tlte pretention.",, &
challenge his friend to an enumera
tion of his merits. The quclliou its
now before the public—whether
your dignified felf are the quibbler,
or myfelf the fimpleton—to their
candor 1 appeal.
With your wonted dtgni y and
learning you fay Mr. Enquirer wrote
Terminus in anl'wer to his own im
pertinent inquiries. And you ltavt*
proved it too—hut when I tell yon
that after all your grea*- learning and
dilcernment—after tiaemgour “vef*
tiges” through our finucus latebta*,
you have traced out and infinuated
an error where will you trace out
your next proof. While on this head,
permit me to difpofe of the cafe of
Mr Analizer alfo—1 wrote neither
of them, but you fay I did, and : c-
cordidg to your logic it is proof tint
I did fo, “ he that doubts, let him
doubt and be damned,”
But Amphion the fonof Jupiter,
burns with indignation, and forger-
ltd that he is defemded f; on) the
Gods, lie raves and fcams at the
mouth like the matiLc of a f.udion,
becaufe Analizer infers that Major
C arke is dilowin d 1-v the republu an
advocates of Jell'etfin.’; N Madifim’s
autr.nnHiiuioUB. He difproves a