The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, March 08, 1831, Image 4

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WJ&XtTOSr SAXB8. Ont rtej?rsl Tuesday in APlilL next. B EFORE the eonrt-bouse door in tlie town vt Mon roe, Walton county, t\ ill b« mW, between theusual Jiours of sal-, the following PROPERTY, to «it: One hundred and twenty-five acres of LAND, it l*mg part oflot No. 10, in the fourth district of said eonnij, adjoining Arnold and others; also two hundred and fiftj ecres, it being lot No. 60, in the third disiriet of said county, whereon Thomas R. Mitchell now lives, and Cla ry, a girl about 17 years-of age; also the HOUSE and 1,0 T whereon Col. Siamucl Jackson formerly lived in the town of Monroe; one hundred|ond seventy-live acres ol LAND, whereon the widow Wood now lives, it kein- port of lot No. 37, in the third district of said county, wnh tbe exception of the widow’s dower; a half acre LOT on the commons of Monroe, with n good Gin-House, Gin and running Gear; also four NEGROES, Jim J ,1,an about 45 years of age, Bailey 20, Jeff 16, John 12 years of ag' all levied on as the property of Jesse Mitchell, signed Jesse Hitched, jr. and Samuel Jackson, securities of *J bourns it. ill itched, administrator of Matbew Mitchell, deceased; all levied onto satisfy n li. fa. in lator of Ben jainin S. Oglctree, administrator rfe bonis non of Mathew Aiitched, deceased, vs. Thomas It. Mitchell and others; property pointed out by defendants. Ono WAGON and four HORSES, and fuor pair ot GEAR—levied on as the property of Samuel Jackson, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favor of Edward Paine and Jep- thaV. Harris, adni’r &c. the other in Lror of Edward Paine, vs. Samuel Jackson, Cullen Lockett, Flemmin Jourdan and Sarah Cox, executor# of Jesse Cox, d c’d. A lam, a fellow, thirty-five years of age—levied vii as the property of Samuel Jackson, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa vor of leaning & Cook. vs. said Jackson. Two hundred and fifty acres of LAND, lot No. 149, in the fourth district of said county—levi*-U on as the pro perty of Lucius Reeves, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of J. Branham & Williams, vs. said Iteev e. One hundred and twenty-five acres of LAND, being 'he treat half of lot No. 66, in the fourth distr.ct of sain county—levit-don as ibe property of John Palmer, to sat isfyafi. fa. in favor of James Orr, vs said Paltuer; levy made and returned to me by a constable One bay MAKE, about six ye 'rs old —lu-ied on as the property of Jam*s O’Neal,!** satisfy a fi. ft. in favor of James Orr, vs said O’Neal j property point* d out by the defendant. Three round bales of COTTON—levied on as the pro perty ot Marian Cleveland, to satisfy a fi. fa. m favor id John Dawson, for the use of William Wood, vs. e«id Cleveland; property pcinied out bydef ORION STROUD. Sheriff. At the same time and place, will be sold, One third part of LOT No. 339, in the 5th district ot Walton county—levied on ns ’tie property of T-yl>-« Smith, by virtue of a mortgage fi fa. issued o it ot th Superior Court of said couotv in favor of Solomon (t Grift vs said Smith; property pointed out in the mortgage ft. ft*. One hundred and fifty acres of LAND, in the second district of said county, wbereon d*f ndani now lives, al so one black horse 5 or 6 years old, 2 cows and calves, 2 b#ds and 2 bedsteads, and furniture, 6 split bottom chairs, 3 trunks, one set of knives and forks, *»n« set of cups and Saucers, one lot of plates and dishes—all levied on •*» the property of Thomas J. Farrar, t*» satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John P. Force, vs Thomas J. Farrar, Willi *ra Daniell, John L. Anderson and Benjamin Keui icr.; property point ed cut by T. J. Farrar. Three NEGROES: Dave a feiiow about »hir»y-five years of age, Lezah twenty-two years of age and hei child about six months olu—ill levied on as the property of Junes Bell, to satisfy two fi f «s. one in favor of l hom es W. Harris end the other m favor of William M. Beil, *s >ames BeM,jr and James Be'l One FRACTION, No. 52, on the south west side of the Appalachjr river in the county of IValton, containing one hundred and nineteen acres more or less, when n William I. Davis now lives; a-s** one black horse, about ft years oil, one ox cart ar.d yok*- of oxen, sixteen head horned cattle, twenty head of hogs, two tied# and bed steads and furniture, and one bureau—levud on as the property of William J. Davis, to satisfy a fi fa. in favor of Benjamin Collier. Also, sixfy-ane and a half acres LAND, being one fourth of lot N”. 121, in tho first districi Walton court ty—ns the property of Ci>z>rine McGraw, levin: in by sdr’uc of’a mortgage fi. fa. is-ued out of the Superior Court of Walton county, in favor of Samue! Catlin, vs. •aid McGraw; properly pointed out in mortgage ti. fa. One half of LOT No. 67, in the 31 district of s,<id county—as the property of Ttiomas Clack t > satisfy one ft. fa. in favor of Samuel McJunkin, vs John Clack md Thomas Clack; the land adjoins Stokes and IJrown. One lot of LAND, No. 85, in the 3 IOi«tr,rt -aid coun ty levied on to satisfy a ft. fa. in favor of the State of Georgia. v» Benjamin Fuller; levied on as the property of said Fuller. _ JOHN T. MORROW, D. Sheriff. f^LSO— Will he sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at the same place, Clary, about 20 years of age, Vrney 19. and Alfred 13 sars of age—all levied on as tbe pr* perly of Jesse Mitcb- II, sen. and Jes»e Mitchell, jr to satisfy <i fi. fa. on di- iroclosure of a mortgage in favor of Stephens Thomas, i. said Mitchell’s; property point cl out in said morl- sgefi ft. ORION STROUD, Sheriff. February 1 3® ' siOAinrszi sai-es^ ~~ Qnt V first Tuesday in AT TIL next, a T the c vrt-iiousein Swainsboro', Emanuel county, X >elwe n the usual hours of sale, n til be sold, the li ning PROVRKTY, to wit: Five LOTS »» Sweinsboro’, known by Nos. 1, 6, 7, and9; also on-e tract of LAND, containing six hun- •eti acres, grant ed to Jam>-a Hot se, adjoining lands of ITiliiim Hicks; aTr» one negro MAN, named Anti ony, thirty-five years o»d—all levied on as ihe. property r foh< R D.m'HilU to satisfy sundry fi. fis. issued from Justice* Court in ,>wr of Elmer Hcndiy, and others vs. id Daniell; , -* cd - E ^WDUKDEN 1 D 1 .Sheriff. rzuksmxjar On the first Tuesday in APTiL next, B EFORE tbe court-house door in CarnesviMe, Frank lin county, betw« mthe usual hours vi sale, mil be •old, toe following PROPERTY, to wit: Two NEGROEA: une a woman nnd the other a fel- \p r , ib *ut thirty year* old—levied on a# the pr*7— ,, .“ “? jlizikiah Gray, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Jatncs J. Moore, and sundry small fi. fas from a tustices* court egainvt raid Gray. Also, two hundred acres of LAND, granted to Barn hill, adjoining Vineyard—levied on as the property of Jesse Legrand, sen. to satisfy a fi. fit. in favor of John Severs; levy made and returned to me hy a constable. r U. TONEY, Sheriff. At the same time and place mill he sold, Eighty two acres of LAND, more or less, as the pro perty of tohtf Futbright, to satisfy three fi. fas. from a justices* court, in favor of Royal Bryan, vs. said Ful- brigbt; levy made and returned to me by a constable. C. W, BOND, D. Sheriff. Also, mill be sold as above, Fiftv one acres of LAND, adjoining tones on the wa ters of Indian creek—levied on as the property of Will- J vn F Brown by virtue of a fi. ft. against him frovi a Jus- tic V c:»urt in favor of Ely Wood for the use of Jesse H»‘ r jck; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Due ruad WAGON—levied on cs the properly of-Cris- topher Sewell to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John M. B • - her for '.h*-useof Jaris Vaughn; property pointed out by ft. iV. Hammond. VV. A. JONES, D Slfff February 8 31 Admiabtrator's Sale. W ILI/be s Id, at th> luieresidenc^hf John Brown, late .f Henry county, deceased on Friday, the 18ib djv f V! i-eh next, all the PERISHABLE PROPERTY cf sail ica-'.'J -consisting of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, C« m R’ol Fodder, Household and Kitchen Furni ture. md sundry other articles too tedious to mention—- Sold for th -. benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dN ce !*ed Terms mad- kn wn on the day of sale—to con- tuiwc i ‘um ny today on: ,His sold. JO N P. DODSON, Jtdm'r. February ft ftj 6t FVLAS2Z SAISI. On the first Tuesday in APIUIj next, W ILL be sold, at the court house in town ef Hart ford, Pulaski county, between the usual boors ol sale, the following PROPERTY, to-witt ,»in . Five bimiircd an« five acres of oak and hickory LAND, lying on Rocky creek, being two lots of land whereon Itilin J. Hodges now lives and cultivates, numbers rot kftown, lying in the tw* ntgrseeohd district of ttjikinson now Pulaski county—levied on as the property oFJohn J. Hodges, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from tht Superior Court in favor <;f Amos Browo, bearer, vs John J. Hodf«> Two hundred two and a balfscres of pine LAND, «Hb a good GRIST MILL thereon, lying in the 4th district of Dooly now Pulaski county, number not known—levied on °“ e * as I he properly of Willis Cason, to satisfy « fi. f> - issued from Doofy superior Court in Gvor ol Z citcriah U. Joiner, vs Willis Cason, and Whitehouse Cason and Thomas Coleman, m curies on appeal. ALE.Y \NDER DENNARD, Sheriff. 6WXNVBVT SAMS. On the first Tuesday *» At* OIL next, W ILL ue sold, in the to wn Law reace ville, Gwin nett county, between tbe usual hours, tlie follow ing PROPERTY, to wit: t M Two hundred and fifty acres ol LAND, being lot N®» 133, in tbe 6th district Gwinnett—levied on as the pro* p«rty of Thomas M a thus satisfy a fi. fiu from Gwin* neU Superior Court in favor of WjUia» Toney, against said Thomas Mathis. One negro WOMAN named Amy, about forty-five years old—levied on as the property, of James White, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Gwinnett Superior Court in favor of Mathew Me Right, against James White and Richard Will be sold : as above, half acres {more cr less) oak February 1 THOMAS WORTHY, Sheriff 39 r Executor’s Sale. O N the second Tuesday it. March next, will be sold, at the plantation of Mrs. Ann Dyer, late of Bald win county, deceased, part of tbe PERSONAL PRO PERTY of the said deceased—consisting of one Horse and une Mule, Cattle, Hogs, Corn, Fodder, Oats, and a . I variety of plantation Tool#. Two hundred two and and hickory LAND, thenurnber not known in the twen- i Yhedaj following, will be sold at the late resi ty first district lornierly it ilkmson now Pulaski county, deceased, in the town of Milledeeville, sun- Feoruary 1 jliZWTODi SAI.^S. On the first 'Tuesday in AT TIL, next, t/ff/ILL be sold, b ! jre ;>ic ciurt-honse door in the v v town of Covington, Newton conn'y,between t’<e usual houisof sale,the followH14 PROPERTY, to oil: One hundred atf ? -.r LAM*, more or le.-:=, whereon Seahron J. Clack and tciouii 0 >t\<s now resides, knonn aa tbe place whereon J>icU *ws' sl-ire house s*:i»>ds, on the waters ol South river kvir.d oil as the pin. eny of tbronJ. CJiici; and out- hundred acres, more or less, . nercon John A Rowel now resid»s, ,a the‘-valors ot Honey creek, acpiimng Hason and < tn- r»—levied o« as vbt property of John A Ro .-rl, t'. satisfy a fi is. inf vor of Austiu H. Greene, vs 0c .Dr.1i J. Clack and Juun A. Ro-el. Four hundred ar.d fifteen acres of L AND, more or less, or so much tnereof as li s in coui.'.y of Nhivton, known •t> lots No. 129, toUun-; part oflot if*7, in til*— H>*b dis trict cf origir.o.iy ba.uwii now N• wtan couniy, on tbe wattr -of obj .1 creek, aujoimrig Darnell and ..ihvis— levied oil is iiii prop iiy .>! vViiiiaui >»c.viurray, tosi^IiS- f> a fi. fa. from Morgan Interior c art m »-.’>or of IoL-»- C. Reese, vs vViliium MciVlor a.-, ar.d o.h rs \s. said McMuiray; pointed out uy plaint' Its toiney. Fivo nondred aces of LAND, in -re or ie:s,kno n as lots No. de'7 .<td JS6. in chc stxt eth oistnet oforigioui- ly Henry now Newton county, on Vellow nver,aujoumig Pace anti others, .inti the l it or tract of L vN'U, whereon Farr FI Trammell now resides, aOj .-imng i.mdsof Spares and outers on the waters ot Yellow river—ail kvtcd ..;i •is the property Farr H Trauimci , t<> u*fy w • fi. fas. in favor . f S- ahorn J< nos, vs t. ;» £ < 11. One bun.trt-d and fifty Bens of LAND, <uure or less, Wfierton Levi IViiittun now live#, on .’ue water*! of creek -levied on as his pr op* riy to suttsly a fi fa. m fa vor of A. Bennett, & Cu v-s Lc»i -ihittoiu One gray STUD HOit.r»E, aoout four years old, one noted BROOD MALE. *oout #eve« y'ars, o d hy ibe name 01 Fanny Hi!l, aid two targe’ tiORSLS, »- bunt veven years old—fivud t-n w ti’.e property of Henry Caa- y, to satisfy siiniii j fi. las. in my hanu< in fav.-r ■<( H. Bates, for the u?a of Lewis Z-.chcry, a id Others vs. Henry C - :sty ; property pointed ^ut by ne oefcr.dant. Thirteen acres ol LAND, more or levs whorcou AVill- ia<n (ionnels now resntc#, ue-ngthe .-•jutii-ea t corner o ' lot of land No. 259, in '.h* tfito Jistnct of originally Ht n- ry now Newton county levied on as ii»e-property '»f > ! il lium Gunnels, to sau-fy a fi. la. in favor of Robert B. Camp, vs W ihtum Gunnels; levy mice and rtltirncu o.j a constable. Seventy acres >f LAND, more or less, adjilning I mris of Gay and M i!', near th Jasper tine ie>ie<1 on us ih^- property of Fatinv Dingier, t > saiisfv thr;e n lbs. in luvorof VV 1II1 tin Arik -iViVBF toy Dt. gler and ('homos Dingier; pointed out by plain iff, levy muw- and rcturued by a constable. JO->EriI WATTERS Sheriff. January 25 Thomas W. Dyer, Qualified Executor. 29 H Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold, on Saturday, the 14tn of March nex*, ct the 'ate residence of Ann Faircloth, late ol Doo ly coonty, deceased, ail the PERSONAX* PROPERTY of said deceased—Sold lor the benefit of the beira and creditors. CALEB FAIRCLOTH, Jiiw’r. F- br.j.iry 1 30 6t Administratrix* Sale. / ILL be sold, at the court-house door of R»bun conn- tv, on tbe first Tuesday in April next, *n purgn twice of an order ol the honorable Inferior Court ol Frsnk li„ county .when silting as a court of ordinary, the following FRACJ JONS, to-win—one containing I53| acres, No. 114, in th* 5ili district; the other containing 58 acres. No. 115, in tlie 5U> dwirict, and both iu the said county of Rabun. Aisn, at the same time, will be sold at the court-house of F' aiklin county, one TRACT of LAND, situate on l.eathi rwood creek, adjoining Andrews and Banks, con- ; N ining two hundred aires. All the above sold as the pro>v < *y of William Jones, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs '»v»d creditors of said deceased. Terms known on the day ov sale. RACHAfiL JONES, Jldm'x February 1 39 GEORGl-v—CvT'ry county. 7 HERE AS, Rebecca Congo applies to roctor ict- ' 1 -= the estate of Jobs A- 9> ter sol AdoiihisDation on Congo, late of said countydeceased:. . These are therefore 10 citu all and singular the kindred and creditors of said fi® and appear at my fiiee, within the time prescribed nj' ^ a,v v *° **hew cause, it’ any they have, why s 1 id letters shoc'^ not b*gfanted. Given under mV band this 1st February, »^?^L guy w. smith, Feb-r.>rvfl 31 GLOBE HOTEIi, MOISEY I MONEY t! MONEV! I! In abundance in Market, owner* of Gold Mines, Plantations, sf d other 1 property. Tbe sobscriber begs leave to in form his friends and the public, that be is daily visited bj cupital- Hs whose funds are great, and who are desirous and anx ious of purchasing wfaolea or shares of proper ties—im proved oa unimproved—who wish to become pi roprietors or partners of Gold-mining Cotnpaniea—or V owld loaa AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. , T HE SUB8CRHtER, (latfc proprietor of the Globe Hotel, aod more recently of the Mansion House,J begs leave to announce to his friends and the public gen erally, that be has taken that elegant and commodious fire proof Erick Building on the corner of Broad and Jackson streets, aod immediately adjoiningthe new Masonic Hall. It is situated in the moot central part of the City, and is in the very heart of business—being in the vicinity of the Augusta Bank, and the Branch bank of the State of Gcor- gisi. This establishment is known as the GLOBE HOTEL, and in its interior arrangement and general construction, unites in an eminent degree, spaciousness, neatness, and comfort. To the man of family, the individual traveller, the daily boarder, or tbe fashiouuble visiter, the GLOBE presents accommodations inferior to noneiu the Southern Having conducted for a number of years, two among the most popular Hotels in this City, he flatters himself that his experience in business, added to the superior advanta ges of situation and the resources under his controul, will enable him to give tbe most decided satisfaction to all who inay honor him with their patronage. Eis STABLES are spacious and well ventilated, and amply supplied with the best of provender, and at*, tended by experienced and steady Ostlers—in addition to which, the subscriber will bestow his own personal un- remitting attention, and in his charge*, will not forget the pressure of the times. and invest money at reasonable interest satisfy ctorily se cured—would invest and advance their ®oney i n any way, provied they vrera secured and satisfied of 1 realizing a fair and reasonable interest for the same—th^refore thoae who wish to sell, or mortgage property; er gf t cash part ners, will do well to apply to the subscriber pA' «■•«» Re warding every necessary iniormation »T.d inslrv etior ac companied with an advance retaining office fee h' to »*• —postage in every instance to be paid. . 6 GEO. W. EVERITT, Real Estate, Broker’s, Auorney’s and General AgthCL No- 33, South-Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. FVhruarv 8 31 dt c. o. GEORGIA— t*u‘ tS‘<i .o'inty. , To ail whom it may concern. &.VT1IELEAS, L-.'-is Wood, Eexeeutor of the ext ate T v of \br»h .ni %Vood, deceased,applies to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters dismissoryon said estate: These-re tlierr-fjre to cite and admonish all and singu- lar, the kin lred and creditors of said deceased, to file their okjecti >ns (if any they have) in the clerk's office of said Court of Ordinary, on or before the first Monday iu \1 arch next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted thr applicant. Witness the Honorable John J. Taylor one of the Jus tices of said Court, ibis 6tb September 1836. JOSEPH CARRUTHEKS, Cl'ke. o. v-.« 27 51 niftm At the same time and p! *cc, a>* / be sold, O.-c nrgro MAN, by the name ■>! j*>*i>t,4jor 50 years - of tig. —levied on as tbe property of s O’N at. to a.-itit-fy t fi. fi. in favor of L. P ^Iciicy, vs John O’Ns tl and James O’Neal. K. W. HARGROVE, D. Sheriff. Ul. : itG! A —P'>ki county. HF.REAS, Sesrotns Perkins, Guardian of Mary Ann Packer, minor of John B Pucker, dec’d. applies to me for tetters of dismission. This is then fore to cite the kindred and creditors of s>iid dec'd. to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why s;iid letters of dismission should not be granted. Giv#-n under ray b;ind this 12th Noveu»b< r,1830. .t. CARRUTHF.RS r e o. ALSO—On the first Tuesday in April next, will be sold, ns above, One nrgr-t MAN, by the name ol Eliick, about thirty- fi»e years oU—levied <>n ns tiie properly of Tyre G. 1/ o~ ney, to -atisfy a mar-gage ti. fa. in favor ol Aftsitn kl. Green, vs Ty G. Duum v; prouertv pointed out in fi. fa - Feb i JOS FPU W ATTERS, Sheriff. OWISrWETT SALES. On the fir si ■ uesaoy in APh.lL, next, A T tnc court-house in the town of L.itvrenceville, Goinnett county, wiilbcsolil, the fullowing PKO- Pt.KTY, to a it: One hundred bairels Cf^RN, more or less—levied on as the pr >p-ri> of Johnson Rogers, In satisfy a fi. fa. from Gwinnett Superior Court, in favor of Patrick J. Murray, against said Rogers and John Mo^ely. Otic hundred acres of LAND, more or less, whereon j Samuel Ganders re-- des—Itvitd on as the property off said tvi. nders to satisfy a fi. fa from Gwinnett Inferior) Court in favor of John P. Winn, against Jonathan Sell i *UR months -.fter a-rtc application wilt be made %o and Saniuei Manuere, security. ( JbJ »ht* honorable me Inferior Court of Henry county, Filty ac'es of LAND, more or less, being-tlie place j lV btn 8it>in^, for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the tvht-reon John vlcDatic now resides adj'unin^ Hoiliiigj* r) >,|eji..te of James 8. Bishop, deceased, for the benefit of worth, IJoldrnan and otticre—levied on us the property of t |, e t,. ,* r8 an ,; creditors. DUDLEY BISHOP, Adru’r GE 1 »*.<Gi —Pul..rUi county. ’HEREAS, Furney F. Gatlin and Sessoros Per Uins administrators of Joseph B. Coalson,lati of said county, deceased, applies tome for letters of dismis.-i 11: This is ‘berefore to cite the kindred end creditors of sui ! dec’d to b and appear at my office, within th* time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letter* of 1 suiission should not be gianted Given undci m> hiin>t this 12th Novomber, 1830. mBm -aO EPH CARRUTHEKS, c c. o. 4 Y<HJK (Ronli.s alter date application will be made to the honor bl. th*. Co»rt of Ordinary of Habersham couotv, wh'rn sitting for ordinary purpose*, for leave to seii LOT No. 150. m the ninth district c<f Carroll county, for the ben fit o! the heirs and creditors of Mary VVilkin son’s orphans. JOSEPH DOBSON, Guardian. N tveinberl, 1«30. 19 4m * John Berry to satisfy a fi fu. from Gwinn-ii Superior Courtin favor of James Austin, ve. said Joim U rry and William Malthie, aecnrity on the stay ofexecution. One NEGItO BOY, ten or tweive years old, named Allen—levied on a« the property of Daniel H.,rri*, deceits- November 13 19 4m ^OUR m rnlhs afterdate application will be made to • he honorable the Inferior Court of Walton county, sitting far ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell the real ed, to satisfy two fi. fas. from Gwinnett Superior Court, estate, b-iloi ts the minor heirs of John Selman, late of said county, dec'** JA* d ES W. HARRIS, J(»HN H. LOWE, t£ | Guardians 4m one in favor of John Citoioe & Co and the other in favor' of Asahel R. Smith, both vs. Cliff-rd Wooiiroof, Abra ham Hart is, & Run bird Harris, executors of said Daniel Harris, deceased. 93 One hundred acres of LA^*, more or less, wbewon ! «oUR ui*Miihea«u.r date application wi=l be made to AbriKam Harris and the w.dow Hams now resides 111. Jp the hrtf|) , r(ill | e the inferior Court of Jackson ooun- ,..e u.u -* viwinnetl county levied on as the proper- i t w j ieB gjttn.l for ordinary purpose s for leave to sellthc ty of Daniel Harris, deceased, to satisfy a fi. hi. ft out brlooging ;o the estaiwof Jo*. Yarbrough, dcccas- ^ l w l nn V l *? up ; r,cr J 5 ? a / t ‘ n fl \°, r ofJ ^ c " Austin against d |ate of ^ co „ nt for t ,, e use of the hfir8 of 8aid de . ce Lscd. THOMAS J BOWFN, iCP The Charleston Stages arrive at tbe Globe H tel, every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday evening*, at o’clock, & depart every Tuesday,Thursday and.SuturdaJ morning, at half past 9. The Washington and Athens Stage, departs every Tuesday and Saturday morning, at 3 o’clock, and arrives every Wednesday and Sunday eve ning at 8 o’clock. The Elberton Stage departs every Sunday morning, at 4 o’clock, and arrives every Frida;, evening *t 6. The Pendleton Stage departs every Tues day, at 4 o’clock in the morning, uml arrives every Mon day at 2 o’clock in the evening. Tfie Millcdgcviile Stage arrives every cay except Thursday, at 7 o’clock in the eve ning, and departs every day except Wednesday, at 2 o’ clock in tbe morning. The Savannah Stage arrives eve ry Monday Wednesday and Friday, at 10 o’clock in the morning, and departs every Sunday, Tuesday and Thura day, at 2 o’clock in the morning. WILLIAM SHANNON. Augusta, Oct. I, 1829——196—tf CALL AND SEE! THE Subscriber respectfully informs bis friends and the public in general, that he ha* opened a HOI’SE of sxTsnTAmxrcsxjT in Carrollton, Garroiicounty, 6=. and flutters himself that he will give as gener a7*aW raclion ,n ll » that saay fav*w him with their patron age as an,” other Inn-Keeper in as n.'wly settled country as this—■Thoi’tffi Carroll coiialy has bet »> kept in the back ground, defame*, and shaded by reports, VW I hope h!> will soon be blown by the sun0hj ne of virtue, nur tured by the Gospel of Christ, and the instruction of arts and sciences—So call and see C. £!cCAKTY. April 24 225 tf OARDBV SE£3>. A FRESH s... piy of ihoruum's Garden Seed yvt re ceived by ' L. PERKIN A, tlilledgcvBle, Nov 13 19 TO MECHANICS. P ROPOSALS will be received by the Prudential Committee until the first Monday in April next, to rebuild the College Edifice lately burnt down, at Athens. And to the end that Mechanics may know what is re quired to be done, we invite them to an inspection of the present ruin, and to a farther communication with tbe Committee on any subject connected with the above ob ject. I11 the first place it must be understood, that the pro positions made, will not be binding, e.thiv to the proposer or the Committee, as the same Will have to be laid before a full meeting of the Board of Trustees at the t : me afore said, subject to their ratification or such alterations as they may be pleased to make. tVith this undersL&d* ing, it is requested that the proposer will state the low est sum for ivh’cb he will restore the Edifice to i*s former situation in ail respects. Then ivhat deductions will b*» made, 1st. For omitting the mantle pieces, which before were of tbe same kind of those in the old College. 2d. For changing the pannel into baton doors. 3d. For o- loilting tlie small bed rooms attached to the sitting rooms. 4th For omitting one of tbe cloaeU in the jams of the chimneys, and 5ih, what difitreitce wiil be made in the ceiling or plasVTing over head. The Edifice is expect* d to be rebuilt as strung as it was before, and in a woik- m tn-hke manner, and to this end, when ibe building is filially let, bond and approved security will be required. As the building is much wanted, Ihe shortness of lima in which it will he completed, will be a great object in deciding on propositions. Tbe payments required must also be stated. A. S. CLAYTON, JAMES N Eft BIT, A. WALKER, WM. H. JACKSON, J Fehinnrv 8 III 83 ¥1 816 88 PROPOSALS For publishing hy subscription a Jllap of that portion of Georgia note occupied by the Chtrokees. T HE subscribers would respectfully inform the public, that they intend, in addition to their New Map ol Georgia, to pubjjah as soon as tbe Sectional Surveyors rave made their returns, a large and complete Map of Ur- Cherokee country, wherein will be delineated all that can be poiuted out on a Map. Tbe Map w ill be printed on strong silk paper, and “a* richly ornamented,” as any presented to the public, with as many “gold regions as minutely described;” and d< - Itvered to subscribers for One Dollar and Toenty ti»e Cents—without any part in advance. CARLTON WELLBORN, ORANGE GREEN. February 24 34 61 Prudential Cumtatttce. 3! Clifford Woodr iuff, Vbraham Hat ris, &. Kirsbird Harris, executors of Daniel Harris, deceased, maker, and Kuns- bird Harris, indorser. Fifty barrels of CORN—levied on as the property ol Johnson Rogers, tos tisfya ti. fa. from G in-tett Inferi or courtin favor of James Gilbert, guardian, £ce. *ig iiiist said Johnson Rogers and John Anderson, Ids se curity. One gray MAKE, about 3 years old, one bay VI ARE, about 10 years old—levied on October 23 AM BROS Y\RBR0UG£I 16 | Adtu'rs 4m F .YOU K months after date application will he made to Harris, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Ga innett Inferior Court in favor of James Caldwell, against John llari*. WILLIAM BREWSTER, D. Sheriff. At the same time and place, will be sold, F.'Ht barrels CORN, more or less, and five stacks FODDER—levied on as the property of William Brown, to satisfy a ft. fa. from Gwinnett Superior Court in fuvor of Cook, Jennings, & Co. against V\ m. Brown ami Aaron Brown, security on the stay of execution. One hundred and twenty-fire acres of LAND, being the west hull oflot No. 103, in the fifth district said coun-' ty—levied on as the property of George Back-man to sat isfy a fi. fa. from Gwinnett .Superior Court in favor cf; Hlisha Winn, against said George Buekhansn. One hundred acres of LAND, part of lot No. 233, in the 5thdi«trlct euid county, whereon William Exxellnow fives, also ten acres of LaND, adjoining the same and adjoining Mm McYluliin and others—levied on as tbe properly of said William Rxzel, to satisfy a fi fu. from Gwinnett Superior Court, in favor of Jacob R. Brooks, against said William Ezzeli and Thomas Ezrdl, security on the stay of execution. Two hundred and fifty acres of LAND, more or less, in 5tb Gwinnett, >v hereon Richard McCan now lives, ad joining Conine and ol here—levied on as the property of John Vineyard, to satisfy a fi. fa. fn m Gwinnett Supsri- r Co->rt in favor of John Ellison, against David Abbot, naker, and said John Vm.« yard, indorser. WILLIAM MARTIN, D. Sheriff. when sitting f ir ordinary purposes fork-uve t * sell nil list Heal Estate of Ann Dunn, decease t, nnd sold for the ben is the property of John j , fii 0 f the heirs and creditors of said deceased. r s,..- rv m SAMUEL WINFREY, Adni’r. 4m F /tuUK month* alter Oh lion iv»ii br ma le r«. the tjon -ruble the. Inf nor Court of Walton county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for Lave 10 sell ali lands the belonging to the eslate of Z ch. Phillips late of said countv, deceased, with ‘he exc ption of the widow’s dower. ROBERT Al. ECHOLS, Adni’r. Februarv 22 33 4m F OUR months after dat* uppU'ation will be made to the Inferior Court of Baldwin county, when sitting for Ordinary pu; poses for leave to sciiiL*. Heal Estate of Theodocus Turk, deceesod. MaRY ANN TURK, Alm’x. January 15 28 5m J j30UR months after date epplication will b- ru .de to . the hononbir inferior Court of Pulaasi county, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the real and personal Estate f ftiHi/jd King, de tsed. LDP’ILET KING, Adm’r. FsbraanrlS 32 4m j&^iOUR months afte* d-uc ppi^ation will bt miJr. tu J8- tlie honorable the Inferior Court of Jones county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for Late to sell t'te real estate belonging to the minors ef B^r j mun Milner, deceased—adjoining Cbaries YV'oruau* and lh*-rs. PENKLOl’E .wILNKR, February 85th, i@3i GuotUian for tbe Motors. PROPOSALS For publishing a large atui compute M ,p of the Slate of Georgia, embracing all the Lands unthtn Hu charlend limits 1 ISSUED last year Proposals fjr publishing a new Map of our State, hut after mature rtfl-etion, I induced to decline it irl the Cherokee country should b« acquired and Surveyed. As a Bi l for surveying tlie Cherokee lands is nuw before the Legislature, and which has passed into a taw, I now present new proposals to the public, feeling the in its liberal and efficient patronage. The size of tbe ap wilt be the same as’hat published by my father, which I think suffi ciently large for a fdl and distinct representation. The style of engraving shall be eqi.ul to that of the best en graved Map of any of our si9ter states, and every .dject ihat ought to be laid down, and which is usually repr* • rented on State-Maps, will be delineated wiln mathemati cal precision & accuracy. They will he neatly varnished, c -nvassed, colored and attached to Rollers. To suit pur chasers, a suitable number of them will be enclosed in ichly ornamented covers. To assirl me in meeting the expenses of engiaving and other incidental expenses, which will un -voidably occur while preparing the original for the hands of the Engraver, I solicit those w ho sub scribe to advance what they can with convenience. Those who may b> disposed to advaoce four dollars, will rexcive it without additional charge. The coat to‘hose who ad vance two dollars, w ill be ^ve dollars; and to those, who subscribe and may nut choose to advance, six dollars to be paid down on Ihe delivery of the Maps- The sell, ng price to those who do not become subscribers, w ill be $7 per copy Those individuals who may please to extend their liberal aid by making an advance, will receive the Maps at a lower price, and shall be entitled to tbe first copies that are struck. No expense or tabor a il! lie spared to render it very accurate Hnd worthy of n liberal and ex tended patronage. Tbe Maps will be deliver*^ to sub scribers and others, within six months after tbe Reports of the District Surveyors are received and filed in the Sur veyor-General’s Office. If ihe work can be brought out earlier by the Engraver il wiil be done; but 1 am not wil ling to promis- them before ihe ttrae mentioned. I de sign to commence my Map of tne State soon after the ris-ng of the present Legislature, and will complete tbe representation of all the Territory of our State, with the exception of tha Cherokee country; and as soon as the Surveyors shall survey it and niak* their official report, 1 will finish tbe Map and place it in the hands of the En graver. I will also publish a Plan of the Cherokee Lands sepa rately, representing the counties, districts, squares and fractions, compiled from official surveys. The price of this to subscribers viil be three dollars, and if they will advance one dollar, they shall be entitled to receive it on payment of an additional dollar. To non-subscribers, it will be sold at four dollars. This will appear about four months after the surrey is made. The engraving of this will be neat and plain. I assure the public that (he Maps *v ill be prepared at the lime mentioned, and that expectation will not be disappointed. BENJAMIN H. STURGF.S. Milledgeville,Dcc.25, 1830 25 4m MOTILE. D EBTORS to the e«t>te of John Joiner, late of Hen ry aounty, deceased, arc required to make unme- dtau payment; and those to ..-horn -he estate is indebted, will render in their accounts agreeable ‘o law. LYTHA JOINER ) .. , > Adm’rs. » fit January 2$ WGOUWARD JOINER, FKOPOWALS S7 SUUKADVKB S. SXJVDS, For publishing, in the lawn of Macon, a weekly ttcspd- paittr, to be called SLADES Agricultural and Mercantile Intelligencer. M V recent relinquishment of a participation in ttiA editorial Isb-.i a of an old and welt establibhed jour nal, wouid seem to require bulfew preliminary remark*, in tin-proposed undertaking, were it nut, that they uie usually demanded by public expectation, and sanctioned by cu£>loiu. As there is no good reason nl.y this “time- honored ubsei vancc”should be disrigurded in ihe present instance, 1 shall submit an epitome of my principles, ami the course which shall be observed iu conducting a m »r journal. The object of the proposed publication beir.-g purely what its title implies, supercedes tlie necessity tf that political commentary, which the doctrines of the day have usually ueinandcd; yet, as my former professions are held with unabated atiacbment, and there being no neutral ground, in the conflicting and varied scitiitutnu, w btcb daily arise, as to both men and m* asures—it lot- low?, that I should not only make an exposition of my po litical tenets, but also, that they should he boldly set lot tb, inti feurtesaiy uefended. J have ever indulged an aideiit devotion to Hepubiicunisnt, us the term was undersiocd by its advociles in ’99—a sacred regard to the let- ler and .'7'h'it of tbe Constitution, and u determined and fixed hostility to tO v thing like constructive ur implicit tMwers—an extension 0* equal justice to ali parties—that *?l powe r is inherent in a.X! derived from ibe people, as the original source and ul inaJ'te t>ibunai—the independ ence and distinct sovereignty ot'tho 8 tales, and their con federacy as a Union, under a government limited and ac tually defined in its powers. Ttuve art- tb* prominent articles of my political faith, aod beiic.'itig iu their euricct- 11-83, sh ill a hide hy them ■ n every trla'» Among the many topics of deep inures* lhat agitate the neopie of ali classes, ts the exercise of nnw-Vramubie go vernmental influence un tlie industry and resc^i'ces ol the country, and Utc unconstitutionalexpenditure *'f the pub lic treasure to objects of internal improvement--^meas- ure-s too frequently destitute ef geucral ocnefi , and »H:en- tinies marked by d spirit of partiaiitv, seifisi.-ness and in justice. It would be criminal for one “seated on the' wateb-tower,” and in the exercise cf the duties wb>4l belong to the Press, to observe, with callous iudiff rcuce, the causes which have produced, and the cfir.cts which have resulted from the hitttud>nary construction of tha C-vfis’-itutidn- 'J’lje dangerous consequences which may ensue, arc already indicated, by the excited feelings ol the country. I ant deeply impressed that wrong has been done, un*! evil toler tied—y« t, with a spirit of lot heat once, it would be better for the oppressed to bear their evils whilst they are tolerable, than ’'fly to those they know ,toi of.” Tne presant is an ora in the history of our government, distinguished for improvement. Tbe lover of bis coun try beholds it on its ‘'return inarch” to its original purity and principles. Already has the distinguished head of the government, said—"The successful operation of tho federal system can only be preserved by confining it to Uie f-w and Simple, but yet important objects for which it waa designed. This is a gnat auiee, that the purpose of the nr* s< nt Executive of the Union nod his supporters, is an *-fl rt to restore the Constitution to its original healthy and unimpaired condition. 1 am happy to accord with he Administration and its friends in the wise and well directed course which is pursued by them. The time was, when to dissent from the measures of any of the prominent parties of our state, by mu attach ment to nny of the other*, or to their then distinguished organs, implied a hostility and acrimony which frequent ly hail no hounds, and rendered “ a isdom, Justice a'x-d Moderation,” an empty an absurd profession. Th* times aod circumstances have now become more congenial to belter feelings; the perplexing difficulties which have sur rounded us—those emanating abroad, and fostered at home, h-ve subsided, with tho acknowlcdgi-mcnt of our righis, tbe successful accomplishment of nearly all tbe uds which we have contended fur. I can review my past course in relation to stale aff *irs, with cheering ap probation; my future efforts will be intimately connected with the past; and it is hoped, without offence to an ad verse party. The writer does not believe in the infalli bility of man, nor in Heir perfection as a party; it wiil therefore be my endeavor to support worthy nsen, ini approve such orthodox measures as may emanate from genuine patriotism and unadulterated Republicanism-:- such measures a* wiil best answer the enes of our free government, and of our Slate’s interest:—suet; men as will "deftiKl the rights of the People, tbe Hover* ignly of the States., and the Constitutional authority of the Unicn, against nil encroachments.” It shall be my studious endeavor, to render the ‘‘/nfeL ligenctr u an Agricultural and Mercantile vehicle:-^ to efii ct it, I shall hasten to possess myself of all tbe necessary materials which these ample subjtc s fur nish, te unfold every species of information which will he thought to instruct, to interest, and to please. It ie believed, that the mutual conjunction of interest, between the merchant and planter, cannot fail to render accepta ble to one. whatever may benefit the oiher. My eflortt shall be used to procure the earliest and most useful mer cantile information, and lay it before Ihe public; and it will be my desire to go into Rural Yffiirs, audgarntr the choicest and best oft* rings ftir my Agricultural readers- _ TERMS. The Intelligencer will be commenced on the first of March, should the materials reach here by that time. It will be printed on the largest and best imperial paper, (a larger size than any other paper in Georgia,) on a new and elegant type, and with a new Press. It will be pub lished weekly, at Three Dollars per annum, if paid within the first three months after subscribing, or Four Dollars afterwards. Advertisements inserted at customary rates, MARMADUKE J. SLADE. Macon, Jan 1. 1831 27 gJLANKS f iill descriptions, printed, to order w«*fc osatnet* and despatch.