The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, January 25, 1831, Image 4

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GWtttfJffliTT SALES. 4 On the first Tuesday in February next, A T the court-house in the town of Lawwneeville, .ti vinpctt county, wilt be sold, the following*?RO> PRRTY, to wit: One hundred and fifty acres of LAND, it being’part of lot number fifty-fuiy in the 6th district of said eounty, tvaereon tbe defendant resides—levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Charles Wilson, vs. Francis Shackelford. One hundred and twenty five acres of LA ND, part of tot No. 125, in the 5th district of said county, as the pro perty of i oim Lay, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Zachari- ah Corly, vs. said Lay. LOT Nj. 84, in the 6th, and LOT No. 14, in the 7th district of said county, each containing two hundred and iifty acres—is the properly of George Dawson, to satisfy t.wofi. fas. from Greene Inferior Court in favor of Stew art and Hargraves, vs. George Dawson, and other fi. fas. vs said Dawson. % WILLIAM BREWSTER, D. Sheriff. ALSO—At the same time and place, will be sold, One cotv, one bed aiid furniture, one pot, oneoven, one kettle, ten chairs; two trunks and contents, one set fire dogs, shovel and tongs, one side-board, and divers planta tion <iud other tools—levied on as the property of John liorsburg, to satisfy a luurtgug- fi. fa. from Gwinnett In ferior Court, in favor of Charles Price, sen. vs said John Ilorsetiurg. WILLIAM BREWSTER, D. Sb’ff. December 4 22 A GREEABLY 10 a order of tne Tnfcfior Chart of Henry county to sell the real estate of John Mc Kee, deceased, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, at Carrollton, Carroll county, Lot of LAND, number two hundred and eighteen, in the ninth district of said county, as the property of said deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JACOB McKEE, Adm’r. November 13 19 9t Administrator’s Sate. TTNDER an order of the Inferior Court of the eounty U of Walton, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in February next, at the court-house door in Harris county, LOT No. 219, in the eighteenth district of formerly Muscogee, now Harris county. Sold for tbe benefit of tbe creditors and heirs of Frances Nash, late of Elbert county, deceased SAMUEL ALLGOOD. Adm’r.— November 13 19 9i GLOBE HOTEL, NEWTON SAX>£S. On the first Tuesday in February next, VM^TLL be sold, before- the court-house door in the v v (otvu of Covington, Newton county, between the (isual hours of sale, the following PROPERTY, to wit: Fifty acres of LAND, in the ninth district of originally Ilenry now Newton county, being the south-east corner of No. 206— levied on as the properly of William Green, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Henry H. Field, vs William Green and Noah Lewis, his security on the stay. One road WAGGON and one large BAY MARE, «- bout ten years o>d—levied on as the property of John Ed- Ulemon, to aatisfy a 6. fa. in favor of George W. Lau rence, vs James H. Cruice, John Eddlemon and Will iam Batchelor, his securities. K. W. HARGROVE, D. Sb’ff. Jnnuarv 1 26 Aiirmmstraior’g sale. W ILL be sold, on tbe first Tuesday in March next, at tbe court-house in Troup county, LOT num her two hundred and ninety three, (293) in the fifth dis trict of originally Troup. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. FRANKLIN ADAMS, Guardian. January 15 2S tds Administrator’s Sale. O N the first Tuesday in March next, will be sold, at the town of Saundersvitle, Washington county, one TRACT of LAND, containing two hundred and eighty-five acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Wilson and others, in said county. Also, on the first Tuesday in April next, will be sold, in the town of B&inbridge, Decatur county, LOT number one hundred and ninety-three, in the twenty-seventh dis trict of formerly Early now Decatur county. Sold as the property of Christopher Pearson, late of Wilkinson coun ty, deceased—Terms made known on the dav of sale. JONATHAN I’EARSON, ddniV. January 1 26 9t SJNLAinJBIa SALES. On the first Tuesday in February next, A T tbe court-house in Swuinsboro*, Emanuel county, between the usual hours of sale, will be sold, the lyhowing PROPERTY, towil: Two tracts of LAND, whereon William Daniell now lives one thousand acres granted to James Stephens and tne other to Jacob Durden—all taker, as the property of siid William Daniell, to satisfy two executions one iu fa vor of the 3late, the other in favor of R. L. Gamble. One negro GIRL, named Chany, abont sis or seven years old—levied on as the property of Jona6 Curry, to aatisfy one fi.fa. issued from the Superior Court of Talt- fUii county; levied on the 27lh November, 1830. Jan 1 UF.NKY DURDEN, D. Sh’ff. ALSO—Will be sold, as above. Four hundred acres of LAND, whereon William B. D iiiifcll now lives—levied on as the property of ihe said William B. Daniell, to satisfy an execution in favor of the -State for bis tax: levied on this 30th October, 1830. Doc 18 JOHN OGLESBY, Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be said, at the court-bouse in Marion, Tiviggs comity, on the first Tuesday in March next, One HOUSE and LOT, being the real es tate of Owen C. Fort, deceased Sold in pursuance of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, for tbe benefit of creditors. MOSES FORT, Adm’r. December 11 23 ids GEORGI\—Baldwin county. W HEREAS Dr. Tomlinson Fort, applies to me for biters of Administration on the estate of Newbal Moore, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ami appear ul uiy office within (he time preset ibed by law, to shaw cause, (if any they can) why said letters should not be grunted. Given uuder my hand, this 1 lilt day of Jan nary, 1831. It. A. GREENE, c c. o Jin i5 28 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. T HE SUBSCRIBER, (late proprietor of Ufa Globe Hotel, and more recently of the Mansion House,) begs leave to announce tohw friends and the public gen erally, that he has taken that eleguit and commodious fire proof Brick Building on the corner of Broad and J ackson streets, and immediately adjoiningthe new Masonic Hail. It is situated in the most mntral part of the City, and is in the very heart of huaine.s—being in the vicinity of tbe Augusta Bank, and the Branch bank of the State o( Ueo*- gia. This establishment is known as the GLOBE HOTEL, aqd m its interior arrangement and general construction, unites in an eminent degree, spaciousness, neatness, aud comfort. To the man of family, the individual traveller, the daily boarder, or the fashionable visiter, the GLOBE presents accommodations inferior to noncin the Southern States. Having conducted for a number of years, two among the most popular Hotels in this City, he flatters himself that his experience in business, adder- to the superior advanta ges of situation and the resources under his controul, will enable him to give the most < cei led satisfaction to all who may honor him ivilb thei- pa run age. His STABl.ES are spacious und well ventilated, and amply supplied with the best of provender, ant) at tended by experienced and steady Ostlers—in addition to which, the subscriber will bestow his own personal un remilling attention, and in his charges, will not forget the pressure of the times. FilASrKUV SALES. On the first Tuesday in MARCH next, B EFORE the court-house door to Carnesville, Frank lin county, between the usual hours of sale, will be luiu, the following PROPERTY, to wit: Two hundred and thirty acres of LAND, on the wa ters of Broad river, adjoining McEntyre and others—le vied on as the property of Joel Hunt, to satisfy a fi. fa- vs him, in favor of James II Little and Samuel Shannon, ex ecutors of Richard Woods, deceased; pointed out by tbe defendant. Also, the interest of Adam Looney in the Estate, real and personal, of Robert Walters, deceased, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of Edmondson & Banks, vs. said Looney: levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Jan 15 HAKUISS TONEY, Sheriff. POSTPONED SALE. Also, et the same time and place, will be sold, the follow ing property, to wit: One thousand acres of LAND, on Shoal creek, in said County, adjoining Hardy & other*; Fifty acres of LAND in the Academy Und, know as number 19, on Shoal creek —levied on as the property of Richard Cbuppelear, to sat isfy two fi. fas. in favor of William W. Carnes, against said Cbuppelear. „ Jan 15 HARRISS TONEY, Sheriff. HABEaSHARK SAX.B0. On the first Tuesday in MARCH next, W ILL be sold, before the court-bouse door, in the town of Clarkesvilie, Habersham county, the lol- lowiog PROPF.RTY, to wii: One sorrel HORSE—levied on as the property of Wil liam England, to sa isfy two fi. fas. one in favor of Thom as L. Upton, for the use of Robert Houston, vs Samuel Hughs and William England, also one fi. fa. in favor of John Stance! and Le is Ralston, vs said England. One negro WOMAN, by the name of Judy—levied on os the property of Adam Simons, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Henry Miller, vs said Simons LOT number twcnty-9ix, in the twelfth district of Hah- ersbam county—levied on as the property of Lewis Clark, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favor of John R. Stanford, bearer, vs. Lewis Clark and Jesse Hoge, security on ap peal, and Jacob Herndon, security on stay; the Other in favor of Benjamin Chastain, vs said Clark. LOT number eighty-five, in the tenth district of Hab ersham county—levied on a* the property of Hardige Wal ker, to sutisfya fi. fa. in favor of Hamilton Wynn, vs said Walker. Ali the right, title and interest of one hundred and twen ty live acres of LAND, more or less, in the tenth district Habersham c uinty, number not known, adjoining lands of David Highfield—levied on as the propeity of William Bcalf to satisfy a fi. la. in favor of the Officers of Court. j a ’ 15 A. MAULDIN, D. Sheriff. GEpKoI f—Pulaski county. W HEREAS James M. Kiitiun applies to me (or let ters of Administration on the estate of Thomas Atkinson, hie of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to oc and appear at my office, within the time prescribed b> Ian, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under in) bund this 9ih day of January, 1831. JOSEPH CaURUTUEUS, c c o. January 15 28 • l * i GEORGIA—Pulaski county. W HEREAS, Furncy F. Gatlin and Sessoms Per kins, adininistratois of Joseph B. Coalson, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission: This is therefore to cite the kindred and creditors of said dec’d to be and appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they bate, why said letters of dismission should not be granted Given under my hand this 12th Novoaibtr, 1830. m6m IO EPH C*RKUTHERfc>, c c. o. Administrator’s Sale. O V the firsi Tuesday in February next, will be sold, at the court house in the town of Covington, New- on county, the whole of the real property belonging to the estate of Reuben B Neal, late of said county, de ceased— consfsting of the PLANTATION upon which deceased died, and the LOT of LAND which he pur- ciiis.d of L. P- Mackey—all lying upon South river ar:d its waters. Said land sold by order of the honorable the Inferior Court of said county, while sitting lor or dinary purposes. JONATHAN C. MACKEY. Adm'r. November 25 21 9t Administrator’s Sale. « tSTILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in February ▼ next, at the court-house in Madison county, two hundred and fifty acres of LAND—part of tbr real es tate d William McRee, deceased. Sold agreeable to an order of the Inferior Court of Clark county, sitting for ordinary purposes. .BENJAMIN McREE, > u , JOHN H. LOWE, l October 30 ,3t GEORGIA—Pulaski county. W HEREAS, Sessoms Perkins, Guardian of Mary Ann Packer, minor of John B. Packer, dec’d. applies to me for letters of dismission. This is therefore to cite the kindred and creditors of said dec’d. to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Givrn under my band this I2t'n Novemb r,l830. oifim J. CARRUTHERS, c c o. GEORGIA—Pulaski county. To all whom it may concern. W HEREAS, Lewis Wood, Ecxecutor of the estate of Abraham Wood, deceased, applies to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters dismissory on said estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, tbe kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the clerk’s office of said Court of Ordinary, on or before the first Monday in March next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the applicant. Witnessthe Honorable John J. Taylor one of the Jus tices of said Court, this 6th September 1830. JOSEPH C ARRUTHERS, Cl’k c. o. Nov 27 21 m6ni GEORG I K, Pulaski county. HAKE AS John Rawls and William Cole, Admin- ▼ v istrators on the estate of Joseph Wood, dec’d apply for letters of dismission on said estate—These, are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at a Court of Ordinary to be held on the first Monday in July next, in and for said county, then and there to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this the Rlh day of Jan. 1831. JOSEPH CARRUTHERS, c. c. o. January 8. 27 —m6m F OUR months afterdate application will be made lo the honorable the Inferior Court of Walton county, sittinz for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate, belonging to the minor heirs of John Sclman, late of said county, deceased. JAMES W. HARRIS. ) ~ .. JOHN H. LOWE, J Guardians. Oct 23 16 sC-p n«| ie Charleston Stages arrive at the Globe H° tel, every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, at 6 o’clock, &. depart every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning, at half past 9. The Washington and Athens Stage, departs every Tuesday and Saturday morning, at 3 o’clock, and arrives every Wednesday and Sunday eve ning at 6 o’clock. The Elbcrton Stage departs every Sunday morning, at 4 o’clock, and arrives every Friday evening at 6. The Pendleton Stage departs every Tues day, at 4 o’clock in the morning, and arrives every Mon day at 2 o’clock in the evening. The Millcdg'criile Stage arrives everyday except Thursday, at 7 o’clock in the eve ning, and departs every day except Wednesday, at 2 o’ clock in the morning. The Savannah Stage arrives eve ry Monday Wednesday and Friday, at 10 o’clock in the morning, and departs every Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs day, at 2 o’clock in the morning. • WILLIAM SHANNON. Augusta, Oct. I, 1829 136 tf MILLEDGkVILLE, ga. 1L|A|J( r i^HE subscriber respectfully informs A bis friends and the public that the [■Ha 3 Mitf above establishment lias been taken by him, where TRAVELLERS & BOAR DERS, with or withoot families, can at , ill times be comfortably accommodated January 8 4t PETER 3. WILLIAMS. N. B.—Gentlemen having business in the Central Bank or Treasury, will find thi Cashier of the Central Bank and Tr-n at Lafayette Hall P. J. W NEW STORE OF m&vftomsmrnrt* CHDi A & fiLASS. , T H E subscribers are now opening aPtheir store, a Tew doors below the Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank, Augusta; a large and fashionable assortment of Goods in the above line, which they are preprtd lo offer to country merchants and others, on as favorable terms as can be afforded by any other market. Their present stock, which ia entirely new, has been se lected with great care and regard to patterns, shapes, & • —from tbe most recent importations into the New York and Philadelphia markets- and their arrangements in Europe are such as to enable them at all limes to offer the newesi and most approved patterns of Ware. Also, for sale—Portable Cooking Furnaces; Window Glass—Japanned, Plated and Silver Castors and Liquor Stands; Brass Liverpool Lamps, Hall do.; Mantle Or naments, &c. P. B. TAYLOR, & Co Dec 25 25 8t MISS THACHER, Respectfully in forms the public that she intends open ing a FEMALE SCHOOL, in this place, on the first Monday of January. Instruction will bo given in those branches usually taught in Female Seminaries. References can be given, und terms made known upon application. December 25. SCHOOL WANTED. A GENTLEMAN who has been S years employed as a Teacher of an English School, wishes an engage ment for the next year. He teaches all those branches comprising an English education, and can produce from his present emtio) ci s satisfactory references for character, capacity, &c. He teaches the use of the Terrestrial Globe, and Book-keeping, by double and single enlry. Persons wishing to employ such a Teacher may direct a line to A. J. at the Post-Office, or apply at this office. December 25 25 tf A LIST OF LETTERS, R E vtAlNiNG in the Post-Office ut Momiccilo, on the firs, day of January, 1831. m BS§ ■II 933 Hi iBii ISB JR sag iee hi 4m F OUll months after date application *vdl he made to for Ordinary purposes for leave to sell the Real Estate of Theodocus Turk, deceased MARY ANN TURK, Adm’x. January 15 28 5m Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be soit), 011 the fiist Tuesday in February next, at the Pile residence of Curti* Pinson, deceased, in the county of Rabun, the personal estate of ••idP»nco», deceased, to wilt II >i Cattle, Corn, Fodder, fee—sold for benefit of heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms made kna-n on the day of sale. SAMUEL FARIS, Adm'r. December 25 52 . tils ' Administratior’s Sale O N ihe first Tuesday in March nexi, will be sold, at ,e town of Blakely, Early county, FRACTION' No 391, in tbe 5th district Early county, containing about 133 u rea—about 80 acres are cleared and in culti- vatiuu, i nrnt 'W ilely on Ihe Chatahoochie river, ilbtina ,' irt of the real estate of Alexander Moore, late of Hcnvy county, deceased. Soldby order of the Court of Ordinary of Henry county,for the benefit of the heirs •nd ci - diiors Terms cash. TftOMAS D. JOHNSON, Adm'r. December! I - Jg. tfr I 710UR months after date application wi<l be mad> to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the LAND belonging lo the estateof lo*. Yarbrough, deceas ed, late of said count?, for the use of the heirs of said de ceased. THOMAS J. BOWFN, ) . AM BROS YARBROUGH, \ rs * October 23 16 4ns CALL AND SEE! THE Subscribt-r respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has opened a HOUSE of xarTSRTAixraffiflXT in 1 'ARr.Oi.LTON, Carroll county, Ga. and fillers hinutlfilial be will give as gener al sitislacuoo tu all that may favor Lim with their patron age as any other Inn-Keeper in us newly |ettted country as this—Though Carrollcounly has been kept in the back ground, defamed and shaded by reports, yet I hope all will soon V blown away by the sunshine of virtue, nur tured by the Gospel of Christ, aud the instruction of arts and sciences—So cull and see C. McCARTY. April24 -- --225 tf LAND FOR SALE. T H t suuscriuer offers for sale tbe following TRACTS OF' LAND, which will be sold low for cash or on a snort credit: Adams, Gen. David Arnold, Lewis .Alexander, Adam Bogan, John Bickerst ;ff, Robert Bccber, Russel Broddus, Thomas 5 Guimard, John Cook, Maj. William Crane, Stephen D. 2 Culhbert, Allred 2 Chaten, Moses Cranford,Thomas B Crane, Spencer Cargil, Charles Connell, William 2 Cross, Mrs Ann E Chapman, Abner sea. Cardin, David Cook, Dicy Durham, William Digbey, Benj T Dodson, Eljah Dillon, Henry 2 Dale, Major Abram Dcadwiiey, Christopher* Dabney, Miss Ann H Dnskcll, Joshua Dobbens, Dennis R Evens, Joseph M Evans, Mrs Ay ness IF Farrow, Thomas 3 Folk, William Freeman, James Fm eman, Griffin Farley, William Finley, Charles Griffin, James Greene, George Gillmer, W iley 9 Greene, Richard George, Henry Gay, Sherred H 9 Greene, William 2 Godwin, Miss Mary H Gee, Charles J Gics, William Gr&ves, Joseph D Huff, Roof Head, John Hunnicutt, James E P Hill, Isaac or Sion Hill, Joseph L Jones, Seaborn 2 Jeffres, Lee Lane, Capt A Magee, Samuel Morgan, Charles Matterson, Asa 2 Mathews, Thomas M 2 More, John or Hiram McDuff, Richard McRey, Lewis Morgan, Miss Louisix McKleroy, Dauson Maxey, William Martin, James M organ, Slakefy Nutt, Andrew Penn, William Pye,Joidon Potts, Miss Jane Fickins, James H Rucker, Mrs Agues$ Robinson, R F Reed, C D Rhea, Andrew Smith, ThoinaA Saff.Id, Daniel Safl’old, Drewiy Strong,Joseph Stallings, Jeremiah W Shields, VVdliain J Stratan, Neal Shields, James Shearman, Robert Sanford, Lewis S Strickland, Cane/ Tayliy, Bedjimiu Tiller, Paul H Tyler, William Taylor, James \V Varner, Edward White, David T Walker, Hackey Wisdon, Mrs Elmo? No. 369, in the 1st Dist. Early now Baker county, 4« 3i6, at 5th do. Early, « 312, tt 14ih do. Early, U 168, tt 2d do. Appling, Cl 196, tt 7 lla do Hoi stun now Crawford, (( 184, tt 3d do. Dooy, } lot No. 201 formerly Monroe now Pike county, No. 12, in the 2d Disk Troup now Meriwether, at 241, tt 5tb do Troup county, «C 145j tt 24 h do Muscogee now Talbot, CI 370, tt 7-.l» do. Lee now Randolph, tc 191, tt 28th do. Lee, it 58, tt ?d do. Early naw Baker, 4C 172, • t 13tli I’O. Early, at 254, tt 14 h do. do. it 98, ii 7th do. Dooly, tt 198, tc 7th Hu. do. It 106, Cf 9th do. Monroe now Pike, (4 52, Cl 7th do Gwinnett, it 36, Cf 6 h do. Troup, tt 8., ft 4th do. Coweta, tt 249, Cf 4tb do. Muscogee now Marion, tt 18, ft *26th do. Lee, Muscogee now Harris. it 62, ii 18th do. Apply to the subscriber at Carnesville, Franklin county. JAMES MORRIS. December 11 23 8 NOTICE. ’■^HE subscriber now tiis LANDS and PLAN I TATION in Bibb county, 2 1-2 miles above Ma con for sale, which areas follows; S 00 acres, 300 of which are cleared and very productive, lying on the East side ofthe Ocmulgee above the town, directly on the riv er. Any person wishing to purchase, would do well to come and view the premises, us I flutter mys-'f, but leiv if any more desirable plantations are in the vicinity of Ma con, and a very good Fishery is on the same; the Lands are well timbered, the plantation is under good repairs, with convenient cabins and Gin House, with many frnit trees, and no tract of Land in the state is better watered. LUKE ROSS. Macon, Nov 3 19 2rn Hutchinson, Mrs Catherine Williams, Elizabeth M Hughes, Peter M Yarborough, Jcpth Y, Nedom PETER GRINNELL, P. M. January 8~ 27 3t for f 30LiR months alter dale application will be made to the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Habersham eounty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell LOT No. 150, in the ninth district of Carroll county, for the ben< fit of the heirs and creditors of Mary Wilkin son’s orphans. JOSEPH DOBSON, Guardian November 1, 1830. 19 4in * F OUR months after date application wilt be made to tbe honorable the Inferior Court of Henry county, a-aillinpt fnr AP/iinary puvpooos, foe Joo«-o io «•«.!! «*!• dig; real estate of James S. Bishop, deceased, for the benr fit of tbe heirs and creditors. DUDLEY BISHOP. Adm’r. November 13 19 4m 'io District Surveyors and others who may wish Plans of the Cherokee Lands. I WILL forward to District Snrveyors who may be elected on the first Monday in Januaiy, and tooth, er individuals who may want them, neat Plans of the Cberokce country representing tbe several Districts. Sections and Divisions with their respective numbers, for one dollar—the applicant paying bis postage. B. H STURGES. MilledgeviH*. January 1, 183 1 26-2t F OUR monlbs afterdate application wiil be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of F.manuel coun ty, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real and part of the personal properly belonging lo tbe estate of Solomon Mercer, Intn of s»id county, deceas ed. DAVID GRIFFIN, Adm’r. September 25 12 4m " jstoticeT “ A LL persons indebted to tbe estate of Christopher Pearson, late of Wifkinsoncounty, deceased, are requested lo settle tbeir accounts with as little delay as possible—and those having demands against said Pearson will please hand them in attesled according to law. JONATHAN PEARSON, Adm'r. Jann&iy l 61 , BANAWA2 ■ 71RU vl the company of puoltc hind* stuiUncj near Miiledgeuile, about the fifteenth of May last, a negro man named WALKER, who Vs six feet and one inch high, of black complexion. He has long been Ihe properly of the Stale, and for many years employed on Oconee river. It is supposed he is lurking about tbe plantations on or near the river, within 19 or 20 miles of this place as he claimed to have a wife thereabouts. Ten Dollars reward will be paid for his apprehension anddeliv- eiy to the Overseer of the public hands near this place, or for bis imprisonment in any jail of this State, and a prompt notice thereof to said Overseer, or to D. P. H1LLHOUSE, Superintendent, &c. MilledgevHle. January IQ. 1831 28 3* A X.OOX AT THIS! LL persons indebted to tne for services rendered by my hone GALLATIN, will please pay their notes or accounts, instanter, to Mr. Henkt Duncan of Mil- ledgevilk, who is authorised to receipt for me. Nottmber A * WM < * TOAW >‘ Air CAUTION. A I.L persons are heieuy iorwarned not to trade Xl two Notes given by myself, and made payable to Stephen Phillips—one f«r $112, due tbe first day of Ian nary, t832—the other for <Ul6, due fi t January, 1833. giver some tune in November, 1829— ibe considers tion for which said Notes were given, having failed, 1 am determined not to pay the same. THOMAS YARBROUGH. December 25 25 31 PROPOSALS For publishing a large and complete Alnp of the State of Georgia, embrucing all the LttnUs ivithin Ihe chartered limits. 1 ISSUED last year Proposals for publishing a new Map of our State, but after maiure reflection, I was induced to decline it till the Sherokeo country should l» acquired and Surveyed. As a Bi I for surveying the Cherokee lands is now before the Legislature, and which has passed into a law, I now present new proposals to the public, feeling tbe utmost confidence in its liber t! and efficient patronage. The size of the u«ap wiil be the same «s that published by my father, which I think soffi ciently large for a full and distinct representation. The style of engraving shall be equal to that of the best en graved Map of any of our sister- states, and every object that ought to be laid down, and which is usually repre sented on State-Mops, will be delinea'ed win mathemati cal precision & accuracy. They will be neatly varnished, canvassed, colored and attach’ cl to Uollt rs. To suit pur chasers, a suitable number of tin ra will be enclosed in richly ornamented covers. To as.-it-t roc in meeting the expenses of engraving and other incidental expenses, wiiich will unavoidably occur while preparing the original for tbe bands of the Engraver, I solicit those who sub- -cribe to advance wbattbev can with convi nicnce. Those who inay be disposed to advance four dollarr., will receive it without additional charge. Tbe cost to those who ad vance two dollars, will be five dollars; and to those who subscribe and may not choose to advance, six dollars to be paid down on the delivery ofthe Maps* The selling price to those who do not become subscribers, will be $7 per copy. Those individuals who may please to extend their Idierai aid by making an advance, will receive the Maps al a lower price, and shall be entitled to the first copies that are struck. No expense or labor will be spared to render it very accurate end worthy of a liberal and ex tended patronage. The Maps will be delivered lo sub scribers and others, within six months after the Reports of tbe District Surveyors are received and filed in tbe Sur veyor-General’s Office. If the work can be brought out earlier by the Engraverit will be done; but I am not wil ling to promise (hem before t'.'s time mentioned. 1 de sign to commence my Map of tne State soon after the rismg of the present Legislature, and will complete the representation of all the Territory of our State, with the cBcni>Uuii of me Cherokee couxtry; and as soon as the Surveyors shall survey it and maV* their official report, I will finish tbe Map aud place it in the hands of the En graver. I will also publish a Plan of the Cherokee Lands sepa rately, representing the counties, districts, squares and fractions, compiled from official surveys. The price of this to subscribers will be three dollars, and if they will advance onedoilar, they shall be entitled to receive it on payment of an additional dollar. To non-subscribers, it will be sold al four dollars. This will appear about four months after the survey is made. The engraving of this will be neat and plain. I assure the public that the Maps will be prepared at (he time mentioned, and that expectation will not be disappointed. BENJAMIN H. STURGES. MiU«djreviHe. Dec. 95, 1830 25 4m PROPOSALS ~ m xDUKB J. SXsADR For publishing, in tu* town oj Macon, a weekly paiur, to be tailed SLADE’S Agricultural and Mercantile Intelligencer. M Y recent relinquishment of a participation iu title editorial lubunr of an old and well csiabliabed jour nal, would seem to require but few preliminary rem irks, in tbe proposed undertaking, were it not, that they me usually demanded by public expectation, and sanctioned by custom. As there is no good reason why this “time- honored observance” should be disregarded in the present instance, I shall submit an epitome of my principles, and the course which shall be observed io conducting a new journal. Tbe object of the proposed publication being purely what its title implies, supercedes the necessity of that political commentary, which the doctrines of the day have usually demanded; yet, as my former professions are held with unabated attachment, and there being no neutral ground, in the conflicting and Varied sentiments, which daily arise, as to both men and measures—it fol lows, that I should not only make an exposition ol my po litical tenets, but also, that they should be boldly set forth, and fearlessly defended. I have ever indulged an ardent devotion to iLpuhlic -uism, as the term was understood'" by its advoc\tes in’9S—a sacred regard to the let ter and spirit of the Constitution, and a determined and fixed hostility to every thing like constructive or implied powers—an extension of equal justice to ail parties—that all power is inherent in and derived from tbe people, as the original source and ultimate tribunal—the ind»pt.nd> cnee and distinct sovereignty of Ihe Slates, and their con federacy as a Union, under a government limited uud ac tually defined in its powers. These are the prominent articles of my p Jitical faith, and believing in their correct ness, sh ili ubideby them in every trial. Among the many topics of deep interest that agitate the- people of all classes, is the exercise of unwarrantable go vernmental influence on the industry and resources of the country, and the unconstitutional expenditure of the pub lic treasure to objects of Internal Improvement—meas ures too frequently destitute of general benefit, and often times marked by a spirit of partiality, selfishness and in justice. It would be criminal for one “seated on the watch-tower,” and in the exercise cf the duth s which belong to the Press, to observe, with callous, the euuses whieb have produced, and the effects which have resulted from ihe latitudinnry construction of the Constitution. The dangerous consequences which may ensue, are already indicated, by the excited feelings of the country. I am deeply impressed that wrong has beeu dune, and evil tolerated—yet, wilh a spit b of forbearance, it would be better for the oppressed to bear tbeir evils whilst they are tolerable, than *‘fly to those they knew not of.” Tbe present is an era in the history of our government, distinguished for improvement The lovt-r of his conn- try beholds it on its “return march” to its original purity aud principles. Already has the distinguished hood of ibe government, said—“The successful operation of the federal system can only be preserved by confining it to the few and simple, but yet important objects for which it was designed. This is a guarantee, that the purpose of the present Executive of the Uaion aud liis supporters, is un effort to restore the Constitution to its original healthy and unimpaired condition. I am happy tu accord tvitii he Admtnisiratiua ami its friends in the wise and tteil directed course which is pursued by them. Tbe time was, when to dissent from the measures of any of die prominent parties of our slate, by un attach ment to any of the, or to ll.eir then distinguished organs, implied a hostility and acrimony which frequent ly had no bounds, and rendered “ w isdoui, Justice ami Moderation,” an empty an absurd profession. The times ind circumstances have now become more congenial to better feeling*; the perplexing difficulties which have sur rounded us—those emanating abroad, end fostered at ■ home,have subsided, with the acknowledgement of our rights, the successful accomplishment of nearly ail the ends which we have contended for. I can review my past course in rclaLion to state affairs, with cheering ap probation; my future efforts will be intimately connected with the past; and it is hoped, will out offence to an ad verse parly. The writer does not bilieve in the infalli bility of man, nor in tbeir perfection as a party; it wilt therefore be my endeavor to support worthy men, an J approve such orthodox measures as may emanate from genuine patriotism and unadulterated Republicanism—**, such measures as wiil best answer the ends of our free government, arid of our State’s interest:—such mi u as will “defend the rights of tire People, the Soven ignty of tbe States, and the Constitutional uiilhoiiiy of the Union, against all encroachments.” It shall be my studious endeavor, lo render the ligencer" an Agricultural and Mercantile vehicle:— o effect it, I shall hasten to possess myself of ail the cccss.ry materials which these ample subjec s fur nish, to unfold every species of information which will be thought to instrwc’, to interest, and to please. It ia believed, that the mutual conjunction of iuter 'st, between the merchau! and planter, cannot fail to render accepta ble to one, whatever may benefit the other. My efforts hnf! be used to procure ibe earliest and must useful racr- untile information, and it before die public; and it vill he my desire logo into Rural Affurs, aiidgarutr tho huieest and best offerings for my Agricultural readers. TERI«S. The Intf.i.licgkceh will he commenced on tbe fir^t of vturch, shouhl the materials reach hereby that time, it will he printed on the largest and b>-st imperial paper, ( i >rger size than-ny oth: r paper in Georgia,) on a new :>d elegant type, amt with a new Press. It a ill be pub- shed weekly, at Three Dollars per annum, if paid ivi hin he first three months after subscribing, or Four Dollars afterwards. Advertisements inserted «t customary rates* vl ARM A DUKE J SLADE. Macon, Jan 1, 1831 'Z7 A CARD. T HE friends of the siib.-criber who hold subscripliotj lists for the Georgia Christian Reperl-ry, are re quested to forward toem immediately by mail er other wise. Macon, November 2,18"0 CAPERS. 19 GEORGIA—Oglethorpe county. Thomas Howard, jr. j Ex’r. of Mordeeai Howard, dec. j Bill for I iscoverpf vs. ^ Relief, &e. The Legatees of t Mordeeai Howard, dee’d. / I T appearing by the shewing in said Bill that Susart Newsom, Nancy Newsom, and Elizabeth Newsom, delcudan a iu said Bi I, are residents of the State of Vir ginia, and cannot be personally served with a copy of said Bill—It is therefore ordered, That tbe said defendants do appear and plead answer or demur, not demuring a- lone, on or before the first day of the next Term of thfa Court, or the said Bill shall be taken pro confesso as to said defendants; and that service of this order be perfect-- ed by publication in one of tbe public gazettes of tbits' State at least three months before the first day of the next Term of this Court. A true extract from the Minutes, this 3d January^ 1831. JOHN LANDRUM, Cl’k. January 15 28 3m GARDEN SEEP. A FRESH supply of TharlnunCs Garden Seed juri re ceived by Xf, PERKINS. MitiedgcviUtb Not 1$ (9 HABERSHAM SUPERIOR COURT* October Term, 1839 I T appearing by tbe affidavit of Hczekiah Stephens that. the original agreement between Inm and Benjamia Vaughan and Darcus Vaughan of which the annexed is tT true copy, to wit: GEORGIA, ) Articles of agreement made anden* Franklin county. ) tered into betv ?en the parties, JViU nesselh, That the srid Stephens is to relinquish on bio. part all the interest be has in the real estate of George. Vaughan, deceased, in right of his wife Barbara, and the said Benjamin Vaughan and Darcus Vaughan is to give to said Stephens an equa' division in right of liio wife oJC. ail tbe property of George Vaughan, deceased. Given under our hands and seals this 12th day of SefK tember, 1821. BENJAMIN VAUGHAN, *****^ HEZEKIAH STEPHF.NS, *t. s § darcus vaughan, *♦*.+♦* has been lost or destroyed. It is therefore ordered, That the opposite parties do shew cause by the next Terra of this Court why the abov*» copy should not be established in lieu of tbe said original and that this rule be published in one of the public ga zettes of this State once a month for three months. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this 8Ua day of December, 1830. JOTIN T. CARTER, ©. s. c. dee 18 24 3m ■ BLANK DEERS, of an approved form, neatly prff|» ftj ted and for sale at this Often*