The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, December 29, 1831, Image 1

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j/ / • ^ ■ r THE FEDERAL OT VOLIM2 3«.m 25. MILLIiEDGEHLE, GA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1831. WHOLE MMEER 77. UNKsiaaBM EDITED BY J. G. POL«ILL & J. A. CUTIIBERT. THE UNION is published every Thursday at THREE DOLI.ARS per annum, in advance, or FOUR, if not paid before the end cf tbe ye ir. The < mice is on Wayne Street, opposite McCombs’ Tavern. All ADVERTISEMENTS published at the usual rates. N. K. Each Citation bv the Clerks of the Courts of Ordinary that apnilr ition n is been made Par Loiters of Administration, mutt be published THIRTY DAYS at least. Notice by Cvermors and Administrators for Debtor* and Credi tors to render in 'heir accounts, in'H lie published SIX WEEKS. Sales of Ncsroes liv Executors and Administrators must I e ad vertised t-JXTY DAYS before the day of sale. Sales of personal property (except negroes) of toct.ite and ,'ntes- tatu estate. i,c Executors and Administrators, jnust be advertised FORTY DAYS. Apiillri'ions by Exerntorr'. Administrators and Gusrdians to the Court of ordinary for leave to sell Kami, must lie published FOLK MONTHS. Applications by Executors and Administrators for Letters Disrnis- SOry, initsf Ik; published SIX MONTHS. Appiicittfons for Foreclosure of Mortpases on real estate must be advertised once a month for SIX MONTHS. Sales of real estate Executors, Administrators and Guardians, must tip published SIXTY DAYS before the day of stile. These Bales must be made af the court-house door between the l ours of 10 jti the inornins tmd I in the afternoon. No sale from day to day is Valid, unless so expressed in the advertisement. Orders of Court of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of Hie bond, or agreement) to make titles to land, must be advertised THREE MONTHS at least. Sheriff "s Sales under executions regularly "ran'ed by the courts, tnust be advertised THIRTY DAYS—under inortsrafre executions, SIXTY'DAYS—Sales of perishable property under order ot Court, must lie ailvertlsed, generally, TEN DAYS before thoday of rale. All orders for Advertisements will be punctually attended to. All letters directed to this Office, in the Editors must l>e post paid, ro entitle them to attention. SCHOOIV5IAKER & WHITING. R ESPECTFULLY inform the public that they have associated themselves in business, as MERCHANT TAILORS, and have just received from New-York, a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of C2.0THS. J OHN R. WOOTAX respectfully tenders him sol. to the citizens of Baldwin county as a candidate for the Clerkship of the Superior Court at die eiisuingelec- tion in January next. Am: 4 W E are authorized to announce Mr. LE W IS J. W* KRAATZ a candidate ibr Clerk of the Inferior ©. atrt of Baldwin countv. Au£ 4 Consisting of BLlJE, BLACK, GREEN, OLIVE GREEN, OLIVE, BROWN, CLARET and STEEL M1XT, _ Lavender, Fawn, Mixt, Drab and Fancy Cassmercs— Vestings of elegant Patterns, Plain and Figured Velvet, Plain Black mid Figured and Printed Mersailes, Plain White Bluff and Figured Velencias—Also a general as sortment. of ready made Vests, Linen and Cotton Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Velvet and Silk Stocks, Cravats, Hand kerchiefs, Gloves, Socks, Suspenders, Drawers, &c. £tc. &o.. Ail of which they ofFer on reasonable terms. S. L W. respectfully solicits a share of public patron age, and assure those who may.favor them with their custom, that no pains will Ik*, spared in executing their orders in the most satisfactory style—and at the shortest notice. The lat est London and New-York FASHIONS just received. fCT 1 ’ Wanted immediately, two Journeymen Tailors. Milledgeville, November 17th, 1831. 21*—5t 'E arc authorized to announce Mr. RANSOM H. SMITH a candid ite lor Clerk of the Inferi or Court of Baldwin county, at the next election. Aug 4 G. \Y. JENNINGS, RESPECTFULLY informs the public and his friends especially, that he has this day entered into Copartnership in the Harness-Making AND SADBLERY BUSINESS, with Mr. Pleasant Pcbdee, under the firm, name, and ,,. prm , 0 . .. r,i ! style, of JENNINGS & PURDEE, wlio will execute, \ . ’ as «• curu i a e .or a. * j with neatness and despatch, all work entrusted to them, ddwm county, at the ..ext dec,on. June 23. , RS w ftS ran h<? do „* in Uie county . They are to be 7M. \V. POOL, Esq. is a candidate for Tax I always at the (.id stand of the undersized, who Collector of Baldwin county, at. the next.dec- j S ™“ n f l ‘ c . s I™ ^"il!yi l ! , I l a c ? c . accoullt ’ tlie BOOT it ■ ■* ji,,,. on I siiofi MAiviN G L»L biNEfev>. GEO. W. JENNINGS. MilTcdgcvillc. Dcccmlic- 22. 24—3t 'W’lITE arc requested to announce the name of WIL- ! ▼ V LIAM i>. 8COGG1N, Esq. as a candidate lor I She- ilf of Baldwin county, at ihe next election for coun- j tv officers. Nov 6 j "^5^7 E are authorised to announce BARllADELL P. tPr finn on *he first Mandav in .lamia next. W ii arc authorized to announce JAMES CONE Esq. as a candidate for Tax Collector of Bald win county, at the election in January next. August 23 7 w ’B arc authorized to announce W. C. POWELL, Esq. a ranoidatc for Receiver of Tux Returns in Baldwin, at. the election in January next. July 28 ■MXT ALT 1311 H. liAKI.SS, E q. is a candidate V ▼ for lice, iver of Tax Returns for Baldwin coun tv in January next. Sept 15 T NEWS AN AC AWE YIN . I.T1S Institution xviii resume its exercises again, on A. €yA"K'U« EJ& '-’.SPEC i’FCLl .Y informs the mhahiumis ofMil- .0."% Icdgeville, that the exercises in her Seminary for v .,uug Ladies will bp resumed on Monday tin* 2d day ot January next. Slic d.-ems it unnecessary to sjtecify all tJic branches taught in her School. Her object is to qual ify her pupils for active life, by instruction in all the branelu-s of solid and useful education. In addition to which, her pupils will hate an oport unity of instruction in MUSIC and PAINTING, under thw Hirer■t.iun of Mr>. Warneii of Athens, whose school is connected w ith hers. Mrs. Warner’s high qualifications for teaching these accomplishments, are too well known to require ic- l'( !-eaBut those who desire a knowledge of her (unliti-aMorts, Miss Thacher would refer to B. B. Hop- kms-Esq. of Athens, Adam G. Saffold of Madison, and Richard K. Hines, Esq. Rov. I»lr. Sinclair and Duct. 1. For’, of Milledgeville. - December 15 “ "watches, jewelry, Sir. Stc. J. ggRIZIH’S’ OLD STAED. 3 AC OB YOGI® ESPBCTFULLY informs JL«< his customers and the pub lic generally, that he has just re ceived a fresh supply of GOODS m Ids line of business, which add- ed to his former stock, makes his assortment as complete as any ev- cver offered fir -.ale in this place. Among the articles received are the follo wing: Indies and G * demon’s Gold Patent Lexer VV A IEli- Side C Preceptor;: cream, mu Deed and Silk Purses; Bee« , dies Buckles and Clasps; Carved and plain 1 and . a- .Musical Boxes, Harmonicas, Flutes, and s-’Silver Soup Ladles; Table, tea, desert, cream, mustard and salt Spoons; Sugar longs, Butter Knives Pencil C vses, -and SpccmHc*; GGd and Sihei Pens, Gold and Silver U af Plated C astors, Fm-t Bask ets, Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays ; Steel Smiucrs, Brass Candlesticks and Curtain Puts, V me V\ alters and Tea Tin vs, Pen and Pocket. Knives; Scissors, I hunblcs onu Needles; Razor StrapsShavmg uuxe*, Lrmhesam Soap; Tooth and Hair Brushes; Chess Men, Belt and Pocket ristols, Percussin Caps anil I owlw Raws; a zrreat variety of Walking Canes, Pocket B-ooks r id Snnff Boxes, and such other fancy articles as arc usually •kept a: such places. Also, \ GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF milil’IAUY GOODS. Special attention paid to WATCH itEPAIh ; NG. "M illedreville, <Icfbber 20, 1831. * :) 1 ^ CUTHSERT Ac POLIIILL H ave opened their L.J\V OFFICE at the Com* missioner’s Hail in the market-house, Milledge- vipc* Georgia. C>ne of them is always to be found there aeadV to attend to professional calls. 'fliey will practice m the following Counties and Cir- I BALDWIN, , ; JONES, • Ocmulgee Circuit.— j jqjTNAM, 1 WILKINSON, f BIBB, 'Flint Circuit > MONROE, (HENRY. Chalahoochie Circuit •••'TALBOT. y I >v Ib'jr, Southern Circuit TFLFAIR, &c. MU* CircM J.WASHUSGTON. MilledgeviHe, .Tune 23, 1831 fees have engaged the Rev. A. Y. Alexancek, to take charge of the same for Ihe ensuing year, w ho will be as sist, d by a competent and highly gifted Female. If is only necessary to make known to the public, that at. a recent examination of the pupils, the Trustees were well pleased with their proficiency in all the various branches taught at tlie Academy. They can therefore safely recommend the School to the patronage of the public. Tlie terms of tuition will be as low as at any other institution of a like kind within the State—whilst from the healthfulness of the situation and the low price of board, it possesses important advantages over most other seminaries of learning in the same section of coun try. By order of the board, EARNEST L. WITTICIT, Scc’y. 2^ 24 3f, T AKE NOTICE. T ills «tbo*nl*sr "riobca to employ n TEACHER, who can come wcil recommended as a Classical Scho lar and master of the Languages and Mathematics. He will find a school-house and every thing appertaining, and I will give employment from one to five years, if they ao-ree to teach his own family and a few others, &o. ° SAM’L. BUFFINGTON. Milledgeville, Dec. loth, 1831. 23—11 j TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. O N ihe first Tuesday in January next, wild be roid, in the town of Monroe, Walton county, several PUBLIC LOTS in said town, which as yet remain un sold. Those who wish a Summer’s healthy situation and a Winter’s v : ew (from tlie streets) ot the Stone Mountain, of thirty miles distance, besides many other advantages, will do well to attend. Tends \viii be ac commodating. By order ot tlie Inferior Court. V. HARALSON, Cl’k. December 15 f 23 tds The Georeia Journal ■*'■ I!! insert the above rnec. TO Vi N LOT S FOK SAGE. BN ’ 11,L be sold, on tlie first Tuesday m January next, in the town ofCuthbert, in the county of Randolph, a number of LOTS in said town—the said town being the public site of the county of Randolph. The lots will be sold on the same terms as the State frac tious were. OLIVER GRif FI I FI, WILLIAM EVER1TT, SILAS MOSLEY, J. i. c. JOHN II. M. NEEL, HENRY G. EZELL, November 24 - 20 tds £3=* The Columbus Democrat is requested to give the above a weekly insertion until the day of sale. VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. .Tr’a.TIUL be sold to tlie highest bidder, at V T the Social Circle, in Walton coun ty, on Saturday, the 30th day of the present month, (December,) that very fine Lot of Land, No. 141, n>1 t ] ie Uicofsuihatchee river—warrantee titles giv- j;,. Ti,o terms oMe R.^EI.L. December 12 23— 3t Li AAV OTOKT8. rmHF subscriber has obtained from some of the Jung “number of DECISIONS mute m iimportant law cases. He expects to enlarge hjs Collee- "n and so soon as the subscription will authorize^to nu dish them in a plain, cheap style, in pamphlet form. P The object of this undertaking is to awaken among the m vole a sense of the importance of a ^ _ Court for the Correction of Errors. The BulgeV Sopors, and Members of the Bar, throughout The State, are respectful y requested to fur nish authentic reports. To those who may do so, a rea sonable allowance in the .price of the ^vork will be ma e. Utility alone, and not profit, is the object of the under taking. And with this view he solicits warmly the co- onemtion of the Bar and Bench. His situation as an editor will enable bun to print l j^ T w ” r c r ^I r «tt^t P ^ than other perrons. JOHN G. PGlAii ^ . ATiiledgeYille, April 21,1831. - A LL persons indebted to the estate of Thomas Mon^ roc ‘ late of Gwinnett county,deceased, are request ed to make immediate payment, and those haying de mands against the said estate will renderThem m terms of the law, or this notice wdl be plead in bar of their re covery. ’ SIMEON WHITE Adm’r. December 8 ** A LL persons are cautioned against trading a for Note % of Hand, for one hundred and dollars, duer ' ne ( |., v after dale, and dated the first day Tif January 18-9, made by Thomas Morriss, late of Jones county, deceased, and payable to Nathaniel Morriss, or bearer, as I am de- temptied not. to pay said note unless compelled by law, it having been once MORRISS> Executrix of p rf> ^ - 23 j i Thomas Morris, deceased. mrOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of Frederick Barber, late of Pulaski county, deceased, wid please make immediate payment, and those having demands ogninstbisestatc will present them to me, with- i„ the lime prescribed bvtoj &eOTWr . „ , „ 1 .- 23—6t Decern 1 >rr ! A LL persons having demands against the estate of Rsaias Fountain, late of PiUaski county, deceased, are requested to present them duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law. December 15 GREEN W. FOUNTAIN, Adm’r. 23—6t ~ NOTICE. I FOREWARN all persons from trading for a certain promissory note, given by me U> Green Talbot, of Meriwether county, Georgia, for the sum of seventy dol lars, given on the nineteenth day of this instant; which nolm was oiven for the delivery of a horse, which horse was levied on as the property .°f'*^*££^* satisfy sundry fi. fas.; and as it is now out of ^ to return said horse, I ain determined not to pay said note until compelled by ‘*”- [LUAM w pdilLOVE. Clark cotmty, Nov 23, 133^ ^—St BANK REPORTS. OFFICE AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND BANKING COMPANY, . October 1st, 1831. To his Excellency the Governor : Sir—I have the honor to enclose you, for the information of the Govern ment, the annexed statement authenticated by the proper officer, exhibit- mff the present condition of the affairs of the institution. The assets which can he rendered available (on brief notice) for the re demption of the circulation and the payment of depositors, amounts to an aggregate of $247,777 33 from which is to be deducted the amount charg ed to profit and loss, and $752 91 believed to lie lmd, and included un der the head of “ Bills and notes past due and noted.” In calling the attention of your Excellency to the present return, it may be proper to state, that the difference between the sums charged to profit .and lossin the {resent and last annual return (being the sum of $26,820 78) is the nett gain accruing to the office from the business of the past year. The unparalleled losses which the company have sustained, have all "been settled without difficulty or litigation, thereby giving assurance to the pub lic of the existence and continuance of a rule which will in all cases of fu ture loss be liberally interpreted—the operation of which has been equally beneficial to the office in tlie increased manifestations of public confidence which it has received. To the Stockholders the present aspectof the affairs of the Institution is encouraging. The deficit on Stock account (the amount charged to pro fit and loss) will soon be made good, and the reasonable expectations here tofore entertained and expressed will be speedily realized. I have the honor to be, &u. PETER BENNQCK, President, - State of the Augusta Insurance and Banking Company Oct. 1st. 1831. To Capital Stock paid in Bills in circulation Deposits, individual and special By notes discounted, running to maturity Bills of Exchange Bills and'notes past due and noted Balance due l>v agents Bills of State Banks Specie and specie funds Profit and loss DR. 110,000 85,943 51,329 33 e 141,289 64 44,1.15 83 3,717 23 150 25 22,959 00 25,184 91' 9,841 02 247,277 33 247 777 S3 Office Augusta Insurance and Banking Company, 3d Oct. 1831. ROBERT'Vv ALTON, Cashier. eo CO a .o c3 S Ch ,o ©* .2 a> •§ o §> 3 z < PC C3 W E- Jz; < a < 02 H Np* HH O CJ w H CO r-^5 a? «2j . -U a a £ gt V oW S5 ^ © ^ tsa 7S ^ TJ1 o ■n C -C V t_ s 63 -fi O ^3 «= a a) ‘3 -q a 2 S £ o cl . « o C-? B c —• s a> •— -ti F2 | J3 <v ~ % .£ To .2 63 *-> -C C5 0 ©1 60 i-* 60 CM 60 ©1 QO CO O >0 ©5 i'- 60 60 60 O QO O QO 60 60^ o' ©T CJO ccT •fat CO co CJ ©> ©1 .5 To • a 3 % S a cq i «s *s o 63 a o m I C3 % 5 a xil 8 -grS *1 a to s= a V K V ra -a i2 g. a T3 55 « *- s o P a S © CO j3 r- <y t-T'3 63 t- 5-i -S55 °3 id w e a so S3- 55^ 63 ■*- M C •—1 CO Q_. 5-3 5° C3 o 22 be v 2 W r-1 E C .2 a 3^' j- i 1 si ir 53 ! fs !-8 Ai 1 2Q ’0 2 g,c 63 ^3 3 O fcc § « s-> f- 3 c O CO CO 60 XD ©1 O CO O t- O CO 60 ©1 C (?l c - *0 0 60 t- (D ^ O 60 ©f X 00 fa' >0 fa C3 ©t TP fa* o> Ifa vf 08 — .o Cj -I s CL •P |-S w 13 ."ts c 0_ C3 c3 55 « o . . * o ~ o a £ o P3 63 ^ r 3 t- 63 a- g 3 ^ 3 03 -td -3 £ *> o 5.P 3 C'g 63 « £ .-5 w rt U1 Or; O ^ -a 13 « 3 3i:£ O 63 £ £ S’S -*55 J 'w a Q C ^5 fa Hrl v—« o (COPY.) Augusta, 4th November, 1831. SIR—Enclosed you will find the report the Trustees of “The Augusta Savings Bank’ from commencement of its business on 15th March, 1828, to 1st October, 1S31. « t \cdtu?t t liesnectfullv. E * F * CAMPBELL, President of the Augusta Savings Bank. To his Excellency Geo. R. Gilmer. Statement of the Transactions of the Savings Bank of the City of Augusta, from its commencement of business, .March 15, 1828, when the first deposit was made, to the present dale. For the first year onding on the 1st day of October 1329, there were 27 depositors, who deposit^ in 64 deposits For the second year, ending on tlie 1st. day of October 1830, there were 9 depositors, who deposited in 27 deposits For the third year, ending on tlie first day of October 1331, there were 7 depositors, who deposited in 28 dcixisits Amount ondeposite witnurawii 1st y°ftr do do 2d year do do 3d year Dividends paid.lo Depositors 1st year 2971 GO 2124 00 do do do do 2d year 3d year 1st year 2d year 3d rear Amount of interest received do do do d" Number of Deposits closed the f st year do do 2d year do do 3d year Amount of notes discounter! since the commencement oi the Lame 7125 00 796 00 686 00 8784 00 16 03 88 20 263 34 147 74 197 68 427 0*1 7. 4 15 $39,072 00 Statement of the Funds of ihe SAVINGS’ BANK qf the City of Augusta. Amount of Deposits on hand in cluding interest - » Am’t balance of interest account j84 89 8639 89 Notes discounted at 8 pr. cent in terest - 2612 44 Expence account from commence ment - - - 22 74 Balance of cash on hand unin vested - - - - 4 71 2630 89 EDWARD F. FLOYD, Cashier and Secretary. Augusta, October 22d, 1831. Rcvort of the Trustees of “The Jugusto Saving's Bank." In compliance with the provision, of an act tomcorporate an Ivr thp name of the Augusta Savings Bank, the 1 rupees neg leave now !o pr«cm their report S thc honorable the Legislature of the Stale of Georgia. First—That agreeably to the Treasurers report hereto prefix' d, the Trustees have received from 43 Depositors from the 15th March 1828, in** elusive, to the 1st of October 1S31, tite sum of"$12,220 in 19 Deposits. Second—That the aggregate of deposits withdrawn since the commence ment of the business of the Rank, amounts to the sum of $10,266. Third—That the sum paid in Dividends within the above period, a» mounts to $387 57. Fourth—That the whole amount of interest received lias been $772 46. Fifth—That the number of Deposited closed within the foregoing period, is 26, and the amount of the notes discounted within the same time is $39, 672. Sixth—That the following exhibit, will shew the amount at this time on loan—the whole amount of the expenses incurred From the commencement of the business of the Bank, and the balance now on hand, vifc: Amount on loan on 1st October, 1831, $2612 44 Am’t of expenses from 15th March 1858, to 1st Oct. 1831, 22 74 Amount now' on hand, 4 71 Respcctlully submitted, Augusta, 4th November, 18S1. $2639 S3 SL F. CAMPBELL, President “Augusta Savings’ Bank* 1 -Till 53 * o 0 5 be*' *- ’S13 3.8.S-I fa ^ *- oo s | cz > w c S >-"5 ^ ~ ** c I- x </) •_ C O fe * X 5. fra = 3 c es ^ = 5 ! "3 r^05'c* J- S er 3*3 *t,3 HErfSiSS H a S? S ~ yj H ^ g 5|-as * 5 =' s s fa O •< n CO c xx. s w 63 -~ «-.S tp- O * S 2 "p g Sts w 5 S- c c 12 o ^l|l| S a ■tsj 3 K 63 h fa ffl o o J fa fa fa -Si — QJ 72 . rZ C B - — * ra H Vi OO — = . to es £3 ~ *" c .8 tc-s -£ .5 t- S TSrtr.c *' C 63 S O JA o o 63 C.-S « -e co -o r' 2 — = c ■= -E 'jf r c g-« as6 § it X 2 -S U £ p « = « c -5 c -c a ** -- - C9 S 63 C faOD,^ CJ 5C *3 ^ J S C ty X. 63 *- z g a . _C3 s > ~3 c ■ W a t- _ 63 —T C-a O «. JS © „ £ % V IS -S’ c o a *0 r. 63 63 g ^3 T3 5 c 0*5 a ee jc © - — u :r . a V-4 CJ O GS g_>» •a « o a xZ? i 8 % S.5 aT « ^ 'Se 2.2 | 1 - rt 5 S ~ ^ CJ ^ ® ="H e- S3 C3 ! H &! s**f s 2 a V- Jr > - S £ h w cj ^ a? « |g31S«a I* £ J 2 0 ~ *3* x . « 2-1 — o 1 ’as V fa 63 -J3 CJ O C js. ^ e 6i x t I’S 5) B s s Z3 xx oS — I ^.^fa ~ C 63'** S Uj ** a o •3_2 fa 5 o cs Yn »- o CJ O C tS 6J c O CS & fa C CJ o c S fa -s a a .2 2 !i.»6iooi'OC2 ODpS«)siSiScci--O r H Or*'co © o cf *rTco <?f » . er>Qts»v-iH QC CO I (5^ K C5 „ *> 'a >> I I ■ts 8 •S *3 •fa* •fa^ © -CS as *SJ CJ »CS cj a § s 52 cP t0 .5 c •2*a c & 4 s © ef 60 91 a £> co 63 I si ■— O v. a its SfaX - 3 o a _ C3 C O -5 —a c o Cj Z. fcr_2 "C rs X -3 63 C.1 « M CO w. X* s , « s—C rT^CO C ^ ou c: c £ J C CJ fan S a 63 — « J s g.tcZ fafafa v o X is Icofa^Sfa .si 63 & CO a © 3S O O O O —I — CO O © C^»n cT © 80 © rt- CO © W l- V •- CJ JO £ <ij 5 e % A —4 » a & a •=«§ vB Cfa CJ « -3 -2 c s«j — aj -fc. c -= |.t 2^® S S w ts * P oH — .72 Cj &Q JTl C XT- cs ^ r •g,s S P.£-r p. QZfl 5Cxl CO 4— ac e s © o ^ ^ fa - - CO 60 « a e* Q 1 W S5 55 W O -«* 55 U> 02 w 55 fa Q fa g 2 *5 a . a a a k a o« 33 a fa &£ "W fa .a x c P “O. « - -fa “as O CJ tc -o . fa — *> M — » ce .2 o 8111- 3 0 o 0 . «— c — 1 8. s 8 60S ■. CJ }> 6 cs et co CO "'S* *> ro Tfyy oO C5 — CM — Q o lf 5 O o *0 " SO C3 C3 ® Tt* o O0 60 VO o r- *0 ■Sf 60 I- o CO •s* 0 ts 1 ? - 4 6 J fa. i ^ be O’p § !a s bc s 3 < ’fi “67 rt c P-Sg « gj-s ^ -CS m ■- i O 6J CJ . O CD . _ ©5 ©* r- O >f5 ®CO O e*T »o to eT fa CO CO *0 <50 <T5 6M fa I- -*-* r "2 « 3 o -2 £ o rtp S “S w -s g 3 d CO o§ o 2 5 “ co tLa fi r C? o o o rjT O rf* CO SJ CJ o Cm V feels .5 ^3 60 "S 'fa or S rj O « ® 5 0 g « (j so a > « CO ©5 60 u * ©J £ S O o S3 US o 2 fa fa PC S’ o P5 & s ^ ®a ty.£5 s .2 Qj JZ fa « K o *C/3 rt c v2 t. so 0/ a .S sg a es gP'S"! « . ^ L_Z CQ /-N Sfa CO I ^2 Sfa G — fa c cj 0^ 00 g’f J °-S? r3 « g O U C 2 h .ajWiYoo-^oi'wC -o 8 d'- fl fl 0 S'" ® O 0 bc ~ S.2 its 0 O.OJ S).^ M d fa- S-o rf js ^ s |j s -s d a C' tfa'S ® — O ?r3 0-° bD wZ 55 M o fa fa fa -5 PC CO cTI .S 5 *3 *1 •fa 1— CJ C> CQ" s .-e-* »' 60 05^C»0^'^*tJ, eo <o ©0*0 ©l *-♦ OO O CO co OO CO O 50 O fa r-iocofat- 0 t- Ol ‘O 60 o •4^# 1 05 ^ ' rs> ©> 60 ©» 05 W* 60 O OO * •s s ^ "3 CS no P3 <u O, O *5: c « a rr2 oj CQ •S ^4 cj ^ I g S« r S J |.fi g P-B a s o c _ cu a « aj ^00 S'la S 2 Provositons for selling Darien Bant Stock to the S ^ J EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Milledgeville 4tb January, 1831 Gentlemen,—In compliance with a resolution oT the Legislature, passed at its late session, you are requested to notify me by letter, addressed to tlfv Department upon what terms you are willing to transfer to the State y#u* stock in the Darien Bank. Very Respectfully yours &c. GEORGE R. GILMER/ To the Stock holders of the Darien Bank. Grekhs*oso*, January 13, 1831. In the Journal of the 8th inst. I see your notice to Stock holders in the Darien Bank in compliance with a resolution of the Legislature, requesting" fctp stockholders tt> Worm yon by fetter, tgMt what term* they are wiilmg'