The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, December 11, 1830, Image 3

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~nsnnnl>le and appropriate sfinse^ ■ ^uithful impeach the veracity «ri M* 1 lroe i,n ‘* i'itri!*ss, we must admit that the P H "» particular c T & *«£ . . lint the inference to to **a«:li other on earth. . .. , oe drawn from this passage* is no «i i one. Ii ( us irel.evers » general, ■ho are ..-diking Iiwel her in the K.llqwsl.ip ol he ffosnel. Will know one another in the kingdom o/Ciod.’ Nay. it a/Tents usMill tur- on this interesting suhject,- hcr information ( not only assures us that departed Christians are living in exalted happiness and glory, but us reason to believe that they take «i special interest in the friends whom th» V have left behind in this vale of tears, and presents them before us as standing, in a manner, at the very threshold ol the sanctuary above, to welcome the arrival of their pious hebdh.c tors, and to conduct them, on the event ot of (heir death, to tin* presence of J)- itT, and the society ofeoiignr.jril spirits.”—Col. Star. _ tul Wz n$mu BIIIL3M2)3SVI'hI'S: SAT J ! H T>A Y, I)ECE3lBhlt 11 ? l83/>. Mr. MiCtldnald, in a paper lately eiithniitf j tr* onr House of Representatives, styles the Pr. >«! hi “|fi s Excellency the President or the United S-.:ir. s.” If m- would consult the lion. J. Q Adams ou ih.- subject he W'Uild learn th'd this trie is contrary ,(j “etiqiutte.”—Au gusta Constitutionalist. JVir. McDonald we presume has never drawn his ideas ejlher of principle oi ‘ etiquette” Xvi.i die Adams School. And would no do not duett to ,any “rons'iltutioo” with j him in his official duties. lie has always be-n and stilt is 1 tilt Iriend ;f I.ickson—whether >ni> pm an Old Ilickon/ hurdle to Ins name, or the in .re «mrtiqnlicA one of, liis Excellency.” • - ^ ; Population of Talbot County Free while males, 2011 u -** females, 1828 Male slaves, 10M) Female, do. _ 1049 Free coloured pci eons, males, ’ 5li40 Of the foregoiog, there arc 1 white person blind under 14 “ “ . 4 ile-af irid u«u*b. u “ ** 1 stav. blind. .. THOMAS C. McDOiyCLL,. . A'-is aol to the v-lan-hal for Talbot Co. Population of Uali county. White males - , ' « *i . White frmutes, • Male slaves, - - . . F mute slaves, - Free p.-oidn of color, Deaf utid D .mb, (whiles) liirud, (nutlet) - Tniended opera/mh. V is iww.sible for tic Governor to ot: ignorant of th th .t m tie up equntry the Clark P nty are Urg y ,t 1( jority—-nd ilia a fuel of eq al notoriety .m. there «re, towny of our b< si cjtjz j»s who never see cither . f the pa,it rs m uhioh tin* taw is "order- eil" to be puh ! jshed In to is secti n of the 8:ate, the t nneral liwtoit ano Aug *<ta Chronicle, have the short rx- l. . syt circnlali ml in tie western p^-t of(Jet»r£ia the 'lucon fdeuraph is inosl tibcr.tti.V patronized. NV'v- : i tI t 'iess this .most important ielixinaiiuo is .withlirid Irani the patrons tf tins* paper.-. Is such conduct bfc- c nnng that dignity or impartiality by which the Chief Magistrate of Georgia should be distinguished—or does it» v. n accord wd„ u,e generosity . f the "beau" of a re- ?|ti ( tatite parti? ’ I ,,ni t - *■ i>fi<i ( ,,j that the most innguan* iiuous of his own friends cannot— wUl not, jusiify that proscupti'-n to which he has subjected his opponents.— As one of »hem I neither solicit orexpecl f-yorfiom him — tun coinmon justice I tItsnk I have a right «i claim bo'h for n.y?t:1f and associates. Governor Gihinr receiyed Hie support cf eightreu thousand Clark nun, many of whom areas r#?s|w.-cc bfe ‘and as honorable 4s Itnaih s iii i thi- or any olher State—md upon whnui ii h,$ now plu'eed the ban of tiis efficiat power and station. Can 1 such comlnoffl JW from a heart duly sensible of the nidi. 1 gallons vf graift.ilc? and does if not port rimy trie man rc- ■ ( g.iriH".ss of pledges, publicly and solemnly mailer With this brief notice ! drop a subj- ci so exceeding'.! 1 disg isting-wiid sickening to all those wiiy.piopt.riy appre- 1 elate either |i"liliealor private.honor. Fortlie ififormudon of.orir ft lends in the. up counter I j wish yotrto publish the huv in the Ft■ derat Union, *luit they may not euo ctl themselves" to its pmal pryvisi-uis. CLARK. ” * in Georgia, Is nrtamaB nd Jitionnf cans* cf suspicion, that.' i:s trin’ii.lie designs ,iCe beyond our kt-n to disc''>n. Ttie imUififfS and civil worries in that Mute, it vtn.uld be rt- iiH - nib.n:e(i, clabn Troug and stmie of his clansmt 11 ns iden’in d with lli. su—1 very Uim$.ihevefure that>s >»f niUlijicaiwn and convention, sriuuld be. r< fe'rc-d to an iiiidemtuoduig unmng tie ^ ** who {ire in tin- sectet,” and rejecied as we would pi 'gue, pestd .ncity and famine tnd Wilt 11 urged to tub hi 1 u these ioMiiious jneaeuais. ki us reply in the lofty lai;guuge if the Fcuvjiu puyi. t with a slight variation, ‘‘ The Constitution which vn reverenceo»r Altaic fathers It-g tcy. The laws »i obey, are tin* pt oph.e ehoidf. . VLe seek no cbauge>c an r least of all such change as they wouUrhrLitg u-s *’• .. PATRICK HElNUY Aggregate, 11,7^9 y,, isindve—Tue College Bi'l lias -pulsed the House of Krpres: ntativea The l'jlhuvtng gmitlemen aie added to (he Bund of Ftus.ees, making tue wuok uumbui 23— viz: - j-'i iuiu} W. Murray, Angus M. D King, Jynus C. tV itson Zichatkh ilfiams, A. U»ese, Dan iel Hook, Jacob 'Voud, tVibou Lnn:pUin, Howell Cube, jceedings of the Semite on i!ie stjbj-ct of Mr. J. Q Ad tins’ S cuhen Tt omas, James Tin?hy A majority of alt the iiirmbcvs c.mMitbtin'; t’ Mr tf the [ron TKtv FEOKUAl. OSKIM.] Editor.—‘‘Tim s uten nt in” t 1: Federal Union 271h pitiuio eliu 1 girig falsehood upon t ( .e writer for [c MMUAICATEO..] . . CONVENTION. Little as i‘ is thought of amid trie din of dehate upon otlur topics n . measure ol more vital interest to the State of Georgia has occupied the attention of tue Gener al Assembly, than the one placed at trie head of this ar ticle. The .assembling together ui th< sovereign people of n 8t ne, f ir trie purpose of changing the fundamental principles of their gov-rument, is an important epoch in their history. It is an act fuaught iviih a trioosanddarf- ! politics, as avowed in his in tngnral uddfess, is subsUotiul-! " f ‘ rs; A poaveniiou Strictly sja aking. consists of the ii? ho ml ly correct, iiotwithstandiotr liie sham less neuial of a wri- . w people represented by delegates f Xpressly chosen, of Tr sues of s iid Coll g- shall be nq'irsite to constitute i f( - in the lust "U.-co J r.” over “(lie si® nature of” “A ; ^ Vt v ‘ Bh tlie same union! ltd powers, which the people a quorum. ‘ j member of the 8en ite.” Trie hope expresstd in'tiiat [ have a right to 4 xcreise ivbeiTdctrrmiiiiag to abolidt'oiie Trie sum of sjj* thousand ffollars is annually ajipvoj ri t- article, flfut ihe. misreprcsMitaimu charged, w.ts „ ot | f«rm of government and sobs'.rime nnother, tliey rise ted to the universilV.ns a finid fbr trie use bYs.iii! Ih-fitu-' - “ - ~ " " ' ’ ! * ’ 1 “ ’ * ’ J tue Recorder professing to gt*e an account - ‘of the pro- penned on iuior.nation from any member of live Senate,” is thus tuiooved by the declaration of this ‘ member of the Scum ” , ;U least in that body,-so 'nished a statement known by all. who noticed the pro gs a Hu lied to, to to wholly untrue.” Mty tion, to rebuild the Cnliege F.uifiee . rid reinacc ipc Idir i- ry an.’ iusti umeuf.v which were aestroyed by Hie late lire u* \ heiis, and for the purpose of tfcTiayiug trie annual expmises of .’he said C’etJ»- g 1 lie said sura t > be drawn from-the Ceutral Bank. sum ot t-11 tlioosaud iotl.riys is niso appropriated, j | i referring lire iTiTiyistroora distoriiori of Tn'h trier. n< a bun, to trie Trustee s of the university, f r the pur- pobii-h d, to the known propensity of the Recorder for p *se of t bail dug tile College fc*d.ftce,ue.j>!ac:ug trie iibra- . tU^par'in;' from its dictates, I souglil to exonerate every iy and instrunn nis wt *e lately buint. 1 tueiiibi r of trie 3cn tc iiutn ihe suspicion of having giv- Trit Indian Laud Bill i« b iire trie Sennit—I s ul;i yen pn.btici V to a disgraceful vjolotrim_of iftn morat oldi- gation t.ri'iosed up. 11 ail u>* n to ^poak and write di.-.. truth Bui “a uie'n’oerof the Seriate” wilbl'to ui >et ttnp.iFallel- matc "form a id pressurt ,J remain ’o ba dutvrmiHcd.— 'I he 81I1 stclient giving-to Hie Governor Uie discretion when to eoniniM coinmi.tce of'! (V h i trie sui»cy. lias been sttickeu owl in . c*l fcfPnnl'ry, iiuilt-a with tiie R- -otCcr to sustain a.most *r_3=» Bv mi oii-Hcoopt -b e oversight, in rcportiri thc > proceeding * of tri'C •>.« *te, the stiUmetil af- tile tin me of • trie gentleman vwlio-iiiLr.o loevd itr'o Uiat body th<‘ biH to j s 1. w'V an.I dispose of tin* territory of the Skate in pos* w f j of tiie Cut r'ukce ItidUns, was. -omilt-err. tie tak pleasure in coneeti: gin<J mistake by saving that. Uw.loil ;,!» vv allude I to ivas reported instimhr by eui fri.-n i Geti. T tonus I. Anderson, Senator iVoiu. luo coutriy m Fiaim- t ini. - ibove the must s'binn law of the land and resort to the reserved right of revolution, lx ought therefore 10die a winch proves Unt ihere"i$ one ! of paramount imprirtnece, tojosttfy a step, "onp'iinc pled ns 10 have fur- History pioves tiiat assemblies of the people, although 1 uiwl o taken with trie purest purpose,'have often r< suited in the adoption of vrrv ditii ren measti-eafroin those they had assembl'd t« deliberate up*in. By the ii.flueuce of designing^nd corrupt men, ojacrating upon the (peal, j- aluus.i:s, -s. ctional Interests, and ffuctnatirig opinions, trial divi'.h uiul d.stmet the dcmoeraiv cf a country - , the must entire nunuriions h ive i-teo effected, and fttafi s have be. n gripped of t ub liberties try the very un.&ns euipB»\ed to assert ami peip. t rate them. Un iei the specious of a ib sire to redress som -- iniagmcd or pret.-iuifal . vd, of which Ihe people tin m- selv. 3 are not c fuscious—of reforming abuses winch- ti/ry riitv* iprobitblt - c.r’iiscd by nial administration of the. laws',' ambitions ilr fii<>gp'guts gradu .Iiv imbue the public j mtnd with •:isi.ittsf.icti«'n at tin- existing oroer of things, ptriable uoiruili. Beit so. The renoun, which he may h ave liOjVd to g .trier from 'his feat in ih<; 6 id of politi cal maneuvering, may diiipdle ‘into a most unenviabV i .state )f iwto• itty. Ami if he iviil hut pull off his ‘"mask 'ill cxehaug-: nis iliiji|.»us, for h:s u ■nre,”'fnr 1 im may buy a cause u» regret no: having Anti* r heeded the then dir. it them to a pciveiUion as the sov.teigu f the tl ca ! cgw. jo niedyfsr a tanco d diVeusi."—ii • in trior tor w hole ma e s is distinctly stated in mv firmer rr»- i ^ R*? body politic ur ■<n J fogethar or doiiguti s up- ' inter/ Iroui d' THE CO VIPAltl**ON. Sometimes it i^protiin'oe *o draw costraSts—et oth- j er times, itis cq'tujy pruli .irie to ins ?t< te eoJirtRis \». ! i’iic totter fraud in .*'.r ejlumtis of lod iy .rum a meg:- | b. r of tiie il u ltried Cunv*iriian to -a .gentleman in Soutli ! Carolina we Ii ad in tin: Nnlional iot. iiigt".leer. IV e da ri.tvoofii fir its aothen icily. B rt no posontc trial so re iier-ial.iC a piji-r would not pnblisii, mihout note or com 11.',<t, so r m rraarito .1 u .aouieoi, ivit'rioiit having cr>n- fi.ieo-e ui its gen.irntTioss. it. Ii-ivt* ilier*X.»re Convludcd that it v.urij n >t h- uri >£ccptaUle-to our patrons to alwu tiie stcaug fuadty likeness ‘i.-tiveeiv trie <? cjrin*v> /. this in ib t of u w .Hartford Co enti'Ui .md-ti'iase • f Govtnt- or vV-e lueietrire dia-v ihe foliovnig cor,ip O l son . iltr'/ord Convention. Gooetnor Tronp. I ,11 riaiu l!ie"p uiuii ill it If contrary ( »expectation, the liv'd o grit nit ti be trie exylin® ^ys t m ^naii 1^- l :ri" ; tiiul it -i*.;.t to b«* re- trim the fixed v»ud s.ul»<J si;, da’ 1 .1 proper. ini* fvu:i oilicj of l.'C co.iJit v, ;h< il 1 tk :p.-np< r i.-yiCJ u-t'anc. s So ;theriy SUtft-s must witii- «,»-uiy-an Cco. ry l, uzi- •/;-*• ■ •* vv lio n tlut.coufcdi.r«ivy. ‘•povriTibly jf'w'e-e.iii; tri-r-i- coil l»hnl-it tptrj. bi V I ii;nlh itj.mciiini ] i oep jiii iil'p i tircoj this Iran.-a..':i n;, rnd-tunds tliu--:. “The writer of iti.cic irs question ih stgu-.d Au-s;iy, Uiat trie t.liuk party i vali'il viva roc- as tin i 1 res ilodnn, which they von d in ] favor of UonJri.ur v !es were r. qnired to be reco> - i l ed I \i^l tuis ii-s. r ion >f die Recorder I liere prnnouncutl un '-true, aud.ygnin r*-i*« tine tii it deebrntion. j Atie>' tli<- resTution tiropf’WiMiy M .Ptnicl hsd, he ,- n j read, several meudf rs i.f tiie S* !i,dO, on tiie l< ft (or CI - -rM side, iHsiuut’y ijrose fr tin their scuts, mid reinarltd aloud, iliac it was a hap —and one of t’-ein added, tli t he hoped bis politic d f. lends vv>mM not vote against it, unt inewby those odd ris _i it would'be caught in ti!-i''oicn trap An »t!ier g iillcnmo nn thr- same side rcniajkcd in siib-t nice Isy, that he would vitb ]>!. asure accommodate tin g. utlcruiiu hy voling-fnr Ins resolution, for that be had always been oppo-xd fo d-e puli.ieiihsenlir.n n' f Air. A hi:u*; that lie was n>*t sore the iretividosl off i.ig trie resolution cool'd sav the same, nial lu kn. w of but one member of the Senate who held,' or hid ri I •, p- p -iiiiril Iroui tiistriois ot country, yet tb« _jy»wei* tlu-j in y 1 x-'cise is not res rieti itriy law or 1 oiistitulidn, it is uutiuiitcJip extent ; they may do *‘«»y oit.” and “nqne .shad hav< trie fight to queytion it.” Ii itic r a eonvew- 1 n should be culled, it will nut hi resirieftd to thccon- sidcatibii of trie: single pr ini or tiling eons'ituting tb: » xeii-e f-.f its meeting, riot n «vy iriain tuw less tlirmigli trie l. i imili -s fmid of chitnge, and alter every feature of the guv iii'ri nt tint sriuil appear in any wim off.nsire ip irieir-rcghu It is in such a body that the supreme power of j Stole is lodged ; “arid thAmgli tiiis power lhay have been c efiied torn short period only, anvl to accomplish a specific purpose, yet when iismo .bkd, whatever is’done 1»v it wid be binding upon the people, who can only oh- <a■ 11 relief frem. any ucA of oppression, b'y an appeal t the last resort of nation-*. Trie atate of Georgia lias continued an onivnrd course of improvement, Bern the of the F.-di ral Con- ‘•tilution to tin pres* 01 time. IS'o Stutvin tin: U"ioncan boast of more-just jikI r.quitaWe laws. In none does pointment under him (vlr. Admn-<.) Some canTusion . , . , , , .< 1 j.iLnC , , , i toe simil f republicanism more clearly predominate.— liuvail d m'ho Senate nhdst tries., t! vo-2< were said, and » ’ - J ■- ifivc m3st.7 tliem. (llu*SS'i'ttu‘m ) unite, a>. f n tiieir l' is the slicjiiiog-of-blood deters Hi ir .liu C .lis'd- rueS'Jii.iiue rUynandu be not tniimi<Jrevidiigce 'to-uajCiiii- a'.'iv «r inj-eii, .they u - ay vt.uib«m d laws, an.I widen b ■ forcib y naitii irp u lie postpone^ (mark iiowtiver 'if tots res »'l i‘ d word!) fk> ri-ng-us - Lho his b,ca arraycd ri 4) :»U the faint'»d i.ope remains of a I. t rors of civil ttarjmd d A- u-turning sense of justice.. union, ti. has bcrii tin t, (It- ;.ii» i{-irt- i,en T *iia ri w be 1 11 iv.nk- f od CNiivtHiKiiuit m*. .mi st the ’ cause- ond ai. '.ii? that—‘Jit ought to be ^befriend* of State pitiable ijposoAU. ') foineti.ii s uiplei. the unM -;.p -- . h meslco.nvicitqn, riutrdri 11-- . . cr o ii.ii tiie o.asi upi j ue- » . "- . . - . foil dis un'-.n, Tiowcvcr, Of what value is that un- Mi-, after 4IJ, hj 1 . sy bad <t--ion nicb is formed of un fitting. VVr* lierfvd'v+j-jf iii- Milling end reluctant -mean t lia baiH'fli bum Ibe Union.. !*■ rs, .vbohntfor tit.-.-mvord \.ri> c iri pro *-<-t o’.i/sf-hns*. vifyv/idqd over their lieads, | —Wri: have no f/reign or would fry i.ff from ilie cum- , *1 j.nes 1 ie enemy. - W e cam inori euntn:, as froju n fiac? 1 make peace with England— and covimniag fire, tohUsh li ,\■■ a free trade with nil live burns only to destroy.— xv .7.1. Sic.~Jia^ton >viiT.!)c> - Regarding the Union ns a J^coin : the niasl flourishingci- family compact* nl* ni-j ^ y (Charleston, or Huvonnah, hers ot write.1 f.iily be j from sn Jolumbin- acli?) We shad kept together by strict .unit era (urstlees, make our impartial justice, it is boUf-tj 1 President, fill all the tb it tl;« non-centtnio biinai- tur.fs .if Imnor & trust etir- contents eriould be s dl red Ives li'e shell btsomc u lo depart in peace—( nut/.e r eu tuition.” (I!) their own Prcsid'nl” &c. we pr.sume) by. common cm* fc-'iit, by comm >n eon •t was not ur*:il . r ri-r had been -ei sinn-tl dial ’‘tiie q es tioii was ;iit in the usual w.i\”—<nt .as I have stated, J rial ir/it! nenlf'-m 10 voVe.l og tinst rtve irsolotirn. The yeas iu I viays were called for-simnjuineoi'slv fn-m both sides— • ml it is extri ntely.probable Uiat (lie cxchiumtian of its I ti ing n trap u »s repeated, and it m syd'C that several grti- tiiu en wi 10 ut rir't remained silent; at-1 tie use of the sunn* ohsrivatiiui at h»S stnse'nf rtie orOeeedings. . It is worthy of remark, that the Voting upon Ues mal ar, when-tin* question-<Yiis put, was (ml faint and indi - tT;ct an trial side of ihe hosts'- to whicfi “a member of Ii 8cn iti ”.claims ifi iity. Very feu: responded to the r.i/} of the chair, and those wjho ili t so, in voices :ind- ilde iiidted. hat siqij.russed as I conceivedMiy ind^cis- i 'n origiu'U-iug fr<»01 a Jpim nf ruortilieation and surprise -t ftn 1 iJieulO'is tiih- oinvi in which thi-*’ 'felt atiaeed hy shell.o'? sc less oppuisitioa to th<- principles of vlaj vVood’s r- s.-luUnjis. Anil-if trie response from tlve left tvas nlso so feeble a* to leave him uncertain whether there was a /‘majority of uoes,” n« stated by ‘‘.a inemher of the Sen* it of its. if refuths the barelsewd osseition, that 10-arly ,“:>li” on theh ft side Voti-d -gains’, the re-olutimi. Tiie t «Mi 1 is. ibe single * m.” heard (rum that part of the .-senate, wa/* pyotjiuuiced in thc-full manly, and decided [one, cbaraaUnHstic uf dm gfiitleman who uttered it. And lie can i.e sup^u.-sed to hav.e-.paid hot little attention to due subject, w;u> ai-kamivledges th u be tile c the ‘‘soiinu”' of a single do" n a n solution, supported as lie would bv “ali”"f the Troup oar^y. . I repeat, that it f'd the j tier Constitution too,' although confessedly defective in j smite points, tiusav' r-» web die purposes for h i ioli it was [trained, iicmiiz n-restr c« d in dieir n t r i iberty so j far only as is necissuiy to .secure Uu ir social ligids c. itni lo lie free as tiie wild bird that pursues its course j through liie it giuiis of air, dncctidby tiie unerring guide I ol in-ini'1 t.u.i prompts to setf presrrv itron-. In tht broad Suv.iunaKs oi. ihe ~se.i-ho.ird liberty holds her ipuirU—and upon the summits of tiie W.tstern ntoun mins she, has erected tier tln one, and looks around with, deiiihl i»iv'n ihe peace amf prosptri,ty of iier clo'sen peo ple. All Un- happiness is enjoyed under our present ceu- stiu.tu.ii - «nd lm-—all .this is c.'til- yet ucndt rful to re lute, tlieia are some among iris who say that an alltrulioA will make limits bctler—Our slock of i.appiuess wiH be iiic.eased by -.111 oiling the Constitution—therefore i> Convention mnsl be called 1 and we arc gravi Iy called upon to “iisk ill of good inherited from our futheis, for ihe desperate chance of something belter,” to be ef fected through ‘ the dangerous medium of a convention ! A State ei joyingaji ihe tights conducive t» human hap piness, at peay:e wuri her-t If and with ail the world, is solicited lo adopt a revolutionary txpuV . ni to UUer her cfiiftilicn. - - - * 1 have aJready^uaid/ that the delegates nf the people asst-iiihled, iu convention,.are clothed with powers pnra- u.i. w«.i. oi.r.M..... , 1 CousAitutinn, and may tin refute at pleasure ja< he tell dnnbtf'dA * . l , r '.1 IV!” hail nrt vnled ' ^ urt or 0 ‘ e whole uf Il, ' ,t "^trunient. i lie os- . , .. r ] teusd.le ground for ibe present call of u Convention .uld cause the belief, culXul [ llie number of Hirin'.vers.of the General A:- Rcligious persecution—The follottii g commniratiop is from a somce so highly respectable we are houo«-i 10 believe it, however reluctant ivexnay he ki doing su.— Our (are f thers fled from F-urope lor'-void persecution “for conscience’sake ” lfut wfio would believe that in so.enligbt-d a State as North Cat . liiia, such corruption and igiKrance slvoold prevail among those who p,o/V-ss to be ttie disciple* of h religion, which is holiness, purity and' “perfect freedom”? We arc informed by the Sav tour that Ihe Gospel must be "published to all the world.’*' And yi'Mhrre are noTvSantii'g those, a ho not only ‘‘light agaihSl Goo^ in thi^ matter—but destroy Lis word and us< viofi nec against those who are «»‘‘g iged in dfssemi- Mting it V\e kn' » there is much enlightened anu liber- alzi Hl ib N; C. And i e hone that liie line friends of tiie Christian cause iu that highly respectable Mate will use their cX’.rtions to refotui and put down such, a 8talc uf things. I* it pnsiihle that any mah can su far d lud. a free and w'ell imormeU (>euple as to them lu iicve that the Cnnslitutrott of this country dues not protect them from a "laic religion—or any. other* acts tbs* lord it over the minds and coiociniccs of men ? !s-,t possible, that any man who proles-es to be a preacher o< i ighleousiicss, can bring such jconde tv nation ainl guilt on his own as to be accessary to the viola tion nf tlo laws of }.»s*co'«ntiy— the rignis ot cohscii nee—and the word of tiie Saviour he professes to-preach? Yet such, it se« ms, is the fart! It almost chiHs the blood lo re late it! —trie Alahomedun will pick up any scrap of the torn Coran uiat may come in his way, and preserveTt as sometuiug sacred—but jrrofessing Christians “tear up the bible i n't lie streets”—md commit outrage ujiqn lhi#se who disseminate it. We can only say with our L«rd : “Father, forgive them”—for certainly—“they know not what they do.” , ' - [»TOR the federal union] v _ .. The influence of An Ignorant Ministry. An extract of a idler from a genii ui i’ in North Carolina to hiS frit nd in this State p.nirtrnving the evil affects produced by thf preaching of trie celebrated Joshua Laicmice ... “Tiie people arc made {o believe all manner of lies.— For they are told tbrit Missionaries fire tloin^r their lu st to haves Into- retigi,.1t nud that a Bilf wns introduredbi Congress Iasi winter to make the people pay a tenth of ail iriry eiaketo support Missionaries, and they firinfv hi- iicveii! Some (Vw weeks piist, two agents of the Bible Society came into Edgecomb to distribute the Bible to every far. iiy, and it is shocking to the Christian f-eling: t > lehrn tin c-i iwqjenees . A great many families refns ed to taUeflie LJrble, for they-feared it would b witch them, a® the? had ti»ai*d every (a rson wljo fm.k on» wotfril be counted a Missionary and that they would b soot, called on to fight firr them andtheir ririoi* s would In t:.k. h lo Congress as petitioners for a Law religion ! It happened tlial there was -a Regimental Muster held at tin. -an..- time urul the women were found by the ugMits ( or liisTritiufing bi rites j crying at home, thinking their m,s«>ardf,'&c wcr. g'.r.e in lie draft'd fur the wart, I heard Uitrti abu«*e the :-gent amt threaten to heSthim, and several said if he went to their house and (eft a Bible, they wonfd shoot him. There wa* our Bible lorn to pieces in the streets of T'avbfirough, ami oni man had to tl< r ior hi- lib- and only e-c iped.-b} colicenfiiig himself! ' - f have liVard of Ro'onn Catii- lics destroying the Bible (i ibe Piou-.atiUit editions) and, of-the Pope’s direct ing the distrilmtors of tin m to be assassinated j but never before did I Farn that professing Christians would shut their doors against the only true Book of .Go’! — Ti-e American Bible Seciciy proposes to supply-Vicry famify destitute of the Bible with a copy of the common version without note 01 comment, and yet strange tore- iat,-Jhe ministers dissuade them from receiving it! Pro bably they have become so much wiser than the writers of tiie Bible, tint they suppose their own sermons will hr of more service to their hearers than ony-thring - Ise Th; re 13 no correct opinion to be made about thh extra- v.-ig.inces and foliies into which people may be led by an ignorant and conceited ministry. B. The Coiron Fair, previously aflvrrtfreff; was }e/d on VVediufsAiy last, in this t hh. 1 he fnji Prvluii »..»(,»’ ho 1% w ■ ha ve b tore spoken of ) Hid eiefteil a g‘ t d ift !. 1 in- lerest, and a uuinbrr.of cmpcUtoi - (hcmi.i* i t.‘ < tnselvi s. 'I'he parcels ef-cuitoh wiPrc lieauiifol - (H. trier i-j v 01 '■{»* J no staple, iv«-re probably Diver ee»n— un kx «»>.:< h 5 mrprcuiioui.s, tin uounrtce on whom that dotv n-vi Iv- e»i fur.d task, w he tv. the claims ul'so in ,uy up- jic a red so . qudly balanced. At tb*' hour .i|.p*.imed,suniph sJiuving tn in i’oirh draw n> f- ni 1 aih bag ai d J id tv. fine ihe -eommv re. ( hv • f •'iv.irs.* were ign runt in whtoi the coJu-u ht,lon^« t‘ ) m a .-* tir» - »t cpom. iu Uie court house, em b 1 ■» b» t-< u, and, ..umbered, (he cnn.iuil'ee ptoct-edeil wuh line ..**•■{>< 1 if ft iik? care to-make .ng their .decision, ll. s-. uom-, Ui- yfluiH' out in q t;x puitieu of the court iu u.-e, imd l^ro. h.iuiid the result lo the. iiiixions ere m U h'b>u,aud f rtriwHh-i'eijwjiU the'premium . •|> first, alarge Mlv+r Tankard, cal^r! over ^lBO, was au .rded to Mrs. Penelope Ltyan of Twiggs e. ui ty, eh* liivirq^eiiiibi'ed th< hi st Jot ofi-igbi bales. Tt-eenoie csti-.n was uf'crivnrdspat hn at auction and sold I'ui 1A cents per ppltiid! purcha fd*hv B S. Gm/Thi Ttie second p- Z",, a Silver Gobi f.t, valued ut 550, WSa bestowed rim I>r Smuts Thvc tali'•>( X onr e coinuy, f -r the b-st lot of live Bales, /i bis was afe*wards pur* ybased at -rimcUoij hy I. T. Itu" land at 12 J cent-'. TTu- 3 I premium, 1 Mlver Vase, valued uv. 1 j»30. u s -awarded to Mr. Ant'd jfCoz it ol ' < nn-e eo fi.r M*e best lot oi 3 bales. Tiiri if<.s Said at auction for 1j .-4 cents pergound!—and purcha-«-t by J. Goddan’ &. !<i««l. - Sooi*. of the other lots which had b*-. n candidates f.-r tHe diff: feht pr* moons, were put 1 p and sold to th* t* gri- *-st bidder al from I t) to l‘£ j cents per pound.—JZituua Telegraph. . IdP* Mr. W'ili.iaai ShaRf’s i.iihue.itien fiom N?onm© eooirfy “half iigneai ru our next. It has been, throi.gli overs ight, riebiy * d. ' - Sl’OTTSBORO' rxsaiA^je a:.y. Tne ANNUAL f X A vRN TION of thepujnls el tins In-titutu.n wili t .ko pl.tcjf on Tuesday next, tht 14 itin>iowt. Parents, ^oaiuiaus and Uie ju.ulic gtu« daily, are invited to . I tend. ROBERT C. BROWN, Principal. Derpn.bcT 11 ' 23 11 ©brdioHCC, .wfiiaii if yiel-it d tirday, may be forcib'.y u'llli- draun tomorrow. H AVe tints see that the pretension-, of trie Hartford C< n* ■taicntioii were cloaked under trie name of ■*'5tide Eights"— to arc. 1.I10: of Govetnbr Troup atul tins Nulliticra. bt-.te flights and Disunion seem ti> rirte became synoirirnous Ini u:s in trie modern political vocabulary. Trie H irtfotd Cm ivcnlion seems to have tor.templaU d a Js'ortlum Con literacy—Does not this KJcj sdc.mTo have efttead some South ol iheP-otJOiac, buri-tilutiU-g the w**td—&oulh- ■rn? - ’ i” tnri il ailious attempt ot luia member 1 ^ a sound principle incidenHo a representeti’ c - era's of trie Senate’ to nUel "icir opponents. . | craev, ibe- greater the numbt'rof represent :lives, so Not fiavm- been s>'houka in trie policy of , ^ - eX( , ( , r(J , ^ U( „ af , miy ol Stare to support thq Ml SnJIjwatwa, I ieel lees able than ‘a member ol thc » expense* of the Government, flic more certainly will all -.mate” to 6.1eCt ami pursue the plan best fi’ed to escape \« piofcssiuhs, and interests, be truly rc- ‘ tletccti ii ” were such a course necessary, am. did 1 pns- | Am , ibis re ^i t9 -f rom tb<r propriety of giv. sCis the. lnelupstioii to dose; nor is 1 my wts 1 to pr.« 1 i to evir yeilixen a voice in Ihtrenactmcnt of laws hv i.y trie mode his nw.» experience has pointed out. . I have i w ^ ch u6 is , 0 b( . governed. Here thee is swffieient rea ♦elect..d the present o> t'm most prppilious time to,cxpnt>e.| ^ to show tiie iuuiility -of caHing a Convi ntion. Bui cert, to restrain h rdocUirt j f^ g r€ck |.» rf rfisr.^nl of truth, ami not as he rupimw.,. lhfre ig >t anoVm — As a Contention wav do “any- charged him will, falsehood, for tlve mere purpose (J hay- ' iiig that e/t-'ifge fasti' ‘ cliuracter” belongs -.e.ioou, lor live ui re parp ‘ *; uu t > >’ it in ay upon inspection discover other delects not ttned upop myrelf. ver c ! y eI perceptible; for il will aqubticss carry to the woik of to es bollq I have no fear t tat mine ame „j mef jt sharpened faculties and microscopic optics— ixtract cf a Letter IY on-, tin Seen ‘-ii.y->f -War do His Ex- ctlicuey George fc,Gihher t jRtcd JJill’ARTMEtir op. VVahv ? November 12?i»* iS.10. y Sip.—Tric treaties recently made uit'u the Indians clear ly prove that a feeling of cupidity governs^ -oml lhat-lo : issued with them reservations should and must jm admil- ed. There is no difficulty in tills, with any tribu except (in; Cherokee. G origrit having liie ultimate fey, wlpm count 1 y ia acquired, jt will not be c«4iipetent for the P-States to grunt reservations as they have done inotiier , and which wdl he likewise insisUd on by the Cheru- [e^s when they come to treat. .A tranquil and qoief course on the part of Georgia mH : of incalculable benefit. ,It will lake away from nvisia- hi priihinthropy, aji cause of complaint; and oucludiass ting then deprived of these auxiliaries, will trie better be |>h; lo reflect oq their real anil true condition. I beg leave to suggest, if Georgia should sanction socn tservalioiis as ihe United States may think proper to take, upon paying to Georgia a reasonable price for the nine, him) at given regular- pci bids, such an assent might greatly facilitate the arrangements lo be entered into wall he Indians.” j Trie place of our amiable end respected fellow-rdizon, Wr. Slade, in the Editorial department ofthe Georgia fclcsspnger, has been filled by Isaac G. S«jmorej F-sq « gentleman o( liaudsontc talcrtls imdattainments—cour ieousln the walks of private life. We wish him grea' prosperity iu his pecuniary and literary labors. self to shrink from no responsibility th>t may g r o " out«'f this, nr any other cor.troveriy in v-.hith the pursuit of jus tice and truth may lend blip.. _ _ As it is re ;son!Tblc to Suppose “a member of Sen ate” nut only Arm'd but Kuw trie individuals who voted in trie manner uifidgtel riy him, i» miarit prevent unnecessary de/ny if ue would condescend to designate them by mime; to lay upon e.arJv iqdiviiVutl his linger and txelai'n, “thou art trie rnuriF’ flow is (lie time to do so’. Thif is the ac- ceptedlim". A few days only have e!ap;-eJ: “numerous witnesses of the fact are still on the spot”—the trans 1$ tion is yet fresh iri the recollection of lliem all, amljis “trie IliingW’as hot done wiH fix trie fad of falsehood, wnerc in yisnce^n-uu-iH .u ; L,^]R s l a |ive rest. “It rcuninsto be told” that many members of fbe t( nuiuan tli Seriate ore ready in t;.i«, and mv natc” after this pecptc placed under a form of government rod really difl'creiit from tbatninler which we now live—and liven tabe told, the Convention did it, anuyou “nave no-right to question” (be acts *>T tlvot body. We nave already been told by a member uf the Semite, belonging to the TrOup party, that is less danger of our h iving a corrnplGovernor, than of having n corrupt Legislature—i:. other woids, ibnl Ires bonesiy ol‘ inten- tior. is to be expected IVom 2lb men, than fiom one.— Suppose this inversion of our republican pr mcipb s should be acted open by the Convention, wc might reasonably recollection ol them gn, anu jis ex „ cctt0 ( luve trie Governor vested with-powers 10 ap- »n " cor:iei‘,” a public exposition , - j nt J, t i lt . offiteraS the State—Judicial, Mimsteri.'l,' lood. where in j islieejt Jiugtit to : ^ Legislative—a s ale of the most absolute despotism told” that many members of tie ! ^ deprdV i ty cim devise.—A ady to attest trie truth of the facts as recited ; llo(18C oj - liar ty. declared th. v former article. If “a member of the 8e- j pa - iltg liiX lo lhe a mou-.t of/u e d.dlars, is annunciation, fouls disposed ‘ reekless ot, ” p | . . ailtl u r i*iteev that human depravity can devise.—A member, of the ' - *■ — J that the indivsluai f r-j- t, - — . . uu « bt ^ enjoy i atiat [i/ossfcss greater rights and privileges than the man *1 u..» life. , ir*«- epnts. So; post: too the Con , . » , . i alia iiosseaa consequenrcs “to (briber prosecute the controversy, j . „„ but 31 & a quuitcr Cpnts PuooK sluiil he furnished, rf not to his satisfaction, at reill ( ons |)Ouldtake a similar view of the eubj«ct, what would become of the “ rights” and “ privileges” 0/ soch wliosa only crime would be, uot pay me as much tax as their more wealthy neighbours?. Thus imeriy would indeed be nullified. B it time would fail me were I to attempt a recapitulation of every instance of danger to be apprehended from this Jhew mode of legislating by convention. I have detested the name of contention since the time of the memorable Hartford Convention— and I candidly confess mi belieC, tlial every proposition of like kind » the offspring of motives not more pur. than such urged on those bedlamites. The too, to palm off a convention, upon the people, just at the time that a sitnilar efibrt is making m South-Carol' ua, for a purpose avowedly h 091 *^ 10 the American U* teast to his con fusion. And it might he found a matter of some difficulty to sustain the purity of a rotten borough, even tbou?h aided by the coming of “a second I) micl to judgment.” BALDWIN. [for the Federal union.] - GOVERNOR GILMER. In noticing the puhtiention of the Law upon the Gold Mines it wns with surprise and regret that I discovered, that by an Executive order, it wav to he published in no p iper in tie support of the Clark party. In ordinnrv ca ses it was both conceded and expected Uiat the official pntronnge 'of the Governor would b» given to jpapers of his own favoritism. Buf in a matter of suclt general-in^ terest and importanee^s the law refered to, all "parties^ rf w bick they expect aid/row a party had a just^ighi to have due notice of Us enactment and|‘°n, in tue parson 01 xm j FROM THE MACON TELEGRAPH. A politician's reason.—The Georgia Journal (by way replying to un interrogatory iu this paprr Why th* f'roi’pers m the Senate voted against Wood’s preamh'. and resolutions?) gravely asks, ‘ can tbc Tellegraph bio the bottom out.0} a/ryng pan wit otti smutlingils nose?” !! Tr* posterous us i? -pis answer (the only one (hap b« in* n given to ibe above query,) it is equally cogent wit- many ofjbe rettsous x'Ssigntd. hy politicians for tlieiv atl ri. itrire .or hostility to a particular courst! Ask then why and wherefore ih( y.s'ip[i;‘i t or oppose- a certain thing, and they enn no more'-tell you, than you can bite th* rioltoHi oui.of a fryiij£ pan without smutting your nose! (Eupassant, vve think thosert*bo are trying like the Naf* t-fiers to bile the bottom out of Uncle Sands frying pan, will nut oiiij find a little smti. rjn the tips of tiwir nose& : but the mark of Cain on tbeic forubeads also.) Though ihe T' lcgraph can’t bite in the above manner, it can point out to. trie Journal the man what can. It is trie rocn who pins his own judgment to trio sleavi "frii> political leader, be said sleeve ever so corrupt: and sticks to his parly, through thick and thin, be said party ;right or wrong. It is trie political tool who'lias no opinion fcul the o- pinton o('his parly; and n hose conscience justifies him iu doing any dirty work trial ie required by iriai par»y. It is the d:-nn»gouge who owes his notoriety a- first to his being in favor of certain measures; and now to his vocift rations against the same tr east) res. - It is the Editor who acquires inflireneu with his party^ by uelit iing the clairns of a certain candidate; and maintains il (after times riuwe changed,( by magnifying those sarru claims. . ?. « ' Finally,*it is The apostle who preaches a doctrine con trary to commen sense, (that of Nullification for in stance,) and when call'd on for proof of the sonmlress of that doctrine, can give no hotter answer than, that of the Dutch justice, who decided that a mail had bitten off'bis own nose!! “All tings lie p* ssibil mid Col, (said he,) and ii Cot vills dnt one man shall pile ofi'iiisuwn none, by Cctj’hc will bite il !” — Or-FIOE "T THE GeORCIAN, ) Savannah, Saturday, Dec. 4— 3 P. M. ) Another Steam Uxi*i.osioN.— V tremendous explo sion has jot trken place op. board the Steamboat Andrew Jackson, from Charle|ton for Augusta, with an assorted cargo, about 3-4of a mile below this city.—The boat im- incdiaiely sunk, and now Ilea nearly covered With water nh the edge of the Garlen'Bank. Trie crew iver.j t >ke« off trie wreck, and have arrived in trie city.. The Engi neer was badly wounded, having one oi his legs broken in two places, and beim; otherwise injured; one of the hands l*as been sent to tiie Hospital badly 'scalded, and three oth ers (blacks) less eeriously injured. Fortunately there were r*o passergerS on board. ' Ta o Steam-boats have gone down to as&iM in recover ing such part of the cargo as may be witiiin reach on the failing cf the tide. . The. U. S. Sloop of IVar Peacock — This ship sailed bn Wednesdsy last on a cruize—her crew of course in perfect pen 1th. The-history of the - Peacock, frit the last, three 1 'months,'establishes a fadt exceedingly important to Pensacola as a Naval Station, and to the Government. An opinion has hitherto prevailed among trie Aledieal gentlenir n of lire Navy, that when our vessels of Wor, cruizing on the West I*idia station became inlected with Yellow Fever, it pros necessary to seed fitem to the n^rth, tliutthcv might be disinfected.'—rTbnt it was jnd’speiisa- ble that’they should he frosted. This opinion is com pletely flight by the case of the Peacock. She ar rived hare in August from a cruize of several months: he Ydlow Fever bad aIr.eady broken out on -board, and continued to spread with its usual rupidify among the crew: the proper measures were taken: the-ship wa * made thoroughly clean, and there is how not a healthier snip in the squadron, it is thus clearly shown, that ships may he as thoroughly disinfected here in summer, as they can be tn tic harbor of Boston or New lurk, hi winter. . . .. -This is a discovery which will, in tune, save millions 10 the government, and which, while it establishes tint mi ivalled salubrity of the atmosphere, cannot fail to be ' hencficaltt) Pensacola as »-Naval Depot.—Ptn. Citron. NOT2.CB. T HE report hfivhig.becn cii'ei.ldtcd that m3 FERRY bn the Oconee' below Millnig* vide had be* 11 - p- pvd, trie public are inlrirnu'd that ttie same is now esiab- lishbp ACcor.DiXG to laiv, fend will he hcrcatti i k'pt dp le^obtriy and assiduously. It is hoped trial foicier custoiucrs v*iil aguiu lravx.1 that way. ^ fcAAiUi.L BUFFINGTON. F>re"mh* T ^ y ‘z3 2t* ' ' ' SEE3J. 1 ' FRESH s. t p.y ol AiivsOuru’s Oa den Seed jo=t re ceived by L. PERlvlNS. **iUcilg«'vil!e, Nov 13 19 'StJR©3|0» nSRTIS™. St. I*. AiLLV'N COHEN, Son-eon Demist, (of Charleston, S. Carolina.) respcelfull. termers jiis pjrufcsbional sen ices to the iithalikauls of ’•iilh dsrevill*:, ■bdI its vicinity. He will remain in this place for 01,8 week ') n L Y Persons- wishing his profcrimuil service a :re Vbq a sted In'apply early it Mr. McCombs’ Until. He performs ull operatj -us on t?ie Teeth,— socli as HI- n;>, Ptoaging, Scaling, Cleaning, Extracting, &c. aim ttie insertion of hnniau and a rt Hfieiaf Teeth. In tesiiiaony 01 his qtruliiicntioos he refers to the fofe lowing - CERTIFICATES. < HaRI.LSTON, S. C. “From a personal acqaainfitnce with l>r. P. M. fo- hen. and a knowledge of his rkili, 1 can siucrely »ec«m- rru ml him as richly qualified to discharge the duties of a :iurgoon Demist., .14 ME** It A M’s AY, M. D. Professor Surgery, Med. CA. S. C. Ciiaulcst n, S. C. “ Dr. P. Melvin CoHr- v having regularly pursunl tiie study of Medicine and Nurgciy, and attended the I. c- tun-s in the Medical Cot'ege of South Carolina, In,- fur :ome time past, been a pupil in my office in JVetc-Vork and in this City, where he has received instruction, that qualify him to practice in the various dep-rtmentg f Den tat Surg/ry,. a rid I recommend hiru to my frit nds and tiie hnhlic as being fully entitled to tin ir confidante rni his profession, C. STARR BREMSTFIt. Dec. 4 Surgeci 1 Dent st), Newnan Academy. ^ST^HE Trustees of tins Institution tvi t, pleasurea*>« JX. icuince to tie public Hint they hav. *riR.-igtdfa:- 'he^n-uingyear, tie R> v. JOSEPH ALEX KNDirit, of Oglrthorpe county, as Rector uf'Ihe Ac .demy, whose t ing < xi»witmce and weH lurown capacity, they trust will usurer to the Institution the count nance und s.i|ijiort of lie friends of literature in general, us well as trie palrou- gr> of parents and guardians of clti dr* n. From past experience, as well ns from the situati n cf jw towfi, witiiin the corporate limits of wiiieb the A red. •toy is situated, the Trustees have every reastni to rie« rieve that no village in the western eounfie»Y*an * njoy more of the inestimable bjessinss nf health, tor they are not apprized of n -.ingle case of Fi ver that h«,is occured in tie town since flu first settling of the pluce iu tiie spring of T!?£8, and it is believed tint no death has taken place rithin the-corporate limits since trial time, except of uu infant. „ .. Moreover, tie religions and moral habits of the citizm af tire |>lace, are Such as eminently recommend it a« a suitable residence for young gentlemen and ladies. The School will be open for trie reception of pupil* on -.he-first Monday in January next, at tie following rates for Tuition: , Reading, Writing, & Arithmetic, (per quarter) $2 HO Englisli Grammar, G-ographyi History, Rhet oric am! PbiWophy, ft 00 Tiie L *tih and Greek La hguayes, 7 bO - By order of the Board of Trustees, -JAMES THOMPSON, Secretary. December II 23 4t LAND FOR SALE. H E subscriber. ff rs for salt- the following TRACTS OF I~Qj>TD, wlnqb will b* sold low for cash or un a short credit: No. 36b, in tie let Dist Early now Baker county, “ 3*6, “ 5th duv Early, “ 312, “ I4 h du. Early, “ 168, “ 2*1 do Appling, “ ISti, “ 7ih do. Houston now Crawford, “ IS4, “ 3J do. Dosif, l lot No. 201. f Tmerly Monroe now Pike county, ‘ - 12, iu thr. 2d pist. Troup now Meriwether, T 1 No. “ 241, “ 5th do. -Troup county, ■*(- 145, “ 24th do. Mnscpgee now Tsilbot, *« 370, * r 7tli do. Lee now Randolph, “ 19J, ** 28th do. Lee, “ 58, “ 3d du. Early now Baker, “ 172, “ 13/h do.' Early^ “ 254, 14’h do. do. “ 98; “ 7th do. Dooly, ;« 198, “ 7ib do. do. 4 * 106, .•’** 9th do. Monroe now Pike, ** 52,. “ 7th do. Gwinnett, f ‘ S6, “ 6th do. Troup, “ 81, “ 4fh do. Coweta, “ 849, “ 4ih do. Mnsccgee now Marion^ “ 18, “ '26th do. Lee, “ 62, , “ i8ih do. Muscogee now Harris. Apply to tie subsCribfiTat Carutsviilc. Franklin c<mntv. ■ • - ' ' JAMES MORRIS. D**eeni?>*>r 11 23 ” 8t O' Admiuistratioi'V $ale. N the firstToe*»1.*y in March Bext, will be sold, at the town of Blakely, Early county, FRACTION No. 391, in the 5th district Early county, containing about 1 S3 acres—about 80 acres (MPe cleared and iu culti vation, situated immediately on the Chatahoochie river, it being part of the real estate of Alexander Moore, late of Henry county^ deceased. Sold by order of thi Court of Ordinary of Henry co«»nty, for the benefit of the beim ami creditors Termacash. THOMAS D. JOHNSON, AJm'r. r>«—r.b*-r 11 93 td* Administrator^ Saie. W ILL be sold, at tie court-house in Marion, Twigg* county, on the first Tuesday in March next, One HOUSE and LOT, being tt*. real p ** tate of Owen C. Fort, dcc*ra«ed Sold it* poreuance of an order from fhc Court of Ordinary of said county, for the benefit of creditors. MOSES FORT, Ad mV. December 11. ® v