Newspaper Page Text
On the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next,
B EFORE the court-house door in the town of Hart
ford, Pulaski county, within the legal hours of
sale, will be sold, the following PROPERTY, to wit:
Three LOTS of pine LAND, in the twentieth district
of Wilkinson now Pulaski county, each lot containing
202} acres, more or less, one lot No. 316, the other two
adjoining the widow .McRae and others. Three FRAC
TIONS on the West side of the Ocmulgee river, lying in
foe 8th district of originally Dooly now IVaski county,
opposite Stephen Mitchell, and known at the Walnut
Ridge; the other two adjoining below, extending dewn
the river to tiie Indian BJufl’—the numbers of the above
lands r.ot known—all levied on as the property of Hiram
Atkinson, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Superior Court, in
favor nf Hezekiah Lord, vs Hiram Atkinson and Wash
ington Lankister, security on appeal; the above property
pointed out by said Lankister.
Two hundred and fifty acres of pine LAND, more or
less, in the 21st district of Wilkinson now Pulaski county,
number not known, the place whereon Briant Brady now
lives—levied, on as the property oi Elisha Farnell, to sat
isfy a fi. fa. from the Superior Court in favor of Calvin
Pratt, vs Wesley Yarbrough, adm’r. of Elisha Farnell, de
ceased; pointed out by Wm. Pratt—the widow’s dower
Two hundred two and a half acres of LAND, number
not known, lying in the 20th district of Wilkinson now
Pulaski county, the place whereon William. Winborn now
lives—levied on as the property of Josiah Winborn to
satisfy a fi. fa. from a Justices’ Court in favor of Lewis
Wood, vs Josiah Winborn; property pointed out by the
defendant, levy made and returned to me by a constable.
Sept 4 ALEX. DENN4RD, Sheriff.
On the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next,
W ILL be sold, in the town of Clarksville, Haber-
erslnm county, within the lawful hours of sale,
the following PROPERTY, to wit:
One tract ofLAN L), containing 174 j acres, on the wa-
ers of Broad river in said county, adjoining lands of Will
iatn Spoons, and others—levied on as the property of
iThomas Flanagan—Also, LOT No. 21, in the 10th dis
trict of Habersham county, levied on as the property of
Benjamin Chastain, to satisfy a fi in favor of William
Bell and A. M. Perryman, surviving copartners of Dud1\
Jones, & Co. for the use of P R. Jones, defendant vs
Thomas Flanagan and Benjamin Chastain, securities.
One brown MARE, about II yegrs old -levied on as
the property of Robert W. P. Moore, to satisfy a fi. f
vs said Moore and Augustus W Randolph, in favor o'
James Owmly.
One caw and calf, the standing crop of corn, supposed
to be lOor 12 acres, one lot No. 127, in the 12th district
of said county, 2 feather be. 3 and bedsteads, 4 sheets an'
2 qjilts, 1 ine chest, 1 large pot, 1 oven and lid, 1 fry
ing pan, 1 spinning wheel, 1 jug, 1 locking glass, 1 pin<
table, 2 small piggins, 1 tin bucket, 1 coffee mill ana erf-
fee pot, 1 tin trunk, 1 pitcher, lO plates, 2 pewter ditto, 0
spoons. 5 knives and 3 forks, 1 pot trummell—all taken
as the property of Jesse Anderson, to satisfy four fi. fa>
vssaid Auder.'on, one in favor of Calcby Crane, vs sam
Anderson and A. M. Norris security, one in favor of
William H. Steelman, vs John Andrrson and Jesse Ar.
derson, one other in favor Wiley Nichols, vs Jesse Aude
■on and Iohn Anderson, and one other in favor of Viiicen
Hamilton, vs said Jesse Anderson.
All the right, title and interest to LOT No. 99, in th*
first district of Habersham county—levied on as the pro
K irty of A'fred R. Jarvis, to eatisfy two fi. fas. one from
urke Superior Court in favoi of AJathew Jones, the oth
er from Burke Superior Court in favor of William R. Cald
well, both vs said Jarvis.
Sept 4 A. MAULDIN, D. Sheriff
Administrator’s Sale.
GREEABLY to an order of toe uyporable the In-
A GREEABLY to an ortier of the tu ... . ,
/%. ferior Court of Jatkson county,- while fitting for
^ purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in
October nest, at the court-house in Decatur county, a
LOT of LAND, lying and being in said county, contain
ing two hundred and fifty acre*, more or less, and known
as Lot number forty-five, in the sixteenth district of o-
riginally Early now Decatur county.
Also, will be sold, on t ne first Tuesday in
October next, at the court-house in Early county, a LOT
of LAND, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more
nr less, and known a. Lot number three hundred an> for
ty seven, in the twenty-first district ol Early county. All
sold as the property of William Patton, late of Jackson
county, deceased, for the b« n fit of the heirs. Terms
cash. WILLIAM KNOX. Mm'r.
•ulv 24 3 lit
The Subscriber
H AVING completed and enlarged his buildings, tend' is anew his thanks to his friends and the public for their
many favors heretofore conferred on him in his department of busine s, and solicits a continuation of their
favors. His HOUSE is large and commodious—containing marly forty fire places—.in open Piazza and Bal
cony nearly 200 feet long, fronting Ihe State-House, immediately on the public square, and nearer than any
other Tavern to the Stab-House—with doors and stairs not mLetsec’tng other rooms-—Which will enable him
to accommodate a great many Members of t.ib Legislature and transient customers. If they will be pie tsed to
favor him with i call, he fl.tiers him-w f, that, from bis long experience — strict attention to business—and moder
ate prices, he will merit a large share f public patronage. His frii-nds shall meet with a warm reception on
their arrival, arid be will < xert himself to dismiss them in a good humor with himself and bis establishment. He
knows that none are better prepared to entertain, than himself—and he is determined none shall exceed him in the
bundance and quality of his supplies. He is well furnished with every thing the country a fiords for the Table, the
Bar and the Stable.
JUilledgeville, September 25th, 1830.
T HE SUB>CK1BI.R, (late proprit tor of the Globe
Hotel, and more recently of the Mansion House,)
iiegs leave to announce to his friends and the public gen-
rally, that he has taken 'hat elegant and commodious firr
■roof Briek Building on the corner of Broad and lacks on
Creels, and immediately idjoiningthe new Masonic Hall.
It is situated in the most cintral pari of the City, and is
n the very heart of business—being in the vicinity of the
lngusta Bank, and the Branch bank of tbe State of Gt-or-
On the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next.
B EFORE the court-house door in the town of Law-.
renceville, Gwinnett county, within the legal hours,
will be sold, the following PROPERTY, td wit:
One sorrel MARE, about nine years old—levied on as
the property of John, to satisfy a fi fa. fr >m
Gwinnett Inferior Court in favor of John P. Hutchins, vs
Franklin McDade and lohn McDade, security; properly
pointed out by plaintiff.
One hundred and thirty-five acres of LAND, more oi
Jess, in the fifth district Gwinnett county, being part of
lot No. 282—as the property ofTimothy Swindle; also,
lot of LAND No 283, (in said fifth district) containing
two hundred and filly acres, more or less—as the proper
ty of William Whorton, pointed out by James W’ardlaw,
levied on to satisfy th'ee fi fas. issued from a Justices’
Court, all in favor of Hudson H. Allen, against Timothy-
Swindle and William Whorton principals, Washington
Swindle indorsee, and Joshua Estes security on stay of
execution; levies made and returned to me by David Ab
bot, constable.
Sept 4 WILLIAM BREWSTER, D. Sheriff.
On the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next,
W ILL BE SOLD, in the town of Covington, Newton
county, between the usual hours of sale, the fol
lowing PROPERTY, to wit :
One negro MAN, by the name of Jesse—levied on as
the property of George Watson, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa
vor of Jurnts Daniel, vs George Ruff and George Watson,
and sundry other fi. fas. in my bands vs. said Georgi
Watson; levy made and returned by a constable—tin
B operty sold under the incumbrance of tbe present year’s
re. JOSEPH WATTERS, Sheriff'.
This establishment is known as the GLU3E HOTEL,
md in its interior arrangement and general construction,
mites in an eminent degree, spaciousness, n< a'ness, anr
omfurt. T<» the man of family, the individual travelln
he daily boarder, or the fashionable visiter, the GLOBt
■resents accommodations inferior to none in tbe Southern
Having conducted for a number of years, two among the
most popular Hotels in this City, he flatters hims' if th
ins experience In business, added to th« superior advanla
ges of situation and the resources under his controul. will
enable him to give the most decided satisfaction to ail
who may honor him with their patronage.
His STABL.ES are spacious and well ventilated, and
amply supplied with the best of provender, anu at
tended by experienced and steady Ostlers—in addition
to which, the subscriber will bestow bis own personal tin
remitting attention, and in his charges, will not forget th*
„re3sure of the times.
ICJ 1 The Clnuleston Stages arrive hi Hie Globe II
tel, every Sunday, Wednesday and Frid .y evenings,at6
■ •’clock, & depart every Tuesday, Thur-day and S aturday
morning, at half past 9. The Washington and A then*'
Stage, departs every Tuesday and Saturday morning, at
3 o’clock, and arrives every Wednesday and Sunday eve
ning at 6 o’clock. The Elbertou Stage departs every
Sunday morning, at 4 o’clock, and arrives every Frida
evening at 6. The Pendleton Stagt departs ev ry Toe
day, at 4 o’clock in the morning, and arrives- very \ion
day at 2 o’clock in the evening. The Milledgi ville Stag,
arrives every day except Thursday, at 7 o’clock in the e»»
ning, and departs every day except Wednesday, at 2 o’
■dock in the mqrning. Tht Savannah Stage arrive a so
ond.ty Wednesday and Friday, at 10 o’clock in the
morning, and departs every Sunday, Tuesday and Thuia
day, at 2 o’clock in the morning.
■lngusta. Orf. |, |S2f» I9fi f
FfflO RENT, that «pnc»ons and well
JL arrnn
arranged TAVERN, in tbe
town of Sparta t Hancock county, at pre
sent occupied by Mr. William Mackie.
This establishment is not surpassed by
any oi a similar kind in the up country,
and will, with judicious management, yield a handsome
return on the capital employed. The furniture and stuck
will be sold on a c-edit for approved paper, to any person
or nersnns who m y contract for the premises.
Possession will be given on the 1st November next.—
Apply to McKenzie & bennoch.
IQ*” i’he Georgia Tournal end F-deral Union, the A-
tlinnan, Cabinet, and Washington News, will insert the
above once a week, for six wt . ks and send their accounts
to McKenzie and Bennocb, Augusta.
Srpl tl 10
THE $liB>ClU>iER
S i ILL keeps open a rlouse of Entertainment,
at th-.- south-west corner ol tbe public square
public sqo
in die town of Marion Twizgs county, and only
Luges himself to those who m y favor him with their
.alls, to to the best he can. HENRY LOYLESS. 10 11 tf
Administrator’s Sale.
A GREEABLY u> an order of the honorable the Infe
rior Court of Newton county, while sitting for rdiri-
ary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in Decem
ber m xt, at the court-house in said county, within the
usual hours of sale, four hundred eighty-seven and three
fourth acres of LAND, more or /ess, with the exception
of the widow’s dower for life— it being parts of Lots num
bers 258, and 248—lying and being in originally the hrst
district of Walfon now Newton couniy -
Also, on the first Tuesday in January nex 1 , will be sold
at the said court-house, within the usuai hours of sale,
12 NEGROES—men, women, boys, girls anti children
all sold as tbe property of John Conner, late of Newton
county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Ter?os
made known on the days of sale.
W. CONNER, Mm'r.
September 25 12 lit
GEORGIA—Wilkinson county.
J o the Honorable Superior Court of said County i
rpHE petition of John Halt sl.tweih, that William Bat-
Admmistrator’s Sale.
^^ILL be solo, at the place of holding Court in the
county of Randolph, on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary next, within the usual hours of sale,
Lot of LAND, No. 95, in the 321 dtVrici of
originally Lee, now Randolph county—saiJ land sold by
an order of the honorable Inferior Court I Newton coun
ty, while sitting for ordinary purposes, as the property ol j
William Lane, sen. deceased.
September 4 9 9t
son of said county, heretofore, to wit: on the ££•
tetuth day of February, in the year of our Lord eighteen
bundled and twenty-eight, executed and delivered to your <
petitioner, bis certain Deed of Mortgage, bearing date the
day ami year aforesaid, and now shewn to the Court—*
which deed of mortgage conveyed a certain Tract or Lot
of Land, containing two hundred two and hall acres, sit
uate, lying u nd being in the fifth district of said county,
and known by the number two hundred andeleteii; which
tract or lot of Land was mortgaged lor the better secur
ing to your peti loner a certain promissory no 11 made by
the said William Batson, for the sum of Tbiriy-nine dol
lars and seventy cents with interest from the date there*
of, payable to your petitioner on the twenty-fifth duysor
December, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and is now
to the Court shewn; and your petitioner further sheweth
that there is now due on said note tb£ whole of the princi
pal and interest, and therefore prays that unless the said
William Batson pays into the Clerk’s office of ibis Court
the amount of principal and interest that is now due or
may become due, together with all cost that may accrue
within six months from tbe date hereof, that the equity ax
redemption in and to said mortgaged premises be IhcHce-
forth and forever barred and foreclosed.
V\ hereupon, on motion, It is ordered by the Court, Thai
unless tbe amount oi principal, interest and cost that is
non due or may become due on said note and mortgage,
be paid unto the Clerk’s office of the Court, within the
time aforesaid, that the equity of redemption in and to
sai t mortgage premises, be thenceforth and forever barred
and foreclosed.
Md be V further ordered, That a copy of this Rule be
1 ->ii|<ii«hcd once a month for six months in some one of
l the >*blic gazettes ol this State, or be personally served
on the sa.’d William Batson three months before the expi
ration o» fo*- r ru ' e * , . ,
A true ex-iac’t from the minutes of said Court, this 13t^
day of April, li EREM1AH BEALL, m
april 24 225 m6pa
Superior Court, Jtyarch Tom, lS'-JO.
John Tomkins, J ^
m. J nuLr nisi.
Henry Keller, j
S OiiN TOMKINS having petitioned the Court, sit*
ting that Henry Keller did, on the twenty-eighth c*
Administrator’s Sale.
W ILL be sold, at tin court-house in the town of „„ s ,
Greenville, Meriwether county, on the first Tues- August eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, in the county
day in December n**xt, within the usuai hours of sale, aforesaid, exdute and deliver to the said Tomkins his
Lot ol LAND, No. 158, iu the 8 h.distr • t .certain deed of Mortgage conveymt a tract of land in
of originally Troup now Meriwether county—said land said county, whereon James I’ Conner formerly resided,
sold by an order of the honorable InfeinrCour
>f N
ton county, when sitting for ordinary pui poses, as die pro
perty of William Lane, sen. deceased.
September 4 9
adjoining U lutfieid, Allen, Eeai and James Adams for th«
; belter security and saving the said 'fomkins harmless
[from the payment of a certain note of hand, payable to
; Pi asant H Lawson for five hundred dollars, due tbs
twenty-fifth of December eighteen hundred and twenty-
urn , . nd made by the said Keller as principal, and the
said Tomkins as security; and the said Tomkins hav-
• ing forth r sheivn that the »a : d note is due and unpaid,
N> ah ail{ j tiiaf be has not been indetMMfod and saved harmless*
late of Newton county, d,cc.a S ed, are n quest d to ,, is ti , er ,j on niotion of sbtJrler & Gordon, Altor-
make immediate payment-ami all persons having de- . m<!S fof , h . peli , if , nerj ordcre d, th-U the ^id Killer do
^ LL those indebted to the cstaie of Reuben B
mands against Said deceastd, are request'd to present
them duly authenticated within tbt time prescribed by
September 25 12 6t
A CAiH).
pay into the Cli rks office ot this ccurt, tb£ CttiOlifit dy’C
upon said note with cost, in six months from this tixfle of
shew cause to the contrary—also that the equity of re-
d« mption in and to said mortgage premises be, fr.baa
thencefoith burred and forever foreclosed.
And it is further ordered, That a copy of this rule br
FTj^fHE editor of the D« moerat takes this opportunity uf servtt l upon the said Keller, or his special agent, at leas’
JL returning his ihanka to those of his friends w; , .al , * iree 11
Far Sale, or Rent.
TilE unj isigneo iff rs fur sate his establisb- n the town of Monroe, Walton countv,
occiip ed by him fi r si v*>ral years past as a TAV-
Ii is a comer lot, conveniently sh in ed, h iving
in exc lien; gat den iu good cultivation, furnishing abund
antly season bit vegetables. Tht dwelling house is h«.rgv
• nci commodious, having atiuccid ihertto tvery out build
i.ig net. ssary fi r cunvfnhncp and comfort. Spacious
Mubles on an adjoining lot have been erected, combining
he advantage of security, with that of distance fr^m the
•rmcipal buil' ing Attached to thi lot is a Well of most
capital Water, equal coany in the up country. As Wal-
uicouny i* proverbial healthy dimute, and the so
oty of tiie village and surrounding country infrior t >
none in the Western part of Georgia, a more desirable
situation than that now offered for sale, could scarcely be
reeled for the resident* f a private family, or the bus-
mss io which the subscriber has heretofore devoted it.
•Vreons disposed to purchase, or rent, the above descrih-
d property are invited to e.«li and j dge for themselves.
Possession given at any time.
jyimroe, Sept 25I 1 ?, 1830 12 4t
g his ihanka to those of lus friends w;:o| u,,rc months before the expiration of the lime within
have interested themselves in obtaining sub-crib, rs to his which the money is so directed to hi paid, or be publish*.
pap. r, and requests that all subscription lists be returned ;for six months in one of the public Gaz-
to him at Columbus by the 1st ol Oitaber; at which lime ' e * ls * n '^' s Stale.
it is expected tbe establishment will go into operation.
Columbus, September I5lh, 1830 • 12
True copy from the minutes 2d April, 1S30.
Anri! 10 223 mfim.
- sj lA
I SHALL, on the first Monday in January next, at
rln- Inferior Court then held in the county of NVw-
'• forordin ry purposes, make appiieatibn to said Court
f t leave to sell the following NEGROES, to wit;—Clay-
urn. Nancv. R >se. Dinah. Nathan Derry, Peter, Wi-
''v, Raney, Turner, Moms, Tibaan and Coo'v—wificb
id negroes belong io ib< i.aats of Ktuben B. Neul, late
f Newton countv, deceased.
■September 25
Sept A
On the first Tuesday m UCTuBER next,
1LI. be sold, before the court-house door in the
town of Monroe, Walton county, within the usua
hours of sale, the following PROPERTY, to wit:
One LOT of LAND, No. 34, in the first district of
said county, containing two hundred and fifty acres—It
vied on as the properly of vVilliain Hightower, to satisfy
sundry fi. fas. one in favor of James Meriwether,, adrn’r■.
of Allen Bonner, decayed, vs said Wiliiam Hightower
Daniel Cruft anJ Edward Craft, one in favor of William
Cabintss, vs said Hightower, one in favor of John F
Thompson of Thomas C. Wood, vs said William High
tower, and one in favor of the officers of Court, vs WU1
lain Hightower.
One sorrel HORSE, about six years old—levied on as
the property of John Mitchell to satisfy a fi. fa. issued out
of Morgan Superior Court, in favor of John S. Edmond
son, vs said Mitchell.
fft the same time and place will be sold,
One blind sorrel STUD-HORSE, twelve years old,
three Cows and Calves, seven head of Sheep, ii>e spade
Sows and Barows, two Sows, and ten Pigs—all levied on
to satify a fi. fa. in favor of Elisha Lake, vs. Tilmao Mc
Daniel! and Thomas Patterson; prop- rty pointed out by
the plaintiff. JOHN T. MORROW, D. Sh'ff.
August 28 8
On the firnt Tuesday in OCTOBER next,
^ T the court-house in Irwin county, will be sold, be
tween the usual hours of sale, the fob owing PRO
PERTY, to wit:
Levied one ti. fa. on the crop of Corn, Potatoes, Sugar
Cane and Cotton, four head of stock cattle, tbret Oxen,
one bay Horse—all as tbe properly of Isaac Sieevens, se
curity for Stephen Wigeos.
Also, one bay MARE and COLT—levied on as the
property of Robert H Dixon, .to satisfy an execution for
his taxes for the year 1826, 1827, 18 jS and 1829, by Sel-
•waj McCall, Tax Collector for the county of Irwin.
; DAINIL Me DUE FIE, Sheriff.
At the same time and place, will be sold,
TwoLOT^ of LAND, No 109, iu the fiist district of
THE Subs* iib- r respectfully inform
hi.-* f-tends and the public in gene * th.<
he ha- :n it e - ‘ 0 J - F tf
ml ARKOLU I ON, C. uil 1.0 .lI'V , Yj .and
fl 'ter- hims if that he mil give as g. tier
■ i oaiisim . .. to ill that may favor t irri widt th. ir patrot -
age as any -tfo r Inn-Keeper in as newly s* tiled conutiy
a* this- Though Carroll county has list ii kept in the bad
ground, defamed and shaded by reports, yet I hope a• <
ill soon >,■ blown a way by the sunshine of virtue, nu.-
tured by the Gospel of Christ, and the instr uction of art-,
and sciences—So call and see C. McCARTY
A; ,r t' 24 ’25 -tf
Irwin cdunty, and No. 255, in the fourth disti ict, contain
‘ ed
ihg four hundred acres each—levied on by tbe former
Sheriff is the property of Isaac Steevens in favor of lohn
Sullen, jun. vs Supaen Wigens and Isaac Steevens.
Aug 2S D\NIEL .IcDUFFIE, Sheriff.
>UB months after dale application wiil be made to
the honorable the Inferior Court of Walton countv.
when silting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell (be
Beal Estate oFFrance* Na**h, deceased.
bA31U£L ALLGJOD, Adm’r.
UtJ to 4 l620. minx
NvACT 'to* extend the tune lor ion ti
ns, te drawers in th> Land Lotteries of eighteen
hundred and eighteen, eighteen hundred and nineteen,
and eighteen hundred and twenty-one to lake outgiuri's
for the lands thus drawn, and after the time therein
specified, t< vest th* same in the state.
Beit enactedby the Senate and House of Representatives
of the State of Georgia iu General .Assembly met, and it
is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That every
person who was a fortunate drawer in the laud lotteries
by the authority of the acts passed on tbe fiftcenii, d.,j
of December, eighteen hundred and eighteen, on the six
teenth day of December, eighteen hundred and nineteen,
and on the fifteenth day of May, eighteen hundred am.
twenty-one, shall have untill the first day of November
igbteen hundred and thirty, to take out his, her or th* ir
grant upon paying into the Treasury the sum of eigh'
Sec. 2. Md he it further enacted 'by the authority
aforesaid, That from and after the first day of November,
eighteen hundred and thirty, the lands so drawn as afore
said, and not granted, shall revert to and become tbt
properly of. tbe State.
Sec. 3. Md bt it further enacted, That this act 6hah
not extend to any lot or lots of laud drawn by orphans
until three years after tbe -aid orphans shall have arriv
ed at the age of twenty-one years; nor to any lot9 draw i
by idiots or lunatics or persons who have departed th
life since th* y gave in for a draw or draws in said lotted,
of 1S18,1819 &. 1821, and whose estates fire unrepre
sented, nor to any lots number ten and one hundred set
apart for the purposes of public education.
''EC. 4. Mid be it further enacted, That all laws am
parts of laws militating against this act, be and the same
is hereby repea ed.
Sec. 5th. Mid be it further enacted by the authority a
foresaiii, That it shall be the duty of his Excellency th
Governor, to cause this act lobe published iu all tbe pub
*ic Gazettes of this State, once a month, until the fi> st day
■( November next, and that lie cause the expenses of sue!
publication to be paid out of the contingent fund.
Speaker of the House of Representatives
President of the Senate
Assented to 9th*November, 1829
Hoy. 14 202—Gwemcr.
Administtator’b Sale.
U.L be solo, i i: ■ Ii. f io h day of November ncx’
at the !at<- residence of Reuben B. N a!, in th
•'.untv of Newton, rhe whole of Me perishable properly
•'bulging to said R*y''Pn B. Neal, d 1 c : d.—coi.sis'ing of
C rn Fodder, Horses, CaHle, Hogs. C tlon, Household
nd Kitchen Furnitine, and tin t ar‘i* It-s.
Sn>.« mb> r 9 5 i 2 fit
Admimstra'or’s bale.
ILL be solo, a tin-c .tMi-tiousi'iu itie town of Cov
ine ton, Newton county, on the first Tuesday in
January next, the folio iTig NEGROE ', to wit:
Cia.iurn. N.<ncy, Rt.-e Du*ah, Nathan.
Derry, Peter,- Wifoy, Ri nev, Turner, Tilman, Moses am!
Gouty. Sail! negroes so ! d as the property of Reuben B
Neal, d* erased, and by - rder of the honorable the Inferi
or Court of Newton county, while sitting f.>r ordinaty
purposes. JONATHAN C. MACKEY, Adm’r.
September 25 12 idslot
At]ministrator’s Sale.
I N pursuarici of an order of the honorable the Court
ol Ordinaiy of Franklin county, will be sold, on the
first Tuesday in December next, at the court house in ha-
kercounty, a
Ling in said county ot B .ker. No. 59, in the 3d distric
ioruu-rly Early now Baker—containing two hundred and
titty acres— Drava by Thomas Clark, r.rahsv Id for the
"i ncCi of bi» In irs and creditors. Terms made known
-m the day of sale.
September 18 i| 91
Administtator’s ‘•ale.
ILL be sold, on i hiirsd<iy lb* 28th d.:V of October
mxt, at the huuse of Elijah Phfili -s
•strict of C'.weia county, otic hundred and ihirlv or fortv
in-ail of S rot K CATTLE—it bung the entire slock be-
ongmg to the estate ot Z lehariuh Phillips late of l\ alton
uunty, deceased-Sold lor the benefit of the heirs and
creditors ol s id deceased Terms of salt will be a cred
of twelve months with small notes and approved securi
y ROB: RT \1. ECHOLS, Mm’r.
Sen' 18 !, • , 6t
For publishing at Columbus, Cla. a Political and
Miscellaneous Newspaper,
I N presenting to tbe public his prospectus fir a new pa
per at Columbus, the subscriber does not deem it n -
Cc ssary or t xpedient to go into a minute detail of !us politi
cal doctrim 5, or of bis particular views in regard tothe va
;ious topics which aou engage public attention, tie pre
sumes that his character as an editor is too well known
in Georgia to allow nun to gain ciedit anion- any part*,
with mere professions and empty promises. The public
will be apt ,o look to the past, in forming their estimal*
of 'the future, mid by that ordeal is he witling to be tued.
In the numerous political discussions, which the events ol
tbe day have called forth, his opinions of men and thing
have been publicly expressed, and are doubtless f.imih.n
with many of those to whom lit- now looks I'or |>ut* "n.>g'
and support. Those who have hitherto approved of hi
sentiments and been satisfied with die manner in wind
he has urged them, will, he trusts, still con inue their c 1,
fidence, without tbe renewal ol pledges, or a formal cot.
fession ol faith.
In reference however, to the present stall of parties
he fo gs leave to remark, tnat he trusts the absence ol ai
P'.litical excitement, will prove piopuieus to the cause cf
truth; and that now all parties, by wha ever m ires they
may have been distinguished wiii be permitted to labor fer
The general welfare, unobstructed by political jealousy, or
i!ie rancor of by-gone leuds. The undersignea Will * n-
dsavor to extend siill further this ge neral cordiality ol
letliug, and to allay the occasional symptoms ofexacerL.i-
iion to which a warmly contested election may give ri
and in this, and whatever other mensuie bt- may under
take, for the purpose of advancing the prosperity ol the
•state, he will count on ihe cordisl co-operation of every
gotd Citizen, however they may have previously differed
on points <-fpolitical faith.
Attached to the doctrines of the Revolution, and hold
ing in high veneration th.-i memory of those heroes and
sage®, by whom our liberties were achieved, and oui pre
sent admirable form of government established, the sub
scriber will endeavor to manifest the sincerity of his pro
fessions, bv exciting a feeling of attachment to tbeU-mo,
nd encouraging an entire confid* nee in ihe institutions
of our country He will inculcate tbe doctrine that it is
better to bear a slight and temporary evil, against which
we have a constitutional remedy, than to hazard all f 1
which our fathers fought, and so many martyrs labored
■fod bled He will not in any respect orniirk or disre
gard (lie rights or the interests of his own stale; yet he
must always view particular rights & interests, as relative
ly cjnn.cted with others, and he will never consent to the
sacrifice of » greater for a lesser good.
The subscriber wili endeavor to make The Democrat a
'chicle of general intelligence, and un interesting periodi
cal to the gentlemen of literature,*the agricu turist, the
merchant and mechanic. C. E. BARTLETT.
Columbus. July 3, 1830.
lOUti inomiis after date applicate u will be m *ue to
ttu- honorable tht: Inferior Cou t of Irwin county,
when sit'ing tor ordinary purposes, for leave to s t !| tK
Real Estate of Lewis Wagones, late of McIntosh county,
deceased, consisting olont tract of Land, No. 34, m .fit
3lsl district of originally Lee now Randolph couniy—lor
the benefit of the creditors of said deceased.
July 21 4 4m
Suverior Court, Jipril Term, 1830.
g T appearing to Uic- Court that John Leci’ov was in pos-
Jff session of a Deedcf Gift, given by Tuscorago Sboc-
b w»s, tu four negroes in tbe said deed named, a copy of
Inch is filed in the offic* of the Clerk of the said Court,
and that the same is lost or destroy ed—It is therefore or
dered by the Court, That the copy so fi'ed us ; foresaiii,
be established in lieu of the original so lost or destroyed
unless cause to the contrary b*- proven on or before the
hist day of ih next term of said Couit; and a copy oi
ibis Rule be st rved, or published in terms of tiie law tu the
Statesman &. Patriot.
A iruccopy from tiie Minutes, 4;'• lunp, 1830.
JOHN T. CARTER, c. 8. c.
mne 19 233 r»: m
Georgia—walton county.
By the Honorable the Inferior Court of said County, sit-
ting for Ordinary purposes.
j| f appeiring to the Court, that Benjamin Selman, latft
3. 1 l Morg in county,deceased, in his lifetime, extent a
1 is obligation to John Selman, then of Clark couniy, but
Lie o! Walton county, deceased, bearing date the 30th
June 1821, cenditi ned to make 8 go >.J and lawful war
rantee 1 ith- to fol number one hundred and seventy-two,
*n the tenth district of Habersham county:—And, it ap-
p uring iliatb'.ih the said Benjamin Sehnun and his Ad-
uuuistrator, uno th-, said Jobe Selman died without»
n'uig titles in conformity With said Band.
It is therefore ordered by Ihe Court Thai W illiam W.
vi Iniau, Administrator, de boms nun, of said Bcnjamia
linun, deceased, m ike titles to John H. Lowe, Admin
istrator of the said John Seiinan, deceased, iu conformi*
ty with Hit conditions of said bond.
A true extract from the minutes this 3d May, 2830.
may 15 228 Cm
< «urt of Ordinary, July Term, 1830.
Pr. s nt, tlu-ir Honors H ilson Whatley, Egbert B. Beall,
Robert, Jk Echols and Timothy Pittman, Justices of
ud Court.
R I LE NH—Upon the application of Benjamin
flammoi k. .utn.mistrator of John H. Benrdin, dc-
as d, st ting that he has fully discharged tht
'lin il .s Administrator aforesaid, and pravi»-<r lohe Jis- -
nrssed therefrom—It is ordered, That a- ft»uL-
be published once & month for six v r , > ,r -
mblic gazettes of this State, req^ ir l ° ^ ® l,9e uf
corned to sl. w Cduse, if -my the
disinissory bonld not b« grae p
A true extract from the n , .
»’ *nutes, this 12 h July, 183$.
july:7 ' ,£j '>SE MITCHELL, c. c. o.
nig all personation*
cave, v,hy £«td letters
GEOU ci* n j 77
Ctrl ..i' Pulaski
Cmny ^
WTBULE P JUi ' J a< ti 0Un,td Term * t83f> ‘
-K.W istv .... _ 11 f
M^VIUK months afttr date application will be marfo.,
“• the tionore.tiie the Inferior Court of Henry c-
when sdtir.g ,- or ordinary purposes, for leave Vo 8e ||
in tbe third I Kea ' e-staieuf Bnnjamin Canol, deceased— For the brn
’ efit ol the heirs and creditors.
June I, 1830 232
f t petition of Lewis Wood, admin*
| iasr u '|i' *»' Elisha Evans, deceased, shewetb that
* l’ravs' r ' 0 I t,p - d f hc administration of said Estate,
ordered' V? ^‘ sm ’ sse d tlitrefrom—Whereupon, it isr
ed oik . ** t ie C9urt > Tliat a copy of this rule b» publisb-
Zi \ f P v * a month lor six months in one of the public ga-
s > • -a or this Mate, requiring all persoirs concerned, to
ew cau^ (if any ihty have,) why said Letters Dismiss*,
aory should not be granted.
A true extract from the minutes, 30th July 1830.
A ' J g2l 7 gin
Adimuistrator’s Sale.
"BTNDER an order ui ihe honorable the Interior Court
^ '/ Monroe eimntyV'v hen sitting for ordinary purpo-
•* '>, »vi|l be sold, on the first Tui aday in December next,
fore the court-bouse door in - Forsyth-, Monroe county,
vitliin the usual hours of sale, two hundred two and a
-aIf acres of LAND, being lot No. 14, in the eleventh
disirict said county—said lot of land lies between Cullo-
'lens end Ichocuntto creek, contains' about twenty-five
teres cleared and under jgood fence; tka other part well
-mitered and of good toil. Sold as the property of Bai*
, y Sti-wurt, deceased. Terms on tl»e day of sale.
e . JOSEPH DAY, Mm’r.
September 11 10 gt
OUR months after date application will be made to
the Honorable the Inferior Court of Henry county,
when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Frac’
♦ir*n \n •» tU , n .
tinn No. 39t, in the 5th district Early county—belonging
‘to the estate of Alexander Moore, late of Henry county
deceased; to be sold for the'ben efit of the heirs and cred-
_ - . the heirs and cred
itors 01 said deceased.
July 17
I^OUK months after date application will be made to
E- the Honorable the Inft rior Court of Pulaski county
when sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a lot
of Land containing two hundred and thirty-seven acres,
lying in the couniy of Icfferson, belonging to the Estate
of Ueorge Motk, deceased—Sold for the benefit of tbe
heirs of said deceased.
_ MARY MOCK, Admr’i.
May 29 iw4tq
F OUR months after date application wiN be made to
the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Pulaski
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell Lot No. 293, in the 5th district of Troup, county—
for the benefit ol the heirs and creditors.
Jiilv l(>
Gnardhr for lur heirs of Mavo.
l^ ulJ R months after d;.tc application will be made to
^ ,e Honorable tha Inferior Court of Wilkinson coun
ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all
the real estate of Christopher P< arson, late of said coun
ty, deceased—For the bent-fii of the heirs and creditors
of said deceased.
8 4m
August 98
F OUR months after date application will be made td
the honorable the Inferior Court of Emanuel coun-
ty, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to ael!
all tbe real and part of the personal property belonging (0
the estate of Solomon Mercer, late of said county, decease -
September 25 u -
k'tm’r...; «
“ k