The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, November 13, 1830, Image 2

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codff»fence already shaken by the *unceriaitity ofaa agitated question—and restoring burino* ny to the different sections ot the city—of con firming tho rights of the bank of the State ot Georgia, and protecting the financial interests of the State, they further petition and earnest ly recommend that yonflionoraWe body, the premises considered, shall during the present session renew the charter of the present bridge (if applied for by the bank) with all its former privileges By this course (your petitioners respectfully submit) existing interests will on ly be protected, without the violation of any subsisting rights. Asking ami expecting a wise and impartial exercise of discretion in the pre mises, your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray kc. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. IM SENATE, Friday, Oct. 29. NOTICES FOR BILLS. Mr. Swain—To authorize Rufus Knight of Emanuel county to build a mill or machine a- cross Daniel's creek, kc. Mr. Ross—To authorize Solomon Hum phries a free person of colour to emancipate his wife ami his lather. Mr. Branham—To require the members of the General Assembly and others to take an oath against duelling. Mr. Henly—To amend an act appropriating the fines and forfeitures arising from criminal prosecutions in the county of Lincoln to the use and benefit of the LincoSnton Academy. Mr Bloch—To relieve the purchasers of j all the health and quarantine laws now in force fractions which by law have reverted to the in the city of Savannah- To change the time of holding the Courts of Ordinary of Lincoln county. To provide for taking the census of this State. To authorize the agent appointed by the commissioners of the free schools ol Emanuel county to loan out the fuods of said schools, and other purposes. RESOLUTIONS. By Mr. Wells—To request the Governor to send to certain persons in the county of Tel fair, copies of the laws and journals, aod Prin ces Digest. The resolution of Mr. Wood relating to the Tariff was taken up and after some remarks by the mover thereof, were at his motion laid on the table for the present. PETITION. Mr. Temples, presented the petition ol sun dry citizens of the county of Marion, praying tor the correction of errors in the survey of certain Io?s of land. BILLS PASSED. To authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Gwinnett county to define anew the prison bounds of said county, kc. was read the third time and passed. ’ * * To incorporate Mount Pleasant Academy in Oglethorpe county. To alter and change the names of certain persons therein mentioned. To separate and divorce William B. Thom> as and El zaheth his wife. To repeal the act to lay off Emanuel county into election districts. To extend to the city and port of Darien State, and g:/e further indulgence to purcha sers of fractions. BILLS REPORTED. To reduce and fix the salaries and fees of the public otficers of this State. To create an additional election district in the county of Ilenry. BILLS PASSED. To revise and amend an act passed the 20th December, 1826, to incorporate the Bruns wick Canal Company. To amend an act making constables' elec tive by the people, and to raise their fce9. To incorporate the Methodist Church in Decatur. DcKulb county. To compel the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin county, to keep his office at or within three miles cf said Court House. Saturday, Oct. 30. Committees were appointed to prepare and report the following bills; To authorize Rufus Knight to build a mill or machine across Daniel's creek. To authorize Solomon Humphries a free person of colour ot the county oi Bibb, to emancipate his wife and father. To require the members of the General As sembly and others to take an oath against du elling. * To amend an act appropriating fines and forfeitures arising trom criminal prosecutions in the co.unty oi Lincoln, to the use and bene : fit of the Lincoln!on Academy. To relieve the purchasers of fractions which by law have reverted to the Stale, aod give further indulgence to purchasers of fractions.. NOTICES FOR BILLS. Mr. Swain—To authorize the Agent of the Commissioners of Free Schools of Emanuel county, to renew the notes given for the loan of said funds that are now about to expire, kc. Mr. Furls—To alter and amend an act pas se 1 in December, 1808, so far as to include Warrants issued to arrest felons. Mr B air, of Lowndes—To provide for ta king the census ot this htate. Mr Henly—To alter thetime of holding the Court ot Ordinary m the county of Luicolo. BILLS REPORTED. To remit a iorfeiture incurred by Henry Ddion. To vest a fee simple title in the Intendant and Commissioners of the town of Milledgo vide and their successors, to all the unsold lots in said town, and to authorize them to dispose of said lots or otherwise, and to appropriate the proceeds thereof to the use oi said town Mr. Watson, had leave to introduce instan- tcr a bill to authorize a lottery for the purpose of raising within a certain time the snm of five thousand dollars to he appropriated to the re pairs oi iho streets tn Milledgevilie ,&c &c. 1 To siller and amend the seventeenth section of the tax act of this State. To authorize Rufus Knight to erect a mil) or mac I nee across Daniel’s crock in the boun ty cf Emanuel. * j? Qr (he relief of purchasers of fractions* ri?> server and l.own lots, m the years 1828 and 1829. To incorporate the town of Fort Gaines in Eurlv county. BILL TASSED. To repeal ah acts of the General Assembly establishing and regulating election districts in the several couciies oi tins State. Monday, November I. Committees were appointed to prepare pad report the following bills: To authorize the agent of the Commission ers of the free school of Emanuel county, to renew the notes given tor the loan of said funds that are now abou* to expire, kc. uud for other purposes. ; - To aber and amend an act passed in Decem ber, 1808 so far as to include warrants issued to arrest felons. V ' To take the census of this State. To alter the time of holding the Court of Ordinary in the coimtv of Lincoln. * NOTICES FOR BILLS. Mr Young-—To incorporate the Tbomas- ville Academy i» the county of Thomas, and to appoint trustees for tlie same. . Mr. Bryan, of Scrivcn—To authorize cer tain commissioners to raisn by lottery kum of six thousand dollars for the purposes of building a Court Uouse . id Academy in said county. mI Lg RE po RTE D. Xo amend au act appropriating the Jines and forfeitures arising from criminal prosecu lions in Lincoln county to the Lincolutpn A- catfemy, &c.- Mr. Harlow had leave to report a hill install ter to.fix the time of holding Courts for the trial of caveats against the passing of grants of land, &Q, city BILL REJECTED. To alter, establish, and fix the rate of inte rest on the use of money. „ Tuesday, Nov. 2. • Committees were appointed to prepare acd report bills: • To incorporate Ibe Thomasville Academy in the county of Thomas. To authorize certain cominissioners to raise by lottery the sum of six thousaud dollars, for purposes therein mentioned. BILLS REPORTED. To authorize Solomon Humphries a free person of colour of the county of Bibb,, to e- mancipate his wife, and his father. To preveut the exercise of assumed and ar bitrary power by :?|I persons under pretext of authority from the Cherokee Indians and their laws. To suppress the practice of duelling in this State, PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Mr. Ross presented a petition trom sundry citizens of Macon, praying a grant to Young Johnson to build a floating grist Mill on the river near Macon. Mr. Wilcox presented a petition from the citizens of Irwin county, which was referred to a select committed. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, • Monday, November I. Committees were appointed to prepare and report the following bills: To incorporate the Methodist nod Presby terian Georgia education Societies. To protect the several counties from the payment of costs in certain cases. To relieve persons holding certificates of fractions heretofore sold, where the owner or holder of such certificate have not the same assigned over by the original purchaser. BILLS PASSED. To separate and divorce Elizabeth Cook Curtis, and Everett Curtis her husband. To separate and divorce Cherry McRae and her husbaod John McRae. To establish election districts in the qounly of Newton. To add the Academical fund to the Free School fund so far a* respects the county ot Lincoln. . „ ' To quiet and protect the possession of per sonal property and to prevent the'taking pos session thereof by fraud or violence. To separate and divorce Nancy Oliver from her husband Joseph Oliver. To add a part of the county of Habersham to the county of Franklin. NOTICES FOR BILLS. Mr. JlcCrttwn--f»|li#tyl end the m veral laws Wetifrg to electie* pntiatts so as to make the same uniform throughout the State. ; Mr Oliver—To separate ard divorce Reu ben Thornton and Anna Thorotoo his wife. Mr. Black—To prohibit ‘Banks and other corporate institutions having banking privi leges from receiving written obligations ft purpose of collection, and other purpose? Mr. Black, also, to remove the site ot Frank lin College to MiltedgevRle, and other purpo ses. ... BILLS REPORTED. To amend an act establishing election dis tricts in the counties of Irwin, Appling, ami Ware. To authorize the payment to the trustees of the Franklin county Academy, all arrears and dividends now due, and for other purpo ses. * Mr. Murray reported instanier, a bill to a- mend k explain the 34 sec. of an act to extend the time for fortunate drawers to take out their grants. To appropriate money for tb «relief of tb< University of this State. To amend an act to provide for the payment of costs in certain cases. RESOLUTION*? On motion of Mr. Haynes—The committee on Agriculture and Internal Improvement were instructed to enquire iuto the propriety of causing a sluice to be opened in the lock- dam on the Oconee near Milledgeyille, for af fording a free passage of fish up said river. PETITIONS. Mr. McDonald presenteil a petition from Campbell and Seymour praying compensation for professional services rendered in behalf of the State; kc. Mr. Jenkins—A petition from the officers and members of the Independent Fire Cotnpa- ny pray jog the privilege of raising a sum ot mopey by lottery. Tuesday; Nov. 2. On motion of Mr. Cleveland—The House reconsidered much of the Journal of yester^ fits Thomason bfis wife* day as relates (o the passage oft he bill, to add a part of Habersham county to the county ot Franklin.—Yeas 66—Nays 59. Committees were appointed to prepare and report bills: To alter and amend the laws relating to election precints so as to make the same uni form throughout the Slate. To separate and divorce Reuben Thornton and Anna Thornton his wife. To prohibit Banks and other corporate in* solutions having banking privileges from re ceiving obligations in writing for collection, and for other purposes. To remote the site of Franklin College from Athens to Mil!e<!g> vrlle. NOTICES FOR BILLS. Mr. Lowe—To remove all obstructions in the Oconee River to the free passage offish from the lock dam below Milledgevilie to the high shod* on said River, Mr. Terrill—-To authorize Courts of law arid equity of this State to award judgment a- gainst garnishees in certain cases, and to point out a mole for the relief of garnishees. Mr. Fkwellen—-To exempt Justices of the Inferior Court from road, patrol, and militia du ty during peace. Mr. Daj—To divorce Nathaniel Perritt and Sally .Penitt his wife. Mr. Bluth—To prohibit the city council of Augusta Irstn levying tax upon the venders of meat, and bread stuff-, in Augusta. BILLS REPORTED. To relieve th; purchasers of the State’s in terest in land- which have been condemned as fraudulently drawn in the counties of Bibb Houston, Crawford, Monroe, Upson. Pike Henry, Fayette, D< Kalb, and Newton.. To protect the several counties from the payment of costs in certain cases, and to pro vide for the payment of the same, and for oilier purposes. . To receive holders of certificates for frac tions heretofore'sold, Ate. 4*c. To authorize the sale of certain lots which have been relinquished to the State by* the drawers thereof. To revise, consolidate, and amend the elec tion laws of this State, and more fully to pre scribe the duties of managers of elections, 4*c. To after and mend an act to regulate the General Elections of this State. To establish and regulate district elections in the county of .Monroe To amend the acts to prevent obsfrtic tions to the free passage of fish to the Oak mulgee.River and its branches. To amend fhb judiciary act so far as to pre vent Plaintiffs in causes in which assetts may: be pleaded, to dismiss their actions or suffer non suits, and for other purposes. To authorize the 1udepeode.nt Fire Coni', pany of Augusta to raise a sum ot money by lottery. To alter the time of holding the Superior Court in the middle district. To point out the manner of granting pro bales of wills ami - testaments frc. BILL PASSED. , To incorporate the beneficial society of Au gusta. PETITION. Mr. Liddell presented a petition from James Boggs, claiming compansaiian fat revolution ary service*. RESOLUTION. Mr. Robertson of Chatham, offered the fol lowing which Was rejected. * II hereas the Graqd Jury of Chatham county, having presented 19 an evil the operation of that part of eur judiciary system requiring unanimity in Juries in civil cases and request ed their represen*iilion to bring the subject before the Genera) Assembly,, Be it therefore Resolved, That tho Commit tee on the Judiciary be instructed to ei quire into the expediency of so amending the law as ;o enable Juries in civil cases to find a ver dict by two thirds of their number voting one w «y*‘ a Wednesday, Nov. 3. Committees were appointed to prepare and report bills:' To exempt from militia duly and patrol "du ty in time of prace,* Justices of the Inferior Court: ‘ To divorce Sarah Randle and Waffhmgton ft ndte !.«r husband. To divorce Nathaniel Perritt and Sally Per ritt his wife, V To remove all obstructions in the Oconee River to the free passage of fi-.h from the lock- dam below Milledgevilie to the high shoals un said River. • ; To enable Courts of law and equity in this th® Stale to award judgment against garnishees in certain cases, and to point out the mode to relieve said gacaiahoes. Totmfcft it the city Council of Augusta from levying, taking, or receiving any tax fee from persons vending meats or breadstuff* within the corporate limits of said ct?y> NOTICES fcOR BILLS. Mr. McDwald—To establish a seminary in (he town of Athens for the education of .fe males. • • Mr Bailey—To collect fines and forfeitures upposed upon defaulters at general reviews and inspections, regimental, battalion, and dis- irief musters. , * . Mr. King—To add a part of the county of Houston, to the county of Crawford • Mr. Greene-—To extend the jurisdiction of Justices'Courts in certain cases. .* • BILL REPORTED To aii tul the several acts respecting the Court of Common Pleas of the city of Augusta BILLS PASSED. - To divorce Bersbeba Beard, and Matthias Beard bet husband.' To repeal an act for the relief of the butch ers and venders of meats id the city of Au gusta. Thursday, Nov. 4. Committees wore appointed to prepare and repo. 1 bills: To establish a seminary in the town of Ath ens for the education of females. To facilitate the collection of fines and for feitures imposed upon defaulters at general reviews aod inspections, 4*c. kc. To add a part of the couoty of Houston, t<* the county of Crawford, To divorce Richard S. Thomason apd Arne- To extend the jurisdiction of Justices' Courts in certain Cases. BILLS REPORTED To authorize the several Courts »n this State to award judgment against garnishees in certain cases, and to point oyt the mode where by such garnishees maybe relieved irom the operation cf said judgment. To define and prescribe the time in which the superintendants of the general elections in this State, for Governor, Electors, of President and Vice President, Members of Congress, kc. at the several precincts in each couoty shall be compensated for their trouble, Ac. BILL PASSED. To alter and amend the road laws so far as respects the county of Jackson. The House adjourned. Friday, Nov. 6. NOTICE FOR BILL. Mr. Turner—To extend the**provisions of the act of the 19th December, 1823, for the relief of honest debtors', and the release of debts due the State, when the debtor shall in good faith surrender his property for the pay ment of his debts. BILLS REPORTED. To add part of the couoty of Houston, to the county of Craivford To divorce Richard S. Thomason and his wife. To exempt Justices .of the Inferior Court from road, patrol, and militia duty during peace. RESOLUTION. On motion of Mr. Jenkins—To instruct the judiciary committee to enquire into the expe diency of revising, amending, and condensing the several acts regulatiug the fees of offi cers, ^c, • ' Saturday, Nov. 6. Committees were appointed to prepare and report hills: • To extend the provisions of the act oi the 19ih December, 1823 furl he^ relief of honest debtors to the release of debts due to the State when the debtor shall, in good faith, surren der his propertv for the payment of his debts. PETITIONS. Mr. Young presented a petition from B.F. Hardeman solicitor of the Northern Circuit, for certain services rendered the State, which was referred to a select committee. Mr. Tuggle presented a petition from Rich* ard L Sunnis Solicitor of the Flint Circuit, praying compemmtion for cert.1 in monies col lected for, and services rendered in behalf oi the Stale &c 4*c. RESOLUTION.. Mr. Brewster laid on the table a resolution to appoint a committee on the part of the House to join one to be appointed by Senate, to examine into and report upon the illegal votes given at the late election for Judge. BILLS REPORTED. Mr. Ryan, trom the committee on Agricul ture ami Interna! Immprovement reported a bill to amend au act to lay off, define, ar.d keep open the maia channel ol Savannah River from Augusta to the month of Lightwoodlog Creek in Elbert county, so as to remove the obstruct ions to navigation and the free passage of-fish, &c. MV. Ryan, from the same committee pre sented a report on the resolution to enquire in to the, expediency of placing on the road from Columbia Court House to Washington in Wilkes county, such portion of the public a i\unds as may be necessary lor its improvement. Also, a report relative to the improvement of the road leading from Augusta to Clayton in Rabun county, which were- severally read. Tht? House adjourned. • Monday, November 8. . On motion of Mr Murr’ay, the Bill to amend and explain the third section of an act to ex tend tho time for fortunate drawers to take out their Grants kc. was read the second time. . NOTICES FOR BILLS. Mr. Robertson, To authorise limited co partnerships in this State. ’ Mr Terrill, To alter and change the times of holding the Inferior Court of Franklin countv. BILLS REPORTED. To force, alt persons who shall enter or en- <roil their children to he tanght at any poor School, to send the same or forfeit and pay a sum equal to the cost of teaching ecery such Scholar. To impose a tax on all-cattle* in this State owned by, persons residing out of the same, which was read the first tiine. :*To prohibit Banks and other corporate in stitutions having banking privileges from cob lectmg notes &c. To prohibit the C.’y Council of Augusta from imposing any fen tax, or assessment upon persons for the privilege of vending provisions during the market hours of the same. < To settledhe measure of damages in an ac tion of Covenant for breach of warranty in a deed concerning real estate-Ac. The House disagreed to the Bill to alter the time of the Meeting of the General Assem bly in this State.' PETITIONS aND RESOLUTIONS. Mr King presented a petition from a num ber <>f citizens of Crawford County praying at) appropriation ini heir behalf. A resolution was laid on the table to appoint a Committee to examine the Books and papers Ac- of the Macon Bank. Mr. Oliver presented a petition from a num ber of the Citizens of Elbert County, on the subject of the late election held in that county for members of i lie Letrislaf ore. Mr Cleavelnnd pres ided a petition from John Witherow of Habersham Co. which was refeted to the Committee on petitions.' Mr. Adams, presented a petition from cer tain-citizens iu Henry County praying to be added to Pike -4t Du motion of Mr. Snelling—To enqni-e in to the expediency of forming a new Brigade out'of the C unt«es of Thomas, Decatur, Ear ly, Baker. Lee, and Randolph: BILLS PASSED. To attn-nd the 12-li Sec! ion of the Judiciary act of 1799 so far as relates to t ( he revival o nits at law where the same has been delayed by the death of either of the parties * To proV’<ie for the survey 1 and selling ofth* . Islands on Flint River kc. FOREIGN. > EIGHT DAYS LA TElt FOOM EUROPE. JKw-Ymk Oct 38.—The packet shi(> Pacific, Capt, Crocktr, arrived yesterday afternoon, furnishing with our regular files of London and Liverpool papers, the for mer to the morning of the 16th, and ine latter to the l7h ultimo, both inclusive, together with loose Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh and Dublin Journals of die la test dates. We give as comprehenssv- a summary of their contents as our tirtiC will pertni:, and add as ct-pri ou* extracts as we have room for. The article cf English intelligence which first strikes the eye, is tho announcement of Ihs death «/ Mr Uuskis * son, on account of which melancholy event the columns of the Liverpool papers are in mourning. This distin guished Statesman expired on the evening cf the lath, in consequence of wounds that day received by being run o- ver by one of the Liverpool and Manchester rail-way car riages. The particulars are related at-great length iu the Liverpool Journals, und some passages o! *htir ac counts are placed among our extracts. Our readers are aware that great preparations had been made fur the 0- pening of the great rafl-’*ay betweeu Liverpool and Man chester, which is now near enough completion for al) pur poses of commerce and travelling- The loth uf Scfe*. was the day appointed for tin? ceremci.y, and the Duri of Wellington, Prince Esderhazy, and a great number of the most distinguished men r.f the kingdom, had assembled at Liverpool by invitation, to be present ou the occasion. The ceremony was conducted with great splendor, and was witnessed by an immense multitude. The carriages prepared for the procession were, twenty-eight in number, and were capable of accommodating eight hundred per sons. At seventeen miles from Liverpool the engine* were stopped to take in a fresh supply of fuel* and doiii.g the delay severalgentknilu descended from the carriages with thfe purpose of Talking’ 0:1 the road and examining its construction. Among the number was Mr. iluskis- son. He was returning to the carriage, and had cp- proached that part where Mrs. Huskisson was sitting, when catching the pyt s of the "Duke of Wellington, a it- cognition folio wed, and Mr. Huskisson advanced to lake the other’s extended hand. “While in the act of sinking bands, herald sound* announced the approach cf the Rocket engine on the opposite rail. A cry of dinger was instantly raised, and Prince Esn * u*y was helped into the carriage. Mr. IJuskissoa remained out aid*, and several voices exclaimed, ‘taka c*re of Mr. Huskisson-— The unfortunate gentleman became flu trid, und rapidly caught hold of the door; but unhappily in.endeavoring to ascend be missed his footing, and falling to the ground, part of hisperson extended on the otbei; rail. The Rock et coming up at the instant went over i»is leg and thigh, and fractured them in a most dreadful mariner, lhe whole was the- work of a moment. An instant previous he was in the full possession of health and spirits: he now lay bb eding and mangled before Lis friends. To pour- tray the scene that followed would be impossible. Med ical geutlemen immediately flew to bis assistance, and he was conveyed to a neighboring house, where every atten tion was besthwed. Bui the wounds be had rectivoi were of such character as to allow no hope of bis recovery, and he expired the same evening about : jut -o’clock. A great dinner was to bare succeeded tho rail-way jnunt, and it had been confidently anticipatt-li that their rm-etii ' at that festival might be the means of affecting a total arid cordial reconciliation between the Duke i t Vtelliiigtor- «c and Mr. Huskisson. In the death of ibis distifigitwheL individual, England has lost an intelligent, honest and in trepid sta'esaiun, and in (he cause .of free trade, an able, consistent; intelligent, and indefatigable advocate.— Enquirer. Important from Europe.—By yesterday’s 0j"d re ceived accounts of sanguinary revolutions at iJtussel»,Os* tend, Ghent, &c. There **vas a baftle oF six days at ttL, former place. These accounts are down to lhe S;-p- teiuber. We have no room fir details. Colton had im proved n tittle during that urek—Sut Jd. XiiF&a & wziiTm&s OF THOMAS JK1-PERSON. . T HOSE who W>9b to avail UieinstJves of the opportu nity of procuring lhe above ValuaUe.Pub-liectioir, at the original subscription price, ttre requested ram edi- ate to enter their muries on a subscriptbo book, opened* at Mr. McCombs’Tavern, where a specimen uf 4hu Work may be cen. The work- embraces the correspopdence uf Mr. Jefit-r- son for a period of upwards Qf lif:y years, and tup sol fud to be interesting to every American ftate» and patriot. As the profits of the work are intended lg|r th* b* n-fiv if the heirs of Mr. Jcfleriou, *bfs hoped'a liberal paircBi-ie will be granted by the c*i.z<.iis of this place- ' * : ' P. CARLY,* Agrnt. Milledgevilie, Nfw 3!h, l5:’»0 v \ *18 GEORGIA GOM5! : l. rsasnars .ii ft jr A^v jast rt lbnied frunt N. JCJi York u-jilca KICH AS SORTMENT of * PINTS JEWE1RY, manufactured of Geurv.ia Gold, and under his immediate ir.sp c- tion-^-e Desisting *»f"Gentlemen*? and .Ladies* patent icztr If utch- os, Seals a,id Keys; cable, Lup and basket neck CtiAlJ+S;— BreastPinSi Ear-rings, and Finger-tings; Mmiumre Lockets; Mtdalions, gold and silver leaf; Also, silver pa tent lever und plain IVniches; silver, and plated fuble^ tea, and desert and soup Shauns; ever pointed Pencil Cases; Plated Castors, Candlesticks, Cake Baskets, Snutfers and Trays, Silver Spectacles and Thimbles Biitania CuSle & Tea Pots, Do. Spoons and Ladles, S'reH Comhs, Pocket Bocks and Purses, Dirks and Knives, Hod;-; r’s Focket and. Pen Knives, Razors and Scissors, Walking Canes— MILITARY GOODS—consisting of Gilt dtid Plated Ep aulets, Beits, Spurs, lints. Lace, Buttons, Cord, Cock ades and Eagles, Travelling aud Pocket Pistols. The above added to foimer stock wdliauke a very complete as^orluient, which are offered at whtrle-sale aud retail as low as at any other establishment in the South ern country. 1 *• OLD and NEW GOLD or SILVER received for any ol the ubovd articles. WATCHES und CLOCKS repair ed as usual. Octolrer 9—- 14— ’ V penitentiary, T HE Board of Inspectors of tfcePeitftentiarj, will re ceive Seafr.d Proposals unlit Tuesday Ibe 7th day of December .next, for furnishing the Guard and Cuavick* with RATIONS FOR THS TSAR 1831* The ration of the Guard to consist of 18 ounces of floor or 20 ounces of corn raeal sifted; 13 ounces of potk: 8 ounce* of bacon or 30 ounces of beet; one gill of spirit* per day; 4 pound* of hard, soup; 2 quarts of vinegar aod I} pounds of candles—and when saH provisions are issu ed, 2 qu irts of salt for every, 100 rations, and 4 quarts whenfrCuirmes t is issued. The ration of the. Coovictura 22 ounces of corn meal^stfted; 12 ounces of pork; Boun ces of bacen or 1 pound of beef, per day; soap, salt aod vinegar, saute as the Guard, aod- for sis month; io lie year, as may be ordered by the Physician, one pint sf mo-. lasses each per week. Wheo <«xs|i beef is issued as ra tions, bacon or salt pork alia.!* hs issued twice ill each week during tho lime 1 . Sealed Proposals will also bo received until the satnew time for famishing the Penitentiary with COAL for the year !83l. Bund und security will be required, and the seceritks prop tsed must be named in the proposals* The usual ad- vnuces will be nude. . By order uf the Board of Inspectors, JOHN MILLER, Secretory* Milledgevilie, Oct 30...1630 17- ’ 6t Hooted Vines, Vine Cuttings, T un grafts & WiJTE,. HE subscriber Uas for sale, at tits place of f$sidenc^ ia Jasper county, on the Clinton Road near Hills boro,* V* • ’ * 40Q 3 years oW Roots at 25 cents per plant. 3*. >2 years do do at 20 cents ,per plant. 600 i year do do at 15 cents per plant. 25,000 Cuttings at 825 per thousand. 500 gallons sftett and sivur Wine, at $1 25 cents per gallon by th*- barrel, deliver'd, at any place nat exceeding 40 kiileri-if taken at my place, $i »2J cents per gallon. Any quantity of fresh ripe tipper can be baij, by the pound* vluster, or otherwise, on liberal 1 terms— L as well as Grape Syrup.. - . r W. B."— Persons buying quantities of Vine Riots and Cuttings, can have u»y Vine Dresser’ - Gcids? thrown gratis / **.*•• DIEMEU. October 23 16 -It