The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, July 10, 1830, Image 4

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On the Jirst Tuesday in AUGUST next..
"BEFORE the court-boase door in the town of Law-
9 rencevilie, Gwinnett county, within the legal hour*,
if. be sold, the following PROPERTY, to wit:
One hundred and twenty-lire acres of LAND, more or
. ss, it being an undivided half of lot No. S34, in the 5ib
i *♦.rict of said county, known as Plunkett’s mill tract, to
gether with the improvements thereon—levied on as the
. r pert* of Richard Plunkett, to satisfy a ft. fa. in favor
; f *•* itthias Bates.
Five NEGROES, to wit: Miiley and her four children,
‘aehel, Joshua, Moses and John—levied on as the pro
perty of Waller S. Adair, to satisfy a G. fa. in favor of P.
: . Murray.
One sorrel MARE and COLT—as the property of Ed-
'and Edivatds, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Robert Lump
Oic COW and CALF—as the property of Jonathan
fi-ll, to satisfy a fi fa. in favor of John P. Winn, vs Jon*
a.: ban Sell, and Samuel Maoticts, security; property point-
vd out by said Manders.
One hundreu acres of LAND, on Marbury’sercek, ad
joining Ward and others, in said county, granted to
'’readwelJ—levied on as the property of William Bow
man, to satisfy a fi. fa. from a Justices’ Court in favor of
lames C. Laughridge, vs VYilliam Bowman and Henry C.
Morris; levied cr. and returned to me bv a constable.
July 3 235
ALSO—On the first Tuesday in September next,
at the same place within the legal hours,
One bay MARE, about iGtor eleven years old; one set
'of Blacksmith’? TOOLS, one set of Bench TOOLS, one
Cross Cut SAW, and one Feather BED and FURNI
TURE, to satisfy a fi. fa. on the foreclosure of a inort-
gatein favor Hew let Sullivan, sen- vs. Si>m»l Bowman.
June 5 231
Administrator’s Sale.
W ILL be sold in Doblin, Lauras county, on the first
Tuesday in September next, pursuant to an order
of the honorable the Inferior Court of Jones county, sit
ting for ordinary purposes,
on Turkey creek, Laurens county—belonging to the es
tate of Henry Mitchell, deceased—Sold for the benefit of
the heirs. Liberal terms will be given.
VVM. & J. C. B-. .MITCHELL, AJm’ra.
June 26 234 tdsklt
FOR SALE at this place, the following ARTI-
Administrator’s Sale.
^^^ILL be sold, at the late residence oi Daniel E-
gwell, deceased, on the I3tb day of Avgust
next, all the perishable property of said deceased,
Consisting of Slock of Horses, Cat; be, Hogs, ons Yoke
of Oxen and Cart, one small horse Waggon (new,) a quan
tity of joiners and carpenters Tools, and a quantity of
Household and Kitchen Furniture, some Corn, Fodder
and Wheat, together with sundry other articles too tedi
ous to mention. The sale to continue from day to day
until all is sold.—Terms made known on the day of sale.
Gwinnett county, Ju y 3. 1630 235 Ct
Administratrix’ Sale.
the court-house in tlie town of Irvvinton, Wilkin
son county, on the first Tuesday in October next,
will be sold,
LOT No. 249, in the third district of said
rounty—it being part of the Real Estate of Daniel Over-
street, late of Emanuel county, deceased. Said laud
sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of the county ot
Emanuel, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased.
July 3, 1*30 235 tds!3t
ALSO—On the Jirst Tuesday in September next,
Two NEGROES, to wil: Chloe, a girl {.trout 14 years
;-ld, anc Jerry, a boy about 11 yean c!J, to satisfy tw*fi
'as <. ihc foreclosure of mortgages in fuvor of Natbauiel L
•Purges vs Richard H. Lester, ,.r.d Archibald Boggs, ve
iltcbard H. kecter; property pointed oat in fi. fas.
*vae 3 231
Or the firs' luesdiy in AUGUST next
^TILL BE Si'LD, before the court-house door in
Clarksville, ti.tbersbam county, within the usual
hours of sale, ihe following PROPERTY, to wit:
One I RACT of LAND, containing one hundred and
eighty sev. n and a half acres, lying on Ihe Hudson Fork
of broa i river, adjoining id j | of Charles Scissor* and oth-
t T 9 ‘ herelofnie levied on by William Hamilton, former
client!— laritd on .s thj pwerty of Simon Terrell, to sat
isfy a fi. fa, in favor of Philip Martin.
W ILL be sold, at the couit-house in the town of \lil-
iadgeville, on the first Tuesday in September next,
all the HEAL ESTATE, lying in Baldwin county, be
longing to James Reynolds, deceased, consisting of three
and a half squares of LAND, moreorJess; one of 202^
acres, adjoining R lines, Lamar, Lockett and Horton;
one other of 202} acres, adjoining Lockett, Horton, and
Bridges, and 303$ acres adjoining Cachet, Lamar, and
Scou—Sold in pursuance to un order of the Honorable
Court of Ordinary of Baldwin county, for the benefit of the
ueirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known
on the day. JOHN L. BLACKBURN, Ex’or.
June 9, 1630 232 tdslSt
\7TJ ILL be sold, in the town of Perry, Houston county,
T t on the first Tuesday in October next, pursuant to
an order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Baldwin
county, sitting r ordinary purposes, LOT of LAND,
Nr. 31 i., u.e 6th district of said county, belonging to
tnc.eslate of James Reynolds, deceased—Sold lor the be
nefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms on
the day* JOHN L. BLACKBURN, Ex’or.
June 9, 1830 2 32 tdslGt
At tae same time and place, will be sold,
Cne LOT of LAND, No. 8, in the fifth district of Ha
bersham county, containing four hundred and ninety
acre*, in the gold regions—levied on as the property of
William A. Austin, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Ma
gistrates’ Court in Crawford eounty, in favor of D. B.
Mitchell, v S said Austin; levy made and returned to me
jy a constable.
One LOT, No. 20, in the 13th district of said county—
levied on es the property of Stephen Frederick, to satisfy
a fi. fa. issued trorn n Magistrates’ Court ef Putnam
county, jn favor of Andrew Muhnax; pointed out by
ILL be sold, cn Monday the second day of August
CIES, to wit:
Road Wagons and Geir,
Two-horse Wagon* and Harness,
Gigs and Sulkeys,
Horse and Ox Cart*.
Jersey Wagon*,
Cotton Gins and Family Spinning Machines,
WindsorStod Twist-bottom Chairs,
Clock Reels and 9pinning-ubeel»,
1 sett MabOgeny Dining Tables,
A Sofa and Bureau,
High and Low-post Bedsteads,
P»ne Foldirg Tables and Side-boards,
Candle and Wash-stands,
Ladies’ Pronnellaand Calfskin Shoes,
Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes,
Negro Shoes,
Gig and Carriage Harness,
Jersey Carriage «nd Wagon do.
Gig and Carriage Braces,
And a variety of other articles too tedious to mention,
—And all kinds of REPAIRING in any of the above de
scribed articles, done without delay.
Executed with neatness, and at very low prices, with dis
patch. The above article will be sold low for cash or ap
proved paper, payable at the Fall.
Cash wil' ha pud for a few Cart-loads of Cedar or Ju
niper STAVES and for Green or Dry MOSS,.de
livered at lair prices. PHILIP COUii, P. K.
July 3 235 6t
Corporation Tax.
^^RDERED, That ini time for the payment of th*
TAXES from those persons wh« have given in their
Taxable property, be extended to th* first day of August
next; at which time payment thereof will be .'rced by
execution. SAMUEL ROCKWELL, lnisndunt.
Lewis J. W. Kraatz. Dtp. Secretary.
Jutv 3 235 3t
rpHE Copartnership in the PRACilCF. oi tbe LAW,
near Rocky Mount M <-tins-b#use, the ^aichie of the
PERSONAL PROPERTY of Nei eniah Dunn. deceas
ed, consisting of
One Horse, Cottle, Hogs, Household and
Kitchen Furniture,' Plantation TooH, and sundry other
A T the Court-House door in Clinton, Jones cour.ty,
jEm. <mi Tueeday, the third of August ne*t, (being the
l?rs Tuesday ia the month) wilt be sold,
Six NEGROES : Jack, Henrietta, and her
four children, Benson, Hannah, Silvy and Judah—the
heretofore existing between Samuel Lowthtr {jfffll-
Jted Iverson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent—
A. Iverson having transferred his interest in said Part
nership to John L. Lewis.
A Copartnership has Seen this day formed between
Samuel Lowther &. John L. Lewis, w ho will attend to
the Practice of the Law in the Ocmuigee, Flint and South
ern Circuits. They will generally bt found at their office
iu Clinton, when not absent on ihe Circuit.
A. IveesoN will, during the present year, remove to
Columbus, and practice Law in all the counties of the
Chatahoochie Circuit and in those of the Southern Cir
cuit where his services may be required. The services
of A. Iverson will be rendered in winding up the business
of Lowther &. Iverson iu the Ocmulgre Circuit.
Clinton, June 19, 1830. 234 n4m
T HE Justices of the Inferior Cr nrtof Gwinnett corn ■
ty, Ga. have appropriated $4900 for the purpose oi
James Williams, levy made and rt turned to roe by a eon-1 piop, riy of the aforesaid Nehemtah Dunn, deceased.—
One sorrel MARE—levied on as the property of Har-
ffige Walker, to satisfy a fi. fa. :ri favor of Hamilton
Wynn, vs-Bgid Walter.
July 3 A. MAULDIN, D. Sheriff
On the Jirst Tuesday in AUGUST next,
TV7LL he soM, in the to wn of Monroe, Walton coun-
▼ T ty, S -tween the usual hours of sale, he following
PROPERTY, to wit:
On>' NEGRO MAN, bv the name of Sawney, about
38 yearn old—levied on as the properly of William Mc-
Murry, to satisfy two fifas in favor of Rufus Broom, aL
soother fi fas, vs. said McMurry; levy made and icturn-
cd to me by a constable.
JOHN T. MORROW, D. Sheriff.
Sold in conformity with the Will of said deceased. Terms
uiade known on each day of sale.
JOSEPH DAY, Executor.
June 26 234 6t
At the same time and place, will be sold,
One sorrel blind S1UD HORSE, 12 years old, and
three COWS and CALVES—levied on as the property of
Tillman McDaniel, to satisfy one fi fa in favarof Elisha
Lake, vs. **:d McDaniel and Thomas Paiterion, securi
ty; prepertv pointed out by the defendant.
JOHN T. MORROW, D. Sheriff.
At the same time and place, will be sold,
One NEGRO BOY by the name of Willis, about 18
years old, levied on os the property of Samuel Jackson,
to satisfy two fi Ins, one in favor of Augustus B. Long-
etreet, tha other in favor of Samuel McJunkin, vs. said
Samuel Jack: on.
250 acres of LAND, more or less, lot No. 268, in the
4th district of said county—levitd on as the property of
Elkanali Idotn, to ijTiify one fi iu in favor of George Ma-
gruder, Administrator of Zrdock Mcgruder, deceased,
vs said Odom; property pointed out by Leroy Patillo:
levy made ar.d returned to me by a constable.
J Ay 3 ORION STROUD, Sheriff.
A T the court-house in Forsyth, Monrv. county, on the
first Tuesday in September n^xt, v be sold, LOT
of LAND, No. 184, in the 13tl< district of Monroe coun-
y—Sold by order of the Inferior Court efi Meriwether
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, as the proper
ty of Louisa A. s Mary R. and William N. Welch, orphans
of Absalom Wcich, deceased, for the benefit ol said or
phans. JACOB B. HOGUE, Guardian.
June 26 234 tdsllt
On the jirst Tuesday in AUGUST next,
W ILL be sold, at the court-house door iu Irwirton,
filkinson county, agreeably to an order of the In
ferior Court of Wilkinson county, silting for ordinary
purposes, the following TRACTS of LAND, to wil:—
Lot No. 73, in the 3d district of Wilkinson county, Lot
No. 2G, in the 4th district cf said county, belonging to
the estate of John Thompson, deceased—Sold for the ben
efit o! the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the day.
Guardian for tbe said heirs.
June 5, 1630 231 3t
j ^OUlt nnnths afier date application will be madeto
On the Jirst Tuesday in AUGUST next,
ILL BE SOLD, in the (own of Covington, Newton
Courttv, between tbe usual hours ofsule, U.e fol-
<JV,ing PROPERTY, to wit .*
202$ Two hundred two and half acres of LAND,
more or less; in the 19th district of formerly Baldwin, now-
Ncwton county, whereon Nwttey M<.b!ey now live*, ad
joining Bacon .iiid others—levied on as tbe properly of
said Nottey Mobley, to satisfy sundry A. fas. from a Jus
tice’s Court, in favor of Joseph Bacon and others, vs.
said Mobley—property pointed out by Plaintiff—levy
made and returned by a cons'able.
38, T ity right acres of LAND, more or less, part of
lot Nj. 18:», in the 19lh district of originally Baluwin,
tire Honorable toe Inferior Court of Newton county,
when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sail all
the Real Estate ul’Juhn Conner, late of Newton county,
deceased—consisting of four hundred and eighty-five a-
crcs of Land, more or less, lying in the first district orig
inally Walton, now N :wton county, being parts of lo‘s
No. 553 Pnd 247; ?nu one Jot of Land ia tbe 13lh dis
trict of Habershanj county, No. 177—also, 12 Negroes,
belonging to said estate; for the fcenefi!' of the b'.irs ( f
said deceased. W. CONNER, Adin’r.
April 12, 1830 225—•—m4m
F OUR months after date application will be made to
the Honorable tbe Inferior Court of Oglethorpe
Brick or Slone Jail\
in said county—to ernsist of not less tire n five apartments
far prisoners. Sealed Proposals will be received for
b ihe same unu, ‘ r first day of October next. The
propn-sls will embrace plan ard price, aria be address* i!
to VYilliam Mallbie, Esq. Clerk of said Court.
J. vVYRDL\W. j. i, c.
A-'AliLL R. SMITH, j. i. c.
June 26 234 I4t
|Cj** i he Editors cT the Athenian tit Athens, Ga. and
Greenville .Mountaneer a* Greenville. S C. will insert th.
ubove »ix times in tix-ir respective p t iprrs, and forward
tbe ir accounts to die Clerk a* ab^ve for payment.
GLOBE hotel,
T HE SUBSCRIBER, (late proprietor of the Globe
Hotel, and more recently of the Mansion House,)
begs,leave to announce tolas friends and the public gen
erally, that he has taken that elegant and commodious fire
proof Brick Building on the corner of Broad and Jackson
streets, and immediately adjoin ing liie new Masonic Hall.
It is situated in the most centra! part of the City, and is
in the very heart of business—being in the vicinity of the
Augusta Bank, and the Branch bank of the State of Geor
This establishment is known as the GLOBE HOTEL,
and in its interior arrangement and general construction
unites in an eminent degree, spaciousness, neatness, am)
comfort. To the man of family, the individual traveller,
the daily boarder, or the fashionable visiter, the GLOBE
presents accommodations inferior to none in the Southern
Hat ing conducted for a number of years, two among the
most popular Hotels in this City, he Gutters himstlf that
his experience m business, added to the supeiioradvanta
ges of situation and the resources under his controul. will
enable him to give the most decided satisfaction to all
who may honor him with their patronage.
Krs STABL.ES arc spacious and well ventilated, and
amply supplied with the best of provender, and at
tended by experienced and steady Ostlers—in addition
to which, the subscriber will bestow his own personal un
remitting attention, and inhisebarges, will cot forget the
pressure of the times.
IQ 35 The Charleston Stages arrive at the Globe Ho
tel, every Sunday, Wednesday and Fridjy evenings, at6
o’clock, &. depart every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
morning, at huifpastlh The Washington and Athens
Stage, departs every Tuesday and Saturday morning, at
3 o’clock, and arrives every Wednesday and Sunday eve
ning at 6 o’clock The Elbcrton Stage departs every
Sunday morning, at 4 o’clock, and arrives every Friday
evening at 6. The Pendleton Stage departs ev«ry Tues
day, at 4 o’clock in the rooming, and arrives i very Mon
day at 2 o’clock in thr. eve rig. Tbe MjllcrigcvHJe Stage
arrives every day except Thursday, at 7 o’clock in the eve
Executive Deportment, <3a. >
MiUeigtviUe, Jon* >7th, 133* >
sals will be received at (lie Department u»U! the.
15th day of August neat, fop printing and Hniijpfc Twc >
Thousand Copies of a Compilation of tbe Laws and Res-
olutii ns of Ifcis State, from the year 1820 up to lB29*m-
c!:>sive,in quarto sift volumes, with marginal note* and
Index. The type and paper to be simitar to that of the
Digest of tbe Laws of tbe United States, published by
Thomas F. Gordon, Esq. in 1827. The Binding to be if
good sheep, C 'W binding.) lettered and filhtrd.
must tie plain and explicit, and must embrace all expen
ses attending the execution and delivqf of the work at-
the State-House in this place, and also the tin t of deli va
ry, for which good and sufficient security will be required,
as well as for the re-delivery of tbe mtm.script
(233—9t) Sec'ry Executive Department
JNwulf Skcmiifsrgt
yyiLL commence its F^ ll ssior.
June 5-
on the Third Monday (19th) oF
JULY next. *
231 eowSt principal
T HE SUBSCRIBER is preparing.a D-fence of the.
f 1!' wing Doctrines :
1. The Djctiinc of Election, which is faii!y proved,
by scriptyre and iL use shown.
■2. The Doctrine of the Covenant of RECvan'TiON^,
proved by scripture and reason, and its use she .', n-
3. An answer to the Rev. Ctrus V- iiite oh the Atone
ment, in which nis “views” arc fairly refuted by scrip
ture and reason.
4. TIk- Author’s Views on Associations—in which be
designs to shew that Associations ere not conducted ac
cording to scripture—All which will shortly be published
by LUKE ROBINSON, of Newton ca. Ga.
-If 09 29, 1930 239
Idp* Editors friendly to Religion will be pleased to gi' C-
bc above a A w in*, rtions.
^^LL persons indebted >o the estate of Thomas Veasey,
late of Baldwin county, deceased, are hereby
quired to m ke immediate payment—and those
demands to render them in terms of the law. “
June 5 231 6i
Printers! Printers!
A YOUNG MAN from tne city of >< v York l>v pro
at 2 o'clock in the morning.
Augusta, Oct. 1, 1829— JOG——f
THE Subscriber respectfully informs
his friends and ‘he public in general, that
he has opened a HOUSE of
in Carrollton, Carroll coon;y, Gu. and
fritters himself that he will give as gener
al satisfaction to nil that may favor him with th« ir patron
age as any other Inn-Keeper in as newly seltied country
as this —Though Carroll county has beau kept in the back
ground, defamed ar;d shaded by reports, yet I hope all
will soon be Mown away by tIre sunshine of virtue, nur
tured bv the Gospel c f Christ, and the instruction of arts
and sciences—So call and see C. McCARTY.
April 24 225 tf
D URING ihe temporary absence of the subscriher
from Georgia, Ool Samoll >. Wales of Clarks
ville, will attend to his Professional business.
July 3, 1830 235
|LCP The Augusta Chronicle will please give the above
three insertions in the country paper.
county, i'hcn sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell the Negroes b. longing to tbe estate of Mordecai How
ard, late of *.iid county, deceased, (not otherwise dispos
ed of M bis Will)—Also, lot of Land, number sixty-nine,
(69) in the lenity district formerly Monroe, now Upson
county.—To be sold for tbe benefit of the heirs.
THOMAS HOWARD, juo. Executor.
Anri! 24, 1830 m4m
tilOUK months after date application will be made to
JL 1 the Honorable tbe Ixf.-rior Court of Pulaski county,
when sitting for oidinary purposes, for leave to.sell a lot
now Newton county, whereon David Alcwine now lives, i of Land containing two hundred and thirty-seven acres,
Adjoining David Covvdcn and others—levied on as the
piuperly of Reuben Alewine, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor
uf Wm. R. Briers, vs. David Alewine, Reuben Alewine
Tind Notwy ‘-t obley—y nvper ty pointed out by Defendant,
|e. v mu.' returned by a constable.
i <.fc-i) acres off AND, more or less, No. 8, In tbe 8th j
dis.rtti of former^ Henry, now Newton county, levied j
on jsths property of Lawrence Eastwood, to satisfy a
fi fa in favor of John Bost n n, for the use of Samuel
J Br‘3n. JOSEPH WATTERS, Sheriff.
July 3 235
lying in the eounty of Jefferson, belonging to the Estate
of George Mock, deceased—Sold for the benefit of the
heirs of said deceased.
MARY MOCK, Admr’x.
Ala v 22 m4m
J^OUR months aAer dale application will be made to
By the Honorable the Infnior Court of mid County, sit
ting for Ordinary purposes.
I T appearing to the Court, that Benjamin Selman, late
af Morgan county, deceased, in his lifetime, executed
bis obligation to John Selman, then of Clark county, but
lis’e ofWalton comity, deceased, bearing date the 30th
June 1821, conditioned to make a goad and lawful war
rantee Title to lot number one hundred and seventy-two,
in the tenth district of Habersham county:—And, it ap-
nrarin 7 that both the said Benjimin Selman and his Ad
min istrator, and the said Johe Selman died without exe-
titles iu conformity wf:. : aid Bond.
n ^ therefore ordered bv the Court, That William W.
Srlman, Administrator, de bonia non, oi said Benjamin
fe-lman, decease ', make titles to JobuH. Lowe, Admin-
L-: .tor of the *aiJ John Selman, deceased, in conform-
fy with the conditions of said bond.
A uc “jsWfejgSS ‘c s “; o.
, - 228 6m
rnnv15 —————
JIUUR months after date application will be made to
f the honorable Inferior Court of the county of Ear
ly, when silting fiw Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
the Real Estatr of Expert Kiibey Spence, oi^hanaud
minor of Aaruit Spence, deceased, for the benefit of said
orphan. JANE oPENCB, Guardian.
j 7 m m Q1 1
the Honorable the Inferior Court of Twiggs county,
when sitting for Oidinary purposes, lor leave to sell Lot
of Land No. 42, in the fourth district of Carroll county,
drawn by the orphans of Abraham Sapp, deceased—Sold
for the purpose of making a division amongst the orpans
and legal distributees.
ROBERT A. EVANS, Guardian.
April 1, 1830 222 m4m
F OUR months after dat* application will be made to
the Honorable the Inferior Court of Emanuel coun-
Thursday, December 17th, IS29.
W HEREAS the number of members, which, under
1*. present provisions of the Constitution o(
this State, compose the Goner*! Assembly, is considered
by many of the good citizens of the State, by far too nu
merous, and unneces arily expensive, for
an economical People.—For the purpose therefore, of as-
certainiag the voice of lire People on this ail important
and interesting subject—
Be it therefore resolved, That all the voters of Georgi.
who feel for the interest and prosperity of the State, and
who wish to reduce the number of the members cf the
General Assembly of Georgia, be required onthe'fnst
vlonday in October next, to s.iy, on ti.eir ticket, if in fa
vor of a reduction—“REDUCTION”—-if against it,
Resolved further, Th*t the Superintendents of Elec
tions on that day keep a pell of the same, and certifv it
t ( > the Governor, a statement of ihe poll, and that he
cause the sjme to be laid before the next General Assem
bly; and that he cause tiese Rasoluti nsto be pi.Wished
oaee a muntn ia the Gazettes of MilJedgtv/lle, until thr
Approved, December 21,1829.
March 8, 1836 ~227 5m
A N .
ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the
Real Estate of Graty Wiggins, lateofsaid county, de
ceased—for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased.
March 27, 1830 m4m
F OUR months after date application will be made to
the Honorable the Inferior Court of Henry county,
wlien sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the
Real Estate of Benjamin Car.ol, deceased—For the ben
efit of the heirs and creditors.
Jum 1,1890 2:« 4r»
F OUR months after date applicatim will be muuc to
the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jefferson coun
ty, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all
the Slaves, as well as all the Real Estate, belonging to the
estate of William Hannah, late of said county, deceased—
For the benefit of the creditors and heirs of -aid estate.
Jane 18,1830 233
ACT to extend the time for tortu-
note drawers sn <h Land Lotteries of eighteen
hundred and eighteen, < ig teen humi^ i and nineteen,
and eighteen hood retain', twenty-one to take outgtants
for the lands thus drawn, and after the time therein
Specified, to vest the same ir. the state.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, mu. it
is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That everj
persou who was a fortunate drawer in the land lotteries
by the authority : of tbe acts passed on tbe fifteenth daj
of December, eighteen hundred and eighteen, on the six
teenth day of December, eighteen hundred and r.iceteen,
and on tne fifteenth day cf May, eighteen hundred and
twenty-one, shall haYe untill the first day ot November,
eighteen hundred and thirty, to takeout bis, bur or their
grant upon paying into the Treasury the sum of eight
Sec. 2. And he it further enacted by the authority
aforesaid, That from and after the first day of November,
eighteen hundred and thirty, the lands so drawn as afore
said, and not granted, shall revert to and become tbe
property of the State.
Sec. 3. And bt it further enacted, That this act shall
not extend to any lot or lots of land drawn by orphans
until three years aftei the said orphans shall have arriv
ed at the age of twenty-one years; nor to any lots drawn
by idiots or lunatics or persons who have departed this 1
life since they gave i* for a draw or draws in said lotteries
of 1918,1319 &. 1821, and whose estates are unrepre
sented, nor to eny lots number ten and one hundred set
apart for the purposes of public education
INDIVIDUALS holding Prize Tickets are requested to
JL call and receive the cash, or renew their Tickets.—
Tne Second Drawing is now cenchdcd, leaving in the
wi.ecl, of the Prizes which have bren 'eposiud,
$10 000
PRIZES of $400
“ 300
“ 200
, 000
“ 100 and
“ 50
besides 20 5 s and 10’s
So 30on as settlements can be mude with Agents and
they furnished with a fresh snpply of Tickets, the THIRD
DRAWING will be announced-— when will be deposited
in the wheel in addition to those that are already in, in
the presence of the Board of Visiters and all others who
maf choose to witness the Drawing,
10,#00 COLLARS,
r /00
prnducod. Any i
ting positive particulars, as to Lcatioo, terms, &.C. &-X
addressed to ihe Editor of the “Gospel Herald, Augusta,
Georgia, will meet with attention.
June ?6 234 3t
iCjp’ E .iforsin Georgia and Alabama, nre rrq'resfcdto
insert the above three times and forward their account;
to the Edi'.or of the “Gospel Herald” in Augusta.
GEORGIA, Habersham county.
J ANES BRYAN of Capt. Bryan’s dis
trict, tolled before Isaac Black, a Jus
tice of the Peace in and for said county' one
a: on: i.mi or five years old, some while in his fiorelrea...
fifteen and a half b"'Hs high, with a eery indifferent btii
• in—Appraised by Mo.' 1 Cantrell and Rowland Kinsey
to Thirty dollars, Jon- 1th, iodO.
Juh, 3 235 ' 3»
To?' Sale,
GENTLE well broke young HORS!'.
—works well in any kind ef harness-, (
for the low price of $C0. Api»!v at
GEORGIA, Core el.i county.
O RDERED b\ to - Court, That th- 'G.u't IT-iuseGv
ih-: town of Newnun be received, nnd »bat the court
pres .nt their thanks to Capt. Wm, Hitchcock for the
spteiuhd and elegant mnner he ba3 finished it off. A
true extract from the minutes.
SI HON HOUSE, c. j. c.
Juno26 - I 2t
Superior Court, -March Term, 18 .0-
#S. > RUXE mzz.
Henkt Kellek. )
J OHN TOMKINS having petitioned the Court, sta
ting that Henry heller did, on the twenty-eighth oC
Angnst eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, in the ccur>»y
aforesaid, excule and deliver to the said Tomkins hi*
certain deed of Mortgage conveying a tract of land n
said county, whereon James *P. Conner formerly,
adjoining Whitfield, Alien, Beal and James Adams—for (he
Which added to the above Prizes already in the wheel cer- better security ana saving the said Tcmkins harmless
tainty hold out the strongest inducements to purchasers.
Wholes $10—Halves $6—Quarters $2 50.
IClp' Address your orders to
Sccrtfary to Commissioners
June 12 232 tf
OCfORS John M. AlcAfce and James
B. Underwood, have associated them-
seitcs in the PRACTICE Of PHYSIC, and
its collateral branches, Surgery, Midwifery
&e. un. c~ 'V fi r m of
One of whom will be found ready at r.i! times to attend to
any professional calls. Their mileage or other charge-*
will oe moderate, as times are bard. They hope from . . .
unremit’ing attention to tbe duties of their profession, to
merit and receive a liberal share of the public potronuge. nnr ' 1
N. B—They will Practice iu tbe Cherokee Nation
when called on. McAFEE Se. UNDERWOOD.
Gainesville, Hall county, May 1, 1830 225—tf
from the payment of a certain note cf band, payable to
Pleasant H. Lawson for five hundred dollars, due (he
twenty-fifth of Dteember eighteen hundred and twenty-
nine, and made by the said Keller as principal, ar.d the
said Tomkins as security ; and the said Tomkins bar*
ing further shewn that the said note is due and unpaid,
and that he has not been indemnified and saved harmless.
It is therefore, on motion of Shorter &. Gordon, Attor-
nies for the petitioner, ordered, that the said Ktiltr do
pay into the Clerks office of this court, the amount due
upon said note with cost, in six months from this time cr
shew canse to the contrary—also that the equity of re
demption in and to said mortgage premises be, from
thenceforth barred and forever foreclosed.
And it is further ordered, That a copy of this rule be
served upon the said Keller, or his special agent, at least
three months before the expiration of tbe time within
whuffi the money is so directed to be paid, or be publish
ed once a month for six months in one of the public Gaz-
AY be daily exprefeo in Milledgeville, where he de
signs to spend a few weeks for the accommodation
of those who 4 n-y desire to have operations performed on
tiie teeth. His residence will be made known on his ar
rival. July 3
^i^LL persons arc Iwreby forvarned and cautioned a-
8ec. 4. And be it further enacted, That all laws and
UK militatincr ngrr.inst this act. be and the satllf-
partsof laws militating against this act
is hereby repea ed.
Sec. 5th. And be it further enacted by the authority a-
foresaid, That it shall be the duty of hi* Excellency the
Governor, to cause this act to be published in ali the pub
lic Gazette* of this State, once a month, until tkefirst day
of November pt xr, a*d that he cause the expense* of such
publication lobe paid out of the contingent fund.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
Assented to 9th November, 1S29.
5loy. 14—~ m 1 ?ic
gainst purchasing fnm Benjamin Trapp of Jones
county, as my Attorney in f-icter Agent, or front any per
son holding under him as such, lot No. 253, in the’eighth
district of Carrol county, drawn by myself in the last land
lottery. And notice is hereby given that I have revoked,
and do hereby revoke, all and any power of Attorney or
authority, to said Trapp, or which I may have given to any
other person in his name, for the purpose of selling said
lot of land, as tbe same was fraudulently obtained by one
Simon W. Nichols of said county of Jones.
hardy McKenzie.
Houston county, July 3 235. *
True copy from the minutes 2d April, 1330.
April 10 223 mGm.
‘STTtOUR months after date application will be made to
Jj. the Inferior court of Einanuel county, when sitting
for Ordinary purposes, fur leave to sell tbe real estate of
the Orphans of John Tanner, late of said county, deceas
ed—To be sold for their benefit.
JOHN CIUSOX, Guardian.
March 20, 1830 m4m
Just Received,
^ND for sale at this Office, the AMERICAN AL»
MANAC)ftr 1830—‘Price $1 90,
May9 227
Superior Court, A}yril Term, 1930.
I T appearing to the Court that John Lecroy was in pos
session of a Deed of Gift, given by Tascorago Shoe-
lwots, to four negroes in the said deed named, a copy of
which is filed in the office of the Clerk of the said Court,,
and that the same is lost or destroyed—It is therefore or
dered by the Court, That the copy so fi'ed as aforesa»«.
be established in lieu of the original so lost or; destroy^
unless cause to the contrary be proven on or before the
first day of the next term of said Court; and that a copy qf
this Rule be served, or published in terms of the law in thr
Statesman & Patriot.
A true copy from the Minutes, 4th June, 1830.
JOHN T. CARTER, c. s. c.
june 19 233 m 3 m
W HEREAS, Stevens Thomasapplies to me for lef..
ters of Dismisscn, from the administration of ft*
est-ite of John G. King, deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish ail concerned,
to file their objections in my office, within the time pre
scribed by law, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand this 10th dav of February, 18^0.
F OUR months after date application will be made to
the honorable the Inferior Court of Walton county,
when silting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the
Real Estate of Frances Nash, deceased.
May 15, 1830. m 4m
FEW copies of the YOUNG BJOTEEB’S
GUIDE —an excellent companion of the Nur—-
aery. Frice 25 Cent*,
Jane 19