The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, January 08, 1831, Image 4

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JbfterOPfi Sbaleo* OWIWNL'fT SALES. On the first Tuesday in February next, A T the court-house in the town of Lawrence ville, 1 j*. G"innett county, iviil he sold, the following PRO PERTY, to wit: One hundred and fifty acres of LAND, it being part of i ;t number fifty-four in the 6th district of said county, . hereon the defendant resides ^levied on to satisfy a fi. i .. in favor of Charles Wilson, vs. Francis Shackelford. One hundred and twenty-five acres of LAND, part of - t No. 125, in the 5th district of said county, as the pro- * rty of John Lay, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Zachari- t Curly, vs. said Lay. LO f Na. 84, in the 6th, and LOT No. 14, in the 7th U strict of said county, each containing two hundred and !;y acres—as the properly of George Dawson, to satisiy ' vo fi. fas. from Greene inferior Court in favor of Stew- .1 and Hargraves, vs. George Dawson, and other fi. fas. v j said Dawson. ■ WILLIAM BREWSTER, D.. Sheriff. ALSO—At the same time and place, will be sold, One cow, one bed aud furniture, one put, one oven, i hettlg, ten chairs, two trunks and contents, one set tors burg, to satisfy a fa. from Gwinnett In rior Court, in favor of Charles Price, -sen. vs said John lorsebnrg. WILLIAM BREWSTER, D. SU’ff. December 4 , 22 NEW STORE T 1 GiSLiSa^. & olzasS. HE subscribers arc now opening-at their shoe, a few doors below uic Merchants’ and Flu liters’ Bank, Augusta; a large and f ishmnuWle assortment of Goods in the above line, which tlu-y are preprtd to offer to country merchants and others, on as favorable terms as can be afforded by any other market. Their present stock* which is entirely new, has been se lected with great care and regard to patterns, shapes, &<:. —fioiu the most recent impuitations into the Now York and Philadelphia mirkeis—and tneir arrangements in Europe are sucii as to (naWe them at all times to offer the newest and most approved patterns of Ware. Also, for sale—Portable Cooking Furnaces; Window Glass—Japanned, Plated aud Silver Castors and Liquor Stands; Brass Liverpool Lamps, Hall do.; -Mantle Or naments, &c. P. B« TAYLOR, & Co. Dec 25 25 St GLOBE HOTEL, NEWTON SALES. On the first Tuesday in February next, ^?I7TLL be sold, before the court-house door hi the * v toivn of Covington, Newton county, between the anal hours of sale, the following PROPERTY, to »vit: Fifty acres of LAND, in the ninth district of originally leury now Newton county, being the south-east corner ‘ No. 206—levied on as the property of William Green, > satisfy ufi. fa. in favor of Hcory H. Field, vs William 'been and Noah Lewis, his security on the. stay. One road WAGGON ami one large BAY MARE, a- outlen years old—levied on as the property of John Ed- • ! -won, to satisfy afi. fa. in favor of George W. Lau- t itee, vs James H. Cruice, John Edcltmon and Wili- :a Batchelor, his securities. K. W. HARGROVE, D. Sh’ff. January t> 26 EMANUEL SALES. On the first Tuesday in February next, k T the court-house hi Swainaboro’, Emanuel county, bet we* n the usual hours of sale, will be sold, the f-Honing PROPERTY, to wit: Two tracts of LAND, whereon William Daniell now res, one thousand acres granted to James Stephens and * ue other Itv Jacob Durden—all taken as the property ol iid William D midi, to satisfy two executions one iu fa t -‘r of the Stale, the other in favor of R. L, Gamble. One negro GIRL, named Chany, about six or seven y ars old—levied on as the property of Jonas Curry, to atitify one 15. fa. issued from Iht- Superior Com t of Tatr '>all county; levied on the 27tlv N -vember, 1830. Jan 1 H-NUY DURDEN, D. Sh’ff ALSO—Will be sold, as above, Four hundred acres of LAND, whereon William B Daniell now lives—levied on as the property of the suit-’ Viliiam B. I) midi, to satisfy an execution in favor of the State for his tax; levied on Ibis 30l i October, 183(J D<c 18 JOHN OGLESBY, Sheriff o LAND FOR SAXiR. T IE subscriber otters tor sale tut louowing i ic.i o i o OF LjIACD, which will be suld low f ^r casn or on a short credit: No. 369, in th a 1st Dist. Early now Baker county, it 316, C4 5th do. Early, II 312, CC I4»h do. Early,' 1C 168, a 2d do. Appling, Cl 196, cc 7th do. Houston now Crawford, cc 184, CC 3d do. Dooly, 1 lot No. 201, formerly Mouroe now Pike county, No. 12. in the 2d Dist. Troup now Meriwether, a 241, 44 5t!i do Troup county, H L45, cc 24fo do. Muscogee uow Talbot, H 370, cc 7th do. Lee now Randolph, #4 191, cc 28 til Jo. Lee, CC 68, •i 3d do. Early now Baker, 44 172, cc 13th do. Early, 44 254, cc 14th do. do. cc 98, cc 7th do. Dooly, M 198, 4« 7th do. do. cc 106, cc 9th do. Monroe now Pike, cc 54, cc 7 ill do. Gwinnett, cc 36, cc 6 tit do. Troup, cc 8t, cc 4lb do. Coweta, cc 249, cc 4th do. Muscogee now Marion, li 18, cc 26 !h do. Lee, 14 62, cc 18th do. Mu-cogee now Harris. \pply to foe subscriber at Carnesviffe, Franklin county. JAMES MORRIS. December 11 23 8t NOTXOjQ. r HE subscriber now ofli r» his LANDS and PLAN. I’ATION in Bibb county, 2 1-2 miles above Ma con for sale, which areas follows; 800 acres, 300 <i which are cleared and very productive tying on the Ea;-' side ofthe Ocniulg<ie above the town, directly on th:- riv er. Any person wishing to purchase, would do well to cumeitud view the premises, .<s I flatter mys f, but few if any more desirable plantations are in the vicinity > ( Vt • n, and a very good Fishery is on the same; the Lands ire well timbered, tiie plantation is under good repairs, vititconvenient cabins and Gin House, with many fruit trees, auuno tract of Land in he state is better -aieied. LUKF ROSS. Macon, ATot 3 -19 2m Newnau Academy. 'jtjTJHE Trustees of tins liisCttn'.ion wi. pleasure a r - SL nounce to the public that they hav eit/ag-'>i fo ill-ensuing year, the Hv. jOSEPtl ALEXANDER, of Oglethorpe county, as Rector at th Ac-uiciny, win; Administrator’s Sale. N Monday, the seventeenth day of January next, will be sold at the lute residence of Zachariah Phil- I long experience and well known capacity, they tri-s. w lips, of Walton county, deceased, all t!ie PERSONAL PROPERTY belonging to said deceased—consisting of Household and Kit-ciw-n Furniture, a large stock of Hogs and Cattle, Horses, &c. Corn, Fodder aud a number of other articles too tedious to mention. Also, at the same time and place, the NEGROES will be hired ond the PLANTATION will be rented for the ensuing year. Sale to continue from day to day until all is sold—Terms of sale m-'de known on the day. ROBERT AJ. ECHOLS, Adm'r. December 4 22 ’■ -s Administrator’s Sale. O N the first Tuesday in February next, will be sold, at the court house in the town of Covington, New on ounly, the whole of the real properly belonging li the estate of Reuben B Neal, late of said county tie ceaBed— consisting of the PLANTATION upon wliici deceased died, and the LOT of LAND which he pur chased of L. P. M ickey—all lying upon South river arid its waters. Said land sold by order of the honorable the Inferior Court of said county, while sitting for or dinary purposes. JONATHAN C. MACKEY. Adm'r. November 25 21 A Henry county to sell the real estate of John Ale Kee, deceased, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in Feb ru.iry next, at Carrollton, Carroll county, Lot of LAND, number two hundred and eighteen, iu the ninth district ol said county, us the properly of said deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JACOB McKEE, Adm’r. November 13 19 9t Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be «old, on the first Tuesday in February next, it the court-house in Madison county, two hundred ami fifty acres of LAND—part of the real es tate^*!' Willi nn McKee, deceased. Sold agreeable to »n order of the Inferior Court of Clark county, sitting for ordinary purposes. BENJAMIN McRF.E, > a , JOHN H. LOWE, \ - ldm ' ors - Octoliev 30 17 131 w Administrator’s Sale. ILL be sol t, on the thst Tuesday in February next, at the late residence of Curtis Pinson, deceased, in the county of Rabun, the personal estate of said Pinson, deceased, to wit: Horses, Cattle, Corn, Fodder, &c.—sold for benefit of lieii s and creditors of said estate. Terms made known on the day of sale. SA M CEL FARI3, Adm'r. December 25 52 tos (Uitire to the Institution the countenance and support of the friends of literature in general, as well as the patron age of parents and guardians of children. From past experience, as well as Iro n the si-nation .-! the town, wiihiu the corporate limits of which the Acad emy is situated, the Trustees have every te -s ntob - Ifeve that no village in th* western coumica can enjo more of the inestimable blessings »vf health, for th: > • r< not apprized of a single case of Fever thai has occnred n the town since the first sc.litiiig of the place in the spring 1828, and it is believed that uo death lias taken plo. rithm the corporate limits since that time, except of ur infant. Moreover, the religious and moral habits of the citis&ns •>f the place, are such as eminently reentonrspd it dp a suitable residence fur young gentlemen and larte-s. The Sclioot vvifl be open for live reception of nopifu <>,. he first Monday in January next, at the lollo' ing r-it for Tuition: Reading, Writing, & Arithmetic, (per quarter) $2 Ml English Gramm vr, G-ograp!-y, History, Rhet oric and Philosophy, 5 00 The Latin and Greek Languages, 7 t)0 By order of thi B**ard of Trustees, JAMES THOMPSON, Secretary. December 11 23 . 4t AUGUSTA. GJEOHGIA. T HE SUBSCRIBER, (late propuetov of Ihe Globe Hotel, and more recently of the Mansion House,) begs leave to announce to his friends and the public gen erally, that he has taken that elegant and commodious fir« proof Brick Building on the corner of Broad and Jackson streets, and immediately adjoining the new Masonic Hall. It is situated in the most central part ofthe City, and is in ihe very heart of business—being in the vicinity of the Augusta Bank, and the Branch bunk of the Slate ol Geor gia. This establishment is koov-a as the GLOBE HOTEL, and in its interior arrangement and general construction, unites in an eminent degree, spaciousness, neatness, and comfort. To the man of family, the individual traveller, the daily boarder, or the fashiomble visiter, the GLOBE presents accommodations inferior to none in ike Southern States. „ - ... Having conducted for a number of years, twoaniong the most popular Hotels ia this City, he flatters himself that ins experience in business, added to the superior advanta ges of situation and the resources under bis controul, will enable him to give the most decided satisfaction to alt who may honor him with their patrohage. Kis STACl.ES are spacious and well ventilated,and amply supplied with .the best of provender, and at tended by experienced and steady Ostlers—in addition lo which, the subscriber will bestow bis own persona! un remitting attention, aud in his charges, will not forget the pressure of the times. iCj e The Charleston Stages arrive at the Globe H The Washington ami Athens ling at 6 o’clock. The Elberton Stage departs every Minday morning, at 4 o’clock, anil arrires every Friday ‘•.vening at 6. The Pendleton Stage departs every Tues day, at 4 o’clock in the morning, and arrives every Mon day at 2 o’clock in the evening. The Milledgcville Stage irrives every day except Thursday, at 7 o’clock in the eve ning, and departs every day exeept Wednesday, at 2 o’ clock in the morning. The Savannah Stage arrives cve- ry - onday Wednesday and Friday, at LO o’clock in the morning, and departs every Sunday, Tuesday and Tliurs day, at 2 o’clock in the morning. WILLIAM SHANNON. Augusta, Oct. 1, ■ ■ —196—— ! f ff CALL AND SEE! THE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he bas opened a HOUSE of IS 3 31 * i S ENTERTAIUnVIUET ! l?0 S isiSl ‘ n Carrollton, Larroli county, Ga. and flatters himself that be will give as gener- - is , i Fall that may favor him with their patron- as t -. ofe-r Inn-Keeper in as newly settled country * - bi« Though .Carroll county has been kept in the back it- und, defamed and shaded by reports, yet I hope ail rl Tion Of blown away by the sunshine of virtue, nbr- ,tV ' by the Gospel of Christ, and the instruction of arts ■ ’f' 1 ti fences—So full and see C. McCARTY. A 8 M 225 tf A CARD. ~ ?^ : r- frh.nds of *H>- subscriber who bold .subscription U or i he Georgia Christian Repertory, are re- t-eo t: f i iva'd tutrn immediaiely by mail or other- > G. CAPERS. M«»n, V. vr a aw 2. 1830 19 ITT MISS THACHF.R, Rvsn.cifully in forms :hv nubl-c thst th • ini -i- netr ing a FEMALE SCHOOL i this place, on toe first .•■|<,inia*- o! January. Instruction will bo given in timsc br : uu^ie usually taught in Female Seminaries. References c«r be given, and terms made known upon application. December 25 THE S0OTTSBOB.O’ FEMALE SEMIMLa? W ILL commence its SPRING SESSION on the Third Moiidav in January, instant. ROBERT C. BROWN, Principal. Jantnrv i 26 * LOOS AT THIS I A LL t»« -son. : i • med f,, bi , tjees rendered by ill. >v> rst GA-.-L.A i IN^ivdj pfe..,se pay Their notes ■u . / juts, a* tanter, tr. Mr. LIenpt Duncan of Mil* .edg’cviljt. ;xlm i a authorised to receipt forme. - WM. P. FOARD. , November H 19 - ■ henry superior COURT, Heptcmbcr Term. 1830. Joseph Creal, ) rJ . J RULE NISI, Hezekiau Hobgood. j To establish last Bond* (COPYBOXD.) . G EORGIA, Henry county.— Knpw all treu by these presents, that I, Hezekiah Hobgood of the county and stale aforesaid, am held and firmly bound unto Joseph Creal, bis heirs and assigns, in the sum of two hundred doltars, sealed with my seal and dated this 9th day of March, 1828. . ~ , The condition of the above bond or obligation »s such, that whereas the above bound Hezekiah Hobgood bath this Jay sold lo the aforesaid Joseph, Creal one certain tract or lot of Land, situate, lying and being in the afore said State and county of DeKalb, known aud distinguish ed in the plan of the fourteenth district of originaly Hen ry but now PeKulb county by the number one hundred and seventy-four, for wbieh said lot pf land the said Hub- good hereby binds himself lo uieke good anil sufficient ti tles to the same when the said Joseph Creal shall obtain a grant at his own expense for said lot of land. Now if the said Hezekiah Hobgood shall, and do make, or cause to be made to tbc aforesaid Joseph Creal, his heirs aud ussigns, good and sufficient titles in law to tiie aforesaid lot of land, then this obligation to be null and void, else to remain in full force and virtue. Signed and staled in th* ptesence of HEZEKIAH HOBGOOD, t. s. GEORGIA, > Personally appeared before me, a Henry county. ) Justice of the Peace in anti for the county aforesaid, Joseph Creal, and after being duly sworn, depoketh and saiib that Ihe above and foregoing is a true copy iu substauce as well as be i •collects of a boud held by him on the aforesaid Htzekiuh Hobgood, witnesses tosaui bond not recollected—that said original bond was held by him for the purposes mentioned tl»erc- in—that he has never sold nor transfered said bond to any other person or persons whatsoever, but that he has either lost or mislaid said original so that he cannot find or controul it. (Signed) J* Cit EAL. Sworn lo and subscribed before me this 7th day ol March, 1329. WOODSON HUB BAUD, j. J*. Henry Superior Court, September Term, 1830. IT appearing to the Court that the original bond of which the foregoing is a copy in substance aud that the said original has been lost or mislaid, so that it cannot be found—l; .3 therefore on motion, Ordered, That the above copy tie established insfead ot the original at the next term of 11113 00012, unless the said Hezekiah Hob good shew good cause to the contrary at that Term. And it is further ordered, That a copy of this Rule be served upon the said Hezekiah Hobgood at least three months before the next Term of this Court, or published once a month for three mouths before that time in one of the public gazettes of this Slate. A true extract from the minutes this Sth day December, •S30. WM. HARDIN, Cl’k. dec 18 21 3m HABERSHAM' SUPERIOR COURT; T* October Term, 1830. I T appearing by the affidavit of Hezekiah Stephens that the original agreement between him and Benjamin, Vaughan and Dareus Vaughan of which the annexed is w true copy,<0 wit: GEORGIA, l Articles of agreement made anden- Franklin county, j tered into between the parties, Wiw ncsscth, That the said Stephens is to relinquish on his. part all the interest be ha* in the real estate of George all the property of George Vaughan, deceased. Given under our hands aud seals this 12th day of Sep tember, 1821. . BENJAMIN-VAUGHAN, ****** HEZEKIAH STEPHENS, *1. s. % DAUCUS VAUGHAN, ***♦*♦ has been lost or destioyed. It is therefore ordered, That the opposite parties do shew cause by the.(text Term of thra Court why the above copy should not be established iu lieu- of the said original ami that this rule be published in one of the public ga zettes of this State once a mouth for three months. A U'ue extract from the minutes pi said Court, this 8th day of December, 1830. JOHN T. CARTER, c. s. c. dec IS 24 3jti spl EORGIA, Warren county.—Know ail men by these |jr presents, that I, J »se Anstey of the County and sUte aforesaid, am held and firmly bound unto Gideon V- Helms, in the sum of t«o hundred dollars, for the true pajment of w hich I bind myself, niy heirs, &c. jointly, se verally firmly by these presents. Sealed with my seal, apd dated thief first day of February, 1S23. The condition of the abofe obligation is such that is the above bound Jesse Atisley shall make to the said Gid eon V. Holmes, good and lawful titles to lot number one hundred and twenty-nine, in the twelfth district > f Haber sham county, so soon as tbc said Gideon V. Holmes shall lift thr grant then thfe obligation to be void, else to re main in full force and virtue. JESSE ANSLEY, l. s. In presence of Joshc. Lazexbt,- DurkiNs’Ivey. IT appearing to the Court upon the oath of Thomas J. Rusk and John Barton, that the original Bond of Jesse Ansley, Of which'the above is a copy, has-been lost or mis laid—It is therefore ordered, That the sail Jesse Ansley do shew cause by the next term of this Court why ihe a- bove copy should not be establish in lieu of said lost orig inal, and that this rule be published ifi one of the public gazettes oT this State in the legal manner or served on the opposite party as the law directs. A true extract from the minutes Habersham Superior Court, October Term 1830, this 81 h day of December, 1830. ' JOHN T. CARTER, c. s. c. dec 18 24 mdtn SCHOOL W ANTED. A GENTLEMAN Who has been 8 years employed as a Teacher of an English School, wishes an engage ment for the next year. He teaches till those bianciuA comprising an English education,and can produce from his preseut employers satisfactory reference.** tor character, capacity, &c. He teaches tlie use of the Terrestrial Globe, and Book-keeping by double and single entry. Persons w ishing to employ such a Teacher may direct a line to A. J. at the P >st-Office. or apply at this '>tRc«*. December 25 25 r - Administrator’s Sale. U NDER an order of ;h« Inferior Court of the county of Waltou, ivnen sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold, on »h»i first Tuesday in February next, at the court-house door in Harris county, LOT No. 210, in the elghtceuffi district of formerly Muscogee, now Harris county. Sold for the benefit of the creditor* and heirs of Frances Nash, late of Elbert county, deceased. SAMUEL ALLGOOD, Adm’r. November 13- 19 9t Administratior’w Sale O N the firsi I'ue-day m March next, will be sold, at ihe town of Blakely, Early county, FRACTION No 591, in the 5ih dferict Early county, containing about 133 acres—about 80 acres «re cleared and in culti vation, situated immediately on the Chatahoochie river, it being part of the reai estate of Alexander Moore, late of Henry county, deceased. Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of Henry comity, for the benefit of tlic. heirs andcreditor* Tom.s-casli. THOMAS D. JOHNSON, Adm'r. December 11 23 tds Administrator's Sale. i*e a id. at the court-house in Marion, Twiggs f T county, on the first Tuesday iu March next, One HOUSE and LOT, being the real es tate of Owen O. F >rt, deceased Sold in pnrstrance of an order from t 'Court yf Ordinary of said County, for the MOSES FORT, Adm’r. D eeuibcrll , 23 t ( t, TS-'IUH TO urths attci .fete application w ilt be rithde to JL :he nooorablr tbc Inf rior Court of Walton county, siltm< for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real «.*;» ale, belonging ta tin minor heirs of John Selman, kite of said county, Ucge<>s< u. JAMES W. HARRIS;) _ JOHN II. LOU E, \ Guardumt. i6 CAUTION. A LL persons are hereby iorwarned not to trade for two Notes given by myself, and mud*- pavable to Stephen Phillips—«ne for §112, due the first day of Jan uary, 1832—the oilier for $116, din* first January, 1333 giver some time iu November, 1829—the considera tion for which said Notes were given, having failed, 1 am determined nut to pay the same. THOMAS YARBROUGH December 25 ' 25 *• 3t To JJistuict Surveyors and others mho may icish Flans of the Cherokee Lands. I WILL forward to District Siirvey?>rs who may bt elected on the first Monday in January, und to oth er individuals who may want them, neat Plans of tbc Cherokee country representing the several Districts. Sections ond Divisions with their respective numbers, for one dollar—the applicant paying bis postage B. H. STURGES. Milledgeville, January 1, 1831 56—2t Administrator’s Sale. O N the first Tuesday in March next, t*. iff be sold, if the town of Saundersvilfe, Washington county, one TRAC P of LAND, containing two hundred und eighty five acres, more or less, adjoiuing lands of Wilson and others, in said county. Also, 00 the first Tuesday in April next, wilt be sold, in the town of Bainbridge, Decatur county, LOT number one hundred and ninety three, in the tweiily-sevcntli dis trict of formerly Early now Decatur county. Sold as the property of Christopher Pearson, late of Wilkinson coun ty, deceased—Terms made known on foe day of sale. ARS J ~ PsOFOSALS For publishing * large anv complete Mop of the State of G.eoi%<o, c.~ibracing alt the Lands within the chartered Hinds I ISSUED mst year Propes-ls for poblislrittg a new Mapjol oui State, but afte r mature reflection, I was uced to dLcune >1 till th«- Cherokee country should be tcqjiirt-d ami Surveyed. As a BIT for surveying the t.'-uciokce laiids is now before tiie Legislature, and which ias passed into a 'uw. I now present new proposals to the public, lVelmc foe utmost confidence in its liberdand tficicnf puircuat*'. The size of the ~ ap will fie the • -Hue ><s<hu> pi-biis!>cdby my father,.which'1 think suffi • ifcntly large fot a fill and disiinct representation. Tire • tyb of engraving thail be eq'tal to that ofthe host en graved Map of any or our sister stales, and every object *ut ought to be turd davs,u r and which is usually repre- • ritcd on State-’daps, will be defined td wnn mallietnati- c.<l precision Sl accuracy. They wiMbe neatly varnish, d, t uvasstti, colored on.l attached to Rollers. To suitpur- ba-ers, a r,ni able number of th-m will be cnelused in tehly oruamer.tMl eo^rs. To'assist mein meeting the • xpenses yf tng*aving_ and other incidental expenses, wiiteh nilUinavoidabR occur while prt paring the original far the hands of the Engraver, f solicit those who sub- -•ci jbe to advance whuttoev cun with convenience. Those who may be disposed to advance four dollars, will receive it without additional charge.. Ttve-cost to'■hose who ad duce fioo dotiars-, util be five dallais; ttnd to those who subscribe and *nay not choose toadvance, six dollars to be paid down on the delivery ofthe Maps - The selling price ‘o those who «lo not becom* subscribers, will be £7 per copy. Those individuals who may please to extend their i.beral uid by making an anvancc, will receive the Maps at a' fewer price, and shall be entitled to the first copies -ilutt are struck. No expense or labor ill be spared-?to r« nd< r it very accurate i.nd worthy of n liberal anti ex- lenthrJ patronage. The M ps wilt i»e delivered toeufi- sciib- rs and ot*:ers, within six months nfler the Reports uf the District S*n w-yors are received anti filed in the 8nr- veyor-Glncrat’s Office. If Jlie woik cun fie br ught odt earlier by the Engraver it will be done; but I am not wil ling to prumist tliem before the time mentioned. I de sign to commence my Map of the Stale soon, offer the ris*ng of the present Legislature, and will complete the, representation of a II the Territory of our State; wiih*thc exception ef the Cherokee copt try; and ns soon as the Surveyors shall survey it and maks their offi -ia! report, I will finish the Mop and place it,in the Jiands of ‘be En graver. I will also publish a Plan of the Cherokee Lands sepa- rately, representing the counties, disnlcts, squares and tractions, compiled from i ffitial survejs. Tiie price of this to subserjiu rs will be three dollars, and if they will advance one dollar, they shall he entitled to receive it on payment of an uddi'ional dollar. To non-subscribers, it will be sold at four dollars. This will appear about four months after tiie survey is marie. The engraving of this will be neat and plain. I assure the public that the viqps will be .prepared at foe time mentioned, and that expectation will not be disappointed. BENJAMIN r. sturges. Milledgeville, Dpc. 25, 1830 ’ 25 4m GEORGIA, 1 Know ali Pulaski county. ) ents—That January l JONATHAN PEARSON, Adrd'r. 26 9t Oct 21 4m « Dt'TDS, f n-i pj.'uved form, n. at’y pr/n ' Ud and tor safe av this Office. Dec 22 GEORGIA—Pulaski county. W HEREAS, Furnty F. Gatlin and Sessoms Per kins, administrators of Joseph B. Coalson,.Iate of said county, deceased, applies lo are for letters of distnis*i*n: This is therefore to cite the kindred and creditors ol said-decM to bo and appear at my office, Within the trust prescribed by law, to strew cause, if any they have, wh\ iajd letters uf dismission should not be grunted. Giten under mv hand this 12th Novombtr, 1830. mCm. iObEi’H C.ARRUTHER8, c, c. «. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted lo the estate of Christopher Pearson, late of Wilkipsan cefimty, deefeased, are requested to settle tlirir aceuums with as litlle delay as possible—and thos having demands .gainst said Pearson will please hand them m attested according to law. JONATHAN PEARSON, Adm'r. January 1 ae g t QARnyng SBED7~ A FRESH supply Ot Ihor burn's Harden Seed jost re ceded b y \ L. PERKINS. • illedgeville, No* 13 19 GEORGIA—In Palaski Superior Court, October Term, 1830. I T appearing by th§ affidavit of James Tooke,adminis trator with the ivilljmncxc-d of Allen Tooke, deceas ed—that tbe original Bond of Gray-B.'Gardner, die qual ified executor of Allen Tooke, deceased, of which the annexed is a copy in substance-, (lo-wil:) ALE MEN Bt TIIESt! .PRES- wt, Gray B. Gardner, principal, and James Braccwtjl, \Vaslnngton Lancaster, Robert ^Thompson, Samuel Robertson, and U illiam Jelk, securities, are held a nd firmly bound unto the Justicis of. the Inferior Court sitting as a court, of ordmaa-y of said county, and their successors iq office, in the just sum. of thirty ifiousanddoliars; for the paymfnf oT which sum of money to the said Justices and lheir successors in office, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administra tors, jointly and severally and firmly by these presents. Scaled ivitk our seals and dated this 23ffi of May, 1823. The condition of the above obligation is sueb that the said Gray B. Gardner, now acting os qualified executor uf tbc last will and testament, of Allen Tooke, deceased, having been required by.suid court of ordinary to give se curity for the faithful execution of hrs trust ns excc-utor aforesaid. Now if the Said Gray "B. Gardner, executor of Alien Tooke, deceased, do nuke,or cause to be made, a trOc and-perfect inventory of all and singular the ‘goods, chattels, and credits of the suid deceased, which have or shall come to the knowledge, posre ssion or hands of tbe said Gray B. Gardner, executor aforesaid, or into the possession of any other pen • on for him, and the same so made, do exhibit to Ihe Justices of the Inferior Court sitliug as a court of ordinary tor said county, at sitofetime us he shall be thereunto required by said Court of Ordina ry, and the same gj»ods, chattels and credits do well and truly administer according to law, and make a just and tru>. account of bis actings aud doings when by law re quired—and furiher,do well and truly pay and-drliver ;<H legacies contained and specified in tiie said viltof Allen Tooke, deceased, Es far as tlw said good-, chattels; and credits will extend, or the law require, a-nd in all things faithfully perform his duty -as executor aforesaid accord ing to law, then the above obligation to be void, else to remain in fuff force. . - - Gray B. Gar liner t [l. s.} Robert Thompson, ll-'S.] James Braeewell, Jl, s.] ^ Washington Lancaster, -{«.. s.] Samuel Robertson, [l. s.} Wm. Jelk, -ft. s.J “ Signed^sealed atid acknowledged in open Court, this24th May, 1823. - Thtnl. G. licit, Joel Crawford, has beefi lost or destroyed— It is therefore ordered, That the opposite parties do shew cause, by the next term of this court, why life above copy should not be established in lieu of said lost- original, and that this Rule be one of the public ga zettes uf this State, once a month for three months. A true extract from the Minutes. October 13th, 1330. (3m 16) - JOSEPH OARRUTHERS. Ci’lc. GEORGIA—Washiugtou county. John Wrkkk, J RTTTE NISI VS. > for the foreclosure of U AVitUAM M. Bennett. } Mortgage. TTPON the petition of John Wicker, staling that ott WJ the twenty-seventh day ot Febiuury in the year of* our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twci.ty-eighfe in Cite county of W ashington, Uilliam W. Bennett did make, execute and deliver unto the said John Wicker, hix certain Deed of Mortgage, braringdate the same day anck year aforesaid, whereby-he mortgaged unto the said Job® Wicker, bis heirs and 'ussrgns; two certain tracts or par-*, cels of Land, one on the-waters of Williamson Swamp, adjoining lands of -Barron, Howard, Osborn and of Ui© said Bennett, containing one hundred and seventeen and a half acres pine laud, more or less, whereon Mrs. Deborah Cook Sired at the dale of said mortgage; the other on the waters of Stephens ciceb, adjoining Warthen, Harrison tx. others, containing one hundred acres pine Lund, more or les.-y bo!b tracts lying and being Mi tbe county ar.d state above written: which said deed of morigsge was made to the said John Wicker, for the purp .se of securing the said John Wicker as security-for the said William M. Bennett on eight promissory notes, seven fur thirty dol lars each, and one 1 or fifteen dollars and twenty-lire cents, amounting to two hundred and twenty-five dollars and i.ventyvfive cents, payable twelve months thereafter to John Walker and Elizabeth Wstable, -(administrator a, ‘d administratrix on the estate of Eggbert Wamble, deceas ed,) or bearer, for value reefife cd-—and tbc said John Wick er having prayed for a rule nisi for the foreclosurc-uf tie equity of redeatpt'on in and to the said mortgaged prem ises—It is on motion ^ordered, That the principal and in terest of the debt aforesaid, and the costs of the applica tion on this behalf shall be paid into the Clerk’s office ai this Court within twelve months nom the dale of this Rule, oth erwise the equity of redemption in amfio the said mortgag ed premises shall thenceforth be forever barred and fore closed.—And it is further ordered, That tlus rule be pub lished in one or more of the puldicVnzelteii of this State at least once a month for six mouths, or served oh the mortgager, or his special agent., nt least three months prev. vtons to the time (he money is directed to be paid. A true extract from tbe minutes, this 20lh October, 1830. MORGAN BROWN, CPk. . November 6 - IS 6>n HARRIS SUPERIOR COURT, March Term, 1836. The Cover nor-on the information of ) srifje Joseph Weldon vs. James Durham, y I T appearing tothe Court, by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant in the above case is not to be found in said eounfy, it is therefore ordered, that service be per fected by putdicution in one of the public gazettes of this State, uuee a month for three months. A true copy from, tbe miniitds. (J. BLANDF6RD,jr. Clerk. Oct 30 17 3m GEORGIA—Pulaski county. To all whom it may concern. W HEREAS, Lewis Wood, Eexocntor »Fthe estate of Abraham VVoed, deceased,applies to foe Court of Ordinary of sakl county lor-fetters dismissoryon said estate: ** These are therefore tortile and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file 1 heir objections (if aoy they ha ve) in the clerk’s office of said Court of-Ordinary, on or before foe- firstMonday in March next, otherwise letters dismfesory will be granted the applicant. - , Witness the Honorable John J. Taylor one ofthe Jus tices of said Court, ihis€«-h 8iptember 1830. JOSEPH CARKUTHERS. Cl’k c. p. -~ Nov 27 > 21- .*> m6m GUORGIA, Pulaski county. Court of Ordinary, July adjourned Term, 1830., R ULE NISI.—The petition of Levvis Wood, admin istrator of F.iisha Evans, dcceffsed, sheweth that he lias fnUy completed the atbufnistratton of said Estate, and prays id he dismissed tlierefrom— Whereupon, it is ordered by the Court, That a copy of this rule be publish ed once a month for six months in one of the public ga zettes of this State, requiring all persons Concerned to shew cause (if any they have,} why said Letters Dism’iss- sory should not be granted. A true extract from Hie minutes, 30th July, 18.30. JOSEPH UARRUTHEUg, Cl’k g. o* Aug 21 , T V Ons Jn the Superior Com t of Franklin county? Maryann FoAhD, T ~ •-— vs \ LIBEL FOR DrV'ORCE, John Foard. J . - .^ I T appearing-by the retorn of the Sheriff that the de fendant, John Foard, i&juit to be found in said coun ty of Franklin— t Il is on motion, Ordered by the Court, That servicq of said-writ be pcrfected-by publication of this rtde in one of tbe pu’dic gazette* of this Stale, once a month far three months. .A Iruecopy from theminutes, lSih October, 1S3Q. ... . JAMES M JliRIS,Cl’ki November 6 !§ 3m Ffi^HUEE (feys after da'e I promise to pwy Goorgc A- JL kins, or bearer, forty-seven dollars and ninety-two cents, for vatue~received, March 1S29 (Signed) LLI FITZGERRALD. E^are requested to announce4ke. name of WlLL A!S! D. SCOGGIN, Esq as a candidate far Sheriff of Qaiflwin epunty at the next election for county November 6 G EORGIA—Franklin counljr. Personally come into open court, George Akins, who being sworn, saitb that he had in his possession the orig inal promissory note of which the above is a true Oopy* end font the same is lost or mislaid. Sworn to in open eourt. October'lltb, 1830. GEORGE AKINS. Test, James Morris, Cl’k. IT appearing to the Court upon the foregoing affidavit, that George Akins had in his possession the original note, of which the above is a true copy, and that the same is lost or mislaid—Ordered, That Eli Fitxgerrald, the al- ledgtid maker, shew cause on the first day of next term, why said co y should not be established in lieu of the original so lokt or mislaid as aforrsaid, and that a copy of this rule be published once a month for three months in some public gazette in this State. A true copy from the minutes," 1 Sth October, 1830. JAMES MORRIS, (Berk. November 6 -jig Jm GEORGIA—- Puiaski. county. W M UREAS, Sessoms Perkins, Guardian of Mary Ann Packer, minor of John B. Packer, dcc’tL applies tome for-lctlcrs of dismission. This is then fore to cite the kindred and creditors ef said dec’d. to be and appear at my office^ within the time prescribed by law,' lo-shew cnoee, if any they have, why said letters of dismission should-not be granted. Green under my hand this J2th Novembe r, 1830. - J. CARRUTHERS, e. on. ffi^OUR months offer date application will be made to. JL 1 the honorable the Inferior Court Ofthe coonty-of Newton, while sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to self the whole ofthe real estate belonging to tbe estate ef Reuben B. Neat, lateorNewtoii couHty,deeeased. JONATHAN" C. WACKEY, Adm'r. September 25 12 4m F OUR months .after date application will be made to the honorable tha- Cmirt of Ordinary of Habersham eounty, when sitting for ordioary purposes, for leave to sell LOT No. 150, in the ninth district of Carroll county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Alary Wilkin son’* orphans. JOSEPH DOBSON, Guardian. Novnnber 1, 1R3Q. 19 - .4ip * ■ NOtilt monto* alter date application will be" mace td J? the honorable'the Infierior Court of Heniy obuniy, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave farirll all the realestate of James 8. Bishop, deceased, for the benefit of tbe heirs sndereditors^ DUDLEY BISHOP, Adortre November K ff 4m Oi^UKGiA, VVAL’l OtN CGJJiVl I , Court of Ordinary, .fitly Term, 1830. INFERIOR court, sitting fof. ordinary purposes, Present, their Honors ft ilsen Whtiflty, Egbert B Beall Robert M. Echols and Timothy Pittman, Justices oj said Court. TOkULE.NISI.—Upon the application of Benjamin JRB/ Hammock, administrator of John II. Beardin, de ceased, stating that be has fully discharged the duties as signed os Administrator aforesaid, and praying to be dis missed therefrom—It is arilered, That a copy of this Role be published once a month for six months in one uf the public gazettes of this State, requiring- all persons con cerned to shew cause, ifuny they .have,, why said letters dismissory should not be granted. A true extract from the minutes, this 12tfa Julv, 1830, JESSE MITCHELL, c/c. o. jiihr '7 2 ~ 6m