The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, March 15, 1831, Image 4

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V/^i XaTOikf SA^E3. 6. the first i utsdoy in APillL next. EFORE th« court-house door in the town of Mon roe, W ikon county, will be sold, between tlm usual fuors uf , the following PHOPtK 1 i to wit: One hundred and acres of LANl>, it being fart of lot No. 10, in the fourth district of said county, adjoining Arnold ami others; also two hundred ant! iift> aer.-.s, it being lot No <50. in the tldrd dis'rict oi sr»id co jiity, wheroo Thomas it. Mitchell now lives, and Cla ry, a girl about 17 years id age; also the HOUSE and LOT whereon Col. Sa«no< \ Jackson formerly lived in tn«* town of Monroe; one-Hundred jaitd seventy-five acresof LAND, whereon the widow Wood now lives, n being part ,f lot No. 37, in the third district of sain county, with the esc ptionof the widow’s dower; a half acre LO on me commons of Monroe, vvi-h a good tiin-Hous>, -** 11 al * running Gear; also four IS E<JivOi-.S, Jioi a man a -<"1 45 ... ars of age, liailcy 20, Jeff iG, John 12 >c ar8 °* ! S —r<<I I vied on iS the property of Jesse oucuell, tjginu .lease Vliiclndt, jr und Samuel Jackson, scuritics c. itiomus it. ditehi li, administrator of 'iatbew Vlildieli, dec; used; ail levied onto satisfy a » fa. in favor ot Ben ;ruin S. Ogletrce, administrator de boms non of Mathew Mitchell, deceased, vs. Thomas It. Mitchell and others; property pointed out bv defendants. Ona WAGON and four HORSES, and four pair of GEAR—lewed on as the propelty of Samuel Jackson, to shIiMv two fi. fas. one in favor of Edward Paine and Jep- th . V". Harris, udin’f &c. he other in favor id redware. ;■ no, vp. Samuel Jackson, Cuilen Lockett, Fienunin j Jour I m and Sarah Cox, executors of Jesse Cox, d c’d. A lain, a fellow, thiity-iivc years of age levied on as t!ic o ' pertv of Samuel Jackson, to satisiy a fi. la. m fu- Vm -f.leaning & Cook. vs. said Jackson. Two Hundred and fifty acres of LA -D, lot No. 149, in lit fourth district <.f said county—levied on as the pr<>- pert, of Lucius li-seves, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of J. JJr uiiiaui & Williams, vs. said Reev> s. i) n iiucircd and twenty-five acics of LAND, being , •he west half of lot No. 68, in tire lourlh drilrici of s..n( Co .lit*—levied on as ih*’ property oi John P m-r, to sit i*,’y i fi. fi. in Pivot of James Oil', vs said Palmer; levy rn ,il- *nu returned to in*- bv a constable. O ie bay MARE, ab ;ut six ve rs old—Jc icd on ns the pnnerty of James O’Neal, to "satisfy » fi. fi. in favur of Jam s Oi r, vs said O’Neal; property pointed out by the del iiduut, Three : o.m4 lutes of COTTON -levied on as the nro- pert of vf irfan Cleveland, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fuvor of iona Dawson. <or ihe os of William Wood, vs. said Cleveland: property pointed out by d- f udant. 0/U >N STROUD, Sheriff. PUZASXX SAZ.ES. On the first Tuesday in AT OIL next, TILL be sold, at the court house in ta«c,cl ford, Pulaski county, between the usual hours oi sale, the following PROPERTY, to-wit: Five hundred and five acres of oak and hickory LA^ U, lying on Rocky creek, being two lots of iand John J. Hodges now lives and cultivates, ““JfV. known, lying in the twenty-second district of vv i.iun n <w Pulaski county—levied on as the property t> * Hodges, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court in favor of Amos Brown, bearer, vs John J. «“«**"• . . Two hundred two and a hall acres of pine LAi » » a good GRIST MILL thereon, lying in the 4ihoutr«ct oi Dooly now Pulaski county, number not known levie as the property of Willis Cason, to sal,s f 1 iMri-ih U fivrn Dooi.r Superior Court in t,vor oi Z .clicnah U. fuiner, vs' Willis Cason, and Whifehouse Cason anu Thomas Coleman,-rcuries on appeal. ALEX \NDEU DENNARD, Sheriff- Will he sold as above, Two hundred two and a half a> r.-s (more or !® ss ) oa ^ and hickory LAND, the number not known, in the twen ty first district formerly Wilkinson now Pumski county, whereon Epp» Wallace now lives, and one negro KUX named Dennis, about twelve years of age—levied on as the propeity of Epps Wallace, to satisfy sundry fi Us. in favor of Brown & Lanier, vs said Wallace, fus. vs said v * al» HABERSHAM SALE5. On die ursl Tuesday iu APRIL next, W ILL be sold, before the court-house dour, in the town of CHrkesville, Habersham county, with in the lawful hours of s “ic* ‘-he following PROPER! Y, (lo-nil:) , . LOT No. 141, in the third district cf said ebunty—le vied onus the property of David Lewis, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favor of Alfred G. Vickry, assignee, vs John Williams and David Lewis, principal, and Loury Williams and John Hefner, security on appeal. Two hundred and Ihirly-one acres of LAND, more or less, granted to B«y und adjoining land of Watters and others inlaid county—levied un as the property of John \\ aruiack, to satisfy J fi- fa. iu favor of William Reel for the use of Stanford &. Mitcbeli, vs John Wartnack, ma ker, and Ralph Banks, indorser, und Darius Echols, secu- rity. " • LOT No. 75, in the tenth district of said county—levi ed on as the property of Ailen Perry, to satisfy a li. fa. in favor of Abijak Williams by his next friend, &c. Elizabeth Williams, vs said Allen Perry. LOT No. 117, in the 13th di-trict of said county—levi ed on as the property of John O. Jordon, to satisfy a fi fa. iu favor of John R. Stanford, and others vs. said Jor don. . _ Two b y HORSES—levied on «6 the property of Ro bert Wcs'inorelrind, to satUfy a fi. fa. in favor ot Elisha Carson, vs said Westmoreland. LOT No. 80, in the eleventh district of said county— At the same time and place wil: be sold. On* third -n't if LOT Nj. 3^9, in toe 5th district of Walton county—levied «u as the property ol f >*•'** S „• h oy va ie of a moilgage fi. fa. issu-d out oi tin- Super.’.:- Cour: of s.d i Ct-u.ry ir. f.-.v«n of Soioinon&.Grif fin. vs sail uarit t; propei ty pointe r oat in the anrlguge fi. t\. One hundred and fifty acres of LAND, in the second dUi.iet fs.i icjunU, ulieieun4I f ftilant uow lives uL beds and 2 oedsteads, end (lrnilure, 6 ^ >Uom chairs, Strunks, one set of knives ami forks, <.ne set of cups 11 saucers one loiuf plates anu dishes— ali levied on as the nroperl* of Thomas ). Farrar, to . tisfy » «■ f* >/• of JutiaP. Force, vsThomrs i. Farra., W till mD iuiell, Juhn L. Anderson and Beoj uum Kenrie..; propeiiypv.ini ed out by T. J. Farrar. , Turee NfiGROEo: Dive a tet?- : w about thirty-five venro of age, Leeih tw, my-two of ->gt and tat. ch-td about months old—II levied un os in propert;. pf lames Bel', to aatiafy'tw.. fi las. one iu 1 »v.,r ft hotn- pi vV. Hams am! the ulln.r ui fav.r uf Wiiham vl. Beil, ts aines Ucil,jr -.'id James Bell One FlUOTtON, N *. 5d, on ih** -outh ucst side of iht Vooalsedy l ivei' in 'ho county ui »\ niton, containing one aund e<l un i nineteen acres more ur less, ivlitr on William I. D-to.s now liv e; also one black horse, about 8 ye irs oli, one ox cart a ml yoke of oxen, sixteen head horned cattle, twenty head of hogs, two beds and l>c<i- ele.Js md furniture, and one bureau—levied on h»ihc property of Wiiham J Davis, to satisfy a fi fa. in favor of ijtmin Cy!li';r. Also, sixty-one and a half acres LAND, being one fourth of lot N •• 1*1, «« the first district Walton emm- t>,e property of C"Z rtn^ vicHrnv, let i. f on bj virtue of a mortgage fi. f - is-ued out uf (iic^ Superior Cu trtof Waluin county, ia fivur of Samuel Catiin, is. said vlcGi .»v; property pointed out iu mori One half of LOT No. 67, in tn- 3 i di ' V imberly, is said W allace, and otlv r fi fas. vs said at- | ev j e ^ 0I , ag jj ic property of Monoali Hubbcrd to satisfy a Lc-'j levied on and returned to me by a constable.-— fi fa f r ma m -gisir;.tt’8 court, in favor of Robert Hicks, Thus cash. JAMES 11. WARREN, D Sh B an j sundry other fi. fas.; levy made and relumed tome Fr .riiary 1 2Jsvrvojsr saXi - s. On the first Tuesday in APHIL next, \ \r ILL i.e said, V T town of Covington, Newton count’, usual hours of sale, the following PROPER l \ , to One hundred acres of L AND, inure or ie-s, whereon Scahron J. Clack and Gibson Duke now resides, known is the place whereon McDoivs’ stare house stands, on the waters ot Sumb river—levied on as the property of jc.ibron J. Clack; and one hundred acres, more or Las, In reon John A R wvel now resides, on the waters of Honey creek, adjoining Huron and ot'n r s —levied on as lie property of J\.iiu A Rowel, to satisfy fi fa. in t Vur •jf Aiifitin H. Greene, vs ae.bion J. t/.acb and John A. Rowel. Four hundred am! fifteen acres of LAN P nv*re or less, or so in.*ch thereof ,‘S tit s in the county «*f Newton, known as lots No. 1*29, 150ami part of I 1 *57 in Ih 19th dis trict of originally Baldwin now Newton c -uuiy. on the waters of alioal creek, adjoining D rn ;il and ntheis— |ivied on s the p.ep ity of William tc v.urray, t<> satis Jy a fi. fa. from Morgan I O'crior court iu fvvor of Job; t>. Reese, vs -.Villiam Mc.Vloriay, und oth rs vs. said Me Vlurnv; pointed am by plaintiffs attorney. Five hundred .'C'es of LAND, mure or less,known as !ots No. 387 -.nd 39G in the sixteenth district ol original ly Henry now Neivton count}, m; V*:'!oiv river,adjoining Pace and others, end the lot or tract of L AN D, whercoe Ftirr fi. Tiumiucl! now resides, adj .iiiing laii i- <’f Sparks and .titers on the V".itv-ifc of Yellow river—all 'evied on as the property itiu ll 'iVamniell, t<» sui.-fy two fi - fas. in favor f S-aburn Jniu-«, vs F. II. T tir oiell. o.. tranimt ana nnv ncus or lvu u, n>urc orlei.?, whereon Levi Wbiltun i.ew i.vce, on the iviicrs cf G .tu cr«:ck -11 vied on up hi-* p ' p.'rl} (■. ?ati<f) a fi. fa. tu la vur -f A. S. B-nueC, & Co. vs Levi Hhitiun. Oimg.av Sl'Ut) Hdlt'K, about four >eats aid, one nuted BRGDD HAltE .b-.-it seven y> ars, o’d by the name of Fanny Hdl, • i-.d two ivig-; so. ic bunt .-ev^n vears oh!—it vi* 0 by act.nsfable. LOT No. 67, in the tenth district of said county-levi ed on as the property uf .iatnex Russell, to satisfy two fi. fas. in favor ol the offices of Court, vs Alien Ball atm , - . , • *»,„! James Uas.-ell.. bclorc tne court-house door^ »n the L0 -p. No> j, 2> ; R lhe e j e venth district of said county; • e ween • , levied on j^s the property of Janies Ramsay, to patity two ! ' 1 fi. f.s. from a magistrate’s court of Jackson county, in faFoi cf Jo'.in Border, va Ramsey; levy made ami returned to me by a conslabie. One LOT of LAND, number unknown in the 13th dis trict of said county, adjoining land of William L. Smith and others, on Tanier creek—levied on as ike property of Samml A. Shelley, tu satisfy a fi. fa. in fivur of Samuel Maverick for the use ol John T. Humphries, vs Aaron Shelley and Samuel A. Sherlcy. LOT No. 91. in the thirteenth district of saidconnlv — 1 vied on as iht. property of Thomas Bryan, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor -,-f iL.h rt Smith, vs Thomas Btyiui and Wil liam Duoly, tecuii'y, and suiuLy other fi. fas. against said Brvan- LOT No 65, in the tenth district of said county—le vied un ns the properly of Joseph Hancock, to satisfy a fi fa from Wilki s Superior Court, in favor cf Reuben Echols, vs said Hancock. LOT No. 9, iu the town cf C!arkpsvi!!r—levied on as the property of Joint Vtndike, to satisfy t fi. fa. in favor O-I 1KMISK 11 as the property of Henry 9. ir. my nands in favor oi Z ichcry, a d otners vc. ii ■ S.y ;e d. fondant. i< 1 r K -is whereon Will- south-cast c >r,ier of •ct of origii ally H n- he propt ■ ty cf ii- gag<- fi. 11. • Irict of s. 'as. y,.to-a : ; y a undry f* I t. Bites, f u the n-e ot i ilen > C isey ; pr ’Bi-ri) pm- Ttiirteer, ere? of LA N D, no -1 i ivn Gunutls now r.-aidts, heo g to lot ->fland N • 259, 't' 16th -;at rv now NV>t m couidv— levied m lium Gunnels, to satisfy a li- f- i Camp, vs WiBi.ra Gunnels; i a constable. Seventy acres of LAND, more or !o.- $. adj lining ! inds •if Gay and jMil’ine 1 , near sh Jasper line leviuJ on as ih p r n'ipr>y of F tunv Duigi* r, to saiisiv three fi fas. in favor of William Askew, vs F nny Dingier ami i'ho r>a? Dingier; p-iirted out by plain';iff, levy ei.ide and reamed by a constable. JOSEPH WATTERS Sheriff of William M. Bnwland, vs John Vaiidike, principal, Eh Huivcf ..nd Ab alom Bishop, securities, and other fi. fas va sMd Vandiko. One bay HOUSE—levied on as the property of James A Bin i d, to sat<?ty a subnaeua fi fix- in lavor of Jacob Htrndon, and uthcr vssuid B. ard. A. M vULDIN, D. Sheritf. T.'ioaas to taiisfv one vs John Clack and Br<>wn. i'D jnty—as the property ot 1 tif>ta fi. fa. in favor of Samuel McJutikm Thomas CLck; the land adjoins Stoke* ui Out- Ir. of LAND, No. 85, i-i the 3J distr.ct » id eoun- ty—levied on U satisfy a fi. fa. iu favor .if -he State of 0 urgia, v» Benjamin Fuller; levied op as the property tf said luhcr. T MORROW, D. Sheuff. At the same time and phtee. witl he sold, O.-'P negro MAN, by the 11 inn •! John, 45 u 50years of ugr—levird nn a? tee property ol l.inns O’ to •d | satisfy a fi. fa. in favor ofL. P. McEey, vs I dm O’Neal ALSO—Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at the same place, Clary, about 20 years of ag., V : <ey 19, ud Alfr< d 13 years of age—all levied on as the property of Jesse Mitch ell, sen and Jessa Mitchell, jr to satisfy u fi. fa. ot. the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor ot Stephens I humus, said Mitchell’s; properly pointed out in s ;iU murt- ORION STROUD, sheriff 30 vs gage fi fi. Fehr mry I EJMLILNUBL, 3AXsSS. On the first l uesday in nl TlL» next, A t the court-nouse in Su a.nsboro’, Emanuel county, •ety/e -n the h-ui'I irours oi sale, mil be sold, ti.e fad oaring PROPERTY, to wit: Five LOTS 111 Swainsboro’, knoWn by Nos. 1, G, 7, 8 i 9- a.i?o one tract of LAND, containing six hun- (jrr': ’re.<, "ranted to Jam s Huesc, adjoining lands ol Wiiitaiu Hicks; also one negro MAN, name; Anthony, about thirty-five year- old—Ll levied oim the prop- ity of John R Dinieti, t<» sa i-fy sundry fi fis. issued from 0 Justices Court in favor of Elmer Heiidly, and others vs. said D tnisll; levied on the 17th lanuary 1931. HENRY DURDEN D Shenfl and Jaiucs O’Neal. POSTPONED SALE At the same time and place, votll be sold.. LOT No 22, in the 2d District *»f Habersham county —levied on as the property of Abrabain Petlijuhn, to sat- i-t\ tv.o fi. fas. one in f.uor of Ed.vard Adcock, vs said Te and Jut! Stephens, the oil. r in favor of iluivn- irec & Hill, vs Jr ??e Dodd and said Pctlijohn. Two NEGROES: ilowiH .1 f llow, and Silre a wo man, and one sorrel MAKE, one pide HORSE, and one gray HORSE—all levied on to satisfy two fi. fas. o .e in •avor of Santa?! A- Wales, attorney for A. Koe, respond ent, vs Aduiu PiUier, principal appellant, John Williams ;nd James Hudgins, seenriti- s on apjiea!; the other in ! favor of Samuel A. Wales, a ttfrnej fur Fredemk Stl- . favor of Robe it B. j lock, respondent, vs. Adam P*iucr, principal appealant, iiadc und returned by j John Hefner and Kliu Tiuincll.secun'iefi Gii appeal. LOT No. 1, in the lOt:i distuct of tiabershaui conn- •y—fe.itd onus the property cf John Vandike, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Jani£9 Brannon and others vs said Vandik*. LOT No. 66 in the^lh district of Habersham county —Jcvi on a* .lie property »-f Jonathan Oxford, to satis fy i. fi i i. ii. fiivpi of John Armstrong, vs said Oxford. ! .**T N". i67, in the 3d district of Habyrshajti county — I vied on a?l!;e p'epeity of Mathew Arthur, to satisfy u fi fa. in fivur of Lucretid Ail* n, vs said Arthur. LOT No. 17, in the *2d district of Habtrsham county —!• vi, d cm as the property of Gabriel Hughs, to satisfy . fi. i'n in favor of Adam Winningham, »s Gabriel Hughs and Joseph Hughs A. MAULDIN, D. Sb’ff. K W. HARGROVE, D Sheuff. ALSO—On the first Tuesday in April next, reili be sold, os above, »n? negro MAN by the name ot Eilu k about thirty five years old—I- vRd <'n ns the property o: Tyre G Dab ney, to-utisfy a mortgage fi. fi. in fpxor oi Ausiiu J' Grem, vs Tyre G Dabney; pr >ni rl> ponded out in fi. f Feb 1 JOSEPH W ATTi RS, Siierifl A 1 GWINH2TT SALEi. Onihejirsi Tuesday in APRIL next, T the court-house in the town of Leivrcnceville, XSL G-vinnett county, willbceold, tiie fuiiowiug PRO- Pi-.KTY, to n ir: Onehuiidrtd bairels CORN, more or 1->«8—levied cn as the properly of Johnson Rogers, to satisfy a ii. fa. from Gwinnett Superior Court, in tuvur of Futnck J. Murray, ug.uiiit said Rogtie ami John vio.-ely. One hundred acres of L AND, more,or less, whereon S-mue! Maimers res .'es— uvitd on as the p r optitj of said Menders to satisD a fi. fa from Gwinnett Inferior Court in favor of John 1* tVmn, against Jonathan Sell and Samuel Manders, security. Fitly acres of LAND, more or less, being the place whereon John McDv r now resides adjoining lioili gs worth, llotdinan and oth rs—levied on as the property - i Jolni Berry to satisfy n fi fa from Gwinnett Sup ti 1 Court in f.vof of James Austin, vs. said loan B rry auu ‘•Villiam vlaltbic, security on the stay of xeculiou. One NEGRO BOY, ten or twelve years ol-i, named illen — levied oil a* the property of Daniel ILiiris, uece.-s* cd, to s 1. ti: I * two fi. las. from Gwiunet* Superior Court, one in fuvur cf loliii Ciioice &. Co au-l the in ’fiv-ir of vgaiiel R S.uiUi, both vs. Clifford l Voodrool, Abra ham riariis, £i Rau-bird Harris, executors of said Daniel Harris, aic-atco. One hun ared acres of LAND, more or J* ss, whereon Abra-.nin Harris and the widow Ha.ris 11.-w resides i-: t ic6tn distriMGwiutu Ucounty—!< vied e-n is the proper- tv of Daniel Horns, deceased, t - si-iafy a fi. fa. from Gwiimett Superior Court iu favor ofJame- Aastin, against Clifl'jrd Woodrooff, Abraham liairis, Sl R u sbiid Hurris, Also two hundred acres ef LAND, granted to Barn- | executors of Daniel Harris, deceased, maker, mid Rans- hill - Ijoining Vineyard—levied on as the property of j bird .arris, indurser rRANKLIN SAi-Bo. On the first Tuesday in .iPi-lLt next, B EFORE the court-house dour 111 Curue»viiie,Fr«nk- in county, uetween tlie usual hours of sale, will be Ba t the following PROPERTY, to v. it: f.vo N EG ROE ■*: one. a -oman and the other a fel low ibout ihir v years old—levied on «« ti.c property of Hiz’ikiali Gray, j satisfy n fi fa. in favor of James J. Mo <re, and s ndry small fi. fas Iroiu a justices couit pg iiust said Gray. Jes? ' Leg and, sen. to satisfy a li. fa. in favor of John Levers: levy made and returned to me by a constable. * J H. TONEY, Sheriff. At the same time and place will be sold; Eighty two acres of L v ND. more or less, as the pro- l^riy „f mini Fulbrighi, to satisfy three fi. fas. from a Justices’ court, in favor of Royal Bryan, vs. said Ful- lirivhi.* levy made and returned to me by n constable. • ’ C W. BOND, D. Sheriff. Also will be sold as above, Fifty one acres of LAND, adj lining tones on the wa tci-s <d Inui"** creek—levied on as the property of Wili- i m F Blown bs virtue of n fi fa. against him fi«ui a Jus te court in lavor of Ely Wood for tiie us. of Jesse |i> r • >k; levy made and returned to me by a const ibl>;. £)ne odd M r AGON—levied on as the property of Cri*.- Seweil to satisfy u ti fa. iu favor of John M. B 1- ker for tiie use of »arii Vaughn; properly pointed out by X v Hammond. U. A. JONES, D Sh'ff February 8 -H Administrator’s Sale. V 17 ILL be s id, at the late residence oi John Brown, W late of Henry county, deceased, 011 Friday, the lBiiidav of Mnrch next, all the PERISHABLE PROPERTY of said IrctH? U -coiisisung of Horses, Cattle, Hoga, Sheep, Corn and Fonder, Household and Kitchen Furni ture, and sundry other amclcs too mention— Re!' for tiie bt-ntfi. <■( the lit irs and creditors ol said do ceased Terms mad: know n on the day of sale —to con tinue trm» Jay to day until alt is sold. JOHN 1\ DODSON, Adm'r. February 8 dl CX Fifty barrels of CORN—levied on as the property of John-on Bog- rs, tos’tisfya fi. fa. from G .uinett Ini • 1- or courtin savor of James Gilbert, guardian, agun?. said Johnson Rug- rsand John Aflderson, iiis a- curity. One gray MARE, about 3 years o!J, one bay M ARE, abo ji 10 years old—levied on as the property of John Harris, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Gninnctt Inferior Court in fa vur of James CaMv ell, against John Haris. WILLIAM BREWSTER, D Sheriff. At the same time und place, will be sold, Forty barrels CORN, more or less, and Ji»e slacks FODDER—levied cnastbe property of William Brown, to satisfy .1 fi. f;< from Gwinnett Superior Court in favoi of Cook, Jennings, & Co. ugaii sl i\ m Brown and Aaron Brown, security un the stay of execution. One hundred and twenty-five acres of LAND, being • tie west half ofloi No. 103, in the fifth district said coun ty—levied on as the property of George Buchanan to sat isfy a fi. ia. from Gwinnett Superior Court in favor of Elisha Wimi again* said George B iekhanan. One hu dred acres of LAND, p.*ri of lot No. 233, in the 5th district said county, whereon William L- zzell now l.ves, also mn acres of L-iND, adjoining ike same and adjoining luhu Me'vJuliin and others—levied oiftia the properly of said William Ezz l, to satisfy a li. fa, from Gwinnett Superior Court, iri favor of Jacob R. Brooks, against said William Ezzeil and Thomas Ezz.-ll, security on the stay or execution. Two hundred and fifty acres of LAND, more or less, in 5lh Gwinnett, v hereon ltich’>d McCan now lives, ad joining Canine and others—levied on as the property of John Vineyard, to satisfy a fi. fa. fnm Gwinnett Superi or Court in favor of John Ellison, against David Abbot maker, and said John Vineyard, indorser. 3 WILLIAM MARTIN, D. Sheriff, OWi»NSTT SA2.E3. On the first Tuesday m AT'KIL. next, \AJ ILL ' e sold, in tiie town of Lawrencevilie, Gwin> V v county, between the usual hours, the follow ing PROPERTY, tu mt: Fw i hundred and fifty acres oi UND, being lot No- • 33. in the 6th district Gwinnett—levied on as the pro p ity ol Thomas vlatin , to satisfy « fi. fa. from Gwin nett Superior Court in favor of W illiam Toney, against said Thomas Mathis. One negro WOMAN named Amy, about lorty-fiv years o'd - levied on as tue propeny f James White, t satisfy a fi. fa. from Gwinnett Sr-pcu.u Coui : . in favor of 'litlicw Mu Right, against l-mes While and Richard Goode. THOMAS WORTHY, Sheriff February 1 30 Administratrix’ Sale. % \f ILL b. 1 s i'A, al the cuui t-lumsedoor of R buu coun- » f ty, on the lirM I'uosJay iir Aj>ril next, in pursu ance of an order of tiie honurabl- Inferior Couitul Frank- iin county,when sifting asacoml of ordinary, ihefoilowibg FR.AC ilONS, to-Wil:—one containing i53^ acres, No. (14, .ii ! iK 5th disiriet; the otiiH containing 58 acres. No. 115, in the 5tb disiriet, and both 111 tin: £aiu county of hab ,n. Msu, ^t the same time, will be sold at the court-house ■if Franklin county, one TRACT ol LAND., situate or. Lealherwood creek, adjoining Andrews and Batiks, con laming two hundred ares. Alt the above soil! .is the properly of William Julies, deceused, for the hem-fit cf the in'its and creditors of said deceased. Terms known on the day of sale. RACHAEL JONES, JtdnVx Fcbruaiy I 30 9( GEORGIA — D !y c.»unty. • HEREAS Enoch Shiver applies to me for leiteri. of £dmmistralion on the estate of James Siuvtr, -enior, late of Dooly county, deceased: Hi*scare therefore to cite and admonish, all the kin dred a lid creditors of '.aid deceased, to be and appear at mv office, within the lime prescribed uy law, to shew cause, if any lliey have, why said let . rs should md b granted. Given under my hand this 26ih F bruary, ls»l. 35 5t .THOMAS II. KEY, c. c o. SjNvJUR montiis alter ‘Ute applies tic. n wiii be made to a. the hononbli the Court of Ordinary of Habersham county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to * >1 LOT No. t50, in the ninth district of Carroll county, I'o-' ihe ben- tit ot lhe* heirs and creditors of .Mary Wilkii:- son’sorphans. JOSEPH DOBSON, Guardian. Noveupi, r 1, 1830. 19 4m * )UR months ..Her date application will be made to the bon-n'abie tiie Iidcrior Court of Henry county, when Sitrin 10: ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the realestate ul James S. Bishop, deceased, for the benefit of the In irs and creditors. DUDLEY BISHOP, Adia’r. November 13 19 4m F OUR m.Miti.s after date application will be made to ihe honorable the I.if rior Court of Walton county, sitting fur ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate, belonging t a the minor heirs of John Selman, late of saidcouatyr, deceased. JAMES tV. IIAfJRlS, | Guardians. PROPOSALS B7 UAuHIIADaKfi J. SlaS.BE, Tor publishing, in the town oj cuacon, a weekly J\ewspa- paptr, to be coiled SLADE’S Agricultural and Aiercantile Intelligencer. JY recent relinquishment of a participation m the B editorial labors ol an old and well established jour nal, would seeui to require butfew preliminary remarks, In the proposed undertaking, were it not, that they are usually demanded by public expectation, and sanctioned by custom. As there is no good reason why this ‘‘time- honored observance”should be disregarded in the prestn: instance, I shall submit an epitome of uiy principles, auu tiie course which shall be observed in conducting a new journal. The object of the proposer! publication ^being purely what its title implies, supercedes the necessity ol that political commentary, which the doctrines of the day, have usually demanded; yet, as my former professions are held with unabated attachment, and there being no neutral ground, in the conflicting and varied senlimtfcts, which daily arise, as to both (m u and in asurcs—it fol lows, .ihui 1 should not only make an exposition oJ nay po litical tenets, but also, that they should be holuiy set ro, tb, und fearlessly uefended. I have ever induigeu an aidtni devotion to Republicanism, as the term was understood by its advocates in ’93—a sacred regard to the let ter and spirit ol lhe Constitution, and a determined and fixed hostility to every thing like constructive or implied powers—an extension of equaljusticc to ail parlies—that all power is inherent in auu tierivcu fiom lhe people, as the original source and ultimate tribunal—the nut-.penit ence ana distinct sovereignty of 1 he Slates, and their con federacy as.a Uuion, uodcra government limiter and ac tually definvYl in its powers. These arc ib* prominent articles of uiy political faith, and believing in their correct ness, sh ril abide by them in every trial. Among the many topics of deep n^cresl that agitate the people of all classes, is the exercise of unwarrantable go vernmental influence un the industry and resources of tin country, and the unconstitutional expenditure of the pub lie treasure to objects of internal Improvement—meas ures too frequently destitute of general ocnc-fit, and often times mat'ed by a spirit of partiality, selfishness and i»- jusiice. It would be criminal ior one ‘‘seated on the watch-tower,” and in the exercise cf the duties which belong to the Press, to observe, with callous indifference, the causes which have produced, and the eilccts which have resulted from the iatiiudibary construction oi the Constitution. The dangerous consequences which may ensue, are already indicawd, by the excited feelings of the country. I am deeply impressed that wrong has been don-. and evil tolerated—yet, with a spirit offorbearauce, it would be better for the’ oppressed to bear their evils whilst they are tolerable, thuu “fly to those they know not of.” The present is an era in the history of our government, •Ji*ii::g'iishcd fo.* improvement The lover of Li3 coun- irv beholds it on its ‘"return niaref” to its original purity and principles. Already has the distinguished lieail of the government, said—“The successful operation of the federal system can only be preserved by confining it to the few and simple, but yet important objects for which it was designed. This is a, that the purpose of the" present Executive of the Union and his supporters, is an effort to restore the Consritulion to its original healthy :ld.) uni>u|.uir-j.i coiuHitou. lam happy to accord wiili :he Administration and its friends iu the wise and well directed course which is pursued b> thorn. The time was, when to dissent from lire measures oi uiy of the prominent parties uf our state, by un utia< k- mcnttouiiy of the otuers, or to their then distinguished oigdiis, implied a hostility and acrimony which frequent ly had no bounds, and rendered “ > isdem, Justice arm Moderation,” an empty en absurd profession, 'i h« lino s sod circumstances have nov. become more congenial to belter feelings; the perplexing difficulties which ha»e sur us—those emanating aUoad, iTnd fosUred at home, have subsided, with the acknowledgement of ou, rights, the successful accomplishment of nearly uli the ends wiiieh we have contended for. I can re view my past course in relation to state aff-.irs, W'iih cheering ap probation; my future efforts nil! be intimately counectt-u with the p5s‘} iimlii is hoped, wiibuut cfience to an ad verse purey. The writer does nut believe in the iniuti!- biiity of man, nor in tbc-ir peritenon us a party; it will therefore be my endeavor to support worthy men, an.i approve such nrihodcX measures as may e-manaUr froth genuine patriotism and unadulterated Republieunun —- such measures as wiii best answer tiie euus ofonr fret government, «nd of our State’® interest:—such men as will “defend the rights of the People, the Sover. ignty of ,he States, and the Constitutional authority cf the Union, against all encroachments.” It shaft be mystudious-eudeavor, to render the “/nU/- ligcnccr” an Agricultural and Mercantile vehicle:— tu effect it, I shall hnsten to possess myself of ali the necessary materials which these ample subjec s fur nish, to unfold every species of information which will be thought to instruct, to interest, and to please. Ii is believed, that the mutual conjunction of interest, between the merchant mid planter, cannot fail to render accepta ble to one, wlmtevei may benefit the other. My efforts shall be used to procure the earliest and most useful mer cantile information, and lay it before the public; and if -rili be uiy desire logo into Rural Affairs, audgurntr ih sh jicest and best off -rings for my Agricultural readers. TERjrilS. The Intelligences, will be commenced on the first of March, shoo'd the materials reach hereby that time. 1 will l.e printed on the largest and best imperial paper, (a larger iixe than any Other paper in Georgia,) on a imw and elegant typs, and with a new Pre ss. It n ill be pub- hsbed weekly, at Three Dollars per annum,if paid within the first three months after subscribing, or Four Doliarv afterwards. Advertisements inserted at customary rates MARMADUKF. J. SI. ADC Zircon, Jan ! tP3t U GEORGIA—WashingtoD coutity. John Wicker, ° > RUIE NISI vs. > for the Jcrtcicsure of a William Al. Bennett. ) Mortgage. H j PdN the petition of John Wicker, wu mg that ob the twenty-seventh day of Febiuury in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight- iu the county of Washington, William M. LtnneU didf make, execute and deliver unto the said John Vi itktr, his certain Deed of Mortgage, bearing daft the seme tiaj and year aforesaid, whereby he mortgngt d uu'.o the said John • Wicker, h;s heirs and assigns, two certain tracts or par cels of L-nd, one on the waters of V\ illiumscn Sunup, adjoining lauds of Barron, Howard, Osborn and of the said Dennett, containing one hundred anu seventeen and a half ams pine land, more or less, whereon Mrs. Deborah Cook lived at the date of said mortgage ; the ether on the waters of Stephens creek, aiijt inifig ^ urihtn, Harrison & others, containing one iiundreii acies pine Land, more or less, bo.h tracts lying and being in (be couii'y and stale above w ritten: which said deed of mongagtwas made to the said John Wicker, for the purp se of steering the said John Wicker as security for the said V*. iliian. M. Bennett on eight promissory noies, seven for thiity del- hirs each, and one for fifteen dollars und twenty-five cents, amounting to iwo hundred and tn%nty-five dollars and f; GEORGIA, Pulaski county. Court of Ordinary, Jmy adjourned Term, I $30. L-LE NISI.—The petition of Lew is Wood, amnio- istrator o f Elisha Evans, deceased, sheweth that he iias fully completed the administration of said Estate, and prays to he dismissed Ujerefiom—If hereupon, it is ordered by the Court, That a copy of this rule be puLIisb- od once a month for six months in one of the public ga zelles of this State, requiring all person* concerned, to shew cause (if any they have,) why said Letters Dismiss- sory should not be granted. A true extract from the minutes, 30th July, IS30. JOSEPH CAHRUTXJERS, Cl’k c. o. Aug 81 7 6m 93 JOHN H. LOWE, rev 4m T^OUK (O 'litus afur date uppiicatioo »vi l be mad.: to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the L AND belonging to the estate of Joj. Yarbrough, deceas ed, late of said eoun ty, for the use of the heirs of said de ceased. THOMAS J BOWEN, AA1BR0S YARBROUGH, J rs - October ?3 ]6 4m I ^OUR ni ituJis after date application will be made to the Infe rior Court of Baldwin county, 'riif-n sitting- fur Ordinary purposes for leave to sell the Real Estate uf I'beoJocus Turk, deceased MARY ANN TURK, Adm'x. January 15 £$ 5^ 4 1 EORoIa, v.uircn county.—Know ail men by these 3ijff presents, tiiat l, Jesse An>ky ol the county am state aforesaid, am h. Id am! firmly bound unto Gideon V Holms, in .he sum ~-f two hundred dohars, fur the true payment of which 1 bind myself, my heirs, &c. jointly, se- eraliy firmly by these prerents. Scab d with my seal, nd dared this first day of February, 1828. The condition of the above obligation is such that is the above bound Jesse Anslcy -hall make to the said Gid con V. Holmes, good and lawful titles to lot number one hundred and twenty-nine, rn the twelfth district of Haber Miam county, so soon as the said Gideon V. Holmes shad lift 111- grunt then this obligation to be void, else to re main intuit force and virtue. JESSE ANSLET, i. x. In presence of Joshu. Lazenbt, Durkins I.vey. IT appearing to the Court upon the oath of Thomas J. Rusk and John Barton, that the original Bond of Jesse Analey, of which the above is a copy, has been lost or mis laid— It is therefore ordered, That the said Jess.- Anslcy do shew cause by the next term of this Court why ’Le a- bovecopy should not be establish iu lieu of sai.! lost orig inal, and that this rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this State in the legal manner or servuu on the opposite party as the law directs. A true extract from the m.umes Habersham Superior Court, October Term 1830, this 8th day of December, »S30. JOHN T. CARTER, c. s c! dee 18 24 mum GEORGIA, Pul aski comity. apply are therefore to ciftr and admonish all and singular, the sindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear it a Coart of Ordinary to be held on the first Monday in July next, in and for said county, then and there to shew causa if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this the 5th day of Jan. 1831. JOSEPH CARRUTHER3, c. c. o. January 8. *27 -mCm B LANKS of «l| descriptions, printed Iq order with ncutnpis and despatch, ^10Uli un nihs aftc date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Couit, when sitting as a court of ordinary of Henry county, fur leave to sell the real estate of John Brown, deceased, for the benefit cf the heirs and creditors. JOHN P. DODSON, Adm’r. March 8. 1831 35 4m f ^VOUR months after date applic-tiun will be made to the honorable the Inferior C jure of Walton county,, when sitting for ordinary purpose* for leave to sell ih. 1 eui estate of Abraham Stephens, deceased, with the decep tion of the widow’s dower. ROBERT M. ECHOLS, Adm»r. Eehrunrv 22 ,-.33 . 4m II .NUUK rnoutus alter date application will be inaue to ii/ the honorable the Inferior Court cf Jones cuunty, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell ait the Real Estate of Ann Dunn, deceased, and sold for the ben* . fit cf the heirs and creditors of said deceased. SAMUEL WINFREY, Adm’r. February 15 3*4 4a twenty-five cents, payable twelve months thereafter iO John Walker and Elizabeth Wamble, (administrator and administratrix on the estate of Eggberl Wamble, deceas ed.) or bearer, for value received— and the said John W ick- er having prayed for a rub.- nisi Tot the foreclosure of lb* equity of redemption in and to the said mortgaged, prem ises—It is on motion, ordered, That the principal and in terest z>l the debt afore-aid, and the costs of the applica tion on this beha’f shall be paid info the Clerk’.- office cl thw Court within twelve months iroiu thedale oftbis Rule, oth erwise the equity of redemption in anti to the said moi'gag ed premises bliali ihenctfu! th be forever barred and loiu- closeu.—And it is fui ther ordered, That this rule be pub lished in cue 01 more of the public gazette*- cf this State at icasl once a mot th for six months, or served on the- mortgager, or iris special agent at leasKhrce months pre vious to the time liie money is directed to be paid. i\ true extract from the minutes, this 20' h October, 1«30. MORGAN BROWN, Cl’k. November 6 18 liENKY SUPERIOR COURT, September l ei mi, 1830. Joseph Oreal. ) is. J RULE NISI, IIezlkxih IJoegood. j To establish lost Pond. (COPY BOND) G EORGIA, Henry county.—Know all men by these presents, that I, Hczekiab Hobgood of the county uno state aforesaid, am held and firmly bound Joseph Cfeal, his hairs and assigns, in the si m^jf two hundred dollais, sealed with my seal ai.u dated this 9ih day of March, 1823. Tli-i condition cf the above bond or obligation is such, that whereas the ubove bound ilizt-kiuh Uobgood bath this day sold to the aforesaid Joseph Crtal one certain tract or lot of Land, situate, Ivina and being in ihe afore said Slate and county of DeKaio, known ami disringui.-b- eo ii> the plan of tiie fourteenth uisliict of crigina'y Hen ry but non DcKalb county by tin- number one hundred ami seventy-four, for wbn.ii said lot of land the said iiob- gaod here by binds tiimself to make good and sufficient ti- lie? to the same when the said Joseph Creal souli obtain agranlat his owi. expense for 6aid lot of J..n(l. Now if Lite *.a ; d Hesi kiah Hoi good shall, and do make, orcause to be made to the aforesaid Joseph Uie .l, his heirs and as.-i^ns, good =md sufficient titlts in law to the aforesaid lot of l ii-.d, then this obligation to La noil and void, tire ■ o remain in fuil forte and virtue. Signed und staled in tt.»- presence of IIEZEKIAH HOBGOOD, t. GEORG! V, ) Personally appeared before me, a Henry cotmly. J Justice of the Peace iu nod for the county aforesaid, Joseph Creul, and ulicr being; n»iy strum, dtp-»cth and sailh that ihe above and foregone is a true c-Oj.yr in substance as wcli an he re cc-Ht-ris cl u band held by him 011 the cto.csaid IL zckiali iloog«»...d, •i itiu sses tu said L .r.d not l i collected—that s ud bond ar.s heiu by kin* for iLc ptiipu^-s mentinued tlicrc- iii— that he has never sold nor transit red said bond iu «i»y u‘.h< 1 person or persons whatsoever, but iL^t he hiis either iost or mrilaid gtid original so ih«ti lit cannot find orconfrou!it. (:»igneri) J. CitEAL. Sv.orn to und subscribed before rm- 7th day of Maid:, 1329. W'OUDAON HUB-ARD, J. P. Henry Superior Court, Scj.ten-.ber Ttrrn, 1830. IT appearing i-j Uiv Court tint the original bund uf iviiicii the lure going is a copy in substance and that the sai.i original 1: is been lost cr mislaid, so that it cannot be found— 1 -s therefore on moii -n. Ordered. That she above copy be estabbslicd instead oi the '.1 iginai at ti.e next term of this Court, unless the said Htz-ki. 1» Hoi/- gnod shew s*0'.‘d cause to Ute contrary at Tctc.. An d it is further ordered, Taut a copy of Un* Ride tor served up-.n the said ilezekinh lit'figc.od at least three months before the ires* Tsrui of th*3 Court, or puUhhrd mice 11 me nth for three rn nths before t.uic ii. one uf rite p-ibiic g:tz. ties ofti;i- State. A ti uc tx 1 act iiom the minutes Stli duv D. cember, »S30. \v\t. iiari/in, u’k. dec 13 24 _ 3m HABERSHAM SUPFRlpirCOUklT Oclub r 'Terra, 1S3U appearing by the affidavit oi Htzrkiah bl< j hens flat the or.ginai ugicr meni between him aird fk-njau.iu Vaughan and Darcus Vaughan of winch the uiiimxedisa t; ue ropy, to wit: GEORGIA, ( Artiedes cf agreement n adr andca- Franklin county. ) tered into between tiie parties, M it. ucsseth, That the said Stephens is to lelinquisb un bia part ali the interest he has in the real estate of George Vaughan,deceased, mreght of his wife Barbara, and the ^aiti Benjamin Vaughan and Darcus Vangban is to give to s iid Stephens an eqnu division in rtgbt uf his uitc of all the property uf George Vaughan, uectasi d. Given under our hands and seals this 12th day of Sep tember, 1821. BENJAMIN VAUGHAN, ** + *♦*. HEZEKIAH STEPHENS, Jl. s. £ DaRCUS t AUGHAN, ♦+>■*¥* has been lost or destroyed. ll is therefore ordered, That the opposite parties do shew cause by the mxt Term of Ibis Court why the above copy should not be established iu lieu oi the said original and that this rule be published in one of the public ga zettes of this State once a month for three months. A true extract from the minuted of said Court, this E,b day of December, 1830. JOHN T. CARTER, c. s. c. flee 18 _ 24 _ 3in GEORGIA—Oglethorpe counts'. Thomas Howard, jr. ^ Ex’r. oi 'VJordecai Howard, dec. I Bill for Discovery, - _ vt - 7 Relief, &c. The Legatees of j Mordccai Howard, dec’d. J I T appearing by the shewing in said Bill that Susan Newsom, Nancy Newsom, and Elizabeth Meuscm, defendant in said Bill, are residents of the Slate of Vir ginia, ami cannot be personally served with a copy of said Bill—ll is therefore ordered, That the said defendants do appi at and plead answer or d?mur,- not dt-muring a- lunc.on or before the first day of the next Term of this Court, or the said Bill shall be taken pro confesso as to said defendants; and that service of this order be perfect ed by publication in one of the public gazettes of ibis Suite at least three months before lilt first day of the next Term of this Court. A true extract from the Minutes, this 3d January, 1S31. JOHN LANDRUM, Cl’k. jiingsn 15 23 3m