The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, October 27, 1831, Image 1

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/? ID xf FEDERAL I AIOA. m VOLtriKE 2—NO. 1G. SIILLEDGEVILLE, GA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1831. WHOLE NUMBER €8. snr.spvn *» {jarjyi^aBeaii ' EDITED BY J. Li. POL7IILL & J. A. CUTHRERT. THF. UNION is published every Thurstt.-.; at THDED POI T AUS per aumim, in advance, dr KOI: it, if uoi paid be'orc t o end c me year. The Oificeis <"i Wevire Street, oppose. y,t.Combs' fa.era. All ADVEHTISEAiENTS published at ti e usual rates. N. B. Each Citation by the CVerfes of the Courts of Orel mar;’that Application has ixeu made for Letters cf Administration, mrst be imbllsbcu THIRTY DAY.-: at least. Notice by Executors and Administrators for Debtors and • '■edi tors to render in their accounts, a out be published Six Wtihl'S. Sales of Negroes bv Executors and Administrators must l e ad vertised SIXTY DAYS before the day of Mi*. Sales of personal property (except neerroes) of testn*c and intes tate estates hy Executors and Administrators, must be advci used F'ORT 7 DAYS. Applications by Executors. Administrators and Guardians to the Court of Ordinary for leave to seil Land, mast be pucushed FOL K MONTHS. AppticniioRs hy Executors and Administrators for Letters Dismis- sory. must be published fc-IX MONTHS. Applications for Foreclosure of Moitca.-cs on real estate must be '•(Ivertised once a month for .SIX MONTHS. Sales of real estate by Executors, Administrators and Guardians, must be published SIXTY DAYS before the day of sale, 'these snles must be made at the court-house door between the hour.; cf 10 In the morning and I in the afternoon. No sale front day to day is Valid, unless so expressed in tye advertisement. Orders of Court of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of the %ond, or agreement) to make titles to land, must be advertised THREE MONTHS at least. Sheriff's Sales under executions regularly granted by the courts, must be advertised THIRTY DAYS—under mortgage executions, «XTY DAYS—Sales of perishable property under order of Court, advertised, generally, I'EN DA i S before the day of sate. All orders for Advertisements will be punctually attended to. •/ Ai! letters directed to tbis Office, or the Editors must be post paid, to entitle them to attention. MU.E,GDOUVlI.LE STREET LOTTERY. (Authorized by the.General Assembly of toe Stateef Georgia.) tS&mmmm f>IIN Hr WOOTA.’t respectfully tenders himself j to the Citizens r,f Bakht in county as a candidate for 1 Prize of $20,000, is $20,000, 3 Prizes 10,000, is 30,000, 4 u 5,000, is 20,000, 9 ft 1,000, is 9,000, 5 li 900, is 4,500, 5 li 800, is 4,000, 5 it 700, is 3,500, 5 tl 600, is 3,000, 5 It 500, is 2,500, 5 it 400, is 2,000, 5 it 300, is 1,500, 5 11 1 200, is 1,000, 35 li 100, i3 3,500, 50 *1 50, is 2,500, 650 it 20, is 13,000, 5,000 It 12, is 60,000. the r-ior W E are authorized to annou KRAATZ a candidate for ®ourt of Baldwin county. ■Less than TWO blanks to a PRIZE! All the r-fizes io be rioatine from the commencement ;. , c x, 3 , - , All the irfizes to be noating from the comm Clerk .mp or tlte Supenor Court at the ensuing dec- | t tbc mowing deposil £ as fo UowSj viz: c m JNii.ivvnoy. Aug4_ | First DtVJ , s JMf , cing ±. 2 Prizes of 5>0 ^ j 'E arc authorized to announce Mr. RANSOM II. SMITH a Candida a tor C fork <;f the Inferi or Court of Baldwin county, a* the next ejection. Aug 4 R|TiJ arc requested to announce the name Ol v> ii_- Vl LIAM L). SCOGGJN, )vq. as a Candida '.e for Sheriff of Baldw in county, at the next election for coun ty officers. ' h. - C. of 1,000, Mr. LEW IS j . E. j 1 of uOO, 1 of 800, 1 of 7 GO, 1 cf 600, 1 of 600, 1 of ’lerk of the Inferior >400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. Aug 4 j Second Day's Drawing—1 Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000, l oi . CO, 1 of SCO, 1 of 700, 1 of 600, 1 of 500, 1 of 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. Third Day's Drenting-—I Prize of 10.000, 1 oT 1,000, 1 of iiOO, I of 800, J of 700, 1 of 600, 1 of SCO, 1 of W E are authorised to announce BAP RAF-1 LL ri. STUBBS, Esq. as a candidate fat Tax Collec tor of Baldwin county, at the ne xt election. June 23. \TD are authorized to announce JAMES C-. TEE Esq: as a candidate for Tax Collector ol Bald win county, at the election in January next. August. 25 7 w are authorized t< announce \V. C. POWELL, Esq. a candidate for Rereiver of Tax Returns in Baldwin, at the election in jarnwy next. July ^ITALTEfl N. JilVo V V for Receiver of Tax . I y in Janu iry »e <r . INS, io.u.ii Tq. is a candidate for Baldwin c-jun .'■cpr 15 MStSa (iVUlow of iFm. II. Finurnoy,) VS taken a SCHOOL ROOM at iv»r@. Vickers nearly opposite Mr. HrMi iiHir.a, where she wi. t. an a select numb. r, no* exei-m ..g ulrecn, the billow- isiy ni auehto of Female Education, at tiit annexed pri- II Ren \-r. Writing, English Grammar, jyid P i n Work, ' - - - _ - G Tir-or. History, Astronomy,Ni'.vnl Piiilosophr, Belles L.utrcs suid Oma ni noil Worki - D.-a-vmg and i'-thuing, ... Embroidery, ----- Freucli Lvig'nje, (five lessors per v« k.) Music, (fiva lossons per week,) Use of the PiaAo for Practicing, As the m >s’ -.Jev.^ed attention w»]I be pa:,l do - .!, rea 4 ness,The., as wcli as thii-i. pnpils e/'-nhded to he, p r'VjUCSlL'U tu \ I 'll Ute &OUV..V.1 tv*ICC their lmowement. ^liiltdseviile. Arms' l -C *3 per qr. « • V, | j-p (*OTl- mental onprorrment of re-iis and gun-muni, are co a month and judge of 4—If 400, 1 of 300, 1 oh 200. Fourth Day's Drawing— 1 Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1.000, 1 of 000, I of 800, 1 Of 700, 1 of 600, 1 of 500, 1 of 400, 1 of 3CO, 1 of 2GO. n/ih and iasL Drawing—1 Prize of 20,000, 1 of 1,000, 1 of 500, 1 of ?60, l ( f. 700, 1 of 600, 1 of 500, 1 of 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. And on ihe commencement of the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Day’s Drawing, thcfirst drawn number shall be entitled to a prize of $1,000, and on the conclusion of the last Day's Drawing, ihc first and last drawn number 'dialI be c willed to a copi'ai Prize cf $5,000 each, in ad- di. ' tn to sndi Prizes a- may be drawn to (Lew numbers. The whole Lottery fo be completed in Five Day's Drawing only! FRIZES OXi.i TG DRATVTf. Tl’.c First Day’s Dra .ving will .alee place on the 1st of F.EBRL All Y next, or sooner should the sale of Tickets warrant. The whole of the Prizes payable in sixty days after na-'h Day’s Drawing—subject to a deduction of fifteen percent. All prizes noi applied tbr in twelve months from each dray ay to be considered as a donation to the funds of ibo Mil’c-igevilie .Street Lottery. Tlie drawing t.o t dee place under the superintendence of Y it.liam W. Carnes, STmufj. Buffington, Eamu- ei, Rockwell, William II. Torkamce, Ezexjcl E. pAtK. Joseph Stow all, Thomas VV. Baxter, james S. Cal?to( y, and Iverson L. Harris, Commissioners} also, a Bop rd of Visitors. PRESENT PRICE CF TICKETS, Wholes $10 Halves $5 Quarters $2 50. For sale in a great variety of numbers at the Commis- donern Oiiice. on vv avne-btreet, opposite the Post-Office and (ate Bank. PPM 'ELDERS for Tickets, frrim any part, of tlie U. Sta-'es, (Tbist-puid,) will meet with prompt attention.— Addrcosto PRYOR WRIGHT, Secretary io Commissioners. Miller!ccville, October 20. 1831. 15—if WATCHES, JBWEIilRY, &.C. &c. Xi. FEXlHIHrSLOLD LTASTZh JACOB FOGLE R espectfully inform* his customers and the pub ic generally, that he has just re ceived a fresh supply of GOODS in his line of business, which add ed to his former stock, makes his assortment as complete as any ev. ever offered for sale in this place. Among the articles received are the foilwring : Ladies and Gentlemen’s Gold Patent Lever WA'i CH- ES; silver patent levers and plain Watches; ladies and genTemen’s gold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys; gold, plated, gilt and silk guard Club us; Cable Chains; Ear Rings; Finger Rings; Breast Pins and bosom Buttons; Bced and Silk Purses; Beed Bags; Purse Clasps ; La dies Buckles and Clasps; Carved and plain Tucking and Side Combs; Musical Boxes, Harmonicas, Flutes, and Preceptors; Silver Soup Ladles; Table, tea, desert- cream, mustard and salt Spoons; Sugar Tongs, Butter Knives, Pencil Cases, and Spectacles; Gold and Silver Pens, Gold and Silver Leaf Plated Castors, Fruit Bask ets, Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays ; Steel Snuffers, Brass Candlesticks and Curtain Pins, Wine Waiters and Tea Travs, Pen and Pocket Knivct; Scissors, Thimbles ana Needles; Razor Straps, Shaving Boxes, Brashes and Soap; Tooth and' Hair Brushes; Chess Men, Belt and Pocket Pistols, Percussin Caps and Powder Flasks; a great variety of Walking Canes, Pocket Books and Snnff Boxes, and such other fancy articles as arc usually kept at such places. Also, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP miLlTYUY GOODS. Special attention paid to WATCH REPAIRING. Miiledgeville, October 20, 1631. 15:—tf A CARI>. T HE undersigned, beg lesvt to inform the pub lic and their friends, that they have opr nod their Auction Store _ on Wayue-street, opposite the Post-Office and State Bank, where one of them will al ways be found. Persons sending- Goods on consignment, either for sale at Auction, or on Commission, may rely on having every exertion used to effect speedy mles on the best terms. - JOHN W. PITT, PRYOR WRIGHT. Miiledgeville, Oct. 13. 14—-tf II SURGSBY or THIS TEETH. MR. WALLACE, Surgeon Dentist from N. York, ff vS taken a ROOM at die Lafayett vyelt e Hall, (for a fieri time,) and respectfully offers his Profession al services to (he citizens of AI died gc v i i ie and vicinity. Mf-W* performs all necessary operations on i he Teeth, and inserts the different kinds of JtrUftcLal Teeth as the natural, animal, and porcelain or “Incorruptible Teeth, n from ihe single tooth to entire sets. Miiledgeviile, Oct. 20. 15— FACTORAGE . AND CCL33.EZS3IGM- BU3ISTS33. vj a r ~ r iTic subscriber w ill com- ~T t’j J L * me nee the above business L ^ TVm. II. Underwood 4‘* Henry L. Sims, In JUG USTJI, on tlie Ft IT'SrAVE Minted tin ir Profrssa nul m e—is for ail tlie f ja y c f September, next, oounti?- in the Western Circuit, under * he iirm of t.NDER Yi OGD it SIMS. i!Imin H. Underwood M-iU rein vc to Gaine vi'ie in December next, where oiie of r.*ie fi.m may at all times be found. Gainesville, Sept. 25, 1h31. Io—2m lYSavT - W A si i A J ,L are practicing Law M ARGROVE hi connects ttdjJining couni ;cs and will devote his time exclusively to the interest of lus friends, who may patromze him. All COTTCNT mu other PS.OEUCE, or sent to him for Storage, wiil be stored in a first rate FIRE PROOF WARF-IiOUSE, at the customary charges. All orders to him previous to his arrival at Augusta, di- They will R itend tile Courts in the i vec ted to the care of John C. Holcombe, will meet with • ’aving'on. /. B. HARGROVE, TURM AN WALTHALL, vtnn ca. June 23. 1831. 50—tf Ci'THBEBT & FOLEILL H AVE opened their OlFlCD at the Com missioner’s Hnll in the market-iiouse, IV;Scdge- vu.j Georgia. One of tl .c m is always to be found there re al r to attend to professional calls. They will practice in die following Counties and Cir- ffclU: f BALDWIN, } JONES, prompt attention. His Office, for the present, is at the first door above Holcombe & Catnpfield’s Ware-House. ARA1STED RICHARDSON. Augusta,, Aug 25 7—tf Pcmulgtt \Circuit PITTNAAL ( WILKINSON. (BIBB, Flint Circuit \ MONROE, (henry. fTliaiahocchie Circuit TALBOT. < TYV1GGS, Southern Circuit ^ TELFAIR, &c. XL+lle Circuit WASHINGTON. Miiledgeville, June 23. 1831 MASONIC HALL. PHSMIUSil Gr 100 DOLLARS i -A ' ifrn. be paiu f i a fLAN or a Masonic Hall to f V be erected in the town of .Miiledgeville. The ildaig to be fire-proof-—three stories high, the ;nt. st°ry to l>e of stone, the oilier stories of brick—to placed on a corner lot fronting south and west. Basc- ;iv story to be occupied for stores—cost not to exceed 5,000. The plans to be directed to the Secretary cf the Board Commissioners of the Miiledgeville Masonic Kali Lot- •y, on or before tlie 1st day ot Novernljer next. I?. A. -GREENE, Secretary. MillledgeviUe, Sept-6, 1S31. P. S. Brick can be purchased for $-4 50 per 1000—and me for S3 00 per perch of 25 feet. .* Tlie Nrw-York (V.uricr & Enquirer, Augusta Courier, nnrl irlrston Courier, will give the above three insertions rmdfor- ni the>r accounts for paymcct. R. A. GREENE, fC pt 8 9 tf Secretary NEW FIRE PROOF AUGUSTA. T iE undersigned tender the public their thanks, for their liberal patronage, and beg leave to advise them, that they continue to transact the FACTORAGE &. COMMISSION BUSINESS in all its branches.— They are now erecting a commot ions fire proof IVm t- and Close Stores, on south side Br ad-sireet, a bi le below the upper Market, which will be in readiness by first September for reception of Cotton and Mer chandise. Being in every way well prepared to serve customers, and intending to use due diligence for their interest, full reliance may be placed in the fait hful discharge of busi ness intrusted to their care. Their Commissions shall be Rt the recently reduced rates. STOVALL & SIMMONS. A vgusta, August 1st, 1831. 4 tldec T LAW REPOBYS. |UK subscriber has obtained tronisome ol the Judg _ es, and others a number of DECISIONS made in important law cases. He expects to enlarge his Collec tion; and so soon as the subscription will authorize, to publish them in a plain, cheap style, in pamphlet form. The object of this undertaking is to awaken among the people a sense of the importance of a Court for the Correction of Errors. The Judges, Solicitors, and Members of tlie Bar, throughout the State, are respectfully requested to fur nish authentic reports. To those who may do so, a rea- eonable allowance in the price of the work will be made. Utility alone, and not profit, is the object of the under taking. And with this view he solicits warmly the co operation of the Bar and Bench. His situation as an editor will enable him to print the work more cheaply titan other perrons. JOHN G. POLHILL. Miiledgeville, April 21, 1831. ' ‘ COTtOS BAGG1SG. PIECES I for sale by PIECES heavy hemp, just received, and aug 24—tf WILEY & BAXTER* T GROCERIES JlJVD xtl subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public generally, that they have connected themselves in the above line of business, under the firm of KENRICK & WALKER. Tlicir store is situated on the north side of Broad-street, immediately in front of the Planter’s Hotel, where they are receiving from New-York, Philadelphia and Boston, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP GROCERIES Sr HARD WARE, Which they will seil, low for cash or approved paper. 027 HAND 600 Pieces Hem 11 ano American Bagging, 100 c oils Bale Rope, 1000 ibs. Bagging Twine. B. F. KEhRIoK, SANDERS WALKER. Augusta, Sept. ?, 1831. 10 2m NOTICE. P ERSONS having accounts against the MiUedgtville Masonic Hail Lottery, will please present them for payment, within ten days from this date. By order, R. A. GREENE, Secretary to Commissioners. Miiledgeville, August 4,1331. 4— G EORGIA, PULASKI COUNT V.—Whereas Archibald B. Ridley applies to me for letters of administration upon the estate ot Harriet llidif;, late ot said county, deceased: . , „ These are therefore to cite and admonish all .and smgu lar, tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mydiand, this 16th Sept. 1831. JOSEPH CARRUTHEUS, c. c. o. Sept 29 l'\ 6t TO THE PUBLIC, B EING legally seized with the exclusive Pa’en’ '*■ fo f-i the Machine called the WASHB& for the Stafe cf Georgia aim tooum foar- "i. i i, • mi >iO right for sale for families or counties. Single rights $-1—County from §100 to $10. There are thirty-two counties in tlie State to sell the right for. 1 warrant the Machine to wash clean, from the finest lace, '.o the coarsest garment, without injury. Those in Bald win county wishing to have machines made will please call on Mr. Humphrey at the Penitentiary, as I have au- morized him to sell individual rights. I will be in Mil- ledgeville on the 1st of November. D. C. GIBSON. October 20 15—tf ~3T 1ST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Of- JLJ lice at Alonticelio, on the first of October, 1831. A—Alexandria Avry, C. E. Arleage, Doct. A. Arme- stead, Croin Askew, Louson Adams, Albert Alexandria, Dr. Jefferson Adams, Airs. Charlotte Adams. B—Stephen Brides, Joshua Burgess, John Bogan, James Buckhannon, William Blackburn, Green D. Brant- iey,2, Thomas E. Buchnnnon, Aliss. Sarah CL Binns, J. Beasley, Afcs. Elizabeth Bell, John H. Baynes. C—Dr.M. Claton, Allen Castleberry, Miss. Diey Car den, Abner Chapman, 2, Eliza Champion, John Cunnard, Leon Caldon, Washington Calisle, Alfred Cuthbert, 2.. Thompson Curry, Hannah Combs, 11. Clay, John B. Croimip. D—Henry Dillon, 2, Blackmun Dickson, Betsey Paw son, John F. Dismukes, Robert H. Daniei, Francis Dun- son, Albert J. Dosier, Elijali Dodson, Thomas J. Dosier, Christopher Deadueldcr. F—Nathaniel Fish, 2, T. Freeman, Bailey Freeman, William K. Folkes, John Falkner. G—Airs. Polly Georgia, Airs. Sarah George, G Greene, Mark Garner, Thomas C. Garrett, Wily- more, William Green. II—L. S. Holland, Airs. Malcssa Harwell, Benjamin Hammock, Joshua Haines, Edmund Larvey, Vvhliair Harwell, William Harper, N. Pope How aid, Littleton M. Hunnieut, Jacob Harrison, Jtunes Harrison. J—Edmond Jinkens. Seaborn Jones, Lucy Johnson, Joseph A. Johnson, Alexandria Johnston. K—JerimahKeeth, Alfred D. Keenn, Abraham Key. L—Thomas Loyed, Jessee Levereit, John Li James Liies, Ellenzer Lovejoy. M—John AlcSpame, James Martain, Lewis Air j t Alien AIcC lendon, 3, Richard McDuff, 3, David Melton, Robert R. Aliuter, William Moore, I.ouisa Alorgan, Ala ry Alarshal, Thomas, AVood Aloreland, John McMicial, Sintlia .Miller, William’.vicAlichal, ‘Vy'il- Iiam Alaxcy, Briant W. Alerret., "William AlcCorcle, Stockeley Morgan, Doct. John G. AicKinuie, 2. A*—Eli Norton. O—Phillip Owens, Charles Olive. P—John Price or Thomas Price, James Phillips, Isaac L. Parker, Wiiliam H. Pearson, William Phelps, Mrs. Alarthy Pennington, 2, Edmund Pucker, 2. R—Thomas Rivers, David Rodden, 2, Thos. Rhodes, John Roberson, 2, Alfred Reese, Abram Rowan, Henry Roe, John Redley, Prier Reeves, AndrewRhac, Nathan iel Roberson. S—William G. Smith, Mrs. Jane Spear, John Spear, Jam 'ma Shields, Roiin Smith,- Henry T. Smith, Henry Stephens, Radial Stagner. T—Thomas Thomasson, Joshua Teal, James F. Tur ner, Miss. Mary G. Trnett. W-—Iliram Wilson, 2, Henry Walker, Henry Whe- lo.r, Aliss. Elizabeth Williams, Eveline Willcox, Joshua Wood, 2, Aron White, Moses Weldon, Jinkina Will- son, L. M. Willson Rufhus "West, J. C. White,'James R. Wliite, Mr. Webb, Isaac AViHaims, CoL William Williamson, 4. PETER GRIN NLL, P. Ai. Octolwr 13 14—3t FOR "B - OT No. 154, 2d District Habersham county—this 1 A is a valuable tract of land, having a creek running through it and has on it a growth of oak and hickory. For terms apply to J. B. HERBERT, & CO. Savannah, Oct. 13. 15—6t N otice to debtors & creditors. All those having demands against the estate of Jo- siah Hatcher, late of Wilkinson county, deceased, will present them tome for settlement within the time prescri- |>ed hy law; and those indebted to said estate will make payment immediately. ^ E.-DENSARD, Adm-r. October 20 15—6t JOB PRINTING, Executed widi neatness and despatch, and on reasonn- ablc terms, at the FethfiiUi. Union Office. € 1 LORGIA, WALTON COUNTY, I Winefred E. Hogans applies to me for letters oi administration on the estate vV heieas i appl of lsham Hogans, late of said county* deceased; These fire t herefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescrilied by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 19ih September, 1S31. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. Sept 23 12 5t GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY.—Charles wJl* Latimer and Thomas Kennon apply for letters of administration on the estate of Charles Fur low, late of said county, deceased: This is to cite the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to appear at. my office within the time prescribed by law, and file their objections,"if'any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 27 th September, 1831. JESSE A4ITCHELL, c. c. o. oct 6 13—5t liU Y the first. January eighteen hundred and twenty B m six, I promise to pay Sampson Dixon, or bearer, hl; v dollars for value received. (Signed) ABNER GRIFFIN I indorse the within note unto Thomas Ailen after a due course of law. Signed sometime in 1825. his SAAIPSON X DIXON. mark. Appeared in open Court, Thomas Allen, who being duly sworn, deposeth and says that ihe above is a copy in subst ance of a note made by Abner Griffin and the en dorsement thereon, with the exception of the time when the note was made, which is not remembered, that said note is lost, and this deponent is the lawful own t hereof! THOMAS ALLEN. Swom to in open Court, 15tli October, 1831. JEREMIAH BEALL, Cl’k. R ULE NISI.—It appearing to the Court by the affidavit, that, the note of Abner Griffin, made payable to Sampson Dixon or bearer, for fifty dollars, and due 1st January, eighteen hundred and twenty six, has beei) lost—It is, on motion of Robert Hatcher, attorney for Thomas Allen, ordered, that the above copy in sub stance be established in lieu of said lost original note at the next Term of this Court, unless good and sufficient cause be shewn to the contrary by said Abner Griffin, or his attorney, and that this rule be published in one of the gazettes of Miiledgeville for six months. A true extract from the minutes of Wilkinson Superi or Court, this 17th day of October 1831. oct 20—6m JEREMIAH BEALL, Cl’k. BALDWIN COIR1 OF OBDLAki , * jLLY TERM, l«3i. R ULE NISI.—Upon the application of imttbttf and "William B. Jordan, administrators on .a:e of Richard Jordan, deceased, stating hat they an* about closing the administration of said estate, and are desirous of being regularly discharged t fie ref ram in term* of the low—It is ordered, that a copy of this rule be pub lished once a tnomh for six months in one of the public ga zettes of this place, that nil parties interested have du« notice of this application, and file their objections, (if any) to the issuing ol letters disiuissory. A true extract from tire minutes, July 12, 1831. C. D. HAMMOND, v. c. c. o. July 14 1 0m GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY"•—William wJT L. Locki'u, applies to me for letters of administra- the estate of William Rowe, late of Warren county, deceased; This is therefore to cite the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within t.hc time prescribed by law, and file their objections, if any facy, why said letters should not be gratittd. Given un der my hand, this 26th September, 1831. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. oct 6 13 5t EORGIA, WALTON COUNTY.—Whereas vff Charles Sorrells applies to me for letters of Admin istration on the estate ol Elizabeth Sorrells, deceased: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 10th September, 1831. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. Sept 18 11 5t ipl EORGIA, DOOLY" COUNTY. riVVhercas 1 imothy Goodman, applies to me for letters of administration on the the estate of Joel Goodman, late of said county, deceased: . These are therefore to cite and admonish all fe singu lar the kindred & creditors of said deceased to be and ap pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted, Given under my hand this 8th October, 1831. THOMAS H. KEY, c. c. o. October 13 14—51 MT i EORGIA, WILKINSON COUNTY—Saral. vil Scarborough and Marshall Scarborough, applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Icha- bod Scarborough, late of said county, deceased: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed lw law, to shew cause, if anv they have, why said let to: should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 6t.'. day of October, is31. ALPIIEUS BEALL, c. c. o. October 14 14—fit "WTIOUR months after date application will be marie u j£/ the honorable tbe Inferior Court of Ware count? whep sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lo of Land, number one, in the 6lh district of Troup county saitl la-.*d drawn by an illegitimate child, formerly name. IVjgley Osteen, now "Wiley Robson, and sold lor his ben efit* JAMES ROBSON, Guardian. July 14, 1831. 1 4n> NTttH'R months afterdate application will be marie ’ _5L' the honorable Inferior Court of Henry countv. when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave re sell tl - real estate of John Joiner, late of said county, dercnsf c LYTHA JOINER, > . , . WOODWARD JOINER, $ Ac,rn rs - June 23, 1831. 4m "B.10UR months after date application will be mad* _K? to the honorable tlie Inferior Court, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate ly ing in Walton comity, of Phalbey Davis, late of county, deceased—also at the same time like applicant »• will be made, to sell a negro woman named Phillis, belong ing to said estate. JACOB BROOKS, Adm’r. September 15 10 4rn 1 3QUR months after t “ate applvaiion will be made t- .17 the honorable the Inferior Court of Franklin coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to seii tile negroes belonging to the estate of Levi Stakes, de ceased. JAMES MORRIS, Adm’r. , June 23. 1831. 4m E JOUR months after dare application will bo made jj£j to the honorable the Inferior Court of Waiton coun ty, sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell ail the real estate of Samuel Jackson, late of said county, dec’d. JOHN JACKSON, > ^ , JOHN H. LOWE, \ Ex ors - September 8, IS31 10 4m SilOUR months af'er date application will be made JC’ to the Inferior Court of Clarke county, sitting fot ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate ol John Foster, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. JOHN F. FOSTER, Ex’or. September 26 12 4m 1 .’SOUR months after date application will be made -El to the honorable t he Inferior Court of Henry coun ty, while sitting as a court of ordinary, for leave to sell tlie real estate of Thomas MeCommack, an insane per son, See. JAMES BUTLER, Guardian. September Ifi 10 4n» "E .lOl lt months afier‘date, application will be made JT to the honorable Inferior Court of Pulaski county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Bnrwell Phillips, deceased. EASON TISON, Adm’r. de bonis non. August 5th, 1831. 4m A FTEjR the expiration of four months, application Jim. will be made to the Inferior Court of Wilkinson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a certain Tract of Land, in the 22d district of Mus cogee county, belonging to Ma- iah Ryal, minor. JESSE PEACOCK, Guardian. July 21 2 4m IN EMANUEL SUPERIOR COIKT, APRIL TERM, 1831. Nancv Cun ey, ) vs. J CASE OF DIVORCE. Jones Currey, ) I T appearing, by the return of the Sheriff, that »he de fendant is not to be found in tlie county—It is il «•>e- forc, on motion of the pkr.ntiff’s council, ordered, ttval the defendant in the said case appear at tire next term of this Court and plead to the said case, and in the credit of his fililingto do so, the plaintiff will lie. permuted tf ’ re cced to trial as in rase of defaillt; and it is further order ed, that this be published once a month for three months, in one. of the public gazettes of this Stare, or served or. the defendant, three months previous to the next term cfth<? Supenor Court of this county. True cony taken fnm tlie minutes of Emanuel Superior Court, this 20th day ol* June, 1831. EDWARD LANE, Cl’k. , July 14 1 3rr: PILL for discovery, relief and ivjuuciion. IN HABERSHAM SUPERIOR COCRT, APRIL TERM, 1831. Fielding Hill and Frances Keith,' Complainants, rs. AlbritonM’Danicl, Nat iian Cook • Thomas Haynes, John Fountain, Williams Rutherford, Patrick J. Robertson, and John Potls. I T appearing to the Court that the defendants in tht a'fove bill reside cut of the county of Habei shart— It is therefore ordered, that they appear and plead de mur, or answer to the ta d bill at the next. Supeiio: Court of said county, or the bill will be taken pro cori'esso, and that a copy of this rule be published in one <4 he public gazettes oi" this State in terras of the law in sue h as: j re- vided. A t uic extract from the minutes of Habersham Superior C ur!, April Term, 1831. [May 26—ni3rnj JUEN T. CARTER, Cl’k. .RABUN INFERIOR COURT, SITTING FCR ORLtNART TURPi SES, MAT 7, 1. 31. Present, their honors John McClure, Edward Coffee* William Golftspic, and William Kelly, E-quires, Jus tices of said Court. T HE petition of G. W. B. Towns, sheveth, that seme time in the year eighteen hundred am: tu rn y-nire, contracted with Curiis Pinson, then in i :b, fer a lot of land, number two hundred and twenty-four, in fro six- tetnth district of formerly Muscogee, now Tail ot county, Georgia, and gave therefor six hundred nr.d sixteen dol lars, and which he is reedy to ray. The sa.d Curtis Pin- .-on has since departed tins hie, without executing title* o your petitioner, or making anv provision tlierefor ill his last will and testament—It is therefore ordered by 'he Court, that Samuel Furis, administrator on 'he e. ’p.-t of Curtis Pinson, deceased, do file his objections, if any he has, why he should not make good ond lawful titfi-i in and to said lot of land, in conformity to the statute :n such case made and provided, unto the said G. V- . li. downs, and that this rule be pubi shed in one or the ;:s- zeites afthis State, for tliree mnutfis previous to the rime that the. titles will be directed to he made. A true extract from the minutes, this 7th June 1831. JACOB CAPEHART, Clerk. June 30 51 3m GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY, Com l oj Ordinaty—September Term. 1831. R ULE NISI. Upon the application of I.-.aac P. Henderson and John Allen, Admmistra'oi:. on .-.e estate of Thomas Garrett, deceased, stating that they are about closing the administration of said estate arc nc desirous of being regularly discharged tht-reli cm in t? in.-, •f the law—It Ls therefore ordered, ti nt a copy ot :i> Rule be published once a month for six months fr, one •f the public gazettes cf this State, that ah pa:' es fiver-, ested Irave due nr-uce of this cppnca'ion, and foe object ions, if any, to the Lsuing of icucr.- disrr ss. ry. A •rue ex tract from the miuuias, 5:1- Sip*. K-3i I.. HOPKINS, Ol’k c. o. Sept 22 11 6i- NEWTON COUR1 OF OT DINAR Y, March iLRf*;, j.83i. "B'TPON the application of John f. ! . Laugh, «umn-;-;:a- mJ tor of Sarau Gordon, deceased, stating *h?.t he ir ready to close hi^ said adminismafon anti is rictitoi ..leing; regularly dismissed therelV ir. m terms a the fi ll is therefore ordered, that th> R'lle be ; vbiishcd or month for six months >n oome pubiit gazette of this ft that all persons n ay he--e due norite the col. A *-ue extract from the min me s. fhfi 12-1 Mareh. 1831. (37—6raJ L- KOPIviNo Cfork. DEKALB INFERIOR COURT, Sitting for Ordinary purposes—-Mcy Terr. . Jjj»j TT^HEREAS, Edv aid VI ade, aoi.'-iiiiatrator < ? f estate of Joseph King, ecceased, applies: for letters of dismission from sa d aorr.ini&rra: .< r>: This is therefore, by order "of sard court, to cit sons concerned to be and appear at tlie Court oi Crd for said county on the ifi'st Monday ir Jarnarv ne shew cause, if any they can, why said letters shot be granted. Given under mv iiand, i 1th Mar, ii3 C.'MURPHE Y, C. C ftfav 26 4i >■ 6? is < : V- ! CO rV. •o’e 1: r i tO )l: 7 i per- ”’ r - : v AH OKGIA, PULASKI COUNTY.- Y r... vfl Daniel L*. Sturges, administrator on ‘he t <r> Archil aid Young, deceased, applies to me fork-in. dismission on said estate; These are therefore to cite and admorrish, all and so gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, ro : • and appear at a Court of Ordinary to re heid on t? * Monday in January, next, in and for said county, ti and there to shew cause, if any they have, why sain fo- should not be granted. Given under my hand, tins I'. . day of July, 1831. JOSEFH CARRUTEERS, Clerk. Julv 14 1 m6e> C GEORGIA, PULASKI COUNTY.—W herea* Jf W ashing'on Lancaster makes application f;r iei- ters of dismission from the estate of James T. TLcmas, late of said county, deceased : These are therefore to cite the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, v, i;h : t the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any rh r have, why said letters of dismission should not l>e grant ed. Give under mv hand this 16th September. 1831. JOSEFH CARRUTHERS, c. c. o. Sept 29 12 m6m | 1EORGIA, PULASKI COUNTY—Wiiliam ® ~W Mayo makes application for lette-s of dfintissuB from the estat e of John Robuck, deceased: These are therefore to cite the kindred and creditors r« appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. to shew cause, if any they can, why said letters of Ad mission should not be granted. Given under my hand, this fith day of Aueust, 1831. JOSEPH CARRUTHERS, c. c. o. Aug 18 m6m GEORGIA, PULASKI COUNTY,^-Wherc wJW as. Richard J. Snelling makes application for ie.. fr -^of dismission, upon the estates of Dempsey Lerw Elizabeth Leary, and Penelope Leary, and Francis I. Armstrong: These are therefore to cite and admonish all "and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to and appear at my office within the time prescribed hr law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters oi dismission should not He grantad. Given under my hand, 6th September, 1831. JOSEPH CARRUTHERS, c. e. a. *en 1ST _ »*