Newspaper Page Text
Tl"TY' '>lipapcr? gives a reason fur hi* efforts atsome other point, I do not pre- (he Owpitalhi': exertionswere great ar.lun* Vino ni’O'TV'r!' In rivil .»
Peace, that Russia ami l*riisiitend to determine with positiveness. In my remi’iW: that through these exertions In* ' 1 ’ i”" lllilKl
, >i the General Congress to he stick- own mind, however, there in but little doubt was enabled to brills' into the fie Id outlie
j,. .•• would he ad'is- that Itix lest exertions nave been made in 24th ofAntruat 1314, the day on which the
a l,i . nd prudent to detach America iVotn this quarter, at any rate for the present sea- battle of Bladenshurg was fought, about 6 or
A large body of the finest quality of
Su amp land oil the Or.innlgce Kit er, abound-
themutest. stilt, and by the nr.vt i hone we shall he fully fiOOO men, all of whom excepting four loin-
; i-'et s i uch abused for the manner of prepured for him. In this belief I am dred were ntilltia : that he could not col- ing w tlh thetiuest of stave timber, and a good
Cl);l j (jug the war—.\m ta is now re strem.liicnetl not only by the prodigious loss leet much more than one half of his force tin- place lor ratting of lumber w ith ninny other
. i I >. tin> world—Louis the X\ llltli he has sustained at the position he has just til a day or two previously to the engage- »d\milages— as there is peace staves must
insecurely on his throne; there "as a ijuittid hut by tile failure of his Heel to pass inent, and six orToo of them didnotarrivr bear a high price, a bargain may he had by
form 'd to as; suit, de him on en- fort st. Philip. until fifteen miiiuts before its commencement; upplying soon, enquire of the printers.
Inly iitd 49,
until liftmen niiuuts before its
. I'iiuilleries, wltie.ii was di> ovtred llisloss cm this ground,since the debarku- that from the uncertainly whether Ualti-
I \larmont, and necessary steps taken to tion of his troops, as stated by all the last move, lh i City of Washington or Fori ..di-
,.,.. g it prisoners and deserters, and as confirmed by ington v.mid be selected as the point
Bonaparte is restless and desires much to many additional circumstances, must have tack, it.was necessary that Brigadier Gen-
o to Fiiiglaiid. . exceed' d four thousand ; and was greater in ty. ^■«'-rbi troops should frequently
——— the i. tun of the Bth than wr.s csliinated. irWi'rVdii' positio!-, owing to which and
From. C’.m IbilitlrlJruvnitl. from the most eorr«et data then in his pos- nlttrmi ^..-uselessly exeited in the night of tin*
Tkansla i iov. session, by the Inspector General, whose re- 23d of -\itgnst, they were all inu'dt fatigued
The Journal not appearing to day, the port has been forwarded to you. We sue- and nitioy of them nearly exhausted at the
Ikli'or presumes lie shall give pleasure to needed on the 8th, in getting front the enemy time w hen the hostile army was crossing
liis subscribers in apprizing them of the a- about 1000 stand of arms of various deseiip- bridge at Bluthmsburg: that the officers e
tree,tide news, that on Saturday the 2Mb, liens. mantling the troops were generally unknown McCormick—300 acres in Washington Coun-
Touo.a was signed between the English and Sines the action of the 8th, the enemy to General Winder, and but a very small tv, on the waters of W illiamson’s .Swamp,
American Plenipotentiaries. Although Vivo have been allowed very little respite—my number of them had enjoyed the bci ftfit of being part of a tract granted to David Neul
—200 acres in Washington County, on Lime
stone, joining Burney and Brooks—Visa, on
Saturday the 13fh of thesame month, w ill
be sold, at I he Court House in Bald win Uomi-
lid, he sold, at the Court llot>e*
in Warren County, on I’liesday, tbo
2d of May next, the following Lands;— 5t)0
acres in said pounty, jniuuig Newsom, ihuP
the I omi ; .-90 acres ,li said omtv* jmnn g
liarvill’s, A. Fort’s ami others, on Ogeechy
Kiv, r. near George Town—300 acres, War-
nut, lying across Rocky Comfort.and joining
om- G ran berry and other?,’ ail granted to James
jiri au.-emeu's «F'the Treaty ure tint known, artillery from both sides of the river hiing military instruction or experience,
and probably will not be known until after constantly employed, till the night, and in- The members of this Court, in common
their ralilie tion, we believe we may assure deed until the hour of their retreat, in an- with there fellow citizens lament, deeply
our readers that this peace, honor ilde to both oyitig them. No doubt they thought it quite lament, the capturefof the Capital, and they
s, w ill gloriously recoinpciiee the of- time to quit a position ill which so little test regard with no ordinary indignation the ty, two trouts of Lund, 202j acres each, he-
furts and patriotism of the Americans. could In* found. spoliation of its edifices, (hose public menu- ing the lute resideneo of" James Mr Cor-
Coiiriers have been immediately expedit- I uni advised by Maj. Overton, who com- nients of art and science, always deemed sa- itiiek. Esq. dec'd, the (rack mi which (lie bnil-
e ,j („ England and America. m inds at Port st. Philip, in a letter of the ered hv a brave and generous Toe; but, a- dings stands, will he sold with the ri serve
——— 18tli, that the enemy having bombarded his midst these mingled and conflicting sensa- of the w idow’s right during her
From the London Courier of Dec. 30. fort eight or nine days from 13 inch mortuvs thins, they nevertheless feel it to be their life—All the above lauds are the real estate
V/,. ive be n more anxious tii in usual to without effect, b id. on the morning of tint, duty to seperate the individual from the of James Ale Cormiek Esq. dec'd. and sold
exit uni the dilferont Provincial papersinor- day. retired. I have little doubt that he calamities surrounding him, and to declare in compliance wit!) the terms of the will. •
d ■■■ C.i.r. .ve mi 'lit ascertain the elfecl prod tie- would li ; ve been able to have sunk their ves- that to t iie otlieer. upon w hose conduct they I’erms oi sale, nine months r ini it, purchasers
, the nca c with America. Wherever it sels had they attempted to run by. ere Jo determine, no censure is attributable,
. n iv • V pi-dueeit gr-af Givi • tlm p.-oner "rigid 1,1 ttH these con
contrary, when they take into eon-
i i. not merely because peace lias, J believe yon tvilt not think me'A •, the eotoplictifi ■* iiiR ;d: < ...!
j.j hut because ii lias been made too sanguine in thr belief that Louisiana is eint irrassnn nts under whiTt be labored,
n .an such, terms. File manner of its recep- now clear of its enemy 1 hope, however, 1 they are ol opinion, notwithstanding the
tV<, i ia Ireland and Scotland cannot, of need not assure you, that wherever I com- reset, that he is entitled loim little eom-
,, ,,it ii be vet known. At Birmingham, an maud, «m-,li a belief shall never occasion auy nietilntion : before (lie action he exhibited
imeiciis* assemblage wiln-sscd the arrival relaxation in the measures for resiftanee. 1 indistry, zeal and talent, and during its
V-mail, nil,l immediately look the horses nm but loo sensible that the moment w hen coni nuance a coolness, a promptitude and
®-•.,i. t drew the Mail to the Post-Oilice, the enemy is opposing us, is not the most pro- a person I valor highly honorably to hiinseil
■with the loudest acclamations. per to provide them
Go llte arriving at Manchester, 'lie great- I have the honor to he. &**.
css joy was expressed throughout tha town. ANDREW JACKSON',
same feeling exhibited at Liverpool, Mtj. Gen. Com’ttg.
Bi islol, iui'1 all other piaees from whence P. S. On the 18lh our prisoners on shore
u -omits have been brought either by the were delivered to us, an exchange having
pc > ui''iul papers or by private letters. been previously agreed to. Those wlm arc on
— noard the licet will be delivered at Pjptit Co-
Ex v.icv Ufa letter from an American gentleman in „„{}!,—after which l shall stilt have in inv
l,, i \ in "is friend in Bun,more dated I)-. :A. , j a n excess of several hundred. A J.‘
m£hic.c cly congratulate you on the conclusion of
a treaty of pence with England on terms which, un- 2t)!n
«ler the cu'cumstiines, are highly advantageous to lias today taken .01 prisoners | anion
giving sin -i; limes and "ppi-i
JOHN M*GOhSi1('K, }
abnf.r ha;,i;.:'.> f, l
March i. i„_Ltds.
aiulwortiiy of a belter fate.
T. - Court abjourned.
M jnr Oenei'id &. President.
Lieutenant &. Hecortler.
flic Navy,
our country.
\1;. (inllktin sayn that tlielmlders of Ainericiei rm-
v. , nt slock "ill li .v. re son to coiigratulute
.... .1.- ......lit 1 c ll lu le
p. , i ,r.■ In Holland.iu.p ii . ,«t\ -u-e«l
silently on the rece of the ivews^
reaty had been ngntd at G:j< ,t.”
XV. are
■ liblv inform, d that the lady of All >rt
O..J bml received a lettev from him, dated G.i-m,
I! • , fixr 24, w'i re in lie sta.c —\V r e have thi i day
; . d a I reaty of Peace highly honorable to the
l/m ted States.”
J\‘ew- Fork, Feb. ! t .
Tbo ne"? of peace has very material!? af-
fe.-fed mir stock market—llunlc and all kinds
of govurnment stork lose yesterday, nc un
der •divud, at least ten percent.; ami specie,
an i exchange on Boston, has already expe-
ri need a depression of from ten to fifteen per
Fhe news lias also reanimated thecomte-
New-l'ork, Feb. it.
A otter received in this city yesterday
from Boston, stales that intelligence haul rea- and likely
died there, ' in Salem, that fourteen Brit- of sale,
ish nerebant v essels had been driven out of
^ j tile port of St. iMiiloes, in Fruuce, by the
populace. March t.
, oooominnn
• i/m ——l’ihI* '- 1 Mu* FifilVUt ln"ul <*f l||P lust
, tor ‘ disov^ani/in^' jau u :>.s to uu unnatural
lit t-etr Ji • kson. in the actions of Che Cad mil ’—n-art, di.-oigaiiiiciii:; ..I'linpis ;,i --
2‘: I h Dee. moor. 1814—and of the tstuudSth ! ' ! 'j u !' v in'entwiuillg inflicted read, injury ««-
, . -.i .i wtci'.idtuulu iiillictx-d.
January 481j, with tiie enemy. *
A EL tli
a %. ltht XOLDS by open account, are ri quesieit to
call upon the subscriber, during tbe next Superior
court in Baldwin county, and liqniiliue the same, lie
will attend the first three days of court lor ipat pur
pose. HUGH TAVLOU, Sen’r.
February 27. 49 2t
Postponed Sale.
ON the first Tuesday in March next, nt tlin
court house in l’litimm county, the Negroes
belonging to the estate of John Keiinnu,
deed, milling whii li are, several toini^
•lcruis made known on tin* day
nre four officers.
Hon. Jakes Mnsr.or,
Secretary <,i
Charles /-. Kennon }
Richard Reimurif
Loss of »he Ainerieun Army, rnmv.inndiAjjfc
V. minded,
•.yW. V.'UJR. Air» y r?
or. ., va ., > ... . ... .gyi
4 v, J K tin; <,ra . Ir^oest . i ■.; . unity, I ! .
V V dot* to say something on the decision of tbo
Judges on ’lie al'cvialiiifjlaw, road tu us by Ids Ho
nor Judge Harris, at the commencement of Hi is T no,
XVe cannot torbear expressing; our great surprise,
lliut tbe alli viating law passed m 1812 and J.»1J
should not have been decided on, until the present
\cco'iin*s from Ilavanna, via Charleston, .
represent the British officers as acknoivle. 1 , •- rhe
7u OJiccrs superintending- the recruiting of regiment! tanning crisi; —we feel bound to tliink', that it the
Jiulgi sc.ould in any wise have avoided a decision re
specting the said law, anil the laic law for tlie stay of
executions and for the relief of soldiers, white 111 the
service of their country, \ve believe it would bate
and Corfu.
Ofliceot Superintendence of tbe
Kecruiting Service.
City of IVaehingtou, /. b. 15, 1815.
ing tin* loss of fee th nisand men put hors de ther
combat before New-Orleans! ''
been of singular advantage to the slate, us there is a
recruiting service is suspended until fur- number of our brethren in arms, in the service, and
likely to continue in the service, as the enemy is mnv
on our coast, and probably " ill continue there tiir
a sonsiderable time to come. XVe recommend that
his Honor Judge Harris will slieyv all the lenity the
will immediately call in nil your subordinate
1 with their parties, and direct them to hand
to you their recruiting accounts, which.
niOM Tel: lios-nx T A VICES;
“.A o firms. .No Units! »N u Ammunition! f ■ , (S p ,sible to the proper officers at Washington
. NX liat a pity it tries that.Tackson s brave troops liatl th () 3 for bounties and premium to tbe Paymaster
linn ms ot our morelmutH and t lie X'ariolis no armsfintu, nor ammunition. It appears, however (pmal; those for contingent expenses to lie Ac- for bis preservation of good order during court
witfi voni* own, yott yvill forward yvith us little delay nature ot the ease u ill admit ot. XVe also rcconv
mend to our fellow-citizens, a spirit of forbearance.
We tender our thanks to bis Honor Judge llarris,
classes <li*pi>mlent on their patronage. Al- tl-.ut < v 11 widinut them tint western boys bavi dispo- coull ofthe XVar Department ; and all accounts, We recommend that tbe foregoing be published
ready we sot* considerable Inis'l<* and aetivi- setloi about 2G00ol IV. lliogton syeterans. Me sup- r ,.t t
po: e 11 *.--j must have ta!;en them oy the tliroa' as t:n-y c i 0
and vouchers relating to arms, accoutrements, in tbe Jounv-u. anil Allots ot Milledgevdle.
. 0 . C .... '!»///! If JV 7f T I/l I'L' L*
’ and
. . unip cquippu^c to the Superintendent
luapcd m'n die entrenchments, ir.d chcaked ihem un- (j clu ;i \ 0 f M ilitary Supplies,
to death. What savages these Kentucky men are! \T will settle .-ill accounts for
the hire ofrendez-
11 nnteil ininrrlititff/—One thousand Ksxtu.'K.- 1 ss,. ^p^^.d quariers, and for all contingi-nt expenses, .Kills I.XMAK
flints, arm: nr ammnlithn, n to take Castine. ftm j vill take special care to prevent any waste of pub. Dl'.Xl PSFA'
AIr Newton of Va. 0Hi?red for eonsidea
lie property in the possession of yourself and your NOAH ltl ! I,
subordinates. NX1LL1AM B1ANT,
And us soon as you have collected your parties EDWAI’D OXt-OKI),
from then different rendezvous, vou will report your- 1 tlO.MAS HILL,
self, officers and men to the Adjutant and Inspector LEX*. '8 _ M j XI HI .
General for orders.
1 have the honor to be,
Sir, your obedient servant,
S. H. S
March X. 49 it
ty at our w liorves—Our snil-inakers, riggers,
carpenters, bloek-makers, &e. are iiguiu in
motion. Several sail of merchant vessels
Yesterday commenced loading—and the
cheering old song of yo heave yo! again
greets our ears.
The British sloop of war Favorite, which
brings to us the heart-cheering news of peace,
was selected for the purpose on account of
Ler name. Although she was not fit to pro- tion the following resolution, which, he said,
ceed to sea when taken up by government, would speak for itself, and preclude the ne
stle was completely caulked, her sails bent, eessity of any elucidatory remarks :
water and provisions taken on board, and ‘* Resolved. That the President of tbe U.
put to sea in the short space of seventeen S. be requested 1o cause to lie laid before
hours ! this house such informations as lie shall deem
—. necessary to lie communicated, tsuehing the
FROM NEM’OKLEVNS. state ofthe relations existing between the
Dates to the 20th—the enemy has abandon- pr. s, and the Barbary powers.”
ed liis views on Ncw-Orleans, in a dis- The resolution was agreed to, hem. com.
graceful retreat, b\ which event his de- anil a committee appointed to lay it beforo
feat on the 8th is consummated. the President.
Copy of a letter from Maj. Gen Jackson to the Se- 0O0
Cretan -it M .11*, ilutcil Hciul-Quarters, 7th military UOURT f )F FNT^ITIPY
CAMP, 4 miles below N. Orleans, t The Court of Enquiry ordered to exam- f
19th January, 1815. ine into and to report upon the conduct of ■ ' y cars * * < ' cl , . -
t 1 -• u .1 m * 1 1, 0 • „ 1 Ai- 1 o ... mUftiWAi l-tioned, a little ' el low coinplcctul. high
T-iisf night at 12 o docs:, the enemy prut*.- Brigadier General \\ indbh, so far as it w ^ ILi- . , ml liad ou w f„.„ hokfi home, - mi? 1
itately decamped and returned tp Iks boats, connected with the capture and distraction roundabout mat amlpimmlotins.
'VJlO-lt.iH fVHll'l'., Foreman.
\\ ILL1 \ .XI I .ANGUAXr,
A true copy from the Minutes,
rivK noi.LAiis nv.w.uin
UNAWAY front '.he suhscriber on the night
ofthe l e i insl. a N* i ■ W'uinan nnnietl
Fifteen Dollars Reward.
C L O W E ¥
U UNAWAYtrom the subscriber, living on Little She is unusually krge and c rnulent fot a person of
h River, near Butt’s bridge, Baldwin county, a color ; it is she won d wi , K b two ,vd.
° she is between thirty-five and forty y ears old, quite
black, raised in Virginia, and spenks very plain and
peart when spoken to.
From tbe manner of her going off, l am somewhat
induced to suppose that she was aided by some dis
honest white person; she earned away with her,
cooking'uiensils, clothing and bedding to a greater
. quantity than any one person could convey off.
10 niches high, stout built and p: Joll j d p j )c ascertained that she is stolen or huh ced
away by any white person, a cimipdcni uwara
will be paid for the detection and conviction of die
p.-et tji'u.Cj should she have gone off of her nun accord,
I <
on tile frontiers of the Ocnmlgee near
if not convex cd uxvav bv some white
rcl of Five Dollars will be paid tc
who will detect and liaxc her lodged
itviug behind him, under medical attend- of the City of Washington in August 1814, he isTjkiiig on
anee, eighty of his wounded including two unanimously submit the following as the tiled... Fields, , ,
o!li'*ers, 14 piece? of heavy artillery, and n result of their investigations. nlun ' -^ n - v P e,f:tm deiiyeraig the raid negro tu me, j it anJ . t | le s tateso that I can get bei
quantity of shot, having destroyed much of The Court with great attention and much war d and id! reasonable expenses, and one IHN-
liis p0" 'ler. -Such was the situation ofthe labor have perused the numerous papers and DRED DOLLARS lor die deliverance of the thief, if
ground which he abandoned, and of that documents referred to them, from whence stolen.
Sparta, Feb. 18.
tln’ough which he retired, protected by ea- they collect, that Brigadier General Winder
nils, redoubts, entrenchments, and swamps was appointed to the command ofthe loth
o 1 nis right, and the river on liis left, that l Military District, of which Washington was
couhliiot without encountering a risk, which a pari on the 2d of July 1814 ; that irnme-
trii * policy did not seem to require, or to an- diately thereafter he took every means in his
til l'd?'*, attempt to annoy him much on liis power to put that District
r. i r * *1 W > took only eight prisoners. state of defence ; that from the period when .^'i’uiporUnc^
i.'tb *r it is (he purpose ot 1 he enemy to well grounded apprehensions xvere entertain- Attireh , r
ahuuduti tha expedition altogether, or renew ed that the enemy meditated au attack upon 1
Baldwin county, March 1. 39—3t
jjMIE Justices uftlu* Fence, lul 1 ior court
and citizens of Jones countv, arc re
v mentis in 1 « 1. 1 1 ' nr waters ot the Oconee, ailpniniig 1 !oiui, nourn-
into a nrower n«ctat U ,e couiUou Imton, Wm . Ulafinistraui? ol lchabod Tl
. ; .' on till' Dill March next, t- uei )•-. u.c C.l bu- iR-c’d, or so jnurli lb.'root ns will satislv I
e period w hen r: , ’ , . . 1 i
COl.L KCTOR'.S' -S'. 1U'.
Y^FII.L 1*E SUED, ui the court-house in thetown
v V (, Eii.oii'on, l-utii. in count?, on llie first Tues
day in Mu" next, bi'tween-thc iis'.u.t hours,
2u2 1-2 acres of Laud 111 Hutnum cuun’v, on tbe
ti'i-g ot tin* Oconee, adjoining Uloud, reiurn- d by
' " ' ‘ ‘ Tl niop
tic tux
title and cost—sold for the tax t f said dec'd, for the
• cur 1814*.—tax dttc, f, 1 .35 1-'.' cents.
v:£ oif l*,\ <:>
t H:c*: llj ‘