The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, August 14, 1830, Image 4

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NEWTON SALES. On the first iuesday in September next, ^^j^ILL BE SOLD, in the town of Covington, Newton * V count?, between the usual hours of sale, the fol ding PROPERTY, to wit; One hundred acr^s of L AND, more or less, whereon Ln Clack now Iive9, in the 11th district of originally ’ nry now Newton county—levied on as the property of id John Clack, to satisfy a ft. fa. in favor of John Wuite, raid Clack, John A. Rowtl and Coder Hamilton; pro- ;riy pointed out by Clack. One negro BOY, by the name of George, about four i :irs old—levied on as the property of William Foster, to J tisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the State, vs said Foster, and doors, vs said Foster; property pointed out by the defend- nt. Fifty acres of LAND, more or less, whereon Synthia 1 i‘ccr, now lives part of lots No*. 1 So and 186, in the till district of originally Baldwin, now Newton county, djoiniug James Phillips and ethers—levied on as the i iperty of Henry and George W:it3on, to satisfy a fi. fi. i favor of.Sherwood H.Gay, vs. Henry arid George Wat- * ol»; levy made and returned by a constable. JOSEPH WATTERS, Sheriff. j'so, on the first Tuesday in October next, will be sold as above, Two negro GIRLS, one by the name of Tamer, about '•velvr years old, and one by the name of Judy, about 9 v. 10 years—levied on as the property of John A. Rowel, 1 satisfy a fi. fa. issued on the foreclosure of a mortgage •a favor of Wood in. Hopkins, vs John A. Rowel; proper- V pointed out in mortgage fi fa, July31 JOSEPH WATTERS, Sheriff. B " BERSHAXVZ SALES. On the first Tuesday in September next, ’JSE^ILL be sold, in tin town of Clarksville, Haber- . v e:s!k-m county, within the lawful bouts of sale, the PROPERTY, to wit: LOT No. 5, in the 10th district of spid county—levied r 'ii as the property of Joshua Coward, to satisfy a ft. fa. sued from V\ ashinglon Superior Court, in favor ol W i!l- i"n .Scarborough, vs said Coward. LO r No 39, in the first district of said county—levied on as the property of Solomon ‘.IcGthee, to aalhfy a li. f t. issued from Washington Superior Court, in favor of Villiur.i Scarborough, vs William Teudnll, Solomon Mc- G<dn e. Samuel Robinson and 1. hn Wore. GWIKKETT SALES. On the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next ; B EFORE the court-house door in the town of Law- renceville, Gwinnett county, within the legal hours, will be sold, the following PROPERTY, to wit; One buy HORSE, 8 years old, as the property of Ed ward K* nt to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John Chambers, vs. Edward Kent. One negro WOMAN, named Sabe, and her two chil dren, Bill, a boy about 10 years old, and Randal, a boy about 8 years old—levied on as the property of Jeffry Pit man, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Marshall Pitman, vs Jclfry Pitman. Two fractional tracts or lots of LAND, Nos. 174 and 175, ill the 7tb district of said county, containing together 226 acres, mere or less; also four head of cattle, one COW and three YEARLINGS, and one bay HOUSE, 11 or 12years old—all levied on as the property of IVilliam Sizemore to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Robert Mitchell, vs. William Sizemore and George Sizemore; levied on ami returned to me by James A. Johnson, late D. Sheriff. One bay MAKE, 10 or 12 years old—taken as tne property of George Sizemore, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Alexander Smith. One bay STUD HORSE (aponey) one S ADDLE, a saddle blanket, and Bridle—levied on as the property of John Bian ner, to satisfy a ft. fa. in favor of Isaac Chrts- tain. Ohe sorrel HORSE, 6 years old—taken as tbcpropei- ty of Obadiah Miller, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Asahcl K- Srni'li, vs. Obadiah Miller and Dempsey Miller. One bay HORSE, 10 or 12 years old—levied on as the property of George Hopkins, to satisfy a fi fi. m favor of William W. Walker, vs George Hopkins and Samuel i Arnold. { Fifty acres of LAND, more or |es=, being part oflot; No 265, in the 6ih district of said county—levied on as j the property of John Birnct*, to satisfy two fi fa", from a Justices’ Court in favor of John Waits, vs. John Burnett; ( levied on and returned to me by a constable. j A negro WOMAN, named Phillis—levied on by an nt- ! tachment at the instance of Asahcl R. Smith, vs John j al B ise «i jsia ass «!] THE MANSION, COLUMBUS, GA. T his large and commodious building situated on the corner of Broad and Crawford streets, and in ihevery centre of business,, is so far completed that the undersigned is enabled toannounce to his friends and the public generally, that he is now ready U) receive all those who may favor him with their calls. Having for a number of years b< en engaged in the Tavern keeping business, be flatters himstll from his experience in tbcub ive line, that he will be enabled to give general satisfaction to all those who may cuil at the MANSION. His STABLES are spacious and well ventilated, and amply supplietfwith the best of provendtr, and attended by experiened and steady Ostlers. His BAR will at all times be filled with the choice of best Liquors, the New Orleans Market will afford. In addition to which, the undersigned will lustow his own unremitfi d personal at tention, and in his charges, he will not forget the pres sure of the times. He assures the traveller, the daily boarder and all those who may honor him with their pat ronage, that they will not go awav displeased. SAMUEL B. HEAD. July 31 4 5t CwLO.BE hotel, NOTICE. T HE Justices of the Inferior Ct urtof GwinncU coun ty, Ga. have appropriated $4000 for the purpose of BUILDING a Brick or Stone Jail, in said county—to consist of not less than five apartments for prisoners. Sealed Proposals will be received for building the same until the first day of October next. The proposals will embrace plan acd price, and be addressed to William Maltbie, Esq. Clerk of said Court. JOHN BREWSTER, J. I. c. J. WARDLAW. j. i. c. CLIFFOUILYVOODUOOF, 3. i. c. ASAHEL R. SMITH, 3. «. c. June 26 234 l4t T AUGUSTA, GEOR IA. SUBSCRIBER, (late pioprietor of the Globe Hotel, and more recently of the Mansion House,) LAW 1TOTICS. HE Copartnership in (lie PRACTICE of the LAW, heretofore existing between Samuel Lotcther <§- Al fred Iverson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent— A. Iverson having transferred his interest in said Part nership to John L. Lewis. A Copartnership has been this day formed between Samuel Lowtiier &. John L Lewis, who will attend to the Practice of the Law in the Ocmulgee, Flint and Soutb- ern Circuits. They will generally be found at their office in Clinton, when not absent on the Circuit. A. Ivekson will, during the present year, remove lo Columbus, and practice Law in all the counties of the Chatahoochie Circuit and in those of the Southern Cir cuit where his services may be required. The services of A. Iverson will be rendered in winding up the business of Lowiher &. Iverson in the Ocmuhree Circuit. SAMUEL LOWTHER, ALFRED IVERSON, JOHN L. LEWIS. Clinton, June 19, 1830. 234:n lm 1 \losely, and sold by au order ol the Inferior Court as begs leave toannounce to his friends and the public gen perishable properly THOMAS WORTHY, Sheriff. Jit the same time and plafc, will be sold. The TRACT of LAND whereon David Sayers lives— levied o» ns the property of said S >ycrs to satisfy a fi- fa in favor of William Liddell, vs David Sayers and James Hays. The HOUSE and LOT in La wrcnctville, nt present occupied by Hiram Bowen, containing one acre, more t less—levied on as the property of said Bowen, to s it vs Hiram Bow- isfy a ft. fa. in favor of Huds n H Alien I. JT No. 35, in the first district of said county—levied I t . n cm j william Henderson; properly pointed out by said '\n as the property of Jeremiah Davis, to satisfy a fi. fa. ;-«ucd fiom Jasper Inferior Court in favor ef William ms and Unties D. Williams, vs. Gill and Davis and i*</ dpass. Part of LOT No. 38, in the third district of -aid coun ty, on the north-east side of the ChaUahoccfcie river, con fining one hundred and twinty five acres, more or less, ■ ■hereon Henry Con'y now lives—levied on as the pro- '• rtv of S/ijaU England, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. two in ivor of Patrick J. Murray, one :n favur of ChailesJ. .'horapson, one in favor cf Elisha Can id, for the use of honias Hojd*on, and one in favur of Samuel Fields, all s said England; property pointed out by Robert Mitch- elt, Esq. All the right, til lo anil interest of the gold on the one ' ili of LOT No. 39, i.i the third district of Habersham county, the same being on the south east side of the Chut - * thoochie river, that may he found on 125 acres, more or ’.ess—levied on as the property of David England to sati- fyufi. la. in fivor of Jacob Herndon, vs David England appellant, and Sidney Forbes, sccuiity; pointed out by plain tiff. One FRACTION, No. 223, in (he 10t!i district of said county—levied on as the property of Joseph Limnllen, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Charles scissun, vs Francis LrnaHen, Joseph Limallen and Worthy Limailen; pro p rty pointed out by plaintiff. LOT No. 34, in tha eleventh district of said county— rtvie l on as the property of John H. Brueii, to satisfy a fi. fu. issued from Chatham Superior Court, in favor of Scot; &. Fiihni, vs said Jtruen. LOT No. 1, in the? nth district of sail county—levi ed on as the property of John Yandikes, to satisfy fonrii is. the first in favor of James Brannon, second in f.iver of Jisse Cleveland, third in favor of William Hamilton, for the use ef Anderson Abercrombie, the fourth in favor of Henry & Earle, ail vs said Vandike. LOT No. 119, in the eleven)h district of said county— fevit J on as the property of James Hudgins, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Charles J. Thompson, &Oo. respondant, vs John D. Williams, appellant, and James Hudgins, se curity. LOT No. 9'9, in the second district of said county— levied on as the property of F.lisha Eugland, to satisfy » ft fa. in favor of F.bonezer Newton, vs Elislra England, and James S. Erwin, security. LOT No. 27, in the second district of said county— levied on us ihe properly of William Roberson, to satisfy a fi ft. issued from Twiggs Superior Court in favor of Joseph Morgan, for the use of the Darien Bank, vs said Roberson. LOT No. 13S, in the eleventh district said counly— levied on as the property of Lowry Williams, to satisfy a jJ. fa.'in favor of Vincent Hamilton, vs John William* and Lowry Williams. One YOKE of OXEN—levied on ne the property of James D. Sutton, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favor of EbentzerPain, vs James D Sutton, for the use of Dozier Sutton, and the other in favor of Richard While, vs J. D. Sutton. Ninety five acres of LAND, more or less, lying on the waters of Broad river, ad.joinirg lands of Disbroon anO oihers —levied on as the property of William Westmore land, to satisfy a tax fi. fa. in favor of the State of Geor gia; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Two hundred acres of LAND, more or less, being a part of two lots, whereon Cunningham Blythe now lives, in Habersham county, number not known—levied on as the properly of Joseph Woff. rd, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Magistrates’ Court, in lavor of James Eaton; levy msdennd returned to me by a constable. LOT No. 95, in the twelfth district of said county—le vied on as the property of David Scisson, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Magistrates’ Court, in favor of John Barton; pointed out by Wyley Anderson, levy made and returned to me by a constable. LOT No. 4^, in the Olth dist. of said county—levied on as the properly of Drury Robertson, to satisfy sundry fi fas. issued from a Magistrates’ Court, in favor of Thomas Middleton far the use of C. Wuren, v- said Dru ry Robertson and B. Chastain, and another in favor of William Worley, vs D. Robertson and 'l Itoinas Robert son; one in favor of Samuel Fields, vs Drury Robertson and’John Robertson, and one other in favor of Peter Ro berson, vs Drury Robertson, B. Chastain and William Worley levy made and returned to me by a constable. August7 JOHN HUMPHRIES, Sheriff. iicndtrsou. WILLIAM BREWSTER, D Sheriff. POSTPONED SALES. Jit the same time and place, rail be said, One hundred arid forty acres ol LAND, more or lass, j ges of situation and the resources under bis coutrou). will entity, that he has taken that elegant amt commodious fir proof Brick Building on the corner of Broad and Jackson 1 streets, and immediately adjoiningthe new Masonic Hall. It is situated in the most central part of the City, and is in ihe vi ry heart of business—being in the vicinity of the Augusta Bank, and the Branch hank of the State of Geor gia. This establishment is known as the GLOBE HOTEL, and in its interior arrangement and general construction, unites in an eminent deg' e, spaciousness, neatness, and comfort. To the man oi family, the individual traveller, the daily boarder, or the fashionable visiter, the GLOBE presents accommodations inferior to none in tbe Southern States. Having conducted for a number of years, two among the must popular Hotels in this City, he flatters himself that lis experience in business, added to tbe superior ailvanta- db Jf-txum* i it being part oflot No. 303, in the sixth district of said county—levied on as the property of James J. Jenkins, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Asahel R. Smith. One hav M.\RE, 3years old—levied on a9 the proper ty of Joseph N. Plunkett, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Hudson H. Allen, vs Janies PI and James L. Plnn- kelt, Hillory Moo r e and Joseph N. Plunkett, securities IVILLIAM BREWSTER, D. Sheriff. Jit the same time and place, will be sold, Two hundred acres of LAND, more or less, being part oflot No. 128, in tbe 5th district of said cunty—levied on the property of George Buchanan, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Elisha Winn. Two COWS and CALVES—levied on as the property of James Bailey, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of William Norris. WILLIAM MARTIN. D. Stiff. July 31 enable him to give Ihe most decided satisfaction to all who may honor him with their patronage. Kis STABl.ES are spacious and well ventilated, and amply supplied with the best of provender, and at tended by experienced and steady Ostlers—in addition to which, the subscriber v. .ll bestow bis own persona! un remitting attention, and in discharges, will not forget the pressure of the jj.nes. OC TORS John M. McAfee and James li. Underwood, have associated them selves ir. (lie PRACTICE of PHYSIC, and i»s collateral branches, Suigery, Midwifery &c. under the li r m nf TfL'ATHH & UNDERWOOD, One ofwnum will b f.iunii ready at <.rl times ia attend to any professional calls. Their mileage or other charge- wili be moderate, as times are hard. TI.ev hope f>ou unremitunn: attention to the duties of their profession, to merit and receive a liberal share of the public patron ge. N. B.—They will Practice in tbe Cherokee N.mnn when called on. McAFEE & UNDERW OOD, Gainesville, Hall county May 1 1830 225—tf Guardian^ Sale. A T the court-house in Forsyth, ftlonroc county, on the first Tuesday in September next, will be sold, 1.01 of LAND, No. 184, in the 13th distiict of Monroe coun ty—Sold by order of the Inferior Court of Meiitvctliu county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, s i’.e proper ty of Louisa A., Mary R. and William N. Welch, orphans of Absalom Welch, deceased, forthe benefit ot satdet- pbans. JACOB B. HOGUE, Guardian. June 26 234 trlsl'Tt VLSO—On the first 'Tuesday in September next, Two NEGROES, In wit: Chloe, a girl about 14 years old, and Jerry, a hoy about 11 years olJ, to satisfy two fi- las on t!ic foreclosure of mortgages in favor of Nathaniel L St urges, vs Richard H. Lester, mid Archibald Boggs, vs Richard H. Lester; property pointed out in fi. fas. WILLIAM BREWSTER, D. Sheriff. June 5 231 Administrator's Sale. ^ GREEABLY to an order of the honorable the In- i , IC3 3 * The Charleston Stages arrive ut the Globe Ho j tel, every Sunday, Wednesday and Fridjy evenings, at 6 j o’clock, Sc depart every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday j morning, at half past 9. The Washington and Athens Stage, departs every Tuesday and Saturday morning, at j 3 o’clock, and arrives every Wednesday and Sunday eve- j uing at 6 o’clock. The Elbcrton Staze departs every Sunday morning, at 4 o’clock, und arrives every Friday j evening at 6. Tbe Pcndleljn Stage departs every Tucs- | day, at 4 o’clock in Hie morning, and arrives every Mon- j J day at 2 o’clock in tbe evening. The Milledga villc Stage j arrives every day except Thursday, at 7 o’clock in ihe cve- j uing, and departs every day except Wednesday, at 2 o’- f clock in the mqrning. The Savannah Stage arrives evc- feonesday and Friday, at 10 o’clock in the liurs- Guardian’s Sale. A GREEABLY' (o an order of tbe Court of Ordinary of Emanuel county, will be sold, on the first Tues day in October next, at the coin t-hmise door in Harris county, that well known valuable- TRACT of LAND, number two hundred and forty-seven, in the eighteenth district of formerly Muscogee now Harris county—Sold for the benefit of Julian Barns’ illigitimate child. LOVEL MOORE, Guardian. July 31 4 tdlOt GEORGIA, Walton county. J ESSE MOON ol C.ipt. Mims’district, tolls before Lewis S Moon, Esq. a BARS BA1? FILL? s .ppused to he. two years olu, last spring— with a small white spot in tier forehead, j Appraised by William B. Willingham and Martin War ren, to Twenty-five dollars. V. HARALSON, Clerk. August 7 5 3l ing two nundred and fifty acres, more or less, and known is Lot number forty-five, in the sixteenth distiict of o- ■igmally Early now Decatur county. Also, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in October next, at the court-house in Eaily counly, a LOT of LAND, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more nr less, and known as Lot number three hundred and for ty seven, in the twenty-first district of Early county. All s >lil as the property of William Pulton, late of Jackson county, deceased, for lhebemfit of the heirs. Terms cash. WILLIAM KNOX. Adm'r. July 24 3 :i Administrator’s Sale. T\7 ILL be sold in Dublin, Laurens county, on the first * v Tuesday in September next, pursuant to an order jf the honorable the Inferior Court of Jones countj, sit ting for ordinary purposes, 699 ACHES OF LAND, on Turk'-y creek, Laurens county--belonging to the es tate ol Henry Mitchell, deceased—Sold for the benefit of be heirs. Liberal terms will be given. WM.& J. C. B. MITCHELL, Mm'rs. June 26 234 Idsilt w EMANUEL SALES. On the first Tuesday in September next, ILL be sold, at tiie court-house in Swainesboro, Emanuel county, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz; Five LOTS in Swamesuoro’, known by Nos. 1, C, fl 9 "aLo—One tract of LAND, containing six hun dred acres, granted to James Huese, whereon John R. Dvniell now lives, adjoining lands of William Hooks- all l iken as the properly of said Daniel!, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from a Justices’court in favor oi Elmur Hell'll' y, vs. John R. D miell and John Chason; levy made a n i returned to me by a constable. Two hundred and fifty acre* of pine LAND, granted to John Ellis, adjoining lauds of Henry Durden’s—lev ied «.n as the property tf William Daniell, to satisfy onefi.fu. in favor of R. L. Gamble. One TRACT, containing five hundred acres, on the wa ters of Canoochie, adjoining lands of William Hooks— levied on as the properly of James Hancock, to satisfy onefi. fa. in favor of W. B. Daniell; levied on and return ed to me by a constable. . Foir hundred acres of LAND, lying on Sartins creek, itbeingthe plantation whereon vYm B. Daniell now lives, with the crop thereon—levied on as tbe properly of said Pani'd! lo satisfy five fi. fas. in favor of Darling Johnson, vs said William B. Daniell, H. M. Jackson and John li. Panic!!, one iafavor-oflsanc Lamb, vs William B. Dan iel! and John R. D miell, one in favor of E. H. Bentt, vs Wm Ik Daniel! and John It. Daniell ^ said property point ed out by defendant, levied on and returned to me by a Ijmstabh:. . 0ae NEGRO MAN named Aaron—levied on as the property of Edward Rich, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior court in favor of Gem per Hall, vs. s:id •Rich; property pointed out by plaintiff,. JOHN OGLESBEY, Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold, on Saturday the 28th day of August next, at the late residence of Isaac W illiarns of Dooly county, deceased, the personal properly belonging lo said estate—coiuistinz of Otic Ilorsq. Bridlo and Saddle, twenty-three head Stock Cattle, two yoke Oxen, one Ox-cart, 3 feath- < r Beds, one grind-stone, with plantation tools and many other articles loo tedious to mention. GABRIEL McCLELAND, Adm’r. July 17 2 Gt Administrator’s Sale. IF ill be sold a! Swain sboro’, on the firsl Titcs- V ▼ day in September m xt. LOT No. 155, in the 24th district of Lee county, no«v Randolph. Sold for distri bution of the heiis of Gr>.ce Wiggins, dec’ll. JOHN WIGGINS, Aihn'r. July 24lh,l«30. ‘ 3 6t. Administratiix’ Sale. A T the court-house in ihe town ol Irwinton, Wilkin son county, ou the first Tuesday in October next, will be sold, LOT No. 249, in the third district of said county—it beina: part of the Real Estate of Daniel Ov- r- street, late of Emanuel comity, deceased. Said land sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of the county of Emauui l, for the benefit of tbe heirs of said deceased. MARTHA OVERSTREET, Jidndx. July 3, 1S30 235 ldsl3t CALI. AND SEE! THE Subscrib r respectfully informs I%t-fKggf!-ikgy his friends and (he public in general, that !I II iTH 01 Hi OS! SMSh 393 I Executor’s Sale. W ILL be sold, at the couil-house m the town of \til- ledgcville, on tbe first Tuesday in September next, all t-he REAL ESTATE, lying in Baldwin county, be longing to Janies Reynolds, deceased, consisting of three and a half squares of L AND, more or less; one of 202j acres, adjoining Raines, I.umar, Lockett and Horton; one other ol 202J acres, adjoining Lock-tt, Horton, and Bridges, and 303| acres adjoining Gachet, Lamar, and Scott—Sold in pursuance to an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Baldwin county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on ihe day. JOHN L. BLACKBURN, Ex’or. June 9, 1830 232 tdsl3t Executors Sale. W ILL be sold, in the town of Ferry, Houston county, on the first Tuesday in October next, pursuant to art order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Baldwin county', sirt'ng for ordinary purposes, LOT of LAND, No. 154, in the Gtb district ofsaid'county, belonging to the estate of James Reynolds, deceased—Sold for the be nt fit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms on lie day. JOHN L. BLACKBURN, Ex’or. June 9,1830" 2$2 ttfsl6t he has op' n«*d a HOUSF. of ENTERTAmM^NT in Carhollton, Carroll county, Ga. and [flutter.- himself that he will give as gener nl satisfaction to all that may favor him with their patron age ns any otbor Inn-Keeper in as nev ly settled country as this—Though Carroll county has hem kept in the back ground, defamed and shaded by reports, yet I hope all will soon be blown away by the sunshine of virtue, nur tured by the Gospel of Christ, and the instruction of art* and sciences—So call und sec C. r.icCARTY. April 24 225 tf PROSTPDCTUS For publishing at Columbus, Ga. a Political and Miscellaneous Newspaper, TO BK ENTITLED TIIE DEMOCRAT. N presenting tu tbe public his prospectus fir a new pa per at Columbus, the subscriber docs not deem it m> e. ssury or expedient to go into a minute detail of his politi cal doctrines, or of his particular views in regard to the va- i ions topics which now engage public attention. He pre sumes that his character as an editor is too well known in Georgia to allow him tog.iin ciedit among any party, with mere professions and empty promises. The public will he apt »o look to the part, in forming their estimate of the future, and by that ordeal is he vvdmig to be tried. In the numerau* political discussions, which the events of the day have called forth, his opinions of uv » and things b .vc been pubiicly expressed, and are douolle s familiar with many oi’thuie to hom he now looks for patronage and support, i hose who have hitherto approved of his seiititm ills and been satisfied with the manner in which ) he has urged them, will, he trusts, still continue their con- j fidenee, without taerenewal ot pledges, or a formal con- i fission ol faith. In reference however, to the present state of parties, lie begs leave to remark, that he trusts the absence of ah political excitement, will prove propitious to the cause of truth; and that now all parties, by whatever names they may have been distinguished will be periniited to labor for j the general welfare. tUiobstructed by political jealousy, or • the rancor of by-gone feuds. The undersigned will en- deavor to extend still further this general cordiality of feeling, and to allay the uceasional symptoms ofexucerba- tion to W'hich a warmly contested election may give rise: and in this, and whatever other measure he may under take, for the purpose of advancing the prosperity of the state, be will count on the cordial co-operation of every good citizen, however they may have previously differed on points of political faith. Attached lo the doctrines of the Revolution, and hold ing in high veneration the memory of those heroes and sages,by whom our liberties were achieved, and our pre- fjCIOUR m tilths after date application will be made to JL the Honorable the Inferior Court of Newton county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of John Conner, late of Newton county, ucceased— consisting of four hundred and eighty-five a- crcs cf Land, more or less, lying in the first district orig inally Walton, now Newton county, being parts of lo’s No. 25S and 247; and one lot of Land in the 13;li dis trict of Habersham county, No. 177—also, 12 Negroes, belonging to said estate; for the benefit of the heirs of saiu deceased. IV. CONNER, Adm’r. April 12, lS?n 225 m4iti F OUR months after date application will in made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Ogle'horpc county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for .euve to sell the Negroes belonging to the estate of Mordtcai How ard, late of said county, deceased, (not otherwise dispos ed of in his Wili)—Also, lot ol Land, number sixty nine, (G9) in the tenth district formerly Monroe, now Upson btncficiui as possible, to the pot.lit county.—To be sold for the benefit of the heirs. THOMAS HOWARD, jun. Executor. April 24, 1830 m4m IT^OUli months after date application will he made to J? the Honorable the Inferior Court of Pulaski county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a lot of Land containing two bundled and thirty-si vtn acres, lying in the county of Jefferson, belonging to ihe Ertate of George Mock, deceased—Sold for tiie benefit of the heirs of said deceased. MARY MOCK, Admr’x. May 22 ni4m F OUR months after date application will be made ot the Honorable the Inferior Court of Twiggs county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot of Land No. 42, in the fourth district of Carroll county, drawn by tbe orphans of Abraham Sapp, deceased—Sold for the purpose of making a division amongst the orpans and legal distributees. ROBERT A. EVANS, Guardian. April 1, 1830 222 m4m T** 1 —’ 1 TTjlOUR months aft; r date application will be made to li.e ilonorabfi the inferior Court of Henry county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Rea! Estate of Benjamin Canol, deceased—For the ben efit of ihe heirs and creditors. LEVI WHITE, ) JOHN C. DULIN, > June !. 1R30 212 4r Jldin'rs. months alter date application will be to JL the honorable Inferior Court of Lbe county of iy, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Expert Kiibcy Spence, orphan and minor of Aaron Spi nee, deceased, lor the bem fit of said orphan. JANE SPENCE, Guardian. April 17 224 m4ni F OUR months after date application will be made to tbe Honorable the Inferior Court of Henry county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Frac tion No. 391, in the 5th district Early county—belonging to tbeestdte of Alexander Moore, lale of Henrv county, sent admirable form of government established, the .sub- f deceased; to be sold lor the benefit of Ihe heirs and ertd- scriber will endeavor to manifest the sincerity of his pro fessions, by exciting a feeling of attachment to the Union, and encouraging an entire confidence in the institutions of our country. He will inculcate the doctrine that it is better to bear a slight arid temporary evil, against which we have a constitutional remauy, than tu hazard all for which our fathers fought, and so many martyrs labored and bleu He will not is any respect overlook or disre gard the rights or the interests of his own state; yet he must always view particular rights & interests, as relative ly connected with others, anti he will never consentto the sacrifice of » greater for a lesser good. Tbe subscriber wili endeavor to make The Democrat a | vehicle of general intelligence, and an interesting periodi cal to the gentlemen of literature, tbe agriculturist, the ■uercLant and mechanic. C. E. BARTLETT. Columbus, July 3, 1830. itors of saiu deceased. THOMAS D. JOHNSON, Adm’r. July 17 2 4in ynoPOSALS For. PUBLISHING by SUBSCRIPTION, ffi COMPENDIUM OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. BY ARTHUR FOSTER. * C ONTAINING all the Statutes, anti tb« itiWance cf all the Resolutions, of a general and public natures and now of force, which have beefi pasted in said Su e from the year 1820, to the year 1829, both u'clu^. ^ occasional explanatory notes and ecmlhcting rtjtrmcu, and a list of the statutes repealedor obsolete. fo « bicb is added an appendix, containing the Constitution of lit. State of Georgia, as amended; also, references to sue i local acts as relate to towns, counties, Internal JS avigolu n, County Academies, £fC. and a collection ol the most ap- provetfforms used in carrying tbe above named laws into efticl- with a copious index lo tbe whole. It «dl bo something like a continuation of Prince’s D'gast repealed or altered. It may be observed, that tne Legislature ot Georgia are in tiie constant practice cf repealing, alter- ing, or amending Laws passed at l ^ ir F r *- V ' 0,,s ' " P ..' so that, without such a Digest or Compdatmn id them, as is now respectfully offered to the put lie, it aeto.i .) ic quires a lawyer, or a person who has devoted inucji totl v examination and comparison o! the different enact ments of each succeeding session of Die Legislature, to Ik: acquainted witii all the laws which arc ot force: And hay ing witnessed with much pleasure the immense publiff utility and popularity of the Digest compiled by Oliver 11. Prince, Esq. and also having no doubt but a similar Com pendium of the Laws from the time cl that publication down to the present, with the addition of the precedents; or forms, winch will be placed in the Appendix, and which will afd greatly to the pubiie utility cf the work, and to the furtherance cf justice, would be very useful and ac ceptable to the public tiie Compiler has ventur. d upon tku arduous ami important undertaking. However, not ing altogr tiler on bis own judgement, or the experience o» raving b-'tn a member of the Legislature duiing the pas sage of most of tiie laws now proposed lo be published, and .it the administration cf them for eight years, as a Jus tice of the Interior Court, in a County where much bast- mss of an intiicate nature is transacted in that Court anti (be Court of Ordinary; alter completing the manuscript it lias been placed in ihe hands ot gentlemen, eminently learned in the law, who, after a strict and corelul exannn- tion, have politely tendered to him the subjoined Certiji- ■ cutes: I have examined “A Digest ofthe laws nf Georgia from l.SzO to 1S29, inclusive, by a Foster, F.cq.” and think the work executed with judgement .ml accuracy. 3'he work is intendtd as a continuation of Prince’s Digest, and is, in my opinion, well calculated to answer that valuable purpose. Although the author is not professionally a Lawyer, he scitns, in ascertaining the statutes vow of force, lo have added much care, examination, study, to his advantages as a practical legislator, during most of tbe period embraced in his work. JOHN P. KING. Acgasic, July 20ih, IS5Q. Avsusta, July 23th, 1S30. I have attentively exarrvirud a Digest of the laws of- Gt orgia, from 1820 to 1829, inelastic; and from the ex amination, feel authorized in stating, that the work is» ecuttd with much judgment and accuracy, by A. Fes ter, Esq. of Columbia county. I have no doubt Die work will prove valuable lo every citizen who feels dtsirous to become informed of Die Statutes now cl forte in the State, and would recommend all Justices of the Inferior Court, Justices of the Peace, Clerks, Sherifls, &c. to | cs- sess themselves of the woik so sm n as published. THOMAS GLASCOCK, Wrichtsb jrocgii, 5th June, 1830. Sir—As faras I have yet had an opportunity of ex .re ining the manuscript cony of your “Uigcsl of the lair’s-., of the State of Georgia A I highly approve Loin of its ex ecution and its plan. The volume cannot fail to answer well tbe purpose for which it was designed.—In the ap pendix there area number of precedents or forms, which appear to have been modelled with accuracy, and rn strict conformity lo tbe digested stututts from which they werfe drawn, and without doubt, will add much to the value ant usclu'ness of the work, as a mean (hi the hands cf Justi ces of Die Peace, Justices of tiie Inferior Courts, Clerks, Sheriffs, young practitioners of the Law, and others,) “m. carrying the above named laics into effect" wiih gre..ur fa cility. PIERSON PETTIT. Arthur Foster, Esq. The work is now in the hands ef Judge Fchky, who has kindly promised, as early ns oilier engagements mil permit, to it through acateful and minute investiga tion, ami correction, if correction be found necessary vf proper. The great public utility of such a work must be ohviou.r to all; and the compiler, ho has d< voted to it much tier..-, and laborious study, flatters himself that the testimonials presented above, will fully satisfy the public, that that utilityhas not been lessened in the slightest digree, by 3!;y defect on his part, in its general design, or the uccuraiy of its execution. At the suggestion of Die professional gentlemen whose, names are • flixed to Die above Certificates, and others who have getu rousiy tab. n an interest in the work—and with an anxious desire to make the work as eiGnsivt ty the Cuispiier w ill iu- '.reduce into it stveiai highly important Law* of the Uni ted States, in ci mini n use among the people, and wl.ici* are often difficult to b- found; among which are, those m relation lo the naturalization of Aliens, the removal of ea ses from the State to ti.e United States Courts, the mode if voting lor President a no Vice Presicit nt, by tit ctor”, ana of making the returns, and the time of Lidding such eltc- Tioti5, &c. See. TERMS. The woik will crctaui about dffO pages, and will be printed after the style of privet's Digest, which is to be taken as the standard, and bciiru. in good law binning j will he published as soon os a sufficient number of suited hers can be obtained to warrant its publication; and will be delivered to subscribers, at their Residences, at $3 50 per copy. Any responsible person obtaining sub scribers, and becoming accountable for ihe payment ot the same, shall be entitled to a cop} gratis. August 7, 1830 5 tIn lElOUR months after-date application will be m ule to 1L the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Pulaski county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot No. 293, in tiie 5th district of Troup county— for the benefit of the beirs and creditors. FRANKLIN ADAMS, July 10 Guardian for the heirs of Mavo. P OUR months after date application will be made to Die honorable the Inferior Court of Walton county, when sitting for Ortliaary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Prances Nash, deceased. SAMUEL ALLGOOD, AduJr. Mfy 1.5, i3tfk mlm 710UR months after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Irwin county when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tbe Real Estate of Lewis Wagones, late of McIntosh county, deceased, consisting ol one tract of Land, No. 34, in the 31st district of originally Lee now Randolph county—for tiie benefit of tbe creditors of said deceased. WILLIAM FUSSELL, Adm’r. •My 21 4 4m JOB PRINTING, NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. GEORGIA— Wilkinson county. To the Honorable Superior Court of said County. XtUXiZi NZSZ, T HF. petition of John Hall she wetfc, thut William Bat son of said county, heretofore, to wit; on the tc< nth day of February, in the yiar of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, executed and delivered to your petitioner, bis certain Deed of Mortgage, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, and now shewn to the Court— which deed uf mortgage conveyed a certain Tract or Lot of Land, containing mo hundred two aud half acres, sit uate, lying and being in the fifth district of said county, and known by the number tivo hundred and eleven; whieA tract or lot of Land was mortgaged for the better secur ing to your peti ioner a certain promissory not »juade by the said William Batson, for the sum of Thirty-nine dol lars ami seventy cents with interest from the date there of, payable to your petitioner on the twenty-fifth day cf December, eighteen hundr* d and twenty-eight, and is r.ovy to the Court shewn; and your petitioner forlhtr sheweth that there is now due on said note the whole of the princi pal and interest, and therefore prays that unless tbe said William Batson pays into the Clerk’s office of this Courv the amount of principal and interest that is now due of may become due, together v\«th al* cost that may accrue vitliin six months from tbe date hereof, that the equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises be thence forth and forever bam d and foreclosed. V\ hereupon, on motion, It is ordered by the Court, That unless tbe amount of principal, interest and cost that ia now due or may become due on said nole and mortgage, be paid unto the Clerk’s office of the Court, within the time aforesaid, that the equity of redemption in and u» sai' mortgage premises, be thenceforth and forever barred and foreclosed. And be it further ordered, That a copy of this Rule be published once a mouth tor six months in some one of tbe public gaaettes of ibis State, or be personally served on the said William Batson three months before the expi ration of this rule. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, ibis 13th day of April, 1830. JEREMIAH BEALL, CTk. april 24 ’* 225 mGm BLANK DEFDS FOR SSLB AT THIS OFFICE. j