The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, December 01, 1831, Image 1

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THE FEDERAL IWI01V VOLUME 2—NO. 21. uruiMMU JJILLEDGEVILLE, GA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1831. WHOLE NUMBER 73. EDITEBBY J. G. POL^ILL & J. A. CUTHBERT. T HE UNION is published every Thursday at THREE DOLLARS ycr annum, in advance, or FOUR, if not paid before tlie etui tf tlie ;« e ir The Office is on Wayne Street, opposite McCombs - Tu era. -All \L)V IJIiTfSEMENTVS published at the usual rates. N. B. Each Citation by the Clerirs of the Courts of Ordinary tliat Application lias boon marie for Letters of Administration, must be published THIRTY DAYS at least. * ’ Notice by Executors and Administrators for Debtors and Credi tors to render in their accounts, must bo published SIX WEEKS. Sales of Neemes by Executors and Administrators must l.e ad- VOrtised SIXTY DAYS before ttyc jlay of sale. , Sales of personal property (except negroes) of testate and Intes tate estates by Executors and Administrators, must be advertised Forty days. Applications by Executors, Administrators and Guardians to the Chart of Ordinary for leave to sell Laud, must be published FUCK MONTHS. Applications by Executors and Administrators for Letters Dismis- Sbry. must be published SIX MONTHS. Applications for Koreclosure of Mortgages on real estate must be advertised once a month for SIX MONTHS. Sales of real estate by F.tecdtors, Administrators and Guardians, must be published SIXTY DAYS before the day of sale. These Sales must be made at the court-house door hot ween the hours of !0 in the morning and 1 the afternoon. No sale from day to day is valid, unless so cxi-ressert in the advertisement. Orders of Court of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of the bond, or agreement; to make titles to land, must be advertised THREE MONTHS at least. Sheriff "s Sales under executions regularly granted by the courts, must be advertised THIRTY DAYS—under mortgage executions, SIXTY DAYS—Sales of perishable property under order of Court, tunst be advertised, generally, TEN DAYS before the day of sale. All orders for Advertisements will be punctually attended to. *.* All letters directed to this Office, or the Editors must lie post paid, to entitle them to attention. CUTHBERT & POLHIl.Ii H IVE opened their LAW OFFICE at :..eCom- tnissioner’s Hall in the market-house, Milledge- v’nie, Georgia. One of them is always to be found there ■ eailv to attend to professional calls. They will practice in the following Counties and Cir cuits: f BALDWIN, Ocmitlgee Circuit < p^pNAM ( .VILKINSON. f BIBB, Flint Circuit . < MONROE, (HENRY. Chatahoochie Circuit TAI L- ‘T. Southern Circuit j ^ Middle Circuit. ..WASHINGTON. Vf : ll'-d‘reville. .True 23. 1831 EAGrliE HOTEL, LAW. IVm. II. Undei mood t|* Ilennj L. Sims, H i L turned.their tTmesSional liile.ex' tor ail the counties in tJie "Western Circuit, under the firm n UNDER. WOOD &, SIMS. William II. Underwood will remove to Gainesville in December next, where one of the firm may at al! times lie foitud. Gainesville, Kept. 25, 1831. • 13—2in J O fl\ R. WOOTAA respecduliy tenners , to the citizens of Baldwin county as a Candida t for tlie Clerkship of ihe Superior Court at the ensuing elec tion in January next. W fi an; authorized to announce Mr. LEW 1*S J. vY * KRAATZ a candidate for Clerk ol the Inferior Oourt of Baldwin county. Aug 4 W rl arc authorized to announce Mr. RANSOM II. SMI fH it candidate lot - Clerk of the Inferi or Court of Baldwin county, at the next election. Aug 4 "‘25157’ i. are requested to announce the name of YVIL- ¥ r LIAM D. SC0GG1N, Esq. as a candidate for Sheriff of Baldwin county, at tlie next election lbr coun ty officers. Nov 6 ‘"’K’GnrE are authorised to announce BARRADELL P. V V STUBBS, Esq. as a candidate for Tax Collec ts’- of Baldwin county, at the next election. June 23. ~\T <] are authorized to announce JAMES CONE Esq. as a candidate for Tax Collector of Bald win county, at the election in January next. August 25 7 — ——— & are authorized to announce W. C. POWELL, Esq. a candidate for Receiver, of r l’ax Returns %n Baldwin, al the election in January next. July 28 H LAW. ARGROVE& in connection, adjoining counties. W r ALTER *4. JL'.VRl VS, Esq. is a candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns for Baldwin eoun 1V, in Jivmary next. Sept 15 ~ CUIlGUrvY OP TUB T222TH. MR. WALLACE, Surgeon Dentist from JST. York, YS *t iken a UOO.M at the Lathy cue I rad, (for a Bl 3. short time,) and respectfully oilers his Profession al services t<» ihe citizens of Milledgeville and vicinity. Mr. vV. performs all wece-isory operations on the Teed) and inserts the different kinds of Artificial Teeth ns t'- .? t-urn’, animal, and porcelain or “incorruptible Teeth,' from the sing'e tooth to entire sets. Milledgeville, (>t. 20. 15— A TEACHER WANTED. H* Trustees ofJackson Academy, .n M mroe if *y, three and a half miles south east from Forsyth, wish to employ a Teacher, to take charge for tlie com- ■pdntr ycv'.* None need apply who are not well qualifier to te I : h ! he various branches of useful knowledge, gene: - idly -aught in the Academies of >.his State, & who don <-) ue well recommended as to moral character. Person al application will be preferred; and applicants would do well to give an e trl.y a*ten’ion. SELL MAN DURHAM, President. Noveni'x'r 17 19—2t Editors friendly to literature v 'hi confer a favor - by giving tlie above one of two insertions. S. D. ^oticeT - T TE Trustees of Zcbulou Academy wish to emplov Hu the next year a gentleman to takeelmrge of thn ipst-tulion. To one who can come well recommended I >r his classical aftninmeuis, and strict moral character, vi Liberal salary will be.given. Letters addressed to the Trustees of Z.bulbil Academy will be promptly attend ed to. A. Vf. PRIOR, Sec’ry. Nov 10 18—Gt s' AL 1 id ALL arc practicing Law They will attend the Courts in the 'Z. B. HARGROVE, TURMAN WALTHALL. Coving'on, Newton co. June 23, 1831. 50—tf WATCHES, JEWELRY, &.c. Sec. I*. PSRKIN’SMOLD STASTD. 3 AC 02. V O CHAi R oPo-C x i■ i_i_. Y informs s customers and tlie pub- • genera lly, that he has just re- cived afresh supply of GOODts n in’s line of business, which add ed to Ids former s f ock, makes In's assort men l as complete a?- any cv- eve-of’. ; ; d. c'i'e ip h - glace. Among the articles received are the following: Ladies and Gentlemen s Gout Pa'cm. t ever •». -i i VI ES j silver patent levers and fiiain Watches; ladies and gentlemen's gold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys; gold, plated, gilt and silk guard Chains; Cable Chains; Ear Rings; Finger Rings; Breast Pins and bosom Buttons, Beed and Silk Purses; Bced Bags; Purse Clasps; La dies Buckles and Clasps; Carved and plain Tucking ami Kide Combs; Musical Boxes, Harmonicas, Flutes, and Preceptors; Silver Soup Lad'cs; Table, tea, desert, cream, mustard and salt Sjxiniis; Sugar Tongs, Buttei Kii’ves, Pencil Cases, and Spectacles; Gold and Silver Pens, Gold and Silver Leaf Plated Castors, Fruit Bask ets, Candlesticks, Snufi’ers and Trays ; Steel Snuffers, Brass Candlesticks and Curtain Pins, Wine Waiters and Pea Trays, Pen and Pocket Knives; Scissors, Thimbles nu Needles; Razor Straps. Shaving B- xc , Brushes and nap; Tooth and Hair Brushes; Chess Men, Belt and rocket Pistols, Percuss!n Caps and Powder Flasks; a great, variety of Walking - Canes, Pocket Books and 'tmffBoxes, and such other fancy articles as are usually : opt at such places. ALo, V '’.^OFTX^'iT OF MlUrSYRY GOOD8. S.iOiiai . . iiioisjiaid • ATCH KEPA11 Au. Miiledgi viiie, i i-'tober 20, 1831. i >—It IVTIIiliEBGEVSLIjS, CEDZIGIA. T i f , .subscribe! res]secdfui« v informs Jus friends and (he public generally, that he has purchased M. D. Hr son s Hotel, which he a! present keeps as the EAGLE HOTEL. The House has undergone a thorough repair, besides a large two story budding, which adds very much to tlie appearance and comfort of the Louse—the dining room is large and airy. He will be able to accommodate from fifty to sixty Members of the Legislature, besides all transient persons who may lav or him with their comj*a- I n F* ! He hopes from his long experience in business, and the [ j assistance of Mr. and Mrs. Mangham, dial lie will be ■ able to keep a House not to be surpassed by any in the ! i the Southern Country. Mrs. Mangham has been living in iny family and Mrs. Huson’s lbr seven or eight years, which gives her a full knowledge of house keeping. ROBERT MeCOMB. August 4, 1831. 4—tf 2LTTEJffTI02ff! CX20&L Z.&.! : OK a your Metropolis! Look at her streets! Do you feci any pride for your Stale? Do you desin pleasant walking—handsome streets—a flourishing sea of Government / Have you any public spirit? An-you disposed to make a fortune?—If so, behold .(lie splendid Scheme below. Look at the condition of your Town; and if that will not excite you-—Just ihink of getting j one thousand dollars f ;r ten dollars—five thousand for ten j dollars—ten thousand for ten dollar.—Twenty Tnous- i and for ten dollars! What a speculation ! Gc in ior it! j G o in lbr it!! - \ MILLEIIGEVU,I.I> STREET LOTTERY. r.t of tieorgia.) (Authorized by il.e Oenor .i mil. EAGLE -TAVERN, SPARTA, GA. CLEVELAND & SAUNDERS, H - v iNG taken the above well known House for a term of years, recently occupied by Mr. McKie, trier dal ter themselves that they will be able to give sat- isfaetion to all who may favor them with their custom. Nov 10 ' 18—tf EAGLE HOTEL. IKWINTON, GA. H AVING been burnt out by the fire in Irwinton, on the 2d instant, the subscriber has taken a house on fue south side of the Court-House, on the Street leading to Marion, where he will use ail liis exertions to accom modate comfortably those who may feel disposed to pa tronize him. FREDERICK BEALL. Oeo her 6, 1831. 11—if 1 Prize of 320,000, is #20,000, 3 Prizes 10,000, is 30,000, 4 •« 3,000, is 20,000, 0 a 1,000, is 9,000, 5 tc 900, is 4,500, 5 tt 800, is 4,000, 5 tt 700, is 3,500, 5 it 600, is 3,000, 5 tt 500, is 2,500, 5 n 400, is 2,000, 5 (TC 300, is 1,500, 5 (8 200, is 1,000, 15 tt 100, is 3,500, 0 tt 30, is 2,500, 0 tt 20, is 13,000, 0 tt 12, is 60,000. Less than TWO blanks lo a PRIZE! LAXD FOR SALE. T ili’j subscril>er being desirous of remove ing to the Wesiern country, otters tha whereon he lives for sale—situated ipon tiie Flint river, immediately adjoining .tie Flat Shoals, upon tiie Memwether side cr» To people w l.o are acquainted in this sec- riptioii of the aiiove place is almost suporfiu- suffice u to say that the quality of (he laud : s very supenor, lying remarkably level, and so far has proved to be very productive. There are upwards of 2CQ acres cleared upon the aiiove place, exuemeiy iencing. T! between ail of it fresh and under Tract of Loud conuLurf e TO ING TIIE PUBLIC. legally seized with he ex ■ • - Pa : e-n‘ "f - he Machine called the QUEEN’S WASHER f'>r the State of Georgia.. . ..i.i. . .... ae right for sale for families or counties. G ng,c .igin- >4—County from $100 $10. There are counties in the State to sell ihe right for. 1 warrant the Machine to wuUi clean, from the finest lace, • o he coarsest garment, w iihotK injury. 'I hose in Bald win county wis!png to have machines made will piease " '.ii on Mr. Humphrey at ;hc Peuitentiaiy, as I have au thorized him to sell individual rights. IwillbemMil- lt.dgeviile on ihe 1st of November, D. C. GIBSON. October 20 15—tf MACDONOU GH HALL. M i HE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and tlie public generally, that he has taken thai iarge and commodious House formerly occupied as a TAVERN fey Vv iliiam Hardin, and hopes from his long experience in business, to be able to give the most decided satisfaction to all who may favor Inin with their patronage. His Bar will be supplied with the best of Liquors—and his Table furnished with every tiling the country affords. His Stable will be supplied with the best of provender and attended by un experienced and attentive Ostler. FRANCIS A. HUSON. McDonough, October 27, 1831. 16—St Idp* The editors of the Macon Telegraph, Augusta Chronicle and Athenian, are requested to give the above 8i serlions, and forward their accounts to me for pay men;. F. A. H. GLOBE HOTEL, JOURNElTECESr WANTED. TEACHERS’ CONVENTION. W ri die undersigned, sensible of the importance of a Teachers Society, which shall more fully pro mote the advancement of ihe cause of Education, do, at the request and by tlie consent of many respectable teachers and many enlightened members ol the commu nity, in almost every se - ".on ol the Slate, respectfully in- viv ail Teachers, both male and female to convene at the Court-House ill Milledgevifle, on vfonday, the lDth'f Bt-ember next. C. P. BgMAN, oj Mount Zion, T. B. SLADE, of Clinton, OTIS SMITH, ofPoicdlon, R. C. BROWN, ofScotisboro. 20— N - >t ember 24 A CARD. . inhabitants ol'Mifeiig - voieand its vicinity, are 8 respectfully informed, Mat on the first ot Decem- V r Mrs. Warner will commence giving lessons in Mu- sic,’Drawing and Painting, to such young Ladies as may be confided to her care. JCT* For a knowledge of the terms, Ac.application may be made either to Mrs. Vv., 7)lrs. Dr. Fort, or Miss T. liatcbcr. November 24 — 1l T HE public are cautioned against trading for a note signed by me, and which got improperly into the hands of one Edmund Lowe to whom it is made paya- ,,'blc. The consideration for which the note was design ed to have been given has entirely tailed. Indeed 1 nev er delivered it to the said Low e, but in my absence he ob tained it from my family—It was for the sum of $46, and perhaps some cents, and payable at Christmas next. I Hi all not pay iu VA AT I MExvEDll H. T lr suooci; ,. i*..t .... empi* y o} - ihe year, or shorter time, or by the job, one Sadler, utte Har- ic.-s .Maker, one Boot Maker, two or more Shoe Makers, me Currier. WILLIAM CABANISS. Social Circle, Walton co. N’ov. 17. 19— pay Wilkinson co. Nov. 21 20—4t NOTICE. A LT. persons indebted to list estate of Sarah Jones, late of Twiggs county, deceased, will please make immediate payment, and those having demands against • S r;; f | estate, are requested to present them wnhin the time by law. STEpHFN j NES, ^ A(lmrs - THOMAS JONES, Novermber 10 18—6t, T LAW RETORTS. TIE subscriber has obtained lrms-»n.e »• the Judv e- and others a number of DECISIONS made m important law cases. He expects to enlarge his Collec tion- and so soon as the subscription will authorize, to jHibiish them m a plain, cheap style, in pamphlet form. 1 The object of this undertaking is to awaken among ihe people a sense of the importance of a Court for the Correction of Errors. The Judges, Solicitors, and Members of the Bar, throughout the State, are respectfully requested to fur- aiish authentic reports. To those who may do so, a rea sonable allowance in the price of the work will be mad - - Utility alone, and not profit, is the object of the undet- taking. And with this view he solicits warmly the co operation of the Bar and Bench. His situation as an ctlitor will enable him to print the work mam cheaply jfjan other perrons. JOHN Q> POLHILL. T MiHe^ge v iUe, April 21, IS31, Wanted at this Ollice, 4 N APPRcwNTiCL . . mu priming business. He should be 14 or 13 years of age, have sufficient ed ucation and a satisfactory rec* unmendation. One from the country would be preterred. Nov 17 BICHNELIi' S REPORTER, Counterfeit Detector, and Price Current. rgldE firsi year of uns pubiica.,. n liuvnlg been con- JL eluded, tiie “Reporter” will heieaher be pubiislied .. eekiy as well as semi-monthly. V» e led grate!ul to die public for ike liberal patronage awarded us, (having now a more extensive circulation tiian any other newspaper m the United States,) and shall leave no measure unre sorted to, in order to render this Joui nai valuable in all resjiects, not oniy to merchants, banking institutions, brokers, and keepers of hoiels, but to tlie community m general. We have engaged the literary assistance of se veral gentlemen well know n as writers, and have corres pondents in all the principal cities and towns in tlie Lni- cd ,states. Vv e also receive weekly more than five hun dred newspapers from different parts ol ihe Union, so that whatever information may be circulated through the medium of die “Reporter,” and the resourcestromwhencc it is derived, we can confidently Siam, may, in all cases, be relied upon as correct. Bank notes are being counter feited in every direction; and on tlie arrival of every ves sel from Europe, or the creation of every national excite ment, the state of the market varies. Every person should, therefore, be possessed of some certain guide by which ail such information might be received by the tai- liest mails, and at such a rate as not to render its posses sion an exorbitant tax. Such a Journal is exactly what we endeavor to render the “Reporter,” in an effort to ac- complisii which, neither pains nor expense will at any time be spared on the part of the publisher. Every num ber will contain a carefully corrected Bank Note List, List of Broken Banks, Prices Current, Prices of Gold, Prices of Bank and Insurance Stock, and a description of ail Counterfeit and Altered Notes in circulation through out the United States, and all such information as is likely to throw light upon the subjects embraced iu the design of this Journal. The latest foreign news, togeth er with much original and weli selected matter, will al so be found in the columns of the “Reporter.” The terms of the weekly publication are $3 per an num—the semi-montlily $2—singles copies 12 1-2 cents. Address— ROBERT T. BICKNELL, Exchange Broker, No. 119, Clicsnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Aug. 25 PROPOSALS F or publishing ai Macon Ga. a Daily newspaper, devoted to News, Politics, Agriculture, Commerce, X . . o be en'i'led. U e pATLV DEACON TELEGRAPH. *'lie number of the name iias jeen published as a S|vcci- wen/and tlie press will go m;o operation as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made. Terms. The price of the Daii.y Macon Tely^raph ii["be Five Dollars fi>r six months—for $6 50 per an- •uun, including six monthsdaily, a-id six months weekly, j ‘ Advertisements will be inserteu'Wthe^u^ffdes. Octobei - 27 IS— AtGtSTA, OEOR61A. T ^,r ouBoCRiBER, (late propneici - of the Globe I iotti, and move recently of the Mansion House,) nogs leave to announce to his friends and the public gen erally, that he lias taken that elegant and commodious tire proof Brick Building on tlie corner of Broad and Jack- son streets, and immediately adjoining the new-Masonic Hall. It is situated in the most central part of the City, and is in tlie very heart of business—being in the vicini ty of the Augusta Bank, and the Branch Bank of the State of Georgia. This "establishment is known as the Globe Hotel, and in the interior arrangement and general constructing unites in an eminent degree, spaciousness, neatness, and comfort. To the man of family, the individual traveller, the daily boarder, or the fashionable visitor, the Globe presents accommodations, inferior to none in tlie South ern States. Having conducted for a number of years, two among the most popular Hotels in this city, he Hatters himsclt tiiat his experience in business, added to the superior ad vantages of situation and the resources under hiscontroul, will enable him to give the most decided satisfaction to all who may honor him with their patronage. His Stables are spacious and weil ventilated, and amply supplied with the best of provender, and attend ed by experienced and steady Ostlers in ad ah ion to which, the subscriber will bestow his own personal unre mitting attention, and in his charges, wiil not forget the i iressure of the limes. All the iHti to ce liouuii^ fioin the commencement except tnc following, deposited as'follows, viz: First Day's Drawing—2 Prizes of 5,00b, 1 of 1,000, 1 of 000, 1 of S00, 1 of 700, 1 of 600, 1 ot 500, 1 of 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. Second Day's Drawing—1 Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000, 1 of i>00, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of 600, 1 of 500, 1 oi 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. Third Bay's Drawing—1 Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000, 1 of 900, 1 of 800, I of 700, 1 of 000, 1 of 500, 1 of 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. , Fourth Day's Drawing—1 Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000, 1 of 900, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of 600, 1 of 500, 1 of -100, 1 of 300, 1 cf 200. Fifth and last D>-aicing—1 Prize of 20,000, 1 of 1,000, 1 of 900, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of 600, 1 of 500, 1 of 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. And on the comftencement of the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Day’s Drawing, the first drawn number shall be entitled to a prize of $1,000, and on the conclusion of the last Day’s Drawing, tlie first and last drawn number sludl be entitled to a capital Prize of $5,000 each, in ad dition to such Prize- as may be drawn to their nunil*ers. The whole Lottery to be completed in Five Day's Draiting only! PRIZES OxYLI TO 11E DRAWN. The First Day’s Drawing will take place on the 1st. of FEBRUARY next, or sooner should ike sale of Tickets warrant. The whole of tlie Prizes payable in sixty days afteJ cacli Day’s Drawing—subject to a deduction of fifteen percent. All prizes not applied for in twelve 'months from each drawing to be cons'tiered as a donation to die funds of tlio Milledgeville Street Lottery. The drawing to take place under the superintendence of William W. Carnes, Samuel Buffixcton, Samu el Rockwell, William H. Torramce, Ezekiel E. Park, Joseph Stovvall, Thomas \V. Baxtep., James S. Calhoun, and Iverson L. Harris, Commissioners; also, a Board of Visitors. PRESENT PRICE OF TICKETS, Wholes $10 Halves Quarters $2 50. For sale in a great variety of numbers at the Commis sioners Office, on Wrayne-Street, opposite the Post-Office and State Bank. ItUP" ORDERS for Tickets, from any part of the U. States, (post-paid,) will meet with prompt attention.— Address to PRYOR WRIGHT, Secreia. y to Commissioners. Milledgeville, October 20. 1831. 15—tf l ire .Charleston Stages arrive at the Globe Ho tel every Sunday, "Wednesday and Friday evenings, a; 6 o’clock, and depart every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday moaning, at half jxist 9 o’clock. The Washington and Athens Stage, departs every Tuesday and Saturday morning, at 3 o’clock, anil arrives every "Wednesday and Sunday evening at 6 o’clock. The Elberton Stage departs every Sunday morning, at 4 o’clock, and arrives, every Friday evening at 6 o’ clock. The Pendleton Stage departs eveiy Tuesday, at 4 o’ clock in the morning, and arrives every Monday at 2 o’clock in die evening. The Milledgeville Stage arrives every day, except Thursday, at 7 o’clock in the evening, and departs every dav except Wednesday, at 2 o’clock in the morning. ^ The Savannah Stage arrives every Monday, Wed nesday and Erldav. at. 10 o’clock in the morning, and de part every - ' the morning. Augusts, October 1, 1829 crest of hik FACTORAGE „ A 1 COLHRTISSXON BUSINESS. t he subscriber will con - .lienee the above busint s m AUGUSTA, on the 1 t day of September nex , and will devote his time exclusively to the friends, vh« may patronize him. All COTTON imd othrr PRODUCE, or sent to him for Storage, will he stored, in a first rate FIRE PROOF WARE-HOUSE, at tlie customary charges. All orders to him previous to his arrival at Augusta, di rected to the care of Jo/m C. Holcombe, will meet with prompt attention. His Office, for the present, is at the first door above Holcombe &. Cainpfieid’s "Ware-House. ARMSTED RICHARDSON. Augusta, Aug 25 7—tf 186—tf CXLL YXM SEE’. fM 1DE subscriber respectfully informs l BeBapSL ■ his friends and ihe public in general, IH S IS Si that he has opened a IllifilS House of Entertainment llBilll in Carrollton, Carroll county, Georgia, and flatters himself that he will give as general satisluction to all that may favor him with then- patronage as any other inn-keeper in as newly settled a country as this. Though Carrol! county has been kept in the back ground, defamed and shaded by reports, yet I hope all will soon be blown away by the sunshine of virtue, nurtured by the Gospel of Christ, and the in struction of arts and sciences—So cali and see. c. McCarthy. April 24 925 ?f _ MONTICELLO TAVERN. M TO RENT, that well known Establishment in the town of Monticello, at present occupied by Col. Fleming Jordan, equal, if not superior, (as a stand forJ>usine-s) to any in the interior. A part of the furniture necessary, will be sold or rent ed with the Tavern, a id a tease for three or five years, will be riven, if required. Possession will be given on the 1st January next. Apply to the undersigned, by le - ur, at their nrSdencc * & CEJ;s -oCK. Augusta, September 29 la—tld NEW FIRE PROOF AUGUSTA. T HE undersigned tender tlie public their thanks, for their liberal patronage, and beg leave to advise them, that they continue to.transact the FACTORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS in all its branches.— They are now erecting a commodious fire pi'oof Ware- Ilouse and Close Stores, on south side Broad-street, a lit tle bclow r the upper Market, which will belli readiness by first September for reception ol" Cotton and Mer chandise. Being in every way well prepared to serve customers, and intending to use due diligence for their interest, full reliance may be placed in the faithful discharge of busi ness intrusted to their care. Their Commissions shall be at the recently reduced rates. STOVALL 4c SIMMONS. Augusta, August 1st, 1831. 4 tldec GROCERIES .iJVD T jE subscribers beg leave to mfcrm their friends and the public generally, tliat they have connected tlicinselves in the above line of business, under the firm of KENRICK & WALKER. Then - store is situated on the north side of Broad-street, immediately in front of the Planter’s Hotel, where they are deceiving from New-York, Philadelphia and Boston, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES <$• HARDWARE, Which they will sell, low for cash or approved paper. ON HAND *500 Pieces Hemp and American Bagging, 100 Coiis Bale" Rope, 1000 lbs. Bagging Twine. * WW ’' 00 53 B. F. KENRICK, SANDERS WALKER Augusta, Sept. 8, 183L iq 2m FOR SILK, f OT No. 154, 2d District Habersham county—tU J is a valuable tract of land, having a creek runnii rirtoiurh it and has on it a growth of oak and hickon t or terms apply to J. B. HERBERT, & CO, I Savannah, Oct, & 350 & 400 with an opportunity of buying cutup, it wajneu, several tracts of wood land lying contiguous and adjoining. It is an excellent stand for a public house, blacksmith’s shop, and store—situated exactly upon the half way ground between Greenville and Zebulon. Upon tlio premises are a number cf stable^ cribs, cabins, A.c. and an excellent cotton gin. Terms will be liberal to i urcha- sers. THOMAS N. DUNCAN. Merriwether co. 10th .Sept. 1.831. II—tithe 50,000 ACRES OF LAM/ ! T HE undersigned proposes to sell Fifty Thousand Acres of fine Land in what is called riie W estem District ol Tennesse, among which is some of his best land, situate on the waters of Loosbatchee, Big Hatchet - , Forked Deer, Obion and Mississippi ri vers,—a large por tion of which is the best cotton land in the State, and well adapted to the growtli of Corn, Tobacco and every other production common to the same latitude. It is sit uated between latitude 35 and 56-30!! No new country possesses more advantages. Ten years ago the whole population scarcely exceeded five hundred souk, it now contains largely upwards of one hundred thousand—an increase beyond example, considering the whole District is not more than 90 nules square. Among the great advantages this fertile District has over all others, are the facilities aflorded to trade and na vigation:—bounded on tlie West by ihe mother of Rivers, the great Mississippi, and on the Last 1 y il.e Tcnnessiw River, both navigable at all seasons cf the year, by tlio largest class of steam beats;—the main tributary streams are navigable with keel and flat lx ats—and ti e email cIeusB of steam boats ply regularly up Big lJaiehie, as tar asBoliva, which is situated near the centre of ihe District; a huge portion of tlie above lands lie bn l Iris stream and .South of it, immediately in tliat section where there me already many large cotton farms. At this"tim£; this sec tion of country oilers to capitahsis great inducements;— land is unusually low—the papulation of the mrstie- spectable character, industrious, intelligent and enter prising. Schools and academies are now in cpeiath n equal to the best in the state, and emigrants are daily coming from Virginia, North and South Carolina, Geor gia and Alabama; amt many farms have been optm d lo tlie extent of 3 and 460 acres producing mor&coiti n to tiie acre than any other land in i he same latitude. Twelve years experience has tested the salubrity of the climate— no new country was ever blessed w ith a greater share < f general good health. Another treat advantage | u uliur to this section of country is, that navigable streams aro so dispersed, that there is no point at which a settlement can be made, tliat will exeeed u greater distance hem na vigation than twenty miles, and that the Mississippi riv er is easy of access by land carriage at many convenient points within this range of country,—whereas at no point beiow Memphis, until you reach the Vv alnuf hills, n dis tance of 400 miles, can you approach this great River at high water on either side from ll.c back country by lund carriage,—owing to tlie extensive swamps and lakes on both sides below the southern line of Tennessee. Anoth er advantage may here be suggested to cotton planters— the great distance west from the Allegany Mountains— as a degree west from said mountains is considered by judicious and experienced cotton planters equivalent to a degree South for ilie production of cotton. Such is my exalted opinion of this fine country, that no reasonable price would induce me at this time to part from so much of my lands, did not tlie situation of my a flails make it absolutely necessary to raise funds to discharge the heavy debts which have been so long and harrassing- ly pressing on me—For the reason last mentioned, the undersigned wishes to make one large sale, which w ill en able him to close np his business at once. IF 50,- G00 acres can be disposed of at one sale, 1 will give a great bargain on the most liberal credits, say from one to ten years, by such instalments as may be agreed on.— I shall be absent for the next sixty days, during which time, those who wish to purchase, can find a list of tlio different tracts at my office, in Nashville, or they can aj - piv to L. P. Cheatham, Esq. who is in possession ofn y price and terms. When I return, I will shew the lands, to any desirous of purchasing. JOHN C. McLEMORE. August II, IS3I. Cl TOW N LOTS FOR SALE* ILL ue .sold, on the tir-r I} in January ▼ T next, in the town ofCuthbert, in the county of Randolph, a number of LOTS in said town—ihe said town being the public site of the county of Randolph. The lots will be sold on the same terms as the State frac tious were. OLIVER GRIFFITH, 1 . "WILLIAM EVERITT, SILAS MOSLEY, \ j. r. c. JOHN R. M. NF.FL, 1 HENRY G. EZELL, J November 24 20—*c!s Idp* The Columbus Democrat is requested to give the above a weekly insertion until the ciav of sale. GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY.—MaJcom McDaniel of the 417th disfr iet G. M, posted be fore Lewis S. Monti, Esq. a dark brow5. or fctock wii c;- broken HORSE, supposed to tc fifteen or twenty years- old—Appraised by Marlin Warren and List!et««--Mcoi ning, to twelve dollars, 1st October, 1831. V. HARALSON, Clcrl*. November 24 20— 3; G eorgia, Baldwin county.—Mary Thomas applies to me for Letters of Admilristra-’ on, on the estate of David Thc-inas, dec»>ed*^.« - *'"' These are therefore to ci:»• and r.dmonhffi all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of ta'lTEiectasfd, to 1 e« and appear at my office, within the time presen!vd by law, to shew cause, if any they can, w hy said ietteis should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 23d day of November, 1831. RHODOM A. GREENE, c. c. o. November 24 20—5t 4NEOKUIA, PULASKI COUNTY. Jan cm NLJf S. Daniel applies to me lor Letters of Administra tion upon tlie estate of Rebecca Daniel, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, tc aj — November, 1831. JOSEPH CARRUTHEFS, c. c. o. November 24 20 5t G 1EORGIA, PULASKI COUNTY". James i Dillard makes application to me for Let tors of Ad ministration on the estate ot Philip Diiiaid, deceased : These are therefore to ci'e and adnu nish ail and sin gular, the kindred and credito-s of said deceased, to ap pear at my office, within tlie time prescribed by taw, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be jrranird. Given under my hand, this 17tli day of November, 1331. JOSEPH CARRUTIIERS, c. c. o. November 24 20 EORGSlA, PULASKI COUNTY'.—Wright Lancaster applies to me fo* - Letters of Administra- uon upon the estate of Elizabeth Daniel, deceased t These are therefore te cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to and appear at rwy office, within the time prescribed by \w, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letter^ iu»uld not be grained. Given under my hand, this 17t)^ November, 1831. JOSEPH CARB.UTHERS, r. C- m J?ot ~