The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, December 18, 1830, Image 4

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GWXirxraTT SAX.2*. On thejirsi Tuesday in January next, T the eourt-huuee in the town cf Lawrenceville, .3oL G vinnett county, will be eoki, the followine PRvJ- P itTY, to wit: One negro MAN, about tforty ye*rs old, named Bub— : ■ • ied on as the property <*-. Henry-Dunn, atn. to satisfy t a. fa. (rent Gwiii’ietl Superior court, in favor of Toliver > vis tot Lite use of Narih iniel Burge, again* said Htn- 1 j- Gunn and William Dunn, security on Lbc stay of-fi fa. Two hundred and fifty acres ol* LAND,. bring lot No. *37, in the 7lh district—it vied on as tbs pro|»erty of Sh«- u.Mck Bogan to satisfy a fi. h. Croat Gwinett Superior Court in lavor of George W. Moore, against said Bogan. THOV1AS WORTHY, Sheriff'. At the sime time and, place, will be sold, Two hundred and lifty acres of LANG, more or less, bring No. 9t, in the 6iii district G«vinneltcounty—levied <>■» as tire property of the defendants to satisfy fourfi. fas. tin G winnett Superior Court, one in favor of James Violin, onemfavor of John Choice, one in favor of John C voice, &co. and one in favor of Asahel tt. Smith, against CiifStd Wood roof, Ahradam Harris and Rar.sbird Harris, cutors of Gani 1 Harris, deceased. Two hundred acres of LAND, more or Jess, being the plantation whereon George B- Morgan now lives—levied on as the property of said George B. Morgan, to satisfy a *1. la. from Gwinnett Superior Court, in favor of James iVardlau against Alexander Hamilton, George B. Mor gan and Ephraim Barker. Gat id W. viiiJer’s interest in two hundred and fifty a eres of LtNI>, more or less, being lot No 14, in the Sih Gwinnett—levl-d cn and returned to me by James Gordon, constable, to satisfy a ft. fa. from a JusliceS’ e >nrt in Gwinnett county, iu favor of George A. Gordon, w. said Divid \X. Miller. L >t of LAND, No. 55, in the 6th district Gwinnett county—levied on as the property of David Sayers, tosat- t fy four ft. fas. from a Juslices’ Court, in favor of James Austin, vs. David Sayers and Laxarus Minor; levy made and returned to me by Few Gordon, lawful constable. One crib of CORN, supposed to be twenty-five barrels, mare or less—levied on as the properly of Henry Bagley t > satisfy a distress warrant for rent, issued by John Mills, Justice of the Peace, Gwinnett county, in favor of John Mosely og bust said Henry B.-gh v. WILLI AW BREWSTER, D. Sheriff. PU14SSZ SAXES. Oil thejirsi Tuesday in January next, A T the eourt-bouse in the town of Hartford, Pulaski county-, will be sold, between the usual hour* of sale, the following PROPERTY, to wit: Two hundred two and an half acrevPine LAND, Lot No. 182, in iter lUth district formerly Wilkinson now Pulaski county—levied on as the property of Joseph Cle ments, to satisfy a ft. fa. from the Justices Court in favor of Baauel W. Holt, vs sard Clements^ levied enandic- turnt d to me by a constable. . 202$ acres Fine LAND, lot No 183, in the 19th dis trict formerly Wilkinson now Pulaski county—hvi* d on aslh* property of Joseph Clements to satisfy a ft. fa. ia tnvor of Thomas Spears, vs said Clements; levied ou arid returned to n»e by a constable. Terms cash. JAMES H. WARREN, D.Sh’ff. -November 27 21 ALSO—At the sime time ami place, will behold, 2.10 acres of LAND, being lot No. 2fiG, in the 5th dis trict Gwinnett—levied on as the projrerty of the defend ant, to satisfy a S. fi. from the Superior Court of Gw in nett county, issued on the foreclosure of a mortgage ir f'vorof Peter Lamar, vs James L. Plunkett; property pointed out in fi fa. Oct 30 WILLIAM BREWSTER, D. Sheriff. WALTiN SAXES. On thejirsl Tuesday in January next, A T the court-house door to the tov n of rionroe, tt al- ton county, will-bt sold, between the usual hours cf s lie, the following PROPERTY, (to-wit:) Three NEGROES—one by toe mme of MilUv, about twenty lour y wars of age, and one by the name nl Mary about twenty-eight years of age, and the other, the infant male childotthe said Mary—levied >n as the property of John iVloate, by virtue of a mortgage fi fa. in favor of Thomas Hancock, vs a (id Moate; property pointed out in said fi. fa. JOHN T. MORROW. D. Sldjf. Oct 23 - ie ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. N the first Tuesday *n January next, at the court house in Wilkes county, pursuant to an order of the Inferior Court of said county, while sitting for ordina ry purposes, will be sold, one TRACT o! LAND lying on Kettle cretk in Wilkes county, containing 675 ACBBS ^ more or le°s, ana adjoining lands «1 Groves, Dcvant, ami others. Also, One House and Lot,. Administrator's Sale. I N pursuance of an older of the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Franklin county., will be sold, on the first Tuesday in December next, at the court bouse in Ba ker county, a TRACT Or LAND, lying in said,county ol Baker, No. 59, in tt.e 3d distriv fofm&riy Early now Baker—containing two hundred and fifty acres-—Draw, 1 by Thon»as Clark, and sold for the benefit of bis heirs and creditors. Terms made known oh the day of rale. THOMAS CLARK, Adm'r. September 18 11 9t Administrators Sale. N the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold, at tbe court-house in Monticedo, Jasper county, the NEGROES belonging to tbe estate of Crawford Ed mondson, late of said county, deceased, consisting of boys and fellows—or so many, as will be sufficient to pay the debts of said estate Sold by order of the Court of Or dinary foi said county, for the bemfi’ of lbc heirs and creditors. Tcrmeinatie known on the day or sale. GARLAND MAXCEY, THOMAS EDMONDSON, Administrators de bonis non. - Oct 23 16 . lit Administrator’s Sale. ZY7ILL bs sold, on the first Tuesday 01 January next, I y agreeably to an order of the honorable tlie Inferior Court of Twiggs county’, w hile sitting for ordinary purpo ses, at the couri-huiist in Marion, Twiggs county, all the real estate of Owen C. Fort, late of said county, deceased. Sold for tiie benefit of the creditors of said deceased. MOSES FORT, Adin’r. November 6 18 9t Administrator’* Snip.. \ %T\IA, be sold, at ti c place of holding Court in the V y county of Randolph, cn the first Tuesday in Jan uary next, within ’he usual hours of sale, Lot of LAiSi), No. 96, in the 32tl ilislrict of adjoining lands of Brewer, Chandler, arm others; M:c lot j or ijv S , 1;i |iy Leo, now Randolph county—said land sold by contains forty acres muic or (t-ss. Also, j> out FOR i Y j dn oa j cf 0 f 1 he honorable inferior Court ..i Newton conn OR FIFTY LIKELY NEGROES, consisting of men, j w hile siting for ordinary purposes, as 'he property ot women, and children. j William Lane,“sen. deceased. AH of the above, is the property cf F iix O. Ho v, de- . ALLEN LANE, Adm'r. ceased, late of Wilkes county, and will be sold for the Sep' Jbbef 4 9 9t benefit of the heirs and creditors of said d ceased.— 1 — — . ■ • ■ - ■ . Terms, twelve months credit, the purchasers giving bond j Administrator’s Sale, tvith approved security. 1 9^7 ILL he sold, at the eburt-hous in the town of Cov- THOMAS UOOTTi.N, ) Admr'a. I * ^ irigton, Neivlon county, on tii<- first Tuesday in LEWIS S. BROUN, ) I January next, the fo!!<»- ing NEGttQEs, to wif: 6t j C!ayliurh v Nunry, Ri>sc Diptrh, Nathan- ! O. rry, Peter, VARey, R< nev, Turnrr. Tilman, Muses and Cooly. Said negroes sold as the pro]>erly ofRenbrh B, of the honorable the luferi- bile sitlin: r fur ordinary C. AlACKEY. AdmV. 5 tdslot Administratrix’s Safi. fftriLL be sold, on ti;e first Tuesday in January next, v v in tbe town of Louisville, Jellerson county,- one LOT of LAND. lying on R.edy creek tn said county, con- tdining two hundred and thirty acres, well improved, whereon Hardy Pool now lives—Sold as ihe property of George Mock, ('eceased. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms mad>- known <-n tbe day of sale. MARY MOCK, Aainr'x. October 30 17 * LRSU ANT to an oidti of the honorable dm Interior Court of the county of Early, when sitting f !, v or dinary purposes, wilt he sold at Decatur, in the county of Dt Kalb, on the first Tuesday in January next, xot or XAirp no 327, lying in tiie « iguleenih dieinc* vf rigjn..ily TL nry, now D: Kalb county- Sold for the benefit of Expert Kilby Spence, orphan of Aaron Spence, deceased. JANE SPENCE, Guardian. October 30 " 17 lOl Admioistratior’s Sale. O N the first Tuesday in March next, will be sold, at the town of Blakely, Early county, FRACTION No. 391, in the 5th district Early county, containing about 133 acres—about 80 acres urc cleared and In culti vation, situated immediately on the Chatahoochie river, it being part of the real estate of Alexander Moore, late of Henry county, deceased. Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of Henry county, for the bent fit of the heirs . no creditors. Terms cash. THOMAS D. JOHNSON, .Tdm'r. December 11 23 GLOBE) HOTEL, November 1, 1830 Administrator’s Sale. ALSO—On the Tuesday in February next, One cow, one bed and furniture, one p->t, one oven, one ftuMle. ten chairs, two trunks and con'ents, one set fire- dugs, shovel and tongs, one tude-board, and divers pi i^ta- 1 tion nnd other tools—levied on as tbe property of John ll-irsbiirg, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. from Gwinnett In- lurior Court, in favor nf Charles Price, sen. vs said lohn Uurseburg. WILLIAM BREWSTER, D. Sh’b". Dtceiubrr 4 22 paANaMN SAXES. On the first Tuesday in January next, Y/I/’ILL be sold, at the court-house in Carnesville, Y Y FranUlia county, between the usual hours of sale, the following PROPERTY, to wt«: hundred forty-eight and a half acres of LAND, ad joining Couch and others—us the prop"ny of Hannah P. VauV.10, executrix ol Jarius Vaughn, deceased, to s <tis- ty a fi. ft. is-me-i from a Justices’ Court in favor of Cor- ne'ius K. Donahoo vs. the said Hannah P. Vaughn, exe- cuirix of the said Jarius-Vaughn, deceased—also one bun Jted anil sixty-five acres of LANG, as the property of t.h° said Hannah P. Vaughn, executrix of the said Jan us Vaughn, adjoining Turin .u and others, at tbe instance of .Cornelius K..Donahooj levied ou and returned to me by a constable. Also two hundred and forty acres adjoining Snel! and oihers—as the property of Hannah P. Vaughn, executrix ef Jarius Vaughn, to satisfy an execution in favor of t>tmfoial m 1 Mitchell and others; levied on and returned to me by a constabk*. Also eight hundred and fifty acres on the waters of the middle fork of Broad river adjoining Mitchell and others as the prop: rty of John Trigg, to satisfy a fi. la. iu favor of E. ajid T. Beall, vs the said John Trigg. POSTPONED SALE. ALSO—At t ftc same lime and place, will be gold, One thousand acres of LANG, on Shoal creek, ad joining Hardy end others—as the property of Richard F Ch -pp* iear to satisfy two fi fas. in favor of Win. W. Carnes, vs tbe said Richard F. Chappelear. * ilARRISS TONEY, Sheriff. December 4 22 H ABE ASHA SAXES. O/t thejirst Tuesday in January next, W ILL be sold, before tbe courthouse door in the town Clarkesville, Habersham county, within the lawful hours of sale, the foilowiug PROPERTY, to wit: One hundred and fifty acres of LAND, more or less, being a part of lot No. 96, in the 3d district of said coun ty-levied on as the property of Robert W. P. Moore, to satisfy n fi. fa. in favor of James Ownsby, appellant, vs Augustus VV. Rundolph and Robert W. P. Moore, respon- LOT No. 53, in the 12th district of said county—levied on as tbe property of Franklin Freeman, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. one in favor of Richard Cox, and two olbers in favor of Jonathan Cox and John Nix, all vs eaid Frce- m LOT Nn. 90, in tbe 11th district of said county—levied on as the property of Manoah Hubbard, to satisfy a fi fa. Irotna Magistrates* Court from Warren county, in fu- ♦or of William Bird; levy made and returned to me by a oonstable. One sorrel MARE—levied on as the property of George Lewis, to satisfy a subnosaa fi. fa. in f.ivur of Sutherland Robinson. A. MAULDIN, D. Sheriff, D- cumber 4 22 on com the ceased—consisting of the PLANTATION upon tvhie ; deceased died, and the LOT of LANG which he pur chased of L. P. Mackey—all tying upon South river aud its waters. Sab! land sold uy order of the lrou ora hie ‘he Inferior Court of said county, while silling for or dinary purposes. JONATHAN C. MACKEY. Adm'r. November 25 2j 9i Administrator’s Sale. A GREF.ABLV iu :.n order of the Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county, sit mg for ordin ry purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, in li.e town of Lexington, SEVISN NSSaROSS, to wit: — Essex, Jack, lolin, illis Fanny, A n:, and Jin ny >old as the property of Mordec.ii Howurd, deceased. Terms cash Also, Oh the.first Tuesday in February vext, in the town of Ttiomaston, Upson county, LOT number sixty-nine, in the tenth distru i formerly onroe—T- rui'- crnlTl until 25th December, 1S3l.. Sold f r !bc •' i * - li * i the h-»ra. THOMAS HOWARD, lr. Executor October 30 r iut Administrator’s Sale. "^"TNOER an order of the honorable the Inferior Court IU of Monroe county, when sit tins; tor ordinary purpo sc*, wifi be sold, on tin: first J u/stiav in December-next, before tde court-house door in Forty ih, .Mot roe county, witliin the u‘-ua! (tours of sale, tw o hundred two and a ball'acres of LANG, being fi t No. 14, in Ihe ekv< nth district said county—s./id lot of land lies btiwrtn Cullo- dens and Iciioeunna creek, contains about l»v(-nty-five acres cleared and -under good fence; the other part well timbered and of good soii. Sold as tiie pn»jierfy of Bai ty Sti wart, deceased. Terms on tin* dav of sale. JOSEPH DAY, Jitlm'r. September 11 19 9i Administrator’s Sale. ILL be sold, on me ur.-H 3 tn-day in Februorv next, .it the court-h use in Madison County, two hundred and fifty acres of LAND—part of the real es- tatfeof William Mcllee, deceased. Sold agretabh to ail order of the Inferior Court of Clark county, sitting for children, R chad and her child, Millyj7years ordinary purposes. BENJAMIN McRF.E, \ qj , JOHN H. LOWE, ^ Mmois. October 30 17 13t Administrator’s Sale* A GREEABLY to an'ordtr of the tl-iuoraMe Inferior Court of Hubeislnni county, will be sold, at the Court House in Bakt r county, on the first Tuesday in Ja nuary nexi, LOT of LANG number two -bund r c.d amt t venty-mne, in the 3d ui*t<ict of foimerly Early, nun B kcr county,—as u part cf the real estate of Wm. Bo ling, late of Habersham county, deceased: Also on the same day, will be sold, at Clarksville, Habi rsl/om coun ty, the ballance of ttn- unsold real estate of said M in. Boling, deceased, th 1 is in »hc Said County of Haber sham. Teiinsmadr khowp on tbe day. ABSALOM HOLCOMB, ) william boling, j r . y November 6——18 9fr Vdm’rs. Nswroar saihss. On the first Tuesday in January next, W ILL he sold, before the court-house door in the town of Covington, Newton county, between tiie Usual houisof sale, the following PROPERTY, to wit Two hundred two antPan half acres of LAND, more or less, known by lot No 3u5, in the 16th district of orig inally Henry now Newton coiinty,whereon A. M. Hill now resides, adjoining Powell and others on the waters of Yel low riy.-r—levied on as the property of Archable \f. Hill, to satisfy ufi. fiu in favor ef James P. Conner for the use of <-Vii!iam Barnes vs. said lliil; property pointed out by defendant. Two hundred two and an half acres of LAND, more or te*», known by lot No. 270, in the 9th district of nrig- ittenr 1 c) - Newton county, and Lot No. 219, in tn- j *i' uriiinally Henry now Newton connty, «• .. ion G'; rg B.U and Athae! PuLin no-v resides,con- i on uutuired two.and an half acres, more or less— b.»tn levied «*0 as tbe property of William Me Murry, to s, -I'ya fi. fa. from Morgan Superior Court in favor oi .William 4, Reed, b nre-.Y* AViitiam McMurry; proper ty pointed out by ;•! n»it.ff’* attorney. I'wo pegru vifRi.S, oue by the name of Letty, about l4yearsu!J, the other by the name of Lis«cy, about 9 or 10 years do —levied on as tbe, property of William Gil bert to s tts ’y a fi. Ta, in favor of John Choice, Vi. Will- i<i i G'-bsr; property pointed out by the defendant. JOSEPH WATTERS, Sheriff. D.:cen>b«r4 22 Ai. O—Will be sold, as above, the following Negroes, to Kit: Will, fifty or sixty years of ape, Lyle thirty-fire, Mari- ih eighteen, Jack fourteen, Polly twelve, Sar«h-eleven, Patty nine, Axxrtab seven. Susan five, Sally thirty-three, L :nnv sixfoen, Ann eleven, Lucy nine, Ben six years Old, and a child, tiuhla—fovied on as tbe properly of Tho mas Stanford, sen. to satisfy a fi. fa. on the foreclosure ofa mottgage in favor of John S. Fall, administrator on Ihe e».:;te of Stephen H- Gilmore, deceased, vs. Thomas Stanford, sen. K. W. HARGP.OVE, D Sh'JT. Ot t 23 1C 3 ho above ncyow oraUkatyend will be told without re- — U, W. H. Administrator’s Sale. O N Monday, ti.e seventc-rmh *l--.y of January next, will be sold at the late residence ol'Z /Cbaiiuh Phil lips, of Walton c.iunty. deceased, ,11 tfo PERSONAL PROPERTY belonging to said deceased—consisting of Household-and Kitchen Furniture, a large slock of Hogs a.ul Cjtlir, Horses, fee. Corn, Fodder and a number of other articles too tedious to mention. Also, at the same time and place, the NEGROES will be hired and the PL \NTATION will ba rented for the ensuing year. Sale, to continue from day to day until ail is sold—Terms of sale mad known on the day. ROBERT M. F.CH ‘LS, Adm’r. U •■o/'/.,Vr 4 9 ,-? Administrator’s Sale. N tbe first Tuesday in January m-xs, will be «old at th( market-house in the town of Louisville, Jef ferson co- nty, between the usual bout s of sale, by virtue of an order of toe Court of Ordinary of said county, the foilowiug property, to wit; All the n*»i estate nf Wi! iam Hannah, late of s-iid county, deceased, supposed to contain 1500 acre?, !>. the same more or less—lying on the waters of Dahurt’s c» t-i k in said county. Tbe titles will be shewn on the day of Aho, will be, sold, on the same day and same place, the f Bowing NKGKOfcS, u 11 belonging to sa d esiale, *o wit:—Cn asy a woman, Yioey u woman, and her four Id, I»no- da 5 years old, and -’eft’, a boy 8 years old. Terms will be made known on the day of sib thomasHannah, ) JOSEPH w IGilAM, 5 November 10 19 S -Idm'rs Administrator’s Sale. A GREfiABLi <• -ui -uO'i ot llw Inferior Court of Tvi. 'V.tltt.11 c.*-iHty, when sitting for ordinary put poses, will bt: sold on Un. firs’ To< sduy in January nexi, at ilt» couri-buMse iu saic county, six bund red and tw’cniy.tigu acres "f LANG, more or Jess, lying in the third district of slid county, r.n the waiers of J-ck. and rtiubliy creek, ami adjoining lands ot VVni. R .berts, Danii l Rainey. BiHikUy Bee-and others Sold as the p epeity .J Th? opliilo? liil!; d>:< eased, for tire benefit of tiie hi ire, &< Cmiditions oii the d.iy oi sale. T. J. liiLL, Of* her 9 14 j3l JUiU’r A* UR £ABL< to a« order of iln- Inferior Court i t Taiia.crro county, while rit mg foi ordinary purpo se.,, willh*- sold, at 'liecourt bolide in,Cbwt ta county, tn.- ;1k fi - Toese.ay in December ntx'..- two hunoryd ta -- and a half -eves of LAND, it bring known by N >."92. iu the fdiil district-A’ Coweta county— beri g ;.u> 1 t.f the r-. al t s- t«te ol Nancy Andr> ivs, pj’e f 'i'a:>-lorio county, deeo.s- ed. S Id for the benifi: ..-f tin b irs >>-i rredttms «>f said deceased. M ARC.LS iNDUf.VVis, .idnVr. Sipleaiber 25 12 ids Administrator’s Salt:. W 'ILL be sold, at the court-house iu Marion, Twiggs county, on the first Tuesday in March next, One HOUSE ftnii*LOT, being the real e- fato of Owen G. Fort, deceased. Sold in pursuance of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, fn the benefit of creditors. MOSES FORT, AJoi’r D-cember 11 23 _ , Ids GEORGI \—Henry county. HEREAS, Lytha Joiner and Woodward Join er have applied to me lor letters of udrninis'.rH- tion on the estate of John Joiner, late of said county,deceased: These me therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be an > appear at niv r-ffi e within the lime prescribed by la»v, to shew cause,"if -ny they have,-w hy said letters should not be granted Given under my hand, this I5rh day of No vember, 1830- GUY VV. SMI l ii, n c. o- Nov 27 21 Sf i EORG1 K, Walton count) — Lane applies i ST me ft r letu-rs of Administration on the estate ot Sarah La ne, late, of said county, deceased: This is therefore to cite Ihe kindred and creditors ot srid deceased, to appear at my office within the time prr- scribi d by law, and file their objections, if any they have, -»vhv said letters should not be granted. - Given under my hand, this i>2d day of November, 1S >0. ♦ - JESSE MITCHELL, c c. o. Nov 27 21 5t AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. T HE SUBSCRIBERS (late proprietor of-the Globe Hotel, and more recently of the Mansion House,) begs leave to announce to his friends and the public gen erally, that be has taken that elegant and commodious fire proof Brick Building on the corner of Broad and Jackson streets, and immediately adjoining the new Masonic HalL It is situated in the most central part of the City, aim i» in he very heart of business—being in the vicinity of the Augusta Bank, and the Branch bank oflbe State of Geor- Tbis establishment is known as the GLOBE HOTEL, and in its interior arrangement and general construction, unites in an eminent degree, spaciousness, neatness, and comfort. To the man-of fumity, tbe individual traveller, tiie daily boarder, or Ihe fashionable viriicr, the CLOSE presents accommodations inferior to nonciu the Southern States. Having comforted for a number of years, two among the tnos! uopnlar Hotels in this City, he flatters hints* If that ais exotrience in business, added to the superior advanta ge^ of situation and the tesources under his controul, will enable him to give tbe most decided satisfaction to nil who may honor him with their patronage. I is STABl.ES ore spacious and well venlHiited, ami empty supplied with the best of provender, anti at- tended by experienced and steady Osth-rs—in addition to which, the subscriber will bestow his own personal ua» renBitriDg attention, and 111 bis charges, will not forget lk% pleasure of the times. A M GEORGIA—Dooly county. mmfHEKEAS, William Hilliard applies to me for h-t- Y Y ters of Administratiun no tbe ihe estate of Char iotte Hilliard, minor, late of said county, deceased: These a/e therefore to cite and admoni-h all r.ndsin- gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to b- and appear at my office, within the time prescribed b) law, to shew cause, if any they have, why-said le( ! >-r should not be grant* d. Given under my hand, this 13 ti day of November, 1830. (20—5!) THOMAS IT. KEY, c- c o. GEORGIA—Pulaski county. J OHN D. McCUI LERS applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Charles Stuart, late of said county, deceased: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all thr kin dred and creditors of said decesed to be and appear di my office, within the time prescribed by law, to sheiv c.tu«e, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under rnv band.; this 12th dty of N iveoi- br.r, 1830. JOSEPH CAKRU TH 1- R-, c. c. o. GEORGI \—Pulaski county. HEREAS, Earn*) F. Gatlin an ! Sessoms !>>• kins, admmistrato! s of Joseph B Coalson, lab ofsaid county, deceased, applies tome for Utters of dismiss! n: This is tber- fore to cite the kindred and creditors of said dec’d to be and appear at my office, witliin the tioo prescribed bv lau, to shew cause, if any they bave, wb) said Utters t*f dismission should not be granted Giv. n undei mv hand this 12th Novo nb« r, 1S30. mGin. JO Ef*'! CARRUTHER8; c c. o. q.j ie 0|, nr i C 5ton Stages arriie at the Globe IIo t; ?, every Sunday, Wednesday and Frid <y evenings, at 8 o’clock, ft depart every fuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning, «t hs!fp-ei 9. The Washing:on and Athens Stage, departs every Tuesday and Saturday morning, at 3 o’clock, and arrives r'>ry Wednestiay and Suni'a-y eve ning at 6 o’clock. Tbe Elberton Stage departs c'> ry Sunday morning, at 4 o’clock, and arrives every Friday -veiling it C. The Penulelon Stage departs ev*-ry Tues- ;.nv, at 4 ..’clock io the morning, and arrives every '-'on lay at 2 o’clock in tbe evening. The Milledg- ville Si age irriyes every day .except rhitrsday, at 7 ivcJqcU in tiie eve ning, »n*l departs every day except Wednesday, at 2 o’ clock in the taoiniug. The Savannah Stage arrives cve- ty a-midity Weihiesday and Friday, .ri 10 o’clock in Ihe moroing. and departs.every Sunehiv, Tuesday and Thurs day, ut 2 o’clock iu the morning. WILLIAM SHANNON. dJtijrwsfff, Orf;i, t'.id t CALI AND SEE! ii! 2 a ’ si B -“i T1IF. Suhscrib-r n*--pe,cifuHy informs hi^ friertils and the pubiic in general, tliat he has *>p; ?.. d a IIOJSF. r.f E ivr.y T~»r: m r ; v-> ---t -iieyi A a S -i'•: A J'-Ct ■« rniTs ■> t M : 3.3 i in < AiiitouTOX, Gan oil county , t* . puJ gsarife*-»r-»jjr-agr b - 1 i > r himr* it ilia-: iu will give as g t*cr- al sati.<tactH>n to all that ni'-.v favor trim with tlfir •-.-*i-on- irE' *Rt«l A—Pulaski county. HERE.AS, Sessoms Pirkins. Guardian of Mary Ann Packer, minor of John B. Pucker, dcc’d tome Fur letters of dismission. This is tber* fore to cite the kindred and creditors »-f n id ific’d. to be and appear atmy office, within tbe tinu are-1 ribeii by law, 10 siretv caiKr, if an-y they have, why . id letters of dismission s. otild not be granted. Giv fi under tn.y b ind this 12tii'N vvemb f'l839. . -niffiri. - r -- .1. CARRUTflER*S, c- c o UOTIO*’ Atlniinistrator’s bale. ! ylJ ILL BF. SOLD, on Weaties iiiy ihe 22d of De-j TT ctinber, at the late residence of Augustus G. O. Vlitcheu, aeceftsen, in Jones county, an me r r-m uA- I BLE PROPERTY belonging to the estate of suit! de- i ceased, consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, oxen, ! and curt, corn, fodder, house-hold and kitchen furniture, alhl other articles too tedious to mention. Also th- plan tation rented &c. Sale to continue from day to day un till all is sold. Terms made known on toe day by , WILLIAM MITCHELL, AJm’r. November 3 18 9t. Administrator's Sale. CRER*liLV to -to urdui of tpc inferior Court of TJL Henry county, to seU the real t .-t te of John t- K> e, deceased, uiil be sold, on the fir-t Tuesday in Janu ary n* xt, at the court-house doi-t in lue town of Colnm- bti5, Mu»cogee Comity, between tiie usual hours of sale, one I.Oi’ ot LANG, number one him 'red and seventy- seven in the seventh district of sail county. Sold for tbe jcu* fit of the heirs and crcdtfors of deceased. J aCOB AicivEE, Adm’r. N v- 13 19 8t A. GREEABLY to an order of the Infcrio Com, of Administrator’s 8ait*. 1M7ILL be sold, at the court-house in the county of; * v Clark, on the first Tuesday in January nex',five ( hundred acres of LAND and two N EGROES—Reuben,- about 20 y^ars old, and Doctor about 18 years old—part of the. estate of William McKee, deceased. Sold agree ably to nil osdvr if the Inferior Court of said county, silt ing for ordinary purposes, for tiie benefit nf-the creditors. BENJAMIN McREE, l JOHN U. LOWE. < Oct 21 16. lit Kee, dec* ase.i, will be snid, on ihe first Tue.-dav in F- b- ru.ry mT't, at Carroliton, G irroil count}-, Lot <*f LAND, j ifomh. t two hundred and eighteen, in (iio ninth district , i ) said c.tntity, as the property of s id deceased. .Sob) for I the benefit of U e heirs *mi creditors of s-iiu deceased. | iAt OB iVic-KEE, AtUn’r. • N.n r-«’,.-r 1-3 in ; a- Adm'rs. Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABL k to an uiurrof the'Inferior Court of Wilkinson county, wlute silting for ordinary purpo ses, will be sold, on the fi*at Tuesday in January next, ut the court-house door in i hocoastou, Upson coiuity, LOT of LAND, No. 232, in the 11 ii dis trict of originally Monroe, now Upson county. The same being part of the real estate of Brice Paul, deceased— Sold for tbe benefit of the heirs. Terms made known un the day of sale. JOHN CRUTCHFIELD, Jldm'or. Oe’-iber 30 17 fQl Admmistrator’s ‘‘ale. W ILL be sold, on Tuesday the I4(li day of December next, at the court-bense in Telfair county, be tween tbe usual hours of aale, tbe following NEGROES, to wj*: ^ - V Asrgy, a girl about 16 years old, and ber-in fant child—Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary ofcaid county as ihe properly of the estate of Jehu Everitt, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate, MARK WILCOX, Adm’r. October 30. 17 Adfmiustruier s Sale. N llie fi* - st fiuaday tn J-.uaa*y next, tviil be .-old, in McDonough, IJcjny county. LO : af LANG number fifty-two, in lue seventh district of said county S. Id for the benefi! of riie heirs andcri ditors of Benjamin Carrol, dvce«se*l, hy order of tire luforinr Court ot’saii county, wlteii sitting for artlinary purposes. Levi white, iog» .. ' . »• f SFI ,LL, on ihe firit Monday tn January next, sr i n Inferior Court then held in the county of New ton for or rin.iry purposes,make application to safil Cotirl for leave, te sell the following NEGROES, to wit: — Glay- ,:trn, Nancy. Rose. Dinah, Nathan. Derry, Piter, Wi- "e • Rertey. Turner, Moses, Tihnan and Cooly—which ’said t'egrocs belong to the estate ol Reuben B. Neal, lute of Newtonxonntv, deceased- • JONATHAN C. MACKEY, Adm’r. September 25 * 12 mtd j’lOUR months afterdate application will be made* lo JT the honorable tli** Inferior Court of.Walton county, sntin< f»r ordinary purposes, for leave to'sril-the real ■ s! ile, belonging to th* minor hcirH of John Selman, lute of said county, deceased. JAMES W. HARRIS. ) „ JOHN II. LOWE, ^Guardians. Oct 23 16 4m- age tis miv i.>thi r lnn-K* * per in as ncivil as this—Though Garr*d! c.ainty has bet n ground, defamed ;»itd s!*niieii l>y reports v.iil soon be bio-- u aiv v by jhe-sen-ior.e lured bv the Gorpri of Christ, and tbe in s-.ltiftt coiii-Uy kept in the hack , ",et I hope cil of vir’uc. r.tir- .Iruction of arts nl scienei s- Aprii 24— >‘So raikutid at e — 22o£~ - tf C. McCAlMY. TIIE IF,/, keeps open a iJovse of l'ntertuimn?%2, ►fov at tiie south-ryes’ comer of !ht pi’l 'i* ra in ;he town of Marion Ttviegs county, mei * n>y ple<*ges liimstli to those who may fit»or 1 .n. with their calls,to do in* best he can. ' HENRY LOYl.ESo. M *rion. Sept 10 11 tf S ^xOUR m- n Us alter date application mit be .made it. the honor ble the Inferior Court of Emanuel coun ty, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leav* to seli ail the real and part of the personal property belonging ti. tbe estate of Solomon Meicer, late of s id county, deceas ed. DAVID GRIFFIN, Adm’r.. September 25 12 4 f0 November 13 JtHJN C. DGLIN 19 ■Idm'rs. 9t Administrator’s Sale, NDF.R an aider of dp Infoiiot Couit of the county of Walton, ' hen silting for ordinary p irpose-*, wp H. arid, on tin fim Tuesday in February i,* xt, at the cuurt-botise do *» in Harris county, LOT No. 21®, m the eigiileen'h district of formerly Muscog now Harris county. Sold for tbe ben* in of the cr diiors and heirs of Frances Nash, late of Effiett county, deceased SAMLEL ALLGOOD, Adm’r. ^ November 13 19 9* Lxecutor’s Sale. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next. between tbe usual hours of sale, at the court house in the town of Louisville, J* ff*-rs«m county, a NEGRO MAN. named Irek, about 35 years df ag*', t-eionging Io tbe es tate of I.riuh Aiiuots, late of said county, deceased.— tiold for-the. benefit of the heirs and creditors of said es tate, and *»hich ntgro <9 authorised to be sold by the wih of said Testators Terms nmde known on the dav of sale JAMES ADAMS, J&.cntor. November 4 1? 8( maitlbsalter date a; plication in 1 l> Hind to ttie honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson coun ty, when silting for ordinary purpos; s, for !e’<ve to sell the LAND belonging to the estate of Jos. Yarbrough, deceas ed, late of said euuntf, for the us.; of the heirs of said de ceased. THOMAS J. BOWI N, ) at . AM BROS Y ARBROUGH, rs ’ October 23 16 4m Newnau Academy. Trustees of this Institution jvi*u pleasure a"- Sl nounce to the public that they he v- ctigng*« (or tb<» enduing rear, t!te R. v. riF.^LPil ALEXANDER, of 0 .! thorp* county, as Roc or f th Academy, who?;, 1 »n§ • xpericnce at.d <11 known cupacity, they mix v.i’i iuvwrr to the 1 n-titutinn ti.e countenancr nnd support ef Ute friends <f lite.a.tur* in gen; ra!, a? well «s tiie patron age of 'part t.iis and s-iardisns of cni dr* n. - -Prom pa c t rxpeiHeuee,' as'ivfl! *s from the si'uafirn *:f the (own, within tlte corporate l-mits of which tiie Acad emy is j-ilnaUd, the Trustees have every reasun to bf- lieve tlwt no village iii-the western enunties ran trjev more ol 'the ineotimable’hiess«»tgs *>f health, for tbvV i ie • pit apprized,of.* .single case of F. vtr that has ccc> ret! 10 j tlw town sinci : tbe firs' vetUjtigof t-h< phwee in the spring cf l?28, and.ijis b*riit*rd that .fib-death has taken plats ’■•ithin tfo: corporate limtls sirfee tiial time, except ef an infant. - *?oroover,the regions snd tnAral habh&o/jhf-citizens of the plae.e, are s* rb as eminently reeunimmd it a suitohJf; residence for young genRenier a rat .*a*li*-s. Thr School tv ill be open for tV icceptiona-f p*:pil« on 'he first Monday ir» January next, at the folioviing rates for T iirion: Rending., Wri 1 ing, & Arithinetie, (per quarter) 50 English Grammar, Gcograpity, liistoiy, Khci- v oric and Phiforopfiy,'* * 5 00 T!u: Latin aprd-Grreli (ainguage?, 7 OU By order of the Board of Trustees, JAVi ES THOMPSON, Secretary. December 11 23 4t yea, suss, Neat Plans of the Cherokee Country, I^HF.WING tilfc districts, water courses, &C. accurate* K3 ly copi*d from an original made by the Surveyor General from surveys an'! tbe most authentic inforc.* :i<>n that eouhi Ire nblairi< «l. 82 00 for large Maps and SI 00 for small i’larrs —Enquire at !be State-Hours. BENJAMIN H. STURGES. November 20 20 4t S^OUii months after d te application will be itiade It; M- tiie Honorable the Inferior Court of H ilkinson coun ty. when sitiing for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell ail •he real estate of Christopher P.-arson, Tati of said coun y, deceased—For the benefit of the bcirs and creditors of said deceased. * r JONATHAN PEARSON, Adm'r. August 28 8 4 m ^TOUR mnnlhs after date application wiH be made to - the honorable the Inferior Court of thte county of Newton, while sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to veil the whole of the real estate belonging to the estate of Reuben B. Neal, late of Newton eounty, deceased. JONATHAN C. MACKEY, Adm’r. September 25 ~" 12 4m t jlOLR months afterdate application wiN be made to the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Habersham county, '|hin sitting for ordinary purposes, fot leave to st ii LO r No. 150, to the ninth district of Carroll county, foe the ben tit of the heirs and creditors of Mary Wilkin- sun’s orphaua. JOSEPH DOBSON, Guardian. * November 1, 1830- 19 4m * A LOOK AT THIS l Ll. persons indebted to me for services rendered b*- my horse GALLATIN, will please pay their notes or accounts, in tant* r, to Mr. Henft Duncan of Mil- cdgeville, who is authorised to receipt for me. WM. P* FOARD. - November JO tf BROUGHT TO JAIL, I N Marion, Twiggs county, on tb< 28 h of November, a , HE GKO BOIT about 10 or 12 years ol age—says bn name is JACOB, and declares himself free. He is of a yellow or copper ci up* plexion atid tolerably s'out built, with* out any peculiar mark to distinguivh him. By his observations it ispritty obvious that hcformciiy resided in Ba'dwiu county. His owner, (iflie has any) is requested lo eull, pay charge®/ and take him away. _ SAMUEL JORDAN, Jailer. December 4 22 4t B ROUGHT TO j AIL in Carnesville, Franklin coun ty, on the24lb instant, a negro man by the name of JOHN, about six foet high, thirty years old, dar£ complexion. lie formerly belonged to Nathaniel Hollj of this county and says that he now belongs to this 8tat<k and runaway from Milledgcviile—at which place he nw ulwotkoulhe public road. A. E. WHITTEN, Jailor. November 25 20 5t GEORGIA—Pulaski county. To all whom it may concern. W HEREAS, Lewis Wood, Ecxccutor of the cs’at# of Abraham Wood, deceased, applies to the Court of Ordinaiy ot said county for letters dismissory on said estate: >.. . These are therefare to cite and admonish all and singf Inr, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to fil* heir objections (if any they have) in tbe clerk’s office d -rid Court of Ordinary, on or before the first Monday i ft March next, otherwise letters dismissory will be grants the applicant. Witness the Honorable John J. Taylor one of the Jut* ices of said Court, this 6tb September 1830. J08BPH C ARRUTHJtRS, CPk c. o. Nov 27 2-1 m8m