Newspaper Page Text
By Authority
rs^ rsn
,9 a //1: m /:.
Prize of 5510,000
DBSERTETlff. sailor; hiorh clock* : looks like an Tndi-
Thn fiiBowi.ig Souliers of the 3d Regiment n ' 1 . and has had the meant). ,*, ai d audacity
of R .lumen arc li irebv published as Deserters neire than once to impose hiniseH on r< entiling
f ■ )m the Army of the United States. Fifty officers—deserted from Richmond, Ya. De-
dotlars will be given for the apprehension of Ccmber2l, 1814.
citlir of them, upon delivery being made to a- CAP l. HRAAt I)0.\ S < OJMPAA T.
tiy officer of the Army ( or by securing either IViUiam lerne, born itijGulpeppi-r, Virginia,
of them in jail and giving due notice to the ged 39 years, 3 feet 10 incln < high, fair com.
Scares'. Kibe Officer. It •aim, blue ey s, light hair, and by nccupa-
JmTTE BLOUNTS COMPANY. tinn a farmer—deserted from Witkcshorntigh,
Tit ;n f Polh, (properly Hugh) horn in Meek eV. ('■ 3d August 1814.
fenhurgh county C. aged 2.5 years, .a feet 8 Franklin, '. born in Anson county,
inches high, fair complexion, hhin eyes, dark *V C. agecl 21 years, 5 tect 7 1-2 inches high,
hair, and bv occupat ion a carpenter—deserted fair complexion, brown eyes, fair hair, and by
from Chari otter, VC. June 1814. occupation a laborer-deserted from Morgan.
John r. Iwarrl . torn in New-York, aged 2-1 ton. A*. C. 30tli August, lBbl.
years, 5 feet 10 I*! inches high, fair complex- Itilhnni 1'nlk, byrn in M,, kh nhnrg, N C.
>on, grav eyrs, darl hair,and bv occupation a aged 3B years, 5 feet 11 inches Ingh, i ..
laborer—descried :Vnrn Cabarrus county, N. C. complex mn. Mu,* ryes, black hair, a.d b\ oc.
j.itj. June 18! 4. pupation a farmer—desebted from \she court
.fo.if/ift Hue per, horn in Tennessee, aged 21 bouse N. .’Oth August 1814.
years, .1 fi *•» II inelies If. ;*!,, fair complexion, James Ycm/i,, b.irn in Rutherford county X.
Mack eves. hi.irk hair, an I by nceupntion a la- C. aged 24 years, 5 feet 111 inch s high, ruddy
borer—-deserted from Ciermanton, K. C. 21st complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, and by oc'-
Juiv 1814. cupation a farmer—deserted from Ruther- *
fra II . .W. •fin, horn in Kcdford county, ford court Ito'is*.*, \. (;. ,’ls. Scptemhi r, 1 'll 1. 4*,6. 5 Prizes
Virginia, aged 26 ears,5 »!• I It) inches high, Mn Youf.t,born in A.-lie county, X. <2. aged G,825 Blanks
ruddy complexion, blur ryes, simdv hair, and 2o years, 5 feet ft indies high, swarthy rami-
Try occupation a farmer—deserted from (Mil- plexion, blue eyes, dark hair, ami bv oerupa- , . Tiel-ela nt 5 r. p.»pl.
fjrd X. (: August 1814. tion a blacksmith-d-* rted from Wilke • * 11 "' 00 1 U ' keW nl » •’ ' Rfttl
John U<lion, born in Ifisrpiotnnk county, X rough; V. ( S jit. 2.>'!i, 1814.
ft. aged 49 years, 5 feet 7 1-2 inches high, fair StiU % horn in Guilford county
JMjuUml and Tnspce•
tor General's Office
December 29,1811*.
General Orders.
.Administrator’s S 'c
liiesdif'i in . ?
ALL field & cotn-
pe tiy otiicers
>11 d
1 oo
21 JO
More tliun txx
(witit; mute favor
prizes to three blanks, ".j," ,ra, "| mi J
able to the mlventu- lo J ,e ln,< ' be l
11'iU be. cold on the
One horse, heddin , a fe i iru. i . ,. .,
other articles ton tedious s menu i«»mh,:* of
t!ie property of William Ilrnx n ih ri i.sed.w
Also will be hired on the r.< xt 3 . f <*i In;
sale, several negroes, till the .'5th ilv.* of l)e-
tvho comber next- The sale and t o * v.ll •...,
lire absent f’rntll place at the house of die subscrib , i* V> II-
their corns bv fur- lci ' 1 ' i0 " c ' J »nty ; and terms made k mr,i then
, . 1 and there.
lough nr otherwise, T 0 . , ,
except those on par- James Smitlj, acini’.
tit ular duty, and ».>3.5. 43* 3t td*__
such as are dcsignn- „v o /• / (
ted fur the recruit- Agreeably to an order of the Inferior rnnrt
ill*' serviee, will of i itireas county, will hr sold in the town r
forthwith repair to , *''" d , ! .‘*' > 1 ! ‘ •*
. . *. number two hundred and nmetv-mne, ir. ilie
l.teir respective re- twentyoierond district of tVilk iia n * also tot
^imenls und eorps. munber fifty-three, in the fourth dint riel of
The Adjutants Wilkinson: also one half of lot immlvr one
fler.enil of the seve- hundred, in the third district of Wilkinson:
ral districts and .li- a ! so , HI ’f " :w:t , Uvo ''"'."‘V '
• . nincty-twa acrc*s, ow Messer hcppc k m lajuircnft
visions, and I lie coin- c ,> un iy : urul one other tract containing f..p!y
luaiulauts ol rem- -.vcrcs, in Kuvkv covmtv ; for tin of the
molds and eorps, heirs and creditors of 'I'ruvis Fciin, deceased.
i in laiiiltonl county *hmii^ iiioic iuvci aniu in uic .uiyciiuj- ^ ^ j.
ronij)l<*xion, ^ray eyes, ‘ indy hair, and by oc- ajrcd .>7 years,5 feet 1U 1-2 inc hes hi^h, fair rer.s, than any scheme heretofore pub- an ' H “ ' ' • ’ ,j an
complexion i blue eyes,sandy hair and by o«- lislicd in this eanntry. 1 ,ie »»»»‘‘* »* —-
cupation a t.irnur—deserted 2tst Xnv. 181 V vr ri'iovjoi* nttf/px III I ollteers who tint
cupation a hatter— deserted from Randolph c
h. N.C. 9th September 1814.
J.imrs ll'tliiiimt, bum in Randolph county, X. in the marc - from Charlotte, N.C. to Kn ■ . , v „ ini the 1st (lav’s drawln"* to report themselves
.5fac inches high, fair complexion, mond, Va. '• * J ^ 0,u00 for duty couforma-
Wm Hnvvthorn. b ,
T r \ ' faclmrs.
Jos. Chairs, j
ifii5 42
dark exes, dark hair, unit by occupation a la
borer—deserted from Randolph c.h. V.C. Sep
tember 1814.
IVilliam Mil-.. *, description not exactly
known, casil. rcc ignized in Mecklenburg
county, X. (i win* *i; he it now lurking—de
sert <1 from Canton ii *nt (1 t*ei*ne, near Cliarlot-
»,*, X. <;. 59th O tinker 1814.
ft/met Rr,nn, bronr in Cumberland county,
:'-.C.i.g' 12a vrurs, 5 fm* It) inches high, dark
gi, * eyes,'.v Irtiir, anti P.,- i,c-
*•,.;!ion a I;a' i* d* ' 1 f- • . H indi.gill
, mix, N.t.. 1st November 1814.
Jlichtvd Ftirtritson, born hi Randolph coun
ty, N. (I aged 20 years, C feet high, fair com
plexion, gray eyes, light hair, and by occupa-
t n a latiorei*—deserted from Randolph coun
ty, X. C. 1st November 1814.
Michael A'umvn/, bom in l.incoln county, N.
C. aged 2*7 years, 5 feet IP inches high, fair
fcnmplexioo, blue eyes, light hair, and by oc-
conation . hatter—deserted from Cantonment 1
Greene, near Charlotte, X C. 13th Nov 1814
d a
4X OVETtSr.RR, xxho is wall qi tali fed to
atteivl to a provision and cotton plant at ion.—
in .mi \eitt... One xvlio can come well recommended, xvill
1 he Dames ot roct . lVe i,fa.*ral encouragement,
me who report JABEZ ROREltTS.
sent liv reason of F,*brnarv 1. :j fit,
linin'',i Cnfitm, horn in l’ilt coulv, .A*. ('
aged 7,6 years, 5 feet (i inches high, of davit
complexion, hazel eyes, black hair, and bv oc- ...
cupation a farmer-deserted from Union drawn dauber 5,000 « > si, nt hy reason ol
courthouse fi. c. loth Sept. 1814. Prize* payable twenty days after the indisposition, xvill WILL IlH SOLI)
.lilam i:ttj/\ti’i/ci', horn m lancnln county, drnwiti^ it eoinplett'd, subject to a tie- ttlso lie transmitted, j| lr Tuesday in \ptil next, nt
ii,;,, ;*;!; ,n '''""i 1 duet riiiicen per cent. designating sueh as Mniltieelln, the undivided half .»•* I *: - .
by occupation » ix, ,n,T >i. „, ,i „n me a ‘ c “ ,,v lor at' tktxoiflyutn > the Hill) tlhitriet, furinerl y
man !i from cha.-lute, .. c m Hichmoiid \... v.iit/: iTxvelve months after the draw- with ft eerti.'iale o. Haldxvin. noxv Jasper etmnly : for the
2 tth Xoy. 1814. ing is jninpleled, will he considered a* inability. Imnefit of the heirs and creditors of
!> . Ht« 0, '.' r '. ' n ,ctis'rict A. giv ii for the benefit of the i'aelory. All otiieers ftrriv- Wyatt Bonner, deceas' d. Terms cash.
pWvion, xviloVcvcs bh-ckTair^u.d bv . V', ,,0 ' nml ' ace 9L ‘ v . e "* in S ttt t,1R fi, at J a.mi.s Bom*Eit, ndmitii*.
'farmer—'deserted fithOc*.. 1811, from ei n lll, < ol tlie tickets are sold, and to government will nn- tratorin rt^ltl of his xvife.
conlinle one <lay in each week, [or oft- mediately (report Jatmarv It. 1817, Y2.
AGRKKABLK ta an order
the Inferior cotm of
Edgefield ,V. ( r u ...
John Jfemht**, born in Pendleton district, tier ii the Directors may see cause 1 themselves nt this
of tbu*
and by
Franklin (
, ;>mc*t l 2( years, S fe<-t 7 inche:, high, Five jundrvd Tickets each day, mil it office, t hat the Se- AGRKKA
^oeeuti'itTrm'aearn, ,u P W |’.ad!!'" r ' cowpfle 1. cretary of War may of the honorable
din (Jo. dale not known " ,,om 5- * .Since our scheme was put to be advised ot their Putnam comity,
Will bp .Sold,
on the first Tuesday
yellow boy helotig-
late of Ichaliotf 1 hrimpsun,,
be 'benefit of the heirs
f said deceased. Terms*
hided ees Adjutant Ocncrnrs imule know iron llu* dtsv of sale.
Occupation a labor, *r—deserted from Ruxv- ['j""‘ j"'! 1 r “ "u, a. *. p, nod hk. I iikets may be I mil at the lVt- Oliiee of oueh dis- IViUiuuL IHILins film' i*
roimtv N. C. 20th November 1814. the preset , have the'lolly and the meannei* on;,.’ ■ .. .. ’ - • I.
JfurJt/T) JJj'ris, corporal, born in Wake «’ l ‘>e sUnufard of them country.
X. r. aged 30 years, 5 feet 11 inches high, ,, ,.
dark complexion, gray eves, brown hair and m ? , e,n l? mg to apprehciul those d,
bv occupation a lah.iror—deserted from Row- - ', 11 -1 l-1 "’ l 11 , Sl> l ," 1 s ’ "'bo, at *. ptrio
By order ot the commanding officer,
\V. J. GOIUJUX, Acting
Ail j. 3d Kiri R, ,>*t.
.tan. 23. ay——j.t
county, X. C. aged 23 u*a 5 feet 10 1-2 inch
es liigli, fair complexion, gray eyes, dark hair,
and by orctipaiion * saddler, of erect tigur ,
geiUrot a\);n aranc*', quirk m speech, large*
black whiskers, addicted to rambling, and re- .i,,,. •rumirt,*,*.,, ,7.,,.' ..
markable tor cunning and villainy—deserted ‘ ^ BH1.D I10R81.
fro.-n camp near Danville, Va. 26th Xoe. 1814. Shllllfl llio TA,"al,>v
ll’.n. H. Limn,horn in Chatham county, X. M ill stand the ensuing season, at my
C. aged 29 years, 5 feet 9 inches high, light gtuble in Sparta, ami be let to mares*
Complexion, blue eyes, light hair, and by oc
T. & K. Iteid’s Shop on Greene jr'i'd.
street, and at the Argus Priuting-Of- JJ V nr( i,. r n f t f t »
lice, Milledeeville.
Jan tin rv to.
dull . nptdleuti •
• bnitoi'iihtc tho
d Immediately
100-000 weight
complexion, nine eves, light nuir, anil ov oc- „ r . M | 11 „,; i i ... ... ,
cupation a laborer—deserted from Laurens, S. , , , • Ll lS 11111 ' l e T) \ P < VV »vilfl Pt)?)
<J.3d September 1814. made in uny kind oi produce. Turli- tillCl i VfiiilVy
Foi which xvill be given, 14 1*2 cents for
Secretary of War. lN l >\ l< ‘ *•* ft,u>
on will ik mndi. to \
J). Pitlll A, Inferior court if (_)■-!,*t,.o <-,
[45 4tJ Ailj't and « hen sdtliiig for ordinary purpose?, for
Inspecter General 1 7a* 1,1 f ' < * t *
of iV ilkitison, In longingtn the estute of’
Dread Thornloiiy dee d sold for t|;p
benefit of the heir3 uml creeitors said of
. 3d Septeml.. -
Anthony .Miller, born in Dublin.countv, K. ctuars herealter. _ ..
( ’ agul 21 years, 5 feet 9 inches high,'light JD11N AB15HCROMB1E. Biicnl, and eight dollars per hundred for Pork.
Complexion, dark eyes, dark hairand by occu- February 22. 48 3t Applxto Leroy M. Wiley, Fort Mitchell,John
pation a farmers a small tear over one of his — Gmwsll, Fort Hawkins', or William H itler,
eyes, ot good appearance, except he can t look 4>0L. THOMAS P. HAMILTON of Jasper MiUefgeville.
a man in; ptyviously of the 18 h In- H j cumv. xvc are authorised to state, xvdl
fuiilry, a.ldicteil to taking things not Ins own, be a candidate for Colonel to command the
par, irnlarly watches-dexe, U d from Fa, ett- tUiwl class of Militia in Gen. Adams’* Uivisi-
villc.N. C. 19th September 1814 0M
tfm. Unit, born in Itnbcson county, X. C. February 22. 43 4t
aged 33years, 5 feet 8-iiirlii s high, dark com- ! '
plexion, blue eyes, dark hairand by oceupa- r'KAUE SUBSCRIBERS have on hand, and
tion a farmer; one front tooth out, slow of If offer for sale, a GENERAL A3SOU1 - -
speech and sloxv of movement, downcast look MEXT OF
deserted from Lumberton, X, C. 29tliSept
General Orders.
Milletlgeville, Slat*
Feb. 1813.
THE Commander
in Chief having un
derstood that the
rentlier 23 mUm.
AdininistiMtor’s 8a!e.
WILL BE ISOLD, on the first Titos-'
day in April next, at. Marion Twiggs
enunty, Lot No. 39, in the* 28th district
Feb* iarv 1-5.
,Joseph Jenkitr,. born in Rowan county, X C.
aged 19 years, 3 feet 7 inches high, light com-
p sioij I'l'.e **.*< ■<. light lo.ii* and bv orrupa-
lion a bricklayer—-deserted on the march
from Cambridge, *V. C to einirlottce C. lfitb
Oct. 13:1.
If. 1 Mu.wave, boro in Liverpool, England,
aged 28 years, 5 feet 9 1-2 inches high, dark
complexion, dark exes, dark hair and by occu-
pati-m a shoemaker—deserted on the march
fYorn t'ambi idgc, S 0. Utb Del. 1814.
Jtnu 1 t'r.."l»r, born in Marion District S* C.
aged 21 year5 ieet 7 inches high, dark oom-
plexion, dark e\es, dark
on a farnif
Paints, D>je Stuffs,
Among whic, arc the following artcilcs.
Aqua Fort is ;
Turkex Dinber;
Armen ia 0II oil,,
Oil Vitriol ;
Quicksilver ;
Muriatic Acid ;
Copul Vaniisli;
Spirit Varnish.,
Ilosin ;
Army Contractor General (MSm'of ?/ r ° n . n f p, 5 r M / l . ki ." B0 "’ n " w Twi ‘ r S* fl :
47—tf the 24th January lor ! ’ , ' < ”** a !" in " > 202 j*. uml
* !*, ..< 1,, i| a on it lieins; a jwirt ot the
( „ fr nj?1 ujj,* ,;/•/. /v u(ij> vr* ’ * 11 * { \ ri^I e.Hlale of Abrahum MAfVe, clerM,.
\ ilL CELKMHJl/ r.jy JlQulSE Kilu* companies and *.»,*. , .. . Z
n i< * 1 onu ftolil lor the henclil of the lietrs uiki
CLOCK-D10 M E 1), &SZ ^ f “•*.<?*•
Jap nary in.
INK months after date, application will*
he made to the Inferior court of ,i"oncs>
minty, fiir-leaxe *o s. II the veal estate ot*
Spanish Brown ,
■White Lead ;.
Yellmv Ocre ;
Prussian Mine;
Spanish Whiting
1 m*s, dark hair and bv oeaupati- j' 'Jlnn-.w '
-deserted from Marion, S.C. 17th X|h m ; ^
October 1814.
Jant e ll.'tul.'raon, born in Robeson county
N. C. aged 'I j years, 5 feet 10 inches high, sal
low complexion, lime eyes dark hair and by
occupation a gun-smith ; marks of gun-pow
der in Ins face—deserted from Fayetlville X.
O 2*1 October 1314.
II m. Eihinwrl), born in Columbus county
%'■ C. ugi d 21 years, 5 feet 9 inches high, dark
complexion, gray eves, dark hair* and bv occu- . _ .
pat, .„ a fa ,u .*' -deserted from Lantonni, nt hirWi'mty _purpo«;s, h,r leaxe to st U part ot
Indigo ;
Lamp Black;
Ivory Black;
Spirits Turpentine;
Spirits Wine ;
Potash ;
Gold Leaf:
airy to he imniedi-
tETAUTIFUL bay, four years old,, six- ntely prepared lor
e.i hands one inch high-; and as to mils- eiTec.tive service,
culaiT'OWcrs and svmetrc of parts, he is c- |, !lVe been COUStriieil
quad i hy lew, and surpassed by none in At to a;U !>.>ri^e the fil-
,.1 — ! Ht.FAd the ensuing orison nt r.u* .
tontou jurx of the season, and the balance at ‘R'ff '** *'10 Miller
George Cornett’s stable in Putnam county, be- Iron) the 2d and 3d ,
txvesn Hillsborough and the Ooonce river,near classes of militia of JonaU,lu ’ marker, dec u.
the read h ading to Cooper’s ferry on the O- t j, e || lle , which is l Adm’rs.
concc, and will be let to mares at the follow- . . ihc tnon -n 1 n Je,ul ' i J talar, 3
jig reduced rates, to wit-Txvclve dollars the ^ ‘ * “ ,e ,T " e _ Trbnnry 9 47-m9m.
season, payable by note the first of January HLeut ol t.te ordeitj months after date, application will
ncxl. Nvliich may be diaohnr^cd by the pay- alorenaid. [y be made to the hononibU- the Inferior
muni ot teii dollars it paid within tlie season ; tllcrofWc HC" Court of Putnam county, sitting for ordinary*
cl at the * - ' - - '■■■-— •'
rxventv-four doilav
six dollars the single visit, to he paid at the eort ]|„ r ]y now ( ||_ purposes, for leave to sell lot No. 3T.5, in thst
uvs the in- 9. • . . . Tl district, formerlv tialdwin. now I'ntiom
tim of service
iiiiil* 01 »ci„u*. i * .......... ■*. - , . 3d district, formerly Blddwin, noxv Putuanr
surance, payable :y note as soon as the mute rena, ttiiu t lie jirt- rnnllt ,._^i s0 ] <nl y;„ gg ) j n t |, e ]5Ul () g
is known to be infViul or transfered. Should Vilege of fi-lliiig the Will.inson, and !xil No. 231 in the 6th W„
five marcs be engaged from one neighborhood, Volunteer cumpH kins .11, also Lot No. 6’., 1*4 Hi «f Wilkinson—
„ ,I Will give the fiftn gratis, if paid within the M j e9 , }‘ rotn t |, e |; fie to he sold lor the benefit of the heirs and ere
Port <y H ulianason, season, and one dollar to the groom lor each , ,* , . v , ditors ot - William Skaggs, dec’di
47—fit mar- in every instance, to be paid at thesta- ,
ble door.—The season xvill commence the Dll leer m ijle eompu-
■Xine months after dale, appli tenth of March an lend the tenth of June. nies
be made to the honorable the P(‘cli°TCC
Inferior court of Morgancovmty, when sitting nwMl:j f was ^ D; . rnunder & Chief.
February 15.
1 ' cation xvill be made to the honorable the
n ■■ , „ NINE months after date, application will
'•*// order of, trie Com. be madn to the honorable the Itni ri
tor court oS
Jones county,for leave to sell the rral i*stai«
e, near Charlotte X. C. 1st Xin*. 1814.
aged 13 years, fate complexion, blue eyes,
Tig‘,> .hair, l. tnt'v rue. well made, active,,
spr ... ly, a*, d >(,ad «.fxl*.* •:*••, reported himself
J it' f) c t 1811.toLt.Sparks,rtUnionc. li. S.C.
i.s tlit i* ofthe 2 tth Infantry who hud been
ce.ptu, il bv ’ ne enemy and 1 fleeted Ii is e-wanc.
II*.* was *emporarily attach’ d to cup-
,son's eianpae.y and deserted from the same at
antoi - o', tlixs ne, near Charlotte, -V. C.
tilth N t. .nber 18i4
'. Dung/iteri;, . rn in X .rtli .mton emm-
tv ,*V. ('■ :. ;ed *28 . a- . 5 Let 9 1-2 inches
I: :’.n. ruddy complexion, blue eyes, dm k hair,
and bv rcupnlioii a silxer-sinith, latterly ;tc-
is remarkable tor
LitXo.'fifi,' iirUw >0 5ffi , dfatric*Vf()rmerly'lhdd- omrd, and the bay the old' import'd M.rrel FDWAHDCARY of Absalom Eilands, late ofJones county dec’d.
ii'in imw MhPn^n 1 lir* nf DlOITlHU* 11 IS (liilll jV * lJll K*Ant UClUVi IJIS Pi/tlllf/?.
secretary •
, /.► , iHitiit •» {*,'«*( i' iiti’iicQ ia rii win, now Mor^un countv—for the beuetit oi \ .. - • .
1 ‘ ,l< ,J - 1 "' b )U 5 ‘ C '■ * "° h ifa, hoini of Abraham .tic Ufe, dec’d. gw*" 1 ! dam by Cloektust, his great great grand
ROBERT PRXICK, dan ry Fearnoi'glit. February 22. 43 2t
;uc*en oniv’i’Ti *. r Admr’s. . rncrttf /V)»vptt •>
JESSE U0i!ElCrS,i»3
riyht of hit It'ife.
February 11. in'Jm,
Dcc.ejrJjer 13.
.ha Fihnith,
Stephen Eihnulr,
LL those
Nine mold Its after date, nppliealintr
J_^clebted lo Mr. will be made lo the honorable (he Inffc-
Carey of Fliilndol- rior Court of Putnam Cotmtv, set tins
NINE months after date, application will be ^/lll be Sold.
r. :nle to the bonoiable h.ferior court of Hun- () Tu ,. s( | uy in April next, pbia.'for R.iukaulil n* a Court of Ordinary, for leave "lo*
land m Morgan, formerly Baldwin county. No. '.be late res id cnee ol Niultiiim Jeriu- at this place, are &e!i the reu-CH.ate ol Levi Jordan tte-
5, in the 19th district. ’ gti n dec’ll—in the county of Haueuek, a hereby iiiiormeu, censed, consist iugof lot ntitnber 15, irr
ABNER EVANS, net^o wench ami four children, the their note* are iu the 44h district, originally Baldwin,.
BLUWELL ROGERS, slock of horses &c. belonging to (be the hunt!s oi'J. W. now Putnam County 5 for the benefit op
Administrator* said estate. Term* of sale made known Dovereu.i > uho will the heirs and creditor* ofstud deeeitscd»
X.ivcmbcr ifi 33 -m9ni. on the day of sale. re reive payments Jan. It), 1M3 Tfwmm Jordan, atlmr.
Mary Jtruigan, Extr’x, for him until} the Isliain llrooLs, ntitn’r it*
Feb. 8. 40 first of March nest. right nf his xvife.
mistoincd to the sea. lit*
his.x'i*’ , ne silence mil downcast appearance, NINE months after dale, application xvill
Ad.'dctod to intoxication, and when drunk is be made to the honorable Inti rior court of
boih i-.dlrt'i ami stupid—d’-sert d from Koxv- Jasper countv for an order to sell the reales-
rn minty, .V.C 2Jlh Nov. 1814. 1atcofc.ipt. Lxiunlloon, dec’d, 1 a M LT
./ .1. 9 .1 ib, born nt S C agi d 23 years, county. O L A it xv O
■’ 1 '11 s tiig.i, d i. ompn-xom, ADAM Gt V/I1.R, ) Adm’rs Neatly printed and on tlw shortest nptiec at for collection,
a-..I hy occupation » ROBERT MELTON 5^ *4^- ARGUS OFFICE,.
After which, they
will be delivered to
an attorney ut law
c* exes, .bJLix U !,a:
Jaoiwy 18, 4f—it.
"\V1LD1', on tlie Alleviating Latv.-
Febr::arj; US.