The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, February 09, 1832, Image 1

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*■* THE FEDERAL UNION. -i VOLUME 2—NO. 31. EDITED by J. G. POLHILL Si. J. a. CUTHBERT. THE UNION it published ever* Thursday at THREE DOLLARS per annum. in advance, or FoOX. if not paid before the end r' the v i» 1 I*>rj uhN To published :ii hsmh| riitcs. N. B. Each Citation by the Clerkstaf tiie Goans of Ordinary that of «i* I* JIILLLEDGEVILLE, GA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1832. WHOLE NUMBER 83. fore the duy-of s.tlc. Sales of personal property (except negroes) of testate and intes- ) 1 IVY uc u Uns and Adininis irate rs, must be advenised Applications by Executors, Administrators aiul Guardians to the MONTHS 1 ' teaTC tU Seii LauJ ’ masl be published FOUR Applications by Executors and Administrators for Letters Dismis- fiory. must be published SIX MON THS. Appiic uions for Foreclosure of M«rt"a,?es on real estate must be advertised on< - e a month for SIX MONTHS. Si es of real estate by Executors, Administrators and Guardians, must be published SIXTY DAYS before the day of sale. These ? m >ist T: made at the court-house door betwefen the hours of to *'* fl ‘® morning and 4 in the afternoon. No sale from day to day is valid, unless so expressed in the advertisement. Outers of Court of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of the 22?: C?, r - a3reemeilt > t0 mrJt0 bftes tJ !alu 'u must be advertised THREE MON THS at least. SI mu __ p ^ ? All orders for Advertiseme'ilts will bo punctually attended to. • * letters directed to this Office, or the Editors must be post- paid, to entitle them to attention. SHERIFF’S SALES. 1J1LDWIK SHERIFF’S SALES.—Will be Jfi-3 sold, on the fust Tuesday in MARCH next, be fore ilie Court-house door in Milledgeviile, between the psiiai hours of saie, the follow ing property to wit: T ’A IGGS ISliElilFF r N SAI.ES.—Will be solo oti the first Tuesday in March next, before the t^oijrt-liouse in the Town of Marion, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit; ( 150 acres of lurid, part of Lot No. 24, in 27th dis trict of oi'iginaily VV ill;:nsod, now Twiggs. Also one oay liorse 14 years old; one black horse 10 years old, and one yoke of oxen and cart; levied on as the property of John Fort to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the justices of the inferior court, ibr the use of Twiggs county vs John Fort, Tax collector for 1329, and James Wimbcrley and Hardy Durham, his securities! 20 acres of well improved pine land, a part of lot No. 34, lying on the south east corner of said lot—Also 10 acres of land, more or less, a part of Lot No. 15, lying on the east corner of s id lot, all in 27th dist. of origi nally Wilkinson, now Twiggs county, taken as the pro perty of Rhesa Bostick, to satisfy a ii fa from a Justices court in favor of Flanders and Scott, for the use of Ja cob Pearce vs said Boaiick—levy made and returned to me by a constable. 91 1-4 acres of ‘and, part of Lot No. 222, in the 7th d;st. of originally Baldwin, now Tw iggs county—levied oil as the property of William Childers to satisfy a fi fa: from a justices court, in favor of Isham Rese vs said Childers—The levy made and returned to me by a con stable. 152 acres of land, part of lot No. 99, in the 28th dist. of originally Wilkinson, now Twiggs county—levied upon as the property of Hugh G. Burkett, to satisfy a fi fa from a Justices court in favor Rice Durret vs said Burkett—levy made and returned to me bv a constable. PEYTON REYNOLDS, Sh’ff. D ekalb sheriff’s sale.—wm be sold, •n ihe first Tuesday in MARCH next, in the curtains,' 22 split b-mom chairs, 20 stool chairs, 1 dozen °S th * £° P * t J n J -°!^ t Ho1 " !«<r % V m Tr K Vt ":t? 4 w ne glasses, shotgun, 1 matrass, SpiUow*. 1 sheet, | Drc ^?f^StcdW in said mortgage fi fa. * 1 desk slates, 1 large pmechertlsafo, 2 sets ca,.os, j • ji a ; f ' u f Lot 0 n a »d Nrt . 13 in the 16th district of origi- .1 lot of plates, 1 do. dishes, 1 do. knives and forks I do. na!i Henry, now DeK a:b county, levied on as the pfo- vvmters, 4 iron pdts 4 ovens, o water pru s, 2 cohcc pots, ' Stephen Chanuler, to satisfy a mortgage fi la ? nv U ’ lron ’ 2 tea ke uc f» 1 kiieijcnxranc,, ( n iUv .,, of ^iliiam !vl. fit Charles Latimer, vs Stephen I pair stce yards l watering pot, chest of drawers 1 Chandler-property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. pair shovel and tongs, 3a junk bottles, 4 lamps, 1 lot. <■; eight feet of . he from navt of lot Na 27, in the ISAAC N. JOHNSON, Sh’ff. __ JCJ 2 ’ The Sheriff’s Sales for the future will beadver- one-in fav<>r of Sims, Williams R W olsey against ^said j tisedm the Federal Union. ^ Jo)in \V. l’itt. ISAAC IN. JOHNSON, Sifit! .specters of the Penitentiary, cue in lav "Wiley assignee &.C. one in favor of Sa or of Leroy M. timid B. Klizer, Also, one negro woman named Abby, levied on as the property of Anderson BrowiJ, to satisfy 2 fi fas issuing from a Justices court in favor of John Barrington vs. Rirh ond Brown and Anderson Brown—Levied on and returned to me by a constable. R. MTCKLFJOHN, Sh’ff. W*>YSHERIFF'S SALES. rtJu the first t>S Tuesday in March next next, will Ik- sold, before the c mrt-house door in Clinton, Jones county, betw een Ihe u ;ual hours of sale, the follow ing property, to-wit : Three hundred acres of Land, whereon John W ynens DO’v lives, in Jones county, adjoining lands of the estate ofi, Thomas White, deceased, and others—levied on to witisfy an execution in favor of James George,'against .said vVynens and John Marsh,'and four other executions ii i fa vor of Brown 6e G vwnm is, Cowan fit Tompkins, Jas. S.nith, add T. G. fit 1Vm. H. Atwor-d, against said Wy- neus, and to be sold as Ids property to satisfy the same. Two hundred two and a half tferes of Laud, whereon John Gunn now lives, in said county, and taken as Ins property to satisfy an execution in favor..of Janies Smith against said John Gunn and John Carter, one in favor of Ha:.natal Johnson, bearofy&c. aSainst John Gmm and. Jo!m Carter, and one other in favor of Shorter and Gor don against said Guun. One negro girl, name-1 Jinney, about 12 years old— token as the property of William MeGehec, to satisfy rm execution in favor of Cruft R Greene, against said William IvIcGeliec. YTLLIAM BAIH1 ON, Sheriff. Jit the same lime an& place, ivill be sold, Nine acres of Land, v. I>ereou Joseph Bazei v :orc now lives, in said county, being part of a lot of.iaod v. hereon M i bias Mount formerly lived and taken a? said ivlountks property to satisfy an execution in favor’of Reuben Tur ner against said Mathias Mount and Cullen W. Alex ander. ... One hundred and fifty acres cf land, whereon Augustus jMeKlain now lives in said county, taken as the property of Nad auiei Morris, to satisfy an execution in favor of Abner H. Fiewclien, against Hemy A. Candler and said Morris. Two hundred two and a halt acres of i-and, vmercon Martlia Simmons now. lives in said county, adjoining Nathaniel Morris and oihers—taken as tier property, tt satisfy an execution in favor of fhc^ ft3mmi. c i.rat<»rs r»i "William Jones, deceased, egairist W m. Lockliart and Martha Simmons, exeehtrix of John Smunons, dec'd. THOAJAS S. ill Mr riRIS, *>. Sn’ft. Also, p.I the same time and place, will be sold, rw house and lot comammg halt un acre, whereon Deo. 23, 1331. SHERIFF’S SALE. Will l>e s°ld» on the first i uesd.ay m MARCH next, at • - c mrt-i;ousc door in (.fie town of Law-re nceviilc, Gwin- neucounty, the following property, to-wit: Two hundred ai d finy acres of Land, more or less, in said county, it being the plantation whereon \V iliiam Strickland now lives, number not known, as the property of said fcitrickiaitd, to .'ato iy fi. fas. George W. Wrighg vs. Wm Strickland and Hugh Mills, also one other fi. fa. John B. Cogswell for the use cf A. B< yd, & Co. vs. Samuel Bolt tuid John Mills and Wm. Strickland, secu rities. Ait the right, title, and interest of James Garnett, to one hundred and seventy five acres of Land in said coun- v, ii. being the plantation'whereon stud Garnett resides, as the property of said Garnet.;, to satisfy a fi. la. R. M. Cleveland, vs. James Garnett and Vv'iiliam Tt. Garnett. One hundred and fif'y acres of Land, more or less, in die firth district of said county, it being the plantation whereon Aaron Brown now lives, as Ins property to isiy two fi. fas. Russell fi: Boj d, vs. Aaron Brown and Thomas Ezell. Two bay Indian horses, each about five years old, as t he property cf the defendant, to satisfy a fi. fa. Joshua E. Cal;away, vs. Jesse Day. Two hundred arid fifty acres of Land, *n t lie fifth dis trict of said county, whereon William Whorton now ves, as his property to satisfy a fi. fa. \\ ifi ant Michael vs. William Whorton and Jeptha Whorl on, security on stay of ii. fa. also one other fi. fa. Rice B. Green, vs. Nat. Harris and William Harris, makers, William Whorton and George M. Glenn, indorsers, and William M. Gar- • ne' r, seettrit y c ns: ay of fi. fa. One negio man, named Tien, about 23 years old, as • he property of George Harkn, to satisfy a fi. la. Am- bro-se Harnnge, vs. James Brown and George Harlin. One bay Horse and one road Waggon, as the proper ty -d John Karr, to satisfy a fi fa Ftevens Thomas, vs. John Karr, Gadwei! Fierce, Moses Kem?> sen. Benjamin Jones and William S. Karr, and Richard Holcombe, se curity on stay of fi fa. Oiie negro’boy named Btll, as the proper of Edward Adair to satisfy a fi fa from Hall Superior court, P. J. Murray, vs. said Adair. One neyim boy named George, about 14 years part of said lot as the properly of Leimie satisfy a fi fi James P. McGuire, for the stead a and furmmre, 1 set of silver tabic spoons, 1 set of tua spoons silver, 1 ziofo ■vvuh tv* o iica'vvs, 1 p’no. ta \c } 1 small pine tables, I cow anrlcalf, l.i 30 b 1 oven and 1 via- ter bucket, two decanters, one set of tum.fievs, one set of wine* glass, one lot'of earthen ware, and one lot of knives and forks, T dozen Windsor chairs, 1 can- <llestand, 1 looking glass, and cupboard—all so.d as the property of said William D. Paylor, to satisfy two exe cutions against him ui favor of George R. Jessup and the other in favor cf Samuel Heldeburfi, One nc^ro woman slave, named Lany, IS years old, 1 of James Chainbless, deceased, and others, and also 101 \ acres of land, adjoining lands of William Johnson, dec’d. and others—all taken as of sa d Marrcl Flowers, to satisfy an execution m favor of Imlny, ato. against said Flowers and one in favor of Appleton Jus- t against said Flpwers and Alfred Iverson, security. Omfnegro man slave, name Ephraim, ab. ut 27 years old. taken as the property of >V iliiam G. I yus, to satis fy an execution in favor of James Lundy, against said 'i’yus, pointed out by C. J. McDonald, for 1 homas One negro woman slave, named Anna, 35 years old, that is to Say, what interest Sarah E. Cook has in saul negro, to satisfy one execution m favor of Edmund P. Hill and one infavor of William D. Paylor against said Sarah F Cook* r One nogro woman, named Malinda, 23 years old, and V Lermiei FI. Pruitt, to use of officer s >f Gwinueu Superiorcourt, vs. said Pruitt. r I lie lease or imerest .of J -eph Foster in the planta tion whereon he now lives, it being lot No. 275 in the 7th IF si. of said county, to satisfy a fi fa—N* L. HnHiins heartr, vs.'sad Foster—levied on and returned to me bi a cciistable. WILLIAM BREWSTER, Sh’ff. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, One cotton gin of forty-five saws—and one sei of ids tools and 'bellows, levied on as die proper ty • f Eli 11.kins, to satisfy a fi fa in lavor of John Black vs. said Effims. Also one road waggon, and one bay poncy tiiree years old, levied on as the property of William Pwnnctt to sat isfy a fi fa iu favor of James Hays, vs. said Bennett and Tho’u. Burere, security, on the stay of execution. Also, ten Barrels of corn and two stacks of fodder, levied on as the property of Nimrod H. Pendley, to saU isfy a fi fi in fiivorof Vanvolkingburgh and Hawkes vs. said Pendley and Jesse Compton, security. Also, one l->t of land containing 250 acres m the 6tli Dis f . Gwinnett county, on which the defendant resides, •vied on as the property of William Wardlaw, to satis- r a fi fa ill favor of Adam G. Saffold vs. said Wardlaw. THOMAS WORTHEY, D. Sh’ff. «jiie in favor of Iloratio ——— . ._ ,, •. W. H. Atw<y>d, one in favor of Daniel Pratt, ail vs. said Pope, also one in favor of the administrators o. Henry ***$$&»&e1tSnM' 1 sS Tbe SLoriff’s -Sales of Jones count*- wlU be advertised for the fu- t we bo Mie Federal Union. W ilkinson sheriff’s sales.-wiii be sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, iU Irwinton‘Wilkifiaon county, the following property VJ Two hundred two nnd bolf oeers of pine [and, in 2d Diet,, of said of Lewis WilQams, in favor of Lewis gandersC ****** .. . . .. Also, one lot of land No. not known, in said county, adjoining Cornelius Bidler &hd 1 e ® s . e property Of Ansel P. RMiafcfartand William W. Spiva, aecurhy, to switisfy a fi fa from a Justices court in favoi «,**•« vnnb*t “SfcCsWE - Will be sold as above, One bay mare about 3 years old, levied on as the pio- and Alavtlia Pcevey. ^ ,rr WILLIAM MARTIN, D. Sh’ff. POSTPONED SALE. Will be sold ct Ike same time and place, One hundred acres of land, more or less, part of lot No. 87, in the 5*h Dist. Gwinnett county, adjoining James Mann and others—levied on as the property of Williams Bennett, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of James Hays, vs. Williams Bennett and Thomas Burge, security on stay of fi fa. ^ THOMAS WORTHEY, D. Sh’ff. The Sheriff of Gwinnett county will continue to advertise hia Sales in the Federal Union. FRANKLIN SHERIFF’S SALE.-—Will be r sold, in the town of Carnesvilie, Franklin county, ou tlie first Tuesday m MARCH next, the following property, to-wim^^ j y ; n? . on the waters of Little’s H ABEilSHAM SHERIFF’S SALES. On tie first Tuesday in March next, will be sold be- tlie court-house door in the town of ClarkesviUe, Habersham county, within the lawful hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Five hundred and seventy acres of Land, more or less, granted to Fleming, adjoining lands of Davis and others, on .lie waters of Broad river in Habersham county—le vied on as the property ofHezekiah Stephens, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of Benjamin Vaughan, George Vaughan, and Darcas Vaughan, excecutore and executrix of George Vaughen, deceased, vs. Hezekiah Stephens, in right of his wile. Also, lot No. 143, in the third district of Habersham county—levied on as the property of Jesse McMinn, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Perry E. Duncan, vs. Jesse Mc- .viinn and Jesse fLuykendaU. Also, lot No. I, in the tenth district of Habersham county—levied on as the property of John Vandike, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of William M. Rowland, vs. John Vandike, principal, Eli Howell and Absalom Bishop, se curity; also William Hamilton for the use of Anderson Abercrombie, vs. John Vandike, also William H. Un derwood for the use of John Maples, vs. John Vandike, also Thomas Dan, vs. John Vandike, and IViijamin Chastain, security; also Henry & Earle vs. John Van- dike, also Jesse Cleveland vs. John Vandike, also two in favor of James Brannon vs. John Vandike. Lot No. 41, in the eleventh district of Habersham county—levied on as the projierty of Thomas Bryan, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Absalom Bishop for James * Walker, vs. Absaiom Davis, <ud Thomas Bryan and ' John Dooly, security. ! Also, lot No 170, In the third district of Habersham county—levied on as the property of William Black, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Butts Superior Cou-t, in favor of Abel L. Robinson, indorsee, vs. William Black and Rich ard Bailey, indorser. . Also, lot No. 138, in the eleventh district of said coun ty^—levied on as the property of Lowry W illiams, to sat isfy a fi. Fa. in favor xf Wiliiam Tate, vs. James Will iams, By his next friend Ruth Williams and Lowry Wil liams, security; also one n favor of Aaron Burris, vs. John Williams and Lowry Williams, security. Also, lor No, 157, in the third district of said county— levied on as the property of William Cox, t o satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the officers of court, vs. said Cox and James Hodges. Also, lot No. Ill’ in the third district of Habersham county—levied ou as die property of John Hefner, to satisfy a li. fa. in favoi of Perry E. Duncan, vs. Daniel McDu-ell, Ji •bn Hefner and James Hudgins; also one o'her fi. fa. in favor of Allen H. Murdock, vs Court of Ordinary of Habersham county, for the use of John Hefuer, attorney in fact for Eliza Murdock, and sundry other ii. fas. Also, all die right, title and interest that Carter Allen has m and to Lot No. 46, in the third district of said coun ty— levied on as his property to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor < \ James Colly, vs. Carter Aden. Lot No. *3. in die third district of Habersham county and Lot ?> r o. 27, in the sixth district of said county—le vied on as the pror'crty of Larkin Stephens, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Inferior Court, in lavor of Robert Tram mel, tor the use of the officers of court, vs. Larkin Steph ens; also two other fi. fas. from the Superior Court, one in lavor of John Downs, vs. Larkin Stephens, and the o' her In favor of John Davis, indorser, vs. Larkin Stcpli- f ns and John Killctt. i Also, lot No. 8, in the 3d district of Habersham coun ty, t hought, to be valuable for gold—levied on as the pro perty of Eli Howell, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. Benjamin -3 Pendleton, vs.*Eli Howell and Love Howell, security; also Johnathan Mclntire, vs. Eli Howell, also officers of Court, vs. Eli Howell, also John R. Stanford, vs. Eli How el i. Lot. No. 191, in the 3d district of Haber sham' county— levied on as the property of Jacob Oxford, to satisfy sun dry fi. fas. one in favor of M. A. Kehh, vs. Jacob Oxford, also P. J. Murray, vs. Jacob Oxford, also F’rancis Bird, assignee, vs. Jacob Oxford, and the officers of court, vs. Jacob Oxford and James Fox ■ property pointed out by Jehu Starrett and F’rancis Bird. Lot No. 36, in the eleventh district of said county— levied on as the property of John Cochran, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Habersham Superior Court m favor of Will iam FI. Underwood, for the use of John Maples, vs. John Cochran. Also, lot No. 4, in the first district, of Habersham coun ty—levied on as the property of Raney Chastain, to sat isfy a fi. fa. in favor Holeman F'. Simmon, vs. Raney Chastain. Also, lot No. 107, in the 10th district of said county— levied on as the property of Charles Baker, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John Harkins, vs. Charles Baker, Elisha England and John M. Brock. One hundred acres of Land, more or less, being part of lot No. 8, in the 2d district of said county—levied on as the property of William Saxton and Robert Saxton, to •satisfy a n. fa. from a magistrates’ court in favor of Sam uel Poe, vs. said Saxtons; levy made and returned to me by a constable. * • Also, lot No. 25, in the 10th district, of said county— levied on as the property of James Hodges, to satisfy wo fi. fas. from a Magistrates* court, in favor Henry B. Robinson, for the use of Sutherland Robeson. - Also, lot No. 174, in the third district of said county— levied on as ihe property of Charles Watters, and also one road waggon, 4 sets of gearing and cloth, and two bay horses, to satisfy two fi. fas. in favor of James Col- lev, vs. Charles Watters, the oilier in favor of Janies Colley for the use of Clemmcnt Dooly, vs. Charles Wat ters. Also, lot No. 144, in the third district of Habersham county—levied on as ihe property of James Kuykcnt’afi, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Magistrates’ court of said county, in favor of John Dickson, and sundry other fi. fas. all vs. said Kuykendall; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, one fourth of an acre in the town of Clarkesville, Habersham county, number eighteen—levied on as the property of William Worley, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Inferior Court, in favor of John H. Jones, juri. vs. David McElcver and William Worley. A. MAULDIN, Sheriff p e b 3 of Habersham county The Sheriff of Habersham will continue to advertise in the Fed- eral Union. MANUEL SHERIFF’S SALES.—On the the first Tuesday in MARCH next, will he sold before the Court-house door in Swoinsbomugh, within flie usual hours of sale, the following property to wit : Three hundred acres of pine band lying on the waters of the Ohocpy in said county, levied on as the property of John Davis, to satisfy one fi fa issued from a Justice’s oourt in favor of James Moor of Lawrens count}', vs said Davis—levy made and returned to me by a Con stable. . , Also, six hundred acres of pme land lying on the wa ters of the Ohoopy, levied on as the property of Ashford Jinks and D<m sey Phillips and John Phillips, securities P ULASKI SHERIFF’S SALES. /n the the first Tuesday in MARCH next, will be sold, uetbre the court-house door in Flariford, Pulaski coun- ty, between the usual hours of sale, the following pro perty, to-wit: Tw o hundred two and a half acres of Land, No. 233, iu the 12. h district formerly Houston but now Pulaski eoun- tiff. by Also will be sold at the same time and place, the fol lowingp r0 P ertv ’ to wit: Two tracts of P ine Iar,d > on the fifteen mile creek in said county, one granted to Van G Dealtle, and the other to him—all levied on as the properity of Beran Doughty, to satisfy a fi fa against h„„ from the Superior “^“^SbeY fh«°' ney« . Eighty acres creek, adjoining - . , - - • r „, the property of George Gober, to satis, y a fi. tow to : r 1 ... n J tn^oe t- nnd others: levy made and week! a.ljoinin ? WiUiam ile.1, and othe^-lCTied «i« of Lewis D. Jones, & Co. and ethers; let y turned dime by a eo:.»' ? ble. M & J0NESj p £Ji , ff liOOK AT THIS S A LL persons are hereby cautioned against trading mr \ a promissory note made by the subscriber, payable m lsaac Mitchell of DcKalb county, as the consideration for which the said note was given has failed, and l am determined nut to pay tt unless b^ Lowndes county, Feb, o. —^— r fB subscribers have dissolved their Copartnership ‘iu the practice of the Lawv ^ RURNEY,- WM. V. BURNEY. December 20 th, 1831. -CT’J- W. Burxbt Hamlin Freeman are practic ng Law in Copartnership. Ilonltcello, Dei 20dvlSJ». S “- C ‘ returned to me by James B. Stephens, constable. One negro woman, named Jude, about 27 years of age levied on as die property of John FI. Harvy, to satisfy sundry fi fas from Justices’court in favor of Solomon W. Mitchell, vs. Adam W. T. Harvy and John H. Harvy, and the same vs. Charles Harvy and John H. Harvy, and sundry other fi fas. vs the said Adam W. T. Harvy and John H. Harvy, and also one fi ta in lavor of Lewis Bond, issued from Baldwin Justices’ court, vs. the said John H. Harvy; levied on and returned tome by Pearson Brown, constable. Terms cash. JAMES H. WARREN, D. Sh’fil POSTPONED SALES. Tt' ill be sold, at the same time and place, One horse, 6 head of ca;i;c, more or less, 2U kead stock iiogs, more or less, about 25 bushels of corn, 4 or 5 bushels of wheat, 2 barrels of vinegar, one lot of Car penter’s tools, one lot of sulpher, some paints, one paint stone, one bed and furniture, 2 tables, one side board, and several articles of household furniture not particularized; ali levied ou as the property of John McCme to satisfy a fi fa for jail fees in favor of Daniel Cornwall vs said Julm McCraej pointed out by said Cornwall. One quarter acre lot in the town of Hartford, with a good stable thereon, formerly occupied by Dr. Taylor as such—levied on as tlie property of Edward Smith ta s;it,isfy a fi fa in favor of Daniel Cornwall vs said Ed* ward Smith, for jail fees—pointed out by said Cornwall. One fifth of lot of land No. 95, lying in the 4th district of formerly Dooly, but now Pulaski county, levied cm as the property of James Brack, to satisfy fi fas from Wilkinson Justices court, in favor of E. \V. B. Spivey vs said Janies Brack—levied on and returned to me by Thomas Adams, constable. One fifth of the same lot, No. 95 in the 4th district, formerly Dooly, but now Pu laski county—levied on as die property of Wm. Brack, to satisfy sundry fi fas from Wilkinson justices court, in favor of E. V7. B. Spivey vs. said Wdliam jjrack—la- viod on and returned to me by Thomas Adams, consta ble. 202 1-2 acres oak and hickoryland lying in the 21st district of old Wilkinson now Pulaski county, and dis tinguished in tlie plan of said district by lot No. 192— levied on as the property of Sessions Perkins to satisfy sundry fi fas in favor of Lewis Wood vs said Sessums Perkins—levied on arid returned to me by Thomas Col son. 101 1-4 acres of wood land, oak and hickory land, half lot No. 139 in tlie 21st district of formerly Wilkinson, but now Pulaski county—levied on as the property of Sessums Perkins to satisfy sundry fi fas froma Justices court in favor of Amos Brown vs said Sessums Perkins, pointed out by defendent—levied on and returned to me by Thomas Colson, constable. Terms Cash. JAMES H. WARREN, D. Sheriff. NOTICE. SW7ILL be soiu, at the coma-house door in the town V W of Covington, Newton county, on the first Tues day in March next, within the usual hours of sale, the following negroes, to-wit: Clayburn, Nancy, Nathan, Dinah, Deny, Peter, Rose, Wiley, Reney, Turner, Til- man, Cooty, and Moses. Said negroes sold as the pro- perty of Wilmoth Neal, late of said county, deceased, and for the benefit of the heirs ol‘said deceased. JONATHAN C. MACKEY, Adm’r. Nov 25 * 21—tds A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in March next, at the court-house in Madison county, will be sold, all the real estate belong ing to John Segrovcs, late of Madison county, deceased; consisting of one hundred and thirty-eight acres of Land, more or less, subject to the widow’s dower. Twelve months credit will be given—purchaser giving bond and approved secun" v w rJTMILL II. ADAIR, Adm’r. December 25—tds I j’IXECUTOR’S SALE. - ■■■ Will be sola,on Fri- ui day the 24lh day of February next, at the late residence of Joseph Laws, deceased, of Newton county, a part of the perishable property of said deceased, con sisting oi one Horse, one feather Bed and Furniture, Cows and Sheep, and other afMdts—£old tor the bene fit of the heirs and creditors. the day. O. M. B. FIELDER, Exo’r. January 12 26—tds ¥7! XECUTOR’S SAll JBU day of February next property of Jesse Mitchell, sen.’ Horses, Cattle, Hogs, household farming Utensils, Corn, F’otlder, late residence of the deceased, and the day of sale. JEP Jan 9—28—tds ihR* On F’riday, the 24th xt, wni be sold, the perishable eased, consisting cf kitchen Furniture, &c. Sold at tire s made know on MITCHELL, alified Executor. application will be made Court of Newton couii- ordinarjr, for leave to sell estate of Joseph Laws, latC B. FIELDER, Executor. 28—m4 F OUR months after to the honorable ty, while sitting as a © ten Negroes belonging of said county, deccasei January 19 F OUR months afier date application will be made to the honorable, the Inferior Court of the county of Gwinnett, for leave tt» sell a tract of four hundred and ninety acres of land, in the 9tli district of originally ir- win county, it being part of die real estate of John PrOc- tor, late c£-aaid county of Gwinnett, deceased. To be sold for JL«e benefit of the heirs and creditors of said do ceased^ BIDDY PROCTOR,-Arim’x. her 8 With the will annexed. OUR months after date application will be made to tiic honorable the Inferior Court of M Alton t om.-* ty, sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot No. 212, in die 3d district of Houston county, for the benefit of the minor heirs of Edmund Cleaton, deceased. ETHELDRED AUSTIN, Guardian. January 19th, 1831. m4 * I IS OUR months aft er date application will be made to the Inferior Court of Clarke county, sitting for ordinary purtxises, for leave to sell all the real estate • f John F’oster, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of die heirs. JOHN F. FOSTER, Ex’or. September 26 12 4m I NOUIl months after date, application will be mm.e to the Honorable the Inferior Court of V. alu.u county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes; for leavt to sell the real estate of Wm. Rose, lute of Warren county, dec’d. W ILLIAM S. LOCKLIN, Adm’r. Nnv 17 4m F OUR months after date application will be made to the honorable tike Inferior Court of Walien county, when sitting for ordinary'purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of William Beaird, late of Morgan county, deceased. EDMUND BEAIRD, Adm’r. . SARAH BEAIRD, Adm’x. Decemlier 5, 1831. 23—4m F our months alter date application will be made to tlie honorable the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs county, for leave to sell lour negroes, belonging ct> be estate of Sarah Jones, late of said dainty, deceased—v.z - Joe, Dick, Lyddy, and Milly. Sold for tlie benefit of the heirs ami creditors. STEPHEN JONES, > . , , THOMAS JONES, y Adm rS - N iv ember 1ft !8- -m4 P OSTPONED SALE.—W iU be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, agreeably to an order of the hon. Inferior Court of Morgan county, when silting for Ordinary purposes, at the Court House in Decatur county, one lot of land, No. 13, in the 22t] di strict in said c< .’tnty, belonging to the estate of James Oneal. dec’d. sold for the benefit of the heirs, &c. Terms made known on the day of saic. JOHN McCOY, Adm’r. Dec. 5. TOR OT1CE.—There will be a sale of the remainder of J.^1 the perishable property of James Florn, late of Bald win county, dec’d. at the late residence of said dec’d. on the 3d Saturday in February next—Consisting of hogs, cattle, horses, com, fodder, household and kitchen furni ture, beds, bedsteads, bed clothing, saddles, 2 cotton gins, a large assortment of books, and many other articles too tedious to mention. Terms made known on the day of sale. LEVI HORN, Adm’r. Dec. 5 A DMINISTRATRIX’ SALE.'—Will be sold, on the first Tuesday m February next, between the usual hours of sale, at McDonough, Henry county, agreeably to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court of said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, the east half of Lot No. 102, where Jolm A. Conger former ly lived, in the 6th district. Sold for the benefit of tlie heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day ol sale. REBECCA CONGER, Adm’r. November 7t.h, 1831. 19—tds HOTIGE. O N the first Tuesday in April next, will be sold, at the town of Jackson, Butts county, one half of lot of-land No. 188, in tlie 8th district of originally Henry now But ts county, it being part of the real estate of Au gustus Owen, deceased. Sold by order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Morgan county, when sitting as a court of ordinary, for the benefit of the heirs of said de ceased. Terms made known on the day. ROBERT H. ELIOTT, Adm’Y. of said dec’d. and Guardian for tlie minor heirs of said dec’d. Henry co. January 3 23—tds NOTICE. TTTNDER an order of the Superior Court of Henry QJ county, when sitting for ordinary purposes^ will !>o sold, on the first Tuesday in March next, at the court house door in Henry county, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit:—Two hundred two ami a half acres of Land, known by lot No. 172, in the 8th district of Henry county.—Also, two negroes: Caty a women 25 years of age, and her son Bob 5 years of age. Sold for the benefit of the lieirsi Terms made known on the day ol sale. JOHN SELLERS, Guardian. December 22 24—tds ■jf^'OTICE.—On the 15th day of February, will be sold at the plantation of li* N* Hickhn, dec’d. all ihe personal property, consisting of horces, waggon, mules, cattle, lings, sheep, some dry goods, and a number of other articles too tedious to mention. The sale will continue from day to day till all are sold. Terms made known on the day of sale. All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make settlement, and ail persons having demand against the estate, are requested to render in their accounts in terms of tlie law. ELIZABETH HICKLIN, Adm’rx. Dec. 5 gNOUK months after dale application will be made to JO the honorable Court of Ordinary of Henry count j, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Joiin Wyatt, late of said county, deceased. JOHN P. WYATT, Ex’or. October 25 17 4m F OUR months after date application will be matin to the honorable the Inferior Court of Butts conn ty, while sitting for ordinary purposes, lor it-uve to sell ot of Land No. 403, in the 20t.h district of Muscogee county, for tiie benefit of Margarett Clusain, orphan ot’ Gatwood Chisam of Alabama, deceased. * HENRY HATTY* November 8tli, 1831. 4m t NGUR Months after date, application will be m me to the honorable the InferiorCourtof Teifair onit ty, when sitting fin- ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot of land Nt>. 262, in the second district, of Troup county, drawn by William Fletcher R. Soldier, lan of Telfair county, for the benefit of the heirs of said W ii- liam Fletcher. GEORGE It. MeCALL, Adm’r. December 22——24 I 'NOUli mouths afterdate appiica: mu wul i,e n.uiic ta the honorable the Inferior Court of Gwinnett county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the negroes belonging to the estate of 'l homas Mon roe, late of said county, deceased. SIMEON WHITE, Adm’r. December 8, 1831. 22—4m F OUR months afterdate, application w id be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Madison county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the negroes belonging to the heirs of Mrs. Nancy Sisson, de ceased, agreeable to the last will and testament ol Dat>- ney Glioiston, la'e of Madison count y, deceased. ZACHARIAH GHOLSTON, Trustee. December 29, 1831* 25—4m J AOUU months after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Newton county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leavejo sell all the lands belonging to the estate of V* ilham IL Morrow, late of said county, deceased* D. MORROW, Adm’r. December 23d, 1S31. 27—rn4t F OUR months afterdate application will be mam to the Court of Ordinary «;f Monroe county, f r leave to sell Lot No. two hundred and three, in the 3rd district of Troup county, being tlie real estate of Joseph W* George, deceased. SEABORN J. DURHAM. Adm’r. January 28, 1832. 30—m4rn ■ HOUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Newton Bounty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of James Nos bit, late of Newton coun ty, deceased. STEPHEN NGLIN, Adm’r. January 28th 1832. 38—m4m To the heirs and distributees of Wilmoth Neal, late of Newton county, deceased: Y OU wili take notice, that I shall, on the first Mon day in March next, make application to the Infe rior Court of said county, when sitting for ordinary pur* poses, for an order to divide the negroes belonging to said deceased. JONATHAN C. MACKEY, AdmV. Nov 25 21—ml To the heirs and distributees of Joseph jLtncs, late of Newton county, deceased: Y "OU will take notice, that we shall, after the expi ration of three months, make application to the Inferior Court of said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for an order to divide a part of the negroes and oilier personal properl y, belonging to said deceased. 1Wnnin-gt<$n, j DMd ",. EDMOND S. MANN, December 29ili, 1831. n?3t 'raj’OTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of Joseph Laws, deceased, of Newton county, are requested to come forward and make payment—and all persons having demands against said esiate, are hereby reciuested to render them in m terms of the law. , O* M. B. FIELDER, Executor. January ip v $§—Gt To persons, their agents, attorneys, or guardians, interested in the estate of James Neshit, lute of Newton county, Ga. deceased: TAKE NOTICE, T HAT at tile Superior Court of Newton county, to be hidden on the fourth Monday in September next, I, Sarah Nesbit, widow of said James, will apply to said Court, for an order to have my dower assigned to I mfe of 101 J acres of land, more dr less, part of Lot No. -?4 algo 70 acres, more or lew, part of Lot No. 25, in the 8th district of Henry, originally, now Newton count -y> «f which land said James died siezed. SARAH NESBIT, Widow of James Nesbit* January 23,1832.