The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, December 11, 1830, Image 2

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u \ • \ CLidJitiirJU’i JuJufe.A'1 i>&H> IN SENATE. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 1 Mr Watson on leave granted introduced in stonier, a hid iO alter and amend an act *Upp’V menv»Vv lo, and mare < (T,.c« unity to enforce ar. act prescribing ' h ni»»ifedfm-mwiitling slave* —and also to a It r r and amend an apt, to alter »o 4 »'men.: tbe ocl prohibiting slaves-from sel ling certain commodities therein mentioned and to prohibit shop keepers and others Irom selling to slaves or tree poisons of color sputt- uuu.s liquors. Tmm&pAy. Dec. 2. Oil mo''ton of Mr. Singleton, the* conMiicrod so much of ttie. Journal ot v* sier dav as relates to the laying on the I a hie the balance of the session the report ol tl»e coni- nnttoC of the wh ile on the bill to alter and a mend the 18:h and 19 t) sections ol the 1st ar ticle of (be CooHiluti not G. orgia, so as more effect unMy to suppress the pract ice of duelling 'j'ne Senate passed the lull to au111or*z- the Trustee of the poor school fund of Houston county to p**y a part of said lund to l**e com missioners ot Academies ol said county The S. date took up and passed the bill for the relief juf the purchasers. ol Fracti ns, L ami toivfi lots iu|b® Iceland sales at JV1 Hi niteville, it: 1828. and 1829. in the tonn- oi Mu con ynd:Goiumhus» Fill D AY, D o* 3. Mr Anderson front the uithtary committee triiub* a r< jo-i t .which «;i$ read and agreed lo. '*'1 e Senate went i.po committee of th«* Wn.a^.. \| r Ji ecse Chair, on the hill to a- mio#uJ ~ . i«i »id ?? i»i till"* now in f.rce, regulating t he appmnt uncut.-, 2ut ies, and power?, ot the commissioners ol pilotage, and for di fm;; g their quahfiya'i us upon the qu*-“ tion, “shall this hilt now pass'? ’ it was decided in the affirmative. Tile Senate passed the bdl to divide the county of it mdoiph and to fay out -a new conn ty ther- from. ^ATURBAV Dec 4. Th * Senate took up the reconsidered hill, to facilitate i he collection of debts in the So perror and Inferior Courts of this State, and on the iiMii! question, “shall this hill now pa--?” i; decided m the affirmative. rh» S mate passed the hill to amond the several ae!- now m force regulating the ap. po-nUnon;s du.lto.Sj and powers of thp.cooi iiiis*ioners of pilotage, .aud for defining the r u)*is t , The ‘nil ot’*trbc House of Representatives t> authorize the survey a;id (hspeseion of h«o» ; - wit iin the limits ol Go.nrgia in the occupancy of the Clierokee tribe ot lud'.in*, and all other Urtiocaled lands wittiiu-the limits of Georgia. cCimed a* Creek lands, and authorize the Gov mor to call out a military force to pro tect th u Surveyors in the da.-v rge of their duifes, and to provid f-r tiie pu"i*imient of persons who may prevent or attempt to pro vent any surveyor from performing his dqlie- as pointed out nv this act or who shall wilful Jy cut down and deface anv marked tree or remove any land mark which may he made m pur-nance of this act, and to protect the Ind; ans in the peaceable possession of their mi provi-merits was road the first tini-*. Mr Green laid on the tabie a resolution for give younger judgement creditors .a preference to moneys rais< il on the sale uf defendants pro perty in certain cmm-s therein specified The hill from the House of Representatives reauthorize the survey and disposition ot tli<- land* within the limbs of Georgia in the occu pancy of the Ch* rokce tribe ol Indians, was read the second time. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Friday, Nov. 26 Mr Oliver from the Committee on Finance presented a report, which ,was read and a- grcfd to Jt'Jie 1100*0 again took up the bill and sub - i»: ales on the subject ol survey and di*posi i ion of lhe Cherokee count rv, fee. Mr ilayne moved that they ho oil the table for the prt;_- i eut, which was lost. The subject then, was Considerably discussed—and the House an* it.uined. Saturday, Nbv 27. The House took up and agreed to the «• mendments oi-Senate to the Indian LamLB;!? The Iloilso again I n k up the hr! and *uA i> ct of the Cherokee country; Mr. McDendd w thdrew his memorial and.stihstifute thedi * cushion wa- further continued, wnen on-nv’-itior ■ .f .Sir Ryan said matter was postponed tiH To alter and change The limes of holding the Inferior Court of tl»e county of Fr.mkhn To incorporate the Presbyterian and Metho ilfst Georgia Education SoCfeJies fee. To’separate and divorce John W ansio w and Sarah Window his wife- ‘ The House passed the hill to separate and divorce John Long from Nancy Lung iiis wile. The following bills of Senate were read the tidi'd -time and passed. To incorporate the town of Fort Games io the county ofE.uiy• T> establish election districts in the county of Jasper. -> ■ , To vest the appointment of Patrols in the Justices of the Peace. Saturday, Dec. 4. Ov motion of Mr. Terrill, the House recon- std<ytM so much of the Jounnrls of yesterday as.relatos to 1 he.rejection-of the Bill to sepa* r>to and divorce- William B Thomas,-atid E;i /abelli lu* wife. Mr. JMoys from the committee appointed, reported a bill to add a part o! Henry county, to (he county ot D-Kalb. ~ . Mr. Wilson of Early, reported a hill to lorrti and lay out a new county from the counties of E.o!y and Randolph. Mr. Burns, ••igreenblv to notice, moved for ml Monday next. - . J the app.-riwneBl'o! a ce.mmittee-to prepare a On motion of Mr Kites., Mo 41..use look a Wj| ta ., ller iimi . am y. n d ther 7U» sco op and passed t-fee Inti to provide tor the. | lU)TI oi *. |rt act U) estjrhhsh B^nk at M,Hedge- rn- m ot fe^S on insolvent buUoJancl.ctmeut tor , ^ [o ^ (}|e . Coi)lrai g ink of Georgia .-ff-nces committed within the KrrUory o. the | A coniJ1 „ Hlicyli on was received, from th Cherokee Niti/.n, and w-hacii ha-s Ween adiieu ; conip.unication was {Governor, sta«i f ig that as (be United States 'Troops bad been wulidruwi: irtrtu the Gold Rc»-inumeroris per-ons woubl bo again tempted to recommence the digging for gold— and recommending the organization of asuffi .'oilie counties of Carroll, D Kalb, Gwinnett il.lli, ,n n J -Olrt—. —*'»• Xllrvmluiuuts ot fered to- M‘- ' v ^ jrd - M OX DAY, No V 29 Mr. -Brewster, hv leave of the.House report* _ . aH instmxer ,.biU'«o farll.. r .lafino lhe dn.iw | h “ 1!!!?.“'“^-i" of Sheriffs, Coroners a4:d Constables in th INTERESTING FROM MEXICO. Private lettew. are liefer * us' from Verra Cruz, diited as lajeas t ho. 23 I ult brought by t he Cornet, arriv6d*at Philadelphia, W.e give extracts: * Auaya was removed Irom Qajacu, and tak en to Merelia ‘ He ft was who contributed to tbe escape of Salgiido lrom capital punish ment, thus recompensing a iavor which iic had received from him at another period. Fi-f this reason Anaya has beep imprisoued at Mex ico on his arrival. . ■ , . ColoDel Victoria ivns Taken, fer the second and last time in a farm hou‘>e of Fion, and cbndtlcted to Petihla As he had been condemned to death by a court martial as soon as lie arrived, he was ordered by the comandant general to l»e executed in twenty; four hours lie heard his fate with calmness, Ho made Pefes send lor a tailor, and had a coat, pantaloons, &c. .made of'b’ack, w hich were-done on *be morning of the second day. He desired Athino to allow him to be shaved, hut it was refused as contrary to order. As soon as he had dressed himself iti his hew sail, he declarred that.he was ready; and Albino had him brought to the place of ex^cutien, arul drew.up the troops. They brought a seat ftir him, w hore be sat-* and a-ked permission to sav two words to the people: then rose and safd, -with a loud voice; “Countrymen-'and fiiemU ! I ain to die; but there vi!T bo many io revenge my blood, and that speedily.” II then sat down, and Albino came up to giv him a hist embrace; hui Victoria proveiifed bim by ;t push with his left hand against his breast, saying, “You cannot embrace me, per r at ox day, D<-c 6. "Ir» Allen from the conunatee on Agricu! tu: - an t Iuiernul Improvement presented re j)or:> on the resolution to enquire into tfe ex'- rdi- ncy ol im-pr »v»rj»r tFi« nav.iyaiion of tb C rsti ifioocb<*e River above Hm CJ.-iwe'a fill-, nod !he cmnmiMicatioii of VV Wdfiarns fela t > r to bis machine for removing log* Lc from IF vers. Mr h'obhison laid on the table the follow ing resofuiio-t> wtiich was taken up, read, ami agreed to. v iz: wherens, the Federal Unm- Augusta Ghroiifcio, and Mac- p'Telegraph »ra- p- rs, are pairor ized bv a large and respecra- hle noniori of the good p -pie of Ibis Slate- arid tvh r^-as it i* f ighjv -important that ■parties in Georgia should iie acquainted w-i:h the prov sions of theJuM probtbuiog tresi>a- sing noon the Gold, Silver, and oitier mm<>< &:c —and whereas ii appears bv an t y.> cut.-v or ier that said law i* only to-be pnhhshed the Georgi.i J ■un-ai. Coiornbu-' E ujmrer. ,*m,in; in order then lhat mfi/hnation s« imp irJant should f>e gener ijlv k .oivn, Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Re presentalives of the Slate of G- >rfiu, That he JE t \'.:*dfency the Goybrlror'heaud tie is r--qu.-* ed :o have sard taw puld^shed in tin F ■! ra Union, AugU'la C? rontefe, am,f Mac-m T ! >- gr i )h, as lin cted to be ji'uhli-le d i.; thi- J..ur n il E q nrler, anil Atb'-ni.m. anvl that It for m same out ol ttie contingeot or fund. ilr Porter presented a report’ from the Trii-'ee- o’ i he Bvron Acadtunv, iMr Stewart laid on ihe fanfe •» resolution n lative to ei-poking of the L >ck and Dim a- cro-s the O iinee Itivemear AI.Ib:dg.- v.i|e' The Senate took up the report of ihe Com iri.iive of the vvhele on the bill to alt(>r lh*- ni-> l> d'appomiing fh D errors of the Cen t r -i Buik of Georgtti —Artil on the question sh ! ‘‘n* toll now pas*? [f iva« • iWtj‘*rftitw<; in ■ dhrmative—The yeas being 40, the n-iy 28. T • Senate vent into committee of t|u- wlw»f , Mr Tenhille in the Ofi.ur, * on ffie-fi.: to amond :bo act m .king uniform tlie ni inun of fi-iiung for shad on ih< ‘Odimufgee- R.ver. and lor other puruoses—on the question shah this bill now passl it was decided in the afii mative.' Tuesd \y D c. 7 On motion of Mr. Green i S nate took ill f he following resolution, v y.: Wfe-reas vn rioils opinions exist among the g-«od cjizfn* of'hin State on the subject of P -micnitary con. fi iernenf—for The purpose therefore of : ascer taining the voice of ilie peopT*- on t-his afL-rm portant and roferesiing subject pai priming levying and selling of lands dra--u hv virtue.-! the several land lottery acts since 1318 mciu >ive, which whs read the first ti ne-. The House again took up the original port of the Committee of the whole tog. with the. su-hsfitirte off-red th- reM hv .M fecldev, on the subject oi’the survey of the Cherokee country, and sum turtlier discu- sion being had, the question was put on re ■ f. iving sjdd snhst-itutr upon which the yea i .«! nays were required to he recorded and ar. , yens G3 —nays 6G—So Lb • House refused t u- s'ibsi:iute ; and ordered the report to lie on lb* riMe tiH tone-rrow. The. II i*use concurred in the report, as a {<• ;u Stismle, on (tic O-.umf'irv Do 1 ween Georgi. and the territorv cl Florida. Fifty three hills were severally read the 2d m-- and ordered to pass to ihe 3d reading Tuesday, Nov 30. M r JVRson’ of Early, pros nt«td. two petitions fr«ue a number of the citizens of the count ’ d E >rly and Randoh-h praying Ihe creation ot i now c-'uniy out of »a-d counties. Mr Alays presented a petition from sur-drv citizens of the county a! ilcRry praying to In a 1 tached to D J\ ilb The IF. ti-e again took up the report of the Committee oftiie whole on the hill for the sui vey and disposition of -4ho Cherokee coontrv and after considerable discussion had, t.bc II»use adjourned. - , Wednesday Dec 1. The House again took up-ihe-Ti-port. ef the numuniiil f ■ ■!* * I--— OlfliffTr'y, igr. Tile tel! was taken up by .sections. • a*ul aft: r "uicii discussion aud the adoption, of scvor -l -mendroems. the II usy adfoiicned till 3 o’ cli»cb in the evening jhe Fi-.u-e uiei pursuant to -adjournment, oid resumed the considerate n of the bill to • i.vey and d;s[i«Mse of the Cherokeo country, C‘>n-*tde,r;i e .liscussion Was again had, at- ,er wtuen tile Ii ,u-e ;uij tweed , ■ . 'J'hdrsday. Do. 2. A message wa? received from the G.wer or, inturTM g 'lie House Inal lie had ;is*efi 1 to, and vgoed, the fff! lowing act*, to wit; . Am nc: to separate and.d vurce John S. Prui c.d Rosannah Bun hi* wife To separate and <hv,.rc. Ebza Boon, and 'ii- tiia* C Boon her’tiuslniiifl To alter and amend the 1 flirty fifth section under the sixth division of the penal code ot his S'atf; s » as t«, alter and amend the difim ton of Larceny from t im liou-c. * lo prevent the Jurffir-r issuing of change ■iiis, and 'c compel tlv issuers of such bills t redeem th m .mo relieve n<-rsou's who hav i-sued tln-ai Trem the p-nalt-es incurred under Tic former s.-dutes f T-n* 5f.. ale Io prev.-i;’ tin: t-.tie u> personal property trp.r, veoii g.n ! he d feud-mT, by Virtue o,' the Plain* iff’- jtidgiVieiii, &- r 1 all.hv»r.ze the G v rnor to take posses ■ion ut I lit} Gold. fed< er. i,-..d other mines lytt.i- i that section «.| Georgia, conimoidv called the< k>»«* couop. v fee, . The II-oj e ag >n ?->ok up die Report of be corom to e of ‘tm >vt, le. oti (fie fuilta sur ve\ au-i dispose ot the Cherokee country, fee. consider ode di-russiuii again arose The' rc p ut h--(.n gone -t.hrougfi with, wjis a g.ecd to by the H u-e, (be full was read the hir>] lyitier-a id i> ;je qups' on, “siiail jhi i i ii-*w pas J i he yeas are 76, the nays are bb—So ttie I] ii e passed the bill to survey, :a_V R .ihd dispose oftfie Che rokee Lauds. Friday I): c. 3 M-* Tionx 'ard, o< B/fihvin, moved ro reci.n- luiion of If* Journalkof \e&terjav n« ITes lo iho pri>.Vni gs bad «n, and the pas* -.ig.- f if, • b i i i to *u v*.. y and dispose'.of ihe In 1 jrj woich «as iosi. 1’n -' -oil io appropriate money for the relief •fthe U..g>retv of Georgia, whs made (ho or- if.-r of i.e.- day for Wc<inesda> next. The l> II fo -stahliT, . comm n schooN ^ .r -ughoii : - Slate was made the order of the »iai t<-r i n» s-fay next. Mr. Burns give i.otice ihaf he should after today move fora committee to prepare and report^ a bill to alter and amend the 7tf, sec.- f an a- t tel rst place »l! the hi the possession of rrtrli viduals, fee. fee A communication was also received fiom Tie Governor, staling that he bad received a pro position from the Hon.-T. U P Charlton, to compile and digest in /dphanhetir-d order fhe principles and praciice ofdlie Equity Jm r sdiclion of England applicable to Ge- rgia. Monday; Dec^ 6. Mr. Wilson, of Early, reported, a frill to»iu thorze the Sheriff-»f Early county to sell and of all the unsold fractious i tribe 5tb •listrict of Early canal v. M r Burns reported a bid to alter and amend ■ e 7th Miction-of an-art to establish a Bank It .MilftofgeviJfe calh d and known by the name ( tho Cntrmii Brndc-so far as to change the manner of appointing officers, fee. The following bill-; of-Senate were several ly mad the 3d time and pns-swd. to wit: The bill to amend an act making constables’ Uvfive bv the people so far as respects the c-tunlies of Wayne, Liberty, and Glynn. T > revive and amend an act to incorporate Ty\ Brunswick Canal Company, fee. To amend an act to appropriate- the fines ind f -rtejtnres arising from criminal prosecu tions in Lincoln county to the Lincoln Aeade my fee. - -_ •-*• . To compel the Clerk < f t-he-Soperior Court ot Emanuel countv to keep his office at or within five miles of the Court House of said '•nurd v. The hill to extend to the city and port rf Darien all the health and quarantine laws now 9'oO'lrinowirig'hiIlsthe House were road •he 3d litre and pass* d. 1 » regulate (lie admi«RK<n of evidence in certain Casein tho several Courts of Law and Equity in th s Si ate. fee fee. To incorporate the Augusta Theatre Com- ' i anv. The House a’?;o passedjhe bdl to incorpo- ntea B ir-kiog Company in tbeerty of Augusta. A bill was. reported to nrnhibit l|>e introduc- *'' () t slaves into tiiis State excejit in certain cases. On motion of Mr WffTarcl, the hill to pro- ’ rif the esatirise of assumed arul-mbitrary newer hv all persons under pretext ofaurhori- v <ro ^ the Cherokee Indima and tbeir laws, •”h« read the second time and jefi-rred to com- 'nittees rtf the whole for tomorrow Tuesday, Dec. 7. Mr. llaynrs, reported a bill- to alter and fix and more fuUy provide and feline the fees of ’he d ff--.renf public officers t-f this State 1 Here in mentioned Also to provide for the com pensation of owners of slaves capitally p Un - Tied r hills from the Senate were read the first time* A message was brought from the G overnor mtormmg fhe House iliat he had assented to ind signed the following acts. To change the election of Tax Collectors m the several counties of this State, fee.* F-i tnak- permanent the site D f the pifelio buildings in the town of Lumpkin, Randolph county fee: - * ' - r . , -To incorporate Jefferson Academy in the county of Putnam. - - *. To incorporate the Baptist Church at Brushy Creek in the connfy of Burke. " To repeal an act fertile rehe^ofthe Butch ers'aud venders of ntioaU in the city of Au- fflfstih fivjnf op Her maintop gallant mast a large tri- cidor<v4 flag. w ‘Ih the names, in large gilt let* ters, oTt^ivingston, Fulton, and Layfayetle — On the .P)isij;ii stuff "il! float the American Ea« glefnnd stripes. The fl igs^ of other nations wdl be displayed from different parts of the f >gg‘»g-” - “ - -^lOOOOOO.-r- Georgia Temperance .\otitice.—The Sec re* taries of all the Temperance Societies, auxil iary to tho State Society, are earnestly re quested to address letters to the subscriber, giving particular information of the state of temperance, and, within their respective hoHinls. They are also requested to name all the death* within their knowledge that have taken plqco in Gonsequenco of the intemperate driukmg of .ir.h nt spirits, tho 4hi? murders committed under the ii fluenee of strong drink; andotiier caiptal crimes—whicii may be traced to the same cause Tho good resulting.'from the influence oi Temperance Societies,^to’morals, and in the suppression of ardent spirits, may ho communicated. Agree able annecdotes, ftluslrvitiiig the influence ef toinpeVanC'*, in an eddying manner, and ac counts ol new sociei ies, * are requested, ft is requested that the accounts be transmitted to mtT should not hc^ extnmled furttier back, than the beginning of August last— that every rwcumstance op^to August next, em braced in ihe -several reports. All letters sent iit lea-t iu timefiVreach me by the fir*f of Augu.21, 1831. Let fife facts and reports havo i be names of th** persons and vouchers Di» reel4o AUGUSTINE GREEN, Temperance F* O. Groen County, 'Ga. rm your diity 1” He then asaio s;it down And Committee on the Slate of Temperance wi-th-* calmness, placed his hands upon his 1 knees, with .a tranquil countenance, and* wa* shot, without making any other movement than merely turning his hand on his knees* - This was on the lllhofSept. ai tire mo metu when fhe celebration was taking pfaco of' the victories of the Spaniards at Tampico. Ojaca-is revolutionised, and m re compiete- *y so than is reported. The supplement of the 18th number of the Registro Official will give an idea of the slate ef things (here.-- Colonel Martinez, who was Commandant General of the S^tate of Cliiapas, and who emi grated to G.uatamela at the time ot .he J.napa plan, is in Coinitan, on the frontiers of the two countries with about 2000 troops Gen Guerrero is in-the South, with Sa-lga- du and Almo-nte, who are Ins roimstm's. C.t dallos with 1500 men, is near Yaladolfft: (r r* Alvarez nief the division of Armijo, of 1500 men. between the 26 h arid 30!b ult and :il- tbough it has been said that' he lost tiu- life by ihrowiite himself into a ravine, it is tiie fact,' .that havmg f;*ken a piece of irtiilery which was posted with a sufficient body of froirpe, and approaching Alvarez and Iiis division, Armjo prepared for fighting, but as the bat- in Betbesda Ch. MAMMOTH SKELETON. The sfc; lefou .off <in mirimal, of prodigious size, was discovered about four weeks- since, at rf»e B ii* Boiie L-ck, in Kciituckv. We have O . > - . _ the following "particulars from n friend, who received them, of a gcEtlenaan who resides near the L:i*k. ' - ‘There are ten or twelve set of tusk c , from four to tvielv(j-feet loug— tfie claws ;ire four feet Iona: end tliree hr+»ad: the tusks were ar ranged in circular^ order, as ifl>v tiie hands of m;tp--withir, Hie circle the bones were depo sited,’ which when placed together, shewed tho animal to have been ;it least 25 feet high, and Sixty feet Jong. Thp scud t.*o c. alono weighed 400 pounds They were found by a Mr. Finoeyi about fourteen feet be few the *• nr- f’a-co oftfie*. earth, who refused ^5 000 for tbem. Tho skeleton-is said fo be complete,, saving only one t i two ribs- . .. & iien. and h.q\v, this animal existed, must y.i111-; fed 1 speculation The mammoth, him self, so long the wonder of these latt r times, inur-t (Jivindle into comparative insignificance before t his Titov discovered prodigy. If carni- I lo was bf.-gidnmg, his troops joined those of j verems, - a huffaiq scarcely serve- him for a Alvarez, and Armijo was made prisoner, after-; meal; ’atid* if granivorous, trees must have rbcciv'Lig 17 Xvoun Is, and died almost imme-) ngen bis tender i/eronge.—Rural Cabinet. diately. Gea Bravo fl d from Acapulco to seek refug in Chdpancingo Coi. Maulina died at Adapulco, and his regiment im i] was destroyed Another ieftor'inforuis fes.that the .Miaister of W r. F vcio, has. been removed, ainhCof. Landero will probably take Iiis Djace. -—* oi irie oapitni fs exceeding ly depressed, aud that-of Verra Cruz is in fe similar state. ^ . Ii is stated infehese letters, lb it Geo. Guero. ro, has begun the formation of a *g«Tvornmmit* having made two ministers.—j\\ Y.>>- Ailvertiser. - FROM THE RICHMOND ENQUinm ; CELEBRATION in NEW YORK." Ihe Procession, in honor of the-French Re* vohif ion, which -wirs tex have- takcrr'piace on the 25ib, (ibe Aiirriversnry of tiie evacuation of New A (/rk,.) was postponed in consequence of tiie inefemoocy of the weather, till the lirsi i.iir day. Ii will he-the most splendid 'com mcmoration, which has yet been got up for fhe purpose. Strangers from various parts- of the country had flocked in; and D,e number of persons to be present is estimated at 40 or 59,000 Hie procession is to commence will - “A SQUADRON -OF CAVALRY.V > “TRVMPeVs.” “Grand‘Marshal and Aids.” , Barouche containing Col. Monroe, bile President to Hie United Stales, and PresiTfent of the committee of two hundred and fifty,ac-' eompanied by the Vies. PcesMients.^^GaUatiu IlerteU and Browne I he Gcooral Committee of arrangements.J purpose __ composed of.the Original CoovmiUeo qf Four- I eftv secular prudence a leen, and the C * 1 -• Recognition, in the World to coijie. “-And I say unto you, make to yourselves friends of Hie mammon of unrigittousness, that, when ve fait, they may receive you into (jvrrla^ing haliitiiijoDs?” . These w-ords- foil frem (bq lips of one who came from the w^rldot glory, mid who could not be ignopint, in aj»y pajHailbr, of the des- iined cmioition c*t brs toffowtrs; apd vet thev bear so forcihly.upyn the direct subject of in quiry, that it .-seems searGcly necessary to -offer any renfirk i i (be shape of a cOTmn.cnt upon them. T.iken in cohaectido.Vrth (he parable, of which t hey. Uni .m'rtpprh}w r.fet: and Juipres- Sive. moral, they* appear T<> estatnish,. beyond ah’ conlrovcl'sy, 'tho -cortainty . of a. future rc- ‘cogmt iarr me angst Iho O^cipfes of C-brisf. am! might be 'confedei'ed as suffiei.-fit to decide the question, wef-eliiC-re rlo other passage up- owvvhicJi fo rost an argument, on Hie affinna- .ive -side. Ihrt luijusf sleward, havmg jncur- red the displeasure ot 4iis lord, is commanded (q-baJairce Ijis'arxocfjtscand lo fctiro- from an office oJ wifech he bad provmt bimself omvor- 'thy by his prodigal Ay and dishonest practices, I o proyide.agamst the iJistrcss which threat ened tiirn, he is represented to make large dc- dnetidns front Jhe iicbts. of bis evtsterV ten. acts, in-hope Ui.d if .poverty overtook him, fhey would become' his friends, and receive nim into tbeir hahifutions. Although this pro ceeding wasan instance offf igTant dishonesty and was perfectly in keeping'with fm previous character and-conduct, it Vas'still art artful \ expedient, which was precisely suited 4o hia As a specimeB, therefore, of saga*. culur prudence, and, of course^>u this * ' I'mmittoc of Fifty, ami such ' this view .done, it is commended by our I erd members of the Committee of Two Hundred,.[-4»d made the occ-rsimfof the salifeurv h lvico as arejiot assigned to other phices. ' j witi. which the parable closes. NolvthJ Mraiorofthe day and reader cf Hie Address”! Point on wffiich this whole evidence turns ir, V f V ih f Officers ot the Grty, i-b.e State,J favor cf future recogimkm; VtJ.e analogy rer>- and bederral Governments—the Cincinnafti | resentoff by oqi* Saviour byiwecn-Iho c Ao» of and that a,nd Revolutionary officers, fee.—Foreign Min- j.!hc.uhf.u<Vfu) steward is tors ami Oqnsulsv, . ■ AL: Anthony Glenn an ofEcor of (be rum . T lihsb a Bank at Alilledge be it re^oivedjyde umfec'tfit; niime and stvie of* the fVmr .i that all the voters of Georgia wdm feebfi.r the j Bank Mr Snelli H g< reported a bill to authoriz •be • pi'iu- g of a ruad from Columbus, io F- r> G umfe tn Early* count y Mr Brewster f od ofe the table a resolution Oval the General Assembly will adjourn on S^'Urday the 18rh insf. r«».„ , , * , , .... r-ie tol!o*.Vi;jg ^ncros-ed bills were several.' Ihe feenate took uu and oassed the b.U tojly read the third tune and passed. interest mid prosperity of the S* Of♦», a*:d who vyi*h to abolish Penitentiary confinement, be required on the first Monday in October next to **xpress on their ticket if m fiivm* of Po» i tentiary. ‘P nitentiaryif ag-arust Pemten tiary, “No P- nd•ml-iar?’*—which was agreed to by a vote of 42 lo 27 n> au» orizo th * Justices of the Inferior Court oi Morgan onnty, to esfaddish sm msti 'illion m said county, fertho invalid poor there of, fee. ' --- - ■ I a incorporate the town of Ilawkinsvinc in the county of Pulaski. - ^ •» —* — from the Raleigh register." There have lje<-n four balloting- tbr a Sen ator in Congress, zuccfGen. Irjedel, witboyt effecting a choice. Om 'i’hc iw<j first hallot- ngs, VV iRLiE P. Masgum and Montford j Strikes were in nomination. ■ Prior (o third balloting, the name of Gov. Given added, and the result of the whole is as lower Mangum - - Stokes - - Owen .... Speight - - ■ Donnell - - Scattering - That the legislature as a sovereign power, cnq nu.lily the Unconstitutional acts of the General Government, ts ihe primary and prin cipal doctrme oft he State Rights Part v.”—Gen eral Sumpters letter, Its 2d. ^ 1 o.J 4tfi . 80 81 88 89 - 37 OQ 14 - 22 39 72 : 89 - 12 22 • 7 2' - 32 11 13 5 the was fol - N T avy ofthe Revolution, in a Barouche,' bearhu* the identical standard ofthe United SnW'es, 'which wasfioisted- by him. and immediately feu the British evacuating Hfe city in 1783—also in the^amo barouche Alexander Whaley, David Williams, and Enoch Crosby/ ' ‘Mr. John Van NorsdaJe on horseback. On the evjicuuticn of the city in 1783, Mr. Van Norsdale pulled down the British flag, and ran the halliards with which Mr. Glenn hoisted the American standard. “The. flag of fhe United* Stales borne bv Henrv Glenn, who first hoisted thefe^nerrean ^anflard m.this eity on the 25!h November, “Citizens of -Franco bearing tire tri-colored r big with appropriate emblems arid devices. “Rev. Clergy of all denominations ’* ; “Tne various Societies—and all the profes- -sions and Trades of the city .beaded by the Printers and M mbefs of the Typogragbical Society and Type-Founders, fee. fee. The Evening Post says- “It is contemplated to have a small steam host, the General Lafayette, with her machinery complete On board: placed on wheels and drawn by horses, appropriately decorated- the engine to work during the whole procession, f.od the wheels, and paddles nrmotion—to be under .command tfone ofthe oldest steamboat Captains. She is to-be rig. ged like a three-masted yachtfe anfl will have '*ji >.i>h ,ol all thoso Who make a-propei use of their woriufy sub- stance. Wealth is probably called the ’‘mam mon of unrighteousness,either to designate , 'tie idulftlroushonujge which is paid to itliy ‘the chiblceft of tfiLs world.’; or. the unlawful maimer in-which it is-too frequently obtained and appropriated “by them. And itie eShorfe- !^ prescribes, noli lie mbHvfe by which the v.hrislaif is to he actuated in the use of riches, birt Mur manner io which R- is his duty to em ploy them, He'ijr itnlifecily enjoined to ex pend his property in acts ff j,j e(v and benefi cence, and, by so doing to ‘commend himself to tho esteem creatures. A "‘l. s, * on!(] ti)e objects ofbis charity be some, of his distressed and idfgoot brelhwen—and it is tliDir wcallare that he will feel hfriisetf espe cially disposed to consult,^as lie is bound fodo by tiie law of Christian charity—he is assured in literal ternris, that oh thp supposition of their antecedent entrance into the eternal worlj they will receive him after death info the ‘evl c r last mg hobilatipns/ orronany mansions of tbeir father’s house But what consisfeoi meanmg can be Attached to this promise which does not in volve the .point intended to be established? If tiro departed spirits of good men do not distinctly remember tbcir r pious benefactors upon earthy or' should l*ot he permitted to know them aft^r .tbeir death * how can the implied declaration ofthe Saviour expressed as it W in j.hhn and unequivocal language, meet wifh its aiccbmplishmentdn anv