The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, August 28, 1830, Image 4

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/ NEWTON SALES. On the first Tuesday in September next, ILL BE SOLD, in the town of Covington, Newton ▼ V county, between the usual hours of sate, the fol 2 ..wing PROPERTY, to wit : One hundred acres of LAND, more or less, whereon John Cluck now lives, in the Uth district of originally Henry now Newton county—levied on as the property of e iid John Clack, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John White, ** said Clack, John A. Rowel and Cader Hamilton; pro* i'crty pointed out by Clack. One negro BOY, by the nnme of George, about four ! tars old -levied on as the property of William Foster, to eatisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the State, vs said Foster, and ctliers, vs said Foster; property pointed out by the defend ant. Fifty acres of LAND, more or less, whereon Synthia Greer, now lives part of lots Nos. 195 and 186, in the 19ih district of originally Baldwin, now Newton county, edjoining James Phillips and others—levied on as the property of Henry and George Watson, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Sherwood H. Gay, vs. Henry ind George Wat* ton; levy made and returned by a constable. JOSEPH WATTERS, Sheriff. Jllso, on the first Tuesday in October next, will be sold as above, Two negro GIRLS, one by the name of Tamer, about t .reive years old, and one by the name of Judy, about 9 *>r 10 years—levied on as the property of John A. Rowel, *o satisfy a fi. fa. issued on the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Wood & Hopkins, vs John A. Rowel; proper ty pointed out in mortgage fi. fa. July 31 JOSEPH WATTERS, Sheriff. HABERSHAM SALES. On the first Tuesday in September next, W ILL be sold, in the town of Clarksville, Haber- emh .m county, within the lawful hours of sale, the following PROPERTY, to wit: LOT No. 5, in the 10th district of said county—levied an as the property of Joshua Coward, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from VI ashington Superior Court, in favor of Will* * Tam Scarborough, vs said Coward. LOT No. 38, in the first district of said county—levied on as the property of Solomon McGchee, to satisfy a fi. r i. issued from Washington Superior Court, in favor of William Scarborough, vs William Tendall, Solomon Me* Gehcc, Samuel Robinson and John Moore. L JT No. 35, in the first district of said county—levied as the property of Jeremiah Davis, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Jasper Inferior Court in favor cf William Sirns and Charles D. Williams, vs. Gill and Davis and Molpass. Part of LOT No. 38, in the third district of said coun ty, on the north*east side of tbe Chattahoochie river, con taining one hundred and riveuty-five acres, more or less, thereon Henry Conly now lives—levied on as the pro perty of Elijah England, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. two in favor of Patrick J. Murray, one in favor of Charles J. Thompson, one in favor of Elisha Carrol, f>r the use of Thomas Hoydson, and one in favor of Samuel Fields, all rs eaid England; property pointed out by Robert Mitch ell, Esq. All the right, title and interest of the gold on the one ftslf of LOT No. 39, in tbe third district of Habersham county, the same being on the south-east side of the Chat tahooctne river, that may be found on 125 acres, more or less—levied on as the property of Duvid England to satis fy a fi. fa. in fivor of Jacob Herndon, vs David England appellant, and Sidney Forbes, security; pointed out by plaintiff. One FRACTION, No. 223, in the 10th district of said county—levied on as the property of Joseph Limallen, to eatisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Charles Scission, vs Francis Limallen, Joseph Limallen and Worthy Limallen; pro perty pointed out by plaintiff. LOT No. 34, in the eleventh district of said county— levied on as the property of John H. Bruen, to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from Chatham Superior Court, in favor of Scott It Fuhm, vs said Bruen. LOT No. 1, in the tenth district of said county—levi ed on as the property of John Vandikes, to satisfy four fi. the first in favor of James Brannon, second in favor of Jesse Cleveland, third in favor of William Hamilton, far the use of Anderson Abercrombie, tbe fourtb in favor of Henry fit Earle, all vs said Var.dike. LOT No. 119, in tbe eleventh district of said county— levied on os the property of James Hudgins, to satisfy a fi. fa. ip favor of Charles J. Thompson, fitCo. respondent, v* JohnD. Williams, appellant, and James Hudgins, se curity. _ ., LOT No. 99, in the second district of said county- levied man* the property of Elisha England, to satisfy a ft. fa. in favor of Ebunezer Newton, vs Elisha England, and Jamas S. Erwin, security. LOT No. 97, tn tbe second district of said county— levied an as the property of William Roberson, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Twiggs Superior Court in favor of Joseph Morgun, for the use of the Darien Bank, vs said Roberson. LOT No. 138, in the eleventh district said county— levied on as the property of Lowry Williams, to eatisfy a ft. fa.“io fuver of Vincent Hamilton, vs John William* and Lowry Williams. One YOKE of OXEN—levied on ns the property of James D. Sutton, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in fivor of EbenezerFain, vs James D. Sutton, for the use of Dozier Sutton, and the other in favor of Richurd White, vs J. D. Sutton. Ninety -five acres of LAND, more or less, lying on tbe waters of Broad river, adjoinii.g lands of Disbroon and Albers—levied on ns the property of William Westmore land, to satisfy a tax fi. fa. in fivor of tbe State of Gear- gl.i; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Two hundred acres of LAND, more or less, being a part of two lots, whereon Cunningham Blythe now lives, In Habersham county, number not known—levied on as the property of Joseph Wofford, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Magistrates* Court, in favor of James Eaton; levy made and returned to me by a constable. LOT No. 95, in tl»e twelfth district of said county—le vied on as the property of D.vid Scisson, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Magistrates’ Court, in favor of John Barton; pointed out by Wyley Anderson, levy made and returned lo me by a constable. LOT No. 46, in the Olth dist. of said county—levied on os the property of Drury Robertson, to eatisfy sundry ft. fas. issued from a Magistrates’ Court, in favor of Thomas Middleton for the osc of C. Waren, vs said Dru- vy Robertson and B. Chastain, and another in favor of William Worley, vs D. Robertson and Thomas Robert son; one in favor of Samuel Fields, vs Drury Robertson and John Robertson, and one other in favor of Peter Ro berson, vs Drury Robertson, B. Chastain and Willinni Worlev: levy made and returned to me by a constable. August 7 1 JOHN HUMPHRIES, Sheriff. On the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, B EFORE the court-house door in the town of Law- renceville, Gwinnett county, within the legal hours, will be sold, (he following PROPERTY, to wit: One bay HORSE, 8 years old, as the property of Ed ward Kent to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John Chambers, vs. Edward Kent. Oue negro WOMAN, named Sabe, and her two chil dren, Bill, a boy about 10 years old, ohd Randal, a boy about 8 years old—levied on as the property of Jeffry Pit man, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Marsball Pitman, vs Jeffry Pitman. Two fractional tracts or lots of LAND, Nos. 174 and 175, in the 7th district of said county, containing together 226 acres, more or less; also four head of cattle, one COW and three YEARLINGS, and one bay HORSE, 11 or 12 years old—all levied on os the property of William Sizemore to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Robert Mitchell, vs. William Sizemore and George Sizemore; levied on and returned to me by James A. Johnson, lute D. Sheriff. One bay MARE, 10 or 12 years eld—takrn as the property of George Sizemore, to satisfy a fi. fa. iu favor of Alexander Smith. One bay STUD HORSE, (a poney) one SADDLE, a saddle blanket, and Bridle—levied on as the property of John Bratvner, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Isaac Chris- lain. Ohe sorrel HORSE, C years old—taken as the proper ty of Ob&diah Miller, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Asahel R. Smith, vs. Ob&diah Miller and Dempsey Miller. One bay HORSE, 10 or 12 years old—levied on as the property of George Hopkins, to satisfy a fi ft. in favor of William H. Walker, vs George Hopkins and Samuel Arnold. Fifty acres of LAND, more or les-, being part of lot No. 265, in the 6lh district of said county—levied on as the p/operly of John Burnett, to satisfy two fi fas. from a Justices’Court in favor of John Waits, vs. John Bainett; levied on and returned to me by a constable. A negro WOMAN, named Phillis—levied on by an at tachment at the instance ot Asahel R. Smith, vs John Mooely, and sold by au order of the Inferior Court as perishable property. THOMAS WORTHY, Sheriff. Jit tut same time and place, will be sold, Tire TRACT of LAND whereon David S iyers lives— levied on as the property of suitl Snyers to satisfy a fi. fa in favor of William Liddell, vs David Sayers and James Hnja. The HOUSE and LOT in Lawrenceville, nt present occupied by Hiram Bowen, containing one acre, more or less—levied on as the properly of said Bowen, to sat isfy a fi. fa. in favor of Hudson H Allen, vs Hiram Bow en and William Henderson; property pointed out by said Henderson. WILLIAM BREWSTER, D. Sheriff. POSTPONED SALES. At the tame time and place, wtlfibe sold, One hundred and forty ncres^f LAND, more or less,' it being part of lot No. 303, in the sixth district of said county—levied on as the property of James J. Jenkins, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fivor of Asahel R. Smith. One bay M.tRE, 3years old—levied on as the proper ty of Joseph N. Plunkett, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Hudson H. Allen, vs James Plunkett and James L. Plun kett, Hillory Moore and Joseph N. Plm.kctt, securities WILLIAM BREWSTER, D. Sheriff. At the same time and place, will be sold, T*ro hundred acres of LAND, more orle&3, being part of lot No. 128, in the 5th district of said county—ievied on ihc property of George Buchanan, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Elisha Winn Two COWS and CALVES—levied on as the property of James Bailey, to satisfy a fi. fit. in fivor of William Norris. WILLIAM MARTIN, D. Sh'ff. July 31 Executor’s Sale. W ILL be sold, io the town of Perry, Houston county, on the first Tuesday in October next, pursuant to an order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Baldwin county, silting for ordinary purposes, LOT of LAND, No. 154, in the 6th district of said county, belonging to the estate of James Reynolds, deceased—Sold for the be nefit of tbe heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms on the dev. JOHN L. BLACKBURN, Ex’or. June 9,1830 232 tds!6t Guardian’s Sale. A T the court-house in Forsyth, Monroe county, on the first Tuesday in September next, will be sold, LO f of LAND, No. 184, in the 13U« district of Monroe coun ty—Sold by order of tbe Inferior Court of Meriwether county, wheo sitting for ordinary purposes, aa the proper ty of Louisa A., Mary R. and William N. Welch, orphans of Absalom Welch, deceased, for the benefit of said or phans. JACOB B. HOGUE, Guardian. June 26 234 td&lIt Guardian’s Sale. A GREEABLY io an order of tbe Court of Ordinary of Emanuel county, will he sold, on tbe first Tues day in October n<xt, at the court-house door in Harris county, that well known valuable TRACT of LAND, number two hundred and forty-seven, in the eighieenth district of formerly Muscogee now Harris county—Sold for tbe benefit of Julian Buns’ illigitiiu&te child. L0VEL MOORE, Guardian. July 31 4 tdlOt ALSO—On thefirst Tuesday in September next. Two NEGROES, lo wit: Chloe, a girl about 14 years old, and .Jerry, a boy about 11 years old, to satisfy two fi fas on the foreclosure of mortgages in favor of Nathaniel L Siurgcs. vs Richard H. Lester, and Archibald Boggs, vs Richard H. Lester; properlv pointed out in fi. fas. WILLIAM BREWSTER, D. Sheriff. June 5 231 Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of tbe honorable the In ferior Court of Jackson county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold, on tbe first Tuesday in October next, at the court-house in Decatur county, a LOT of LAND, lying and being in said county, contain ing two nundred and fifty acres, more or less, and known as Lot number forty-five, in the sixteenth district of o- rigin dly Early now Decatur courtly Also, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in October next, at the court-house in Eaily county, a LOT of LAND, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or less, and known as Lot number three hundred and for ty seven, in the twenty-first district of Early county. All sold as the property of William P&lton, late of Jackson county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Terms cash. WILLIAM KNOX, Adm'r. July 24 3 tli Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold in Dublin, Laurens county, on the first Tuesday in September next, pursuant to an order (T the honorable the Inferior Court of Jones county, sit ting for ordinary purposes, 699 ACRES OP LAND, on Turkey creek, Laurens county —belonging to the es tate of Henry Mitchell, deceased—Sold for the bent fit of the heirs. Liberal terms will be given. WM. & J. C. B. MITCHELL, AJm'rs. June 26 234 tdsilt I jlOUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable tbe Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell (he Negroes belonging to the estate of Mordecai How ard, late of said county, deceased, (not otherwise dispos ed of in his Will)—Also, lot of Land, number sixty-nine, (69) in the tenth district formerly Monroe, now Upson county.—To be sold for the benefit of the heirs. THOMAS HOWARD, jun. Executor. April 24, 1S30 m4m I ^OUR months oftcr dote application will be made to . the Honorable the Inferior Court of Pulaski county, when sittiog for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a loi of Land containing two hundred und thirty-s^ven acres, lying in the county of Jefferson, belonging to the Estate ofGoarge Mock, deceased—Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. MARY MOCK, Admr’x. May 22 m4m m THE HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES, Thursday, December 17 th, 1823. W HEREAS the number of member*, which, under the present provisions of the Constitution of this State, compose the General Assembly, is considered by many of the good citizens of tbe State, by for too nu merous, and sonscquenilv unnecessarily expensive, for an economical People.—For the purpose there fort, of as certaining the voice of the People on this all important and interesting subject— Be it therefore retained, That all the voters of Georgia who feel for the interest and prosperity of the State, and who wish to reduce the number of ilie members «f the General Assembly of Georgia, be required on the first Monday in October next, to say, on their ticket, if in fa vor of a reduction—“REDUCTION’*—if again*t it, “NO REDUCTION.” Resolved further, That the Superintendents of Elec tions on that day keep a poll of the same, told certify it to the Governor, a statement of the poll, and that he cause the same to be laid before the next General Assem bly; and that he cause these Resolutions to be published once a mouth in the Gazettes of Milledgeville, until the election. Approved, December21,1829. GEORGE R. GILMER, Governor. March 3, 1836——227*—5m F OUR months after date application will be madj£tp tbe Honorabh the Inferior Court of Henry cbemty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for lo sell the Real Estate of Benjamin Carrol, deceased—For the ben efit of the heirs and creditors. LEV! WHITE, JOHN C. DULIN, June 1, 1830 232 ' 4m Adm'rs, F OUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Henry county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Frac tion fso. 391, in the 5th district Early county—belonging to tbe estate of Alexander Moore, late of Henry county, deceased; to be sold for the benefit of tbe heirs and cred itors of said deceased. THOMAS D. JOHNSON, Adm»r. JuW 17 2 4m I .10UR months after dale application wift be made to the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Pulaski county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot No. 293, in'the 5th district of Troup county- fur the benefit of the heirs and creditors. FRANKLIN ADAMS, July 10 Guardian lor the heirs of Mayo. A N ACT to extend the time for fortu nate drawer* in the Land Lotteries of eighteen hundred and eighteen, eighteen hundred and nineteen, and eighteen hundred and twenty-one to take outgrants for tbe lands thus drawn, and after the time therein specified, to vest the same in the state. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, ana it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That every person who was a fortunate drawer in the land lotteries by the authority of the acts passed on tbe fifteenth day of December, eighteen hundred and eighteen, on the six teenth day of December, eighteen hundred and nineteen, and on the fifteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and twentv-onc, shall have untill the first day of November, eighteen hundred and thirty, to takeout his, her or their grant upon paying into the Treasury th* sum of eight dollars. , , . Sec. 2. And he it further enacted ly the authority aforesaid, That from and after the first day of November, eighteen hundred and thirty, thefands so drawn as afore said, and not grjuted, shall revert to and become the property of th? state. , Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this act shall not extend to any lot or lets of land drawn by orphans •until three years after the said orphans shall have arnv ed at the age of twenty-one year*; nor to any lots drawn by idiots or lunatics or persons who have departed this life since tht-v gave in for a draw or draws in said lotteries of 19-18,1819 & 1821, and whose estates are unrepre sorted, nor to any lots number ten and one hundred set apart for the purposesof public education. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That all laws ano parts of laws militating against this act, be afcd the samt is hereby repered. Sec. 5th. And be it further enacted ly the authority e- foresaid, That it shall be the duty of his Excellency tbe Governor, tocYuse this act to be published in all the pub lic Gazettes of this State, once a month, until the first day of November next, and that he cause the expenses of such publication to be paid out of the contingent fund. WARREN JOURDAN, Speaker of the House of Representaiivos. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to Sth November, 1829. GEORGE R. GILMER, Nov. 14 202 ml-2 m Governor ^3OUR months after date application will be made to - the honorable the Inferior Court of Irwin county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tbe Real Estate of Lewis Wagones, late of McIntosh county, deceased, consisting olone tract of Lind, No. 34, in the 31st district of origindly Lee now Randolph county—ler the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. WILLIAM FUSSELL, Adm'r. July 21 4 4m P OUR months sfter dale application wiil be made to the honorable tbe Inferior Court of Walton county, when Bitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tbe Real Estate of Frances Nash, deceased. SAMUEL ALLGOOD, Adm’r. May 15, 1630. mint GEORGIA, Pulaski courtly. Court of Ordinary, July adjourned Term, 1830. R ULE NISI—Thp petitioner Lewis Wood, admin istrator of Elisha Evans, deceased, shewetb that he has fully completed the administration of said Estate, and prays to be dismissed therefrom—Whereupon, it is ordered by the Court, That a copy of this rule be publish ed once a month far six months in one of ihe public ga zr.ites of this State, requiring all persons concerned, to shew cause (if anythey have,) why said Letters Diamiss- sory should not be granted. A true extract from the minutes, 30th July, 1830. JOSEPH CARRUTHERS, Cl’k c. o. Aug 21 7 6m BMAVUBL SALES. On the first Tuesday in September next, W ILL be aolu, at the court-house in Swaincsboro, Emanuel comity, between the uaual hours of sale, the following property, viz: Five LOTS in Swainesboro*, known by Nos. 1, 6, 7, S 9. Also—One tract of LAND, containing six hun dred* acres, granted to James Huese, whereon John R. Daniell now lives, adjoining lands of William Hooks— ull taken as the property of said Daniell, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from ft Justices’ court in favor of Elmur Hendley, vs. John R. Daniell and John Chuon; levy ninii* and returned to me by a constable. Two hundred and fifty acres of pine LAND, granted to John Ellis, adjoining lands of Henry Durden’a—levied on as the property of William Daniell, to satisfy one fi. fa. in favor of R- L. Gamble. One TRACT, -containing five hundred acre*, on the wa ters of CanoocWe, adjoining lands of William Hooks— levied on as tbe property of James Hancock, to satisfy one 6. fa. io favor of W. B. Daniell; levied on and return ed lo as* by a constable. Four hundred acres of LAND, tying on Sartins creek, it being the plantation whereon vVm B. Daniell naftv Jives, with tbs crop thereon—levied oa as the property of said Daniell, to satisfy five fi. fas. in favor of Darling Johnson, vs said William B. Daniel!, H. M. Jackson tad John R. pguMi, one-infavor of Isaac Lamb, vs William B. Dan iell and John R. Daniell, one in favor ot E. H. Beritt, vs Wm B. Daniell and John R. Daniell; said property point ed out by defendant, levied on and returned to me by a B|^CO«i* table. mf- One NEGRO MAN named Aaron—levied on ad tbe W property of Edward Rich, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from tbe Superior court in favor of Geneper Hall, ?s. said ieb: pro -rtY pointed out by plaintiff. M[?d ■ JQttN (JGLESBEY, Sheriff, j Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold, on Saturday tbe 2Sthdayof August next, at tbe late residence of Isaac Williams of Dooly county, deceased, the personal properly belonging to said estate—consisting of One Horse, Bridle and Saddle, twenty-three head Stock Cattle, two yoke Oxen, one Ox-cart, 3 feath er Beds, one grind-stone, with plantation tools and many other articles too tedious to mention. GABRIEL McCLELAND, Adm'r. July 17 2 6t Administrator’s Sale. ^j^TLL be sold at ^wain-.eboro’, on the first Tues- GEORGIA, JValton county. W HEREAS, Robot t VI. Echols and Catharine Phil lips apply to «te for Letters of Administration or the cstali/ of Z ichari/di Phillip* In’e of said county, dec’d. This is therefore to cite the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to appear at my office within the .ime prescribed by lew, to file their objections, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my baud, this 9t!i August, 1830. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. August 14 C Gt S75.CW AOAD2X67. T HE Trustees of the Byron, Baker cwunty,Academy, have ’he pleasure to announce to the public, that the Academy for said county is now ready for tbe recep tion of a RECTOR and TUTORESS to take charge of die same. Persons wishing to take charge of an Institu tion are r quested to send sealed proposals to the Chair man or Secretary of tbe Board of Trustees, on or before the Third Saturday in August next. It will be expected that persons making application for the mate or female department as professors, will please send what their terms will be and what they will teach. Application, post paid, will be duly attended to by THOMAS PORTER, ChairmanS.-S. C. a Robert Hardee, Secretary. July *27, 1830 5 31 NOTICE. T HE Justices of the Inferior Court of Gwinnett coun ty, Ga. have appropriated $4000 for the purpose of BUILDING a Brick or Stone Jail, in said county—to consist of not less than five apartments for prisoners. Sealed Proposals will be received for building tbe same until tbe first d iy of October next. The proposals will embrace plan ar.d price, and be addressed to William M&ltbie, Esq. Clerk of said Court. JOHN BREWSTER, s. I. c. J. WARDHW. s. i. u. CLIFFORD WOODROOF, j. i. c. ASAHEL R. SMITH, j. i. o. June 26 234 I4t fof publishing out Columbus, Ca. a Political cruf Miscellaneous Newspaper, TO BR ENTITLED THE DEMOCRAT. I N p r esenung to the public nut prospectus for a n«w pa per at Columbus, the subscriber does not asem it ne- o ssary or expedient to go into a minute detail of hi* politi cal doctrines, or of bis particular view* in regard to the va- i ious topics which now engage public attention. He pre sumes that his character as an editor io too well known in Georgia to allow him togain credit among any P* rt f* with mere profession* and empty promises. The public will be apt to look to the past, in terming their estimate of the future, and by that ordeal is he willing to be tried. In the numerous political discussions, which the events of the day have called forth, his opinions of men ar.d things have oeen publicly expressed, and are doubtless familiar with many of those to whom be now looks for patronage and support, f hose who have hitherto approved of hm sentiments and been satisfied wittt the manner in which he has urged them, w UI, he trusts, still continue their con. fidence, without tbe renewal ol pledges, or s formal con fession oi faitb. . , .. In reference however, to the present state of Pities, he begs leave to remark, that he trusts the absrnce ot au political excitement, will prove propitious to the cause or troth; and that now all parties, by whatever names they may have been distinguished will be permitted to labor for the general welfare, unobstructed by political jealousy, or the rancor of by-gone feuds. Ths undersigned will en deavor to extend still fiirther this general cordiality of feeling, and to allay the occasional symptoms of exacerba- lion to which a warmly contested election may give rise: and in this, and whatever other measure he may under- take, for the purpose of advancing the prosperity of the state, he will count on the cordial co-operation of ererr good citizen, however they may have previously differed on points of political faith. Attached to the doctrines cf the Revolution, and nolo* ing in high veneration the memory of those heroes and •ages, by whom our .liberties were achieved, and our pre sent admirable form of government established, the sub* sc liber will endeavor to manifest the sincerity of his pro fessions, by exciting a feeling of attachment to the Union, . : nd encouraging an entire confidence io the institutions of our country. He will inculcate the doctrine that it is better to bear a slight and temporary evil, against which we have a constitutional remedy, than to hazard all for which our fathers fought, and so many martyrs labored and bled. He will not in any respect overlook or disre gard the rights or the interests of bis own stale; yet ha must always view particular rights AinteresG, ns relative ly connected with others, and be will never consentto the sacrifice of s greater for i lesser goed. The subscriber wili endeavor to make Tbe Democrat a vehicle of general intelligence, and an interesting periodi cal to tbe gentlemen of literature, tbe agriculturist, the merchant and nieclun*. C. E. BARTLETT. Columbus, July 3, 1830. rjTHfc Sl T BSciu2®J*. j? * to**" * JL following Doctrines: ■ I. Tbe Doctrine of Election, which is failiy proved by scripture and its* use shown. 2. The Doctrine of the Covenant or Redemption, proved by scripture and reason, and its use shown. 3. An answer to the Rev. Ctrus White on tlie Atone ment, in which ilia “views” are fairly refuted by scrip ture and reason. 4. The Author’s Views on Associations—in which he designs to shew that Associations are not conducted ac cording to scripture—All which will shortly be published by LUKE ROBINSON, of Newton co. Ga. Mr y 29, 1830 230 GEORGIA, PUTNAM COUNTY. INS, 1 ■LER. J RULE KZSI. day in September next, LOT No. 153, in (lie 24th district of Lee county, now Randolph. Sold for distri bution of the heirs of Grace Wiggins, dre’d. JOHN WIGGINS, Adm'r. July 24th, 1930. 3 6t. Administratrix’ Sale. A T the court-house in the town of frwinton, Wilkin son county, on the first Tuesday in October next, will be sold, LOT No. 249, in the third district of said county—it being par* of the Real Estate of Daniel Over- street, late of Emanuel county, deceased. Said land sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of the county ot Emanuel, for the benefit of the heirs of snid deceased. MARTHA OVERSTRETT, Aim'x. July 3, 1S30 233 tds!3t GEORGIA, Walton county. J ESSE MOON oi Capt. Mims*district, tolls before Lewis S Moon, Esq n DARK BAIT FILL? ppused to oe two years olj, last spnna— with a smull white ssrot in her forehead. Ippruised l>y William B. Willingham und Marlin War ren, to Twenty-five dollars. V. HARALSON, Clerk. August 7 5 3t Executor’s Sale. W ILL be told, at the court-house in the town of Mil- ledgeville, on the first Tuesday in September next, all the REAL ESTATE, lying io Baldwin county, be longing to Jatnea Reynolds, deceased, consisting of three and a half squares of LAND, more or less; one of 202} acres, adjoining Raines, Lamar, Lockett and Horton; one other of 202} teres, adjoining Lockett, Horton, and Bridges, and 303} acres adjoining Gacbet, Lamar, and Scott—Sold in pursuance to an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Baldwin county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditoiaof said deceased. Terms made known on thethty- JOHN L. BLACKBURN, Ex’or. June 9,1830 232 tdsl3t -Postponed Sale. W ILL be void, on the first Tuesday in October next, before the court-house door in Clinton, Jones county, within tbe usual hours of sale, Six NEGROES: Jack, Henrietta, and her four children, Benson, Hannah, Silvy and Judah—Sold as the propeity, and under tbe direction of tbe Will of Nehemiah Dunn late of said county, deceased. Said ne groes will be sold on a credit until thB fitet of January, *832, with interest from the first of January n< xt. JOSEPH DAY, Surviving Executor. August 91 7 fit GEORGIA—Wilkinson county. To the Honorable Superior Court cf said County. B.VLB NISI. T HE petition ol Jdtin Hall shewtlh, that William Bat son of said county, heretofore, to wit: on the fif teenth day of February, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, executed and delivered to your petitioner, his certain Deed of Mortgage, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, and now shewn to the Court— which deed of mortgage conveyed a certain Tract or Lot of Land, containing two hundred two and half acres, sit uate, lying and being in tbe fifth district of said county, and known by the number two hundred and eleven; which tract or lot of Land was mortgaged for the better secur ing to your petitioner a certain promissory nr i unnde by the said Wiiliam Batson, for the sum of Thiriy-nine dol lars and seventy cents wiih interest from the date there of, payable to your petitioner on tbe twenty-fifth dayto December, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and is now to the Court shewn; and your petitioner further sbeweth that there is now due on s.tid note the whole of the princi pal aad interest, and therefore prays that unless the said William Batson pays into the Clerk’s office of ibis Court the amount of principal and interest that is now due or may become due, together with all cost that may accrue within six months from tbe date hereof, that the equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises be thence forth and forever barred and foreclosed. W hereupon, on motion, It is ordered by the Court, Tba I unless the amoflBtJlf principal, interest and cost Ibatis now due or may become due on said note and mortgage, be paid unto the Clerk’! office of the Court, within the time aforesaid, that the equity of redemption in and to said mortgage premises, be thenceforth and forever barred and foreclosed. And be it further ordered, That a copy of this Rule be published once a month for six months in some one of Ite public gazettes ot this State, or be personally served on the said William Batson three months before the expi ration of this rule. 4 true extract from the minutes of eaid Court, this 13th j day of April, 1830. XOSXOAL. D OCTORS John M. McAfee and Jame: B. Underwood, have associated them series in the PRACTICE of PHYSIC, and its collateral branches, Surgery, Midwifery &c. uti'iet the firm of Xa’ATEE & UOTDERWOOD, One of whom will be found ready at all times to attend to any professional calls. Their mileage or other charge.- will ue moderate, as times are hard. They hepe from unremitting attention to tbe duties of their profession, to merit and receive a liberal share of the public patronage. N. B.—They will Practice in the Cherokee Nation when called on. McAFF-E & UNDERWOOD. Gainesville, Hall county. May I, 1830 225—tf Take care of your Money ! T HE public are informed that if any person trades for two Notes made by the subscriber to Ysncy P. Griffin, or bearer, fur Twenty-five uoliars each, and due about last Christmas, will lose their money, as the consid eration for which said notes were given has entirely fail ed. I never will pay them. CALVIN DEES. Ttciggs county, Aug 21 7 3t JEREMIAH BEALL. CTO 235— ■ nfitp Georgia—walton county. By the Honorable the Inferior Court of said County, sit- ting for Ordinary purposes. I T appearing to the Court, that Benjamin Selrnnn, late of Morgan county, deceased, in bis lifetime, executed hU obligation to John Selman, then of Clark county, but late of Walton county, deceased, bearing date the 30th June 1821, conditioned to make a good and lawful war rantee Title to lot number one hundred and seventy-two, in the tenth district of Habersham county:—And, it ap pearing that both the said Benjimin Selman and bis Ad ministrator, and the said Johe Selman died without exe cuting titles in conformity with said Bond. It is therefore ordered by the Court, That William W Selman, Administrator, de bonis non, of said Benjamin Selman, deceased, make titles to John H. Lowe, Admin istrator of tbe said John Selman, deceased, in conformi ty with the conditions of said bond. A true extract from tbe minutes this 3d May, 1830. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. may 15 228 Cm GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1830. INFERIOR COURT, SITTING- FOR ORDINART PURPOSES, Present, their Honors Wilson Whatley, Egbert B Beall, Robert Jtf. Echols aad Timothy Pittman, Justices ol said Court. R ULE NISI—Upon the application of Benjamin Hammock, administrator of John H. Beardin, de ceased, stating that be has fully discharged the duties as signed as Administrator aforesaid, and praying to be dis missed therefrom— It is ordered, That a Copy of this Rule be published once a month for six months in one of the public gazettes of this State, requiring all persons con cerned to shew cause, if any they have, why said tetters dismissory should not be granted. A true extract from the minutes, this SStb July, 1830. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. Superior Court, March Ttrm, 1830. John Tomkins, tt. Hsnry Killer. OHN TOMKINS having petitioned the Court, st*- ftP ting that Henry Keller did, on the twenty-eighth of August eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, in the county aforesaid, excute and deliver to the said Tomkins hit certain deed of Mortgage conveying a tract of land is said county, whereon James P. Conner formerly resided, adjoining Whitfield, Allen, Beal nnd James Adams—for the better security and saving the said Tomkins harmless from the payment of a certain note of hand, payable to Pleasant H. Lawson for five hundred dollars, dec ihe twefcty-fifth of December eighteen hundred and twenty* nine, and made by the said Keller as principal, and th* said Tomkins as security ; and the said Tumkins hav ing further shewn that the said note is duC and onpsid. und that he has not been indemnified and saved harmless. L is therefore, on motion of Shorter & Gordon, Attor- nies for tbn petitioner, ordered, that the said Keller do pay into the Clerks office of this court, the amount due upon said note with cost, in six months from this time or shew cause to tbe contrary—also that the equity of re demption in and to said mortgage premises be, from thenceforth barred and forever foreclosed. And it is further ordered, That a copy of this rule be served upon the said Keller, or his special agent, at least three months before the expiration cf the time within which the money is so directed to be paid, or be publish ed once a month for six months in one of the public Gaz- ettsin this State- True copy from tlie minutes 2d April, 1P3C. thomas Hardeman, ci*ir. April 10 2*3 rnfim. (COPY NOTES.) O N or before the twenty-fifth dty of December next, I promise to p.«y unto E* oeh Cobb, Twelve dollars fur value received of him this lOth .Varch, 1S-29. CIIANSHAW DUKE. Endorsed F.. Coca. One day after date I promise to pay Charles W. Raw* son or bearer, Six dolhtrs Fifty six and a quarter cents for value received with interest from the fast January last; August 4th, 1829. DAVID WATSON. On or before the twenty-fifth of December m at, 1 pro- raise to pay E. Cobb or Nearer, Fourteen dollars for va lue received oi him, this 28th January, 1829. . ESAVV BROOKS. SUZ. BROOKS. On or before the twenty fifth of September next, I pro* mise to pay Enoch Cobb or bearer, Twenty-four dollars, it being for value received of him, this ti«; 2d of March 1829. HARRISON ARNOLD. Indorsed Enoch Cobb. On or before the first day of November 1829,1 premise to pay R uben Thornton, Nine dollars and Sixty two anft a hall' cents (or value received of him. WILLIS GREEN. HOSEY COLE. On or before tbe ——, T promhe to pay Evan Howell or bearer, Four dollars and Seventy five cents for value recsived of hiut . BENJAMIN HAZELRIDGES. ANDREW CARUTHERS. On or before the , I promise to pay onto Joh$ Choice, & Co. the sum of $23 and 87} c«ets for value re ceived of him . BENJAMIN TOWERS. On or before the 25th of December 1827,1 promise to pay William Stevenson or bearer, 10 dollars for value re ceived of him. Indorsed Wiiaiam Stcvenzov. JAMES LEE. JOHN LEE. GEORGIA—“Gwinnett county. P ERSONALLY appeared before me, Benjamin Wil liams, a Justice of the Peace in and for said county* James Wells, who being duly sworn, deposeth and saith that tbe above are in substance, true copies of the origin al notes which were lost out of the possession of this depo nent on the fourth Saturday in last month. JAMES WELLS. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 12th day os March, 183ft. B. WILLIAMS, J. J». GEORGIA—Gwinnett county. Superior Court, March Term, 2830. ' On motion of Jambs Wells : I T appearing to the Court that the original notes dft which tiie above ave copies, ere lost out of his posses sion; It it ordered, That the said copy notes herewith filed in court, (unless good cause be shewn to the contrary on or before the last day of the next Term of this Court,) shall and will be established in lieu of sold lost originate—and it is further ordered, that this rote be published in one of the public gazettes of this stated ooco a month for three months. A true copy from the Minutes, tftth May 1830. JOHN a PARK CTt