The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, March 01, 1831, Image 4

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1 HABBRSHASS SALES. On the Jim luesday in MARCH next, W ILL be sold, before the court-house door, in tbe t.miiof Clarkssvilie, Habersham county, the lol lowing PROPERTY, to wit: LOT No. 2*2. in tfi« first district of Haberslpm county —ItTied on as the property of Abraham Petajobn, to lot- isfy two ft. fas one in laror of Edward Adcock, vs said Pet* tejolin and Joel Stephens the other in favor of Rowutree & tfili. vs Jesse Dodd and sard Pettcjuhn. f wo NEGROES: Ho 'ell ateilo ", and Silvea woman and one sorrel VI ARE, one pide HORSE, and one gray HOUSE—all levied on to satisiy two fi. fas. one in favor j of Samuel A. Wales, uttorney for A. lloe, respondent, vs. j AJ tui Pitncr. principal appellant, John Williams and t Jame . Hudgins, securities on appeal; th" other in favor j Samuel JL Wales, attorney for Frederick Sellock, >espon-1 dent, vs^Rum Pitner, principal appellant, John Hefner j and l*‘t»u Tramell, securities on ;ipp*.u!. LO <" No. 1, in the first district ol Habersham county —-levied on as the properly «»f lohn Vandike, to satisfy a fi. fa. in farer of James Brannon and others vs said V on- iike. LOT No. 68, in the 4th dis rict of Habersham county —-levied on a* (tic property of Jonathan Oxford, to satisfy said Oxford. & fi. fa. in favor of John Armstrong, vs. =«.vi LO F No. 167, in the 3d district of Hibeishacn county! J? of ll,rns ’ deceased, M in «.f 3 ^ M,uf)r i saxsxs OWZWWSTr SAMS. On the Jim i uesday in APRIL next, * A T the court-house in tbe town of Lawreneeville, Gwinnett county, willbeeold, the following PRO PERTY, to wit: One hundred barrels CORN, more or less—levied on as the property of Johnson Rogers, to satisfy a fi. ft. from Gwinnett Superior Court, in favor of Patrick J. Murray, against said Rogers and John Moaely. One hundred aeres of LAND, more or less, whereon Samuel Manders resides—levied on as the property of said blunders to satisfy * fi fa- from Gwinnett Inferior Court in favor of John P. Winn, agaiuft Jonathan Sell and Samuol Manders, security. Fil\jr acies of LAND, more or less, being the place whereon John Me Dade now resides adjoining Hollings worth, Holdman and others—-levied on as the property ot John Kerry to satisfy *6 6* front GhviutieU Suptlior Rourtm favor of James Austin, vs. said John Bf-rry and William Maitbie, security on the stay of execution. One NEGRO BOY, ten or twelve years old, named Allen—levied on a* the property of Daniel Harris, deceas ed, to satisfy two fi. las. from Gwinnett Superior Court, one in favor of John Choice & Co and the other in favor of bsahtl R Smith, both v* Clifford Wood roof, Abra ham Harris, A Ran bird Harris, executors of said Daniel Harris, deceased. One hundred aeres of LAND, more or less, whereon Abraham Harris and the widow Harris now residue in tiie6tij district Gwinnett county—levied on as the proper- satisfy a fi. fa. from s Austin, against Clifford Woodrooff, \braham Harris, & Rmsbird Harris, lexica -n *s i h- property of G ibriel Hughs, to satisfy a fi. fa m ftvor if A- am Wiuningfutu, vs Gabriel Hugiis and Joseph Hughe. (Jnt‘. sorrel HORSE—levied on as the property of Wil liam England, to sa.isly two fi. fas. one in favor ot 1 horn- bird Harris, indorser Fifty barrels of CORN—levied on as the properly of Johnson Rogers, tos .tist’y a fi. i’u. from G vinnett IiMeri- or cuurtin favor of James Gilbert, guardian, &c. agiinst said Johnson Rogers and John Anderson, his security, One gray MARE, about 3 years old, one bay MARE, ss L. Upton, for the us' of Robert Houston, vs Samuel I , ut |I7 .. Hughs and William England, also one fi ft. in favor of 10 years oW—levied u.^aa the property of Jol.n John Sianeel and Le - is K listen, vs said England. One negro WO M AN, by the name of Judy—levied on S the property of Adam Simons, to satisfy a fi fa. in ror of Henry Miller, vs said Simons LO f number tweoty-siX, in the twelfth district of Hab- ersbaai county—levied o:i as the property of Lewis Clark, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favor of John R Stanford, be« rcr, vs. Lewis Clark and Jesse Huge, security on up Harris, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Gwinnett Inferior Court in favor of James Caldwell, aguin-t John Harts. WILLIAM UK LAVS TER, D Sheriff. At the same time and place.'will be sold, Forty barrels CORN, more or less, and five stacks FODDER—levied on as the property of William Brown, wcn.ej , a . ...... .. , to satisfy i fi. fa. from G.vinnrtl Superior Court in favor peal, and Jacob Hernd .n, security on stay; tbe other in of Cook, Jennings, & Co. against W in Brown and Aaron favur of Benjamin Chastain, vs said Clark. Brown, security on the stay of execution. Benji LOT number eighty-five, in the tenth district of Hab ersham _ou*ity—levied on as the properly of ijardige Wal ker, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Hamilton Wynn, vs said Walker. All tlte right, title and interest of one hundred an l twrn t§ five acres of LAND, mure or less, in the tenth district Habersham county, number not known, adjoining Inin’s of David Highfieid—levied on as the property of William Be. If, to satisfy afi. fa. in favor *f t n Offi- rs of Court. Jay IS A. MAULDIN, D Sheriff. F&ftAvjKLJN 6AIssiS. On the Jirst Tuesday in MARCH next. B EFORE tne court-hous 1 - door in ti.e own Carnes- ville, Franklin couniy, between ihi- usual hours ol •ale. will be sold, ihe following PROPERTY, to-wit: Two hundred and tuirty acres of LAND, on tue wa ters of Br-»ad river, adjoining MeEutyre and others—le vied on as tne property of Joel Hun:, to satisfy . li. fo »a him, ir< favor of James H Litde and Samuel Shannon, i* cc itors of Richard Woods, deceased; pointed out by tbe 4cf. ndant. - Aim), the interest of Adam Looney in the Estate, real and personal j of Robert Wallers, deceased, to satiety eundiv fi. fan. in favor of Edwiort Ivin & Banks, vs. saio Looney, levy made and returned in me by a Constable. Jan 15 HAKRIS3 TONEY, Sheriff. POSTPONED SALE .1Iso, ct the same time and place, will be sold, the follow ing property, to wit: O ie thousand teres of LAND, on Slioal creek, in said county, adjoining Hardy & other-; Filly acres of LAND la tne Academy land, know as number t'J, on ^oal creek —levied on us the properly of R e tard Chappelear, to s tl- Isfy two fi. fas. in favor of William W, Carnes, against •aid Chappelear. Jan 15 H 'RRISS TONEY. Sheriff. One hundred and twenty-five acres of L.^ ND, being the w st half oflo! No. 103, in the fifth district sai; coun ty—levied on as the property of George Buchanan to sat isfy a fi fa. from Gwinnett Superior Court in favor of Elisha Winn, again* 1 said George B ickiiaium. One hundred at: es of LAND, par' of lot No. 2'iS, in the 5th district said county, whereon William Ezz .il non I ves, also ten acres of L-:NI>, adjoining th- same and uljlining John VlcMuitin a :d others—levied on as th«; properly of said William Rzz 1, to satisfy a ft fa. from Gwinnett Superior Court in favor of Jacob U. Brooks, .■gainst said William Ezzeii and Thorn is Ezzeii, security on the stay of execution. Two hundred and fifty acres of LAND, more or less, in 5th Gwinnett, - hereon Rictia d McCan now lives, ad- J oming Connie and oilier.-—I vied <>n as the property of lobn Vineyard, to satisfy a fi f . fr* in Gwinnett Superi or Court in favor of J ••'<(> F.llis'*o, aeairist D i id Abbot, maker, and said John Vineyard, .udirsrr. WILLIAM MARTIN, D- Sheriff. PRAVSUV SALBB. On the first Tuesday in AT Hit* next t B EFORE the court-house door in Camcsvilks, Frank lin county, between the usual hours of sale, will be sold, the following PROPERTY,‘ to wit: Two NEGROES: one a woman and the other a fel low, about thirty years okl— levied on as the properly of Hizikiah Gray, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of James J. Moore, and sundry small fi. fas. from a justices* court against said Gray. Also, two hundred seres of LAND, granted to Barn hill, adjoining Vineyard—levied on as the .property of -desse Legraod, sen. to .satisfy a fi. fa. in faVJr of John Derers; levy made and returned to me by a constable. H. TONEY, Sheriff. At the tarns titne and place] will he sold. Eighty two aeres of XAND, more or'leu, as the pro perty of Jot* Fulbrighy to satisfy three fi. fas. from a justices* court, in faror of Rojal Bryan, rs. said Ful- brigbr; levy made and returned to me by a constable. C. W. BOND, D. Sheriff. Also. will be sold as above,. * One road W AGON—Jevied on vs the property of Cris- topher Sewei! to satisfy a fi. fa. iu kivor of John M. Ba ker for the use of Juris Vaughn; property pointed out by A. W. Hammond. fc W. A. JUNES, D. Sh’ff February 8 31 Execfttor's Sale. O N tbe second Tuesday in March next, will be sold, at the plantation of Mrs. Ann Dyer, lute of Bald win county, deceased, part oi tbe PERSONAL PRO PERTY of the said deceased—consisting of one Horse and one Mule, Cattle, Hogs, Corn, Fodder, Oats, and a variety of plantation Tools. Also on the day fallowing, will be sold at the late resi dence of said deceased, in the town of Miiledgeville, sun dry articles of Household and Kitchen Fureiture—and also on the sains day, and at tbe same place, will be sold, one four wheel Carriage, one Gig, one Horse Cart, and one Wagon. Sale to continue from day to day at the last mentioned pi ice, until all is sold. Terms made known on tLe day of sale, by JOHN B. DYER, Acting Executor by power of attorney for Thomas VV. Dyer, Qualified Executor. January 25 29 7t I OBSERVE in the last Georgia Journal, • notice sign ed by Orange Green, in which he informs the public that be has Maps of the State for sale, and in the same piece very uncourteoualy, illiberally, and ungenerously al ludes to my proposals to publish a full Map of the State so soon as the Cherokee lends art surveyed He evidently endeavors to create an impression on the public mind, that the Map I design to publish at the time mentioned, will never appear, and for the publication of which I stand pledged. This pledge shall be fully redeemed, and 1 hope in such a manner as to meet with the flattering appro bation of the pu lie. Of my qualifications for such an undertaking the public are the judges, and when the Map appears at the tidfe promised, to wit: when the Cherokee lands are complex ly surveyed, if it is badly or inaccu rately executed, it will not sell, and if accurately and ele gantly, ft will meet with an extensive and profitable sale. In this frtfe enlightened, and happy country, every individ ual is entitled to the full enjoyment of the product of his industry, whether obtained by manual labor or the exer tions of his intellectual powers, and the laws of tbe frnd protect him in the complete enjoyment of the fruits of his labor. 1 have made it one of the rules of try conduct in life, never officiously to interfere with the business of any individual, and when any one stoops to interfere with mine, I will never fail indignantly to repel it. BENIAMIN H. STURGES. Mitledgeville, Feb. 3, 1931. 32 3t SCHOOL WANTED. A GENTLEMAN who has been S years employed as a Teacher of an English School, wishes an engage ment for tbe next year. He teaches all those branches comprising an English education, aod can produce from his present employers satisfactory references for character, capacity, &c. He teaches the use of the Terrestrial Globe, and Book-keeping, by double and single ei,;ry. Persons wishing to employ such a Teacher may direct a line to A. J. at the Post-Office, or apply at this office. December 25 25 tf Administrator's Sale. \\f ILL be sold, on Saturday, the I4t» of March nex’, v T at the late residence of Aun Fan e loth, (ate of Doo- iy county, deceased, all the PERSONAL PROPERTY of said deceased—Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. CALEB FA1RCLOTH, Adm'r. F- bruary t 30 6t vswroif SA3. m On the first Tuesday in Afidh next. W ILL ue sold, before iue court-house door in the town jf Covington, New-on count),between the lion s .if sal-, the following PROPERTY, to wit: Four hundred and fifteen acres of LAND, more or less, or s > much thereof as li< s iu the county of Newton, known a* lots No. 129, l5«Jand part of lot 157, in the 19th dis trict of originally Baldwin now Newton county, on the waters of ohoal creek, adjoining Darnell and others— Jt*vi. d on as the prop rty ol William ole Murray, to satis fy i fi. fa. fnm Morgan Inferior court in favor of Johi C. R esc, vs William vfc.Monay, and others vs. said Me Murray; pointed out by piaintifis attorney. Five hundred acres of LAND, more or less, known as lot* No. 387 and 386, in the sixteenth district of original ly Henry now Newton county, on Yellow river,adjoining Pave and others, and the lot or tract of LAND, whereon Farr H- Trammell now resides, nlj lining lutiJs of Sparks and others on the waters of Yellow river—all levied on as the property Farr H Trammel!, to satisfy fua. in favor of Seaborn Jcncs, vs F d. Trammell. One hundred and fifty acres of LAND, more or less, Whereon Levi Whitton now nves, on the waters of Gam creek—levied on as his property to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa- tor of A. S. B< lUtctt, & Co- v.« Levi i\ hitton. One gray STUD HOK'vE, about four years old, one noted BROOD MARE, about seven yt ars, old by the Oamc rV Fanny Hui, and two large so.rel HORSES, a- bout seven years old—levied on the property of Henry Ca-. y, to satisfy sundry fi. fas i.» my hands in favor of H. . B ites, far the use ol L-« is Z ichery, and others vs. Henry Casey ; property pointed out by .lie defendant. Thirteen acres ol LAND, more ur less whereon Will iam Gunnels now resides, beiu^the south-ea.‘t corner of lot >f land No. 259, in the 16th district of originally Hen- 1 county—levied on as the property of John Palmer, to sat . . » _• .a _ „» a.. Lft, .. i; r. ..f i A... . .. ...:.s u. i 1 AI.60—W!I.t BE SOLD, AS ABOVK, Two hundred and fifty acr« s ol LAND, being lol No. 133, in >bt*. 6th district Gwinnett—levied ;>n as the pro perty o( Tu mas VJathi-, to satisfy a ti fa. from Gwin nett Sujienor Court in favor of William Toney, against said Thomas Mathis. One negro WOMAN named Amy, about forty-five years old—levied on as the properly of lames While, to satisfy a fi fit from G «innet» S .perbr Court in favor of Mmhew McKight, against .* White and Richard Goode. THO MAS WORTHY, F-bruarv 1 :;i> W^LrOiff SA^ES. On the Just Tuesday in ATtdL next. f-FORE the court-house door in the town of Mon roe, W .Ugl county, n ill oe sold, between lha usual nours of sal., the following PROFhR'i Y. to wit; One hundred and twenty-five ici s of LAND, it leing part of lot No. 10, in the fourth district of said cocii adjoin mo; Arnnlrl jr.H .-.i nl.c ttva hundred and fitly acres, it being lot No. 60, in the third district of said county, whereon Thomas R. Mitchell now lives,and Clu ry, a girl about 17 ye rs ol; also the HOUSE and LOT whereon Col. Samuel Jackson formerly lived in the town of Monroe; on* hundred janu seventy-five acresof LAND, whereon the widow vVuod now lues, i being part of lot No. 37, in the third district of s.a.. county, with the ue ptionof die widow’s dower; a halt acre LOT on tbe commons of Monroe, «nli good Giu-Housc, Gin and running Gear; also four NEGROES, Jim a man ubou. 45 years of age, Bailey 20, Jeff la Jr.lin 12 ye us of ag —all levied on as the property uf Jeo9<* vlucbell, signed J.sse Mitchell, jr. and Samuel lacksin, » curities oi i homas It. Mitchell, administrator ol lathtw Mitchell, .iectased; all levied onto satisfy a fi fa in favor of Ban jamm ■*. Ogletree, administrator de bom* inn of Vla'hew viitchell, deceased, vs Timmas R. Mitchell and others; property pointed out by defend ml*. (Inc WAGON and four HOR8ES, and four pair bf GE AR—levied on as the property <4 Samuct tackson, to satisfy two fi. fas one in favor of Edward Paine and Jep- tba V. Harris, adm’r &e. ibe other in favor of Euwurd Paine, vs. txamuel Jackson, Cullen Lockett, Fiemmin Jourdan and Sareb Cox, txv tutors of fosse Cox, d c’U. Adam, a fellow, thiity five years of age—levied on as the pr pertyof hiamucl Jackson, to satisfy a fi. fa. ill fi- voi of Juining & Cook, is. said Jackson. Two hundred and fifty acres of LA >D, lot No. 149, in the fourth district i f said eounty—Icnul on as the pro perty of Lucius Reeves, to butisfy a fi fa. in favor of J Br inhuin & W illiams, vs. stud t< ev. s. Out hundred and twenty-five uc.cs of LAND, being ‘he west half ol lot No. 66, in ihe fourth district of said Administratrix’ Sale. ILL be sold, ai iue court-house d»or of Rabun coun- » v tv, on the first Tuesday in April n<xt, in pursu ance of a d order of the -honorable Inferior Couit of Frank lin cooiiiy,when sitting as a coti it of ordinary, the following FRACTIONS, to-wit:-—one containing 153$ acres. No. 114,111 the Sih district; the oilier containing 58 aeres, No. 115, in the 5lh district, and both in the said county of Rabun. Also, «t the same time, will be sold at the court-house of Franklin county, one TRACT of LAND, situate on l.eathcrwood creek, adjoining Andrews and Banks, con fining two hundred acres. All the above sold as the property of William Jones, deceased, for the bent fit of the h< irs and creditors of sgjd deceased. Terms known on the tl .y of sale. RACHAEL JONES, Adutf*. February 1 30 9t Administrator’s Sale. f'R7 ILL be s >ld, at the lute residence of John Brown, t ▼ late of Henry county, deceased, on Friday, the fStfi day of March next, all the PERISHABLE PROPERTY of said deceased—consisting of Horses, Cuttle, Hogs, sheep, Corn and Fodder, Household and Kitchen Furni ture, and sundry other articles too tedious to mention- Sold for the bt nefit of the heirs and creditors of said de-1 ceased. Terms made known on the day of sate—to con tinue from day to day until all is sold. JOHN P, DODSON, Adm’r. F -h-'T rrS 31 Ct Administrator's Sale. O N the fir3» Tuesday in Murcb next, v ill be sold, at the town of Juundersville, Washington county, une TRACT of LAND, containing two hundred and eigh>y five acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Wilson and o'bers, in said county. Also, on the first Tuesday in April next, will be sold, in the town of Bainoridge, D«.c;uui county, LOT numbe one hundred and ninety-three, in the twenty-seventh dis trid of formerly Early now D«ca tor county. Sold as the p'operty of Christopher Pearson, lute of Wilkinson coun ty, df-ceused—Terms made known on the dav of sale. JONATHAN PEARSON, Adm’r. January 1 26 9t CENTRAL BANK OF GEORGIA, VilLLEOGEVlLLK, F&BRVAP.T 4, l83l. R ESOLVED, That a distribution of three hundred thousand dollars 0.1 acccommodalion notes, be made among the several counties in lim State in alpha betical order. Resolved, That on Thursday, the 24th day of Februa ry, notes will be received for discouul, from tbe counties of Appling, Baker, B tldwin, Bibb, Bryan, Bulloch, Burke, Butts, Camden, Campbell, Carroll, Chatham Clark, Co lumbia, Coweta, Crawford, Decutur, DeKMb, and Dooly. On the third day of March, notes will be received front the counties of Early, Effingham, Elbert, Emanuel, Fay ette, Franklin, Glynn, Greene, Gwinnett, Habersham, Hall, Hancock, and Harris. On the Olih day of March, notes will be received front the counties of Henry, Houston, Irwin, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Jones, Laurens, Lee, Liberty, Lincoln, Lowndes, Madison, Marion, McIntosh, and Meriwether On the I7ih day of March, notes will be received from the counties iff Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Muscu- gee, Newton, Oglethorpe, PiU<* 9 Pulaski* Putnam, Ka- bun, Randolph, aod Richmond. On the 24th day of March, notes will be received from the counties of 8criven, Talbot, Taliaferro, Tattnall, Telfair, Thomas, Troup, Twiggs, Upson, Walton, W'ure, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Wilkes, and Wilkins n. Ail notes oust be nt ide payable at tire Central B ulk of Georgia, have two or more good endorsers, and no note will, on any account, be received after 1 o’clock P. M. of the days above specifie d. wYetc Certificates as heretofore prescribed, will be re quired in all cates. * No note will be discounted, having on it the name of any person indebted to the State cither as Principal or Security, which dibt is due and unsettled, or who is either the maker of or endorser on any note heretofore discount ed by the Bank, and which note is passed due, and unat tended to. Persons wishing to offer notes from the counties of Heard and Stewart, mast present tutni on the day for re ceiving notes from the couQty in wnich they resided pre vious to the formation of these counties. Extract from the linutcs. [32 3 J HENRY W. MALONE, Cashier. A TABLE Showing the TV hit* Coloured and Representa tive Population under the Census of 1830, al so the amount of the Third Apportionment; made by the Central Bank io each county Name of County. Administrator’s Sale. W ILL bes iid, the court-house in Marion, Twiggs county, on the first Tuesday in March next, One HOUSE and LOT, bmng the reale tatcofOwen C. Fart, deci a.«ed Sold in pursuance of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, for the benefit of creditors. MOSES FORT, Adm’r Decentb-r if -23 " fd* ry u«.w New ton county— levied on as the property of il tiara Gunnels, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Robert B. Camp, vs WiHiam Gunnels; levy made and returned by ft constable. Seventy acres of LAND, more or less, adjoining lands •f Gay and Miilener, near lh* Jasp.*r hue -levied on as the property of Factor Dingier, to sa isfj three ft fas. in fav or of William Askew, vs F nny Dingier and Tho-oas Dingier; pointed out by plaintiff, levy made and returned by a constable. JOSEPH WATTERS, Sheriff. isfy a fi- fa. in favor of James Orr, vs said Palmer; levy made and returned to me by a constable. One bay M ARE, about six years old—levied on as the I property of lair., s O’Neal, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of James Orr, vs Bald O’Neal; property pointed out by the defendant Three round b lies of COTTON—levied on as the pro perty ot Marian Cleveland, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fovor of John Dawson, for the use of Willi j in Wood, vs. said Cleveland; property pointed cot by deft ndant. ORION STROUD, Sheriff. At the tame time and place, will be sold, One third part of LOT No. 3tf9, in the 5th district of Walton county—levied on as the property of T»yfo Smith, by virtue of a mortgage fi. fa. issued oat ot tb | Superior Court of sap.] eounty in favor uf Solomon & Grif fin, vs said Smith; property pointed out in the mortgage fi. fa. One hundred and fifty acres of LAND, in the second district of said county, whereon defendant noiv lives, al so ont black horse 5 or 6 years old, 2 cows and calves, 2 >t . u beds and 2 bedsteads, and furniture, 6 split bottom chairs, ney, to atisfya ma nage li. fa. in favor of AiMtiThL j lr “°. kS * rt < "“V? V a "^. f » rka , °ne set of cups and :ed out in fi. fa* j 8auCe "N 0, |* ,ol *d plates and dishes—all levied on us the At the same time anJ place, will be sold f 0..e ne^ro MAN, by the name oi lohn, 45 or 50 years of age—levied on as the property of /aims O’N al. to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of L. P- Me Key, v» John O’Neal ftud James O'Neal. K W. HARGROVE, D. Sheriff. ALSO—On the first Tuesday in April next, will be so.d, as above. One negro MAN. by tne name of Linck, about thirty- five years old—levied on as the property of Tyre t» s Dab. Gre< n. vs Tyre G. U .bn- y; prop rty pointed Feb i JOSEPH WATT IRS, Sheriff. PTJXiASKft SJLXkSS. On the Jirst Tuesd-.y in APRIL next, n r IL.. be sold, at the court housi- in loan of Hart ford, Puius -.i county, Oct vceo the usual hours of sale, the foi>o mg PUOPEK 1 V, to-wit: Ttvo hundred i > and a nail a» r< s (more or less) oak and hickory . AND, n>e number not known, in the twen ty first district formerly Wilkinson now P Jaski county. Whereon Epp* %\ aiiace now lives, anil one n. gro BOY, Sained Dennis, about twelve years of age-»Icvied on as tbe proper .y of Epps Wallace, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of If. own &. Laiuer, vs said Wallace, Mitchell & Wimot! iy, vs said Wallace, and otfe r fi. fas. vs said WaL laevg levied on. and returned to me by a constable.— Terms cash. JAMES 11. WARREN, D. Sh’ff. February 1 39 Administrator’* Sale. W ILL be »oid, un Saturday, .he fifth day of March itkXt, at the late res.dence of John Joiner, deceas ed, in H .-nry county, all Hie perishable property belonging to the estate of said deceased—consisting of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Oxeo and .Cart, Household and Kitchen Furniture, and other articles too tedious to mention.— Te. ms made known on the day by LYTHA JOINER, WOGDvVARD JOINER, January ti SB Adm’rs. property of Thomas J. Farrar, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John P. Force, vs Thomas J. Farrar, William Daniel!, John L. Anocrson and Benjamin Kcnrick; properlv point, cd out by T. J. Farrar. JOHN T. MORROW, D. Sheriff. A LSO—Will be sold, on the Jirst Tuesday in April next, at the same place, Clary, about 20 yean of age, Vi ey 19, and Alfred 13 years of age—all levied on as the property of Jesse Mitch ell, sen and Jesse Mitchell, jr. to satisfy a fi. fa. on tbe foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Stephens Thuraus, vs. said Mitchell’s; property pointed out in said mort- gagefi ORION STROUD, Sheriff. February 1 30 "" ajpJrrarsAus: %#» the first l uesday in APRIL next, A T the court-house in Swuinsboru’, Emanuel oounty, between the usual hours of sale, will be sold, the following PROPERTY, to wit: Five LOTS in Stv&insboro*, known by Nos. 1, 6, 7, 8 and 3; also one tract of LAND, containing six hun- '^d acres, granted to Jam- s Hucse, adjoining lands of William Hjcks; also one negro MAN, named Aotnony i.boiit thirty-five years old—all levied on as the property »f John R. D snicll, fo satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from 1 justices Court in favor of Elmer Hendly, and others vs. said DaaieU; levied on the 17th January 1831 HENRY DURDEN, D. Sheriff. Adininistrattor’s Sale O N the first Tuesday in March next, will be sold, at ihe town of Blakely, Early county, FRACTION No. 391, in the 5’h district Ejrly county, containing ■ bout 133 acres—about 80 acres are cleared and in culti- va'ion, situated immediately on <he Chatnboochie river, it being part of the leaf estate of Alexander Moore, late of Henry county, deceased. Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of Henry county, for the benefit of the heirs anu creditors. Terms cash. THOMAS D. JOHNSON, Adm’r. December 11 23 td B Guardian’s Sale. W ILL be sold, on :be firsl Tuesday in March next, at the court-house iu Troup county, LOT num bertwo hundred and ninety-three, (293) in the fifth dis trict of originally Troup. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. FRANKLIN A DAL'S, Guardian. January 15 29 ids Appling, Biker, Baldwin, Bibb, iiry*n, Bulloch, Burke, Butts, Camden, Campbell, Carroll, Chatham, Clark, Columbia, Coweta, Crawford, Decatur, De Kalb, Dooly, Early, Effingham, Elbert, Emanuel, FavetUi, Franklin, Glynn, Greene. Gwinnett, Habcrsnata* Hall, Hancock, Harris, Henry, Houston, Irwin, Jackson, W h.te popula tion. Colored popula tion. Repre senta tive po pulation Am’t of 3d dis tribu tion. GEORGIA—Hemy county. k H EREAS, Rebecca Congo applies to me for let- I V T ters of Administration on the estate of John A j i^ficrsoo tones, Laurens, L Liberty, Lincolo, Congo, late of said county, deceased: ’I’he^ are therefore to cite all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my /tfice, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why »ud letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this ls< February, 1831. 1,5*84 977 2.7 4 4,138 723 t ,9->3 5,066 3,2*5 1,458 2.694 2,723 4,982 5,438 4,471 3,634 3,591 2,541 8,376 1,787 1,505 1,*46 6 60 J 2,168 4,266 7,712 597 5,0!6 10,939 9 7 .3 10,573 4 607 2,831 7,u91 5,161 1,066 6,184 6,767 3,603 February 8 GUY VV. SMITH, c 3i e. o. St GEORGIA—Dooly county. iV HEREAS James A. Everett applies to me for let- v v ters of Administration 00 the estate of Turner Ev er ft, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admanidi the kindred and creditors, of said deceased, to be and appear at my office,.within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, 1st January, 1831. THOMAS H. KEY, c. c. o. January 25 29 5t Low odes, Madison, .Marion, McIntosh, Meriwether, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Muscogee, Newton, Oglethorpe, Tike, Pulaski, Putnam, Rabun, February 9ft 33 4m F OUR months after date application will lie made to Randolph, tbe honorable the Inferior Court of Walton county, I Richmond, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all I Scriven lands the belonging to the estate of Z*cb. Phillips late of ] Talbot.* said county, deceased, wit* the exception of the widow's ( dower. . ROBERT M. ECHOLS, Adm’r. | T^tnal^ Telfair, Thomaa, Troup, fwigg,, Upson, > altnn, ‘Vare, Warren, Washington, Jayne, ilkea, 184 276 4,585 3,005 2,416 653 6,767 1,667 3,120 629 696 11.013 4,738 8,135 1,37. 1,723 1,307 1,671 349 546 1,223 5,853 513 1,233 2.423 3 970 7.525 2,282 915 1,182 7,2: 5 2, *74 2 576 2, *08 114 2.S16 6,364 1,394 1,143 5 463 5,941 2,17* 2,32 V 9,U6 4,237 3 330 3,071 3 l4i 11,593 8,281 9,352 4 457 4,6*25 3,325 9,379 1,996 l,S33 2,480 10 0(3 2,476 5 ; 009| 9 17*2 2,979 9 541 1* 3U7 10,232 U.2S-7 8 93- "4 195 9,537 6,48b 1,134 7,874 10,595 F OUR months alter date application will be made to the Inferior Court of Baldwin county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes for leave to sell the Real Estate ot f heodocus Turk, deceased. , MARY ANN TURK, Adm*x. January IS 98 5m jf^ftOUR months after date application will be made t> the honorable Inferior Court of Pulaski counh wnen sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tb, real and personal Estate of Samuel King, deceased. SLjVHISS WJIQ, Adm’r. '> ilkinsoo. ft,46S 6,673 10,593 3,18S 2,396 4,622 1,367 307 1,551 1,588 5,64i 4.976 2,824 3,3i3 4,806 2,113 340 2,317 3,365 1,261 4.122 1,327 109 1,392 1,095 3,903 3,437 3,018 1,406 3,862 . 8,336 7,366 13,256 934 335 1,135 6,146 6,877 9.272 2,261 1,247 3 009 8,131 3,0-’3 9,945 5,554 8,004 10 3.6 4,362 1,694 5 378 3,117 1,782 4,186 5.512 7,744 10,159 2,114 61 2,151 1,506 683 1 918 5,163 6,481 9,052 2,387 2,399 3,920 3,839 2,101 5.100 2,162 2,770 3 824 1,519 520 1.931 1,569 5G7l 1,909* 2.127 l,169j 5.8>| 3 607 2,*.S2l 4,922 4,49$ 6615 4,44*- 8,563 5,985 7,763 3,168 9,664 1,132 62 1,169 6 044 4,8u2 8,925 5,905 3,91 S 8,254 676 286 848 5,265* 8,972 10,648 4,603 1,955 5,776 *W#ll 221,064 429,909 J 8973 797 3,81* 4,145 1 515 1,62* 6 369 2.9u6 2,324 2,143 2,19* 8,090 5,779 6,527 3,110 3,227 2 320 6,545 1,393 1 *280 1 730 6 9f*6 I 72S 3 4 >5 0.402 2,079 6,659 8,590 7,175 7 874 6,237 2,927 6,655 4,527 791 5,495 7,388 4 < 65 7,393 3,-225 1,08ft 3 472 3,354 1,616 2,876 S7l 2,398 2 695 9,250 79» 6,470 2,100 6,940 7.227 3,753 2,920 7,089 1,500 i,3..r8 6,317 2,665 3.559 2,668 PROPOSALS srx&aKoinnaj. slabs For publishing t in ttu town oj Macon, a weekly Jiswtp* paper, to be calitd SLADE’S Agricultural and Mercantile Intelligencer'» 4 M Y recent reiinquiibaKnt of a participation in tha editorial labors of an old and well eaiabli»htd jour* oai, would seem to require but few preliminary remarks, in the proposed undertaking, were it not, that they are usually demanded by public expectation, and sanctioned by custom. As there is no good reason why this “time- honored observance” should be disregarded ib the present instance, I shall submit an epitome ofiuy principhs, and the course which shall be observed in conducting a oew journal. The object of . the proposed publication being purely what its title implies, supercedes the necessity of that political commentary, which the doctrines of the day have usually demanded; yet, as my loruter professions are held with unabated attachment, end there being no neutral ground, in the conflicting and varied sentiments, which daily arise, as to both men and m asures—it fol lows, that I should not only make an exposition of my po litical tenets, hut also, that they should he boldly set (01 tb, and fearlessly defended. 1 have ever indulged an ardent devotion to Republicanism, as the term was understood by its advocates in ’98—a sacred regard to the let ter and spirit of the Constitution, and a determined and fixed hostility to every thing like constructive or implied powers—an extension of equal justice to all parties—that all |>ower is inherent in and derived from the people, as the original source and ultimate tribunal—the mill prud ence and distinct sovereignty of Ihe Slates, and their con federacy as a Union, under a government limited and ac tually defined in its powers. These arc the prominent articles of iny political faith, and believing in their correct ness, shall abide by them in erery trial. Among the many topics of deep inti rest that agitate the people ofuil classes, is the exercise of unwarrantable go vernmental influence on the industry and resources of the country, and the unconstitutional expenditure of the pub lic treasure to objects of Internal Improvement—meas ures too frequently destitute of general Benefit, and often times marked by a spirit of partiality*, selfishness and in justice. It would be criminal for one “seated on the Witch-tower,” and in the exercise cf the duties which belong to the Press, to observe, with callous indifference, the causes which have produced, and the rffetts which have resulted from he iatitudinary construction of ibe Constitution. The dangerous consequences which may ensue, are already indicated, by the excited feelings ol the country. I am deeply impressed that wrong has been done, and evil tolerated—yet, with a spirit of forbearance, it would be better for the oppressed to be^r their evils whilst they are tolerable, than ‘‘fly to those they know not of.” The present is an era in the history of our government, distinguished for improvement. The lover of Ins coun try beholds it on its ‘‘return march’’ to its original purity and principles. Already has the distinguished head of the government, said—“The successful operation of the federal system can only be preserved by coufiuing it to the few and simple, but yet important objects for which it was designed. This is a guarantee, that the purpose of tha present Executive of tbe Union and his supporters, is au effort to restore the Constitution to its original healthy and unimpaired condition. I am happy to accord with tbe Ad mi nisi ration and its friends in the wise aud well directed course which is pursued by them. The time tv is, when to dissent from the measures of any of the prominent parties ol our state, by an attach ment to any of the otiier3, or to their then distinguished irgnns, implied a hostility and acrimony which frequent ly had 110 bounds, and reuderal “ » isdom, Justice and Moderation,” an empty an absurd profession. The times and circumstances have now become more congenial to belter feelings; the perplexing difficulties which have stir- rounded us—those emanating abroad, and fostered at home, have subsided, ‘-v »th the acknowledgement of our rights, the successful accomplishment of nearly all tbe ends which we have contended for. I can review my past course in relation to state affairs, with cheering ap probation; my future efforts will be intimately connected with the past; and il is hoped, without efience to an ud- versu party. The writer dues not believe iu the infalli bility of man, uor in their perfection as a party; it ivi*! therefore l»e my endeavor to support worthy men, and pprove such orthodox measures as may emanate from genuine patriotism ami unadulterated Republicanisn — such measures as wiil best answer the ends of our free government, and of our Slate’s interest:—such mm as will ‘‘defend the rights of the People, the Sovereignty of the States, anJ the Constitutional uuthoi ity of the Union, against all encroachments.” It shall be my studious endeavor, to render the ‘*Intel- ligcncer” an Agricultural and Mercantile vehicle:— to effd it, I shall hasten to possess myself of all ttie icccssary materials which these ample subjrc s fur nish, to unfold every species of information which will be thought to instruct, to interest, and to please, li is believed, that the mutual conjunction of interest, between the merchant and planter, cannot ftsil to render accepta ble to one, whatever may benefit the other. My edms shall be used to procure the earliest and most useful mer cantile information, and lay it before the public; and it will be my desire logo into Rural Affairs, and garner (he choicest and best offerings for my Agricultural readers. _ , TERl«jrS. The Intelligencer will be commenced on the first ot Match, should the materials reach here by that time. It w ill be printed on the largest and best impend paper, (a larger size than any other paper in Georgia,) on a new aud elegant type, and with a new Press. It will he pub lished weekly, at Three Dollars per annum, if paid wiibifl the first three months after subscribing, or Four Doihtra afterwards. Advertisements inserted at customary rates- MAUMADUKE J. SLADE. Vacm, To* I IP31 57 A oarssn seed. FtfESH supply of l'horburn’s Garden Seed just re* ceived bv fc. PERKINS. 19 ceived by MittedgeviMe, Nov 13 BROUGHT V () J. /IL, I N Jacksonville, Telfair county, on tbe 2S:b January last, a stout well made NEGRO MAN, about 29 years of age, who calls himself DICK, and says he belongs t<* Dr/Franklin Dozier of Augusta, Geo. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property and take him away. February 15 JAMES A. ROGERS, Jailor. 32 3t GEORGIA—Pulaski county . W HEREAS, Furney F. Gatlin and Sexsoma Per kins, administrate s of Joseph B-Coalsun, late of said county, deceased, applies to tne fur Ictlera of dismission: i his is therefore to cite tbe kindred and creditors of saiddec’d to be and appear at my office, within the tirofc prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, wbjf said letters of dismission should not be granted Given under mv hand this 12th Novomber, 1830. "’On*JOSEPH CAKRUTHF.RS, c. e. 6- i jlOUR months after date application will hr made to the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Habersham county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave tb sell LOT No. 150, in the ninth district of Carroll county* for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Mary Wilkin son’s oiphans. JOSEPH DOBSON, Guardian. Nuvember 1, 1830. 19 4 m * F OUR months afterdate application will be ihe honorable the Inferior Court of Walton county, sitting for ordinary putposes, for leave to aell tbe real estate, belonging tu the minor heirs of John Seltnan, late of said county, deceased. JAMES W. HARRIS, JOHN H, LOWE, 16 1,277 I CjlOUix months aitei date ^application will be mad UP M. the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson coun ty, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to selltbo LAND belonging to the estate of Jos. Yarbrough, deceas ed, late of said county, for tbe use of the heirs of said de ceased. THOMAS J BOW I N, | . AMBROS YARBROUGH, } r * October S3 ** 4 “ Guardians. 4m l,S3? 1,973 3.435 4,615 4,17ft 6,744 815 6,228 5,760 582 7 43; 4,030 F OUR months after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court < f Jones county, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell all the Real Estate of Ann Dunn, deceased, and sold for the ham fit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. SAMUEL WINFREY, Adm’r* 306,000 { February IS g