The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, October 13, 1831, Image 1

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«al nvroiv. m'lrtv.a 1 '’Buwwm.n.'W- 1 »*■*’*"' VOLUME 2--NO. 14. MIl.EEDGEVir.S4E, GA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1831, WHOLE NUMiill EDITED fiY J. G. FOLKH.I* & i. A. CF THEE NT. georgias By li/s Excellency George R. Gilmer, Go vernor andCenunander-in-Chief of the Army und JVavy of this State, and of the Militia thereof: A PROCLAMATION. Notlcf br 'Executors and Atimmmr?tor= *.or Dentevs-an I'redi-j wf . > i have received official information tors to render In thert accounts, must be publishr-d t-.l V AVKEJ^. j V # that WYLY ANDERSON, did, on the fifth Negroes bv L-vOfUtors aixl >VojEini=.ra.oio must I 2 <t(l- »• r s . ; • , * . * , ... venuuxl dixtfV days before the d »y ofs.Je, j day cf August last, comn.a murder on the body of \\ ill- 3 lies 6f personal property <e\ccyt negroes» of testate sn.l intes- 1 -am G.vocfoon, in the county of Habersham, in this State. .roRWOA^a . JE " CIUU " aUa AdmUUStial0!S ’ ,nusl be aUveU;fcd ! Now in order that said V/YLY ANDERSON may he Applications t.v Errcoitors, Administrators anP. to tlie l bronchi to j;is. ice, I have thought proper to issue this my Court of OrJinavy for leave to sell Land, atw he published 10LH j Proclamation, offering a reward of T vVO HUNDRED Applications by Evecutors and Administrators for Letters Dismis-1 DOLLARS to any person or persons who may appre- sory. r,i! ist be published bix months. ] head and deliver him to the Sheriff of Habersham coun- Ar»>iications for Foreclosure of MortEnscson real estate must be aCvortisodonce a month for SIX MO.N'niS. stales of real estate by Evecutors, A IminiStrotors and Guardians, inust be published SIXTY DA VS before the day of sale, 'i lies.: "sales must be made at the court-house door between the hours of id in the rue nunc and 4 in the afternoon. No sale from day to day is ’Valid, unless so expressed in the advertisement. Orders ol" Court of ordinary, (accompanied with a ropy of the bond, nr agreement) to make titles to land, must bo advertised THREE MONTHS at least. Sheriff's i.tles under exectit’ons regularly printed by the courts. Bntnst be advertised THIRTY DAYS—under iuonpige c'editions, -SIXTY DAYS—Halos of perishable urt.perty t.ndot order of Court, Unust be advertised, generally, TEN DAYS bolero the day of sale.. AH orders for Advertisements will he puna u.iHy atisiirtcd to. '.‘Ail letters directed to this Ofiioe, or t-.o Editors mast be poet- >i,;Hid, to entitle them to attention. FINANCIAL. FOT.K DAY’S MEETIKU. FOUR Day’s Meeting will be held in the Melhc- fiDt L'kareli it MilJeugevilie, coiunenciivy on •ip.iay, the. 15th ofOctober next. A J OHN ft. WCOTAn rospcctiuiiy tenf.e’« J to the citizens offialtlwia t>. uty as a Candida the Clerkship of the Superior Court at the ensuing tion * t January next. ty—and I do hereby require all officers civil and military in this Si ne, tc aid and assist in the apprehension of the afo-^sald Wyly Anders-on. Given undey my haml and the Great Seal Cfthe State, a ? the State-House in Milif-dgeviile, this fourth day of October, m the year cf our Lord, eighteen hund red and thirty-one, and of American Independence the fifi-y sixth. GEORGE R. GILMER. By the Governor: Evehakd Hamilton, Secretary of State. * 'CJ* W'y’y Anderson is a small man, black eyes and hair, quirk spoken, Ac. and lias been charged with the commission of many crimes. . 2t HEW PittE PROOF ers who own sums of and under $51,000, amount ing to $812,300—that 2865 arc ^stockholders of and under $5,000 amounting to $4*601,600; being nearly one-tourth oftise whole domestic siock. J?EPOI?T Of the proceedings of the Triennial Meeting of the Stockholders o f the " Held according to the i venth section cf the charter, at Philadelphia, on L 4 . - , , . the first Jmi r,e i £*( •* ecuto”s, and by religious, benevolent, and ouier as- ihe first day of September, 1 S31. / ‘ hoi tl d A. M. Stephen Girard, Esq. if tlie city of Philadel phia, was called to preside, a*d Jojin Potter, Esq. of Sou ji Carolina, appoin ted Secretary. Nicholas Biddle, Esq. tV President of the Bank, on behall of tiie Board cl Direciors, submit ted the folio win o* iEE2M>I£T; The Board of Directors of the Bank of the Uni ted Stales, in compliance with the 13th Article of; the 11th Section of the Charter of tim Bank, which j declares, that “once in every three years the Di- ' sociationA Capita! thus owned is divided for the pur- i That tins sum will be fully adequate lorthe pur„ pose will be apparent frem tnc tact*, 1st. rhataaiongst the estimates of loss is $2 36,* 829 77, lor the i<»sscs ol the Agency at Cinc nnati, 1 ’ tirely retrieved Estate there. ie debts at the lour western oil ices are expressly appropriated ; to the increase of the Fund. And Sd. That something may yet be received f ont ••g, l »» E i 11 V t* » V 1/tllVt/O* Portland! Fayetteville, Portsmouth, Charleston, Boston, Savannah, Providence, Mobile, Hartford, Natchez, Buriinirton, New Orleans, New York, St. Louis, Utica, Nashville, Buffalo, Louisville, Baltimore, Lexington, W ashington, Cincinnati, Richmond, Norfolk, Pittsburgh. j suspended debt, now amounting to $1,433,761 2d. The Real Eslpie— fThtj tobal amount of Real Estate received in payment of debts up to August 80th, 1822, was $587,102 33 It has since ieceived in like man ner 2,942,828 23 And sold what had cost 1,038,037 62 1,904,790 61 2,491,892 93 Making the present amount Tins amount is the price at which the Real Es tate has been taken, and experience warrants tlie __ The number of Offices established in 1617 was ' expectation, ihat it wiU be sold tor more than it3 rectors shall lay before the Stockholders, at a gen- j eighteen; since then two have been discon- £ost. eral meeting, lor their information, an exact~ En j: tinned—Middletown in Connecticut, and Chiliico- The general result of the condition of the Bank particular statement of the dehis which shalllnve tlie in Ohio,and nine others have been established, is, \ev eon! nine to it ansae 1 R,^ J C arc st’.ehoriztd to nniiounce BIr. LEVv li> J. Vv • V ijr KRAA T’/. a candidate lur Clerk of the Ji;icnor Court of Baldwin county. Aug 4 the FACTORAG its branches.— I] a*e % V H. SI A”s; 4 authorized to rod ‘ill'll a candidate .■>r Court of BaIuwhi coiuity, at tlie next elect mil. _ ITL arc ixq icsied to uiiuouncc U.t name «.f W 1L- I.IAM D. SCOGGIN, Esq. ns a candidate fur T.hcriff of B ildwin county, at the next election for coun ty officers. N< v 6 ^ L p Collec tor of Baldwin count}', at the next elec ion. June '.3. i: are authorized to announce JAMES CUNL, v W Esq. as a candidate for Tex Coilccior.of Bald- TK E arc nTitliori-ed to announce BAR it A Li W v STUBBS, Esq. as a for 'i’ax_ them, that & COMMISSION BUSINESS in all They are now erecting a cc-mmodicus fire proof Ware- j imperfect view of the situation Ih.ise und Close Siorcs, on south side Broad-street, a lit- | |3 oan } c f Directors o*!adiv avail tie below the upper Market, which will be in readiness ^ .» tv a I- p a Ncrr-T I *>V fast September for reception of Cotton and AIer- i • •. . • 4 . . ( i !>- r, ; C1 I AND I SE< I estcd mils prosperity, to explain minutely the whole ' Being in every wav well prepared to serve customers, ! “htle of its a..lairs. I o this luey will accordingly and intending to use due diligence for their interest, full j proceed. reliance inav be placed in the faithful dis charge of busi-. The Capilal of the Bank consists of 350,000 ness intrusted to their care. i shares, of which 70,000 are owned bv the Govem- Tlieir Commissions shall hr at tlie recently reduced j ment of the United States. The Government ori- , ginally provided fir its subscription by in vine* to Au:. r usia " ‘ * ‘ fourteen years. These points were selected out of applications from thirtv-eiuht places. There are now under j therein required. ■ As, however, these documents present only an of the Bank, the themselves of the consideration applications for the establishment of presence of so many respectable gentlemen inter- \ Branches from more than thirty places in various parts of the United States. The employment of the capital -will be seen in STOVALL & SIMMONS. August 1st, 1831. 4 tldcc j:jL'*Le J&. OSIAGE w u ovunqv, at tlie election in January next. Au::u v du w Tn Bail E are authorized I'l-rj. a canaiuatc \vin, attiie cicctio i'.ounce VV . C. I’OV\T.LL, lU'ceiver cf Tux 1? rturn.5 i ami ary next. July i8 e subscriber will con The subscriber w ill corn- Tp~~ . pj mence the above business C • * v " in AUG USTA, on the 1st V V lor iicceiver o t\ in January next. J F/ \ K IN H ax ILutun ; a cancidaie aiiiv% In coun Sept 1 a 5ih FliOURKOY, [lVidovs of H'm. H. Flournoy.) AS taken a SCHOOL K'.K’.M a" .Hi nearly opposite Mr. IJumpukh}';, wi Vickers -teaca a select numher, not exceeUm, ing branches of Female Education^ CC:' : Heading, Vv riling, Err lisli Grammar. Plain Work, ' - “ - Gc.agraghy, History. As’ronom ft fifteen, the failcw- tiie annexed p; :- *>Sld jay of September and veil] devote his time exclusively to the interest of Ins friend-'. -> !■<> may patronize him. All COTTON cent other PRODUCE, cr sent to him for Storage, will be siored in a first rate FIRE PROOF VV ARE-HOUSE, attiie customary charges. All orders to him previous to his arrival at Augusta, d - reeled to the care of John C. llolcoirbe, will meet with prompt attention. His Office, for tlie present, is at the first door above Holcombe & Camp field’s Ware-House. ARMSTED RICHARDSON. Augusta, Aug 2.1 7—tf iiosonliv, Belies Letlrcs rncn’al VV ovk, Hi a vv ing and Pain! ing, Kiuiiroidery, - F* nch Langtmrc, (five ■- aturru and Orna- ! ) per week.) - 1 Alusic, (five lessons j - Use of the Piano lor Practicing, As the most devoted attention will .duct, neatness, £:<*., as wail as men 4,1 mse pupils confided to her, paren t ,requested to visit the Ech<x>l tw ice a month and jv.i-ge oi -.their improvemer" Aliilcdgevi T Augnst lsf,J1831. 4—df "'Atc iiALii. Mao A PHEIv'j.I’uBS: or 100 pc ^XJ iL.U be pa"■■UXi.r a V ^ be erected m tin building to be fire-proai ■na n; story lobe ofstora P to F A INiASCKI r it/ towu of Milledgcvilie. Ti e -three stories high, thebase- the oilier stories of brick—to d>e placed on a corner lot fronting south and tecst. Base- meut story to be occupied for stores—cost not to exceed $15,000. The plans to be dirccte GROCERIES tJ. VD “A V ^ JE;:.e:s >.eg leave to inf m their fiicnde and the }>u! lie generally, that they have connected themselves in die above line of business, under ti.c firm of KENRICK Si. V'ALKER. Their store is situated on the north side of Broad-street., immediately m front 2 j of the Planter’s Hotel, where they are receiving trom ; the con-1 Ncw-York, Philfdciphlannd Bos on, GE O 6EJUES cf HARD WARE, Vvliich they wniseU. • w. .approved paper. Qj£ aTILMD 500 Pieces Hemp m u ^u-encau Baling, luO Coils Baie Rope, IQJii lbs. Bagging Twine. B. F. TEN RICK. SANDERS V/AI.KER. Augusta, Sept. 8, 1S31. 16 -hn d improvement oi and .guard.ans are r its subsci iption by wiving the Bank a stock bearing interest at live per cent. This stock has been for some time in a course of redemption, and in July last the whole of it was reimbursed, so that the Government has now fuiiv paid for its shares. * In receiving the individual subscriptions for the 2a0,€ r 00 shares by so many Commissioners, and at so many distant points, there arose some errors Hhioh cVised 9 deficiency of a few thousand dol lars in tlie capital. After rectifying these errors as faras practicable,it was deemed proper in July last to supply tiie deficiency, amounting then to $3,730 3 f Bom the general funds—so that the capital of Maine, : ; : V ermont, : : New Hampshire, : Massachusetts, ; Rhode Island, : ; Connecticut, : : New York, ; ; Hew Jersey, i t nrra^v iv um**j Delaware, . ; Maryland, : : District of Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, : South Carolina, : Georgia, : ; Ohio, : : : Kentucky, : Tennessee, * : Indiana, ; : Illinois, : : : Louisiana, : Arkansas Territory, Foreign Stockholders, United States, : to the Secretary cf the Be, !!e Masonic I hill Lcl- of Commissioners of tlie Milledgevdle M ason/' I an! Let tgry, on or before the l.-f day oi t.nvombern^xt. R. A. GREENE, Secretary. ?JiiIledgeville, Sept. C, 1831. p. S. Brick can be purchased for $4 50 per 1000—and stone for S3 00 per perch of 25 ffieU ' *.* The New-York Courier & Erqu “ XJiarleslcn Donrli* r . will van! r.cco iuls lot i>o) Sept S 3 If . ’ " LAW. ITm. II. Unde) f ood 4- Henry L. Sims, AVE united their Professional nr, counties in the Vi'esrern Circuit, of UNDERWOOD will remove to Gain* of the firm may at ail times be found. Gainesville, Sept. 25. 1631. 13—2m / CIJtHbKRT Ik PO!j£iILc£j M 1VE Opened their LAW OFFICE at the Om’s Hall in the market-house, Milledge- viilc Georgia. One of them is always to be found there ready to attend to professional culls. 1 p.j .y wffi practice iu tiie following Coiuilics ana -cjEts: ERSONS havi'.g accounts against the JlStZtdgevffle .'■Jo tonic Hall Lottery, will please present them fi r t | payment, within ten davit t'r:-m this date. By oruer, R- A. GREENE, Secretary to Commissioners. IvFlledgoville, August 4,1S3T. 4— s is now entire. This stockholders as follows: N July, 1831. 14 AMES. SHARES. 14 498 2 27 : 23 501 208 10,812 : 38 1,215 61 1,511 : 439 32,903 Q27 39 1 ,M 3 : 623 34,503 63 2,814 276 12,384 39 2,476 735 40,674 42 1,991 : 15 705 252 : 4 233 2 50 o 220 17 i 39 : 1 42 ; 466 79.159 70,000 000, tiie estimate of those losses. I iiat toe re is a surplusiund of profits amounting to $1,750,000, being five per cent on the Capital. And tlial with these.provisions against casualty, its profits, after defraying its expenses and making an annual reservation of $120,000 to extinguish the cost of tlie Banking Houses, jieid a dividend of following statement of the condition of the [ seven per cent, a year. But gratifi ing as tlie prosperity of the Bank may he to the stockholders, it is an object, of more ner- ai concern as being the result of measures in the a,407,68i o' 5 j siicccss of which the comrmmiiy lias a i.eep and ! permanent interest. The importance of uu se will justify a few words of explanation in nw-a.d to j them. 55,733,936 jo I The Bank of the United States was established 2,491 js92 ll ;^ or In j purpose of restoring specie payments, which ’ ’ ’ " Jhad for aioug time been suspended thro::giu..i:t a 27.4ao.3w 4s|g r eat part ol the country,—of iurnisuing a sound Bank on the 1st of August. DR. run ted Debt, vnrioivs. Rills rtiscountcd cu Personal Scrti- rity, 41,085,238 70 ‘ Funded debt, 13,700 oo ‘ rank stock, 779,458 07 Domestic Eills of Exchange, Foreign Ellis of Exchange, Real Estate, Duo from Brink l T . States and offices, • ‘ Elate Banks, « 1 United States, Deficiencies, Banking Houses, Expenses, Cash, viz. Notes of the Band IT. States and Offices, • ‘ ‘ * State Banks. 1 ‘ Specie, -42.394.458 77 14,409,479 72 24.586.664 94 2,303,402 61 13,412.176 44 2,050,442 S3 11,015,116 •5,257 32 (circulating medium, and of giving more umlbinuty i,lcm55 541 lo the exchanges between distant sections of vt.e * "66,713 54 Union. By importing more than seven millions of specie, and by a free issue of notes immediately af ter its establishment, tiie Bank with great sacrifi* Yorr IS avy r arc-. Agent, Norfolk, -27,037,735 110,336 63 40,144 17 113,993,3^3 54 b/ettq ro-J l l i d 4,145 350,000 CR. Capital Stock, Notes issued, Discount, Exchange and Interest, Foreign Exchange Account, Baring,Brothers & Co. Hottinguer. St Co. and Hope St Co. Dividends unclaimed, Pp/vfit on«l u E ontuigent Fund, css losdcs chargea ble to contingent Fund, Due to Bank United and offices, Due to State Banks, 5,013,173 15 35,000,000 00 35,311,623 96 476,96*5 51 137,719 56 168,372 72 251,766 03 .750.048 51 3,452,976 16 24,096,838 37 2,771,656 00 Redemption of Public Debt, Deposites on account of the Treasurer of the United States, Less overdrafts and special Deposites, 2,160,19G 99 ■ 26,563,544 37 483,147 46 Of Public Olu i Individuals* 5,503,924 28 23,420 09 5,477,504 19 1,291,597 77 9,115,836 47 er, Ai’guf’a Courier, anJ II "ive tho above three insertions r.n.l for- t. It. X. CUEr.NL, Secietary- for all the under die firm c RIMS. Av'ilitarn H. Lnderwofid to Gainesville in Dc«*cni’eer next, where one Tlie progress of this division of tlie Stoe lie perceived in ili«‘ following s!w!c!>: will 15,884,938 43 CL- Qcmzlgee Circuit........ BALDWIN, JONES, PUTNAM, WILKINSON. f BIBB, CiiadU- | Cliatahcochic Circuit ..TALWilT. Southern Circuit jq ELF^YIR, Ac. MLUUe Circuit WASHINGTON. Milledpreville, June 23, 1 j31 VRGROVE A WALTHALL are practicing Law in connection. They will attend the Courts in the ’A B. HARGROVE, TURMAN WALTHALL. 50—rf H adjoining counties, Covington, Newton co. .Tunc 23, 1851. LAW MVOIIO. MBst.bsmwr l,«. oiKaaiH oftke Ju4 — p-id others a number oi D-CIMON. made in loenlnrye hisCollec- IMVLRSITY OF GEORGIA, Aitgcst 13, 1831. rSRIIB Faculty cf Franklin College have resolved to §L give an annual prize, of the value of about ten riol- lars in appropriate and well selected books, to tho* best Greek scholar, who shall entef the Freshman class m Au gust, for a regular course. The names of the young gen- demen thus distinguished, and cf the teachers by w hon tiiey were educated, will I.c made public, that a iaudab>e enmla ion may be excit< <l, and lire standard ot litera ture raised throughout the State. The Latin Prize, however, will not be given to any who shall not manifest, on examinalion, a thorough knowledge of, at ieast, Jacob’s Latin Reader, both vols. Cresar’s, ali the wars in Gaul, Gould’s Ovid, the whole of \ ircil, Cicero’s Select Orations, and tiie Cutaline and Jngnrtkine wars of Sallust. ’J ho Greek ji>-izc will not be given for less than a cor rect knowledge of Delectus a valuable work for begin ners, John and Acts, Jacob’s Greek Reader, and Grseoa Minora. . . , , , r A similar nrizc wiU be given for the best knowledge of Arithmetic, and Day’s Algebra as far as the end ol Sim ple I IciuaUcnc , . , , The Latin and Greek prizes have been tins day award ed bv the Faculty to Robert Harris, pupil of the Rev. Air Smith ofPowekon. "'he. prizes now given consist cf *1 e works of Cicero, in ten volumes, and of Homer in four volumes, handsomely bound, giit and lettered. _ There was no candidate for the Mathematical prize. It is desired by the Faculty that ail the prizes be hereaf ter taken. Bv order of the 1 a* ult\, WILLIAM L. MITCHELL, Secretary. In 1817 there were i. 11,349 8 uocklioiiiers. 1318 - - 4,14 J U 1819 - - 8,544 Ci IS 20 - - 2,7-20 u 1821 . . 2 747 (C 1822 _ _ 2Ji49 (-8 1 1823 - - 2,597 CC 1824 - - 2,SGI i: 1325 - - 2.776 it 1826 _ - 3,347 c: 1827 - 3,482 u 1883 - 3,680 ct 1829 _ 3,853 CC 1831) _ _ 4,110 tc 1831 - 4,1-15 « It will h ere be perceived that tl c original sub- scriptions were divided among a gn'ai nutnner oi persons, in order to secure tiie amount of Stock desired; but became afterwards concentered in the names of the real owners. r l lie rvhoic number ol Stockholders was in 18-20, 27 20. Funn that period the number has risen to 4,145. The extent of tins diffusion v. Hl be seen in the following Tsbiet DO MESTIC. , i"? rv-ning 128 Shares 118.993,323 54 Tlie analysis of this account presents the fbllow- irj/v view of the investments of the Bank, atid the distribution of its funds. The investments of the Rank.— Capital paid in, Tlie Circulaiion, Deposits, Public, 7,252,249 42 4 Private, 9,115,836 47 35.000,000 00 22,399,447 52 Due to individuals in Europe, Unclaimed Dividends, Contingent Fund to meet losses, Discount, Exchange and Interest, (including Foreign Exchanges,) Profit and Loss, Arcus*. 25 C '* EORGIA, n Lr WALTON COUNTY*—Charles athner and Thomas Kcnnon apply fi»r Icttei-s ci adnfinistration on the estate of Charles Furiow, iate of said county,-deceased: . This i s to cite the kinared and creditors of said de ceased, to appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw’ anil file ‘heir objections, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my said letters shoul hand, tins ‘27th September, JES: oe.t, 6 1831. &SE MITCHELL c. c. o. 13—ot important law cases. He expects j ‘ and so soon ns the subscription will authorize, t BORGIA* W ALTON COUNTY .—William fi-jpj- Laekib 1 , applies to me for letters of administra tion on tlie estate of William Rowe, late of Warren .ubjhh aiSax "Tins’Slmrefer'c to cite the kindred and creditors of Ttxc ol ivet cx unueiuiK.i. & ^ deceased, to be and appear at my office withm are 5 . . ..... O vj cc tions, if any Given un ci. c. o. 5t nkh authentic reports. To those who may do so, a rea sonable allowance in the price of the work wiU be m ul«-. ' Utility alone, and not. profit, is the object of the unm-i- takimr. And with this view he se.icits warmly the c-> oneruiorr of the B»r and Bench. 1^ situation editor will enable him to prbn tlt« vtuk ^re di'yv,-. tTi.i n other perrons. JOHN G, I OLD ILL. itrdL-Jgcyillcj- April 21; 1851* Holier? of 1 SI • 8 SI Holders of between of above 5 and jo arid so 20 and .36 30 •.■ni t U 43 and SO 50 and loo too and ioo 200 in Starts, 1-21 2o5 £56 eas 336 207 2‘4 318 333 Hi t.175 E. ai.5 10, 78 F. 838 7,134 DISTRIBUTION Funded Debt, Loans. Personal Security Funded Debt, Domestic. Bills, Foreign, do. Bank Slock, Mortgages, •Debts chargeable 41,585,298 70 19,700 OO 14,409,479 72 121,214 60 779,458 07 140,956 63 to Contingent Fund, 3,452,976 16 FOREIGN. Holders of 1 Phare • • a Effimes • « 3 tofnd 20 and o0 30 and 40 40 and 59 50 and 100 109 and 200 200 10 Shares. 29 1 6 25 37 2i 34 51 lot Qf ;i.«p are no.vitjsno, 1 OiifilO’. Females, f 33 holding 8 SO 309 614 854 1.291 2,415 7,403 10,720 55,597 79,159 22,895 Shares. 6.117 Real Estate, Due from sundry Offices and Banks, j Expenses, &.c. j Banking Houses, S Shares j Notes of State Banks,. Specie, 29.013 my or! G JESSE MITCHELL, 13 as I II months after date, application wiil be. made JjH 0 the honorable Inferior Court of Pulaski county. • on s uing for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tuc of Fan-well Phillips, deceased. EASON TISON, Adtn’r. dc boms non, st 5th f 183L 4m e-. ; aie DOMF-stTC Trusts, Executors, &c. «3 holfflag 17,OM Shares. forkiok, 3,^55 20.44ft 82,165,578 89 Two only of these items require special observa- tioui—The*Contingent Fund and the Real Estate: 1st. The Contingent Fund.— The total amount of tiie suspended Debt, includ ing Cash deficiencies, .Overdrafts and the Debt •f the'Bank of Columbia, is, Of this the part estimated as desper ate, and therefore Considered as lost, is And on the remaining, The estimated loss after a rigid ex amination, is r . r .,rT. =T Tr Socirtir 5 ! Corporations, &c. 136 holding 14,?09 Shares. V . * none. none. FOKtffUi,, From these the following results may be gata- eie is’t. That out of the 3,679 domestic Stockhold ers, 766 are holders of Shares of and under 850fb amounting to $243,309-1^1,447 arc Stockhold- Now, the contingent Fund to meet thi3 loss, is T'ne total of the actual and estima ted losses* is Leaving an excess ot Provision, over the esL.uaate, ot ces succeeded for u time in attaining ti,e&. but it seams to have been afterwards c • that its powers were exhausted by tiie el: rand that the continuance of it would hi cnt ircy ir : iac- ticabie. The essentiai diflicuity was to he in the provision of tiie charter, making the notes universally receivable for deb is to tne Government* which by obliging the Bank to provide payni« nt for the same note at various places, womd require it to retain a greater amount of specie { it could issue of notes; thus diminishing ratiar than increas ing the sound circulation. TAe consequence v*. a?, that the Bank issued it3 own notes spunngi^; n oie especially "IS" the southern and western bum s, where it often prelerred the re-issue of ide no its cf the State Banks; being unwiiiing to issue freely H3 notes which it might be conipehed to payju s. ine one of man;/ places remote from the po.m »>i issu ing them. However impenous the necessity u Inch enlbrced this system, it was apparv nt that ns con tinuance wonkl tend to defeat the o!>.ect ei , ►.},!> lishing the Bank, since by d, c.ino.g tile rsste oi itt notes it could not iurnish ihc 0i.c» latino medium expected bom it; and by ihe notes: oi State Banks, it surrcnueied its most t-n , t j . means ol control over the currency, iis t\ no-.e Ci Cu.aTion on the 1st of January 1523, was oiu ^4,5Sa,C(:0, Having incompliance with the chi. cuod» ol'u.e Stockholders in 1822, aj-|Fied v. it non t success t© Congress lor a mouificrraoii of tins rt.isabiir.i- , - vision in tne Charter, it became necessary hu .i,e Board of Directors to re-examine the coriMilutK ft of the Barirt, in order to disco v er. \\ tu,g reailv any organic defect v.hich prevented n hom performing the Lections to w inch it was dcstired, or whetaer some di&ruit Cf-mbination cf its pow ers might, not overcome Us duficiilties. The experiment was interesting and hazainot.& It. was to try how far tim institution could succeed in doing that which had never yet succt-edea i ite- where, in ditiusing over so wide a surface ol coun try a currency of large amount and of umlc-rni val ue at all places and under all circumstances; ar.el also whether it could bring down to its extreme limit the necessary expense of commercial inter course between distant sections of count!y, v, uose exchangeable productions were of such various and unequal values. To accomplish these two objects two things seemed necessary* . 1st. To make ail the local currencies equivalent to specie at the place of their emission. This by rendering them competent for local purposes, would require a less amount of general currency, and at I the same thne tend to reduce the exchanges be* ! tween distant places to the real commercial ! of transferring equal values of coin. 2J. To make the Bank itself the great channel of those commercial exchanges. If the Bank is bound to transfer the whole pu ir- lic revenue throughout the Union, and to furnish a currency payable in various and distant places, it must obviously provide funds in these places, and these can of course be obtained only by purchas ing, bills of exchange payable at the points to which the course of trade naturally directs the notes. There these balls, having reached their ma turity, await the coming of that portion of fee cotes, which having performed for a lime the functions td a circulating medium, are carried by the demand for duties out of the immediate sphere of their is sue. The greater proportion of its funds, there* fare, which the Bank can employ in these opera* tioas, the more readily can it sustain the notes is sued in the course of them. It is indeed few, ai d feus alone, that a circle of sound banking, open - tions founded on sound commercial operations con tains within itself fee means of its own defence a? home, and of providing for its notes which the de mand for duties may carry fo a distance. Tho<- operations too are fortunately of the highest bench c to the community; they give the most direct er * couragement to industry, by facilitating the pm- chase and interchange of all its products, they brirg fee producers and consumers into more immediate contract by diminishing the obstacles which separ ate them, and they specially adapt the Bank to fee wants and interests of each section of the Union, by making it alternately a large purchaser amoi g the sellers of bills, and a large seller among if, purchasers. A participation also in the foreign exchanges forms an essential part of the system, not mereV as auxiliary to the transfer of lands by which tl s circulating medium is accompanied and protect: i, 309,102 57 * bet as the best defence of that currency frem 15,368.085 89 168,372 72 251,766 03 5,613,173 15 614,635 07 1,750,048 51 82,165,578 89 3,497,661 06 60,509,033 PS 2,491,892 99 621,523 03 259,333 50 1,160,455 54 2,080,442 33 11,545,116 51 7,351,231 82 S.452,976 16 4,393,305 66 1,851,034 42 5,613,173 15 5,SO 1,010 53