The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, January 01, 1831, Image 4

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w GWINXT£TT QAI*1So. On the first Tuesday in January next, T the eourt-hbuse in the loivn of Lawrence* Hie, Gwinnett county, will be sold, the following PRO- PwKTY, to «vit: One negro MAN, about thirty years old, named Boll— fovied on as the property oi Henry Dunn, sen. to satisfy a fi. fa. from Gwinnett Superior court, in favor of Toliver Davis fur the use of Nathaniel Burge, against said Hen ry Dunn and William Dunn, security on the stay of ft. fa. Two hundred and fifty acres of LAND, being lot No. 137, in the 7th district—It vied on as tits property i f Sha- ufj'ck Bog-tn to satisfy a fi. fa. firoiu Gwinett Superior Court ia favor of George W. Moore, against said Bogan. THOMAS WORTHY, Sheriff- Jit the srme time and place, zrill be sold, Two hundred and fifty acres of LAND, more or less, being No. 01, in the 6th district G.vinnett county—levied on as the property of the d< fondants to s itisfy fourth fas. from Gwinnett Superior. Court, one in favor of James Austin, one in favor of John Choice, one in favor of John Choice, &co. and one in favor of Asuhel ({.'Smith, again.-1 Cliffird Wood roof, Abradant Harris and Kins bird Harris, executors of Dani l Harris, deceased. Two hundred acres of LAND, more or less, being the plantation whereon George B. Morgan now lives—levied on us the property of said George B. Morgan, to satisfy a fa. from Gwinnett Superior Court, in favor of James Wardlaw ag rinst Alexander Hamilton, George B. Mor gan and F.pht aim Barker.m David VV. Millet’s interest in two hundred and fifty a cres of LAND, more or !e»s, being lot No. 14, in the 6‘h Gwinnett—levied on and returned to me by James Gordon, constable, to satisfy aft. fa. from a Justices’ court in Gwinnett county, in favor of George A. Gordon, vs. said David W. Miller. LjI uf LAND, No. 55, in the 6th district Gwinnett county—levied nn as the propet ty of David Sayers, to sat isfy four fi. fas. from a Justices’Court, in favor of James Austin, vs. David Sayers and Lazarus Minor; levy made ■and returned tu rr»e l<y Few Gordon, lawful constable. One crib of CORN, supposed to be twon!y-live birrels, more or less—levied on as the property of Henry Bagiey to satisfy a distress warrant for rent, issued t>y John Mills, Justice of the Peace, Gwinnett county, in favor of John Mostly agiinst said Henry Bngley. WILLI AW BREWSTER, D. Sheriff. 2KTEWT02J SAXES. On the firsl Tuesday iu January next, ILL be sold, before Use eonrt-honsealoor in the town of Covington; Newton county, between the usual hours of sale, the following PROPERTY, to wit: Two hundred two and an halt acres oi LAND, more or less, known by lot No 3G5, in the 16th district of orig inally Henry now Newton county,whereon A. M. Hill now resides, adjoining Powell and others on the waters of Yel low rivtr—’levied on as the property of Arcbabie W. Hill, to satisfy ali. fa. in favor cf James P. Conner for the use of William Barnes vs. said Hid; property pointed out by defendant. Two hundred two and an half acres of LAND, more or less, known by lot No. 270, in the 9tu district of orig inally Henry now Newton county, and Lot No. 219, in the 9th district of orhrinaHy Henry now Newtrui conofy, wherecn George Bell and Alhuei Pulin no- resides, con taining two hundred two and an half acres, more or less— both levied on as the property of William MoMurry, to satisfy.a fi. fa. from Morgan Superior Court in favor of William M. Rued, bearer, vs Wiitiam ftlcftfurry; proper ty pointed out by plaintiff’s ettorruy. Two negro GlitLS, one by th<i- name of Letty, about 14yeurs old, the other by the name of Lissey, about 1) or 10 years old—levied on "as the prop rly of William Gil bert to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John Choice, vs. Will iam Gilbert; property pointed out l»v (lie defendant. JOSEPH WATTERS, Sberiff. December 4 22 ALSO—Will be sold as above, the following Negroes to zmi: Will, fifty or sixty years, of age, L^le thirty-five, Mari- tb eighteen, luck fourteen, Polly twelve, Strait eleven, Patty nine, Azari -.h sevejt, Susan five, Salty thirty-three, Lurany sixteen, Ann eleven, Lucy nine, Ben six years old, and a child, iiuKia—levied on as the property of Tho mas Stanford, sen. to satisfy a fi. fa. on the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor uf 4 - rrt: n S. Fall, administrator on the estate of Stephen II. Gilmore, deceased, vs. Thomas Stanford, sen. K. VV. HARGROVE, D Sh’Jf. Oct 23 1C The above negroes are likeiy and will be sold without re serve. “ *K. W. H. Administrators Sale. Ntlie first Tuesday in January next, will be sold, at the court-house in Mcuticclio, Jasper county, the N EGROES belonging to the estate of Crawford Eu- mondsan, laic of said countj, deceased, consisting of boys and fellows- or so many, as will be sufficient to pay the debts of said estate. Sold by order oi tin; Court ol Or dinary foi saiu county, fur the benefit oi the heirs and creditors. Terms made kuawn on the day of sale. GVRLAND MAXCEY, THOMAS EDMONDSON, MiniiiisU utors de bonis non. Oct 23 16 ID Administrator’s Sale. be sold, rut the first Tuesday in January next, agreeably to au order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Twiggs county, while sitting for ordinary purpo ses, atlbe court-house in Marbn, Twiggs county, all the real estate r f Owen effort, ialt of said county, deceased. Bold tor the benefit of tue creditors cf said deceased. MOSES FORT, Adm’r. November 6 lo 9t Administrator’s Sale. N the Tuesday in January next, will be sold, in McDonough, He'rrry c/nmty, LOT of LAND number fifty-two, in tire sevonit district <>f said county Suld for the benefit of the heirs r.ndcn ditors of Benjamin Carrol, deceased, by order of die Inferior Court of said county, when silting fur ordinary purposes. LEVI WHITE, ) JOHN C. DULIN, j *'• November 23 . 19 9t Jldm’rs, Administrator’s Sale. SV7 ILL be sob., on the fust Tuesday in February next, f r at the hte residence of Co ALS®—jit the some time and place, will be sold, 250 acres of L%ND, hemgfot No. 206, intne 5tb dis trict Gwinnett—levied on us the property of the defend ant, to satisfy a ti. ft. from the Superior Court of Gwiu nett county, issued on the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Peier Lamar, vs lames L. Plunkett; property pointed out in fi fa. Oct 3i) WILLIAM BREWSTER, D. Sheriff. ALSO—On the first Tuesday in February next, One cow, one bed audTurniturc, one p >t, one oven, one kettle, ten chairs, two trunks and contents, one set fin Jogs, shjvel and tongs, one side-board, and divers plecta- iion and other tools—levied on as the property of John Horsb irg, to satisfy a morigag- fi. ft. from Gwinnett In ferior Court, in favor uf Charles Price, sen. vs said John Horseburg. WILLIAM BREWSTER, D. Sli’ff. 1) cumber 4 22 PaA::2£iI3I SALES On the /irsi Tuesday in January next, W ILL be sold, at the court-house in Gai nesville, Franklin county, between the usual hours oi sate, the following PROPERTY, to wit: Oiie hundred forty-eight and a half acres of LAND, ad joining Couch and others—us the property of Hauaali P. Vaughn, executrix ol Jarm- Y’au&hn, deceased, to satis fy afi. fa. isxne t from a J.istici s’ Court in fa*or of Cor- ne‘i»sK. Donahoo vs. the said Hannah P. Vaughn, exe- cu’rix of the said Jarius Vaughn, deceased—also on. huii ired and sixty-five acres ol LAND, as the property of the said Hannah P. Vaughn, executrix of the said Jari us Vaughn, adjoining Tu. in an and others, at the instance of Cornelias K. Donahoo; Uvicd on and returned to me by a constable. Also two hundred and forty acres adjoining Snell and Others—as the property of Hannah P. Vaughn, executrix of Jarius Vaughn, to s ilisfy an execution in fovor of St nf ;rd and Mitchell and others; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Alsoeigot hundred and fifty acievon the waters of the inidule fork of Broad river adjoining Mitchell an l others as the property of John Trigg, tosotisfy a fi. fa. iu favor ilf E, aud X. Beu.ll, ve the said Johu Trigg. POSTPONED SALE ALSO—jft the same time and place, will he sold, One thousand acres *f LAND, on Shoal creek, ad joining H ardy andothers—as the prtprty of Richard F. CIupp tear to s -tisf* two fi fas. in favor of \Y nt. V\ Caines, vs the ^id Richard F. Cbappclear UtRiUSB TONEY, Sheriff. December 4 22 WALTOJf 8AZ1S&. On the• first 1 uesday in January next, T me court-house door in the town of '»onroc, Wal ton county, wiM be sold, between the usual hours of S'le, the following PROP!- UTY, (to-wit:) Three NEGROES—one by tue* name of Milley, about twenty too r years of age, and one by the named Mary, about tw nty-eight years of age. and tin nth; r. the infant male child of the said Mary—levied u 11 as the property-of • uhnM iatc, by virtue of a 111 ot (gage fi. fa. in » vor of Thomas Hancock, >s s. id ^loate; vpeMy pointed out in said fi. fa. JOHN T. MORRGW D. HhUf. Oct 23 »-•; Curtis PinSnn, deceased, in the county of Rabun, the personal estate of said Pinson, deceased, to wit: Horses,, Corn, FucMer, Lc.—sold for benefit of heirs and creditors tf said estate. Terms made known on the dey of suie, SAMUEL FARIS, JIJm’r. December 25 ^2 tds ADMINiSTKATUK’b SALE. N ill. rrst Tuesiiar in January next, ui the court house iu Wtikes county, pursuant to an order »*f the Inferior Court of said-county, while sitting for ordina ry purposes wiiiJje s;)lu,one TR ACT o. I.VND lying 00 Kettle creek in tVilK-'s c.-unty, c 11',doing 675 ACEBS more or less, and .Uij* iu.u: s muds <J Groves, Devant, arid others. Also, One House and Lot, adjoining lands of Rrr »vcr, Chandler, and others; -‘lie lot ulauis forty aces morn or less. Also, -anout FOR TY OR FIF TY LIKl LY NEGKuES, consisting of men, :men, and children. Ali of the above, is the property cf F*Jix G. Hay, de ceased, late of Wilkes couniy, ..nd witf Ire sold for the benefit of the beirs aud creditors ol sujd deceased.— Terms, twelve months credit, the purchasers giving bond .vilh approved security. THOMAS VVOOTTEN, ) , , LEWIS S. B RO W: , J AdiUr s * November 1, 19 JO 21 6t Adniiui.stratov’s Sale. N Thursday, the 6th d..y of Jmauury next, will be sold at the late dwelling house ot Edtvafd EUirage, deceased, all the personal property of said deceased— consisting of Horses, Cattle, and Hogs, one yoke of Steers .<nd O .i t, with other articles too tedious to men tion. All persons indebted to arid estate are requested <0 make immediate payment, and ali havingcIJiins .against said estate to render tiuui in duly attested as the law re quires. ADAM JONES, jJdm J r. 'The above sale will continue from day to day tiil all is sold agreeably to other notices. December 13 24 Ct Adrainis!rafrix’s Sale. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday m January nexf, in the toivn of Louisville, Jefferson county, one LOT of LAND, lying on Reedy creek m said cuunty, con taining two hundred and thirty acres, well improve , tvhereon Hardy Pool now lives—Sold as the propeity oi George Mock, deceased, for the benefit of the hens an creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on tuc day of sale. MARY MOCK, Jdmr'x. October 30 ^ 17- lOt EORGIA, Warren county.—- Know all men by theta presents, that I, Jesse Anslcy of the county and state aforesaid, am held um+tirmly bound unto Gideon V. Holms, in the sum of two hundred dollars, for the true payment of which I bind myself, my heirs, &c. jointly, se verally firmly by these presents. Sealed ivitii my sca^ and dated this first day of February, |82S. -- The condition of the above ubhzaVtou is such that is- \ the above bound Jesse Anslcy shall make Vo\t,e „ridGid- \j ton V. Holmes, good-and lawful titles lo lut number one hundred and twenty-nine, in theHwcjflh district of U .bur— sham county, so soon as the said’ Gideon V. Holmes shaft obligation to he void, else tu rc- Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sohl, at the court-house in Marion, Twiggs ; hft the grant then this obligation t county, on tiie first Tuesday in March nest, mam iu full lorce and virtue. One HOUSE and,LOT, being tbe real es tate of Owen C. Fort, deceased. Sold in pursuance of an order Aoin the Court of Ordinary of said county, for the benefit of creditors. MOSES FORT December 11 23 JESSE ANSLEY, l. s« Adui’r. ids In presence of Josku. Lszknbt, Dur.KiNS IvtT. • IT appear.i g (o the Court rpori tbe oath of Thomas J. Rusk and Joins Barton, that the original Bond of Jess® Anslev, of which thcabcrc isa copy, bus been lost or mis- I SMALL, on the first ton for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the followin burn, Nancy, Rose, Dinah ley, Renty, Turner, Mo3es, 'ITman and Cooly—w.idcb said negroes belong to the estate i.1 llcuLeu B. Ncai, late j. of Ncwtcn countv, deceased. JONATHAN C. MACKEY, Adm’r. September 25 12 wtd opposite pa. Vy A triu.* extract from th ; cir.i.jies Ybil/ersnam Superior Court, October Term 1330, this 8th day of December, I8^U. JOHN T. CARTER, c. s c. dec 18 ?4 * r. OUR months afterdate application will be made tu Sri the honorable the Inferior Com t of VY'plton couirty, Joseph Cp. iltini for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real"' estate,belonging to the utiuor heirs of John Seiiuaa, late id-zikiau tit HENRY SUPERIOR COURT, Stpiember Term. 1830. CPEAL., ) > RULE NISf, IIcegoud. S To estaLush lost Bond. of suiti county, deceased. *' JAMES W. HARRIS, \ r .. _ (COTY B.G.YD.) JOHN II. LOWE, 4 Guardians. ^EORGIA, H«, ry county. — Ku.'iv a'l rren by >b' S0 * ^ j prescnts, ti: ' I, fiezekiah Hcbgood uf the county Get 23 IS 4 m f JIBUU muoltii afterdate application »il! be made tu Hie honor .blc (he* Inferior Couil of Emanuel coun ty, when sitting for Ordinary purpose, for leave to sol! all the real and part of the personuTproperty befongipg to the estate ef Soiumon Meicer, latecf said eouuty,‘deccas- edr DAY i D blllFFiN^ Aura’r. September 25 12 4m Administrator’s Sale. /'ILL be soldi at tac place oflioldicg Court in the county of Randolph, on the first Tuesday in Jan- uary next, within th( usual iiuurs of sate. Lot oi LAND, No. 05, in the 32il district of origutiiily Lee, now Randolph county— land sold by an wider of the honorable Inferior Com t of Newton eoun ty, while si ting for ordin I}'purposes, as iue property ol William Lane, sen. deceased. ALLEN LANE, Jidm'r. . September 4 9 9t Administrator’s Saie. HALBiSHSilA-yi SA/.23 J. On ihejirsi Tuesday in January next, I. be sol 1, beiorc Hie court-house door in the town Clarhesville, Habersham coonty, witliin the l.wful hours of sale, ti«o following FROFERi k, to wit: One bunlred and fifty acres of LAND, more or less being a part of lot No. 96, in the 31 district of said coun- fj—levied on as the property of Robert R. P. Moore, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of James O.vmshy, appellant, vs Augustus W. RanJolpu and R .bert W, P. Muore, respon dent. LOT No. 53, in th** I2th district of said county—levied on as ibe prop< rtv of Franklin F* e man, to satisfy sundry (j. fos. one in iavor of Richard t'ox, and two others In favor of Jonathan Cox and John Nix, all vs said Free* O N the first Tuesday sn February n xt, will be sold, at the court house lo the town of Covington, New- Administrators Sale. ILL be sold, at iLc c urt-bous* m the town of Cov- inaton, Newfon county, on the fir»t Tuesday in January next, the folio ing NEGROES, to wit: Cluyburn. Nonry, llrise, Dtt>ul>, N.ithan Derry, Peter, YViley, Reney, Turner, Tilman, Moecs and Cooty. S;nd negroes sold as the property of Reuben B. Neal, deceased, and by ; rclcr of the honorable the Inferi or Court of Newton county, while sitting for ordinary purposes. JONATHAN C. MACKEY, Adtn’r. 8ept-mhrr25 12 " td-!5t AOUR months after date application will be made tc the honorable the Inferior Court of Henry couniy, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sc 11 ail tin feal estatej)f Jarr.cs S. Bishop, deceased, for t!?e bcntfiloi the heirs and creditors. DUDLEY BiSliOP, Adndr. November IB i 0 4m OUR months after date application w ill be made lo the Honorable the inlet ior Court cf Wilkinson coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to stril uii the real estate of Christopher Pearson, late of said coun ty, deceased—Fcr the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JONATHAN PEARSON^Jdm’r. August 28 8 4m F OUlt months after date application mi: be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of th*.county of Newton, while sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the whole of the real estate belonging to the estate cl Reuben B. Neal, late of Newton county, deceased. JONATHAN C- MACKEY, Adm*r, September 25 12 4m jr^OU'R months afterdate application will be made to Jl the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Habersham county, when sitting for ordinary purports, for leave to sell LOT No, )50, in the ninth district of Can oil couniy, for ihe ben fit of the heirs and co-jiitors. of Mary Wilkin- son’s orphans. JOSEPH DOBSON, Cuardiun November 1, 1830. ID 4m* HARRIS SUPERIOR COURT, March Tekm, 1830. The Governor on the infomwlion oj > ~ Joseph WetDON vs. James DffnnAM. ) i)t " i * j’ appearing to the Court, by tbe icUirn cf the Sheriff on county, the wtioie of the real property the estate of Reiib?i! B. N--al, late of said coo: cease.i—consisting of the PLANTATION deceased died, und ihe LOT of LAND which he p ehused of L. P. Mackey—ali ‘ying upon South river arid its waters. Said land sold ty order of tire honorable the Inferior Court of said county, while sitting for or dinary purposes. JONATHAN C. MACKEY. Jhlm'r. November 25 2i 9t ^ that the defendant in the above case is to he found in said county, it is therefore ordered, that service be per* j tected by publication in one of the public gazettes of this belun-rm* ?f} ,be fi, st ‘ ue »day 111 Januaiy next, will be sold at tStale, once a mouth for three months. A true c'h.v the market-house in the town of Louisville, Jef- th ' “ Administrators Sale. {Hcsinls, tu a ho state ufi.-rbsaui, am htktai.d fr.'Hily bound .lusi-; tv Crea!, Lis iicirs and assigiss, in the sen: oi two bunorvif dollars, s. aTd with my ecai ai.d dated lias ii.ii day cf Match, 1823. ihe condition of the above bond or obligation i- such, that whereas the ttbuve bound Htzckiuh iloLgooiT J.ath' (his day sold la the aforesaid Joseph Creel one certain tract or iut of Land, situate, lying und being in the afoit- saichSiaiG r.nd county of DcK.Jb, known ai.><; disonguirL- e(j iu the plan of Mjc fouitceulh dis:rict oi < rigw.-a.’y !t* u- ry but now JteKalb coi uly by Ihe number cue iu.iidted ur<d sej'tiity-luuf, lor nimii saw: lot i f land ii.t st-id iiel>- L r 00 d hereby binds htmstU.lo make good and =i• ti tles tu ihe same v.hcn IheeuUi Je*< ph Cieal shall^obtH.ri a grant at his own expense foi s::id lot of ! :.d. Now if lire said Htxehiuh Hut^uod shall, ar.J ffo i,. .k:, or cu...-e to be made to the aforesaid Joscj.h Cic-' S, I is beirs and assigns,"gded and soffittei.t tslks in f.w 7 lo the ufoietuid tot oi lar.d, thou ibis eb!.aati -11 to be tiuil and vuiu, tuc to r< main in full force uiid virtue. 8igneit and souk-d in U.c p: of ilEZEKlAU liOBGOOD, L. 9. GEORGIA, ) Personally appiarcd before me, a Henry county, j Justice rf the in end for U.c county ..for-.said, Jostpb Creal, sad after being only sworn, ticposclh and taiih that the above and foregoi-g is a true copy in sub-:&m:e. as. v.e-H as he ncp‘1.i ts 01 t; litHid held l>> liioi on the afore** 11 dtokiah ifoi good, witnesses' tasa-..' bond not 1 ocuUcitc-4—that said or gtnal -bond was iscki by kiwi for the purposes incut imud lucre- hi — ti:al lie Las never said hoi ir.»*isfcrcd said-be wi to anyotil!r person »,r persons whatsoever, but that t>. i.o* either-lot-task mislaid Laid origins so thai he cannot find or cctnUfti! it. (.'sdgsua:) J. CREAK. Sworn io iind subscribed before me this 7:1» day of March, JcaD. \vOGDr-ON itl/UuAltt), J. P. — ferson emtuty, between the usual hours of sale, by virtni VipOIl Vvr.iCL • l,_ ^t «.u^ ^1 a -r r\_ , , C l 1 of an or:ber ol the Court ef Ordinary of said county, the i following properly, to »vit; AH fifo real estate of William Httnnsh, lattr of said county, deceased, supposed to contain 1500 acres, be the same mure or less—lying on the waters of Duhait’s cretk in said county. The titles will be shewn on the day of sale. Also, will be sold, on flie same day and same place, the f-lfoiring Ni'.GROkS, all belonging lo stfid estate, to wit:—Creasy a woman, YTccy a woman, and her fonr Acliuiiiistratoi’a Sale. A GREEABI.Y to au order of tbu Honcrabfo Inferior . „ „ „. Jmau , UIIU ncr IOQr Gft. Court of llftbershatn countj, will be sold, at tbe | cbifdrctt, R-.chac! and her child, Mitly l7vears old, R-in- ^ - “oose io fcukrr county, on the first Tuesday in Ja- da 5 years old, and foff, a boy S veurs aid. Tams will Xi, LOT of LAND number two hundred and l, t; mudeknown on tbedav r.f sale. LOT No 80, in the 11th district of said couniy—levied on as the property of Vlanoah Hubbard, to satisfy a fi Ei. iV-ma Magistrates’ Court from VVarren county, in la- vo: of VYitlium Bird; levy made and returned to me by a constub-e. One sorrel M ARE—levied on as the property ol George Lewis, to 9utisfy a subpoena fi- fa. in f t^or of Sutherland Robinson. A. MAULDIN, D. Sheriff. I) C Olfirf 4 92 Co. rt House io nu irv nex * • enty-nme, in ihe 3d uis'rict of foimeriy Early, now B k*:r county,—as a part of the real estate of l\ m. Bo- img, late of Habersham county, deceased.* Also on the same day, will be sold, at Clarksville, Habersham conn- tv, the baltance of the unsold real estate of said V in. Boiiiig, deccaead, tb -1 is in *h* said county of Haber sham. Tejilts made- known on the day. ABSALOM HOLCOMB, *■ li.LIAM BOLING, Jr Novr-mber G 13 ft 4 November 10 THOMAS HANNAH, JOSEPH WHIGHAM ID ’ | .ddmirs. St ?e minutds. Get 30 C. BLANDFORD. jr. Clerk. 17 3-fn GEORGIA—Pulaski county. To all whom it may concern. HERE AS, Lewis Wood, Ecxecntor of tlie estate cf Abraham Wood, deceased, applies to Ute Court of Orftiuary of said county for letters dismissory on said fcslait: | Yo'm’i Adiimiistrator s .^ai S mN Monday, the seveotreorh a y < TJr will be sold at the late o lips, of Walton corin'v deewtset!, ,!! 1; . PEnsOrvAL PROPERTY bclouginji to sa u itoeeased—consisting of Household and Jvitcheu Furniture, n ?a..;e stock j( il -gs a -d Cuttle, ! .Torses, &c Corn,'Fodder and aaumber ui other articles! Administrator's Sale. GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of Haitian coority, when silting for ordinary purpc.scs, will bs sold on the first Tuesday in January next, at tin court-house iu said county, stx hundred and twenty .eight ! acres.of LAND, more or less, lying in the third district j oi said couniy, on tl.e water* of Jack and Ambby creek, t January next, ! ail ^ adjoining lands of YVnt. Roberts, Dani»l K..m<y, Zuchariah Phti-i Brinkl. y B;*icr. and o.thers. Su'd as the pi operty of The. ophilus Hill, deceased, for the bent fit of the heirs, &c Conditions on the day of sale. T. J. HILL. October 9 14 l3t . Jhim’r. too tedious to mention. Also, at the same trine ard place, th*^ NEGROES will be htred and the PL A N f.-\ fiON «i:i ba rented for !!•■: ensuingyear. Sale to eout’cie from d.y t.: day until ail is sold—Terms of sale nud known on th<- day. December 4 ROBERT *J. ECHOLS, Jidm'r. 22 >d* ¥~JaaAiXI 3A-JES. On the irst Tuesday m Jana try next, A *' tie court-house in the town of Hartford, Pulaski r-o.ifi.te, will be sold, between the usual hour* of sale, thd following i KOPERTY, to wit: Two hnuurcd two and an half acres Pine LAND, Lot No 192, in the 19th district formerly Wilkinson now county—levied on as tbe property of Joseph Cle ments, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Justices Court in fovor of Samuel v\ r . Holt, vs said Clements; levied on and re turn. d to me by a constable. 2014 acres p»ne LAND, lot No 183, ill the 19th dis trict formerly VVilkinaon now Pulaski county—1< vied on as Hu property of Joseph Clements lo satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Thomas Spears, vs said Cletneuif; levied 011 and Xelurueu tu me by ucoustfuile. Terms cash. JAMES H. WARREN, D. Sh?ff. November 27 21 Adniimstrator’s Salt 4 . W ILL be sold, at tin, cuol-house iu the county efj Administrator’s Sale. £ CREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court cf xWi Henry county, to sell tito leal estate of John Alc- K<:c, deceased, will be sold, on the Tuesday in Janu ary 11 xt, -it the saurt-housc door in trier town of Colom bo Ytujicogee county, between the usual hours of sale, one LOT of LAND, number t>nc hundred and serenty- seven in the seventh district of county. Sold for toe bent fit of the heirs and auditors of said deceased. JACOB M elk EE, Adin’r. November 13 19 Clark, on the first Tuesday in ' xvviuy in-x', live ; hundred acres of LAND oU ,ivo NEo iiOE^—Ifoubtn, j about 20 years old, aud Doctor about iS years old—part of the estate of William McKee, .deceased. SolJ agree ably to .inord'-r of Ihe Inferior Court of sap) pmr.ily, silt ing for ordinary purposes BE JOHN u ** » ^ Q c t 21 1C *^111. ^ ranees Nash, late of Elbert county, deceased Administrator’s Sale. ' DEU nn oitkrof-he Inferior Court of the county of Walton, when sitting for ordinary purposes, wifi sidd, on (ho first Tuesday in February next, at the uicuur voofi oi sdio coir.uv, si:i-. . , , - .. — J *• *•*’ .es, for the benefit oithe creditors. ' l !” r T* L0T No ' 21 °’ ifl tl,t; EN lAYilN Mi III’F t ei B nteen.h distrnt of formerly Muscogra, now Harris J11N H I OvVF * ( JldnCrs. couniy. Sold for the bcn< fi! ot the creditors aud heirs of - > Frances Nash. Ia»e r.f i 1 Thwe at« liierefore to cite, and admonish all anl singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the clerk’s office of said Court of Ordinary, on cr before the first Monday in March next, otherwise letter* ririniUtory will be granted the applicant. Witness the Honorable John J. Taylor one of the Jus tice* of said Court, this tith September 1830. JOSEPH CARKUTHEKS, CPk c. o. Nov 27 21 . -anQ.'ii GEORGIA, Pulaski couniy. Court of Ordinary, July adjourned Ta m, 1830. ULE NISI.—3 he petition of Lewis Wood, admin istrator oi Elisha Evans, deceased, siseweth that he has fully completed the administration of said Estate, and prays »o be ■. *tnissed therefrom—Whereupon, ii Is ordered by the Court, That a copy of this rule be publish ed once a mo»;lh for six months in one of the public ga zettes of this S.taie, requiring uii persons concerned, to shtw cause (if any tbt'y have,) why.said Letters Dismiss- sory should not he granted. A true extract from the minutes, 30th July, 1S30 JOSEPH CAKRUTUERS, CPU e. *0. ~ 6m A ed—tliat the original Lfocd of Gray B., H. fp.;.!- ified executor of Alien Tooke, dcccusi tT, cf v.Lirh i:,e annexed ip a copy, i.: substance, (to-wd:) GEORLTA, ?, Ksore a^v mek by these rnrs- Pulaski county, y EJtrs—That nr. Gray ii Uanur, principal, and Jamcx Brace tv* II, Wa.-iiit.gtoij I ancasb r. Robert Thompson, Samuel ltobcrlsoj!, ai.d iiliii--Jcfk < securities, a- e l-.cld^nd fsrti.lj bound unto tbe Jusitets ••f the Liforior Court bitting as a court tf ordinary of sa d county-, ami tiieir. successors iu, in tiiejust sum of thirty thousanddollar?; for the pajmtnt of which sum of ri.oney to the said Justices and their succcsiois urUiici, we Und ourselves, our heirs, cxrrufors aud bdminisiru fors, jointly and scic-rally and fijial) by these with oq.r seals and dated this 2511: if May. 1823. 1 ke cSirtirion of the above vjuligatfi.ii is such tfiat ihe Aug 21 rglHREEdays after dale I promise to pay George A JJ_ kins, or bearer, forty-seven dollars end ninetv-iwc xents, for value received, .March 1829. (Sjgnod) ELI FITZGLRRALD. -aidGiay B. Gardner, now aefing as qoalilitd tx< tutor of the hvsl will and testament of Alien 'J coL bavin GEORGIA—Franklin couniy. Personally came into open court, George Akins, who oeing sworn, saiih tliat be liad in his possession the crig- ir»Hl promissory note of which tbe above is a true copy, and that ijtt same is lost or mislaid. Sworn to in open court, October 11th, 1830. GEORGE AKINS. Test, James Morris, Ci’k. EJML&.artJ£Ii SALES. On the first Tuesday in February next, A T Ihe court-house in Swaiusboro*, Emanuel county, betwe-n the usual hours of sale, will be sold, ihe following PROPERTY to wit: Tw * tracts of L\ND, wbere^n William Daniell now lives, one thuus.iou acres grunted to Jamts Stephens and tne oilier <o f-icoli D udoir— ull taker, as the property ol •aid William D nidi, to satisfy two executitins one in fu xor of the State, the other in fiivor of R. L. G imble- H-'.NKY DURDEN, D. Sh’ff ALSO—Will be so'd as above Tour hundred acres of LAND, whereon William B t>,ini<4l now lives—levied on as the properly of the said Wilharn B D.niell, to satisfy an execution in favor of the State for bis tax; levied an ibis 30th October, IS30. D c 18 JOHN OG.LF.SBY, Sheriff. » Adtninistrator’s Sale. ^tWTlLLbc odd, on tiie first Tuesday in February y ▼ next, vt the eourt-h >use in Madison couniy, two h’infed and fify acres of LAND—part of the real es- tsto of YVihiam Mcllee, deceased. Sold agreeable to an o for of the Inferior Court of Clark county, sitting for •Mluiary purposes. BENJAMIN McREE, * JOHN u t fviA/f IJidmars. 23t Administrator’s Sale. j A GREEABLY to an order of lbs Lifuior Court of! TmL tVilkiiison county, vvbifo sitting lor ordinary purpo- : ses, will be sold, on the firsl Tuesday iu January uext, at the cou:Uhouse door in ThomaMon, Upson county, LO r ol LAND, No. c Zbl, io Hie lltli'd-is Irict of originally Monroe, • ow Upson conn y. Tiie s:imc: being part of th>- real estate of Brice Paul, deceased— ftold for tb ,L benefit oftlie beirs'. Terms made known on the day of sale JOHN CRUTCHFIFLD, Adm’or. Ort.iber 30 17 jQt Nov/mber 13 SAMUEL ALLGOOD, Adm’r. 10 - 91 A Giifc^LABLY lo an order of the Inferior Court * f Henry county to sell the real cslate of John Mc- Lxecutor’a Sale. \ \/ ®°Id, an the first Tuesday in January next, T between Ihe urnal itnurs of sale, at. the eourt- bmtse in thetmuuif Louisville, Jefferson county, a NEGRO ESASr. nanirtl J.-ick, about 35 years of ag'-, belonging to the es tate of Noah Adams, late qf said couHty, deceased.— Sold for the benefit of Urn l>cirs*nd creditors of said es tate, and a liioli negro is authorised to be sold by tbe will of said Testator. Term? made known on tbe day of sale. JAMES ADAMS, Ejmulor. „ November 4 jo Kce, doc; used, will he sold, 00 the first Tuesday in F- b- ruary next, aljCarroliton, Carroll count}, Let sf LAND, number t»v:> hundred and eighteen, in the ninth district t.f said county, as the projierty of said deceased. Suiu for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of s .id deceased. JACOB McKEE, Adm’r. November 13 19 IT appearing to Uie Court upon the foregoing affidavit, that George Akins bad in his possession*! he original note, of which the above is a true copy, and that the s-ime is lost or mislaid—Ordered, That Eli Fitzgerrald, ihe ;:1- iedged maker, show cause on the first day of nest terra, "by said co;>y should not be established in lieu of the original so lest or mislaid as nforrsaij, and that a copy of this-rule be publishul once 9 month for throe months-in some public ga7ctte in this. State. A tVuc cony from the minutes, lSlii October, 1830. - _ JAMES MORRIS, Clerk. November 6 18 q rn Adimuistrator’s Sale. ^ GREEABLY loan order of the Inferior Court of October 30 JOHN U. LOWE, 17 Oglethorpe county, sit ing for ordinury purposes, w,!i be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next., iq the town of Lixiogton, sBvaxcr neghoss. to wit:—Essex, Jack, John, ‘»Y illis. Fanny, Ann, und Jin ny—Sold as the property of Mordecai Howard, deceased. Terms cash- Also, On the first Tuesday in February next, in the town ufThomaston, Upson county, LOT number sixty-nine, in ikelenth di-triet formerly Vtonroe—Terms credit until 25t.fa December, 1831. Sold for the ’-en.'fil of the tv irs, THOMA8 HOWARD, Jr. Executor. Octeotr 3p 17 i0 | Adifiinijrratior’s &ale. N tiie firsl l uc-ffay m March next, will be soli^nt Ute town .of B!ake!y, Early county, FRACTION No. 391, in the 5Ui district Early county, containing about 133 acres—about 80 tieresnre cleared and in culti vation, situated immediately on tbe Chatuborchie river, it being part of the rcalRstate of Alexander Muore, late of Henry county, deceased. Soldbycrdcr of the Court cf Ordinary of Henry county, for tiie benefit of the beirs and creditors. Terms cash. THOMAS D. JOHNSON, Jidm'r. December 11 23 tds L ItS U A NT io «o order of the honorable the Inferior Court of the county of Early, when sitting for or dinary purposes, will be sold at Decatur, in ihe county of DeKalb, on the first Tuesday in January next, XiOT OF luAITD NO. 327, lying in the eiguteenth district of originally Henry, now Dekalb county. Said for the benefit of Expert Kilby Spence, orphan of Aaron Spence, deceased. _ JANE SPENCE, Guardian. October 3ft In the Superior Voui t of Franklin couniy. Maryann Foard, 5 > LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Jetts Foard. S T appearing by the return of the Sheriff, that the de fendant, Ja!m Foard, is not to be found in said-coun ty of Franklin—It is on motion, Ordered hj ihe Court, That service of raid writ ba perfected by nublication of this rule in one of the public g.-.Seltcs.ef this State, once •1 month for three months. A true copy fn>;n t he minutes I8ih October, 1830. JAM ES ill jRRIS, CTk! November 6 J8 GEORGIA—Pulaski countv. °* ^< c ULLEflS applies to me for letters of 9W Administration on the estate, of Charles Stuart, late of said county, deceased: * These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all the kin dred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 12th day of Novem ber, 1830. JOSEPH CARRUTHEUS, c. c. o. , Ctciasiu, havu.g been j t qoired hy said court ol ordinary to give se curity iar the iaiihfol cxccwtp n o„f Bis tn.&t as executor aforesaid. Now if the said Urtty B. Gardner, extcUcr cf Allen Tooke, deceased, iff make, er cause (0 Lc made, •1 trtve nuc! pufoct invintory-.of .-.ii ard' tirts goods, chattels, and crtiiits of the said deceased, which have cr snail come to the kuowlcdge, possession crjjiuMis of the said Gray B. Gardner, cxeeuior nfuittuid, cr into irm possession of fl«y other person for I im, ; t,d (Lo saints so made, do exhibit to the Justices of U.c Intel for Ccu::t .sitting as a court uf ordinary 10* said county, at ^nd. Iteie as he shall be UicreuMo required by said Ceu^J f Oidina- ry, and the same goods, chattels alui credits do well and truly administer according to law, end make r. just and lri»‘ / ccoUi-f 01 ins iirlii^gs ?t!:tl doings w hers by Ihh ic- qtcrcii and further, do well and truly pay and deliver nil teg.Kias contained and specified in the said v ii! cf Alien I00U. deceased, as far us She said goods, chattels, a, d credits will extend, or the law require,nr.d in ait things firtlduoy perform hrs duty as-executor a/oresaid accord ing-lo law. then the above ohligdion to be void, el-c to tosuaii! ia foil force. * Gray B Cardr,cr t [l. srt Robert Thompson, fL. s } - -James ltraonnett, [l. s.J Washington Lancaster, [l. s ] Samuel Robertson, ft. 8 ] IYm. Jcik,' | l. s ] S!.-rrcf.,son’e<I and acknowledged in epon Court, this2-Uff ftiay, 1823. . : Thad. G. Holt, Joel Crawford, tins been lost or destroyed—~ flj- therefore ordered, Tlir.t the opposite parlies do srtew cause, by the next term of this court* v. hy tj,e a’- e copy should not he established in lieu of said iJst ot i.fnri and that this Ride be published in one of the public of zetU s cf this State, once a month for three months. A true cxlract from the Minutes, Ootoff r l3 ; h iS’O OmiG) JOSEPH* ffAIJHUTlIBRS.'b’k. ' GLCRG1A, WALTON .COUNTY, Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1830. IJfFEr.IOR COTTRT, SITTING I" UR UR DINA EY 1 CKJ*«M S, Present, their Honors -Wilson Whatley. Kgbert Jl Bee’:. Robert M. Echols and Timothy Tiilman, Justices of said Court - GEORGIA- Pulaski couniy. *, W r HERffAS, Scssums Perkins, Guardian of Mary Ann Pucker, minor of,Jobn B. Packer, dec’d. applies to me for letters of dismission. t * lcrt Tore to cite the kindred and creditors of said dcc’d. to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, |o shew cause, if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted* Giveh under my hand this. t2th Novemb r,1830. ® 6 ®‘ J. CARRUTHERS, c. 9e 6. ULE NISI.—Upon the application of Brnjamio Hammock, administrator of John H. Bcr-rdfn de ceased, stating that he has fully discharged the duties as signed as Administrator aforesaid, enJ praying to be dis-^ missed therefrom—it is ordered, That a copy of this Rule be published once a month for six months in one uf the public gazettes of Ibis State, requiring all persons con cerned to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters dismissory should not be granted. A true extract from the minutes, this 12th Julv 1830 JESSE MITCHELL, c. c k o. * S Cm °- Sherwood’s Gazetteer. T^HE last of tha Edition just received bv * November fi fefttP’T ft reRjrftV. B LANK DEEDS, of an approved form, neatty prtn* ted and for sole at this Office. ~ — i Hc,.ry Superior Com t, September Ta in, 183D. IT appealii.g io tLe Cautl that tiie erigfoai buixi r.f which the tor- going is a m a»:L&:a..ce uial thcl (;& said i>iigi;i:i! bus been lost cr inisia-d, ?i> that it caiiatt-i be found—i 3 therefore r-n niori-.u, Ordet td, Thai ifeu aL„ s .o copy be esfobhslitd iiistead oi the oriw.inai at t j next term ot this Court, unless iLc . J ILz ki. li ilte- good shew good cause to the contry at t! at To;m. .dr.d it is further ordered. That a c- ny of rim R>.!«* bo served ujjou the said Hcztkia!i 1 foliatauJ -t fivst llr.-.v months bciurc the next Term of this Gout t. or publishui nee a immib tor three months before Lmciuc-ne cf the public gazettes of this Slate. A true till act from Inc minutes this Sib day D- cm hr.-,. 1839. Vv’M. ii Ali DIN, CTa. dec t 8 PI. - :te> GKOUGIA—In Pulaski Supt. for L eu l y Gctgueiv Tihm, j 830. T appearing l>y ihe affidavit James Tuukt,miii;» trutor with tba tvi!! annexed of Alien Teeter, ccr-r.s- Vj I Dec S8