The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, January 05, 1832, Image 1

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THE FEDERAL UNION. VOLUME 2—NO. 26. MILLLEDGEVILLE, Cl. THURSDAY, JANUARY S, 1832. WHOLE NUMBER 78. EDITED BY J. G. POLHILL & J. A* CVT2IBERT. TTTE UNION In published every Thursday at THREE DOLI.ARS per Annum, in advance, or FOUR, If not paid before the end <' iLe jisar. The Oftkf* is on Wayne street, opposite iYtcfnoitts’ Tavern. Ail ADVERTISEMENTS published at the usual rates. N. IS. Barit Citation by the Clerks or the Courts of Ordinary that ‘Application has been made for Letters of Administration, must be published THIRTY DAYS at least. Notice by Executors and Administrators for Debtors and Credi tors to render in their accounts, must be published SIX WE El; 8. Sales of Negroes by Executors and Administrators must le ad- ■portrMd (SIXTY DAYS before the day of sale. Kales (if uorsonal pru/terty (except negroe*) of testate and tates- late estates by Executors and Administrators, nuisl be ail vet Used JfOKTY D AYS. Applications hy ryeentors, Administrators and Guardians to the Court of Ordinary for leave to soil Land, must be published FOL K MONTHS. ApidlcaJions hv Exec:!torp .and Administrators for Letters Dlsmis- 4K>ry. iiiii*t i>e published SIX MONTHS. Applications for Foreclosure of Mortgages on real estate must be Advertised once a month for .vi.\ MONTHS. 8nles of real estate by Executors, Administrators anil Guardian*, must lie published SIXTY DAYS twfore the day of sale. These Sales must lie made ill the court-house door bet ivcea the hours of 10 In the morning and 4 in the afternoon. No «.!e from day to day is ValiJ, unless co expressed in the advertisement. Order* of Court uf Ordinary, (accompanied With a copy of the fcond, or agreement) to make title* to land, must be advoitised SHU BE MONTHS at least. Sheriff's Sales under executions ro^uls-’v granted by the court*. «mc*. bo advertised THIRTY DAYS— under moiiv.ure e.xeciitiens, Fl.XTY DAVrf—Sales of perisluhle propetty under order of Court, inu*t lie advertited, generally, TEN DAYS before the day of saie. All orders for Advertisements will be pintctuully aUeiui<M to. *.* Ail letters directed to this lidicc, or liic Euilors must be post- ^sni, to entitle them to attention. The Mail Stack will heroal’ier run from Madust‘n .o Momcp, on every VV edfiewiny ;uu» ck'nda, oi oacn Yvccii. PAUL T. WILLIS, Contractor. December 15 25— EXECLTD E DEPARTSEXT, GA. ) MUledgeviUe, December 201A, 1831. > T^OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Thar, in pursu- J. V ance of an Act passed on the 22d of Deceinlier, i8d0, entitled, “An act to provide for the temporary di>4- posal of the improvements and possessions purchased from certain Cherokee Indians and residents,” and of an act amendatory of the foregoing, passed on the 26th of Decern her, 1831, all the improvements and po'sessions lying: within that part of the territorial limits of Georgia, which is now tiie county of Cherokee, which have been purchased by the government of the United States, from Cherokee and Creek Indians and residents; also the fer ry landimrson the west bank of the Chattahoochie river; and nil ojior improvements within said limits, not in the immediate possession and occupancy of Indians or their descendant*: will be rented at public outcry, as follow*: —those heretofore attached to tiie county oi Carroll, will be rented at Carrelton, in said county, on the 16th and 17th of January next: those heretofore attached to the county ofDeKa'lh, at Decatur, on the 19th & 20th of said month, those heretofore attached to the county of Gwin- -nett, at Lawrcneeville, on the 23d and 24i.h of said month: and those heretof* re attached to the connty of Haber sham, nt Clarksville, on the 2Glh and 27;h of said month. The !ea?cs will be for the term of clever, months: com mencing on the 1st of February 1332, and the lessees will not have the privilege of digging for any valuable metnE, and will lie requiredtogive notes, with app:orcd security, f r the rent, jxiyablc ou the 1st of January, 1333. By the Governor: JOHN A. CUTIIBERT, Sec. Ex. Dc.p. Doc 2? 25—3t REPORT OF TIIE CENTRAL BANK. TISOMASTON ©KZOSJ HOTZSt. PHOPEUVg LOY'S'ESAY. thf. rr.trts are TZ22T or RSAL ESTATE, HTUX2 OF XiEGHOSaS, And a variety of of hers, amounting to £0,000 DOLLARS ‘UPS property is oti'ciftd io the pub. AT THE EAGLE HOTEL. Cr. 3. KING, TSL&GHSZl OF DAN’OZlffC, R fiSPEGTFL lEY informs the Lad.eo and Gentle men of MilledgevUle and its vicinity, that he will oped a Sfh':i>I for instruction in the above accomplish”, meiif, on Thursday tiie 12th of January 1332. Days of instruction for young ladies, misses and masters, every other Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 9 till 12, A. M. and from 3 to 5, P. M.—For young gentlemen, on the same evenings, from 7 till 10 o’clock. The most < modern style of Steps, as well as Figures, will be thu- pnncip. .... . JJio value of (he property, kc. may be made to Michael 1 IC Jly, Willmoud Harris, or Dr. F.ilis, of Macon; or Pc. ! JJouglass of Tbr-maston. The Lottery will be drawn ! .as a on as the Tickets are nil uuM: or if not sold within .k reasonable time, the monoy will be returned to thepur- tchasere of Tickets. The TickeTd-will L-c deposited with j-en)<i<.^ible A gouts in Thomastoi', Macon, Mdledgeville, Augusta, Savannah, Clmrioston, and pethans in some xnher places, who will regain the money in their hands jit'l the Loiter}' is terminated. The Diawirg will be superintended bv James Spcnrs, Joseph Sturees, Thom- Goode, aud luvaticn J. Crews, F.sq. of Th'mission. For a more description of the Pirzes, refer- jennes may be had to the bills or schemes which xvill be yfound Yvith the A; ents. Frice of Tickets jS5. No rcducMon on Prize?. J. B. BATEMAN. Thomastnn, December 9, 1331. 24—2t LOST, O N the 27lh instant, be : ween Milledgeville and the house uf the subscriber, near the Eamnron road, h .POCKET BO< l K containing about cue hundred doi- Jurs in cash, and nofea and accounts to the amount of between six and seven hundred dollars. The accoums arc made out in favor of the sulweribeT. A suitable re gard will be given for the delivery of the pocket b>;K ,cnul contents. AARON SEARCY. December 29, 1331. . ~NOTICJ3. ~ 5 0C-T, on the rt»<t leadnig from Irwiuton, Willtin* A f ni county, to Mibedgeville, on the 16ih instant, ■n si«a'{ cl.>«r leather foalding POCKET BOOK, tied round with the same kind of leather, wi<h one 50 dollar Vil, 2 twenty dollar bii!«, one ten dollar bill on tiie Sf.a r Dxnk of Ge-irgia, and one ten dollar biil on the Macon Bmk, making J110, th<* number of neither of (he biii 1 - Tocolioc’ed at present, with one State’s warrant, iasueo in Stewart county ; two accounts, one.of 32 dollars and *7 a ecu'a, (be o*her of thirty dollars; one receipt for $1-15 *,*v,ired of th; gnWrlltor, with several other smad j»a- various denomiiTS-'jenis no' rMioilectcd. Any per- ftnn finding the game and will deliver iL to Samuel Vv ill- yanr« or 1 h :ntsa Pa'e the members from Stewart comity, or u; j>>vph Riley, living :n WiikLnson county, will con fer a favor on the BunscrtL-er and their sincereliriend, wi:i. iho addition of a reward of lVenty dollars. ' J. L>. RILEY. December 27ih, 1531. 25—3t G. W. JENNINGS, RESPECTFt-LLY inf tht i iblic. and his friends especially, thaj he has this day entered into Copartnership in tlu* Harness-Making BUBI2/SSS, <R-lth ?Ir. Fleasant rmner, unrirr the firm, name, and ,srvle, of JENNINGS & PURDKE, who will execute, Nfjth nwUneos and dc'crratcli, all work, entrust erf to them, fin low as '’mi be done in the county. They ve to be ^Yund always nt the old-stand of the undenumud, who ^ct;Ii continues, on h>* individual account, the BOO l *£. Shoe m.aking bdsines.s. p GEO. Vv’. JENNINGS. M'Redgevilie, DecemVr 22. 21—31 A CARD. miSS TBACIiia, EXPECT FULL Y informs the inhahuanta c ledsceville, that the exercises in her Seminary tor ::•.!(!- WATCBES, JEWELRY, Stc. See. Z. PSHItlNS’ OLD STAImD. i.-- generally, that he has just re ceived a fresh supply of GOODS •n his line of business, wh'ch add ed to his f<inner stwk, makes lus • iboitment. as ccmpleto as any ev- cver (.fibred for sale in * place. Among the articles received are the following : Ladies and • ierulenien's Gold Patent Lever x AA'Oli- ES ; srfver patent levers and plain Watches; ladies ami gentlemen’s gold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys; gold, plated, gilt, and silk guard Chains; Cable Chains; Ear Rings; Finger Rings; Breast Pins and bosom Buttons; Bead and Silk Purses; Deed Bags; Purse Clasps; La dies Buckles end Clasps; Carved and plain Tucking ami Combs; Musical Boxes, Harmonicas, Flutes, arm t J ''eoeptors; Silver Soup Ladles; Table, tea, desert, room, mustard and salt Spoons; Sugar Tongs, Butter Knives. Pencil Cases, and Spectacles; Gold and Silver iYa-Travs, Pen and Pocket Knives; Scissors, Thimbies *»o Needles; Razor Straps, Shaving Boxes, Brushes and Soap; Tooth and Hair Brushes; Chess Men, Belt and Pocket Pistols, Pcrcussin Caps and Powder Flasks; r j^vat variety of Walking Canes, Pocket Books and " niff Boxes, and such other fancy articles as are usually kept at (inch places. Also, \ GINRRAI ASSORTMENT OF HimTARY GOODS. Special munition paid .o » • AT OH liEPAIh 1NG. AiiiJedi-cviUe, October 20, 1831. 15—tf CUTHBERT A I^OI^IIIEtE. H AVE opened-their Lm\V OFFICE at the Com .oissioner’s Hall in the market-house, Miilcdgc- i,u-. Georgia. One of them in always to be found there cud v to attend to professional calls. They will practice in tiie following Counties and Cir cuits: ( BALDWIN, „ , j JONES, Oomulgee Circuit -j PUTN ^ M> i WILKINSON, f BIBB, Hint Circuit < MONROE, ( HENRY. Chntuh.oochi* Circuit.1ALBO t. < TWIGGS, Southern Circuit, j TELFAIR, &(\ J\ riddle Cirart WAS KINGTON. jtfUlwdgevilK June 23. 1831 . BSOH?T^X.'S REPOB.TBH, Counterfeit Detector, and Trice Current. T GP1 fust year of this pubiicaiion having beeneon- c.uderf, the “Reporter” wilt hereafter be published vcekiv hs v.',|| as semi-monthly. M e feei grateful to the public'for the lii^nd patronage awarded us, (having now a more extensive circulation"than any otlier newspaper in the United Starrs,) and shall leave no measure unre- sorted to, in order to render this Journal valuable in ail respects, not only, to merchants, banking institutions, brokers, and krejiers of hotel', but to the community in general. We have eo-aged the lilcraiy assistance of se- vtsal gcrvbna n well kiiown a* wi itens, and have corrcs jemdents in all (he principal cities and towns in the Uni ted S'ales. W e also recen e weekly more than five hnn- d new.s'vtoers from different parts of the Union, so it whatever information may be circulated through the and the resources from whence iidcntly state, may, in all cases, B Vrtuug Ladies will be resumed on Monday ilie 2d day oft rhnt whatever infornintion idanuarv rtexh She deems it unnecessary to specify all | medium oi tl.c “Reporter,"’ She branches taught irt her School. Iler object istoquai- it is derived, we can confu mv her pupils for active life, Ivy instruction in all the « be relied upon ns correct. Lank notes arc being coumer- lxinn<‘hc3 of solid and u*efui od»jcatio,n. In addition to i leire'l i»i every direction; and on the arrival of every yes- xvhich her mipils will have an oportunitY of instruction .VI from Lu; opc, cr the creation of every national excitc- in and PAINTING, under the direction of ment., the stare of tlio market varies. Every person ’■ should, therefore, be posressrd of some certain guide by which all such information might be received by the ear liest mails, and at such a rate ns not to render its posses- s! -n an exorbitant tax. Such a Journal is exactly YY’hat wc endeavor to render the “Reporter,” in an effort to ac complish which, neither pains ncr expense will at any time 'oe spanxl on the part of the publisher. Every num ber will con: a in a carefully corrected Bank Note List, List of Broken Banks, Prices Current, Prices of Gold. Prices of Bank and Insurance. Stock, and a description of all Counterfeit and Altered Notes in circulation through out the United States, and ail such information as is likely to throw light upon the subjects embraced in the design of this Journal. The latest foreign news, togeth er with much original and well selected matter, will al so lie found in the columns of the “Reporter.” The terms ol the weekly publication are $3 per an num—the semi-monthly $2—singles copies 12 1-2 cents. Add^j^QjjEjwj- t. BICKNELL, Exchange Broker, No. 119, Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Aug. 25 ^ Mrs. Waiter of Ath<m«, whose school i* connected with ft*rs. Mrs. Warner’s high qualifications for teachin? those annompJhshment*, are too well known to require rt>- Ifrenoei*. But those who desire a knowledge cf her <jualifi<\Viaos. Miss Thacker wou»ri refer to B. P,. rio-- 1? ichard 3»rt, of MilhxJ.gevtlle December 15 intalnicawais. -Viiss x\r<wmer “ fon*, Esq- ni" Athens, Adam G. Satfvld of Madi-son, and Richard K. Hines, Esq. itev. Mr. Sinclair and Doct. A. £** ff NEWS AN ACADE3H. T BIS Institution will resume its exercises again, on th© first Monday in January, 1832. The Trus- foo« have engaged the Rev. A. Y. Alexander, to take ^fiarp-e of the same for the ensuing year, who will be as sisted by a competent and highly gifted Female. It is only necessary to make known to the public, that W. a recent examination of the pupils, the Trustees were weil pleased with their proficiency in all the various t>rancheB taiight at the Academy* They can therefore palely recommend the School to tiie patronage of the public. The terms of tuition will be as low 9s at any other institution of alike kind within the State whilst from die healthfulness of the situation and the low price Hf board, it possesses important advantages over mos; Wher seiriinariesof learning in the same section of coun- Anr. By order of the bonrd, . _ EiRNBgT Ia WITTICH. Scc’y. A LI. persons indebted to the estate of Thomas Mon roe," late of Gwinnett county, deceased, are request ed iomake immediate payment, and those I laying de mands against the said estate will render them in terms >f the law. or this notice will be plead in bar of their re- TSJU, Third Annual Report of the Directors of the Central Bank of Georgia. In conformity with the law, the Directors of the Central Bank of Georgia, submit for the consideration of the General Assem bly, the following report and documents, as furnishing a brief his tory of its transactions for the past year, and exhibiting the state of the Bank on the first Monday in this month. Pursuing the plan of the last annual report, the Directors pro ceed to show, first, what has been done towards the final settle ment of the debts due to the state, and transferred to the Bank, under the following heads : I. Of old debts due on Notes, Bonds, Receipts, &c. 1. Fractional lots in Baldwin and Wilkinson, sold in 1807-8. The balance of this debt, remaining to be collected, at the date of the last report was $ 20,860 30. Nothing has been collected during the year on the executions issued; and the opinion that ve- 17 little would he collected of this debt, is confirmed by all the information the Directors have been able to obtain in reference to it. 2. Fractional and square lots, sold in 1811, and forfeited lands. The amount remaing due, is $ 1,117 29. Nothing has been col lected of this balance, during the past year. 3. Fractional lots, sold in 1821—This debt remains as when it was transferred to the Bank, $ 1372 53; except the sum of $35 12, for which, receipts by the (Sheriff of Walton county, dated be fore the Bank went into operation, were exhibited at the Bank in July last, and a credit claimed accordingly. 4. Reserved lots in Hall, "Walton and Rabun—The balance re ported as being'due on the 2d November last, namely, $231 50, has been reduced by collections to the sum of $279 50. 5. Reserved lots rented in Habersham. The balance remain ing, of this debt, to be collected, is $37 1 £. 6. Fractions rented in 1822—There remains to be collected, the sum of $171 05. 7. Lots in Macon sold in 1824, 5, G and 7—Settlements have been effected on this debt, to the amount of $22G9 75—There remains to be collected, the sum of $2104 02. 8. Property rented at Fort Hawkins—The collections during the year, amount to $5376 62. There remains unpaid $5274 Go. 9. Rent of" fractional lots west of the Ocmulgee river. The collections amount to $1,432 00, leaving $7,732 95 yet to be collected. 10. For the sale of the Bridge at Macon the second instalment #2,500, was paid in March last. The debt has been reduced to $17,300. 11. Reverted Confiscated Property. This debt, consisting chiefly of Attorney’s receipts, remains on the Books of the Bank, as at the date of the last report. The portion of it due on an at torneys receipt for a certain Bond and Mortgage, is in process cf collection", and will, it is believed be finally collected. The last Report of the Attornej', on the subject, states that a petition to establish a copy of the bond would be tiled at May Term of Chat ham .Superior Court. In January, a Rule Absolute may be ob tained. 12. Bonds for University Lands. The sum collected during the year is $2311 62, leaving a balance yet unsettled of $6631, 91 cents. 13. Bond of the Savannah, Ogechce, and Altamaha Canal Company. Since the 27th of March, 1829, this Bond, amount ing to $50,000, ha3 been bearing interest at the rate of five per cent, according to the condition annexed to it. There is, there fore, due up to the 7th of this month $6,527 80 interest, no part of which has been paid. 14. Bonds for Indian Goods, The balance due stands at $510, 75, consisting in part of notes returned to the Bank by collecting officers, the parties being insolvent 15. Fractional Lots in Wayne county. The amount remain ing due on this debt is $1,835 87. In addition to what wa3 sta ted in the last Report, the Directors submit an extract of a letter from the Attorney, having the management of this business and the reply of the President, as showing its present condition. “At the sale of fractions in Wayne county, on the first Tuesday in January 1831, but one fraction was passed to a purchaser. ***22 fractions, ail remaining, save one, which was not adver tised, were struck off to the State for want of bids. I wish to be instructed, by the Board whether they will have these lands ad vertised a second time, and a second attempt made to realize funds from them under the executions on foreclosure, or whether they will take a title from the Sheriff to the State. I see no probabili ty of purchasers being obtained.” The reply was that “there being no probability that a second attempt to sell would result otherwise than the first, it is not thought advisable to attempt to sell again. Neither is it deemed expedi ent, at present, to have titles taken from the .Sheriff, as it would he increasing expense, without any prospect of ultimate reward. The proceedings thus iiir, will he reported to the Ceneral Assem bly, and their instructions asked in reference to the subject In the mean time, you will ascertain what can be done with the bonds that were given for these lands. The lands having been offered for sale under the foreclosure 01 the mortgages, and not having brought the amount of purchase money, the only course left seems to be to proceed on the Bonds. It remains lor the General Assembly to direct what further mea sures shall be taken in relation to these lands. 16. Fractional Lots in 7th District Baldwin county. This debt amounting to $7 remains, as at the date of the last report, and for the reason therein stated. 17. The Franklin Balance. The amount, reported last 3'car as being due on this debt was $33,76G 75. The sum of $216 67 has been collected during the poet year. The Agent appointed to bring the business to a close, has been actively engaged in the duties of his appointment; and, in the course of another year, it is believed, he will be able to make a final report. The Directors beg leave, again to urge upon the General As- sembly, the necessity of providing for a settlement of the claims ol Col. Neabora Jones, and Adam G. Saffold, Esq. Their atten tion was specially called to this matter in rhe Directors Report last year, but nothing was done in the case. The Directors stated that they did not conceive they had the power to pay either of these claims; aruifduring the past year, nothing has occurred to change that opinion. a DEBTS DUE BY CERTIFICATE. 1. Lots sold in Macon in 1828.—The settlement on account of these sales during the year amount to $ 18,777 S8. The lots forfeited, so far as instalments had become due, were sold on the 4th October last, pursuant to law. The transaction may be stated thus 67 Lots forfeited, on which there was duo $3070 SO ' 46 Lots redeemed, according to law, bekgp the sales 1703 90 1 Lot had been paid for and granted* before the transfer 20 80 20 Lots were sold for |396 23 ... 3120 95 etna to tho Slate ty the $Jfr f*° «• A3 is shewn by the Report of the Agent marked (A) anucJr ed to this Report. 2 Lots in Columbus in 1828. The payments on account oT these lots amount $20,043 91. Thy lots forfeited were sold By the Bank, at Columbus on the 11th 12th 13th and 14th October and produced the amount stated in the Agents report thus: 218 Lots forfeited, and due thereon $14,464 6Q 127 Lots redeemed, before sale *» ,930 80 91 Lota sold for 5, H9 50 ^ 10,080 30 Loss to the State by the sale • . $4,384 3\) 3. Indian Spring Reserve in the county of Buttv—The settlo lncnts on account of the sales, during the past year amount tp $1927 42. This sum includes payments on account of sales of forfeited lots, on the 21st December 1S29, as weU as on account of the original sales. The lots forfeited since the sale referred to, were told by tiie, Bank, on the 28th September last, aud produced a loss to tho State. 8 Lots forfeited, this sum being dtf^ $321 60 3 Lots redeemed before sale $50 80 dLotssoldibr 103 00 * 153 80 Loss by the state $16? 80 4. Fractional Lots lylngbetween the Ocmulgee and Flint Riv ers and sold in 1823 and 4. The settlements amount to $1359* 47 5. Fractional Lots in Walton, Gwinnett, Hall, Habersham and Rabun, sold in 1824, by the sheriff's of these counties. Tbeie have been no settlements on account of these lots during the past year. 6. Fractional lots in Lee, Muscogee, Troup, Coweta and Car- roll, sold in 1828 and 9. The payment on account of these sales amount to $56,041 02. The bank is required by law to sell all forfeited lands at tho Court House of the counties in which they may lie. The largo number of fractional lots, and the great increase of the business of the Bank paper, put it beyond the power of the Directors to attend to the sales, since the first of July last, the time when the act granting indulgence to purchasers expired. If it be the in tention of the General Assembly that no farther indulgence \m granted to pnrshasers and that these sales shall therefore, proceed, it is necessary that the business be taken from the Bank and placed in other hands, to carry that intention into effect.—- For the officers of the Bank cannot attend to these sales, without serious inconvenience to the otlier and perhaps more Important business of the Bank. III. STOCK—NOTES—AND BILLS OF EXCHANGE. 1. The stock held by the bank as part of its capital consist <£ the following items. 5000 shares in State Bank $100 paid 500,000 1000 shares in Planters Bank 80 “ 80,000 1000 shares in Bank of Augusta 100 “ 100,000 5000 shares in Bank of Darien - 95 “ 325,000 440 shares in Sav. Og. & Alt. Canal Ca 100 • 44,000 United States 9 per cent stoak 3,997 60 r ^ 1,052,997 60 2. Notes discounted. By reference to the document marked (B) which accompanies this Report, it will be seen that the notes discounted by the Bank, for money lent, & in settlement of debt* due the State & transferred to the Bank, amount to $811,288 41. -The remarks made in the last report, in relation to the character of these notes, the Directors confidently believe might be safely repeated here, with a slight qualification, made necessary by the commercial disasters which occurred in Macon during the lust summer. The amount put in jeopardy by these events is much smaller than it was at first supposed it would be; not probably ex ceeding $2334 00. The notes are in suit, and the Directors have the consolation that no part of tliis loss, should it eventually turn out to be a loss—arises from notes for money lent by the Bank, but altogether from notes given, according to the privilege secured by It-w to purchasers o; public property, for the sum3 due for that property; which notes, at the time of the discount, were deemed perfectly good. The document marked (C) shows the apportionment made In February last, and the distribution of the funds, on accommoda tion notes, according to that apportionment, so far as they have* been applied for by the people. The information obtained from the enumeration of the citizens in 1830, enabled the Directors to- deal with the counties more equitably than in the previous ap portionment. 3. Bills of Exchange—It was shewn in the last report, that rits the 2d November, Bills of Exchange were running to maturity to the amount of $86,477 57. These were all paid at matuntv. After the calls for discounts on accommodation notes, under the 3d opportionment, had, in a great measure ceased, the Director^ proceeded again to discount bills. On the 7th of this month thr amount running to maturity was $61,175 61 all of which will be due in time to meet the apportionment. IV. OF THE PROFITS. The profit of the Bank, on its operation?, during the year end mg on tne 7th inst. consists of the following items. Interest on settlement of debts due the statu $5176 5i> Discount on accommodation notes 50,155 88 Discount on Bills of Exchange . 4652 57 Dividend on United States stock 119 92 DIVIDENDS ON STATE STOCK. State Bank $35,000 00 Bank of Darien 14,625 00 Bank of Augusta 8,000 00 Planters Baidt 4,800 00 &av. Og. & Alt Canal €<& »• —— ■ .. $60,104 96 62,425 00 $122,529 96 The Dividends of the *9tate, Darien, Augusta, and Planters Bank, have been collected and deposited in the Bank to the ere*- dit ot the Treasurer, according to law, after deductingthe amount paid to the Darien Bank, out of its dividends, in settlement, by the Treasurer, under the provisions of the act “to relieve John A. Jones, John D. Chapman, John R. Mahone, and the legal repy resentatives of Abner Hammond, deceased.” The fund arising from Interest Discount, and Dividends OH tbe United States stock, remains subject to the disposition of the G4* neral Assembly, after deducting the expenses of the Bank for tblitf past year, and the appropriations to the University of Georgia. JAB. CAMAK, Pn&k*£ Nov’r. 7th 1S3L MILLEDGEVILUS, October 20,1821. Sir—4n obedience to your instructions of the 26th SeptemW I attended at the several places designated in the advertisement for the sale of forfeited property* and on the days named, and thfr following days pro,cee>dcd to sell all lots Which then remained for feited to the slate. The statements annexed together with tht agvount ^swfiitja aecomgany this rejgwt* ngfe