The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, January 26, 1832, Image 1

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V. THE FEDERAL UM»J¥ VOLUME 2—VO. 29. BHLLLEOGEVILLE, GA.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1832. WHOLE NUMBER 81. EDITED BY J. G, POI.TIILL & J. A. CUTHBERT. TU’l UNION is published every Thursday at THREE DQLLAR8 Oer anuum, iu advance, or FOUR, if not paid before the eiul cf tlie jtjjr. I'hP omca is on tfapw street, oprxisite McCombs’ Tavern. All ADVV'.HTWRMENTo r.uuMhed at lli* usual rate-. N. It. Eu-ii t illation by the Clerks of the Courts of Ordinary that application bas bt-eii made for Letters of AuininistriiUon, must be published THIRTY DAYS at least. Notice by Executors uid Administrators for Debtors md Credi tor' to render In their accounts, must be published rd>C WKtKS. Males of Ncjrocs by B vocutonf and Administrators must Le ad vertised .SI 1TY I) \YH before the day of aale. Sales of oersonal property (except negroes) of testate and intes tate r*st itt s by Eiecuiors and Administrators, must be advertised Full I’Y DAYS. Applications hv Executors, Administrators and Guanlianf to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sed L.uul, must l*e published FOUR M<iN IILS. Apidications by Executors and Administrators for Letters Dismis sal y. must tie puUiiahed sIX MONTHS. Applications for Foreclosure of Mortgages on real estate must be •d .ertised once a mouth for i-dX MONTHS. Hales of real estate by Executors, Administrators and Guardians, must lie puhlishe.l SIXTY I)AY8 before the day of sale. These Bales must he made at the courthouse door between the hours of to In the morn!ns and 4 iu the afternoon. No sale from day to day is Valid, unless so expressed iu the advertisement! Orders of Court of ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of the bou.!, or agreement) to maitp titles to land, must be advertised THREE MONTHS at least. Sheriff's Sales under executions regularly fronted by the courts, must be advertised THIRTY DAYS—under multitape executions, StlXlY DAYS—Sales of perishalile property under order of Court, {Bust lie advertised, generally, TEN DAYS before the day of sale. All orders Air Advertisements will be punctually attended to. •. • All letters directed to Oils Office, or the EUitois must be post- flat!. to entitle them to atteuticn. day said commie.sioner was so employed, to be paid out of t couartiamling officer or adjutant, winch returns shail be LAWS OF GEORGIA. [BY AUTHORITY.] AN ACT to alter and amend the several acts passed, the county funds, provided they si, all not receive pay for more than ten days in any one year. .* Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That whenever any individual or individuals may be called un by any of the commissioners abdVe nameu, for the purpose of remov ing obstructions in said rivers, they shallne allowed one dollar per day for each day they are actually so employ ed, to be paid by the county in which they respectively reside, provided, the individual claiming compensation for services tendered produces a ce-tifica’e from one of the commissioners aforesaid, setting forth the number of days such a person was so employed. Sec. 9. And be ii further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws militating against the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby regaled. ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS; President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 26, 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. AN ACT to regulate the future elections of members of of Congress in this State. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority oj the same, That so soon as lii»Excellency the Governor, sliall obtain the law of Congress fixing the ratio of representatives to be elected fertile National Legislature,agreeably to the late census, it shall be his duty to issue his proclamation, announcing the number of representatives this State is entitled to. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted by the authoily aforesaid, That at the next annual election for members cf the Le gislature, and every two years thereafter, until altered to prevent obstructions to the free passage of fish in 1 by iaw, the citizens of this State shall be entitled toelee the Oakmulgcc river and its branches, passed in the 1 ^uch number of Representatives to Congress as shall be years 1821, 1821, and 1829, also tin- the better regula- announced by the proclamation of his Excellency the lions of fishing with seina, in the said river and its branches. "Whereas, great inconvenience has and will be expe rienced in effectually carrying into operation the above "recited acts for remedy wiiereof, See. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Rep- tesi nta'iees of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly .met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of Vie same, That Allen Stephens, of the county of Bibb, Puvid Howard and Thomas S. Milton, of the county of Mon- 1 rue, B i,■‘dam Peters and Michael M. Ueoly, of the coun- i ty « f Jones, Augustus Lane and Win. Barkley, of the I •ounty of Jasper, John M. Pearson, of the couniy of) li itts, Wm. R. Harvey, of the county of Newton, and j Jefhrew Barnes, of the county of Henry, be and the same ore hereby appointed commissioners of the Oak- j uuilgee river and its brunches above Macon, with full I l»)Wf r to carry into eiTect the provisions of this aet; and i slant'd i* so happen that either of the persons above ! Governor; agreeably to the foregoing section. ASBU1VY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President pf the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 23, 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. < AN ACT to repeal the fourth section of an act, passed the twenty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and thirty, to appoint eleven additional trustees of the University of Georgia, and to provide a permanent ad ditional fund for the support of the same, and declare the number of trustees which shall be necessary to form a board, and to authorize a loan of ten thousand dollars to the board of trustees of said University, and to provide for the education of certain ^xx>r children therein mentioned. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the ii of J named us commissioners, should Tail or refuse to serve,} Stale of Georgia, That the fourth section of the above re- irshall l»e die duty of the Inferior Court, of the county i cited act, which authorises the Justices of the Inferior where such vacancy may happen, to appoint some fit Court of the several counties in this State, to select from •and proper person to fill such vacancy. Sec. 2. . Bui bi it farmer enacted, That the commis sioners us aforesaid, shall befqre tliey precede to the du ties .required of tin ri by this act, take the following oath or affirm it ion, to wit: 1, A. B. do solemnly swear, that I will, to the best of my ability, discharge the duties re quired of me in terms of this act as a commissioner nf Onkinulgee near ;u:d its branches, and faithfully cj’-o.ite the trust reposed in me without favor or affec tion, so help me Gcxi. And said commissioners^r a ina- Ui. iiy of them so qualified, shall on the 15th February, i ‘3:, or so st>on thereafter as may be convenient pre- fcc.i to survey, lay off, and define the main channel of ju«'d river anJ its branches, in the following manner, to wit; Allen Stephens, of the coitmy of Bibb, David Howard, a id Thomas S. Melton, of the county of ftiourne, Ba il pn Peters and Michael M. Healy, of the it > m'y of Jones, Augustus l.anc and William Barkley, II t he county of Jasper, arc hereby required or a ma- 3 .,m, of them, to Commence at Macon and continue up so: 1 OaKinulgee liver to the -place where the Alcofohut- • riwr river intellects the-same, and. no farther.— J.ilm vf. Pearson, of the county of Butts, Win. R. ,»t* the county cf Newton, and Jethrew Barnes, ■ he county of Hom y, are hereby required, or a ma ty of them, to commence their labours at the above list mentioned place, and continue tip said river and its b,anc-he* to tue following places up the South River to t' e Snapping Shoals, up the Yellow River to the Cedar Shoals, :uj up lire A'cofoliatchie river to Water’s miils. And die eommission'crs r.s aforesaid are hereby empov- U vi| and required to open or cause to be oj relied, ninety f t. in laid River from Macon to the place where the Alcyiahatchic in tersects said Oakmulgee River, and forty t«-ei.up the same to the Snapping Shoals on South River, an 1 forty feet tip me it el low River to the Cedar Shoals, ami forty feet up tiie Alcolahatchie river to Water’s Alii!, for* the passage offish, and in each river the main sluice or channel shall lie included. Sac. 3. be it further enacted, Thatwherever there ii an island or isl u\d-j sit.uated in said rivers, it shall be Hie duty nf the commissioners as aforcsii'd, to lay on am! define a public channel on each side of said island or islands, asjicnrlv proportioned to the width of the river on e*eh side 'as is possible, including the deepest channel on the shoal in each case, both channels together not to exceed SO'fcet in width, in the Oakumlgee, amt -.0 j,, width. in-tho South, Yellow, and Alcofuhatchie River’s. . _ , „ , , ... Sec. 4. Jbt£ be it further enacted, It shall not be lawful ~f?n- any person or persons, llieir agent or agents, slave or al ives, to fish with twoseinsat tlm same landing or beach, or op nosite landing or l>cach within one hour of each haul, nor shad it be lawful to fix, locale or situate m •paid rivers auv scin, gill net, or other obstruction aeioss fbc main channel so as to prevent the irec passage o. fish, and anv person or persons so ofleiid’.ng by them- scives or agents, shall l>e liable to indictment lor a com mon nuisance, and on conviction shall be liable to pay a fine of two hundred dollars for each and every of- •fmcc, one half of which shall go to the informer and the «thcr half to the county in which the offender or oflen- det s reside at the time of their conviction, and if any •slave or slaves without the cocreion of lus, her, or tlmir ow ner, or overseer, shall offend against any provision of 1 his section, or if any iyce person of color shall viola,e the same, Jie, she, or they, on proof before any justice ot *fhc pciicc or justice of tUe Inl*€i*ior Ooui t, shrill icccive thirty-nine laslios, on his, her or lkch‘ ba-’e back lor c\e- ■jat such nflhrco. See. 5. And be it further enacted, That tnc commis sioners as aforesaid or a majority of tuem, snail have eonuilete power to call to their assistance such number of tfic free white citizens of the respective counties, op posite to which any obstruction may be found, as they may deem necessary to remove the some, and if any person or person so summoned, shall tail or refuse to a# a st such commissioners after one day’s notice so to do, such person or persons so offending or refusing, shall on proof and conviction before any justice of the peace, in the district in which said oflender resides, l>c liable to pay five dollars per day, f >r each day he sliall fail or re alise to serve, provided, that in no case more than three days service shall be required of any individual or indi-* duals at any one tunc, flor more than bix days in any fs service snail De required of any i viduals at any one time, flor more tiiai "^SecT&JIndbe it further enacted, Whenever the above ye-cited streams shall have obstructions to ihe passage of fisli, placed in them,* contrary to the provisions ot the second action of this ac^ the person or persons so of Jendin-. shall be liable to indictment for a common ntu- vsance before any court having cognizance of the siune «nd on ronvictiou thereof, shall 1* subject to pay a fine of two hundred dollars per dajr, for every day such nui sance shall reniaiu unremovedi, one hall of sucli fine to go to the informer, and the other hall to the county in which the oflender or offenders may reside at the tune of their conviction, and no notice shall be necessary, but but such offender or offenders may be prosecuted forth with, according to the provision of the act. I Sec. 7. And be it further macted, That whenever said commissioners shall have lauj cfl£ marked out and defin- cd t he channels in said river* agreeably to the provisions of tliis act, for the free passage of fish, liegmniug at Ma con and extendiiig up to the before mentioned places, "ir statement of the number of engaged in said business, and ferior Court of the county in and on examination and they shall make out a days they were act present the aame to which they respective Approval by said court, ruhc »t JDjjt wve shall issue an order »o pay t Uuwdqilflw per for the poor of tlieir county, one young man to partake of the bem.lns of said University, be, and tlie said fnurtli section ol the above recited act is hereby re lx a let!. ASBURY HULL, - {Speaker of t Me House of Representatives. • THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, December 26, 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. AN ACT to authorise the Judge of the Superior Court of the Southern Circuit, to hold an extra term of said Court, in ihc couniy of Decatur. V. hereon, it. is manifest from the unavoidable failure of rhe Superior Court, for November terms for the county of Decatur, results in sundry inconvenience, to the citi zens of said county. • Sec. 1. lie it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General As- tn.tLlu met, and it in hereby i/nnrte/l hy the authority nf the same, 'That from and after the passage of this act, n shall and may lx lawful for the Judge oi tlie Superior Court, and he is hereby required, to hold an extra term of said Court, at the place of holding ihe Superior Court, in the town of Bainbridge, in the county oi Decatur, on the fourth Monday in January next. Sec. 2. And'be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That all jurors and witnesses, that were legally com pelled to attend the regular term of said court, sliall be hereby compelled to attend the extra term of said court n-> contemplated by this act, under all the pains and pen- alties; as are contemplated by tlie laws now of force iu this State, in such cases made and provided. Fee. 3. And be it further eaacted by the authority afore said, That a.I persons either plaintiff's or defendants, or oilier pci&ons concerned in tlie business of said court, are hereby required to attend, and abide tlie rules and order of court at ibe said extra term, as is liereiu contem plated, as fully and efieotually as they would have done in the event, that the regular term of said [court] liad been licid in conformity to the laws offeree in this Llaie, regulating said court. bee, 4. And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That in the event there should not have been uny jurors drawn and summoned to attend the regular term of said court, that it shall and may be-lawful, for die jus tices of the Inferior Court, or a majority of them, with the Clerk of the Inferior Court and Sheriff of said county; and they are hereby required, immediately after the pus- sage of lids act, (or as soon thereafter as convenience will admit,) to proceed to tlie drawing of grand and petit ju rors, from tlie jury-boxes of said county, in regular order, us is contemplated bv tlie laws now of force ift this' State, and the Sheriff of said county is also hereby required, to summons ilie jurors thus drawn to attend, at the time find place aforesaid, giving them legal notice previous to the sitting of said Court, and tlie list of tlie jurors thus drawn by the Inferior Court aforesaid, shall be turned over to tlie Cleric of the Superior Court, whose duty it sliall be to make out tlie venire ol said lists, and turn them over to the SliBfilf, agreeable to*the law now of force, and the Sheriff of said county is hereby required, to make his return to said court, agreeable to the law now regu- iaiin ,r tjie return of Sheriffs in sucli cases. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted That it shall and may he lawful to sue out, serve and return writs and other processes to said extra term, in tlie same manner and wi der the same regulations and provisions, as if the same were lot a regular term of said court. ASI^LRY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. - THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 22, 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. AN ACT amendatory of the fifteenth, twenty second and twenty fourth sections, of an act passed on the nineteenth’ day uf December, eighteen hundred and eighteen; entitled an act to revise and consolidate tlie Militia Laws'of tliis Stale, and to repeal the Cavalry Laws now in force, and to regulate the number of re views. See. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it i* hereby enacted by the authority of the same, 1’hat from and after tlie passage of tliis act tlie fifteenth, twen ty second and twenty fourth sections of an act, passed on the nineteenth day of December, eighteen hundred and eighteen, entitled an act to revise and consolidate tlie Mil itia Laws of this Slate, shall be in the words following, viz; Se.\ 15. The commanding officers of volunteer compa nies of every description, shall muster then- companies at least four times in each year, at such times as may be or dered by tlie commanding officer of said company, and at such place as shall have been esfablished by tlie members of said company or a majority thereof as tlie muster ground of said company, mid the commanding officers of companies of every description, shall once in each year, by order of the commanding officer of tlie regiment or of ihe battallion in counties containing but one battaliion, take an exact account of live arms and accoutrements in possession of his company designating, public from pri vate, and also the number of each particular description of arms and accoutrements, and the number of effective men composing his command as well those a ,sent a. they who are present at tlie time of taking said enumcra- >j 0 |f and shall make a true return thereofto tliecon- pommanding officer of the regiment or battalion as ilv field in the regiment for which he may tie appointed, and toany other Court' Martial in the division on w hich lit may be detailed, who shatt ~b«Ma»nsidercd ns part of the Colonel’s staff. ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 21, 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor, ready on the days of review and inspection, and handed to the Inspector on his arriving at the head of each com pany, for his use during the insjjcction and then to be handed to tlie commanding officer of the battallion orVe- giment, or their adjutant for consolidation, which con solidated return shall be handed or forwarded to the Bri gade Inspector to which the regimen; or baUallion be longs. See. 22. There'shall be regimental, BaUallion and vol unteer company courts of inquiry, to be apppoinfed and ordered by die commanding officers of regiments, Batial- lionsand companies, under die following rules and regu lations : Regimental courts of inquiry shall be held with in sixty days alter each review Regimental muster, to consist ot at least seven and not more than eleven <4* the conimissioneed or brevetted officers of the Regiment. Battallion courts of enquiry shall be held within thirty days after each Bat talhui muster Of review, in counties containing but one Battallion, to consist of at least five and not more than seven of die commissioned or brevett ed officers of tlie Battallion which officers in both eases shall be regularly detailed by the commanding olfieer of the Battaliion or Regiment as die case may be, and noti fied thereof on tie day of muster or review, or by a cita tion under his hand, delivered by the adjutant or felt at | mas Ajullicun, or bearer, dated sometime in JV >TICli. A.ipersons ifide. leu jj tr- «.» f joseph Laws, deceased, of Newton county, aia requested to come forward and make payment—aral all persons having demands against said estutc, are heitl jr requested to render them in in terms cf the law, O. M. B. hi ELDER, Executor. January 19 26—6t CAUTION. T HE following notes w iden - -i lately lost by tlie subscriber, have ’ jy the makers, and ihe public arc ca^uiis! t* ’ .. a for the same. Small notes front L. _^iey .o J->Aah Matthews, a- mouut $224 97. From J. Brown to Griswold, a ,, . $85 00. From Mathew Orme to J. KeLter, amount $29 00. AARON ^dlCY. January 16th, 1832. 28—2t NOTICE. A LL persons are hereby notified not to trade for or purchase a promissory Note, given by me to Tho- lilOlR mouths afterdate application w ill be nuuta JT to the honorable tlie Inferior Court ofNewtui coun ty, while sitting as a court of ordinary, for leave to sell ten Negroes belonging to the estate cf Joseph Law s, iut. of said county, deceased. ' O. ivT. B> FIELDER, Executor. January 19 \ 28—m4 F j^Ol’tt months after date duplication will he made o the honorable the Inferior Court, of Walton coun ty, sitting for ordinary purpose^ lor leave to sell Lot No 212, iu the 3d district of Houston county, for tlie benefit of the minojfcheirs of EdmuffS C lea ton, deceased; ETHELfilftED AUSTIN, Guardian. January 19fh, 1831 F our months to tlie Inferior] ordinary purposes, John Foster, late olj of the heirs. September 26 fere uce, and the several Regimental and Battaliion courts I ayjj mjt,c unless by law I am eomiielled, ot enquiry when convened at the time and placeappoint- j BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, ed, shall have power to assess h>s on all delinquent, of- Lawrencevilfe, 6th Jan. 1832. ' ‘ It fleers and soldiers within them Regimental or Battallion j districts, and all defaulters at Itegancnlal or BaUallion musters or reviews,-shuli be tried at the courts winch may next happen. Volunteer company courts of enqui ry shall be held within tw enty days after each muster, or or on tlie next muster day, lobe composed of at feast tiircc of the commissioned or brevetted officers of said company, and the officer highest in rank shall preside, and may have a clerk who shall keep a record of their proceedings, and receive tlie fines Inai any deiinquer.t may voluntarily pay within ten days after each court without cost, and after the expiration often days, lie shall issue execution against ail persons on whom lines may have been assessed, .who have failed to pay Lite same, and sliall be allowed to charge twenty live cents cost tor issuing die same directed to any Constable within the bounds of said comjKUiy to execute anti return, signed by himself and counter-signed by the presiding officer ol said court, and the fund thereby created shall by the di rection of the officers be applied to die equ ipment of said company, and the courts of enquiry of Regm exits and Battallions, in counties containing but one Battailion shall also have power to order the issuing of execution, against delinquent Provost Martinis, or other officers charged with die collection of the funds of die Regiment or BaUallion, for such sum or sums as they may wneive* quired, fail to account for directed to the Sheriff (or his deputy) of the county, whose duty it shall be to collect and pay over the same to the pay master ol the Regiment or Battaliion. Sec. 24th, The commissioned officers of the respective Regiments and of Bauaiiioiis in counties containing but one Battallion,^ shall at tliei. first convention after the first day of March next, that may be occasioned by Bri- gat.e, Regimen ad, (or battailion as above provided) or- ders, Si util proceed under die superintendence of three «»r more ot the officjrs ot die Baltaiiioii or Regiment, to die election ot a clerk and Prov ost Murdai, and alter ascer taining the persons elected, gram to each oi them a cev- teficatu ot trie same, and ine persons thus elected shall attend the Regimental or Battailion coma of enquiry, which may next happen within their respective d&uicis, and on producing ilie certificate herein be tore directed to be given, the presiding officer shall administer or cause to administered, die ioliowmg oath or alii ruination, viz: 1. A. B. dosohneniy swear fur affirm,) tiiat i will faithful ly discharge die dunes of cferk (or Provost Martial,) of the (insert the number of die) Regiment (or B" t:! »Ui< n) Georgia Iviihua,* to the best ol my understanding so help me God: which oatii, shail de eiiicreuon die minutes oi said court, and subscribed by the persons taking the same, and •when thus quaff lied dicy may continue to dis charge the duties assigned them during llfeir residence within the Regimental or Battaliion .district, for which tliey may have been elected, unless removed by (he con- currence of twd thirds ot the members of any regimental or battailion court of enquiry on a eautge and proof of malpractice, and it shail oc die duty ol said cams to at tend all life Bauaifion and Regimental coum ot enquiry thereafter, to beheld ni LUcu - lespecuve districts, and to keej) u fair record of me proceedings ol sum courts, and within ten days after each court iiulKc out a list of all fines assessed thereat, designating die districts in which each delinquent resides, and also ol'iiie appropriation made by said eourt, and forward it to dm pay-mastexof die Regiment or of die Battaiimn in couuaes containing but one Battaliion, who is authorized to receive and re ceipt for the fines that any lielinqiiuii may voluntaniy pay. A:.d the commanding officer ox Regiments or Ban* taihons upon receiving tlie affida ot of any delinquent, (previous to tlie issuing of execution,) properly attested by any officer authorized to administer the same, and showing good cause why lie should not have peeu lined, may direct the clerk to stay the issuing of execution un til tue sitting of the succeeding court, wlitusaid affidavit shall be iaid before the court, who. may upon the merits thereof remit or continue said fine, and direct that it be collected tordiw ith, and die clerk shail immediately after the expiration of duriy days, issue execution againsteach delinquent w ho has tailed to pay the line assess id against hint or to file tlie affidavit herein before required; signed by himscif and countersigned by die presiding officer ot tlie court, or in iiis absence by any other officer w ho was u member of the court, and directed to tlie Provost Mar tial of ti.e Regiment or Bartoition or any lawful consta ble, within the said Regiment or Battallion,- which exe cutions shall be by tile clerk delivered to the Provost Mar tial, (and take his receipt thereof which shall be by the clerk given to the pay master,) who may distribute the same to the several constables within the Regimenlaljor other districts for collection, or proceed to collect the same under die same rules and regulations, in regard to consta ble’s sales generally and such executions &hal) have the ♦une dignity as though they had been issued I . a jus tice of the peace, and the same costs awarded dm clerks and provost or constable collecting- as in cases ol equal difliuy in justices courts, and the Provost Martial snail be required within six months from the time oi*receiving tlie execution from the clerk, to pay ail moneys which may have come into his hands through the collection thereof to the jxiy master of the Regiment or Battallion, and to return such executions as cannot be collected with the truth of the case endorsed on tlie back Uiercol, and all such as have been collected by the clerk. * Bee. 25dn And be it further enacted, That nothing here in contained, shall be so constructed as to authorise more than one annual review,-any law usage or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 26. And be it further enacted, That in counties hav ing bul one Ba .Uillian, the court ol" enquiry in said Bat- tuliian, sliall be audiorized to lay out, bnu or alter com- uunv or justices districts in said county. p * J AsB Jit Y HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives.' THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 23, 1S3I. VV'iLSON LUMPKIN, Governor. AN ACT to alter and amend the thirty-eight section of an act entitled “an act to revise and consolidate the Mi litia Laws oi this State, and to rejrcal the cavalry laws now in force, passed Dec. lJtli, 1818, so lor as respects thc*appointment of Judge Advocates. Whereas, bv the aforesaid section there is but one iud^e advocate appointed for each division, who is re- quired to attend all Courts Martial ui the division for which he may be appointed, and whereas, that mode of appointment has failed to secure the attention ol such of ficer, on the Courts Martial aforesaid, for remedy vvhere- A Be it eaacted by the Senate and House of Representat ives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, T hat from and titer ihe passage of ths act, it is hereby made the duty of iie Colonel commandant of each regiment of the Militia, nominate aud appoint one fit and proper person who ill bear the title of Lfeuteuapt, to act as Judge Advo- eatc who;© (itRj* i’< he to Oiteud all Cmflrp hiaiukl LOOK AT THIS! 4 LL pci sons are hereby cautioned against tradin for two promissory Notes made by the subscribe 11 to Philemon Ilodges, or lYJuscogee county, one for sev cows and calves, the other for fifty dollars payable day of April next, as the consideration for which were given has failed, and we are determined pot t them unless compelled by-law. R SAMPSON G. WILLIAMS, EZEKIEL J. WILLIAMS. Lowndes co. 4th January, 1332. 28—2t m4 date application will he made of Clarke couniy, sitting for leave to sell ail die real estate of county, deceased, for the benefit JOHN F. FOSTER, Ex or. 12 4m A LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at LuwreuccviHe, Gn. January 1st, 1332. Adair, Isaac 2 Jones, Benjamin Jackson, James Austin, N. Abbilt, David Anthony, Mark C. Allison, Margaret Byrd, William D. Brewster, Doctor John Bagwell, Rebecca Burke, Ganey .Brown, W illuim Buekelon, Elijah Blalock, John Bankston, John Beeson, Richard Boggs, Joel Bond Miss Lovey Beddie, John Chambers, Thomas J. (iarrolL Alexander Cook, Jeiminuh Cargill, Eflora A. Corietts, John Caldwell, James t Caimiienon, John Coleman; Ren Campbell, Samuel Cox, Vinson Druimnoml, Daniel Dabbs, Jess# Dodds, Janies Dodd, William Dempsey, Jesse x/owmry, uoscjixi - Dunbar, Joseph A. Everett, Solomon Etheridge, Shepherd Evans, John Fountain, John Deadly, Thomas Fields, William Fowler, Jolui W. Fincher, Jonathan George, Mrs. Elizabeth Guffin, John Holly, Da\ id Hoyle, Joel Holeman, David Hammond, Georgd Holmes, Vivion Houston, Sarah Hamilton, Andrew Horton, Isaac Howard, W. J. Hutchins, John P. Humphrey, John Harrison, Josephus Head, Harrison Hughs, John Hamilton, John Inzer, Henry W. January 19 Jester, Nathan 2 Kellogg, Mr. Kennett, Joshua Lougiiridge, James Low ry, Henry Lindsey, Clutncey M. Lanier, James Lampkin, Q. W. Leach, Elijah Mutton, Fielding Myers, \v llliiun McHugh, Ciiarles McCearly, Rev. David AlcCoy, Tliomas Monk, Thoma# Mitchell, itobert May-horn, Joseph Me Dude, John MeDadc, B. F. Matthews, Ezekiel Malden, Rucker Massey, Simon Norton, Elias Nelson, Col. C. n. Prickett, Jesse Powell, James I’, arson, Doctor Abiel Ferry, Thonias Pruet, Ansel Rowland, Willis 2 JTLUliGUg^; J IX A fpil Roberts, John Russel, Rebecca Rhodes, Isaac Robertson, Willis Russel, John Reese, John Spikes, Silas Smith, John Seymour, Fcrdcnand Swindle, T. Stafford, Miss Maliala Strickland, E,q. Simeon L. Spence, John Sans, William Todd, Thomas Trippc, John B. 2 Taylor, Jacob Thomas, Elizabeth Upchurch, Britton Valkt-nburgh Hawkcs, Wynn, Clem Watson, John "Welch, Thonias ‘Wvnn, Joseph Wilson, James Wate, Thomas A R. SMITH, P. M. [1 lSlts.] 28—3t A LIST OP LETTERS remaining in the Post- Office at Monroe, Walton county, Ga. January lsq 1832, Samuel Algood, William P. Arnold* James Austin, Edmund Adcxick, William Armstead. B. Elizabeth Brown, 2 Augustus Beall, James M. Brantley, Thompson Bowen, Sheriff Brewster, Sarah Bastin, Ezekiel P. Beaufordi C. Ducan Campbell, Charles E. F. Campbell^ W iiliam Coke, Russell Camp, Henry Conner; Bennett Caggett* N ancy Cuck, D. Charles D. Davi% James Dabbs, E. Miss Roda A. Echols, Thomas Edwards, 2 G. Charles Garrett, Leanr.ah Graham, ltice B.*Green, \V r iiliam Greer. H. Miss Matilda Hill, Samuel Hughy, Jesse Haralson, Edward G- liarvy, Higginbotham, Esq.' James J.- Harrison, Warner liu bboard. J. Thomas Jaco-->s,- W iiliam Johns, January 19 Thomas M. Jones. L. Thomas Lcssly, Abner Lee, James Liniy. M. Francis Meadly, John Moat, 2 David Mosely, George J. McClesky, William Moore* Esq. John Morrison, Susan McCullaugh, Robt. Moore, 2 Isaac McArtv, Horatio A. B. Nunally* William Nunally, O &. K. Ransom Owen, Absaiom B. Ross, Anon Roger s, 2 S. Jeremiah Stone, William Shircy, W iley Swimiey, Drew M. Sunday, Thomas Smith, David Smith, Jamt-s Smith, Zudock Sexton, Briton Smiiii. . T. William S. ThoiYias, Ftejihen Titehaw, George W. 1'iamtnelL V A W. Miss Jadutli Ann Vaughn, John A. Watson, Benjamin Woodruff James "Wffiite, Hugh Wiley, Robert H. Weston, Benjiunin V hitehead. ELISHA BETTS, P. M. f73lts] 80—3f GEORGIA—Doolt Copnit. JT EVVIS JOINER tolls before Solomon H A B. Wilks, Justice of tlie Peace for the tDff h district, one small Bay Indian Poney, Appraised by Elias Ballard and H. Gilmore, to Seventy-five dollars, this 5:h day of Janua- if, 1832. S. B. W ILKS, 3. v. J A true cony fr#m the estmy book, I2lh January, IS32. 1} TlJpilAS ». KEY, c. i. c. J a’a W “ * Jg— afterdate, application wilt be made able die Inferior Court of W niton sitting for Ordhiary purposes; for leave to te of Wrn. Rose, late of Warren county* WILLIAM S. LGCKL1N, Adm’r. • ' 4 in HIR mouths afar date application will be made to the honorable the Interior Court of Walton county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for have to sell the real estate of Wiiliam ifeaird, .ate of Mcrgup county, deceased. EDMUND BEA1RD, Adm’r. SARAH BEAiiiD, Adiu’x. Deccmlier 5, 1831. 23—4m F OUR months after date application will be u adc to the honorable the Court oi Ordinary ol Twiggs county,"for lea. e to sell lour negroes, belonging to me estate ot Sarah Jones, late of said couniy, deccuseu—% izi Joe, Dick r Lyd«ly, and Miliy, Sold for the benefit lit the heirs and creditors. STEPHEN JONES ) . . , THOMAS JONES,' \ Admra November 10 lo—in4 4 tolr inomlis alter dare application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of the count} of Uwmnetl, for leave to sell a tract of four handled and ninety acres ol land, in the 9lh district of originally Ir win county, it being part of tire real csunc of John Prae tor, late of said county of Gwinnett, deceased. 'J o bo sold for the benefit of tlie heirs and creditors ofsaiu de ceased. . BIDDV PROCTOR, Adm’x. December 8 \V it Ii the will annexed^ E^Ol’R months afterdate application will be made to JH. the honorable Court of Crdinary of Henry county, wnen sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate ol* Jolui Wvate late of saiu countv, deceased, j J JOHN P. WYATT, Lx’oi. October 25 >7 i :n idd euun I NOkJR months after date application will no m. to the honorable the Interior Court of Butts cui_ ty, »vliile sitting for ordinaly pui|H>ses, for leave n sell oi of Laud No. 408, in the 20Ji district of Muscogee county, for the benefit of Margarett Clusam, orpiaai of Gatwood Chisaiii of Alabama, ue< r-used. HENRY Novcmbw 8ili, 1831. HATTY. Artt dfc-' 'Miriluenoiio^t - er date, application will be madtf ty, when sitting tor t^ : r itave iv sen Lot ot’ land No. 262, in the second district of Troup county, drawn by William Fletcher tt. Soldier, late of Telfair couniy, for the benefit of tlie heirs of su.u Yv ii liam Fletcher. GEOllUE R. .VicCALL, Autn’r. Deccmlier 22——24 I iNOUR months date application will i e made to the honorable the 1 ufenor Court of Gwinnett county, when sitting for ordinary puiposes, for leave lu sell the negroes belonging to the esiate of Tliomas Men- roc, late of said county, deceased. SIMEON WHITE, Adm’r. . December 9, 1831. 22—4m BilOUR months after date, application w ill be made fi; to the honorable Inferior Courtof Madise-ncounty; when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the negroes belonging totiie itcirs of A Ira. Nancy Sisson, de ceased, agreeable to.the last will and testament of Dab ney Gholston, late of Madison couniy, deceased. ZACHARIAH GIIOLSTON, Trustee. Deccmlier 29. 1831. 25—Jni 301U months after date application will be matir _ to the honorable the Inferior Court of Ntwtoiy qpunty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the lands belonging to die estate of \\iiliam Ii Morrow, late of said county, deceased. * ' D. MORROW, Adm’r. December 23d, 1831. 27—in4t A fter the expiration of four months, applicati* n will be made to the Inferior Court ofBuld win coun ty, when sitting for crdinary purposes, for leave to s«.-;i the L md and NegToes, belonging to the esiate of James Horne, late of said county, deceiv ed. Dec. 31st, lft3l. LEVI HORNE, AdinV. To the heirs and distributees of Wilmoth JVeal, latt of jYeucton couniy, deceased: Y OU wiii iaKe nofee, tuat J riiaii, on tiio first Mon day in Mareb next, make application to the Ink- rior Court of said county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for an order to divide the negroes belonging to said deceased. JONATHAN C. MACKEY, Adm’r. Nov 25 2!—r.:4 To the heirs and distributees of Joseph Laws, luld oj JYetclon county, deceased: Y OU will take notice, that we slniil, after the expi ration of three months, make application to the Interior Court of said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for an order to divide a pai l of (he negroes anu other personal property, lrelonging to said deceased, A. PENNINGTON, ) , EDMOND S; MANN, j Hishttouees. December 28th, 1831: m3t EORGIA, WALTON COUNTY.—-Jostplf Buise applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Thomas Buise, decea-ed : These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred aiid creditors uf said deceased, to be and appear at my office; w ithin tlie time presented by law, to shew cause, if any tliey can, why said Icfre.-.- should not be granted. Given under my hand, this IIKh day of December; It31. 3 JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. December 29 .23—51 V* ALTON COURT OF ORDINARY, November Term, 1831. I T appearing to the Court tliat Wiley Whitley, in his> life time, executed a Tide Bond in fetor of Robert Powell, to make a title in fee simple to lot number <-u< hundred and $ix, in the fifth district of Rabun county, and said Robert having complied fully on his part wth tin* uundinons of said bond, and said Wiley hating died wijiout executing tides or-making provisions therefor by wiii*—Ordered, therefore, off the petition of said Robert, t^mt tliree months notice of this application in some pi>’ - lie gazette and iu ihe public places of this county be gre en, tliat Micajah Whitley tlie administrator of said W > ley will be directed at tne*r_ext term of this Court aft- r such notice, to make titles to said Robert according to thtf provisions of the stature in such case made tnd provided, unless good and sufficient cause be shewn to the contrary. A true extract from the minutes, this 15lb November/ 1931. JESSE MITCHELT ., c. c. o. - 21