The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, January 19, 1832, Image 1

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THE FEDERAL UNION. VOLUME 2-XO. 28. MILLLEDCSEVILLE, GA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1832. WHOLE NUMBER 80. EDITED BY J. G* POLHILL 6c J. A. CUTHBERT. THE UNION is published every Thursday-at THREE DOLLARS per annum, in advance, nr FOUll. if not paid before the end cf the year. I'he Office is on Wayne Street, opposite McCombs’ Tavern All ADVERTISEMENTS published at me usual rates. N. n. Eic-h Citation by the Clerks of the Courts of Ordinary that application has I men made for Letters of Adtu.nistratiou mtatt be published THIRTY DAYS at least. Notice hy Executors and Administrators for Debtors and Credi tors to render in their accounts, must be published olX WKEIu .Sales of Negroes by Executors and Adininistrators must l-e Vertised SIXTY DAYS liet'ore the day of sale. i ad- •Sales of personal property (except hogro fate estates by Executor - - - - FORTY days. ertv (except hogroest of (estate and ir.tes- s and Administrators, must be advertised Application^ by F.xecatara, Administrators and Guardians to tiie Oour* of Ordinary for leave to sell Land, must be published FOL'lt months. Applications hy Executors and Administrators for Letters Dismis- Bovy. must he published SIX MONTHS. Applications for JforeclAsAre of Mortgages on real estate must be advertise 1 onee-v month for SIX MONTHS. Sales of real estate hy Executors, Administrators and Guardians, must be publishe-d SIXTY DAYS before the day of sale. These sales must be made at the court-house door between the hours of to Hi ihe morning and 4 in tiie afternoon. No sale from day to day is V4lid, unless so expressed in the advertisement. Orders of Court of Ordinary’, (accompanied with a copy of the bond, or agreement) to make titles to laud, must be advertised THREE MONTHS at least. Sheriff's Sales under executions regularly granted by the courts, most he advertised THIRTY DAYS—under mortgage executions, Wx t’Y DAYS—rf.iies of perishable properly under order of Court, must be advertised, generally, TEN DAYS before the day of sale. All orders for Advertisements will be punctually attended to. *.* All loiters directed to tins Office, or the Editors must be post paid, IO entitle them to.attention. That the territory aforesaid shall form and constitute a new county, to lie known and called Sumpter. See. 3. Be U further enacted, That ail officers civil and military, who are by this act detached from the county of Lee, and embraced in the county of Sumpter, shall hold tiictr respective commissions in the s^me maimer as if commissioned for the county of Sumpter. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted by the duthority afore- said, That Sumpter be included in the Chattahoochee circuit., and form a part of die second brigade of the ninth division of Ge< >rgia Militia. 5. And he it further enacted Ly tie minority afore said, That Martin G. Mims, Hiram D. Youngblood, Lovet B. Smi li, Samuel Faust, and Joseph Jackson be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners with au thority to superintend the election of Justices of the in ferior court, ami other county officers; and to appoint the times and place of holding said elections ; and se- lore the first day of said court, shall be legaland valid, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority afore* said, That the time of holding the superior court for the county ot Muscogee, shall be on the first Monday in February and August of each year ; and that ail writs, subpoenas, and other papers, which stand returnable to the terms of satd court as heretofore regulated, shall be returnable to the terms thereof, as regulated by this act, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. ASBURY HULL, Sjreaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 26, 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN. Governor. LAWS OF GEORGIA. [BY AUTHORITY.] AN ACT, T o change the time of holding the winter session of the Interior court of Fayette county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- foesciUatircs of the State of Georgia in Gen end Assembly piet, and it is hereby enacted by the - authority of the same, Thai from and immediately after the jtas&age of-this act, tne time of holding the whiter session of the inferior <*iuurt of Faydte coun.y shall be on the second Mond ay in January in each and every year, instead of the third Monday m December, as heretofore. Sec. 2. Ant be it further enacted by the authority of the tame, Thai ali persons summoned, subpoenaed, or bound, lect the place of holding the superior and inferior courts: and to do and perform • afFether acts preparatory to the organization of said county. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That Daniel Richardson, Robert Foard, Daniel Lawhorn, Alexander McCook, and Joshua Mercer, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners on the part of the county of Lee, a majority of whom may se lect a site lor holding the superior and inferior courts of said erfunty; and they are hereby authorised to pur chase a lot for said purpose, outef the county funds, and divide the same into lots in such manner as they may deem best, and sell such lots upon such terms as may be most judicious. The proceeds of such sale shall be ap plied to the erection of a court-house and jail. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted ly the authority afore said, That the said commissioners appointed by the filth section of this act for the county of Sumpter, shall have, power to purchase a lot of land for a scite for the seat of justice in said county; to divide said lot in such man ner as may be deemed advisable, aud sell the same: the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the building a court house and jail in said county. And the times of holding the superior courts in the said county of Sump ter shall be, Wednesday after the fourth Monday m February and August of each year: and the inferior courts kf saur cofi mysiuilf be the first Monday in June and September in each and every year. See. 8. And be it further enacted by the aidhurity afore said, That until other provisions are made under the number of prizes are drawn out in maimer prescribed 1 \ I Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, that die <* namw- ihe above recited act. ... I .loners as aforesaid or a majority of them, shall Lav. Section 5th. And be it further enacted, That the lain' f c niplele power, to call to their assistance such non.her pointed out in this act, shall be drawn by a separate lot -1 i the free white citizens of the respective counties, op leryfrom the one contemplated in the above recited act, positc to which any obstruction may be found, as they and shall be conducted by the same commissioners and j may deem necessary to remove the same, and it any ’ ‘ * person or person so summoned, shall foil or refuse to as sist such commissioners after-one day’s notice so to do, such person or persons so ofoMiding or refusing, shall uu proof and conviction beforekny justice of the peace, in the district ill which said owinder resides, be liable to pay five dollars per day, for ea<$h day he shall fail or re fuse to serve, provided, that in nq case more than three us suitors, Willic^ses, jurors, or in any other capacity, to at tend said court., at the time widen by law now m mice ; authority of the preceding sections of tliisact, the infer! me hoi den, shall be bound, by virtue ol said summons, j or and superior courts of the county of Lee shall lie arc nerehy repealed. ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives." THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. AssfcUttd to Dec. IOth, JS3i. WiLbON LUMPKIN, Governor. AN ACT, To alter and fix the time of holding the in terior courts m the of bie .var. and Randolph. See. 1. Be it enacted l y the Senate and House oj Rt- prcsintatires of the Slide of Georgia in General Asstu-.biy met, and it is Hereby tnaciea by tne utithority of the same, That the interior court of the enmity 'of Stewart shall hereafter be licid on 1 uesday alter the first Monday in Ja in try :uid July, m each and every year. .'aer. 2. .lid Oe it farther enacted by die authority afore said, That the interior court of the county of Randolph shall n- rcatier be held on the Thursday after the first M-unlay in January and July in each and every year. Sec. 3. A id be it farther enacted by the authority ttfure- ■fdt'il, That all writs, procopLs, and processes of any kind or are whatever, shall be made returnable to the terms aforetuiu. -ter. 7. Aud be id further enacted by the author’ty afore-. S"id, That ad laws mili idling against this act, be, and iae same ai'e hereby repealed. Anbury hull, Speaker of the Mouse of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS. President of the Senate. Assented to Dec. 2-1, 1 '31. V. 1LSUN LUMPKIN, Governor. AN ACT, To alter aud amend an act, to authorise a survey and di-posi.utp ol tne lands wit!im v ilie limits ot' Georgia, in the occupancy of the Gin inkee tribe ol Indians, aud all other uuiocateu lands within the lim it* of said Si lie claimed as Creek lauu, anti to author ise the Governor io coil qnt'a niililary force to protect the surveyors in the’disenacge-ot their duties, and to provide lor tius.puu’isiiment of ’persons who may pre vent or attempt lo prevent au^ surveyor hum peirtijrm- >.u;r his duties as pointed out by this act, or who shall wflfuiiv cut down a>M! deface any marked trees, or re- >move any landmark which may lie made in pursuance of this act, aud to protect the Indians m the peacuble possession of their improvements and of ilie lots on which they maybe siriialed,” passed outlie 23d ol December,' 1830, and to order the immediate survey, distribution, nuil occupancy of said i'erritory. free. 1. Beit enacted by the. Semite and House of Re- ■presentaiives of the Slate oj Georgia in General Assembly .suet, and it is hereby enacted by the authoriiy oj the same, That so much of the thirteenth section ot tire above in cited act, “as requireyn residence of four years within the organized limits of this State, immediately preceding the time iiis Excellency the Governor shall issue tiie no tification,” be, and the'same is hereby repealed, and that all persons possessing the other qualifications contained In said act, who have been inhabitants within the organ ized limits of this State, three years immediately pre ceding the first day of January eighteen hundred and thirty two, .snail be entitled to a draw or draws, us ^Contemplated by this act. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, Thai the fifteenth' auction oi said act be, anu tiie same is hereby repealed. Sec 3. And be it further enactetl by the authority afore said, That so much ofthe-.thirty-fifth section of said ac', as declares, “and in the event that tiie President of the United Stains shall at any time during the ensuing recess ofthe Legislature, succeed in executing the compact be tween the United Stales an d the State of Georgia in re lation to the Cherokee lands, that the Governor shall or- -der the Dist rict Surveyors to proceed to the discharge of -their duties and to the'completion of the survey of the Districts, as required by tliisact, and to the occupancy of said territory, otherwise the survey ot tiie district shall be suspended until the meeting of the next General As sembly, and until further enactment for this purpose,” lie, and the same is hereby repealed. See- 4. And be it farthux enacted by the authority afore said, That on the first day of April next., ensuing, the Governor is hereby required lo order out the District Sur veyors for completing the surveys of said territory, with as little delay as possible ; and when the said survey shall be comple.ed and. returns thereof made, in conformity with tiie provisions of said act, it shall be the dutyfof the Governor, in case lie shall deem it for die interest of the -State to cause the Lottery Commissioners to assemble at Millcdgeville, to commence the drawing of die Lottery, -jl6 contemplated by this act. ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, 3.2-d Dec, 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. AN ACT, to divide the comity of Lee, and form a new county therefrom, to be called the county of Sumpter. Sec- 1st, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives ofthe State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Act, the county of Lee be divided as hereinafter pointed out, viz: by a line commencing on Flint river, at the point where the line dividing lof number two from lot number three in the fif teenth district of Lee county, strikes said river; thence westwardly to where the line dividing lot number two from lot number three in the seventeenth district of Lee county, strikes the line dividing Randolph county from Lee county, thence northwardly up said last mentioned Tine, to the Marion countynrie: thence eastwardly on said last mentioned line to whfere it strikes Flint river: thence down-said river jtothe place of beginning. %c. %, Bed further tnW&ty mthority aforesaid, y m me twenty county, formerly Lee county. 1 Ac. 9. And be it farther enacted by the authority afore said, That ali laws and parts of laws militating against I this act be, and they are hereby repealed. ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS. President oi the Senate. Assented to Dec. £8, 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN, . Governor. AN ACT, To lav out and organize a new county, to be comprised of ail ttic lands lying West of the Chattahooehie river and North of Carrol county line, within the limits of Georgia, and to attach the same to the Western Circuit. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House cf Re- presenlulires of the State of Georgia in General Assembly iiret, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That all the territory lying West of the Chattahooehie river and North of Carrol county line, within the limits of Georgia, and which is now attached to, and forms p*art of the several counties of Carrol, DeKalb, Gwinnett, Hail and Habersham, shall form one comity, to be cal led Cherokee.” That on the first Monday of Febru ary next, the persons who may be in said county, and wfio may be entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly, may meet together at the House of Ambrose damage, and under the authority and -superintendence of three justices of the peace, elect, five justices of the Inferior C ourt jro said county, u Clerk of the Superior Court or (and) Clerk of ilie Interior Court, a Sheriff, a Coroner, a Receiver of tax returns, a Tax collector, and a county Surveyor. Sec. 2. And be it farther enacted, That said justices shall certify under their hands to the Governor, the persons so elected, v, ho shall thereujxm be commissioned to ho d their respective offices until the next election for like of- throughout the State—Prodded, That nothing in this act contained, shall lie so construed as to affect any commission heretofore issued to any officer now resid ing in said territory. See. 3. Be it farther enacted. That the said justices of the inferior court, as soon as practicable, shall fix oil a site for ihe necessary public buildings, mid shall have erected thereat, such temporary public buildings as in their judgment may be for the public interest, and such as the public interest may require—And such justices shall, as soon as practicable, lay oft said county into Captains Districts, not more than two io be formed of each sec tion—and \\ hen the same shall be defined, they shall give fifteen days notice of the time and place in eacii district for holding an election lbr justices of the peace and two other persons resident in the district, shall superintend said elections and certify the result of said election to his Excellency the Governor, who shall proceed to cause commissions to issue to the justices elect, which said commissions shall continue until the time for election ol justices throughout the State. . Sec. 4. Atid te it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the justices of the peace in each district, after they shall have been commissioned as aforesaid to ad vertise in tiieir rcspciive districts the election for cap tains and subaltern officers according to the militia laws of this Slate—and the captains after they are so elected and commissioned, .shad as early as piacticable make out a complete roll of all persons in their respective districts liable to do militia duty and return the same to the Infe rior court of said county, and the captains and justices shall proceed to advertise and superintend elections for field officers, according to the militia laws now of force in this State. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Justices of the Inferior Court, shall proceed to draw grand and petit jurors as directed by the laws now of force.. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, TliaL the time of holding the Superior Court of said county shall be on the fourth Monday in March and September—and the time of holding the Inferior Court shall been the fourth Monday in June and December. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the place of holding tiie Superior and Inferior Courts shall be at the house of Ambrose Homage. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That said county he added to, and make part of the Western Judicial Circuit, and shall form part of the first brigade of the seventh division of the militia of tliis State. 4 ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, . President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 26, 1331. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. AN ACT, To alter and fix the time of holding the Su- , perior courts for the county of Muscogee, and to make all cases returned at the last superior court for Novem ber, in the county of Thomas, stand for trial at the next superior court for said county. Whereas owing to the failure of the Judge of the su perior court ofthe southern circuit, to attend the late term ofthe superior courts of Thomas county in Nov. the ap pearance docket of said court was not called; and whereas considerable inconvenience and delay will result from that cause: for remedy whereof, . Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That all cases which were made returnable to Novem ber term, one thousand eight hundred and thirty one, of the superior court of Thomas county, shall stand for trial at the next superior court to be held in and for said county under the same rules and restrictions, as it there had been no failure of ft court, that said cases had been regularly called at the appearance term, and that ail j,le^ ami a^wers kave beg> oj» <jr AN ACT to alter and amend an act, to impose an addi tional Tax on Pedlersand other itinerant traders, pas sed 9th December, 1824, and to punish such traders for illegal trading with slaves. See. I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, T hat from and after the passage of tiiis act, the lax re- i quired of Pedlersand other itinerant traders who may carry about their wares and mercliandize in wag »,is or other vihicles drawn by horses or mules, or packed u|>on horses or mules or other animals of draught or burthen, shall be two thousand dollars for each license; which li cense shall be limited to oue county only in this State, and which shall not authorise trading beyond tlic limits . of such county—And that the tax required of those Pul lers or itinerant traders who may carry about their wares and merchandize on foot and without the aid of horses or mules or oitlier animals, shall be annually one thou sand dollars, subject to the same restrictions and limita tions as above specified—Provided, that traders in Tin, Stone, Earthen and Iron wares actually manufactured in this Slate, shall not be subject to the tax imposed bv this act. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the fines which may be imposed under the third section of the act, of which this is amendatoi'y, shall not be less than tlirec thousand dollars, nor more than ten thousand dollars. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That if any Pedler or itinerant trader, whether carrying his wares and mer chandize in a wagon or otherwise, shall at any time ei ther buy or sell, or otherwise trade with any slave or slaves, unless it be with the permission, and in the pres ence ol the master, overseer or other person having charge ot such slave or slaves, such Pedler or itinerant trader shall be indicted, and on conviction thereof, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, one half to the person prosecuting, and the other half to the county where die offence was committed, Sec. 4. and be it further enacted, That all laws and parts ot laws, which may militate against the provisions of this act, be, and they are herely rejiealed. ASBURY HULL, Speaker ofthe House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, 22d December, 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. under the same rules and regulations, as pointed out in said act, and other services, required to be done by tliis act, not particularly specified, shall be done by the same officers, and in the same manner as said act prescribes.— That all persons who may draw land by authority of this act, shall in like manner receive a grant for the same on payment of the ten dollars; and also that fraudulent returns shall be subject to the same forfeitures and prose cuted in the same manner, as pointed in the above recit ed act. Section 6th. J} A be it farther enacted, That nothing in tliis act contained shall be so construed, as to authorise the survey or lottery of the land pointed out m this act, until! the time that the above recited act is authorized to be carried into effect by authority of the State. Sect ion 7lh. And be it further enacted, That all laws militating against tliis act shall be, and we, hereby re peated. ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to December 24th 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. * * •'T’ To lay out the Gold region in the lands at pie^ent in tiie occupancy of ihe* Cherokee Indians into small lots, and dispose of the same by separate Lotte ry. 8ec. 1st. Be it mated by the Senate, and House of Repre sentatives oj the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same: That Districts x\os. one, two, three, four, five, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen and fifteen in the first section: Dis tricts Nos. one, two, three, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty-one in the second section, Districts Nos. one, two, three, four, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty and twenty-one in the third section:— And Districts* Nos. one, two, three, sixteen and seventeen in t^ie fourth section, g shall by the Surveyors heretofore jiointed out by taw, be subdivided into Lots of Forty A- cres each, by lines running parallel with the District lines, at the distance of twenty chains apart, and crossed by other lilies at right angles, and of the like distance from each other, marked and numbered according to the plan prescribed by the Surveyor General. Section 2nd. And be it further enacted, That the follow ing shall be the descrijition and qualifications of. persojjs entitled to a draw under this act, “ to wit; Every white male person of the age of eighteen years and upwards, being a cit izen of the United States, and an inhabit am within the ornganized limits of tliis State, tluue years immediately preceding the first day of Jaimaiy (IS32) eighteen liundreed and thirty two, including such as shall be absent on lawful business shall be enti tled to one draw; but no jiersou shall be entitled to a draw, under this act who 1ms a family residing out. of this State, or whose family has not resided in this State for three years as aforesaid, except officers in the Army r Navy of the United States; provided said person has had a family so long.—All widows with like residence shall be entitled to one draw.—AH families of orphans of like residence, except such a* may be entitled in then- own right, shall have one draw.—And ali heads of land-, lies one additional draw in consideration of their fami lies. Section 3rd. Aiul be itfurther mated, That separate lists of persons cntiileU to a draw under this act, shall be made out. and returned by the same persons authorized to take in names of persons entitled to draws by an act en titled “an act to authorize the survey and distribution of the lands within the limits of Georgia in the oceu- of the CHemkce Tribe of Indians ; and all other unlocated kind within the limits of said State, claimed as Creek land ; and to authorize the Governor to call oui a military force to protect surveyors in the discharge ol their duties, and to provide for thd^ninishmeut oi persons whnjmay prevent, or attempt to prevent any surveyor from performing his duties, as pointed in this.act; or who shall wilfully cut. down and deface any market! trees, or remove any land mark, which may lie made iu pursu ance of this act, and to protect the Indians in the peacea ble possession of their improvements and of the lots on which the same may be "Situated.” Approved the twen ty-first of December 1830.—And the person or persous taking in names as aforesaid, shall administer to all ap plicants for draws under this act, other than widows guar dians or next friend of Orphans the following oath viz: “ I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a citizen of the United States and have resided in this State three years immediately preceding the first of January 1832, (except absent on lawful business,) and am an inhabitant of the same, tnat I am eighteen years of age,—that I have not given in my name for a draw in the. present con templated Laud Lottery ofthe Gold Region in any other part of the State; and that I did not directly or indirect ly evade the service of this State or the United States, in the Revolutionary War, or the late Wars against Great Britain or the Indiana : So help me G al.” And the following oath shall be administered to all Widows: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a widow, that I have resided in tliis State tlirf e years immediately pre ceding the first of January eighteen hundred and thirty- two, except absent on lawful business, and am now are- sident of tliis district,—that lhave not given in my name for any draw in die present contemplated land lottery of the gold i egion, in any other part of the State; so help me God.” And all guardians or next friends of Orphans shall t«kc. the following oath. “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that the Orphans or family of Orphans, whom I return, is, or are entitled to a draw under this act, to the best of my knowledge, so help me God.” And the persons au thorized to take in the names of those who are entitled to a draw under this act shall receive Iwenty-five cents from sucli apjilicant for each draw; and the following oath shall be administered to all hcads of families, “ I, A B. do solemnly swear Unit I am a married man with a family so help me God.” Section 4th. And be it further enacted, That as soon as said lists are made out and returned as aforesaid ; his Excellency the Governor, for the purpose of carrying the lottery into effect, shall cause the names of persons entitled to draws together with otherdeeignatory remarks residence &c, to be placed on tickects as nearly similasas possible^ which shall be deposited in one wheel; and the prizes, on tickets of like description, siiall be dejiositedin another wheel; which prizes shall consist of all square lots of Forty Acress each, lying in the above named dis tricts ani front each wheel, as nearly at the same time, as may be, a ticket shall be drawn and delivered to the BirperiutcKding macogers, and go ov, und! the- whole AN ACT, To authorize and direct the.Superintendents iff the public hands at Columbus to open and construct a road from Columbus to Franklin jfl Troup coxmty : and also to work and improve tne road from Co lumbus, by the way of Lagrange, to the old McIn tosh reserve in Carroll county: and also the road from Greenville Menwethfcr county, |p Newnan in Cowe ta county. Sec. 1st. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re]>^ resent tlives of theJ Slate of Georgia, in General Asseru| blymet, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the sanle, That the superintendent having charge of the public hands in the vicinity of Columbus, be, and he is hereby authorized immediately after the first of January next, to proceed with said hands to open and construct-* good market road, thirty feet wide, on the best and most convenient route from the town of Columbus, to Frank lin in Troup county. Sec. 2nd. And be it further enatedby the authority afore said, That so soon thereafter as the above mentioned road shall have been completed, the said Superintendent is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with said hands, to the improvement of tlic road leading from said town of Columbus, by the way of Lagrange, to the old Mclntftsh Reserve in Carrol county. Sec. 3rd. And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That so soon thereafter as said last ment ioned road shall have been completed, the said Superintendent is hereby authorized to proceed with said hands, to open and construct a good market road, thirty feet wide, on the best and most convenient route, (such as may be selected by the Justices of the inferior courts of the coun ties of Merriwether and Coweta, respectively) from Greenville in Merriwctcer county, to Newnan in Cowe ta county. Sec. 4th. And be it further enacted by the authority afore said. That all laws and parts of laws militating against this Act be, and they are hereby repealed. ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. Dec. 23, 1831. AN ACT to alter and amend the several acts passed, to prevent obstructions to the free passage of fish in the Oakinulgee river and. its branches, passed in the years 1821, 1824, and 1823, also for the better regula tions of fishing with scins, in the said river anu its branches. Whereas, great inconvenience has and will !>e expe rienced in effectually caiTying into operation the above recited acts for remedy w hereof, Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the Slate of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Allen Stephens, of the county of Bibb, David Howard and Thomas S. Milton, of the county of Mon- roe, Baaiam Peters and Michael M. Healy, of the coun ty of Jones, Augustus Lane and Wm. Barkley, of the eounty of Jasper, John M. Pearson, of the county of Butts, Wm. R. Harvey, of the county of Newton, and J e threw Barnes, of the county of Henry, be and the same are hereby appointed commissioners of the Oak- mulgee river and its branches above Macon, with full power to carry into effect the provisions of this act; and should it so happen that either of the persons above named as commissioners, should fail or refuse to serve, it shall be the duty of the Inferior Court, of the county where such vacancy may happen, to appoint some fit and proyier person to fill such vacancy. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the commis sioners as aforesaid, shall before they procede to the du ties required of them by tliis act, take the following oath or affirmation, to wit: I, A. B. do solemnly sw ear, that I will, to the best of my ability, discharge the duties re quired of me in terms of this act as a commissioner of tne Oakmulgce river and its branches, and faithfully execute the trust reposed in me without favor or affec tion, so help me God. Anu said commissioners or a ma jority of them so qualified, shall on the 15th February', 1832, or so soon thereafter as may be convenient j>ro- ceed to survey', lay oft’, and define the main channel of said liver and its branches, in the following manner, to wit .- Allen Stephens, of the county of Bibb, David Howard, aad Thomas S. Mellon, of the county of Monroe, Baaiam Peters and Michael M. Healy, of the county of Jones, Augustus Lane and William Barkley, of the county of Jasper, are hereby required or a ma- jorit y of them, to commence at Macon and continue up said Oakmulgee river to the place where the Alcofahat- chie river river intersects the same, and no farther.— John M. Pearson, of the county of Butts, Wm. R. Henry, of the county of Newton, and Jethrew Barnes, of the county of Henry, are hereby" B required, or a ma jority of them, to commence their labours at the above last mentioned place, and continue up said river and its branches to the following places up the South River to the Snapping Shoals, up the Yellow River to the Cedar Shoals, and up the Alcofahatehie river to Water’s mills. And the commissioners as aforesaid are hereby empow ered and required to open or cause to be opened, ninet y feet in said River from Macon to the place where the Alcofahatehie intersects said Oakmulgee River, and forty feet up the same to the Snapping Shoals on South River, and forty feqt up the Yellow River to the Cedar Shoals, and forty feet up the Alcofahatehie river to Water’s Mill, for the free passage of fish, and irt each river the main sluice or ehannel shall be included. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That wherever there is an island or islands situated in said rivers, it shall be the duty of the commissioners as aforesaid, to lay off and define a public channel on each side of said island or islands, as nearly proportioned to the width of tile river ort each side as is possible, including the deepest channel on the shoal in each case, both channels together not to exceed 90 feet in width, in the Oakinulgee, and 40 feet in width in the South, Yellow, and Alcofahatehie River’s. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, It shall not be lawful "for any person or persons, their agent or agents, slave or slaves, to fish with two seins at the same landing or beach, or opposite landing or beach within one hour of each haul, nor shall it be lawful to fix, locate or situate in said rivers any sein, giil net, or other obstruction across die main channel so as to prevent die free passage of fish, and any person or persons so offending by them selves or agents, shall be liable to indictment for a com mon nuisance, and on conviction shall be liable to pay a fine of two hundred dollars for each and every such of- fi nee, one half of which shall go to the informer and tl.ft other half to the county in which the offender or offen ders reside at the time of their conviction, and if any slave or slaves without die coersion of his, her, or dieir owner, or overseer, shall offend against'any provision of this section, or if any free person of color shall violate die same, he, she, or they, on proof before any justice of the peace or justice of the Inferior Court, shall receive thirty-nine lashes, on his, h£t or fctfre bftrfk for evt- -ry sucji ertteftcCs days service shall be required of (fey individual or indi- ji cftpan i victuals at any one time, nor more one year. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, recited streams shall have obstruct fislq jilaced in diem, contrary t second section of tliis act, die, fending, shall be liable to in sauce before any court and on conviction di of two hundred dollars sance shall remain, unr go to the inform^ which the offender or their conviction, and but such offender or with, according JSec. 7. And commiss ed the six days in any henever the above to die passage of provisions of the or persons so of • eg a common nui- %pee of the same be subject to pay a fine •, for every day sucli nui- one half of sucli fine to r-lmjf to the county in may rtside at the time of ice shall be necessary, but rs may be prosecuted fordi- vtsion of the act. her enacted, That whenever sa ; d [1 have laid off, marked out and defin- in said rivers, agreeably to the provisions of this' act, for the free passage of fish, beginning at Ma- extending up to the before mentioned places, thj»y shall make out a fair statement of the number or days they were actually engaged iu said business, and present the same to the Inferior Court, of die county in which diey respectively reside, and on examination and 1 approval by said court, they shall issue an order to pay the same at not more dian three dollars per day for each day said commiesioner was so employed, io L*e j;a;d out of the county funds, provided they s: all not receive pay for more than ten days in any one year. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That whenever any individual or individuals may be called on by any of die commissioners above named, for the purpose of remov ing obstructions in said rivers, they shall be allowed one dollar per day for each day they are actually so employ ed, to be pa>d by the county in which they respectively reside, provided, the individual claiming compensation for services rendered produces a ce rtificate from one of the commissioners aforesaid, setting forth the number of days such a person - was so employed. Fee. 9. And be ii further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws militating against the provisions of this act. be and the some are herein-repealed. ASBURY LULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS; President of the Senate. Ass*ented to, Dec. 26, 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. AN ACT to regulate the future elections of members of of Congress in this State. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RepresentativeS ofthe State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacicd by the authority oj the same, That so as his Excellency the Governor, shall obtain the law of Congress fixing the ratio of representatives to be elected for the National Legislature, agreeably to die late census, it shall be his duly to issue his proclamation, announcing the number of representatives tins State is entitled to. See. 2. And be it further enacted by the authoity aforesaid. That at the next annual election for members of tl.e Le gislature, and every two years thereafter, until altered by law, the citizens of this State shall be entitled to elect such number of Representatives to Congress ns shall lie announced by the proclamation of his Excellency the Governor; agreeably to die foregoing section. ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMASaSTOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 23, 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. AN ACT to alter and amend the thirty-eight section of an act entitled “an act to rcvisuand consolidate the Mi litia Laws of this State, and to repeal the cavalry laws now in force, jiasscd Dec. 19th, 1813, so far as respects the appointment of Judge Advocates. Whereas, by the aforesaid section there is but rnr judge advocate appointed for cadi division, who is re quired to attend -ail Courts- Martial in tiie division for which lie may be appointed, and whereas, that mode <Y appointment, has failed to secure the attention of such of ficer, on the Courts Martial aforesaid, for remedy where of. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ofthe State of Georgia m General Assembly met, and ilia hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of ihs act, it is hereby made the duty < f the Colonel commandant of each regiment of tiie Mill- ia, to nnminuie and ajqxnnt one fit and j*roper person who shall bear the title of Lieutenant, to act as Judge Advo cate, whose duty it shall be to attend all Courts Martial held in the regiment for which be may be appointed, and toany other Court Martial in the division on which ho may be detailed, who shall be considered as part of the Colonel’s stuff. ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of tlic Senate. Assented to, Dec. 21, 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor, AN ACT to repeal the fourth section of an act, passed the twenty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and thirty, to appoint eleven additional trustees of tire*. University of Georgia, and to provide a permanent ad ditional fund for the support of the same, and declare the number of trustees which shall be necessary to form a board, and to authorize a loan of ten thousand dollars to the board of trustees of said University, and to provide for the education of certain poor children therein mentioned. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Ceneral Assembly of the State of Georgia, That the fourth section of the above re cited act, which authorises the Justices of the Inferior Court of the several counties in tliis State, to select from the poor of tiieir county, one young man to partake of tire benefits of said University, be, and the said fourth section of the above recited act is hereby repealed. ASBURY HULL, Sneaker of the House of Representative!. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, December 26, 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. AN ACT to authorise the Judge of the Superior Court of the Southern Circuit, to hold an extra term of said Court, in the county of Decatur. Whereas, it is manifest from the unavoidable failure cf the Superior Court, for November terms for the coum; of Decatur, results in sundry inconvenience, to the citi zens of said county. Sec. 1, Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General As sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority ofthe same, That from and after the passage of this act, it sha ! and may be lawful for die Judge of the Superior Court, and he is hereby required, to hold an extra term of said Court, at the place of holding the Sujierior Court, in the. town of Bainbridge, in the county of Decatur, on tbe fourth Monday in January next. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That all jurors and witnesses, tliat were legally com pelled to attend the regular xerm of said court, shall be hereby compelled to attend the extra term of said court as contemplated by this act, under all the pains and pen alties, as are contemplated by the laws now offeree in this State, in sucli cases made and provided. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted by the authority afore« said, That all persons,either plaintiff’s or defendants, or other persons concerned in the business of said court, are hereby required to attend, and abide the rules and order of court at the said extra 'term, as is herein oonteu « gstvd, as titity and as flmy wefdd k*v« *