Newspaper Page Text
owxani£TT balss.
On the first Tuesday in November next.
B EFORE the court-house door in the town of Law*
1 ’•encerille, Gwinnett county, within the legal hours,
will be sold, the foltowinz PROPERTY, to wit:
The west half of LOT No. 2, in the town of Lawrence-
villa in said county, containing a quarter of an acre, well
Improved—l-jvicd on ns the property of Richard IL Les
ter to ssti'fy several ft. fas. in favor of William J. Rus
so!'. ig liost said Lester; levy made and return*^ to me
by a constable.
All th< interest which Jehu Cates basin LOT No. 294,
in th** 6lh district of said county; also two stacks of Fod
der and ten acres of Corn standing in the field—all levied
on as the property of said Jehu Cates, to satisfy a fi. fa.
in favor of N athan L. Hutchins.
Also, all the interest w hich Benjamin Williams his in
and to LOT of LAND, No. *>5, io the fifth district of said
county—levied on by William Brewster, Dcp. Sh’ff, as
th 1 - property of said Williams, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favjr
of Theophilus Hill against said Renjairttn Williams and
others. THOMAS WORTHY, Sh’ff.
Ou 2 13
Administrators Saio.
^yiLL Lesold, on Thursday the 28th day of October
next, at the house of Elijah Phidias ia the third
district of Cowelacountv, one hundred and thirty or forty
head of STOCK CATTLE—it being the entire stock be
longing to the estate of Z tchariah Phillips late of Walton
county, deceased—Sold tor the benefit of the heirs aud
crertitsrs of said deceased. Terms of sale will be a cred
it of twelve mouths with small notes and approved securi
Sent 18 11 6t
On the first 'Tuesday in November next,
^jnrriLL he sold, in the town of Clarksville, Haber-
f f cr-Inni county, within the lawful hours ot s«le,
the following PROPERTY, to wit:
Lot No. 34, it: the 11 th district of said-county—levied
on as the property of Cyrus Brnen, to satisfy a fi. fa.-
froui Chatham Superior Court in favor of Scott & Faghin.
vs John H. Ltruen aud Brothers.
On*: FRACTION, containing 116 acres, more or less,
No. 223, in th? lOih district of .‘•aid county, end one bay
Horse, Saddle and Bridle—all levied on es the property of
Joseph Lieuallen to satisfy a f:. la. in favor of Charles
Scisson, vs Francis Lieuallm, Joseph Lieuallen and Wor
thy Lieuallen.
Levied on till the right, title and interest of a lease cn
part of Lot No 17 i, in the 3d district of said county, ad
joining land of William McCollum—ns the properly of
Thomas Davis, to s itisfy a fi. fa. from a Magistrate’*
court in favor of Thomas J. Rusk, vs said Davis; levy
made and returned by a constable.
Oct 2. A. MAULDIN, D. Sh'ff.
Administrator’s Sale.
W ILL be sold, on the fourth day of November rex’,
at the late residence of Reuben B. N* al, in the
county of Newton, the whole of the perishable property
belonging to said Reuben B. Neal, dte’d.—consisting ol
Corn. Fodder, Horves, Cattle, Hogs, Cotton, Household
and Kitchen Furniture, end other articles. »
September 25 12 6t
GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of
Taliaferro county, while sitting for ordinary porpo-
ses, will be sold, at the court-house in Coweta county, on
the fiiot Tuesday in December next, two hundred two and
t half aerds of being I notvfi by No. 62, in the
fifth district of Coweta county—being part ef the real es
tate of Nancy Andrews, late **f Taliaferro county, dceens
cd. Sold for the Lentil: of the heirs rind creditors of said
deceased. MARCUS ANDREWS, Mm'r.
September 25 12 td 3
Administrator’s Sale.
A GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of
’3. Walton county, when sitting for ordinary purposes,
will be sold on the first To«sday in January next, at the
court-house in said county, six hundred and twenty.right
acres of LAND, more or less, lying in the third district
of said county, on the waters of Jock amt ft.mbby ertek.
and adjoining lands of Wm. Roberts, Daniel R. m y,
Brink!* y Boice and others. Sold as the. property of The
ophilu.s Hill, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs, fee
Conditions on the day of sale. T. J. HILL,
October 9 14 I3t Mm'r.
T’iie &mbsember
For publishing at Columbus, Ga a Political and
Miscellaneous Aevespupcr,
Np resenung to the public his prospectus f jr 8 new pa- \
per at Columbus, the subscriber dues not deem it ne
cessary or expedient to go tntoa minute detar of hi* politi
cal doctrim «, or of bis prirUcula^viens in r* to the va-
i iuus topics which now engage public att* nUtn. He. pre
sumes that bis character as an edi'-or is loo welt knov. a
in Georgia to allow him to gain ciedjt baton? any party,
with mere professions and empty promis< a. -The p -blic
will be apt o look to the past, in terming thor estimate
<T the future, and by tb it ordeal is be writing to be tried.
In the numerous political discussions, w hich the i vrnts of
the day have called forth, his opinions of m a and thing*
nave been publicly expressed, and are doubtless f;.miliar
with many of those to whom he r.o» looks tor patronage
and support. Those who have hitherto approved *•!' iris
.sentiments and bicn satisfied wiiii the manner in which
lie has urged them, will, hi trusts, frill coil nine thtir con
fidence, without tae renewal ol pltuges, or a formal con
fession ot fuitb.
In reference however, to the present state of pirtir®.
lie b* g# leive to remark, that he trusts the absence of
^political rxeiicir.ent, will prove propiwotts to the cause o*
^truth; and that now ail parties, by whatever n. liras they
t may have been distinguished will he pt-rmiHed to iahor for
j the general weifire, unobstructed hy political jealousy,cr
) the rancor of by-gone feuds. The undersigned will en
deavor to extend sltl! further this generri corch dity of
H W TNG completed and enlarged his buiMirg-s, tenders anew his thanks to iris friends and the public for tbeit i feeling, and to allay the occasional symptoms ofexacerba-
many favors her*tofore conf. rred on him in his department of busine-s, itnd solicits a continuation of their {tjon to which a warmly coi
Guardian’s Sale.
On tnefirst i'uesday in November next,
W ILL be sold, before the court-house door in the
town of Monroe, Walton county, within tne Usual
hours of sale, the following PROPERTY, to wit:
All the interest belonging to John J. Pass in a certain
negro WOM AN, by the name of F.aster, about 28 years
of age—levied on to satisfy afi. fa. issued out of the Supe
rior cpcrt of Henry county, in tavor of Leonard Bissell
vs said John J. Pass: property pointed out hy the plaintiff.
September 25 I"
On the first Tuesday in November next,
ILL be sold, it the court-house in Swaiusbororgh,
V » Emanuel county, between the usual hours i>f sale,
tb; following PROPERTY, to wit:
Two honored and eighty-seven and a half acres of pine
L\ND lying in said county on the wafers of Ogeechee
river adjoining land of Thomas Drew and James Uealea;
also one other tract containing three hundred acres pine
Land, lying in said county, adjoining land of rhomas
Drew—all levied on ns the property »f James VVealea,
sen. to satisfy one fi. fa. in favor of Benjamin Sherrard,
vs James Wealea and losiah C. Drew; levy made and
returned to me by a constable.
Oct 2 JOHN OGLESBEY, Sheriff.
Aiimiinstrator’s Sale.
A GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of
Wilkinson county, while sitting for ordinary purpo
ses, will be soid, on the first Tuesday in November next,
at the cour-house door in Irwinton, Wilkinson county,
the PLANTATION whereon Brice Paul, lute of said
county, dcceised, resided—containing three hundred a-
crcs, more or leu- The same being part of the real es
tate of sai:l Brice Paul, deceased. Sold for the benefit of
the heirs of said deceased—Terms made known on the
Stptll 10 8t
^^GREEABLY' loan order uf the Honorable the Infe
rior Court of Emanuel county, when si’tinu for or
dinary purposes, will be sold, at the court-house dour in
Lawrenceville, Gwinne't county, on the firet 7’ <sdiy in
November next, nil the right, title, interest arid claim* i
the Orpliuns of *ohn Tann-e, late of Emanuel county, do
censpd, to LOT number 208, in the 7th district of said
county. Terms cash. Sold for the benefit of said or
phans. JOHN CHASON, Guardian
September 4 9 8
„ - , . . — .—..—warmly contested election may give ria*.
labors His HOUsE is large and commodious—containing nearly fortt fire places— an open Piazza and Bal- J ar! j in this, and whatever other measure be may ur.-U r-
cont rearly 200 fort forg, fronting the State-Hopse, immediately on the public square, and nearer than any'
other Tavern tu the Stu.-House— with doors and stairs not intersecting other rooms—Which will enable him
to accommodate a great tunny Members of t;je Legislature and transient customers. If they will be pleased to
fivor b;m with a call, be flutters himself, that, f. om his long experience—strict attention to business—and moder
ate prices, b* will merit a large snare of public patronage. His fiitnrls siiai.l meet with a warm recepriun on
irieir aiTtval, and h- will • vert himself to dismiss ih- m in a goad humor with himself aud his establishment. He
ifnows that none are better prepared to entertain, than himself-—and he is determined none shat exceed him in the
■bundance oml quality of his supplies, lie is well furnished with every tiling the country for the Tabfo, the
Bar and the 'Stable. SAMUEL BUFFINGTON.
JVillrdgeville, September :>5{h !S30. 12 4t
SH VLL, on the first Monday in January next, at
the Inferior Court thr o held in the county of New
ton for ordinary purposes, make application to said Court
for leave to seil the following NEGROES, to wit;— Clay-
horn, Nancy, Ruse, Dinah, Nathan Derry, Peter, \i|.
ley* Ueney, Turner, .Moses, 7'ilman and Cooiy— which
aaid negmes belong to the estate ol Reuben B. Neal, iat*
of Newton count', deceased.
September 25 J2 mtd
HE subscriber inform, hi trirn the public—and
A LL those ind*bt* d to ‘he estme of Reuben B Nenl,
late of Newton county, deceased, arc request ii to
nuke immeditite payment—and all persons having rie-
the Membra of 'he Lagisla'ore—that the same
fare may still be had at bi> OLD STAND which they
have heretofore erj \v* d. His HOUSE is one of the must
central in Millf.dgeville—being on tlie corner of the
Stale-House Square—betwn-ii the Dirien &l St le lianhs
and convenient to the Central Bank, lie wit! still exert
himself to please in t!*e various departments of his busi
ne«s. His friends know him, und s.rnn2;er8 arc reques e<*
to call and see. MARK D. IIUbON.
October P 14 3*
uands against Said deceased, are requested to present
them duly authenticated within the time prescribed by
September 25 12 6t
H^IOUR months aPer date application will be made to
SU the honorable the Inferior Court of Irwin
Administrator’s Sale.
A GREE YBLY to an order of the honorable the Infe
rior Court of Newton cauniy, while silting for ordin-
iry purpuses, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in D.-cem-
uer m x , at the courl-iiouse in said county, within the
usual hour* of sale, four hundred eighty-seven and three
fourth acres of LAND, more or less, with the. exception
of the widow’s dower for life—it being parts of Lots num
bers 258, and 247—lying and being iu originally the first
district of YValten now Newton county.
Also, on the flint Tuesday in January nex‘, will be sold
at the said court-house, within the usual hours of sale,
12 NEGROES—men, women, bov«, girls and children—
all sold as the property of John Conner, late of Newton
county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Terms
made known on the days of sale.
W. CONNER, Mm'r.
Septtmber 25 12 lit
when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tin
Kea! Estate of Lewis Wagones, la'*’ of ,McIntosh county,
deceased, consisting of one tract of Land, No. 34, in the
31st district of origin-,liy Lee now Randolph county—for
the benefit of the credilors of said decuas* d.
July 21 4 4m
F OUR months alter date application will he made It
the Honorable the Inferior Court of Henry county
when bitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Fac
tion No. 391, in the 5th district Early county—belungintr
to the estate of Alevnndcr Moore, late of Henry county ,
deceased; to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and ct ed
itors of said deceas-d.
July 17 2 4m
Administrator’s Sale.
W ILL be son , ut tin place of holding Court in the
county of Randolph, cn the first Tuesday in Jan
uary next, wit riii the usual hours of sale,
Lot ot LAND, No. 95. to the 32*1 district oi
originally Lee, now Randolph county—said land aold by
an o de» of ihe honorable Inferior Court <*f Newton noun
ty, v lute si ting for ordin ry purposes, «s ihe property ot
William Lane, sen. deceased.
Sepit mber 4 9 ^t
Administrator’s Sale.
W ILL be sold, at the court-house in the town of
Grr-envrlle, "vleriwcther county, on the first Tues
day m December n xt. within the usual hours of sale,
Lot A L \.ND. No 158, in the 8th district
of origin illy Troup now Meriwether county—said land
s dd an order -*f the honorable Inferior Court of N* w-
t- n ctvjnty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, as the pro-
per»*. i f William Lane, sen. deceased
Sup.' mbc r 4
Adimaistruior 8 date.
ILL be soid, u. the court-house in the town of Cov-
Newton county, on the first Tuesday in
Janu vry next, U*e follow ing NEGROES, to wit:
Ciav l ‘'t» , n, N.mny, R*»se, Dinah, Nathan
D-, ,y, Pi ter, Wiley, R* nev, Turner, Tilman, Moses ami
Coxiy. Said nf gross soid as the property of Reuben B.
Neal, d' censed, aod by order of the honorable the Inferi
or Court of Newton county, while sitting for ordinary
purposes. JONATHAN C. MACKEY, Adra’r,
Se; fombtr 25
Administrator’s Sale.
I N pursuance of an order of the honorable the Court
of Ordinary of Franklin county, will be Bold, on the
first Tm sday in December next, at the court house in Ba
ker county, a
lying in s mt county of Baker, No. 59, in the 3d distric
foi^i rij Early now Baker—containing two hundred and
fif y acres-- Dr iw„ by Thomas Ciark, and sold for the
benefit of bi-. ii' irs and creditors. Terms made known
on the day of sale.
1 I 9!
F OUR months after date application wiil be made t*
the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Pulaski
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for le ivr t
*c»l Lot No. 293, n the 5th district of Troup county—
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.
-Intv 10 Guardi;,!! fo. *1 * |«>>ir.v *>f ■ v»
iTIriUK montbs after d .te •ippiicauon will be nmue io
L" the Honorable the Inferior Court of A ilkinson coun
ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a)
Jhertal estate of Christopher l’* arson, late of sai-J coun
•.j, dtceased—For the benefit of the heirs and creditor.-
of said deceased.
August 28 8 dm
EMAiolXi in ihe P-.>si-Oifict at Lawrenceville,
Georgia, on the 1st October, 1830.
The undersigned informs his
friend* a ml th- j> .biic that uiu HOUSE
is again open f>r th-* reception ol
M ui s of tlif? Legislature, and others who rna> nil —
Every attention will be given to entire lit*: accomra.ida-
tion and comfort of such s» may f .vor him w *ih tb*ir cus
Ocoher 9 14 3t
RENT. »h-.f s-j * *!•!= p.rd well
JL ar ang.d TAVBAI7, in the
in 133
tow ti of Soar;
Hancorti 13 ■, at p--c-
sen: occupied ! y Mr. W illiam Markir.
This eslulili.shmi nt is not su-j>assed by
iry of a similar Lind in the npcountij
ami w«h. no judieio'ia manag*meef, yic ! d a hands-un*
return on the capital employed* The fornituie and sf<?el.
will b: sold on a credit f<*r approved p .p r, t > any person
<r tmrsons who m iy contract for die pfi mises.
Possession will Ire giv* n on tin 1st Nov. mb* r p* xt.—
Apply to * RIcKLNZ!E k I ENNOCH.
;-Cj=* The Georgia Journal >1 u F ■ era I Union, the. A-
thenian, Cabinet, a»d vtasl.ii pton News, will inset t Ih*
above mce a «f It, for six w * k 1 -, and rend their account
to McKe»zicand Beirnocb, Augusta.
Sept 11 10
SUBaCllIBF.R, (late propri* tor of the Glotic
.JL Hotel, and more recently of the Mansion House.,)
begs leave to announce to his friends and the public gen
eral 1 )’, that he has taken that elegant and commodious fir*
proof Brink Building on the corner of Broad and Jackson
streets, and immediately adjoinir gthe new Aiassnio Hall.
It is situated in the most central part of the City, and is
in the very heart of business—being in the vicinity of the
.ugusta Bank, and the Branch bank of the State of Gtor-
This establishment is known ns the GLOBE HOTEL,
and in its interior arrangement and general construction,
•mites in a:i eminent deg r ee, spaciousness, neatness, und
comfort. To the man of family, the individual traveller.
Ihe daily boarder, or the fashionable visiter, the GLOBE
presente accommodations inferior to none in the Southern
Having conducted for a number of years, two among the
most Popular Hotels in this City, he flatters hims* if that
us experience in business, ad Jed to the superior advanta
ges of situation and the resources under his confrotil. will
enable him to give, the most decided satisfaction to ail
vho nm> honor him .with their patronage.
Eis STABi.F.S ore spacious and well Tentilated, and
.triply i*uppli*d with the best of provender, and at-
leuded by i jtperi* ncid and steady Ostlers—in addition
which, the subscriber will bestow his own personal un-
remiiting attention, and in hischarges, will not forget the
pressure of Ihe times.
take, for the purpose of advancing the prosperity ot ti.c
state, he will count on the cordial co=opcration of every
guod citizen, however they may have previously diiJtrtii-
on points of political faith.
Attached to the doctrines of the Revolution, and hold
ing in high veneration the mem> ry of tho.--e heroes anil
sages, by whomocr Utilities v.tre achieved, a no om pre
sent admirable form of gov*, intent established, the sub
scriber vvi!} endeavor t’> manifest the sincerity of Iiisprc-
fessiaiis, by exciting a fciting ofaitaclinient to the U'eicn,
and encouraging an entire confidence in
of our country He will inculcate the doctrim that it ia
better to bear a slight and temporary evil, against whit!:
we have a constitutional remedy, than to hazard »li for
which oui fathers fought, and so many maityrs labored
nd bled He will not in any respect overtook or disre
gard the rights or the intr rrsis of bis own state; yet he
must always view particular rights k tnie.n sis, as relative
ly emmet* d with others, and he w ill never consent to the
sacrifice of a gaoler for a Icsscrgoetfo
The subscriber will endeavor to make The Democrat 1
vehicle of general intelligence, and an interesting periodi
cal to the gentlemen of literature, the agricH.turist, the
merchant and nx chan*c. C. L. BARTLETT.
Columbus, July 3,1830.
rsvtF. editor of the Dcm-jcrat takes this opportunity cf
JL returning his thanks to those of bis inends vw>
have interested themselves in Obtaining stihrcrib* n* to his
paper, end requests that all subscription lists be return* d
to him at Columbus by the 1st ol October; nt which time
it Is espcctrd tbeortablishment will go into opetation.
Columbus, 'September 15th, 1830 12
GEORGIA—Walton cann y.
T W 'N f Y days after the publication hereof, applicn-
tion will be made to the Honorable the Tnh-rior
Court, when sitting for ordinary pnrposts, to appoint ti*
80*1 proper persons to distribute am! assign to the lick's
of Tlipophiius Hi’l, late of said county, deceased, tee
NEGROES belonging to the ethrie ol said deceased.
October 2 * 14 ' 2t
« rlLL keeps opt n a tfovse of ■ Entertainment
qu r.
Kjt at thr soit'h-vvesf corner ol the puhli
in the I "wii * f Marion Twiggs, county, and ui
U'lges himself to tlios* 1 who m y f vor b io n th *! •
calls, to do the best lie can. HENRY LOYLES
Marion, Sept 10 11 tf
Administrator’s Sale.
T"TNDEU so orutr ol the honorable the Inferior Court
liJ of VI joroe county, when sitting for ordinary purpo-
s*. ' 1> be sold, on the first Tuesday in December next,
b- ore tue court-house door in Forsyth, Minwoe count),
wiii. 0 th* usual h urs of sale, two hundred two and »
hu if icres of LAND, being fot No. 14, in the eleventh
djf n.-i said coumy—said lot of land lies between Cullo-
d< ns nod IcOocunua veek, contains about twenty-five
ac .-s cleared and unde; ^>od fence; Ibe other part well
timber 'd and of good toil. Sold as the property of Bai-.
ty .StiWirt, deceased. Terms on the day of sale.
agfeabern . JD Bt
fuho Anderson
Harrison Arnold
Oiviii Abbett
John Brewster
I Joel Brown
A m F Barrett
John M Bell
A m Brewster
Alexander Brown
Robert Brooks
John Bennett
James Berry
Almon Br)sn
John Boland
Fanny Brunnon
Richard Bostick
James Urauburj
Amos Barnett
James Bonds
Benjamin Brand
A K Craig 2
Mathew Cothroa
Royal Clay
Clement Carrol
Robert Day
Peter Daniel
Dawson Davis
U ni Duster
Samuel Day
Eli Elkins
Halley G Fuller
Rboda Farrow
Solomon Farmer
Morgan Fields
Elijah Foster
tv ui Fields
John Freeman
Isaac Gilbert
VVney Glover
Abraham Garrett
John Garner
Thomas Griffin
Ez< kiah Green
Win Holland
John Horn
Richard Hutchinson 2
James Holcomb
Reiimond Hutchins
Wesllcy Jackson
Nathan Jcsttr
Elizabeth D Jackson
Frederick Johnson
David J Jones
Luke Johc«>n
Am G Johnson
>arah Johnson
George Koon
tV'm Kn.ix
Noah Kite
VI oses Kemp
October 9
James Kmg
Henry Langford
Z cfuirinh Lee
Jonathan Long
M ic jah Long
Joli:i E Lev* rett
Jackstni Monroe
Janies .McGinnis
John iVicLune
Berry Muliican
John O Aleara
James Morris
Joseph Mahom
\\ m Mathews
TVillis Moore
David Moore
Blancy Meek
J-isirth 1’. Milton
Mi. N>sbit
Nancy Nance
Mrs. Owen
Sion Ptarce
Geo Perry 2
Benj imin Powel
Jesse Pounds
Lewis Parham
Lovick Pierce
John It -belts
Richard Richardson
John Roper
David .-^ay* rs
Jnue3 H Smith 2
Francis Shackelford
Pet* r Shutly
Reuben Sams
Wm Suliivant
Sion Stricklin
Wm Sisson
John Steel
Elijah Teague
Martha Turner
James Thompson
Benjamin Teague
WH1 Taylor
Dennis Still
Benjamin Trible
Morris Walden
John Warren
Wm Wharion
Allen R Wilson
Thomas Worthy 3
Edivin Walls
George M Waters 3
S trail Ann W’lnborh
Willis L Wells
James Williams
John Wharton
Samuel W r ood
Joseph Yeager
Abner Yeager 2
A. R. SMITH, P. M.
H 3t
For Sale, or Real.
THE .mdiTsigniat *ff rs foi sale bis fstablisl-
liihmcnt in the town *ri vioi ro*‘, Walton countv.
occupied by him for s* veralyears p *st a« TAV
It is a corner tot, convnihntty situated, ha vine
n excellent garden in good cultivation, f .rnishing abund
antly season-hle v< g t tables. The dwt-llirg house i- Lrg
*nd comm<Mious, having attached thereto every out build
ing necessary fa’ convenience and comfort. Fpicions
si:ib!*-s on an adjoining lot have been erre'ed. combining
lie .idran'age fif 6tcniity. with trial of Distance fr m the
.•rincip *1 h'tii.iirg. Attached to th lot i* n ‘.Veil of mast
capital A .ifi-r, equal to any in the up reunify. As Wai
ion coon y is proverbial for its healthy climate,, r;rf t!-es<>
cietyoftha and country iufori r tr
none in tb* 1 V\* stern part * f (Jeoreia, <■ more lic e * al>lr
situation than that now off red for sale, rrold*:* !) I;-
-eiectcd fof the residence of a private fami.v, or the bus
in* «s to widen the subscriber bus heretofore devoted ir.
i' rsLins disposed to purchase, or rent, the above, di.-rrii'-
ed property are invited to call and j ,dge for themselves.
Possession given at any time.
Mmrot Sent 25th. 1S30 12 4t
XJ* The. Charleston Stages arrive at tbe Globe H
to!, every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, ntf
• clock, k depart every Puesttay, Thursday and Saturdri;
•norring, nt half past 3. The Washington and Atfien-
"Inge, depar's every Tuesday and Saturday morning, n»
3 o’clock, and arrives every Wednesday and Sunday eve
•ling at 6 o’clock. The F.lberton .Stale departs ever-
imiifiy morning, at 4 o’clock, and arrive* cv**ry Frida
>'venir'g ;*t 6. The Pendleton Stage departs ev*-ry T*ies-
ny, at 4 -’clock io the morning, anil arrives etery .Mon-
GF.ORGIA—Walton county.
HERE AS, Wiliiani Price applies to me for letters
v Y of Administration on the estate of George Prico,
late of said county, deceased :
These arc therefore to cite and admonish ol* the kin
dred and creditors of said dtu'C'sed to he arid appear at
ir-y office, within the time prescribed by law, »u shew
cju**c, if any they have, why said letters sh-mid not be
Given under my hand, this 2d Oc'nbcr 1S30.
JKoSE Mi l tilLLL, c. c. 0.
Oct 9 14 51
GEORGIA, RabunconvJij.
W HEREAS, Samuel ecpin * t*> mi- for leUcrg
of A*lmiuistrdtit.n on the esialo of Curtis \\ at-
son, late of said county, deceased :
These are therefore to cite and admoni.-b tV kindred
*ud creditors ofoaid deceased, to appear at my *-fiice «i'h-
u the time pr<«cnhed by ln ic , to skew cause, if any they
•lave, why said lett* rs fhould not be •’’•anted.
Gricn under my hand this 21st (toy of September, !8‘*0.
iy nt 2 o’chick in Ihe evening. Tbe Milleilg* viile Stag-
arrives every day except Thursdiv, at 7 o’clock in Ihe eve
ning, ond depaits wiry d y except Wednesday, at 2 o’
clock in the morning. Tin Savannah Stage arrives eve
ry ''ond.iy Wednesday and Friday, at 10 o’clock in the
morning, and departs every Sunday, Tuesday and Tiiurs
day, r*t 2 o’clock in the morning.
Augusta, Orf. I, 1829 196 f
|25i ! ag}g
^flHE have. na» ornkr the hands of th
ngrsvcr in New York, a coin pi te-and spiuuliv!
dap of the State of Georgia, the griaUr part compil e
from actual sjrvey, with all the district- c .refully l.iiJ
down and nutntiered, the whoie completed witli g>eat la-
bor aod exactness from the latest and must authentic in
formation, in a style not interior to any thing of ;be kind
yet presented to the public, with a tabie nfdigtnuces from
the Seat oi Government to every county site or place ol
importance in the Slate The districts in tbe new pur-
hase and lower coun ti* are all numbered in t he corn- rs,
so as to enable a person to ascertain trie exact situation
uf any lot of land, and will b, painted and finished off in
he neatest manner—apart of them '-anvasst-d, varnished
and j laced on rollers, tbe balance will be on thin paper
nicely folded in morocco covers, and will be for sate in
Milledgeville by the first of Oetobe n.xt. Tims*: on rol
lers at Five Dollars, and the pocket map of the same size
at Four Dollars.
Persons residing at a distance wishing to procure the
nap can do so by .sending by their m mfccrs, as a sufii
cie.nt number of them will he kept in Miiiedgcville during
•he session of the Legislature.
THE Subscriber respectfully inform-
hi-* friends and the public in general, liiu
iic has npi-ped a HOUSE cf
in Carroll.ton, Car,-oil count), (j>. and
flitter-, hints* it that be will give as gener
al s-iUrtaelnm to alt that may favor trim with their patron
age as any uth*r Ir.n-Rceper in as newly settled country
•«s ibis—1 hough Carr ill county has been kept in the
ground, defim ed and shaded hy reports, yet I hope ali
"'ill soon he blow n away by the sunshine of virtue, nor-
fored by the Gospel of Christ, and the instruction of arts
and sciences—So fall untl see c. McCarty.
April 24 295 tf
GEORGIA, Henry county.
W HEREAS Sarau Mercer applies to me for letters
of Administration on the estate oi Daniel Mc. ctr.
ate of said county, deceased:
These are therefore t > rite and admonish all and sirgu-
ir, the kindred and credit r* of snid dec* asvo, tpb* nnd
• ppenr at my office, within the time prescribed by tow,
to shew cans*-, if any they have, why said letters ‘should
not be granted.
Given under my hand, this 15lh dsy of Seotember
I80O. GUY VV. SMITH, d. c. c. o.
Sept 25 12
A LL persons arc hereby cauti*,ned from trading with
mv wif •
Patirkcb, woo has left mv hr-d and board
Wiriiout dr;y prov.,cation, *nd thtrefo.e I am detrrmined
n:.t to pay any >f her contracts unless compelled by Ian
—an<l I also tbrw. rn any person from harboring or let
ting h*.r*tay ab *ut their houses, at tbe expense of the law.
Emanuel co. Oct 2 13 3 t
^ i j , 'iOUK monihs afterdate application will be made to
JL Ih honor ble the Inferior Court of F.manuai conn
tv, when Bitting for Ordinary purpose-, for leave to sett
all the real and part of the personal property belonging to
the estate of Solomon tvletcer, late of said > ountv, deceos-
• ti- DAVID GRIFFIN, Anm’r.
September 25 12 4 m -
OUR months after date application wiii be made to
the honorable the Inferior Court of the county of
Newton, white sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to
sell the whole of the real estate belonging to the estate of
‘ Reuben B. Neal, kite of Newton county, deceased.
September 25 12 4 m
A LL persons having demands against the estate o;
Z.ichariab Phillips, late of VYaltun county, deceas
*d, are requested to present them in terms of Ihe law tiu
Iy authenticated—an-i those indebted to the estate are
also requested to make immediate payment to
Sept 18 H fit
GEORGIA, Henry county.
W HEREAS Richard T. Sappiuglon applies to me
lor letters of Administration on the estate of Da
vid M Stewar', late of said county, deceased:
1 hise are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu
lar, the kindred and creditors of 6a|n deceased,-to be and
appear atm. office within the tiara prescribed by law, to
i ^NOUR months after date application will be made to
the honorable the Inferior Court of Walton county,
when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the
Real Estate of Frances Nash, deceased.
May 15,1830. ra4in
GEORGIA, Pulaski county.
Court of Ordin >ry, July adjourned Ttrm, 1830.
K ULE NI8I.—The petition of Lewis Wood, admin
istrator of Elisha Evans, deceased, shewetb that
he has fully completed the administration of said Estate,
and prays to be dismissed therefrom—Whereupon, it is
0rdertdby th* Court, That a copy of this rule be publish
ed once a mouth for six months in one of tbe public ga
zettes of this State, requiring all persons eornt nied, to
1 - m ■ » r * v l m'sh * law la ■■ liv 1 oi'iic l I li\ .1. kCI
r.ln!!?’ 1 any nave * wby said k 11 ®” shou,J not *hc*v cause (if any they hare,) why said Letters Dismiss-
sory should pot lie granted.
te granted.
Given under my Kard, Ibis 15th day of September,
!S30. GUY W. SMITH, n. c. c, 0,
Sept 25 fy
A true extract from the minutes, 30th July, 1830.
Ang« f Gm
GEOUtilA—Wilkinson county.
I o the Honorable Superior Court of said Comity.
f p r tition ot Jonii nail s:.f.t\f.h, tturi AVjHiani oat-
-S. son of said county, heretofore, to v. ii: on the fif
teenth day cl February, in tbe ytar of our Loid eighteen
iiundrcd anGriwinty-emhl, liecott-ti and deliverccto your
petitioner, his certain Deed of, bcarirg date tiie
day an year aforesaid, and now shewn to the Court—
•vliich doed of mortgage conveyed a certain Tr; ct or Let
of LaDd, containing two hundred two and half acres, sit-
uate, lying aqd being in the liffh district of said co*’n v,
-tml known by tbe number two hundred and eleven; which
tract or lot of Land was mortgaged for the better sreur-
:ng to your peti ioner a certain prumissnry nc t im.^ce by
the said William Batson, for the sum of Thir*v-mn* dol
lars and seventy cents wiih interest from the date there
of, payable to your petitioner on tbe tt-enty-fifth dny o
December, eighteen hundred anti twen»y-ti«ht, end is now
to the Court shewn; and your petitioner further sheweth
that there is now doe or. said note the whole of the princi
pal and interest, and therefore prays that unless the said
William Batson pays into the ( fork’s office of this Court
the amount of principal and interest that is now due or
us y become due, together with ah cost that mav accrue
*Khrn six month* from the date hereof, that the Equity of
redemption in and to said morigaged premises be thence^,
forth and forever bam d and foreclosed.
Whereupon, 00 motion, It it ordered ly the Court, Thai;
unless tbe amount ot principal, intirest and cost^fiatis
new due or may become due on said note and mortgage,
he paid unto the Clerk’s office of the Court, within the"
time aforesaid, that tue eq *ity of redemption in and to ■
sal ' mortgage premise.*, be thenceforth and forever barred
aud foreci08i^d.
And be it fuilhtr ordered, That a copy cf this Rule be
published once a month tor six months in some one of
the public gaz' ttes ol this State, or be perst rrjily served
on the said Wi'lians Batson three months before the expt-
ration of this rule.
A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this 1%
day of April, JS3Q.
april 24 * 225 aifirn
Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1830.
Pree*.nt, their Honors Ditoft W hatley, Egbert B Beat?,
Robert M. Echols and Timothy Pittman, Justices of'
said Court.
R ULE NI?I.—Upon Ihe application of Bmjamhi
Hammock, administrator of John H. Beardin, de
ceased, stating that be has fully discharged the duties as-
sign-jd as Administrator aforesaid, and praying to be dis
missed therelr m—It is ordered, That a copy of Ibis Rule
be published once a month for six months in ope of the
public gazettes of this State, requiring all persons cod-
ccrned to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters'
dismissory should not be granted.
A true extra* fir opt the minutes, this I2tb July, ISJO^.
jniy 17 +