Newspaper Page Text
W I L L B E S 0 L D,
Oji the firj} Tuefday in September at the
Com t Houfe in Greene coumy,
100 Acres ot Land, (more or
lefs,) with improvements, in
G reene county on Sandy Creek, j
auj lining Hillfinan and others, j
being part ot the tratl wiiereon i
Robert Roylton lives —Levied |
on as the property ot faid Roy-
flon to fatisfy fundry executions,
in favor of John Love & others ;
pointed out by the defendant.
—\ l s o—
300 Acres ot Land (more or
lefs) in Greene County on the
waters ot Ogechec, adjoining
.Tofhua Houghton fin. and James
Nifbet. Levied on to fatisfy an
execution foil foreclofure ot a
mortgage) again!! Samuel Beck-
um, in favor of Ignatius Few.
— \ L s o —
230 Acresof Lnnd(moreor lefs)
with improvements in Greene
county, on the waters ot Oge-
chee, adjoining William Harris
and others,being the land where
on Biittain Ilucktby lives. — Le
vied on to fatisfy fundry cxocu*
tions againtt faid IIu kaby, i;i
favor ot Moles Williams, Thos.
Dawfon and others.
•••A L S O”
520 Veres of Land (morcor lefs)
with improvements in Greene
county, on Sandy Run, adjoin
ing Wooten, and others.—Levi
e i on as the property of Noyal
Nelms to fatisfy an execution in
favor of Edward Jones.
—A I. 8 0—•
One Negro girl named Chat-!
lotte, as the property ol William
Jenkins, to fatisfy fundry execu
tions in favor of A. .Perryman
for S. Thornpfon, ana others ;
pointed out by the defendant
Conditions Calh.
John Andersen, Sh’fT.
Augult 1. 18 tds
Sheriff’s Sale.
W l L I. R E S 0 L D,
On the fir ft Tuefday in Sept- next,
in the Town of Clinton, T1IE USUAL HOURS,
Oi ic Lot of Land ;
N 0 O t, in the 11th ilidri£t of!
Baldwin now loncs, in the poffiffion
of Samuel Wilfon, taken as the pro-
pertv of Abner Perryman to fatisfy
William Martin’s execution.
A Ij S O
Lot N° 136 in the 9th diflricl of
Baldwin now Jones county, at pre-
font occupied by Edwin Harris •, le
vied on as the property of Leonard
Jurdine to fatisfy an execution in ft
vor of Jofeph Bevan. Conditions
S. Feagin, Sh’ff.
Auguft 1. ' 8—tds.
-A 1. S O-
Arres of L
nd (more
or lefs) in Greene county, on
the waters of-Little River, ad
joining 'William Humphries and
others Six Negroes,to wit: —
B ib, Sarah, Jenny, Torn, Daf-
•uey and Doll—all levied on as
the property of Elias Hines, to
fatisfy an execution in favor of
Henry Pearfon, jun. he. again!!,
faid Hines ; property pointed out
by the defendant.
•••A L S O'**
Three Lots in the town of j
Greenelborough, to wit—N° j
108 with an unfiniflied houfe
thereon ; N° 109 unimproved,
and N° 110 with a Shop there
on - A!fo a quantity of plank,
one hand faw, one fennon faw,
two fore planes, a woikman’,
dcOi,containing fundry tools and
other articles appertaining to the
chair-making bufinefsj one pair
of carriage hinges ; a quantity
of carriage timber, h fome nails
the weight unknown.—Levied
on as the property oflfaac Mat
thews, to latisiy fundry executi
ons in favor of Benj imin Wea- j
ver, and others.
•••A L S O'”
300 A res of Land (more or j
lefs) with improvements, in \
Greene county, on the Appilla-
chee, adjoining Hodge & others
—-Aifo 22.5 Acres of Land (more
or Ids) with impvovctnenis on
the waters ot Oconee River, ad-
j inir.g Thomas Crawfoid and
others—All'o the following Ne
groes, to wit :—Ben, Sook Sa
rah Phillis, Ben, Riley, Lucy,
Member and Sancho ; Levied on
as the property of Alexander
Steele dec. to fatisfy lundry exe
cutions again!! iheadminiftrators
of the laid A. Steele dec. in fa
vor of John Gillilpie.
A X, S 0 —
492 Acres of Land (more
or left) with improvements in
Greene county, on the waters of
Pherrclls creek, adjoining Be-
thune and others, it being the
Land whereon Charles Buiko
now lives —Levied on as the
property of Charles Burke dec.
to l itisfy an execution in favor
of William and FJix Gilbert a-
gainfl the admiuifh alors of faid
S/xr jfs Sale.
On the firjt Tneplay in OH ole it next,
at the Court houfe in < irecue county,
between the ufual hours,
'i lire Negroes, viz.
Sarah, Will and Toney : levied
on to fatisfy an execution iffued
on a foreclofure of a Mortgage
ngainfl John H-rn, in favor of
Dennis aid Williams. Condi
tions cufix
7veil Anderson, Six’ff.
Auguft 1. 18 tds
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the firjl Tuefday in September next,
at the Market-Houfe in the town of
MUli dgevi/le, between the ujimlhottrs,
i o i 1-4 Acres of Land,
On the waters of Potatoe
creek, with an excellent crop of
corn thereon, in the 2d difirict
of old Baldwin, adjoining lands
of David Jamifon and others.
One quarter acre Lot in the 1
town of Milledgeville with good
improvements thereon, it being
one fourth part of a lot in laid
town on Hancock (treet, b- ir.g
part of the lot N°3, in fquare 2?;
! levied on as the property of Fran
cis M.reicr to fatisfy executions
in favor of W. & Felix Gilbert,
and others.
a 1, s o
23 Acres with a good Grid
Mill thereon ; levied on as the
property of Jeremiah Bonner to
fatisfy an execution in favor of
Bartholomew I.ongino, vs. faid
Jeremiah Bonner and Abram
Borland. Conditions cafh.
C. Murphy, d. s.
Auguft 1. 18-tds
A L E.
fffi ■
« ateil
ekiskssSEbi Street
half acre Lot
on \! aynt
near the
Market, at prefent occupied by
Dr. Wilfon—Alfua Houle an.!
half acre lot, joining the above
—For terms apply to Meffrs.
Hill Cf Ponce of Augutla, or to
A. AT. Devereux.
Milledgeville, 15th March, 1810.
Military Schools.
7ft's Sale.
Sheriff’s Sales.
W l T. L BE S 0 L D,
On theji.f Tuefday in September next,
at Twiggs Court houfe, between the
ufual hours,
One Lot of Land,
In the 25th diftrict ot Wilkin-
fon now Twiggs county, taken
as the property of Jofiah Irvin
to fitisfy William B. Allifon’s
execution again!! fai l Irvin. Re
turn'd by the con.table. Con
ditions cafh.
E. Nunn, Sh’fF.
Auguft 1. lS-tds
On the firfl Tuefday in Sept, next, |
at the Market Houfe in the Town
of Milledgeville,
44 1-2 Acres of Land
Lying in Baldwin and Han
cock counties, joining Richard
Chile, Tankt rfl. y’s and other 1
lands on the Oconee ; levied on
as the property of Silas Hopkins
to fatisfy Wm. and Felix Cil-
bert’s execution again!! him.
—a 1, s o—
2021 2 Acres of L nd known
by the lot N° 72, in the Hr ft dif- .
tritt of Baldwin county ; levied
on as the property of William
Middleton to fatisfy Jofeph Be-
! vin’s execution againff him.—
Pointed out by Titos. Fitch, cfq
— a 1. s o—
j 202 12 Acres of Land known
j by the lot N° SS, in the 1 ft dif
1 trift of Baldwin county levied
on (as the propei ty of Lewis
Daily to fatisfy M'Keen Green’s
execution again!! him) and re
turned to me by Silas Lcfiie a
A I. S O —
A chefnut lorrel Stud Horfe,
known by the name of Liberty ;
levied on as the property of No
ah Dociridge to fatisfy Stephen
BiChop's and feveral other exe
cutions a gain f! him. Pointed
out by the defendant.
•••a 1. s O*”
A lot in the town of Milledge-
villc, containing 1 acre, known
by the lot N° 3, in fquare 57,
cornering on Wellington and
Clark ltreets levied on as the
Executor’s Sale.
On the firjl Tuefday in October next,
at the Court-houje in the Town of
The undivided half of
200 Acres of Land,
In Hancock county, on Swift
creek, together with a Mill (former
ly known by Jonathm Miller’s old
mil!-,) the feat is one of the fined
in that part of the country. Sold
for the benefit of tin* heirs of James
Wilkie, dec —Terms will be made
known on the day.
William M'Dowell. Ex’r.
July 18. 1G-tds
j ^N conformity to the ,! Adi for the
eltablilhment and fupport of
Military Schools,” the Exercifes
for the inflrutlion of Officers, &c.
will commence at Eatontou on Wed-
nefday the 19th of September, and
end on Friday the 28th :—Likewifo
at Elberton commencing on i hurf-
day the 4-th ot October, and ending
on Saturday the 13th. All Officers
attending thefe inftitutions, will ap
pear ('.relied in fhort deep blue jackets
(with (landing capes) & pantaloons,
white veils, black docks .and black
boots, or lpatterdalhes. As tents or
huts will be provided, it is expected
that every officer will attend prepar
ed, to encamp upon the ground, in
a regular manner. Cavalry Officers
and Soldiers in their undrefs, and
propeilv equipped, will receive in-
druclions iff the exercifes fuitable to
their Corps.— The Rules and Re
gulations, for the government and
obfervance of the officers while in
Camp, will be made known in due
time : — At prefent however, it is to
be underdood, that no Officer will
be permitted to join in the Exercifes
and Trainings, without a due and
condant attendance, and likewife
llriclly conforming to every part of
the above requ fitions.
Daniel Newnan,
July 4, 1S10. 14-lw
u MIIS is to torwarn all perform
L from trading lor a Note of
ILn.d given by Henry Hill, of Ogle
thorpe county, to the lubicriber
made payable the 25th day ol Dec.
ne.x, for Two Hundred and Three
Dollars... Alfo forwarn the faid Hill
from paying the faid Note to any
pet fon hue myfelf, as it was fraudu
lently obtained from me.
Daniel Candler. ^
Jones county, July 20. - 17-c
A Lift cf the D:funders of
county, for the year 1SG9.
Capt. James Calwdl s dif riel.
Benjamin Durdan, johph
Yarbrow, William James, Jacob
Funderburk, W iliam Crabtree,
Jacob Clenf y. J .cob Cobb, E-
I lilhaDurdan, Abel Acr? ge,
Thomas £i? Scurry,
S this day diflblvcd my mutual
content ; all thofe indebted to
faid firm whole notes or accounts
are now due will make immediate
payment to Jett ihomas, and thole
whofe notes and accounts becomes
due next Fail, produce will be taken
at the market prices.
j’cit Thomas,
Putnam Superior Court
March Term IS 10.
Samuel Berry
vs. > Libel for Divorce
I Nancy Berry. \
j rip HE Sheriff having returned
the defendant out of the Hate.
! on motion of C B Strong. Attorney
for the Plaintiff, It is ordered, That
the faid Nancy appear at the next
term of this court, and anfwer the
complaint of the plaintiff in the Li-1
bel aforefuid , otherwife the court
will proceed to judgment thereon :
and alfo, that a copy of this Rule
be publilhed in fome public Gazette
as the law direfts.
Extrafl front the Minutes,
M r m. i-i illiamr, • CI’k.
May 1,1810. 5-u.t.c.
T'atn Head, Mark Williams,
Benjamin Bunldalc, Arthur
ther Stripling, James Kelley
James Rilley, fen. William Dale,
Guerton Hay, Jwfiuia holler,
John Moore, Simeon Johnllon,
Nathaniel Ferry, D; vH Kendal,
Mtredy Sanders, Wm Chtin-
cey I homas Stewart, F.i’jch Pady
gttt, John Kent, Willis Kuiiey,
!'rar.cis Stubbs, Lrwts Ccurfi y,
Jacob Gardner Robert Mtiif,
John Sumner.
Capt. Aden 'Thompfen s dif.rid.
James Pender, Thomas Sam
nions, Abram R rah, Himher
Thomas, Nathan Foley, Stephen
Riley, loftah Cock, Wiliiam
Capt. Henry Carr's dijh iff.
John Winklield, John TamD*
Capt. H Cahincfs' dirifff
Peter Mobeiry, Cuihbcit
Tei ry.
Capt Wm Ratcliff’s dif riff.
.1 IT' Gray, Jjfk.h G mble
Kelley P. own. Nath’l Moll y.
Capt C B Han ifm s dif riff.
William Caus, Richard O-
dam, Tandey Mat tin, Lewis
Kellev, Rnbfrt Stewart.
Daniel Candler r. t r y. c.
July 25. 17-A
\ LL ptrfotis indebted to the
ell a 1 e of Euclid Lankford,
doc are tequefted to ente forward
and make payment, and thofe hav
ing demands againlt faid eltate will
bring them lorward duly attefted
within die time preferibed by law.
Nicholas l.ankford,
Fred. G 1 homas, ' Ex’rs-
Jofeph Bryan, 1
June 20. "" 12—u
Richardjon O.
The bufmefs in future will he
carried on by the fubferiber under
the' fuperintendency of Richardfon
O. Scurry who will receive pay
ment and give receipts; in niv name.
Jiit Thomas.
July 27. lS-c
nam county, to Rifdon Moore and
Elizabeth Thomas of Hancock, for
Forty Dollars, taken on «lie 30th of
December, 1809, payable twelve
months thereafter.—All perfons are
Now in Baldwin Jail,
twenty years cf age, fays bis
name is ABALARD, & that lie be
longs to Jofeph Sill, of Bryant coun
ty. The owner is requeued to take
him away agreeable to law.
John Mathews, Jailer.
June 20. 12—tf
G-T Fifteen Dollars ptr cut
will be given lor Black Snake
Root, ami Ten D dlars perewt.
for Pink Root — They muft be
clean and well dried Alfo,
Apply in Millepgeville lo
1). Wilfon
N 0 T 1 C E.
LL perfons that have lubfcrib-
ed for building the Mathodijl
Meeting Houfe in Milledgeville, arc
requ. (led to make immediate pay
ment; as the Commiffioners are now
! fued for the balance of the money,
they will he under the difagreeable
neceffity of commencing fuits againlk
all that dees not avail themielvcs
of tins notice.
June 20. 12—if
Do ft or Mi ft aid,
CERTAIN Note given by
f Received March 'if, IS 10 rf
property of Abram Ivl. Merde- cautioned againll trading for the faid J°hn Lamar, the balan re remaining
cai, to (atisfy Liberty Holmes, • note, and faid Richards is forwauied due on a Note of Handf, on: faid L.u-
not to pay the faid note toany perlon mar to myfelf for Live Hundred and
John Neves and M. Pryoi’s ex
ecutions again!! him. Pointed
out by his fecurity Samuel M
Mordecai. Returned by a con-
ftablc. Conditions cam.
Phillip Cook, Sh'fT.
Agufl 1. 18-tds
Collectors Titles,
Tor Sale at this
butthe lubfcribcr.
Micajab Thomas.
July 25. 1 7-B
The Subfcribcr
Will either fell, or lcafe for a
a term of years, his property in ft-J'fr ft
this place. Poll) llion will be ■ J "“
given the firfl cf January next.
A. ATM Man.
Augult I. 18-y
fifty Dollars, dated the 1 (jth of pril
1805 , whichJaid Note I have b jt or
mi faid Jo that I can not deliver it up to
faid Lamar ; but I do hereby war
rant and defend Hm againf any claim
what fever on account of faid note and
. caution all perfons againf trading for
GEORGIA, Hancock count",
"PERSONALLY appeared b Joro
Jr me William M'Dowell, and af
ter being duly fworn, depofcih and
faith, that a certain receipt given by
Oliver Skinner, Efq to Jarm s Wil
kins dec. for the colledlion of a Note
of Hand, given by John Morifon to
Eliflia White ol Wafliington county
for the Turn ol One Hundred Dollars,
is loll or miflaid fo that lie cannot
lay his hands upon it; on the receipt
th< re is a cedit ot Twenty Two Dcl-
lars, and Twenty I wo Debars i ns
fince been received, for which there
is no credit.
Wm. M-Dowell.
Sworn before me this 2nd day of
Julv, IS 10
7liman Turner, J P.
Ebentzer J emits.
Signed in the prefence of
Y. Lamar.
Augult 1. IS- C
Co’ AT L perfons travelling cR
hoiio ha. k. may crofs at mV
FERRY lor half pviev
Tha Uhvs Hdt.
March 13, IS 10. ' 50-U ;