Newspaper Page Text
On the first Tuesday in November next
B EFORE the court-house door in the town of Law-
rcnccviUe, Gwinnettcounty, wiHiin l!ie legal hours,
vriii be 9»ld, the fo'l wing PROPERTY, to wit:
The west hull of LOT No. 2. in the town of Lawrence
vilie in said county, containing a quarter of an acre, well
improved—levied on as the property of Billiard 14. L**s
ter to satisfy several fi. fas. in favor cf William J. Rus
sell against said Lester; levy made and returned to mr
ly a constable.
All th. interest which Jehu Cates basin LOT No. 984,
in lit * 6lh district of ^aid county; also two stacks of Fod
der ,unl ten acres of Corn standing in the field—all levied
on as the property of said Jeliu Cates, to satisfy a fi. fa.
in favor of Nathan L. hutching.
Also, all the interest which Benjamin Williams h is in
and to LOT of LAND. No. 85, in the fifth district of said
roiinly—levied on by William Brewster, D*‘p. Sh’l/, a*
Hr* proper, y of said Williams, lo satisfy a fi. fa. in l »voi
of T/ieophilus liill against said Benjamin v \ ill* »n»s and
others. THOMAS WORTHY, h’ff.
Oct 2 13
On the first Tuesday in November next,
W ILL l*c sold, in thitownof WlarksviMo, Haber*
ersh’itn county, within the lawful hours ot sale,
t^ie fdlouing PROPERTY, to wit:
Lot No. 34, in the 1 ith district of said county—levied
on is the property of Cvrus Bruen, to satisfy n fi fa.
fro a fhalhani Superior Court in favor of Scott k F.ighrrt
vs 'ob.t H Bruen and Biot!ter9.
One FRACTION, containing 113 icres, more or less,
No. 223, in the 10th district of ■>ani, and one bay
H •trse, Saddle arid Bridie—.01 It vied on us the pr operty of
Jos ph Lieuallcn to satisfy a fi. I.i. in favor of Charles
Sctsson, vs Francis LieuaILn, Joseph Licuailcn and Wor
thy LietiuHcn.
Levied on nil the right, title nnd interest of n lease on
part of Lot No 173, in the 3:1 district of said county, ad
joining land of William McCollum—js the property of
Thomas Davis, to satisfy n fi. fa. from a Magistrate 1 '
court in favor of Thom is J. Rusk, vs said Davis; levy
made and returned by a constable.
Oct 2. x. MAULDIN D. S/t’/f
Administrators Q a!e.
f^RL be gviU, uii » uarsdav me^blti il:-y of October
■f w utit», at tiic bousS'of Elijah Ihuli *» in the third
district of Ccwet»Tounty, one hundred and thirty or forty
bead of STOCK CATTLE—it bung the entire stock be
longing to the estate of Z.ichariub Phillips, late of W alton
county, deceased—Sold lor the benefit of the heirs anu
creditors ot s.-id d: ceased. Terms of rule will be a cretl
it of twelve months with small notes and approved seeuri
Sep' 18 it Ct
Aduiiiiistrator’s Sale.
W ILL be sold, on the four!h day of November nex',
at the lata residence of Reuben B. Neal, in the
county of Newton, the whole of the perishable property
belonging to said R» vben B. Neal, dec’ll.—consisting of
C mn Fodder, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Cotton, Household
and Kited .u Furniture, nnduthcr articles.
September 25 12 6i
GRr.EABLY lo an order of the Infmior Court of
Taliaerro county, while fitting for ordinary purpC-
j ses, will he sold, at the court bouse in Coweta county, on
the fir.-t Tuesday in December next, two hundred two and
! i half errs of LAND, it being known by No. G2, in the
! fifth district of Coweta county—feting purl of the real es-
I tale ofNancy Andrews, late rf Taliaferro comity, deceits
j od. Suld for the Lem fit of the heirs and creditors of said
j deceased. MARCUS ANDREW’S, JJdm'r.
September 25 12 ids
Administrator's Sale;
GRECABLY i. an outer of the Inferior Court of
W alien county, when sitting for ordinary purposes,
wiii be sold on the first Tin sJay in Januarr n- xt,. at the
court-house in saitl county, six hundred mid ■maii.j.etakt
acres of LAND, more or Ices, lying in the third district
of said count v, on tbe waters of Jack an i tSmbhj preek,
and adjoining lands of Win. Roberts, Daniel Rau y,
Brinfefe y Botct and others. Soid as tin* properly i,-f ' he.
opliilus Hill, deceased, for the bentfi'. cf the heirs, fee
T ti E subscriber iidt)rm> bi friemis—t! <• public—and
the Memt»ers of the Legislature—that the same
fare may still be had at bis OLD STAND which th< >
have heretofore i njoyed. His HOUSE is one of tb* - must
centra! in Millfdgf.Vilix—bring oo the rare r of th-
Stcte-Honse Square—between the D:rien &. St ts Bunks
and convenient 16 llic Central Bank. He u ill still x n
himself lo please in the various departments of his busi
ness. His friends know him, and sming. rs ore requos eti
to call and see. MAfKD MLSON.
Oct .'her 9 14 3'
The undersigned informs his
Iriendsand t!iep b!:c that hh jtOU>£
is again open for the reception of
M. in - .s ofthr Legislature, and other* who rosy call-—
Ever* retention will i c given to ensure tin: acCommodi-
tion and comfarl of such as nviv favor him with h- w cus
Oe'ober 3 14 3t
M ARTIN FUtDEkiik ui Augusts, a rut JOHN R.
WOUTAN of this place, having associated tbeoi-
5ti - tog ihiT in a Wholesale and He tail Confectionary
and Family Grocery Store in •iHledgeiiiie. under die firm
Fakes ibis method oi mtorming lieu lilt nos afid tbe pub
lic in general, that tin y have at present, aud.wili constant
ly keep on hand at their store in Col. Jones’ corner build
ing, opposite the court-house square, u complete assoit-
ment of
— Consisting of—
Candies, (<ried) Pirn-Apple Cheese,
C iidilioijs on the Jay of sale.
October 9 14 l3t
. htin'r.
On tnejlnt i'uesduy in November next,
W ILL be sol.!, befrr the coini-boiyse door in the
town of Monroe, Walton county, within the usual
hours of sale, the fallowing PROPERTY, to wit:
All the interest bt longing to John J. Pass in a certain
negro WOMAN, by the name of Easter, about 28 year,
of age—levied oo to satisfy u fi. fa issued out of the Supe
rior co -rt of Henry county, in favor of Leonard Bisseh
ts soid John J. rass; properly pointed onl by iheplain'ifl
September 25 14
On the first Tuesday in November next,
ILL be sold, it the court-hous- in Swainsburough..
▼ v Eraanue! couut.y, between the utual hours t fsaie,
the following PROPERTY, to wit:
Two honored and eighty-seven and a half acres of pin
LAND, tying in said county on the ivat rs of Og cchct
liver,adjoining lanJ ofTiiuuiaf* Drew inti James »iehlt- ;
also one other tr -ct containing litree hundred acres pi' <
Land, lying in said county, adjoining land of I’feoniK-
Pr«w—all levied on as the properly of .lames Wealea.
sen. to satisfy one fi. fa. in favor cf Benjamin Sherrato,
vs Jamea Wcalca and losiah C. Drew; levy made anu
returned to iue by n constable.
j ct 2 JOHN OGLE^SEY, Sheriff.
A iministrator’s Sal«.
A GREE4BLY to iu >rJoi of the lot' ricr Court of
vViikinson county, while, silting for ordinary purp
les, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in November nr xt,
at the court-house door in Iminton, Wilkinson rounty
the PLANTATION whereon Brice Paul, late of Said
county, deceased, resided—containing three hundred a
cres, mure orlcs.-. The same btiug part of the real es
fate of sab Brice P ml, deceased. Sold for the benefit ol
the heirs of said deceased—Term* made known on tbe
Sept 11 10
Administrator’s Sale.
A GRF.EABI Y .J an wder of the honorable the Infe
rior Court of Newton county, while sitting for nrdin-
erv pa.po«*, wilt bi sold, on the.first Tuesday in D. cern
ta r n-x 1 , ".t tiie court-house in Miid county, within the
’ ours of sale, four hundred righty-s< v c n and three
fourth acres of L \ND, more or less, with the exception
« f the widow’s dower for life—it bung parts of Lots num
bers 253, and 247—lying and being in origiually the first
district of Walton now Newton cminty.
Also, on the first Tuesday in January nn, will be sole
it the said court-house, within the usual hours of sale.
12 NEGROES—men, women, boys, girls and tliildren-
all sold as the properly of John Conn-r, lab of Newton
county, dt-crated, for the benefit of the heirs. Terms
made known on the days of sale.
W. CONNER, Adm'r.
September 24
Administrator’s Sale.
W ILL be soid. at the place of holding Court in Uk
coun'y of Randolph, cn ll.c firpt i uesduy in Jan
uary next, wituin the usual hours cf sale,
L ,1 of LAND No. 05. in th* 32d district oi
origm.dly Lee, now Randolph county—said kind sold by
#n ordti of the honorable Inferior Court of Newton cotin
ty, while si ting for ordinary purpose*, u8 the propei ty ol
William Lane, sen. deceased.
Sept- mber 4 9
Administrator’s Sale.
W ILL b? sold, al the court-house in the town of
Greenville, Meriwether county, on the first Tues
day in December n»xt, within the usuul hours of sale,
Lot of LAND No 158, in the 8th district
of oneinaliy Troup now Merisel her coun'y—seid laud
sold bv an order of the honorable Inferior Court of N< tv-
tun county, w.en sitting for oro inary purposes, as ‘he pro-
per*' of 'Yilliatn Lone, sen. deceased.
Sentember 4
ALLEN LANE, Jl '.ndr.
9 9t
Administra t>r s sale.
\\7 ILL be soid, a the conrt-l)oiis< in the town of Cov-
v v .ington, Newton county, on the first Tuesdsy in
January nr xt, the folio- ing NEGROES, to wit :
Clay burn, Nancy, Rose D oah. Nathan
P,. rr j, Peter, Wiley, Kerry, Tnrnrr, Tilman, Moses and
Oooly. Said negroes sold as tbe property of Reuben B.
Neal, deceased, and by 'rder of the honorable the Inferi
or Court of Newton county, while sittin: fi r ordinary
HIM ITU 1 M ft Wiercv K <1... V
•vr.pti-mbcr 25
12 id* lot
Administrator’s Sale.
I N pursuance of an order of tbe honorable the Conr 1
of Ordinary of Franklin county, will be sold, on the
first Tuesday in December next, at the court bouse in Ba-
‘“"“tract OF LANS,
lying in said county ol B <ker. No 59, in the 3d distric
formerly Eartv now Baker—containing two hundred and
fifty acres--Drawn by Thomas Clark, nn-l s. Id for tin
benefit, of-his lv*irs and creditors. Terms made known
on the day of sole.
Sent*mh- r 18''9t
Atiouuistiatoi’s ouie.
"■"T ;DER an order of the hituoriibip tbe Inferior Ctwn t
Bj ,f Monroe county, when sitting’lor onfinary^iurp..
ses. will be sold, on Hie first l'u< sday in December next
be ore the court-house d sor in Forsyth, Vhmroe count -
mith.n the usual h<’tirs of sale, two hundred two and ;
half acres ofLAND, being It No. 14, in the .char* nti said county—said lot of httd lies bt-iwetn Culio
4cns ard Ichocunna arr.ek, contains about twenty-fiv.-
aercs cleared and under good fence; the other part w* i-
lion he red and of good soil Sold as the property' of Bin
iy StcTiarf. deceased. Terms ©n the day ofstle.
StffataberU JO Ot
Guardian’s Sale.
A GREEABLY to an O'der of the Honorable the Infe
rior Court of Ein Miud COontv, when si ting for or-
dinary purposes, will be sold, at tlie court-house dour in
Ldwrenccvil e, Gwinnett county,.on the firt Tuesday in
Novembft next, .all tr.eright, titli, interest and claim • .
the Orphans of John Tanner, late of Emanuel counly, de
ceased, to i.OT number 303, mi the 7il| district of said
county. Terms cash. Sol fertile benefit of said . r-
uhms. JOHN CUASON, Guardian
3ep‘cmber 4 9 S
Coroner’s Sale.
W ILL BF» SOLD on tii*. first Tuesday in Dnerirbar
next, between the usual hdurs in the town of Cuv-
ing'oo, New tun county, the following property, vtz:
One house, and lot in the town of Covington, whereon
olm H. Trimble, deceased, formerly lived,—Levied o
r the property of E islra Trimble, administrator of Join
tl. Triinlde, deceased, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of thu
tjistiecs of the Inferior Court of Newton countv, vs. EH-
ha Trimble, ulrnini^trator. Alexander T. Luckic, Ju
a. pb Walters, P. L. Trimbic, and Richard Kcniiuu, Sen.
i is securities.
October 16 15 8l
^SlBE SUBSCItlBi-.R, (iati 1 ,>:opii toi of’ the Globt
-8- Hotel, and more recently of the Mansion House,)
begs leave to announce to his friends and tin- public g> n-
erally, that he has taken that elegant aiia commodious fir-
proof Brick Building on the earner of Broad and tocksou
streets, and immediately adjoining the new .Masanic H . I i.
It is situated in the r>o:T central p art of the City, ami if
in the very heart of business—feciiw; in the vicinity of tin
kugusta Bank, and the Branch bank of the Slate of G or
3* u - ;
This establishment is known as the GLOBE HOTEL,
and in its interior .irrangemept and genera! construeti. u,
unites in on etnineut degree, sp iciousness, neatness, and
comfort. To thejnah of family, the individual traveller,
the daily hoarder, or iiie fashionable visiter, the GLOBE
presents accommodations inferior to none in tbe Southern
Having conducted for a number of years, two among the
most popular Hotels in tins City, he. flatters hints* !f that
-■ts experience in business, added io th« mi -ci ior advanta
ges of situation and the resources under ins eontroul. w iil
( enabie him to give tbe most decided satisfaction to all
'••ho may honor him with their patronage.
Lis'STABl.ES *re spacious and well ventilated, and
amply suppli* d wdlli tlie be9t of provender, and at
tended by experienced and steady Oitlers—in audition
to whi' h, the subscriber willbestow his own personal un-
rsmitting attention., and in hischa»gos, will not forget the
! pl easure of the times.
SH ^LL, on the fitst in January next, at
the Inferior Court then held in the county of Ncw-
> *u fur oruue ry purposes, make application to said Court
f jr leave t*> se’t the following NEGROES, to tvif: —Clay-
uurn, Nancv, Rvsc, Dinah, Nathan Derry, P: ter, tvi-
!ev Reuey, Turner, Mo3fs, Tilman and Coo!y—which
• «.id negroes belritg to the estate of Reuben B. Neal, lau
■ if Newton county, deceased.
September 25 12 mtd
EM.ti -L V G in - in P »i>:-Ofli-Jr at Lawrenei
Georgia, on the 1st October, 1830.
’John Anderson
James King
Harrison Arnold
Henry I.-nisford
D :vitt Abbett
Z -t’harinh Lee
loon Brewster
Jonathan Long
lo 1 Brown
Mic jah Long
t\in F Barrett
John E Lev.- rett
John .Vl Bell
Jackson Monroe
in Brctvsfr.r
James McGinnis
Alexander Brown 2
John Me La ne
llii'x-rl Brooks
Berry Mullican
John Bennett
Joi»n iJ Yieara
James Berry
Jaincs Morris
Ain on B van
Joseph : t^nhom
.tohn Boiai U
Wni Mulhews
Fanny Brannon
V' iHia Vloore
Richatti Bostiek
David Moore
.limes Braabnry
Bianey Meek
Amos Barnett
J-vsiali T. Milton
• am- s Bonds
Mr Ncfbit
benjamin Brand
N liny Nance
A K Craig- 2
Mrs. Owen
vlalbew Uothron
Sion Pearce
Geo Perry 2
Clement Carrol
Benjamin Panel
R.ibert Day
Jesse Pounds
I’eter Daniel
Lewis Pari mm
D r.vton Davis
Loviek Pierre
vl la D >sler
J->lm RoliertS
Samuel Day
Ric.hard Richardson
Eli Elkins
John Roper
ilaliei U Fuller 2
David ^>ay rs
Rbodu Farrow
James H Smith 2
ulonuju F ii mer
Francis Shackelfoid
. .rgiin Fluids
Peter Shutly
Elijah Foster
Reuben Sains
v v m Fields
Win Suthvant
John F-ecman
Sion Stricklin
Isaac Gilbert
Wm Sisson
Wde) Gi^ver
John Steel
Abraham G<*rrett
Elijah league
John G.nner
Maitha Turner
Tn mas Griffin
James Thompson
hz ki th Green
Benjamin Teague 2
iVm Holland
Will Taylor
John Horn
Dennis Still
Richard Hutchinson 2
Benjamin Trible
James Holcomb
Morris Walden
Redmond Hutchins
John VVurren
iVestiey Jackson
Wm Wharton
Nathan .lestrr
Allen K V* Hson
Elizabeth D Jackron
Tiiomas Worthy 3
Frem rick Johnson
Edwin Walls
David J Jones
George M Waters 3
Luke )oiin?on
fv.-rab Ann Winborn
Wm G Johnson
Willis L Wells
-arah Johnson
James Williams
George Kooft
John Wharton
Wm Kn**x
Samuel Wood
Noah Kile
Jrstpb Yeager
Moses Kemp
Ahmr Ymger 2
ICJ 1 * The Charleston Stages arrive at tbe Gii»l>e H
t»l, every Sunday, Wednesday and Frid>y evc’iing--, at B
•■’clock, & depart every Tuesday, Thcr-d iy and S.-turday
morning, at hatfp-stO. The Washington a'nd.Athen«
Stage, dr parts every Tuesday and Saturday morning, at
3 o’clock, and arrives every tVednesda v. and Sun-Jay eve
ning at, 6 o’clock. The Elberton Stise depart.-* every
Sunday morning, at 4 o’clock, ar-d arrives r-v* ry F 'itla
evening it 8. The-Pendleton St.’g* (bq-arts ev rj* Tues
day, at 4 r,’clock in the morning, ami >rrivp- very Von-
day a* 2 o’clock in the evening. The MnieJg-viile Sing*-
arrives every day rxcept Thursday, at 7 >'e! -c:k in '.he eve
ning, a :»J departs every day ‘except IV dm-r-d-v, st 2 n’-
c'oek ill the morning. Thr Savannah Stag. arriv< * eve
ry ' ondciy Wednesday and Friday, at 10 o’clock in the
norning, and departs every Sunday, Tuesday and Thu^s
lay, at 2 o’clock in the morning
Augusta, On. l, isop. -f
October 9
A. R. SMITH, T. M.
14 3t
R EMAINING intre p.»^l Ofli.-r 4,t Louisville, Ga.
on the ist dny of October, 1330; and if not taken
out before the 1st cf January next, will be sent to the Post Office as dettd letters.
Elijah At-u ay,
Robert Anderson,
Sherrod Allen, or
Talitlia Yerta,
M^lm m M. Butt, 3.
A. S Birr,
John Bowden,
John Belcher,
Elijah Brown,
Daniel Corry,
Thomas Crows,
Jaoies Cox,
P. B. Conelly,
VI13 F.hz. ieth Causey,
Igham Evans,
FHtinck Frnby,
-’illtam Grimes,
William G. Harkly,
lo‘.n Htmoy,
■• imuel Josey,
/ahriei Jones,
ViHiioi Johnson, 2.
siah Johnson,
John Krowin,
A. B. Ltw-on,
George Lowe,
Mary Lindsey,
Satnwel Morrell, 2.
Tuomas Matl-etv«,
Little Berry Marsh,
Henry B. Pipkin,
Mrs. Anu D. Powell, 3.
Miss Martha Ponder,
Arthur Roundtree,
w W. Randall, 2.
Mrs. Nancy Ru> Is,
W illiam Spires, Sen.
Joseph Spence,
George M. Smith,
Major H. Sellers,
W. P. Sampson,
William T. Sampson,
Mrs. Eliza Stokes,
John Turner,
Abrah m Vicker», Esq.
TH E Suhscrib r respee f Iy inform'
hi- friends and the public in general, tliei
he ha-* ->p* nr-i i ‘ OT !•' f
It* < .vc.noi.LiON, t.-i. ,*u co-.niy, G -. an’:
fl ter him?* if that h* *•• ill giv*- as getter
i! ij.-:Us!UiCliuri lo ill may ftvor * irn with their.putron-
■■gr. as .^py (if.h' r Inn-Keeper in a? n< wly sdtied rouutry
- this—Though Carrhll eounty has been kept in the bach
ground, defamed and shaded by reports, vet 1 hope a!i
ill sunn ! blown aw y by the sunshine of virtue, nut-
•ir< I by tliu Gospel of Chris*, and tbe instruction of.arl?
• •ul seiencts—Soc;*!l and see C. McCARTY.
Apvii 2-1 225 tf
1'ILL keeps open a House «/ Entertainment.
K7 at the vouth-wcs* corm-t 4 ilia iiubite squ.-r<:
he (own of Marion Twieg« county, and only
pledges himself to those who m ; V favor b*m ivdb their
cill?,to-lotbe best iiecan. 'HENRY LOYI.ESo
Marion, Sept *0 II tf
Fr so Bio in Raisins,
Brazilian Nu-s,
Kng'.ish Walnuts,
So t Snell Almonds,
B* si Northern Apples,
fC INN A vi ON,
j Egyptian HONEY. 1
^ Be-t Suiru-h * iG-ARS.
Brst C*)g.-,ar. BRANDY,
“ Peach do.
“ Appie do.
“ Hollar.d GIN,
“ Ndrlhent <io.
“ Jamaica RUM,
:{ Northern do.
“ Santacri'Z do.
“ Irish WHISKEY,
“ Monor.g do.
° I
O |
Pickled Oliv. s,
do Capets,
Best Sweei-OB, (fur table
Match Boxes, assorted
CLARET, (longcork)
BEER &. Albany
B« St b'O'-o St OAK,
*’ Loaf and Lump dou
** Imp* rial and Hyson
3,'enu and G *. moul
“ Clu* • ing TOBACCO,
(twi t and paper )
“ T i‘.b S .lt & dried Beef
“ Ry< do.
Foolscap and IVraping Paper.
*|i * g . . .--oi tnu ih 1
Ciass & Crockery Ware.
A1 i i • which they will dispose of on low aucl ac-. omnio-
■ :ii-g terms.
They wii! . j n •* days a f»**f wr'ineiit of
Mdt’dg a \Wt e.:0 15 3t
-'litlexgeviUe 2a OsUjbcr, i830, J
O NE TENTtl f ihe principal o* ,-tU uccouiinotlaltor
iN- » s due tbi? Bank will be required ai each rc-
ncwul after the 25tl» inshint,
B> order of tne Board,
(U) GEORGE U. MURRAY, Cashier.
G0Cr->& r*TA !
l. !?mmrs
M * - j s .( turned from N
York wi.i a RICH AS
S ENT ef
riiiB JMTJELBir,
m :uu<*v. u *.l u r i *. Gods,
and under bi? imcivtici’-e i ?p, c-
tii n—c-»n**t*-iitig of Gentlemen's
and I. dies' pei!.lit itver IValchr
e>, Stais and Keys; Cable, loup
end bi.sf,et mck VlIHlNS-,-
PrrartPins Ear rings, and Fingc; -rings; Miniature
JjOikets; Merialimis. gold and silver leaf; Also sitter pi-
Uni'lerer a -d plain fi ate ts; silver, and plated tulle, tea.
nnd desert and soup Spoons; ever puimed Pencil C.iscs;
Plated Castors^ C.iiidl* sticks, Cake Baskets, Sn-tiTers and
Trays Silver Spectacles and Thimbles Hiitania t't/lT e
& Tea P ;s. Do. Spoon and Ladles, SheJECornb?, Pocket
Books An: Puss. Dirks and knives, Rodg'r’s Pocket
i.:*J Pen Knives. R r 'Zor«and Scissors, *.VAJku g Cancs--
MILITARY GOODS—-reonsisfing of Gilt and Plated Ep-
!-d*t-, 15* it?, Spur?, Gat?, Lace, buttons, Cord, C'uck-
-• and Eagles, Travelling end Pocket Pistols.
The above added to fo.nter slock will make a very
compile assortment, which are offered at wholesale aru?
retail as low as at any other establishment in the South
«rn country.
OLD no NEW GOLD or SILVER received fjrany
of t!i above articles. W tTCBES and CLOCKS repair-
cd is n«*iial.
O * . — ci 14 R.
t*5 DOCT ORS John M. McAfee and Jem**?
MJf B. Cntlcjrwood Itov*. ,'*s?o*iatr;d them-
selves in the PRACTICF. of PHYSIC, and
its collateral branches, Smgn-yf V’tidwifery,
&©. not'* t b*- firjfi of
One ofunorti <viu o. rw*d* ’ .*1 times to Attend to
«ny professional calls. Their hi dec go or o'her charge^
will oc moderate, as times are hnv.’. The' hope Iron;
tinremit’inz attention *»> the duties of 'heir profession-, to
merit and receive a liberal share of the *» .blie patron, gc.
N. B.—They will Practice in t*i Civ rokc<: Nation
when called on. McAFF.E fi UNDER*’* OOD.
Gainesville, Hal! county, sav t. \ ‘223—tf
/•*> fj-M
ao^mission strss2533^i>.
subscribers, grateful for past favors, renew the
Jr: tender' f -'heir s'.rvic's, to their friends’and thr
public, with the assurance, tint they will as hcretofor*
devote their time to ihe interest of iht-ir employ* rs.
Their WARE-HOUSf win be in good order forth*- re
ception and safe keeping of country produce and merchan
dize. They deem ft due to themselves to state the situa
tion of tiuir ‘-V. re-Houses—thus—They arc bounded on
the North, by Bay-?irect anil Ihe river—cn the Nest, bv
an open space of ah. ut 180 feet-—or the South, hv Rev-
nold-street, about 65 feet wide, and on the Ecst by C*imp-
bcll-sircf t about65. f et wide. In addition to the secu
rity against fire, .viiiclr the above location presents, they
have about tbe centre of their Lot, a Hydrant which de
livers waterfront the aqueduct lately completed in (his
They will granf the usual fssilitjcs, by advances nf mo-
nev or oihefivjsicitosoch asnr-*y favor them with custom.
Aug*rsta, Oct 2 13 ?t*
Fourth of Nmember? 18S0 / /
SEISE THE z&cnnnsT
it rimi i! i
S LCii an opportunity h. a ntver
Itten off* red here before, for real
izing to otirstJvts wealth fora li.-dc^
$80,000 for Ten !
To such as are struggling in vain«ii’;r‘a
to relieve thcmsfclvra I’m# t burdens
• ii «vs Jc of poverty, tve say conn ; to such as do
not Ihel ihe bitter ness of poverty, but-
N± /1n desire ease, wc say come; to such as
, WfN&ih' Act, have wealth but would not be isnwifl-
I (,®irg to extend their means of er joyuient,
0 0 we say come; all who desire foittine,
4=£ya we invite to come without delay to VVy-
att FoAEt’s Lucky Lottery Office,
where,on ihe FOURTH OF Nt XT MONTH, l.e may
have the •deasnre of handing you the con-fi rtublc s ’in ci
Oi the result of a foriiinute acivt nlme in the Milied^e-
villc Masonic Hall Lottery. Tiic TiilKD DRAWING
of which will t;.k> on iha .
The following SPLENDID PRIZES utli he fl t.tiitg'on
that hay.
$i0 ; ';00
4 4
f (
fcrsidcs ?0
s and 10’s.
Tbe price of'fick* Is must scn.-n iise.
Wholes g!0-—Hulv. s $5—Quarters $2 50.
Ail Ordtis, post-paid, will ni'-et with pro upt attention.
Secretary lo the Ctnnanissiouers.
MiltadgcviMe, Oct 9 14 tf
3 F.SPF.CTFL i i i udvnit.a tlru GrtiX’.ns of MWtedg**.
,ilte;und isvicinily, that in she ciurseof liu*; resent
month, there vi*l be added to the other advairtagtsuf her
School, a'readier of MUSIC, FRENCH, DRAM IoG,
and LANDSCAPE PAiN'tlNCL ’Particular exotti. ns made; for the advancement **f tfifir pupils.
A few young Lttdjcs can be aecfiiuntad-tl; d with board
in farnilv with the T< aehers. Oct 10 3t
A LI. pevsotos are hereby cautioned ftom tracing with
-A. my wife PAftENCE„wuo has left m» bed ami board
-vuhoutsny proMmatton, suit tUerefove I nm delermined
n>»t to >»jy any of her contract uulc?s compelled by la»r
—an.I 1 -iso Cbrwarn any perstjn'frhm harboring or tat-
tin® her stay ab*uttiieir bouses, at ibe expense ofihr law.
Emanuel co. Get 2 13 3t
A LL persons having demands against the estate of
ii Z.-cliarirUi Pniliips, late of * a I toil county, oiceas-
td, arc rcq'icsted to present them in terms of Uie law. <Ju-»
■Iy.aotit**uticateu—nnd those indebted to the estate uie.
also requested to mak-J immediate pay-r-ent to
ScpMS II 6t
r Si A HERE w*ilV a s le uf lb • retnu in-'ng LOTP in the
J. town of Carrollton, Carroll r-'Mitiiy, on the L ‘5tii and
‘26th uf October next. Among wbiclittu re iaaorne front
lots very suitable for merchunlile busin ss— Also a num-
uer of targe back lot9 very suitable for farm aud garden
Carrollton is situated on a place of beautiful emi
nence, and L admirable for h. r flittering ptdfjtiels of
Iienltb—supposed to be as healthy as any of up-country
villages, and is rimy biulding to bloom in the niitlst of a
gold region. Tctths made known on tbertav of sale.
Oct 2 13 4t
Oct, J6.
15 31
A LL those indebted to ibe estate of Rctdien B Neal,
late of New Ion county, d-ct-asrd, are request- d to
make immediate payment—;inc ait persons having <le-
.nar.ds against said deceased, are requested lo present
them duly autbentirued within ill* timrepreecnbeiT by
September 25 12 6t
GEORGIA—:Walton county
W HEREAS, ‘iVdliam Price ajp||«s t<j nu* for fetter*
of Administration on the estate of George Price,
l-.ieuf said county, deeeasetD
These are therefore to cite and tdmonish all the kin
dred nnd eredilnrs of said dfcce sc*| lo be ,-nd appear at
t.y :>lfiee f within thrj time prrscr/bi d by law, tu sfiew
‘‘"-e, if any they have, why t>ai-i/letters rh .uld uot bt
granted. ...! v •
Given under my baods this 2d 0e;o!*erlS30.
r JfiSSE M'JCHLLKi o. c. <v
Oct ft t4 ffb
G02f.i£mszon etsihzss*
* ututarsign *. gr*ueinily ,.cknowb-ege tin: liberal
JL patronage witii which they have be- n favored iri the
above line, and respectfully inform the public they
continue its transaction in the City, and that their taii!*-
ful and undivided attention will be duvoted to the busi
ness f their patrons.
Ltbc;al Cash advances, may be expected on Produce,
&c. in Store, when de-iivd
Augusta, Aug 7,1830 5 12t
GEORGIA, Henry covnty.
W HEREAS Richard T- Sappington applies to me
for lu'ters of Administration on the estate of Da
vid M Stewart,- tale of said cotfnty, decoaiCth
Th se arc therefore to cite aud admonish all and singu
lar, the kindred md Creditors of said deceased, to be and
appear at nri’- office within the time prescribed by law, lo
shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not
be granted.
Given under niy hard, this 15th day of September,
1830. GUY VV. SMITH, D. c c. o.
•pt25 \2 5t-
GEOiiGiA, Henry county .
W h HEKE \S Sarah Mercer *tpphes to me forfclter*
of Adt’iinistr ition on the estate cf Daniel Mercer,
late of said county, deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish alland singu
lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and
appear at my * flice, within the time prescribed by law,
tVch.tew cause, if any they have, why said letters should
not be granted.
Green under my hand, this 15lh day of September,
1?30 GUY VV. SMITH, » c. c. o.
‘-eptSS 19 5t
We arb requested to say, that
Mr. ‘id VRLl.S D. HAMMOND..
is a e» militate for re-election to tb*
-flic, f li<eeivr of Tux Returns, for the county ol
B icwin. at the otexi election.
Oct. 15K ' • . 15 >
US? C2
B S? EinAii* unG in the
Pot -Uitice at. ivl i tieello
JUft' on the 1st October,
Jobe Alkinsou
i‘%irs. Marv Ledbetter
Mrs Barshi ba A!read
Edmond Law* s
Putnam Adams
Wsljti i jimr lfin
loan s Be tts
Thomas Luckelt
William Barker
Phiiiip Lewis
James h rati fey
Edward tV.'Tano
r horn us Bl**nti 2
Daniel T. Lano
Haftweli Bass
James rVI. McCtantf
•hibft Bo d
Pase’hnl Mt-rpliey
vliss tVl. Baker
James B. ’v'izc
Juu&than B*Us
Jan id Mathis
How. ii Buchanan
Janie-- II. Morrow'
James S. Brotvu
Samuel Mag e
Robt. Benton •
Phillip McK.’.mie
'J b-amas W. Bender
High Moi.tgr merv Cook
Jtirs. V:ary Mo.-irJ
John Cuuoard
James Maiks
Thumbs Crawford
Woody Moreland
Mrs. Elizabeth Compton
Witoarn Mebhy
Elisha Crow
Thomas Clay
Willriru Aiiils.
Wiley J. Cox
James B Norris
Charles Curgile
Jam s Pvc,
Mrs. Agor*=s Crocket
Cajil. Penn
C *1. AUVbd Cuthbrat
Fcwe'l & Griggs
lolm-J Dubs
Wiili.itn Plnih^s
t'h'-mas J. Dpggett
Mr. Read
luho I)i!lrn
tViliiarh Rag’aed
Mrs. fer*reia!i Daoney
Miss Eitz.ii*ec!i llanda^
William iVi F.ihott
Oaboru Robinson
-lrs Mary Egtrtuti
Pryor Reeves
Philips fei. Echols
TfecmasS ff.hl
i’homas Ersvin
Mrs. Rachel Siagnsf
-arauel Fears
WitJi.tnr, B. Stokes
Miss Matilda Freeman
Novy P.
Jim*s Freeman
Thomas Smith
’.Jatiirn Peird
L Suiorion
John Greer
Drc rySuffoM
\\ illiam V Green
Joel Sturtavant
Sherod H. Gay
Janies Spuvlin
James Gwj q
James M. Sj-ear
Jesse Good
Willis S; car
H* nr> rlunt
W, W. Smith
Wifey Ho’ifie’d 3
Miles Stf-;»hen8
Peter >1. Hughes
F.awifj Sturduvanti
Viitiuin Hu-.che.son4
Henry Teel
Mrs. Nancy Heath
John l ay lop
John Henderson
John Thurmond
Samuel Henderson
John Tassmo't*
Jacob Haivk
Samhel Tcddais
Baqjaruin Hawrick
Mathew Thompson
Aleey Hart^ldd
James Thompson
Wainac Jorden
Owen Tvlon
Green B. Jackson
Xliifiip Thurmond
Thoi. P: Jones
Alexander Urtjahaffc
Benjamin Jenkins
A hob Johnson
Thomas At iLon
Thes. P. G. Johnson
Dr. A. VY««i
Thomas Kin?
Jutl Wise
Sbadriek Kimbrough
P. A. West
Allen Kelly
Col. Juhn Wilson
Cornelus Kitchens
Henry Wadiiile
Tliotnas Loy d
E«lfaofid V\ tKb or
Geor»e W. Lawrence
Chat las W< Ul*
Oct 9
14 3f
Ilabuh county.
W HEREAS, SamuclFaris applies th me for letters
of Administration on tbe estate of Curtis Wat
son, late of said counly, deceased:
These are tbi relore to cite and admonish the kindred^
•tiid creditors of said ttaceased, to appear at my office with
in tbe time prt scribed by law, to shew cause, if any-tiidjf
have, why said lettt rs should nut be granted.
Given under my hand this21st day of September, 1830.
14—3t JACOB CATEHEART, c. c. o.
GF.ORG l A—Walton county,
W HEREAS James McGaygney applies to me for
Letters uf Administration on the estate of W iiiiatn
McGaughi-y, late of vVakon county, deceased.
This is therefore to cile the kindred and creditor* cS
ss id alt ceased, to npjtcar attny Office within the rime pre-
scribed by law, and file their objections if any,they have*.,
w by sAid letters should nut be granted.
Given under my hand this 5tb October, 1330,
O.H'dher.I$ . 15 .. • - , '
GEORGIA, Booty county. ’
iHfc kiudretf aind creditors of Ann Fairclotb, Urte
letters ot AufUiniSCVUlVUIP inillyvH
Gabriel P. R. Fairclnth, late of said county, decani
i.Tilcsa object ionsb^t fifed in terms of the law, said Ki fir*
ViU be grained at the sitting f the Inferior Court for Or
dinary purpii^s foe^fat MOWtoyTti Pfotember ne^t.
Given under IttyT-*“* vdft’flB.
Sept 18